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th of Massachusetts. 

t'nolUTE Oocar. 
iw, N'rxt-of-KIn, ami all other 
><l In the riUio of 

*alil count/, decra.ed. 


i lu.truineiit purporting to lie 
.lament of .alii ilect haa 
•I Court, for Probate, by Kite/ 
IVcjnmutli, whoprajrathat let- 
y lie ImuciI to her, the esecutilx 
that the mar he exempt from 
rrtlcf on lirr wind, pnrauaut to 

nl to appear at a Probate Court 
lam, In .aid County of Not folk, 
•»d.y ol April next, at nine 
non, to »how cauae, If any you 

la hcrehy illrectet) to giro 
f, by publl.hlng thla Citation 
irro aui*er.alro wceka, In the 
he Weymouth (iarctic, puli. 
iout!i, the la*t publication to bo 
fore aahl Court 

flute, Kupilre, Judge of aaltl 
day of March In the year 
uml red ami ninety-three. 
NATHAN CXIllfi, llcgtoter. 

VOL. XXVI. NO. 62. 

g. w. Ti\kimi, % d, J.F. Sheppard & Sons 



Hnrvnril *?l. 

No. 4 Front Street, 

Ttlrphone Jll-ft. 


Chronic Diseases, 




the areateal novelty of the age. An organ on 
which can l*o played any idee* written for a Piano. 
In an upright piano eaoe, 7 14 oeUTra. 


Keep constantly on hand all the aUndard graft** 9» 
Coal, Isclodlagtha 

A SPECIALTY.! fhlladrlpkln A Drafting Onapnay**, 

— Rhamokla Talley and Uftcvn (left MS 

***** * * q 2 UtP ? Itm> * ■•••<•* Bou, free burning and free from a lata, alia *h* 

RiImi Bros., Rohmer u4 Pcdid PI* 
non, Hterllai n4 Crow* Organ*- 

A number of aeronddiand Inatrumenta for aalo 
cheap. Caah or Inalalmeuta, 

Taalnx nt Rrptlri.jr. 

g^Take the Elevator. 



troll ofi.J.Uag.) 

Addreaa, Hoi 2 iT, 



fUoam I*uppo«e»a 

Ordrra by mall to Ea»t IJralntroa or WoyaaUh 

4 V Price a low. Prompt dellrery by caiaftl dit? 
on. and eatl.flictlan guaranteed. 

Pea Coal! 

?*J 88 A? 1 '!*? nomionl coid tunnelled for 

differ* to Carlyle Pelmllla of Baaloa), 

1 . ,.r.p,ml In, [>i.|ill. Ln.h, ri.nnor c i t ], cr COOkilliT StOVCS Or 

19a fttaaal SOUtH WoymOUlH. ° 

178 Pleasant Street, 



TE AC Mill OF 

Piauo, anil I'oraet Soloist, 

127 Pl„»nt Slre.t, South Weymouth. 

1*4-3 _ 


«ntu.m,hit>.ri)t«7oMn. 11 DCDT lllll ItCD 

■ *• *• ALDtnl WILUtn, 

nlm by null to E..I bnlalm n Wij.,ua, SS Broad St., EAST WEYMOUTH. 

■ astf 

Pr. C han. R. Greeley 



Over lie Wejnonth Glotkiu Stm 

Cheapest and most cco- (Near Poat oro, 

. . . . n 1 r • BAST WEYMOUTH. 

nomu-al coal tunnelled lor every day* 

ther cooking stoves or E8TEBROOKC8 

mace. Vegetable Aneesthetio 

- imm to m ant voa 

$4.75 per Ton, delivered. Extracting Teeth Without Paia. 


All who am In want of FIRST-CLASS WORI 
•ad quality of material, art cordially Invlud to aft 
A froth aupnly of OAS conauntly on head. 

Particular attoadoa givan to Straightening 


-. uu .n._ + SURGEON DENTIST, + 

COAL and WOOD »m w«m.n.'. 

a,,U WWWWBB | Near Jackaon Square.) 

oare H#aroi- 040 *.«. tots «.; H .44 r. a. to 

Jobbing of all KlndB er.a.; ft. 4 *r.a. tosr.a. 

Promptly attended to. Wood aawod and apUt u 

■salHare. Mlgt Street, near Haatbora, 




md quality of mat* 
A froth aupply o 

kith of Massachusetts. 

PaOBATB Count, 
.aw, Ncxt-of-Klu, aud all other 
>tcd in tin* elate of 
UN IttlNAN, 

In .aid county, deccaaed, 

(i rafting: 

lain ln»trutncnt, purporting to 
iiid tcElamrnt of aald deccaafil, 
to aald Court, for Probate, by 
Weymouth, who praya that 
ay be la.ued to her tbo 
< 1 , without giving aurety 

led to ap|*car at a Probate Court, 
icy, lu aald county of Norfolk, 
dut-aday of April neat at nlno 
ioo u, lu show rauac, If any you 

la hereby directed to giro 
by publlahing t Ida Citation onro 
ir.alic week*, lu the nr a (paper 
inulh Uaxcite, publlihed at 
t publication to bo two day*, at 

White. EaquirJ, Judge of aald 
Irriith day of Slarcii, In tbo 
lirl.t hundred and ulnriy-lhroo. 
JNATUAN COUU, Heglator. 

dth of Massachusetts. 


lu aald County, dreeaaed, In 

llou haa hern made to aald Court 
admiiilMratlou ou the dale of 
nilv V. White, of Weymouth, lu 
ilk, without glviug aurety upon 

lied to appear at a Probate Court 
Ini ). In .aid Couuly of Norfolk, 
Im-wluy of April neat, at nine 
to abow cauae. If auy yon 
'.he aaine. 

It hcrehy directed to giro 
*f, by publl.hlng thla Citation 
liree aui'cca.lro wceka, In the 
Weymouth (■ ate Ur, piiulrd 

#mOE HOURS, 10 to 12 i, m.,2to6p.s 
11 ill «... .nn, M ImKmm M 
W.ur IM. 

JOHN A. RAYMOND, fowl Berk. 


Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law 

desire to give notion that tlioy have now 
established n city oftlco ut 
Ul Mills Ht., Hooton. Hoorn 03. 
gy* Take elevator. 

Office Hours from II A. M. to 2 P. M. 



•* There Any limit to Human 

letily up nlmori. nt their feet, CmMuorn Am • 

The tnnn'n t-yea, which were bent on tha UNUlUlBBT 

fnca of the woman who walked at hla aide, 

had lioth imm ton and despair In them. Bhn, . _ ... . ... . . . . 

for her putt, til reeled her gate out upon the k ICYClltlOl Which Will Afttftllflh 

heaving maaa of murky water and remained **_ a( m _ .. 

silent. rCWpifa 

An by a mutual Impulse, they stopped - 

•nd stood facing each other. Itwaaduak, a.g va» II la la Raalito of Pvaev Daw 
and they wera quit* aluna. Tlte woman ™ 11 “ 0T tV#fy D#y 

apok#! occurrence. 

"It in fool I ah of you to lora me DO,” aha 

•W. The following communication ta from 

"Folly! Yen," he replied, giwnptng her one of onr rorrrapomlonls, Mra. Carrie K. 
» ,l7l W.rtln. a Inly w.ILknown .nil I.I.Wy 

wi)tiling «... my kioirNp that to roil I " ll ° ““JJ***,* tST"! 0 ? ° ( 

o*. III. ,uprrni..t Joy of ny whol. Ilf.t *•'«»>"•» • ocl » 1 .liotlnctton to Wr.t Uy.loo, 
The mere knoarlnlga that you love me, that Mas*. Her experience Is of such a nature 
you nre .mine In aoul and spirit, cotnpen-1 and Its Importance to many Is ao great 
an tew me for all the wretebeuneaa that our and far-reaching, that we give It to our 


The following communication in from I 

eaten me for all the wretebedneaa that our 
love entails. 

“Ilefonj I loved you I existed. You have 

that our and far-reaching, that we give It to our 
readers In her own words. 

i ott have ••last summer I was all run down, had 

taught me what It la to live. One hour of u,,i_ Ji-i.,. vnmiwntonMhtp I. north n cm.,ry of •MJW.»Q«W»Uto.»«» Hlh •l«U »'■>■'« 
ulrtrtio. Without IL permitm. .ml non. d.y., f.l # t.p.ll.,lt,lohln« In. 
U> trorohlp you. I nm cootrtit. mn tbouuh lo«« rtul wm ... w«.k I oould ll.tilly wolk 

our lot la wo tiltter.” 

around (lie room. 1 continued to run 

The woman wtnllcd, and her aweet, child down In heallli and strength until I feared 
Iwh face flitshml slightly at hla words. 8 hc utter nervous prostration with Its Untold 
released one of the tiny jeweled hands and miaerlrs. 

t;ir truth of it. 

Itccauae 1 write In rhyme 
Knend Dlanchsrd thinks that I' 
retforvo In love— 

Enamoured of 
Some maiden moat sublime. 

I mutt admit ’tit trite, 

A lady once I knew 
A being fair 
At poet e'er 

list paid his homage to. 

Iter hair was brownish-blonde, 
Iter eyes, to correspond, 

Were ol a hue 
As truly blue 
As are the skies beyond. 

Her manner was polite, 
tier smile exceeding bright, 
Her ready wit 
Made Honrs (tit 
In an unnoticed flight. 

The moment that wo met 
1 felt a certain, yet 
Mysterious thrill— 

It haunts me still— 

1 never can forget. 

I fell that naught beside 
In all creation wide 
Could ever blest 
My life, unless 
I won her as my bride! 

I ran see naught else than 
Wat fav'ting to my plan, 

Save that she o’er 
Two years before, 

Had wed another man! 

Wo have just put in a fresh stock of 


Ladies’ Misses’ end Children's Fine ' 

In French anti American Kid.Dongolna and Russet. We keep onset aptly 
hand a full line of Thomas O. Plant'll end A. F. Smith's celebrated goads. 
Ronton Shoe C’o.’s Rubbers; Storm and Plftln. 

Try onr Floor at 15.75 a Barrel, delivered. 






gently cammed Ida cheek with It. _ _ _ _ _ 

rantn.'jmo.'l' m M 'to WWW. Will Op.U M.» 1. 

rill- hk h «lv. U|. work .nllrely, .till 1,1. nirtllcln. A. IIm cmwnlni mult »f Ih, ».«t ,f- • 

A mlnnt, of rtlcnco, Silrluf which th« 0 Hwn.p«l. I tried lo rl.lo out on. f^th«" r»«forth hy th. oB- D|| ( . )a g |§ 29 sal 39 Still PttfMSftl 

nm.i'N, -Torknl rtmnp-Ty. The. lie uiorulni, hut want only n fmv rnl. .ml rl.U, th, Kipoilllon wllll» n|«-n lo tl.« * "* " """ """" * 1 " S'"'- 

drew her cloarly to hltn and spoke hoarw-ly had to coma home. My lituhnnd tin n world May tat. 

-fiercely. “You aay you love me better went to church, leaving nm with the hired The April laaim of the “World'* Colam- . V’,. 

| than life. _Do you mean what you nayt" |,eln and mr children. Burh a terrible day hlan Kxpoaltion Illustrated," nutheiiti. TPV It fllVPF ERd VfeB will AIVEVft WmmI 11. 

“I sent for our town ph.vsh-lan and he I 

■ luisiuii, .iiL-miiisuiii), M-urriunii , . . ■ . 

uiyrtcl,rt.;Hhlnk-U..n honor, or .run Ilf. c.m. . »oo.l "....y t m». «»n h..l to 

Itaelf.” B* vw U P work entirely, still his medicine 


"I do,” she answered, 

rt what you sayt” help and my children. Such a terrible day !»••>» Kxposltlon Illustrated," authentic 

LU”* »» * "fx'i't longue cannot detcrllm. I could of the World's Fair, which was es- 

to repel tlm feverish klsaea with which he "" 1 ' , KUI ,nnn,H ,”7 .* uhllshe.1 In ININ) conuins a resume of the 

accomiiMidrd the wonls. "but whv do vou "»»fcely get from my couch to a chnlr. taniisiieit in imm, • onuins a n sume of (lie 

look at me ao strangely}” “When my Imiband came In from church present status of the Exposition. After 

"Listen, my love, niy deity," he went on I told him I was worse and that I would the Fair, this |ui|>er will lie known us 
passionately, "if you love ns I do, you know din If I did not get help scam; that 1 would "Campbell’s Columbian Journal." Thin 
that life without love Is worthlmm. Yet In not take any more of the doctor's medicine nuinlwr contains information from the 

lovh.R .... you rt.k honor, PortUoo M.I , r , Dr . Oretno'. Krrvor. hlo .,1 nn.t f"'"f„'Ji‘'^"‘'l','.'.'..".'.Vi'.' 

look at me ao strangely?” 


oare to is 13.43 r. a. to 
8 p. a.; 0-45 r. a. tose.a. 

—141w ^ 8 cniuthlea away before my eyca. Darling, to take: 

let its die together.” of Its val 

- ' lie felt the slender form, ao perfect lulta vertlsed. 

Valuable Real Estate to 

She mnde no answer for awhile. She 
Via flinon A tttott I sectmsl stunned by the awful proposition. 

DO driven AWayi Hut her fnca fltisheil again. Her strongest 

emotion was the womanly onaof prhlo In 
From March 10th to April 10th, being i»v«i so well. 

Other Offices nt South Weymouth and 

Lotus A. Cook. Darikl W. Couoblak. 



And [Poultry BappUM. 

u>f unuTiM-u East Weymouth. 


(Huccxsaon to SAacaLCvans.) 


Lincoln Building, lUnghatn, I 

( Slat Ion.) 

I. H. STODDARD, I itOHOiuuMV pivc lo any uppiicnm oi i «•',”* ” u, '. ,u ‘“,Y “IV 

. — . . M *<kki- . . * .. .. .. . . would besweettodio now—this way." 

100 Marlborough ftlrsst, BOSTON good clmriutor, one liltlldiltg Lot "Listen a moment,” ho replied. "We 
TrillBUi WI.miHI. intllO non-(own. “lli«C«VIIC Cilv," wl !! Ul '■« tnkr our hmr 

II 1 IIIC III w iuwii, Dinuiyiiu vuy , well of the heaven we have known. Hut 

* 1 mnum oil beautiful BiHCiU’no lhiv» Eaat tomorrow night, nt u moment we shall fix 

. J. ULUMim. M ... .. „* upon, we will Ille— you in your home, I In 

2 Commonwealth Ava., BOSTON, c0,wl * * ,onila » 1,10 Company mliux 


Iiaviitg decided for tlte more rapid | 

Anat.ilirilr. mlmlnUtercJ and Artlflclsl Teeth development of tliclr prO|)crty, to will lake flight at the same Instant. In 
Inserted. . 4 < . „„ that suprvnia moment we shall know the 

write h* appointment, for mil..*. Cli.rxc. g, V C ItWIty OVCTy altCfliato lot Oil of our Joy. Do you consent)" 

the lteitutifill houlcvurdH of thill Silence ngalu. broken only by the dismal 

of the little wnvea ou the Itench. 

(Huccxsaon to SAacaLCvans.) i DR. EDW. N. BATES, 

Famishing Undertaker, 

loving me yon risk honor, position and l(Ut lry , )r . Greenu'a Ncrvura hlmsl and JKlalWiKSSl 

nerve remedy. If ho thought beat. affis SS^h.Ut Wifi’S! 

LVr rrnmn»J^ft"if*«1I l °Tn "lie advised me to try It and went Im- to see tlm Exposition," “How to sea the 

For you I a n willing to end t a I. In >ou .. . . . 'i.. w m c i, i f-Ir." "The eximsltion will lie ready,” “No 

I have iny heaven. 1 desire to die before It wediatety and got a bottle, wiucu 11 negan exlintllUnllt “Adequate transit 

cmmhies away before my eyes. Darling, to take: up to this time we knew nothing f w .||ui M| **‘'CMiinotcloaotliogates,""l’r«*- 
let iih die together." of Its value cxeept as wo hail seen It ad- hlrnis to solve," “Art works chosen," 

He felt the slender form, ao perfect lu !U vertlsed. “Slameso exhibit,’' "Sot’th Africa exhibit," 

-.ii.-k«j.i..u ■./..*-— _ “Display of New Houth Wales," “Colum¬ 
bus’ilocuinents nt I Im fair," mill “IT. 8. 
coin extillill," etc., etc. 

Among the multiplicity of copiier-plnto 
Illustrations nro (ho "Persian violet ex¬ 
hibit." "Sculptors at work on colossal 
figures," full pugo cut of "Machinery 
hall;" also "Agricultural building, 
“Htstuc of four seasons," “l’erlsfyltlc 
Htaltie," "itlnl's-eyo view for center piece," 
"Offielal man of Kx|iositlon,Htnte Imlldlngs 
nml concessions,” "Htntiie of Franklin," 
"l^ird of the Isles.” “Vaat Imller riKiiits," 
"(luatMtnnla building," "Views of New 
Houth Wales mining exhibit," also “Mam¬ 
moth Ferris wheel.” etc., etc. 

Among the noted personages Is the Itoy 
King of Hpslti, who with 1'rcnlileiit Cleve¬ 
land will o|m<u the Exposition: tlm (Jueen 
Itegeni, lute King Alplioiiso Nil, Princess 
Eulalia, Prince Antonio do Orlouns, Presi¬ 
dent llarrios mid wife of tiontoiiioln, to¬ 
gether with Chief John M. HamueIs for 
frontispiece, etc. 

/Altogether tills Issue Is a library of In- 

. nntw ,, r . formation, mid coming M It doe* lust Iwv 

JrtrtU rtf"*?, iltll. ..I-., nn 7 It,. tMiu<l, MUN. CABHIK R. MARTIN. fore the_Opening of the Kxpiisltion, It Is 

From Mnrcli lOlli to April 10 th, bring Inrnl «o mil. 

IS# 3 - The Hincnyno Buy Co. trill 

nlnolutelv (live to any applicant of tcurthir, ,rh,a vould the worhl uiyt Hut, 

. , * r _ . oh, It would besweettodio now—this way.’ 

good charndor, one Building Lot "Listen a moment," ho replied. "We 

in f tin now town “llirtPJivim C'It V ” not tonight, us Uke our funs 

in 1110 now lown, l>lHCa>no\ , Wf |l of the heaven we havo known. Hut 

"lu that way no one will suspect. We 
shall l*o separated, It In true, hut our souls 

Iff II Once asd lot will Aiwa)* Wail II. 


Finished Marble and Qranlte 


mull/ for Uttering nnd setting in Me cemeteries. 

McGrath bros., quincy, mass. 

Work* dlrrclly on tbe IIdd of tho 0 . C. B. R. at QdImj A 4 uii BUUm* 





President, - JOSEPH DYER. 


Trraxarrr, A. I. YINIXO. 
■•ard of lavestmwnl i — Joaxra Dvxa, 
OaaaLst C.Towkb, I’aisca II. Tiskbix, Also* 
II. lUvaoau, Juum M. Whitcomb. 

Oyca feee ft to 10 A. M.. aaft 3.10 ta ft F. II- 


Savings Bank. 


Caiketif CoBait BobDi* Habit*, 

*n<l *11 Funeral (looda on hand and furnlahed at 
■borteat notice. 

Embklmln, knit Dl.lrfeotln, t Sp.olally. 

j. _ Hay Co., Tatupa. Fla., ami make 

™ teteW 9 your applii-athni for a lot. Thcuo 
Office and Kc.ldence 8 C.mmrclkl 81 . kits arc valuable now, and tin- 

now city, WITHOUT CONSIDEHA- The woman gar.ed with awlntmlng eye* ., In u„^. 0 ur*e of two daya our family 
TtON. Write at once to Biaoayno 'K’SaSS.'SSr SLSSSVS ™ SlS ,‘rtd 

llay Co., Tampa, Fla., and make ah«tl; P roj«.t. ™.k I,.It .mohin, . 'A „ 

I (ore tlm o|N*iiing of 

Bxnbaltlon, it i* 

“In tluto'oume of two day* our family fair, and is mill nmro vuluuhle to tlumc 
nhysiclan came in and, oaylng that he who cannot. One imml.t r Is worth more 
the same, finally told me than a year’s •uls.ftrlptlon.. . 

r,.| hue bis arms again, murmuring. “1 eou- 
i ncDc 

that he ha«l concluded to oak for counsel. 
He Informed me thut I might choose any 

The object of this publication I* to 
make a complete IdaluTy of thu (sir. The 
drat hound volmnca with Imleaca to l.tlX) 

Braintree Wood and Lumber Co.. 

(over Charles llsrrlngtou'a Store) 


n>.» ..If VU.I..IU.D HU*. -And so, am to die tonight.” shemuscl .„|,mion. 

I (louhtcillv will rapidly Ihi on- It was within half an hour of midnight, “I tald to him, ‘then you coualder me 
i i .. 4S.wl .. and the tall lanuh with Its orange hu«l nrt . t , v hndlv off?’ - * 

hunccd. AMiore can jou find a , hlulfc u „n„,i lalghtlj hrtar, th. UU 1 nilr uhwwmI, -1 culnl* do, ,n.l ,l.,tl 

hotter investment ?-ono that co»U ~f jer ,„ WB - og h t u.. w»i« by ■«*'» 

you nothing, tlltd by which you a la-lt of gold, studded with turquoUen and other doctor see* you, a* I do not know 

doctor I preferred to meet him In eon- IUu*trallona are now ready. The publisher 
" , 1 , wauls good agent* ill every town. 

..illation, nrloo I'J In,,.-, »a.T», Ham- 

“, ‘then you coualuer uio pi« copy uml full particular* sent for '.'.I 


“laaldtohl.n, ‘then you roualiler mo p| () copy uml full nsrllciilar* sent for 
pretty badly off,” *. cento In fttampt. Address, 

"Ho anaworod, -1 oorlalhlj do, and .hall uil&'ibt'AdX sl! Chi™,”; HI. 


A First-Class Quartette. 

ftlcaic fcrnlaliad for flinrrsla st leaMUublo price*. 
Call* a WcrwotuV ami Uralutrce proupUy at- 
tondeil day or ulgkt. 


OSm Utar* ft A. ■> to ft P. M. y 0U nothing, tlltd by which you a belt of gold, studded with turquohumnnd other doctor sect you, os I do not know ^ x r | p ( 0 ChioftOO. 

Appointments mad* by mail. K a ‘ n 11 ,ot t *‘. C lll08t rJmf*ferL The p^llshe.1 surface of her "I then said to him, ’perhaps you will j gjyj”’!] ,nVJ y F words*!^ you Jin 

fertile and productive region on annsnn.l throat shone likt marble beneath |m, offended, hut I havo not token any of Py ^ng the lelu-ra ai many times ss ym. 

, , * v* | . a the rays of the midday aun. 1 ho aweet out vour medicine for two daya hut am taking wish, either backwards or forwards. Imt 

Tertli extracted by a new method aritbuut pain, tlte continent ; tttld UlO lient spot v |,||(]| N h fiiiturea horn the expression of a .. n r# . t .ii t . , M Ncrvura blood and nerve not uae the same letter In making any one 

Appointment* made by mail. 

Fret Trip to Chicago. 

Separate WOltlDH FAIIl and uae the 

Night bell. 

HI’KZl A X.IT ATScbineraloat Zalmopr ration 
unlrr I7uwcn dung dea newcu paientirten. 

Krautar Sohlafaafaa. 

ill the world to build it winter I “^^hTrii^l her fate, she d,d notrfiowlt I 

wiali, either Imckwarda or forwards, Imt 
not uae the aatue letter In making any one 
word morn times than it npi*car* lu 
“World** Fair." 

It Is said seventy-live small English 

Proaldant, ■ • 
Onk an« Yraoaarar, 


Jaka A. layman# 


(lacreasara to «. W. HIUUKY). 


1. L. BicxsILL (Ml. Pratt 

K. D. CasTasacav H. F. Uioxirau. 

loan F. Bcshxix Ki.scm* O. bars* 

loaarn ▲. Cctoiaa Jobs W. Baraa 


JVom »lo a P. E. 

Saturday, from ft to S P. M. 

gattr rtcrlrrd on or brfort tbo flfteeath of Jana- 
fry, April. July, and October, will go oa to te r ate 
baa tot Ant oftbt 14 Barter. 



HEN BY A. NASH, Presides!. 
0IIA8. T. CUANE, Treasurer 




A.V 1 )Ilf W J. UAIftft I 

■aak Haart.- Kt»ui t to • oVloj-k p. in., oa tvan 
ku«lm •* day; aud fruiu T to V o’ciuck ou Monday 

IM-(* piarr -1 ou iulrie*! nn the flnt Mouday mi 
fktiiur), April, July aud Ottobtr. 

gftrr. raaiterrrlal llml. Hr,■talk laaftlao. 

m ceieimted Howard Painters, 

One of the boot heating arrange- Paper-Hangers 


— IS TUB— 


CTT Uftft’i Mt TUL , Fires. 

"Ah how he jovea mel" she thought, “He unswered,’I am not offended; If It w , V enty-tlve small English 

•How precious, this dying together. Shall will help you I shall ha very glatl. You word* can to* siiellc.lcorrccily fr-.m tl.cU'i. 
we meet tip there, I wonder, or do tha fa- may continue Ita u»o a week ami If no jSjJ" , ‘II. -„a r ° J? r «# 

bleaof the prleato go for nothliigP” better, then we will have counsel.’ yuu are goo*! at worll-iuaklng, you can 

What a picture—thla daxxling, sylphlike **]i ut at the end of thu wi*ek I wa* better. Leant u free trip to tlm World 7 * Fair and 
creature, standing there In the soft lamp- j M two weeks I was a good deal better, no return, as the Bcott Heed Company will 

Wood and Lumber of all Kinds. 

Bard and Hoft Wood Sawed t. Order, 

Box Boards and Oak Spilt* 

AMma ,llk„ l JOHN HtLLIT. rmHnL 

kdwamd ■iM.lsaa, Trwuar, r. 

creature, standing there In the sort lamp¬ 
light, every Uuo of her face aud figure sug¬ 
gestive of the Joyous, radinut life that 

belter, then we will have counsel. v „n Hr „ N , w-orSl-mukiug, yoi 

“Hut at the end of thu week I wa* better, m-curo u free trip to the World’* Fill 


Iu two week* I wa* a good deal Isdler, no return. 

faint feelings, I could oat some |»y»| 

11 . m ,u« cM'ott Heed Company will 
II expenses, Inellldllig If. It. fare, 
hills, admission to the Columbian 
ailioii, ami F.IO.m In cash for liicidcn- 
i|H'iis*-a, to the llr.t person able lo 

IllH (i M-lf lntUiU-,1 dMilh within tb, liMrrow | .rutiud and •>«•“* «"' J" 1 1!..'". 

limit of JO mluutes. 

weeks uiy hired girl left me sad I went 

Post Office Addreftft, WEYMOl'TU, MA88. 

One of the best boating arrange¬ 
ments on the market. 

Tin, Copper sod Iron Wore alwaya ou hand. 

Npeclal Attention Paid to Job Work. 


[Parlor Stoves, *-- T 

HUB MAKES. p«| B || a g. 


Old Shop of Mr* Horsey. 

All kinds wf Inside and •nlslde 

Lowest Prices . 








■,KM> ul brtlrrt,. JUUM M).. 

on vnaaiTR. 

Insurance Co., lloeton, 

(isionn-SATKO 1*40], 

Insure* Dwelling Hoate Property Only, 

AftRKVft, • • • ftftll.ftOO 

LI4BIUTICN, . • 100.11ft 

Moriift. • • • nun 

Dividends 70 Per Cent. 



mouth Miiom: aoentm, 

WxklRilt* M|„ •» 

lfryniHuin, Maaa. ffiaslnn «•»», 

Tclrpbont ronnrctlu*. g 140 to 

For midnight wa* the hour agreed upon, doing my houaework alone, aud have aluce w m a | w , »| vu a frw trip to the World's 
When the gilded clock on the mantel should c U utiuued to do ao, with seven ill the Fair and return with for Incidental 

chime the hour of l‘J, that little vessel of . . M y> ex|>euae*, to thu first iieraon sending sixty 

Inudnmini would do Its deadly work. ••ginr* tbut time our family physician wor,,, ‘ "" Tfmy wlU also give a 

tier even irrew humid ami moist In tho Bloce Unit time our nnii) frr „ lr |, lo t |,„ World’s Fair nml return 
Mn-no Mint emulation of that dreuinlrMannd ha* advised IU use from time to time, aay- (without e«ah for Imbb-nlnl expenses) lo 
Inflnilo alcen She folded her huuil* oml lug that it would keep lip uiy strength the flrst |N*rsoii Bending IIfly-five words, 
innoito bleep, aue lomeu uir uuuua ami « 1,« advised other* to toko It, To tha first person sending fifty word* 

waited. la tter, lie lias adt iseu ouier* io wise o w „, ^Jjao „o ( 0 ess,i towards |wylng 

The gilded clock gave (6rth three mu- telling them of the good It did me, und to the World’s Fair: to the ttrst 

alcul peals. A quarter to 19. tmlay I have teason, yes great reason, to *«. u dlng for»y words will In* given 9‘J.VMi In 

.*•*••• thank Clod for uiy recovery, aud through rash towards pujrlni expense*i to the 
He lay half dressed on a loungs lu the U|<< |1|MS of , )r . ( , r Lne’s Nervura blood and ’Hil’r^-fivS w.^ls 

rillrilX^MrtW^Krt £ M •>■■'»«, I rtu .-uiy too ,lrtl ui !,»• Jf VBU ,|<i uiln ?»»!,. rtul |u, neb ol th, lint 

tri(U,, ,,!lll Jjr^l".r ‘(I (I,. X J Illy 8, U, niBrl!,. Outl Ulurt, Dr. «'«“ 

L 1 .'."" 'V7 .. .... .. 0.1/ «N. I«l* «W to -wrtjM «Jh; 

to make seventy words from tl|e lei tors eon- . , _------ .. • m 

tSStii'iwTSi™,!);’" MU If you want to SAVE MONEY it will be for your 

interest before purchasing to get our price* of 
Kitchen, Dining-room, Sitting-room. Parlor, 
Hall and Chamber 

room he occasionally occupied at hi* club. 
A little pile of letters lust he Imd Just 
written and addressed lay on the table. 

He was very pale. 

This was to he the end thenf This the 

I This was to he the end thenf This the This remarkable remedy I* purely vega* ^aum person. Write your name on list of 

K wsome termination of a love that had uhle and harmless, aud can be procured words (numbered) and enclose I he same 
ii one long, delicious poem! at any drug store fur ft I per bottle. Like msitpald with flfieeu l’. H. twiacent *Uuj|i* 

Well, Iw.tcr m>. And yet- ... ,.l,v.l, i.n. .11 U « l.r*,.| Oholo. Ku,H.I. 

the above able uml excellent physician, all 1 «• r’tL-tMla!^*' 


on flu* lino of 


House, ead TtnemtnU on Wsahlagton, Btaad 
Walnut Atcaut tod CIs; p Btrteto. 

la. i, V WM. 


Tlio estutc of tho lute 

JmIuos 8q„ East Wejaouth. 


Has esastaaUy as head a foil Ua* sf ftrsl qaallty! 

Beef, Pork, Lard, Ham, 

Canned and Bottled Goods. 

For Sale. 

Dr. Gcorgu W. Fay, liroiul VmX TiptiUu of aU Kind. 
Street, Fust Wc^outb. ^ , “SS ..Her, 
Will be sold on reasonable A specialty. 

terms. g^Ht ksgaa by ftdr prins sad sqaara di. ii s#. 

For particulars address _ 

DB FRANK O. FAY, -uu tu- 



Cuyirtrrrl.l Sq., Eut Wrjrtsutk. 


Yencaagri* miy or mm: a 

t (|t. Hot 11 ater Bottle for ^310^^03^33- 


W. F. Sylvester’s 

CumwercUl Hq.* East Hfjmuulb, 
1 »»*V or JDIJK a 

Attention is Invited to our new line of 


night robes, old Brick Grocery Siore 


Alia Merino and Jersey Un- on tin- lint- of TVcyiiioutli uml 
derwear and tha beat 60o. un¬ 
laundered Shirt in the world. Bramtroo 

C. A. RICE A CO. nw CIaI a 

A*«.u for is. Jm UA OsUtoi 

Malden Stwm Lnmdiy, \.,,v ,i., .m,i 

. ;■ ««»" f 

Frida y. goodnott Imml. At ill Int hoI«I lotv 

1 H. BACHELOERI CO th 1 “ ,,u ~ 

____ For imrtu'ului'ri ttdureiw 

ci?S!Jr 0 r.4 V, w A Mrt, f.r ; WORSTER.W.r««U.M, S s 

JeMlay Freaptly AUeaM to.___ 

fteslftsers. MIDDUt BYtULIT, 

Weymouth centre, MAu. Writing Paper by the Found. 
Cottage at Fort Point, boston linen. 



„ . .. 100 V*rietie. of the., fine 

\ V" C,OCk ,, 1 mrk ‘ xl * < f Uttrt4!r doctors of high standing recommend thu Thlscoinhlnallon luclmhi* t’lin Iat4>«t and 

lo u. HIM pallor tucreascu. sick to use ll, for It cures. It Is especially mist |M>pulur Kugll.h flowers of emlh-ss 

last night he wa* ready to die. W as he «• * lo . uil-dlcluu variUes (samu a. will Im contained In tlm 

ready now! recommended to take a. a spring medicine. #tUb<irHU \ „ x|l|bU of K ugll*h flowers at the 

Hlandlng iu the center of the nnaitnieut. Everybody m ed* a spring medicine ami World's Fair.) 
he tried to realixu that iu 15 abort mtu both pliy.h-iaiu und the people unite lu This "World's Fair" foulest will be 
idea Ida life would end, and-oh, the hlP pronouuclug this the beat of aprlng rem- curcfoIIy and“V‘VnVn«lli.-I'lia mir 
lrx>. llio.lglil ot .11! ,l„ would cil«.|,po.r w|u ,, „ now, ,urr. Doctor. |,ro- "o" l '„^lot| 1 .! I’.H. Vou’.lll mwlv. ID.- 

\ and Iwcouie as nothing. scribe and recommend It because it Is nut higgc.i value In fluwer .e«-d» ever offered. 

Their very love would piua out of exist- , UI ,ii t ,luu but a physlclaus pro- audif you are able tu make a good list of 

nice along w itli the million, million other •! ii,« ,-miucnt wonla aud auswur promptly you will liaia 

loves of tho Innumerable and uukuowu acripllou, the llacovery of the emluint H Uaa A.|.| M .riuull> to secure a free 
dixal. specialist, Dr. Ureene of Jl Temple 1 lace, | r ji, from your home to Chicago aud return. 

The clock chimed the first hour of mid lluatoti, Mo**, who la so wonderfully We are .landing u large amuuut of 
liight, and still he stood there Irreaol.rte. auucessful In curing all forms of nervous »»>*«/*** Jtotll'Srdlr “you will U more 
"Merdful Uod!” he grasped. “Why do mj,( chronlo dlseasee, and who cau Imj ooii- t | mn g^uflt-d with the result. 8cml to- 
liot I shootf" Edited free |ierrtoually or by letter. day, ami uddrr*. The Kcott th-id Compauy, 

lereet thought of alii aha would disappear 
und la-come a* nothing. 

Their very love would puss out of exist- 

Also Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shads*. Lace 
Curtains, Pictures, Site. 

A Good Straw Mattin g for 15 Cents per Yard. 


Broad Street. Eut Weymouth. 

Weymouth uml , % olock c | llnml tli0 n™. l»u ru f mid- 

night, and still he stood there Irresolute. 

"Merciful tiod!” he grasped. "Why do 
hot I shoot I" 

■ lie ru»t down the pistol. "Coward!" he 

inonneil. "w hnt have you done)" 

JCLLBa lie Hung on his tout. Iui|hxI Into a cur- 

-^ riHge and drove |uiat her house. It was dark 

t ml silent ns thu gruvu • 

ifUOtl• naft) Ulltl llewundered aimlessly about the stretto 

solely for tlm purpo.e of liitr.Mliii-tug our 
husiiies* in tlm IT. 8. You will receive the 
biggest value In flower seeds ever offered, 
audif you ure able lo ruukn u g*»<«l list of 
words uml answer promptly you will ham 
u first-class op|Miriunily to secure a free 
trip from your home to Chicago and return. 

We lire .pending u iurge amount of 
money to start our tradu In the l'. S aud 
want your trial order. You will bo more 
thuu gratified with the result. Heud to¬ 
day, and address Thu 8. ott 8.-id C«<mpauy, 
Toroubi, t'aundu. 

Kitw rlriinir n iriiritl aitfu Ulltl He wunderwl aluilesaly about the atrecU — Homum e for Ajirll I* the elgntli iu inai 

.Now .loin^ ii SO.MI, who ami ulllll m 'Sl!.«dU»aia n »l 1 w« nl a U ^ m. < w,i r '.x,ri~,./.i«.iV 
MUIg liuainaaii. (.'loan .lock of mutaclob.^ irmwI luilS iu.L,.x.r! x!„“ 

Ulerary Ntlei. T .. u 

-Iluuna for Aoril i. tl.. rtllrtli lu II,.1 “V«»( **'> “*»• »tatou BuuJ doul ul 

uututudm-'. wri— "/■lu.-UI iiuiulwr...,,'..',- V , , , r . ... 

half of IU contents Is ing from tlm Italian. \\ all, I should think she hu*. I nsked 
The most famous Itollau authors are retire- her if she would promisu to Imj my wile 
eeuU-d iu this collection, and the selections three mouths ugo, aud she has reserved her 

{ruodnon Imml. AVill lie Hold law 
to done out the hluducm*. 

For purticulurH iiddrunM 

CUT thla OUT. It la worth MONEY. 

W HEN the amount of two dosen M flrat-clMft 
Cuhiueto has been fiaid to me, and duly 
signed aud puucbcd In the margin of this ticket bjr 
myself, the hulder I* entitled lo • sitting for on»kn H 
dos.en tlrst-cluo* Cabinet I’hotoa FftKIt! at 

They met two uighto after that ut the ^mhracu a powerful war story, au aim*- answer ever atooe.' I was thinking she had 
jpern. She wa* arrayed in a queenly gowu |, 0 usa sketch, a tale of King Humbert s cll ,j n .|. loo „ mi h maidculy reserve."-Chi 
of while stllu, over which great gems wars kinduesa, two s|»arkllug love stories, ami 





HYM9YI, mm. 

woaparaung lore BM.r.oH, cugohuu. 

Scattered like stars. thrilling Incidents, legends and mlvaniurra. — 

Doth blushed ltesidcs llo Italian stories there are strong 

"I was it poltroon,” he managed to toAUl- l *** ul ' f *'‘ xyiVdar MoGlalaon iuja'. "Ware you 

mar. "but I am ghul of it uow.” l/ungerford ami others; an Australian “Ye*; It w- 

"For my she wblsitered back, 1 “ |iri T Fool sU>ry, a funny ghost story by sou be U-at it 

would uot kill myoq|f until 1 found out if o^-ar Wilde, uud one of the most charming "1 know on 
you loved toe enough lodie for me.”—liar- t g fr re m-|i love *lorii s, by lleuri da Cltau* urn’l he beat. 

Itesidi s the Italian stories, there are atroug 
and beautiful tul.-a by Harriet I’reecoU 
gpofford, Wilder Mcfllusson. Mary C. 
Ifungerford ami others; au Australuu 

DotwelhlMg About Nggs. 

Ware you nt the |KMillry allowt” 

Yes; ll was very fine. 1 dou't think it 

OirMtly DftPDftitD CaUtollc CkurwBi. 

s tlrkrt roa be iraMfemfl Mi |s« Da net Data to lake MallBDf 

,,, . k - - _ , Hunuerford and others; au Australian , , „ 

my pari,” she w hlsitered hack, I "prif Fuul atory. a funny ghost story by cau ha bent lu that Una. * 

ot kill uiyoqlf until 1 found out If wihh-, aud oue of tlm most chariulug "I kuow one lltlug iu the poultry Hus that 




(tuts oui by lb. day » r surk. *> kutar, |i (*• a 
list. I/<rjlWfelTlKt*. 


K*«aSMll( or I I-A lark t osbioo Tires 
dljwatrd lo Ike torrll solti wkrol kg ■ 
new process mi syrmriat 4ks forks. 

lias |>rut cm to very .sttolscuir) sod will be dout 
iu. i-kesply a* it can be duns to auy place. 


Saws Filed and Set in good shape. 


The Morrison cottage at 
Fort Point, Weymouth. 
Apply to 

L. W. MORRISON. Braintree. 



or TBS 

Nrw E.,l ..4 ('; af lull 

|. |irri,aml to .apply at vt-ry slum auth • Slag tr%, 
grader*. tlellaUu. PtaaiaU. Orgaai.l., tit.. 
lu, rl'UM lit-., WUOIU Slid «uUrt-run»«Ml*- 1 be 
price, are itaatrialr aod tbc UlrM racclk-at. 

Attars*. toaMftatery Sanaa, 
i* U re* Kraakba toquAtt, guatoa- J 

old It Vyuna in CoUlonna World. 

Halfpennies are now called "Fink*" Iu 
MsJlKiurue, after a local millionaire, who 
failtd rsceutly for au enorutoua sum and 
offered hla creditors the uiuuifloeut divi¬ 
dend of a halfpenny In the pound. 

A UuuiMilU Ur* Story. 

nevmres. This lutoroeliug tarlodical 
comes from Ituuiance I’nhlishiiig t outpeny. 
Cllntou Hall. A*b»r 1’lace, New York. *J5 
canto a uuiubrr; l-W a year. 

Important, but Not fttoaonllol. 

"Whul a that I" 

"China egg*."—Texas Sifting*. 

Aiwa)a %Vouting buuistblag. 

"You women (oik* are never aatiafled,” 
duid I'uclu Josh. "Here I bring Hannah a 

Chapter 1 - Yes. darling, we uiuet part. I uut show up. and a man kuow u 

go west to seek my fortuue. When 1 have to Love o deep In tercet In the U-in|*cr*u<*j I 

At N- lli. Ubw ulgbt Ota. wu . „ u , r^l u(„|k. .L.uu '1 u.,!XUri. tt'iu.U 

CnprtrtK. tauu. la lb. riapri ri ou. uf b ,, v „ , lw i, u|< , UUl , dn*. rigbt off."- 
(b. churrbe. Tb. KU,ll.m.u wbo -u u, i|. r[ ,. r '. 

Paper, in .tock for Horn* 
or Foreign Correspond¬ 


mn turn mi 

Act oa a sew prladpto- 

a ulato Ut* Uvar. KU.iiiA I 

buOi-to thivuuh tk‘ 

- !>.. M.. ik 

found It. I will return aud lay it at your MM called upou to act iu hi* place 

dear feet. Farewell! Jfy. 8-i* a very nervous man.who easily 

Chapter 11-He went weal, lie fouud hi* uvU rut tLd. He atrugglul to hi* feet, and 

-r V . ., A ilouasksspsr '1 WatL 

wa* called upou to act in hi* place lurk* within uiy breast. 

-Is a very uervoua nton.who easily v , t lu lhU M ^ u>o.i thing* I've tb* U 

fortuue, hut a* lie would have had con aid dtii U what hr told: ‘I_wiiu* aud gentle- 

rrahle difficulty lo htyiug it at her "dear mwj „ iuc- Brother-U not Lera to ask 

feet" be never come back. He had married ^ blwwing of God lo rest upon this nua-b 

its dily cur. UUosswos. 
lorpU livsr sad enust pa 
Uoa. ftiua'tsat, mddm^ 
sursst! 90 dMMlft dx 
Fsuiil.sfi.'c st (iruxcifto 
•r. DNteBM. <s Btoit 0 

A. M. BACHELOER WayBMirfk ; 


a rich widow - Yankee Ulade. 

ItaUly Off. 

Carletoo Galea-Are you really *o bard 

Tramp- Hard up. Why. air. If suits of 
clothe* wus aelliu at a ha'penny a piece I 
wouhlu'i have i uougb to buy the armhole 
of a teat.—Million 

Not A pprselslrd. 

Mr. l*uet—No the baby baa gut bold of my 
book of poem*! 

Mrs. 1’uet —Happy cblidl Ue can't coed 
—Tsao* bifUiig*. 

lug, we will proceed with tbe business ai 
dot be best we cau without it. Amen.” 
Hoeton Globe. 

When Baby *a* rick, we gave her Cariorto. 

Wfase *u* was a ULtoi. ah* crisd for Oaaiuriv 
Wtoae rite bsoouio Mwa. she clung tu tto<ra 
DTton ah* had Cktotraa. aha gave tkma Caomrto. 

A hu»haud whu * 111 * Idul of uiy heart, 

A child, a von; it hat grief train thciu tu pa'ti 

Aud fin-mi.—Ft* got ths dearest friend* on 

Wa ming.e tear* s. well a. join In mirth. 

I've wsollli. *u u ueh I eouuut spend 11 all; 

M> pvaestrlng. Break too try plaiutivscaU. 

SHU I'm unhappy, hut Fv* caum to he. 

Uvcs there a suui »»ho does nut pit) iuef 
Fra searched lu o»e'» corner, every uouk. 

Hut fruiUeasl) . to Und a hangup euuk. 

^-I'itUi/uig Disjiotolk 


■ ■ Jiood'f SAraApariila i» ‘he medi¬ 
cine (or you. Ikcauac it i* the beat 

blood jmriticr. HOOD’S CURBS 



Hat lug secured thu servlet* ol Mr. Arthur K. Hiehard*. I an P^FWedjto 4g fflB 
kinds of work lu* Arat-cloos mauu.r at rrsaouable price*. Call aad saa QUf " DlfDif 
before buy lug rtoe Where. Carpal*Taken Cp.CIsoitod aadlUlald. MMUffftri 
kind* furnished at Hostou prices. 8*uiple* of Heir aud Ticking* at kaM. Hfff VDft> 
treaae* made over. 

Eu, « bain, Nwrkrra, U.H» < »-bn u, niter Salto teafeM vork tote Med l*. A torse variety ri rarrilare eew 
tigs lo ,elect from. 

out llor-roi AU urdpn uud work prortprirrtt« 

Otsri, w.rt>l*gl« ..MM. teiuiro UW> Mcrolad On. tea. T. 

.... aim 




.Di.itp.N wr.nnixn. 




Mi» Ida E. Sheppard and Mr. Benjamin 
Hoffman Davldion United <n Marriage 
In the Union Church, Eait Braintree. 

I.IXtC# TO Mr. a*i> Mb*. ClIAXt, 
lit Nti.n# II. Ilniuri. 





{ $i.eo iV'paid In advance. 
AJiertiiementi (nutted at the nsnul rain. 

Manoitera »nd Editor*: 

A. W. Blancmasd. M. R. IIawm. 

WntoMilnj evening wltm-om-il u 1>rl 1 limit 
ani-lt-ly wedding nt tin* I’nlon clitiruh of 
Weyinnntli nnd K##t flrnlntri'o. Tin* uott- 
imt-tlng pnrllu* wen* Mint Mr Kwlng, 
•Innglitur of Mr. JoH P. Sheppard nf Hunt 
llramlrui- nnd Mr. Ronjmnln IlnITtnnn 
Davidson. of llostnn. 

A n|N‘«'inl train left Iltalnn at 7.0.V, arriv¬ 
ing! nt 7.40, mill * topping nt tin* rlmrrli. 

Tin' cpmimny ''nt |H<rforitM'd l»y 1l«v. 
Ollvrr llinkfl, pastor of tin* i-lnirrli, 
assisted by Hpv. .1. K. Hmytli of tlio t’lmrrli 
of tbc Now Jcritsab-ui, Ho*bury. Tin- to w 
Congregational *<-rvlco wan simple ami vet 
Itnpri'Mlvo. tin’ bride bring *..rn away l»y 

i in ilii' j nar IlnlJrn Welding Day. 

I M ur mwli, rejoicing now we »#y, 
A kindly arreting of true Hirer. 

Fifty glodyrnr* j**vt- prospered Iter 

tVe slisll not Wfltr ymi fiftv line*. 

To prtlsr y»or li«-*rl« olirrr trite lore 
No wonl* ofgHy "onUI ImlTetpreM, 
The happy ft-t lings yon posers. 

Next to Chrlntrnn# ihtirch aurvlcu#, 
tliottn of Kaater am becoming each year 
morn nnd ntoro marked, nnd nltlio igh 
owing to tlm chilling wind, la«t Sunday 
tfas Irtn n tj?f*loal Raster tiny tbnn might 
Hava been d«-*lred, g<HHl audb nrea were In 
nltmidancr, at tlm net oral ulittrche*. 

tVe llistikflllly rrr»ll tlir \ r«t», 

Amid littgM sullies nnd giati lnl ti *r 
llenieinl»<red merries gallier tn»l. 

A* we n w think on pletsmes |>W., 

WSiMJsar.~;'h <k . m. 

On winter tilglits, liow youth tlld llirnng 
The aloglng si hoolt—to join in *«ng; 
tlr In ths earning, glib and I*")* 
Hprlteil flown raeh other-old time joy*. 

from all render* of the CUfrltr. Everyo«* know# (|vi ," friend* of tlm brltle and grooin 
nl some Interesting fhet* or happening* that other* Bm , f(| || ,ostmm-* togetber With 

would like to read atfont the beautiful f lorn I ili-ronitloiis tnnde u 

While we hare an efficient r.»rp* of regular ron- innst attractive net-lie. A carpet covered 
trlhutor*. there Is much oMgterest that In the nature the Stop* Mid Witik t" tlm church tvlillo 
nt thing*, the* cannot get. Let your Interest In n canoj.y over mad protpcti d the company 
yonr Inenl paper and pride In your town lead you to [[Jo'cMHa*gVt.* *¥l!e dunmllonTwere from 
•Id to making the (lasette more bright and, new*y Xowmnn'w, Tremont atreel, Itnaton. 

At games now people spend Ihrw tlinr. 
Itrad m*ny stories .nd some rh>*#* % ' 

FRIDAY, APRIL 7. 1893. 

tlm carriage*. Tlm decoration# were from 
Mowninn't, Tremont aired, Iloatoo. 
Ttvetilv-tlve pitlmt were naetl mid n great 
mnny Rutter lllb n mid Joniiull*. 

The Itett until wnt Mr. Kilwnnl K. Taylor 
of Hoatfiti. Mitt Klin W. Hlir-ppnrd, sister 
•if tlm bride, wna mnld of honor. Tlm 
bridetmablt were Ml*# Carrie Trask of 

If In the eltr 11 did speed 
Itrlilud jour • and trusty steed; 

When Imtni ward Imiiml jnu stole a kb*. 
The ealui in-«'ii shone — jou thought It bibs. 

« Hem It OK TIIR #.\t tin* It KART, WRYMOUTIt. 

Tlm aervb c# nt tlm chnrcli of the "Sacred 
Heart., Kutter Snmlny were very well 
Mtembwl. High Matt wnt eelebrnteil nt 
10:«by tlm paatnr, Itwv. J. .»• Mnrnhy. 
Tlm mtttlenl prognunmn. which wnt plena* 
ingly remit retl by tlm clmlr, eontlaled of 
K. II. I In I lev'* "Matt In l>. flnt. 

Ilanc l»lea by L. llonlete nt tlm offertory, 
rioting lit mo "To Ileum." 

Org.ioitt, Miat M. Abt-rn. 

Vexpert nt 7.00 p. m. f luted the acrvlera 
eftliednv. Tilt* floral ileenratlon* were 
very Imaritlfnl. 

1 lit MTV t lit Hill. WKVMOPTH. 

"I’ralae (•<«! ffotli whom all bleating# 

Scripture I/ca»nt> |»y pnttor. 


Ileaponae by nrganltt 

Onartetto, r 'fltlTl, Still with Thee." W. 
II. Clerrltli • Mlta Ada Tlrrell, IV. II. I’ratt, 
Jott-ph M. Vlnal ami L. W. fain. 

Hymn, "Somnierable." 

Ratter Sermon by |*s*tt«>r. 

Anthem, "llallelnjali! C'hrlat la Illaen." 

Itened lotion. 

Mlta M. Alible l'.oget*. »rg tltl»t. 

\V. If. I'ratt, rnualenl dirct tf»r. 

The remnlnlng aervb et of the day In¬ 
cluded tlm usual Snmlny a.’luml tervlce; In 
the afternoon ('omttioilloti service with 
bnptltm nml admiatlim to elittrch; the 
Kpuorth aervleoM*. 0 o’clock tvna followed 
by nn Knater concert at 7 o’elock, A very 

large audience lidng pr> tent. 

Idie evening s prugt mime conalttetl of 

New losers rbl»* In stctui rsrs line, 

Tu Vonna’s or Parker** g« t" dine. 

'I hen homewsrd wiilk With stately tread. 
It i i 11 is tit elect tie glrams tliry dread 

Electrio Ugh! Meeting. hrldcainalil* were Mitt t'arrle Trntk of 

At the nntutnl Town imu ting It tvna Weymuiitb, MlttHeorglmin IginttcjfOuliu v. 
uted that a commit tee of three from each Ml** Alice t\ Jeokln* of It nml 

voted that a committee of three from each Ml*a Alice f. .Iciiklot of tteymonlli a 
wnrtl ite apwlntetl to look Into the whole Mlta Kmttia I*. Allen of llralntree. T 
matter of the electric lighting of tlm town. Utile mjdic«* of tlm bride, Mauler t 

—kleeltle eArs man now doth tnakr- 
N" jugging on to woo.b t r lirai n. 
lint'ding liy faster than *per< ll. 

matter of the electric lighting of tlm town, lirtlo ui tdtewa of tlm bride, Muxler furl 
After a carefnl coltaltleratlon tlm tnotler* Itugi rt Slii ppnnl of Qttlney, nml Matter 
ntor appnlnteil tlm committee^ -which met \Vlilnrd I’t rkin* Sheppurd of Rant Ilruln* 
In tlm committee room nt the Tufta Llhrary tree, were tlm puget. The uahera were 
building. Monday afternoon. Mr. Henry K. f rowell of Hotton. Mr. 

The meeting waa called to order bv N. Wallace II. Hum of Somerville. Mr. 
I). Oanterbnrv, nnd on motion of K. .1. Wllllnm R. Thayer of Horcheater, Mr. I». 
Pitcher, the same gciitlciimu wna dioaen nt |„ Hoot. Itoxbnrj. Mr. (’. Frank White nml 
ehnirmnn of till# committee. Henry A. Mr. Heorge T. Miller of K.iat llriiiiitrce, 

From out the nukrn bucket old, 

S> < 111 * 1 ) 1-0 a draught so i-lfar Slid Cfl 
Viw nt n ton. h. like fairy guest, 
Pine water spiiug* at raeh behest. 

Ye<; tlirse were t«oA chi Umtt, «ay you, 
We tiraise llirm uud tin ir virtues too) 
Hut it you trub told, j«u would 
Pronounce these Inter times as good. 

Uieiinrdt wna clioacn nt theaecretnry 

Eleven of tlm committee Were pretent. *||itnt <>f Weymouth. 

Mr. Artliur K. Pratt nml Mr. Ituaaull (1. 

comprising two from Ward I, otm from 
>Vart|three from Ward :i, two from Wnrd 

4 nnd three from Wnrd n« follow#: Ltn 

Heorge J. licit, llenry A.llichnrdft, N. !>. p. 

Tlm bride looked radiant nml • linruiiog 
In n ctitlutne of Ja|R»nete crepe over white 

J ut In cn train with trimming of lace nml 
lenrla. A girdle of llotunii pearl# wnt tied 

And <inl<-kl« round the world ’lb brought. 
We ttrasnr'p In a boa it song, 

Ami hear ll after month* *o l»ng. 

t'anterburv, (>eorgo Yl. Ilickmdl, It. .1. nitmt the wnlat nml Imug to the foot of the 
Pierce, John Ford. Heorge F. Mitytinnl, akirt. Him carried llllca of tlm valley. 

Thb country we can travel through 
In half llie lime w< used to do 

There tvnt a very large congregation at 
Trinity church on Rutter Sunday. The 
church and chancel were decorated with 
p..t plants nml llowerr. The font with 
(lower#, plants, amilnx ntid n largo white 
croat; ami tlm prayer-deak, pulpit nnd 
Icctitrn entile In for n ahnre In the aatrte 
decitrntlons. The tervIre# were of 11 very 
IntiTestlng mi I n re nnd full of the spirit of 
Fnst -r. The choir niing apeelal Rutter 
music lit a pleating manner nml Hev. Win. 
Hyde prenched it thoughtful nml tnggestlve 
sermon on "The Iteanrrcction ltmly of 
Chritt." lloly l.'ommunlon tvnt alto nd- 
mlnlaleret! nt which there wnt n large nt- 
teiidnnee. In the afternoon nt 4 o'clock 
tlm Children'# IVttlvnl tvna held nt which 
beautiful Kuater enroll! were antig by tlm 
Nttnday-school: the aupcrlntcndeiit, l . A. 
i'liessuinn, made lilt niimuil report and nn 
millrett 011 tlm "lU-aurrectIon" wnt made 
by tlie rector. Tlm nervier# were mitjdi 
cnl«iyed by lliiw pretent nml many spoke 
in atstfdnl prnite of them. Tlm Knater eol- 
It'd loti amounted to $174.11' ami Hint of 
tlie Hundny-aeliool to aomethlng over SI*. 
It wnt voted Unit the Sunday-aelionl offer¬ 
ing be appropriated for piirebaning new 
IsHika for the Siimtny-ailinnl library* 

1 lie evening s progr iloim- eonal**etl 

Selection by clmlr, r lSiog Happy Bella;" 

Scripture reading by Superintendent. 

Prayer by Hev. Mr. McHonald. 

Selection by clmlr, "O (llorloaa Kaater 

Serb * of aelertlnna by Infant claa# under 
direction of Mr*. 11. It.'Raymond. 

Selection by clmlr. Tell tint Bwegt 

Hccltatinnt by Mia* Abide M. Itogrra 

Ilccitatlon bv Ornce Mnrdni, Gertie 
Litchfield. "Hn Died for Me." 

Kinmt Freneli, Annin llcnrce, "On 
Raster l»«y." 

HeorgU ('nailing, "Hotter Croat nnd 
Ratter lillllea." 

Kmma Hate*, "Ka*t< r Dawn.” 

Choir, "I know (h it my Redeemer llv- 

itetllntlona, Grace Pratt, "llcalgnatlon; 
Susie Litchfield. 

Choir, "Itlng out the In-lit." 

The Inat ntiiirb. r wnt singing, "l orona- 
lion," l»y tlm coiigrcgnt mil followed by tlm 

Pierce, John Ford. George r. Alaynnru, thirl. Him carried tinea 01 me vttuej. 

F. II. rearing II. H. Heed, K. J. Pitcher The aguld of honor tvaa handsomely 
mid T. F. Kelly. attired ill yellow brocaded crepe, foil skill 

Voted on motion of George II. Hlektiell, tvilli train, pearl pjitsnioeiilnrie trimming 
that tiif committee take up tlm niieatlon n# nnd log puffed sieves. Sim curried n 
to the nttmlrnr of lights needed and the limpid of j'<mpilla tletl with 11 
pinring of the same. Nile green llblmii. Tlm hrldesninldt' 

VomhI, OH motion of Henry A. Hleliartla, dreaaes were nil of Nile green brocaded 
that tlio committee from cadi ward, eon- India silk with foil velvet sleeve*. On the 
atitute tlmmtelvc# nt committee# and look front two loop* of big velvet Imw* out- 
Into the ueislt of their rcapedive wards, lined tlm Y-ahaned neck#. Thu aklrls 
at lo the niimlH-r of the light# tffat nre w ere foil and without (mint. They carried 
needed nnd what are lights rnti ho replaced Roquets of Jonquil# tied with yellow ribbon, 
by the incnmletcent, and to report nt a Mis. J. F. Sheppard’# ilrcs* was nbluelsli 
future meeting. gray »ntln bronub d, with white HuclU'Hsc 

Till# rpiettloii wat dlaetitscd for quite a loee tniftllillig. 
while, but tvnt earrle 1 unaillinoiialy. The The dre«*t* were all soiimwhnt of the 
matter of tlm town taking up the electric character of the gowns of the lb tiiiut*nm e 
lighting on Its own responsibility wnt next perlml. 

taken up. nnd talked on for some time, hot Mr. J. Hermann Loud presided nt tl.e 
110 motion tvnt made which would cover organ and rendered Ixdieugrliia Wedding 
tlds point. While eteiiln.illy, the system March, «s the bridal pnrtv entered tin- 
of lighting will In- carried on by tlm town, church nml Mendelssohn's Wedding March 
I* was thought Im**i to do nothing ut this after tlm marring'-. Previous to the cere- 
meeting, hilt It will lie taken up nt the next money he gave the fidlotting select lout: 
meeting. Tlm meeting then iidioiirned Overture, Pm-t nml Peasant, F. Von Suppe; 

Mali-rUI pm*prrlij-. 

i> not ■« great *• eharlty, 

A lot gi< ui Inrenilon* nl 1 rrr. 1 t worth. 
N'icil *l*o love to IiIi-m tlie rartli. 


At the Old North cflnrcli an unusual con¬ 
gregation wnt pretent Raster morning. 
f i'i..7..,.i..i» .. .. t.iiri,..! Iii tlowi-r#. 

So on till* tnnlvrrssij’ day, 

M'r i-oiin logi-ilu-r lalglit and gay. 

Fill ifl*lil|i ami love Joyous wr In log. 

• •ui hearts feel more Ilian wr can •lug- 

Children and grandchildren unite 
tt irli fih 10 I* and kindred In delight. 

May t'irt i Irm- gnt<l wliliniil alloy 
— (toil'* riclirel till •»lng— cmwa your Jos 

W* *11 ti-urh tin tender *tiliig lonlglit, 
lint all «ha!l be w I 1 I 1 joy *•• lirlght. 

W'lial wondrous I line* In whh h lo dwell, 
I'poii lids rarlh we lose *0 well. 

until next Monday afternoon, April 10, nt i Itridnl Hmig. Aibdf Jensen; Allegretto, 
2 o'clock, in tlm Tufts Llhrary building. | Opus (Cl, Vnlkmniiti; In tin- morulug. from 

- — —- I Peer Gynt Hulte, Grieg; Triumphal Mnn-h, 

Young Men’u Socl.l Club. KK.'S'h” j'l’l"'!“I l' 1 "" ... 

Young Men's Social Club. 

* Tlm Young Men's Km ini club of Rust Wey¬ 
mouth which never does tilings by halve*, 
and which liua tlm repululioii of gelling up 

After tin- ceremony carrlukra conveyed 
the parly to tlm residence of the bride's 

and which lius tlm reputation of getting up I ., nr ,. n (* Where u reception was held. Tlm 
tirat-cluss eiitert linmentt nnd soelaliles. was liutidsotiiely decorated with 

placed on record, Monday night nt Odd 
Fellow# Opera House, one nl tlm finest 

palms. Raster lilies, rosea ntid jonquil*. 
Tlm couple were assisted Iii receiving by 

concerts ntid balls llu-y have ever given. ,j |0 j, ;ir ,.„|„ «,f the bride, tlm mother of the 
Promptly nt eight o'clock tlio curtain r l ,M '’| grmitu. tlm Is-st man, the maid of honor 
on the first4ict of the "lloso Ilf La-tile. nml the hrideatimld#. 

which was to Imi given hv lln- Mnritnint A lieuitUful array of present# were in an 
Opera Co., assisted by tlio Siuetu (inlet n.,. M . r room; nod in the dining room, 
tiainl. A large audience. In wlib^i was a c„t,. r c r Wi lier, of llostoti, nod his ussi*. 
tine ulaplay of Raster iH.nm ts, greeted Mr. every utleiitloii to llm want 

Carlo# In his lirst soliliHpiy und solos, llm n,,. ciu si*. 

reninlndcr of llm east wua J. C. Ilarlb-ll. ___ _ 

11. !*• Cornell. I«on F. Urine, Mtron ( Inrke, iimtom HiirTrnu/nRiN 

Mis# Lucille Mim Sheppard unit Miss Rdltli LINTON BUTTtltWOH In. 


of Mr. Leon K.-ueh. For two hours und Mi*a Loretta P. Union Wedded to Mr. 
twenty minutes, this aide corps of artists Gilbert P. Bulterworth of Cincinnati, 
vied with each other, in uiuking tlie In st , Ohio, in Trimly Church* Weymouth, 
imsailil*- pn-sentutioii of tlm plays but , , , . u . , , 

while all succeeded In winning much a|»- ; «»«' " c.l.i. sdny afierins.ii ut 2.J0 » • •»• k. 

pluuse, Miss Hheiquird, us iiaual, Imre | ‘‘Very pretty wedding occurred In Irluity 

Pariah Meeting at Iho Union Church, 
South Weymonlh. 

Tlm iiuiiiihI parish meeting of tlie I'nlon 
Congregational noddy was held in the 
vestry of that church last Tiii-silny even¬ 
ing. There was u very good attendance. 
It took more tlmo than usual to transact 
the business, (not Ik-i-ausc of the amount.) 
a* those who were properly i-leeted dc- 
c-llm-d to serve. Tills wnt particularly ao 
w lien the assessors were la-lug balloted for, 
it taking eleven IwillotN to choose tlm nec¬ 
essary three Otilcers. It tmik three buHot.t 
to choose a clerk for tlm ensuing yenr. 

lamia A. Cmik wnt chosen moderator. 

Tlm re|Hirt of 1 lie treasurer, and the trus¬ 
tees of tin- Cobb fund were read and 
accepted. After Imlloting eleven times, 

J. A. Fogg, II. H. Reed ami K. It. Downs 
were dioaen ns tlm assessor*. J. F. Hunt 
was elected clerk and Walter L. 
Hates, treasurer and collector. For ainli* 

'tors, Loin- A. Cook and Geo. R. ltei-d. 

Rdword H. Ncviii was eho«en Pi till tin* 
vacancy In tlm Imnrd of trustees of tlm 
Cobb fond, neenaloimd by the dentil of J. 

K. Fogg. Tlie question of tlio support of 

tin- gospel ministry was next taken up and 
i*. was voted. That tlm society raise and 
appropriate tlm sum of for that pur¬ 

pose, mid that till# stun be raised by sub¬ 
scription and that tin- seats be free. Tln- 
liicetilig was then adjourned. 

Tim pulpit w as entirely hurled III (lower*, 
ImiiIi plants Iii |ni|s and cut flower# in 
vases, tin- whole Hoiking n Hue display. 

The iiiuslml feature* were: aolo by Mis* 
Mary Ktoddard, "Christ Hlaen;" "I know 
iiiv Redeemer Lives." by male quartette; 
anthem, "Thanks 1st to God" and Phillips 
Brooks' Ratter lij mil, "Toinli Thnll Shalt 
not Hold Him la»ngi-r," by the Old North 
choir, under the careful leadership of Mr. 
R. W. Arnold. 

I The pastor, from amidst the bower of 
' (lower*, spoke earnest words from the text 
| I Cor. xv ;2<t, "Now la Christ risen from tlm 
dead and become tlm lira! fruit* of them 
Hint slept;" tlm principal thought urged 
In lug tlm! Christ Is the tlr*t of a glorloil# 
harvest which Is tulmgAriu-ted by Almighty 
{ Hod, mid Hint Raster Hay is a summons to 
I all men In priquiro for a share In that linr- 
! vest, by ladieviiig In the tl*<-n Christ nml 
' devoting themselves to Ilia service. 


Owing to aervices In lug held In the vea- 
trv no attempt wna made toward clnlmrntn 
decoration. Tlm service# were appropri¬ 
ate to Easter, the fmalur, Hev. Daniel 
Kvniit, preaching 11 \ery able ai-rnion on 
"The Eternal Life " Tim usual Strong 
choir, under the direction of Mr. T. II. 
Rmerson, mid assisted by .Me. C. If. New- 
ton of North Weymouth, gave the follow- 
lug selections • 

"Now la Christ Risen,'' Nichols, chorus 
by full clmlr with aolo by Mrs. T. If. 
Rmerson. ■ . 

Mrs. H. K. laivell sang nil Raster Carol. 

"Christ Is Itlsi- 11 ," by Mist Annie F. 
Loud; for a closing number the choir gave 
"Tlm Strife Is O'er, by Mendelssohn 
adapted by Dudley Buck. 

At the V I*. K. C. K. service nt d o'clock, 
"Raster and Its la-asoris" was tlm subject. 

At 7 o'clock tin- pastor, after a snort 
prniao *< n ice, gave mi address on "Tim¬ 
othy nml Ids Bible," urging upon all a 
more earnest mid thorough study of tlio 

i.w.y t'h. <if ill., omialim. At tin- j .•l | i' r ' l'. \V.-v"""itli. tti"B 

close of the concert iiiaiiy of tlm audience I Iwlug Miss lairettu I . Linton, daughter of | 
left, but uiore of tlu-in crowded thctuawlvea Mr. Augustus A. IJ 11 ton, of \» eyiiiouth 
into the ante-room mill atairwaya whllej M, "I Mr- Ullliertl .Ilulterworth i»fLlm , lii- 
chair* were being removed and tlm tbrnr nntl, Ohio. Tlm Li.lsc.pul service was *»f | 
prepared for tlm dance in which many were I course used and the ceremony was per- , 

prepared f.»r the dance in which many were 
Impatient to Join. At 11 o'clock, T. F. 
Kgmi, tlmir director, with Miss Maria Me 
Hugh of Wohiirn, exquisitely uttirnl ill. 

formed by Hev. William Hyde, rector of 
the ehiir.-h. 

The bride looked very lovely and was 

white satin, with gold trimming* mid while beautifully gowned in while corded silk, 
chrysanthemum*, started tlm grand march. I V 1 .'.. ,,n * n - and carried liridul roses mid 
Mr. Rguu’a aHNiatunts were J. W. Klaltery 1 HIIjea of tlm valley. 

and 5L F. Greurey witli tin-following aids: 1 he bridesmaids were Ml** Arriu \> . 

M. F. Donovan, T. II. Lynch. M. J. Allen nf Mevmonth, who was attired in 
Killotiry, J. J. Hanley, T. F. Burke, J. C. I“'b- blue silk and curried pink roses and 
Ashton. \V. J. Ileffroii, I). K. Whelan. K. Mis* Ruth W . Bulterworth of (I mjin mil 1 1, 

J. McGrath. M. J. Lyirnh, J. F. Fetiiielli slater of tho ffrmun, who wore pink silk 
0. II. Smith. The occasion was n decidedly 

dressy one and mnonir the many attractive .Tliegroomsmen were Mr/I .1 hllip \y ulker 

dressy 01 m and mining the many attractive I The groomsmen were Mr.T.Philip Walker 
costume# were Mias IJxzle Hluck. white 1 «f ( jueinuati and Mr. Henry A. Linton, 
silk and |M.iut lace; Miss Mary Hentmtaee. brother of the bride. 

Nile green ailk and |H»lnt lace; Mist Lizzie ; Kim bridal party made a lovely Picture 
Hullivan, white evening guuze over wlilte ! at it moved up tlm centre aisle, headed bv 
ailk with pearl trimming*; Mist Clara 1 *|"' uabers, Russell It. \\ orater, \\ llllam H. 
Boyle. Imlithrope Imisdow ii ami eliiffon (owing, John 11. Guttersoii and W l Ham 
triiuiuings; Miss Bertlui Yorbur of Boston, B. Ifollls, lo lln- atraili* «<f the W edding 
red crepe decheue; Mi*s Annie J. White, march play.-d by Mr. Lewi* K. lilden, 
white silk, chiffon trimmings; Mis* Mary wj]** preaidisl nt the organ. 

Downs, white silk; Mi»a Clara McGrevey, The elm rob was very tinely decorated 

with pearl trimming*; MU* Cluru . » ushers, Russell It. Worster, N' iNbuii H- 
le. hellthroiH- Imisdowu and cldlfon Lowing, John 11. Guttersoii mid W 1 Ham 
lining#; Miss fb-rtlm Yorbur of Ibwton, B Hollis, to tlm strain* of tin- W edding 
creiie decheue; Miss Annie J. White, march played by Mr. Lewi* K. lilden, 

pink ailk; Mias Hannah McGrath, black with great banks of potted plants and ll- 
-*«- —• -—.— •—*-.— 1 *-ra which added much to tlm lieauiy of the 

ailk, mid uiuny 

Harvey Blunt, of Buatnn waa caterer The bride wa* given uw ay by her father 

and tlm siipimr, like everything elae con- and after the ceremony, which was very 
iicclcd with the oci-aaion was exceplloiially touching, a reception for the Immediate 

line/ A# tlm gray tuista of the morning friend* of the family was held at tlm home 
rolled away tlm party diaimraed to tlo-ir of tlm bride's parents on Hummer street, 
several lioiima bearing as souvenirs of the «•"- happv eoiiplo left on the 4.1H train 

occasion Urn Iwautifui order of dunce# uud «" Boaton mid theiice to New York by way 

liup|>y m-ollectiona of a pleasant night. 

Gymnasium Lecture. 

Tlm People's liislilute is aUmt to in- n*.i_ n . 

auvur»t, 1 ., .rrli*. t.f ^ii.ul.r l.-. tur.-. 8,leclm«n , DBIng,. 

tutw hull, .ytmiiulaiit „r tl.u In. lui|».rl«m-« tran- 

.titul” wlilrli luut u ...llntf nipiu ily ul M««l l'.< l«*nt "I "< 

ul.u.t two l, Tl.r,; Ir. iiin. r "«" "JJ. » "• " j 

will 1 m given on.iu-foMlvii FrM.y ovi-ning. ”*i*PI»'*»pi'(l «»;-l«l ll'l'wr .’tlli. r. u'ul 

lM-g1iniitiit A|.r11 11 tlutil tlio »uri>*. I. roui- -"I" ' " ' "' "" 1 “ " lr " 1 '■ »l"l l.'llt u( 

A iN.iuilur i»i™ ll... .. IU..I 

fur tlii'M lur-ttiru., i. ii n uu. jn.l ... »l" i'U'" tu«n mi-Hug ••IJuiiri.uil tliruu 

In Mi'ttru lliu rlglit Mirl ui uu auiliuii(-u mi.l 'A--'*''d" A il , -ligiit | ii|i|ul,rltirrii* Iruiii 
tu ml .iiiui'tliiuu lu—nn) llm .ii|i|nirt uf [ , M u) iimiiUi. lumiluil liy W tUmul .1. 

of the Fall Illver line. T4mv will speiul 
tlo-ir lioneyuitMdi aoulli, vi*tting Philudel- 
idiiu, Baltimore mid Washington ami will 
Imj at home in t'iiicinniiti, Ohio, April IH. 

Sunlight Party of Iho Hawthorn Club of 
South Weymouth. 

This winter n Serlv* of sunlight purlieu 
lias been liuiagiirutc.l by the Haw tborn 
Club of Sunlit Weymouth, mid all of tlo-se 
parties have been very successful, especi¬ 
ally so wus Hint of February 22.1, when 
over 810 was netted. 

Another of tln-se parties was given by 
tlds . lull in (bid Fellow# Hall yester.luy 
afternoon and evening. 

Purthswerc In attendance from nearly 
ail of tin- surrounding towns, mid nil en¬ 
joyed a very pleasant time as they always 
nave when they coiue to a party lu this 

The floor was in charge of K. F. Dnlde, 
assisted by R. II. Dohle, II. C. Seats, L. J. 
Breiitien ami Rlliert Fold. 

Music wna furnished liv Tmigb-y's orches¬ 
tra of Itocklmid consisting of four ph-ci*. 

Among those present were the followlug: 
Misses Alice Huyiuniid, Helen Bass, Rra 
Willis, C. faiulse Wor-ter, fb tli II. Beal*, 
Bertha Walker, Clara limit, May Bradford, 
Florence Haves. Annie Fltlin, Roth ('iisli- 
ing. Lena Ktoddard, Alice Lufmi, Louise 
I ..foil, Iteiiw Hluiicliurd, Kiltie Yllison, Lina 
Poole, Kudin RID, Florence Gurney, Ruth 
Wbiting, Je#«le Ib-nliam, luitlb* Jtnrr«*ll, 
Myra Daimm, Allie Uoliait, Almlo CiisIi- 
lug, Fannie Voting, R\a Arnobl, Grace W. 
Jov, Abide R. Cushing, Lolllo K lluk. r, 
Addle L-iml. Minnie Bales, Mr*. Rtlo-I F. 
Dolde. Mr*. J.ihii Kelly, ami Messrs. Rlln-I 
F. Didile, R. Howard Ib-lclmr, If. C. Keats, 
laiwrence J. Ilreiiiien. Harry F. Raymond, 

I. -aiis l.afoii, Kieveii Holbrook. Rimer W. 
Thayer, Joseph Greenwood, Rlla-rt Ford, 
Nelnoii Gay, llenry W. Cook, Max Power#, 
W. Thayer, Rlim rKm ll, F. McCarter, Fred 
M. Clark, Cliarb # P. Tucker, Rimer Alex¬ 
ander, Percy Minin, F. Holbrook, II. W. 
Raymond, li. Nye. C. N. Tirrell. I.. Mitch¬ 
ell' II. F. Poole, W. Ilretim-ti, R. Rr.-uiieii, 
Joiill Kelly, J. It. Harlow A. F. Merrill, 
Alvin Reed, llarvey Reed, Herbert A. 

II. its and many others. 

There were over eighty couple on tlm 
floor, and the only regret is that it was u«t 
held ill tin- Opera House. 

Raster Sunday wilt oliaerved at tlm Old 
Noiith church last Sunday morning and 
evening. There was a very large nUetiil- 
mice. The dec rations, consisting of pot¬ 
ted plants, Kit. r lilies and foliage plmits, 
were used wit hi'iititifii! effect, tlm new 
clmlr gallery gu log opportunity for a mom 
extended arrangement than ever before. 
Special music was furnished by the choir, 
which wits assisted by Miss Kllu M. 
llissi'll. The selections were as follows: 
choir, Lift your glad Voice*, Kim-raon; 
Magnify and praise Him; aolo, Mia* L. M. 
Pratt, Raster Dawn, Woodman; aolo* by 
Miss Kiln M, llissell, Tlm Tomb Oin-in-d 
ami Mary's Lament, Trowbridge, nnd The 
Angel’s Message, u recent ami very beauti¬ 
ful composition bv tlm former organist. 
Miss Annie K. l/iud. The sermon preached 
by the pastor was Tim Power of Ills Resur- 
rcctluii, from Phil, ill, 10. The Sunday- 
school concert at <> o'clock was in churgo of 
tint superintendent, Geo. C. Torn-y mid 
Miss Ifeloii L. Rockwood. A very attrac¬ 
tive programme of reritutioii* and songs 
by the school, assisted by tlm choir, w as 
given to a very gissl audience. Tlm purl# 
were all very well tukeii. 


M. K. • in in ii, i.ovki.i. s roll si: it. 

There was a very large alteiidmu-o at the 
I'nlon church. Raster Sunday morning. 

1 The ilorul display was mure beautiful tbun 
I ever In-fore. It was lust green mid white. 

There were palm*, iM-uutifnl fern plants, 

I stately callus, and, scattered everywhere, 
i on tin- pulpit, ut tlm right uf it, and at tlm 
I left of il, were dozens of Raster lilies. 

! Thanks are due to Miss Mary A. Fogg and 
| Iter class for tlmir efforts to make tlm dec- 
1 orations what they were. Rc*. Mr. Clancy 
preached u most excellent sermon appro¬ 
priate to tin- day from 1 Cor. xv, 20. In 
tin- evening tlm mitiiiiil Raster concert was 
ui veil by member* of lli« Kmuluy-uchnol. 
The paita were nearly all taken by mew- 
by is of llm M-liool amt were very well ren¬ 
dered. Tlm »|M-«ial music w as enjoyed by- 
all. Thu choir gave two selections and a 
quartette composed of Misses Hunt und 
Parker and N. F. mid K. A. Vlnltig,assisted 
by llm school, sang a beautiful selection 
entitled Ring Merry Bella, with a soprano 
solo by Miss Hunt. A trio was sung by 
three iittle girls with no accouiiwniiuent. 
r Mrs. Clancy sang a solo entitled. Day of 
I Days. Urn-of tlm s|teciul feature# of the 
concert was the exercise >jf the Infant clu-s. 

' Mis* fb-rtha Burrell read u very la-uiitifiil 
' selection entitled Ring Raster Ih-lls. Tlm 
| su -•-• ss ef tills concert was due to tlie uutlr- 
mg i (Toils of Mr*. A. O. Crawford. 

1-n.uiitM ciinu ii, south vvnvmoutu. 

tlm luatitute hnaldca furniahlng a ph-uxunt Dobhar, secretary of the WHuiultb-e on 
evening of futertaiuuifiit uud Instruction, •'‘••"rclng the liquor law. upm-and before 
Tim o|H*uing lecture will l»- given next »bo ls.urd to urge Urn iuinimllate uppolni- 

Churcli XoilfeM. 

Friday evening. April 14, by Rev. B. F. "J V'’ 1 ''., r " U \ '" irr > '"‘V 

jr,, lu| f * 1 J town at tlm March meeting. 1 lie prim .pal 

*|ieukcr* of tlit- delegation were Mr. Dun- 

--- bar, (’. II. Pralt, mid John 'V. Bate*. 

Tilt nrnni r*C PnillMII These gentlemen were subjected lo sl-Vl-re 

I lit rCUTLC 0 LULUItIiv cro»» •im-*tiouiiig oil the purl Ol some mem- 

, n • , ..TTi.i , , lier# i<f the board. Tin matter w as further 

Dm-.cMuiiiii under (lilt till* will la- jlirli lo Ike I I,, tl,,. 


y rrspuiwitiiliiylurUa- o|ilui«u> la-re expressed. prolmlde town meeting ut uii early day, 
— w hen the matter of raising uud uppropriat- 

Reply to Mr. Thayer. mg money for salary of *uperiuieiiilent of 

• . ,, street*, uu ui'tioii wa* taken toward tin- 

• ink kimou or tiik Gajucttk: employ inent of aucli otll< < r». 

Tlir , 1 -Muiuii under till* title Mill In- gib 
people lor u tu-e ili». uolnu of any uu 1 ull 
ilie iuan*i(rini in ol iho |<*|ht dMiix-tly 
Ml/ rrspoiultdllly lor Die opiuiotn hero evp 

Reply to Mr. Theyer. 

T«» THU KlUloll or tiik Gaxkitk 

I lu g your indulgence fora liitle *|»are, 

u comuiuiilcatiuu from Mr. Frank D. 
Thayer, iiublUliiMl in tlie Gazette of Murcli 
31. Mr. J'liayer *a>a "tlm #tateineiit that 
the member* were not provided with run- 


Dedham, Mas*.. March -JO. Hot 

Tim Norfolk Grmid Jury caiim in ut 

nlng rani* la untrue." As uiy luformant Dedhaui Inst Monday, fur tlm nuiuut Hon 

In tld* mutter w u« mii old uud prominent 

mem In r of tlm depmtiueiil, I e«>u*ideri d The juror* drawn for the term and the 

that Id* stMlriiicnt was iierfeitly uuilieiitic 

p'-iiiug with the coming i•■rm. are 

und I think uii impmtial inquiry will ml*- j "* follows George A- Adams, Need bum; 
xtuntiute tin- bieiiiuii n word. Mr. Thayer I Byron Alla-e, Medwsv: llenry A Bailey, 
further *tutea that I wanted the town to j Weymouth: Aumu \V. Baker, Didbuiii; 
p’lKe a bell on my bouse uml uiaiutulii It I Rvbeit Bird, t'auloii: John A. Bowmuu, 

Mission II.vT.i. (lias! Weyuioulli), Tlm 
Hidimss t’oiivirntioii will ledd service* 
morning;afternoon ami evening. 

/.lo#'* IIii.i. t’ui in ii, (Rust Weymouth) 
- William A. Burch, pastor of tie- Whit¬ 
man chun h. w ill prcuch Kiinduy April 
Hervlces ut 11 il. in, 2 p. IU., li.:m p lu. 

Mrruv»i>isr Ei i*« opal Chi iu ii (Rust 
Weyuioulli), Rev. <1. II. McDonald, pastor. 
Preaching ut l<» .m a. iu.; Hnuday-aeliool 
at 12 in.. Kpu’orth League ll.ui p. iu; 
evening sort ice at 7. 

Church ok I hmai i-i.atr Concrktion 
(R u*t Weymonlh)— Rev. Fr. Ib-gley, pastor. 
High Mas# at IU :*l a. in.; Suiiduy acliuol 
ut 2.JU p. ui.; Vesper# 7.4.1 p. in. 

Tkhkkkanir 11 ai. i., (R.ut Weymouth)— 
Gospel TempurAiica nmi-iing ut n/to p. iu. 

i’oMTKR M. R. t’llCUl'II (f ,oV ell'n Corucr) 
ftev. PL R. I'll,Hips, pastor. Sunday-ai biHil 
ut 12.4-1 1 >. iu.; preaching ut 2 p iu.; Rp- 
w otth lu-ugue U.UI p. iii, cvciiiiigBcn ice at 
7 p m. If 

I'niiviiivn Ciii hi ii (Ea*t Weyuioulli.)- 
Rev*. W. K. Key, pastor. Preaching ut 3,«W; 
evening aervice Ut 7 p. III. 

(UiNOMRUATIONAt t'llUlicil (ICsst Wey- 

I.iihI Hunday afternoon ut 2.."4> a apedul 
I Raster service was held in tlm Pilgrim 
1 Congregational church. The platform and 
! front of the church was arrayed with How- 
| era which tlie Indies secured for tlie occa¬ 
sion. Tlio pastor, Rev. Allan It. Hudson, 
gave a special Raster sermon taking for Ida 
subject, Tlm Resurrection of Christ the 
I uio*i lm|Mitl*ut event iu Human History. 

There was *|ieclul music Ixith liy till' choir 
| and quartette. Tlio following wu# tlm inti- 
I Moil programme; Organ voluntary, It. P*. 
| Raymond: motet. Hullidiij.ili, Christ Is 
i Risen, choir; solo, PLister Dawn, Miss 
I Oeorglc Kluiw-; qiiurtette, Christ Our Pass- 
over, Mi-s Shaw, Mrs. Walker, C. II. New- 
I tmi, A. J. Kblellliger; liy mu, TllO Kepulrhre 
i oil Huhhuth Morning, choir and cougrcgu- 
j tiou: untlieiii, ltisi ii from the Dead, clmlr; 
I posthole, It. I-'. Rayumud. 


Tim f-Lister aer vices at I’nlon church 
acn- very Interesting and were attended 
by large audiences, Tin- special music hy 
i ilie i burcli quartette was exceptionally 
j llm'. These were among the oeli-Ctiuua; 
> Morning service, anthem, Now ia Christ 
j Risen. Warren; duet, soiiruno and alto, 
Tills is the,D*y of Joy ami Gladneas. Ros¬ 
sini; Rarilone solo, Christ tlie laird is 

Risen, Itlsclioff; iinurtefte,The Magdalene, I 
G. W. Wiirn n. Rveiiing service, until* m. 

ul tlio town's rxiH-nse. Till* Is iiuqiiuli- KhuroU; Joseph l>. llrudford, Braintree; 
fledly fii'#« uud i* ill keeping wltli uuiiier- Churle# U . t'lisse, Wreiitli im, Jsiue# O. 
oil# Ollier wild aluieuiciiis inude by Mr. f'hllaoii. Franklin; Henry (ksik. Ih-litug- 
Tiiuyer in this connection. Tlie facts are, bum; Mi ••bail Fitz|iatrlck, Ktoiiuhtoii: 
that win -ii llm towu tins Ily uwurded the Cbarlc# 11. Fniicli, M"ll*r.-oU IMward 
contract fur building tha fire alarm »y#b-ui Gb-immi, tjuliicv ; Janus F. Irwin. Welle#- 
to the Gauicwcll Company, that the rej<r<-- Icy ; Peter II. Jnj«, WuI|miIc; Janies F 
xetiiativu of (but compuuy, not tlm Ion*- l-eonard. Foxlmro; C. Willi* Mor»«-, Nor¬ 
man who wa# sent out lu re lo utti ml to the|, Francis J Noah. llriMiklme; J. 

mouth). — Ilav. Daniel Rians, pastor. 
Pieai-bing ul !•»;■•» a. iii. Huiiduy-scbonl 
12 ny. Y. P H. IL K at •!.«> p. lu. ' Even- 

iutfidiug of the ■> stem, offered to place in I'*<»uk Pojie. Millou 

mjr bouse ll tuplH-r, not u In II us Mr. t'olnuaelt; John A. tjuiucy, Mtsllirid i 
Thayer pul# il, free from any exiiens- to Adpulram Kmiili, Rmniulpli, uud George 
ihetowu. Thai I* tlm whob- mailer of tlie R. Whiling, Hyde Park, 
tupper lu a uulkbell. The statement# puli- Tlm traverse Jurors for tin- < itiuluul l< rm 
liabed relutivt to the N'. itli Weymoiilli of the Norfolk KujMirlor court, w liieh oim-u# 

Thay er pul# il, free from any cxiieu*c to Adpulram Kmiili, Ruudolph, aud (fcorge 
the towu. Thai Is tlie whole mailer of the Whiting, Hyde Park. 

fire came to urn in the ordinary cour*« of IHidliaiu on Mouday morniug. April 10, 
eveut*. that I* to suy that the dlizeii* were us follow# Atlliur W. Abb li. R iu 

dlscunaing the mailer ut the ntuliou and on dolph; Nathan Appleton, Ktoiiglitoii, Kilt 
tin-cars uml the urticlu wu* aiuiply the i Baoon, Dover; Cytu* If. Bales, C«ihaa*e., 
rcflei'Uuu oftlieir View*. George W. Beale, CohitOMlt; Addison II 

The aduiiaaion of Mr. Thayer that he Beleuer, Weyuioulli; A/- I l\ Billings, 
was iiutriimeiital iu pn \eutiug tlm placing Canton; Hampel Bird, Wal|s>le; PLIuiuud 
of a tap in r iu my lioiiae, D, to *ay the M Blukc. Wr-nthaui: l.-»nr \\ Blood, 
b-wat refrealdiig, iu view of llm fact that he Medlleld . P rank I, Billiard. Wrllealcy . 

slated to me llmt it was the Taiilt ol the lire i I-uman It. Cuuin, Bellingham. IL-my i„ 

Ai I cuunot uu- t Mr. Thayer on Ida own Ktouglilon ; Vualiu F. Curl* r, fltde Park 

l« vel w lien lm ao (ar 
r-sort to laiffiN'U'-iy 

V himself U* Pi I George .1 Cuiilton, Needham. Cliarl. »G. 
ilwi kguaidistil. I Cb i«e, llr<H.Uine, J Wari- u Clark, Milli*; 

In comps-lied to lei Ibe ri-maluder o id* It ("ark, Milli* : humm r II t lark. 

b Her |iaa# fur w li it it I# Worth. 

Ka»! Wkthoi hi, April iwtM. 

W. M. Marj>kx. 

Mi*a TiireJl ba* a wry great range u* u 
dramatic reader. Her graceful preaeittu- 

Medway; Daniil Coubin. llidliaiu, 

G. Crlj»|». Wellesley; Howard \. ( n *«■ 
mall, N< talliaiu, John C. Currier, N<-i wood . 

H. Kvcret l ushing Wey mouth Caleb 8. 
Dalton. Hliuioii. William |»oyb , Avon; 
Ariel 11. I Iraki-, B<-llingliam ; p're<|. ri-k If. 
P'owler, Wi»l|N»le. Lerov J 4 pi. n.ii, Hyde 

Mi*. Tlr,ull l, u l.r,IU*u> Idubl Ull bu, ‘'u*". 1 '.''",‘ 

U..1U.1U. mu,I. „liuirud.-gulot-J JES/jt. . wVn'uu.'c 

Children Ory for | Children Cry for 

Pitohor'a Oaatoria. | Ritohsr’s Caatorla. 

lug ftervlce ut 7 p in. Kpecial sermon to 
young eoiiv erl* Kubjecl, “Julio, tint Inwxiiu 
friend of i |iri*t." 

Ut.u NorthChuiutK Wry moiillilfeiglitn.) 
Rev.*Robert It. Keit<lail, pastor. Preuel - 
tug service ul In .»• a. tu. Itev. A. II. 
WIiccUn k of llingliam w ill preach in e\- 
cliange willi tlie lu-lor. Kuinlay sell n>I at 
ISn I I' B • I' 6.90p ol . villi pp 
tor's Mildrcs* <>u Pilgrim Progress Kul-Ject, 
"Clirkstiuii ut Vunity Fair." Strangers, 
pew-tiomeru and all are invited lu atli-mi 
these M-i' ices. 

I rish v Chi iu m (Weymouth). Rev. Wil¬ 
liam llydr, rech»r. Her vice with aetmou 
next Kuuday at It) UU u. lit. Kiildeet, "The 
Reaurrectiun Bmly of Man, 1 ' Kuu.luy- 
m hool after tlie morning ai-r'he. 

Uri' Cueutii (WeyiuoitUi.)— 
Rev. ll. p'. Platon, pastor. Preucliltig ul 
In *i a. in. R< v I. PL I'ea <- of Ahiugloii 
will preacii in si Sunday . Hu ml a v school ut 
12 m . Y P. 8 !'. PL ut b.:*i p. in. 

Pn|\ RMsAl.laTCmiU'H(Norlb Weymoiilli) 
Rev. ll F. K it >n, pastor. Preacliiug at 2..IU 
p. iu. Rav. 1. IL IV i*e will preacii next 
Kamluv . Hunday « h ml at Ida p. m , Y . 

p. c. r. at 7.«*i p. iu. 

Ot.n Hoi ui ( inm u (Kouth Weymouth) 
Rev. II. ('- Alvoid, pastor. Public "<u 
ship at lit :n, with preaching by tin- pastor. 
Hiihdiiy-u liotd ut 114.1; Junior S<m iety ai 
3.3W; V. P. K. C. f-L ut 7. 

Cm in ii «>K tiik Haiiuui Hrart (Wry- 
luoullii -Rw. J. J. Murphy, pastor. Moss 
at t‘.U) a. in. Sunday-*• IonJ 2 ■» i*. iu. 

First Rakiui Ciiiuim (W< »ui-»utb). 
Rev. Wesley 1.. HuillAi, |>a*tor.- Preaching 
ut lU.JUa. in.; Haudav-schooi at l.'oi tu., 
P K. C K alii Mii. iii ; social service 
ut Ail uie < otdiully iuvitod. 

Cmuri-ii <•* i'mrut, l sivKusAi.iai (Kuulh 
Weyuioulh) Rev. I,. W. Atwood, pastor. 
Pn-achiug M-rrlc*- lu.;u a. ui ; Sjuday- 
achuof Ml cIiiac of m->iuiug service; Young 
People's lutuliUg at 7. All are lordially 
Welc-'lue. tf • 

Prion ('aikutautTiuiAlCuurg, (Koutb 
Wcymonth) Rev. Jud*-<u You Clancy. 
|mstor. Preaelilug at tu .m a. m.. Kninlay 
a<i bool iiuuicdiatefy- after morning serviut. 
Y. 1*. 8. f. R , 0 p. ui , ewuiug service 
7 p ui 

Cui ri li ojr Hr. Pra*i is Xav uu (Koutb 
Wryiuoutli) -Rev. J. J. Murphy, pastor 
Mass at lo.klu. n* 

M I. Chvr«h, (Faaxi ltraiutier).—Rev. 
M W. 1: e< e. pastor. Pr. .oiling at 1U.3M 
a. m ; 8ninlay'school at 12 m.; evening 
aervice ul 7 p m. 

Fniox Chuw u (Wcyaioutb and Braiu 
tree) lU v. Oliver flock' I, pastor. K- r*ices 
with hiiuuu at 1U.:«> and 7 -■>. buuduy- 
ac-booi ut uoou; Cbristiuu Rnd< av oi at ti.. 0- 
A cordial wilcoiuc to all tlu-aa aervirra. 

i lirist is Risen, Dudley Ruck; contralto 
■ solo, Tin- Resurrection, Ho lley ; tenor aolo 
und quartette, 11 vuu. of Faith, Rrtu-kcll; 

! carol, Raster Time, G. W. GiNsirn Ii. Tlie 
I decorullona were cliastu und Uistufdl, con- 
l stating tinisilv of an urrungeiuunt of Raster 
IBiea and w Idle roses around tlm words Iii , 
i early Rugli*li text; "Clirist ia Itiai-u." < 
i The )iH»lor, Rev. Mr. Iluckd, preached iu 
| llm morning "ll Tlm Miracle of Miracles, 
trout tin- word*, "Tlm ridm# of tlm glory of i 
tlm mv-tcry which l» Christ in you tlm 
ImjN-of glory;" and iu the L-vetiing uu Tim 
J Divine C'lcle of u Faithful Life from the I 
' word", "1 culim forth from llm Failn-r uud 
! am eouielulo tlm world ; aguiu I leave the I 
i "orid mid go unto tlie Father.*' Tb<- | 
I Cbristiuu Rndt-avon-r# also lu Id a spi-nul : 
! Raster aervice. 

I Nl' Kits A I.IsT I III IU II, 'V KYMolIH. 

At llte Pul vara# list church Ksaler w-u* I 
made the iK-ei siou of very Impressive si r- . 
'Ices. AtlOLOu iii. the pastor prcaclmd 
oil IJvlug tin lllgtmr Life from Col. ill, 1. I 
"If ye be risen willi Christ seek those | 
lldiigs which are above." Tin following, 
UHiaidtl seicclioiis were admirably reti- 
dert-d by llm church clmlr: Kisier liyiiin, 
Welcome Happy .Morulug, hulll'aii; mi- i 
tin in, Tlds is llm Day, (''Mike; l.ifl your 
giad Mice* iu Triumph; Christ tlm Bird is 
Risen Today. Tlm *er\ Ice clos' d with Iho 
H'l III illi-I I ut loll of (lie Lout's Slipper. Tlm 
Kuuday sclioul inrl at 12 o’ulta k and • ott- 
sid'-rod (lie siibjei l of tlm Resurrect toil. 
Tin- V I' 8.C R. no I nl liJil) p. in. uud con- 
aid'red the subject of List r. At 7 '41 pm. 1 
uu Rosier coucerl exercise was lim-ly ren- 
d red by I be II" Ull r* of tlie Km.. I IV- I 
*< IiimiI. Very large cougregRtiou* attend- I 
• d tlm aervicis I-'ll. morning aud evening. 

Mira. IVrinc/fa Saxton 
* Tarnurs Fall*, Mas*. 

Alarm From Bex 51. 

An alarm was rung lu from !k>x 32, at 
nlioiit 10 o'clock Monday morning, hr one 
•if the employes at the factory of If. It. 
Reed A Co., Koutb Weymouth, for a blaze 
that l«M>krd for a few moments very aerlou*. 
Tlm firemen responded very quickly, but 
Were not needed, ns tlm fire waa ex¬ 
tinguished Just as the apparatus arrived. 

A large can of 1 -rraent which waa being 
used on the second lloor, lielng (imi 
near a lighted lamp, took tire. Otm of tlm 
employes was using a lamp for drying pur¬ 
pose*. when another employe wishing to 
use the cement, nnd not knowing that the 
lamp wan burning, begun pouring tlm 
cement from the can wlo-n It caught fire 
and made quite n blaze. 

fly quick work on the part of the men in 
tlio room, the Muring can wa# thrown Into 
the IihII-wnv below nml from there Into tlm 
yowl, fly tld# quick action a aerlou* con¬ 
flagration was averted. There w#a no lo** 
with the exception of the can of cement 
which wa* destroyed. 

American, Scotch and Swedish American tad Italian 

Monuments, Head-stones * Tablets. MAn ”^ 


Bal Matque. 

Laat Friday night, Odd Fellow’s Opera 
house gathered within it* wall* one of the 
most varied pugenntrh-* It ha* ever hold* 
Tim occasion wa# the 21st bul tn**qtie 
of Delphi lodge. No. 13, K. off*. It hn* 
liet-n the custom In itravloua years for tills 
lodge to precede It* tmi mosque with a con¬ 
cert, hilt till* year tlm concert was omitted 
nnd only tin- um«|ticrado held. A good 
number were In Httandnnce, and an the 
grand inarch ptoereded around tlie hall, 
under the direction of If. A. Davtn. man¬ 
ager, It presented # scene novel and Inter¬ 
esting. There wa*. however, n marked 
absence of the personation of trndrn, Ills- 
torio events, and character*. The music 
wa# by ItlchnrdHon'* orchestra, nnd tlm 
order of dnnee# wna of the usual variety 
nnd Interest. Tlm supper was by II. (1. 
Heller, caterer, and embraced the following 

A la-lter select Inn can b « made from nor Block than from photographs, as I have n l.nrf/e Stork to erlrct f)rom, and work selected 
from tld* St.* k 4'nw be Lrllrrrff aiaatfl Net IIb Hr Tore Decoration Day. 

I employ no agents, consequently eon quote the , 



Bliap and Wnroroom* near Weymoiilli Depot, Ei »t B raintree. 

JOHN KSZaX.lT7, P. O. Addreee, Weymoutli, SCwea 


(Tout IIbm «t Im* amMr Oil# h*«d. anty *S fret# *#*h I ■■ 

Rirrllnr I r*. If >i ir* III r I Or Counl rlgl.l wnnlg lo • lln* j | fa 

I NOB MAI.R. A nnsnllly ol »Inrh. T-Incl. 

" nml S lii'-ti luriuri' iii|ie* lor raevey lug hot air, 
wItli ilirre rvgbtrr*; all Iii AI roialMion: cheap. 
A 111 .lv »i oltlra of VVKYIKiBTII AND uhain-. 
TltKK pun. t o.. Wcynonlh. >!*••. g 

Heller, caterer, and emhrnced the following 

Cold turkey, tongue, chicken eroqiieltes, 
green pens, lolister salad, |Nitntu salad, 
e.«cabi|H-d oysters, cream fritters, charlotte 

. (Dm Wcynonlh. ila»< 

In AI nui'ltlloii: clicap. 
null. Ms*". grlMtf 

Put up in glass already for the Table. 

riiMae, frozen pudding, alierlN-rt nnd vnrloiia 
kind* of Ic \ enke, rolls and eoffeu. 

1 ' willi luirumntli- llrr», pr*rilr#lly new amt In 
|H-rfr«-l nolrr; price, 9110 line Itorrr »#frly with 
i.i.ruinslic lliet; price, |"0. Apply Fore Hirer 
V'.iiglne Co., Ontncy avrutie, K*tt llralnlrec, 

g r M tl 

Ladd’s Squash. 

There will lie Norinua I rouble If you don’t 
overcome those dyspeptic symptoms. 
IIiHii'n Knrsnparllln is the medicine you 

••lllnit. At* Hie HTKIM1KN NAHII nlm-c, J 
•ul street. M It | 

The best on the market, nice for the Table—can’t be 
beat for Pies. 

IBnrriagts anil Qtatbs. 

T710It HAI.K. Will lie sold at putillc auction 
1J on H*uinl*y, April aih,.at 4 o’clock, the barn 
•landing on the corner of (’olmnlms arenue and 
Plcaaant sired; terms casli. A.K.VlNfNti. H I 

E. W. HUNT’S, Weymouth. 

In Mouth Weyuioulli, March IV, William II. Mar¬ 
low, *K"| ftO year*. 

In Weymouth, March 31, Marie, child of Augu*- 
tine.1. and KllialictliCurtin, aged 2 month*, 21 (fay*- 

LION HAI.K. On easy term*, liou«e of T 
JP room* and 1,(00 fret of land on Vine »trrd 

Grooerlea and Provlaloni- 


fTtOM HAI.R. Store fixtures, consisting of 
I 1? Counters, Mcltec. chair*, Show t.*asc, Desk. 
H*fr, etc. Also one "New Beauty" conk store, In 
cicelirul condillon. and two Mtcwart I'arlor sinrcs, 
Apply to (.'has. T. Crane. 43 tf 


Sprcinl nrrniigeinetiU hail been Hindu for 
aorvlee* afteroiMiii nod evening. Jim 
church was tlm-ly decorated and tlm pas¬ 
tor, Rev. W. K. Ivey, wna announced to 
deliver n sermon nt 2..'W) on tlm Reanrree- 
lion, but, fur tin- timt time in Ills nssm-i- 
ntion vs it li Id* people, tqissed Ills train con¬ 
nection, nod tin- afternoon service was 
lost, lu tlm evening tlm Suiultsy school 
gave u most excellent Ranter conrert, 
which consisted of recitations, choruses 
nml Raster enrol*, a marked feature of 
which were tlm solos of Mr*. Whiting, 
Miss Etta Key mid Mis* Kvio Klierinati. 

Kickapoo Indian Sagwa 
Cures a Severe Stomach 

C l I HI.* WANTID. Apply to ALLEN 
I FAN LD . Hast IlrahKrrc. g r 62 tf 

Gain* Thirty Pounds In Weight 

MIIM1. All the bet varidlcs, Apple, I’lum 
and fear. OKOIttiR IMIAltDWICK, l’esionie.- 
s'ldrcss. Middle street, near King Oak hill, Wey¬ 
mouth Height*. 4)3 

Cherry Poles. Ash Poles. 

Walnut Poles. Oak Poles, 


At llm Church of the Iinniaciilutn Con¬ 
ception tin- service# were exceptionally 
grand till# year. The Knnrtiinry was very 
tastefully dei'oriiteil with cut flowers and 
tronii-ul plant*. Tin- tuberii.ule of tlm 
mill ti ultiir wu* drn|M-d In white antin; 
added to nil tills, making the ceremony 
very Impressive wits tlie music. Under the 
direction «f (lie organist, Mins Dwyer, the 
choir has greatly improved und rendered 
Hi. (%-ciliu 1 * iiiiins 111 line style, tlie aolol*tn 
lieiug Mlxse* Moran, L'nlilll, O'Connor, and 
Fennell nml Misses Mulioney nnd Knox. 
"Tin, Hen'en* nre Telling," by Haydn, 
'Vim nlllig for nu afterpiece, uml tlie Huec 
Die* by Rtt, ut (lie offertory. Concluding 
tlm aervice* of the day were veaiN-ra at 4 

I i. in. bv Gregorian* nnd tlm Ri-glim Cuell 
iyA. Wcrin-r. Rev. Father I leg ley wu* 

Kickapoo tn - 
dfan Sagwa 
hat born a good 
friend to me. 

In tlm Spring 
of imt; it Cured 
Me of Gas- 

trltls, from 

which 1 hnd 

TP® I.KT. Small upper tenement situated on 
5 Chard street near middle street. For further 
nfnnnation apply to JOHCPII W. Y1NAL, Hast 
A'eymoiith, Mas*. M tf 


Weymouth, kfass. 61 if 

T O LBT. The store of F. K. IIOIIAUT, near 
the slat ion *t Wrymouili. A pply on the prem¬ 
ises nr at the wrap|>er factory, East Wry mouth. 


Holland Shade*. Fringed Shades. 

ceh-hrnut nml delivered n short Instruction 
on the epistle und gosjMil of the day. 

Rev. K. R. Phillip gave a very pleasing 
Raster discourse last Hunday aflurn<Min, 
taking for hi* text Luke 24, 4. In the 
evening a very interesting Kuinlay acliool 
concert wu* given, wliicli bud lieon 
arranged by Mis* Susie If. Ifiiwea. Reci¬ 
tation* Were given by mcnilicr* of the 
neliool, nml there wna sonic most excellent 
singing of solos, duels, and choruses. The 

been a sufferer 
for over a dozen 
years nnd had 
vainly sought 
relief both from 
the medical 
profession and 
various reme¬ 

When I began taking KlokapOO 
Indian Sagwa I was all run down. 
After using the medicine a short time 
I grew Stronger, Regained my 
Appetite, and Increased my 
Weight, gaining over Thirty Pounds 
In a few months, and I havo never had 
any recurrence of my troubles. It not 
only cured t he GastritI#, but Improved 
my General Health. 

It gives me great pleasure to say a 
good word for Kickapoo Indian 

M. tlm l*l«- John Crane #* * boot a ml *bo«- •tori' 
Apply to Cliarlts T. Crane, AdmlnUtraUir. 33 tf 

Opaque Shade*. 

W ANTBD. A good girl general house. 

work. Apply t» MUM. F. F. HAULING, 
corner of School ami Myrtle *treet*. Kart Wry- 
mouth. 32 tf 

W mSw 

.12 \va*hlugton 

W ANT MX. A reliable person in every town _ _ , _ ■ , , ... .. _ 

,.:r.K^r,aa» K you want to SAVE MONEY it willbe for your 

make inutirv for tlie next year ;*«me cliance in # life- interest before purchasing to get our prices of 

time. Kmlo*c 13 cent* lu •lump* for **mple copy _.. . —. n ..., . 

a,.?a, 1 7aui^^c^^ilf: llE1 - 1 - r,7 f - Kitchen, Dining-room, Sitting-room, Parlor, 

TlfANTISI*. Hewlng-inarhlne oitcrator*; light Hall and Chamber 

good word for Kickapoo Indian 
Sagwa and Indorse Its Ourativa 

Charlestown, Maos. 

Kickapoo Indian 8agwa v 

$1 Per Bottle, 6 Bottles for (5. 

•old by All Druggltto and Daalora 

furnUhrd. Also more luiiil* wantcil to take work 
to their inline*. Drliverr wagon will cnll. Apply 
to F. K. IIOIIAUT, K#*t Wcyuioutli, Itiuk Uulhliug. 
40 If 

Health Food 

Also Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Lace 
Curtains, Pictures, Etc. 

decoration* of |Mittcd idunt* und cut Mow* 
era were especially line. Tlm iiudicm-« 
was u large and a|qircciutlvo one. 



Wednesday Night Club at South Wey¬ 

The sixtieth -upper meeting of the 
>Vediicxd#.v night dull, wu* held at the 
residence of H. II. Ruetl last Wednesday 
evening. Tills was one of tlie lurgunt 
attended meeting* in tlm history of tin* 
club, there being tlfty-ilvo present. Rev. 
and Mr*. W. II. |tol*ter. uf Doreliester 
were tlm gtlesta of tlm club*. Tlm subject 
of diactisninn was "Weymouth.” uud ull 
tin- phase* of tliia town were taken up by 
tin- different ones who bud part. Tlm pro¬ 
gramme wu* a* follow*: Latitude und Ising-, K. It. Downs; Topography, llrudford 
Hawes; llisiory, Clturli * C. Tower; Indus¬ 
trie*, If. A. Tbotnus; Institution#, George 
II. Rogers; Noted Characters, II. II. Joy; 
I'rotilieey, R. N. Mayberry. 

The Hi-utiiimiit prevailed, that tlm Town 
s'mtlld In- divided and Unit in tlm division, 
tlm purl now known u* Ward* 4 und 3, 
ale "I bl lm ii town by itself. 

M.'**r*. K. II. Pratt. Rev. J. V. Clancy nnd 
Geo.C.Torrey were elected to ummlieraldp. 

It wu* 12 "'clock when tlm party broke 


T AKKN on cxcculi in and will Ini fold at Public 
A union on 


A Good Straw Matting for 15 Cents per Yard. 

roxts rTJZuvxTTmx co., 

Saturday, the Twenty-ninth Day 
of April, 

0. fl. FASTKRBBOOK, Prop. 

Broad Street. Eaet Weymouth. 

It wu# 12 umlock wlien tlm party broke 
up nil liuvtng bad n most unjoyabm time. 

Musiu wu* furnished by tin- Maverick 
quartette uf which Mi** Ella M. Clarke, 
of S'Uitli Weymouth, i* tin- eoutralto. 

Supper was set veil in tlm tluuat style 
|Hisnililu by Dooliug of lioatoii. 

next, ai * o'. I>M k in the forrnunn, at the Wevmouth 
I*.,-i liltin' In Weymouth, Iii the t'oiiuty of Norfolk, 
all the riahi. title and luterert tlm- Warner I*. 
Iiiiili'j- and I.Ilium M. Dailey, or cither of them 
had. on the twi n'!-fifth d*y of d#niury 1a*l, at 4 
o'clock p. M. (brill if lli<- lime when llir *#iiip w#» 
ailai-lird on uti-*n«- |uiN-rt*), in and to the lollowing 
drM'iiiu'd rrul e*tate to nil: A rcrlulu Intel of 
land, willi Hip liuildliig* thrreou, •iiuatrd in Mhl 
Wet iiiou'Ii. coiiniliiing lm tliou*4iid nine I, uml red 
■ml liftjr (lo.u.'si; »i|u#re frit, boundeil and di-*etihed 
«■ 'olliiw*, viz.: 

llegliiidiig nl u |*olut on Mummer *tre«t tlilrty 
three (33) feet from (lie uorihMe*! roriirr of lund of 
•Inhii lie iii I*,' llicure running iinrihcrly on *ald 
•tree! *t'vrnty-lhree (T3) feet; tbeneo turning and 
running i-#"lerlr oil land of tieorge II. IlirkiN-il one 
hundred and fifty (130) feet; three* iimilug and 
Tunuii.g •••ulIn- 1 1v ou laud »f *ald llieknrll *etrnir- 
three (T3) feet: tht iiee iiiriiiug ami limning wi-Mrrly 
oil laud nf *ald llicklii II one huiidrr<l and fifty (|S»l) 
feet lu tlir |Milul of iN-ginniiig, lu-ing the value iirein* 
i*ea ronveyeil to »aid I.llliaii M. Ilailty hr llriirr 
M. Wade hr deed dated Mureh eili, IsMi, *ud 
Iieordnl with Norfolk County Deed*, book UiH, 

, " , * C * GKO. W. WIIITIS, Deputy Sheriff. 

Wev Mot tii, Feb. »t. IWl. 32 2 

Our a**ortmrnt of delictoui California Fruit* la 
full and vailed, among Hum bring the new variety 
of black grape, 


Al»<» rhoire hlalag# Grape*, Grape (t 
•till-in I Id tonic), Florida I.ruion*. Turkey Fig*, 
I’er-lmi Date*, Yankee Fears or the Lawrence 
variety, Florida t tranar*, Grenoble Walnut*, Fll- 
tiert*, Clirrtnut*, bhrlihark*. Caataii# Nut*, l’ca 


Spring Opening. 




15.00 Columbus Slit, 

Ages 4 to 7 Years. 

al*o Newton's Yaullla Cream*, Gluger Snap! and 
Kultaiia Fruit liiM-uit, Oytter Doll, etc. 

Btrlcll) All Wool, 

Doable Kaee. 


Tlieae figures represent the iiiiliihcr of 
l Hitt lea uf Dr. King'* New Discovery for 
Consumption, Cough* nml Cult!a, which 
ware aulil in tlm Fintcil States from Murcli, 
'••I to March, IB. Two Million, Two Hun- 
'Ire.I ami Twuiity-Riglit Tlmusunii, Hix 
Humlr"d and Hevetity-Two bottlis nohl lu 
••tie year, and each uud uvery liutllu wuu 
sold "it a positive gmtriiitteu tliut money 
would In- refunded if Nutisfactory results 
did Hot- follow it# use, Thu secret of it# 
"lin es* fa plain. it never disappoint* and 
(-.III ulwuy* Ini ilellellded oil U* till- Very In-St 
remedy for (‘oitglia, Cold*, etc. 

Frlcn Mki.jitid 91.U), ut A. M. fiachulilur'a 
drug store. 

For Sale 

day, and it* manufacture will be euuliuucd through 
the •inter. 

Oyrtrra aud other artldra for lunch fkirnUbed lo 

Our friend* who are troubled with Into mill# and 
llcadacbe *hould try a glaia of our 

Strongly Sewel. 



A Two-atorv Factory liuildini; 
well hitiiatfd on Main utrect, South 
WoyuiouUi, coiitainiii^ . r >,()00 
fxiiiaio feet, lloor well li^lticd. 
Fillcil with htcain power, tdcani 
lical, electrie lights and Fond 
water, and well Miiiled for alniont 
any kind of niaimfucturiiijr bu«i- 


A Uo I mot and mIioo tit t i n^r inu- 
ebiiiery for wile. 

lni|uire of owner 

8. S. SPEAR, 

(la or aear the PrwBlara. 32 a 

hot or old, which produce* refreshing sleep without 
the iujuilou* effect* of opiates, amt gives tone to 
1 the *1 "iniieli. 

Our Java Coffee and Fortaora Tea L inerting 
with luerra*lug sale, and i* warranted to give satis¬ 
faction la every purehaaer. 

All Fairy Vrarrrlrs la Varirly. Some bal 
Flral Qaallly. 


A Hcaullftil Medal willi Eark Mall. 

Also a full line of Mlmi'm aud VoutliM' Snitn in 
AVorslodH, Cheviotrt and CaasimoroK, from 
18.00 to $20. 

A tine line of Spring OvvivoatM, $0.f»O to $18. 
hauiHOii lluldmnl I late* a specialty. Kur- 
iiiMliin^M, TniiikM, lki<rH, Kte. 



llrond Htruul, Eaat Woymotilli. 

W. C. KAItl.E, Mauagur. 

MODEL 30 <Th " nr 

whoc’ this yesr. While entaloffued *«» 
from 28 to 20 potintl*. 

ffonr of 70 that will nm ns etiay M the flO. 
For road work it Is unsurpassed. If 
For Quality, Workmanship cr Finis! 
tlio M audit nl of the Pope Manufacturini 
If you have not rccolv.e«l a (’atalogu 



Cushing and Sylvester, egente at Eeet 

You can get an enti 
bead to foot. 

Boaton priced guarai 

Charles T. Fosti 



The loading wheel for this season w 
.only 28 pounds, and tlio Model !) «.*» l>o 
be stripped to .11 pounds. \V it It the V 
have to waste from ton minutes to nn n 
patch it and wnlt for it dry, but you sii 
It with tlio extra one Hint goes with cv 
and tills can bo mended ut homo at you 
delay of not over ton minutes. 

We Furnish Hither Bllip 

for. Perk Avraae 

H. W. DY 

mouth V 

CasblBg A Silvester, igral far Itaat Weja 

7. L. 

South Weyr 


Till# wlmol Is flttuil with tlio Alrtlto-Di 
if punctured. Full Instructions for repair 
Cataloffuu on application. 

Bicycle Supplies 


Canned Apples at 
Evaporated Apples at 
A nice Evaporated App 

"White Elephant," a nice whiti 
"White Bear," a pure whiteflo 

Coidea Crowx 

Every Barrel Wai 


Washington Street, 



We have just put in a fresh stock of 



Ladies’Misses 1 and Children’s Fine Shoes, 

X» liovcltii'l or de#lmlilo (foods 1 1U rrom . u Kl-Lpougol.. uml Uuuut. Wu keen tun.t.mtly on 

will cmciiiM) me tliia HCtibon. : hiitid u full lint- of Thomas U. i'innt h and A. F. Kmlth'ii celebrated goods. 

lioatou Hhoc Co.'# Rubber*: Storm and Plain., 



Try our Flour at 15.75 a Barrel, delivered. 

I Would Not be Alive 

Pf.kl'. Il.ih, JarkM. U.I VriM.MIk. 


F. & W. OO, 

Ciutorlu la Dr. Samuel Pi 
uadObUdren. Itcontab 
other Nurcotlc .ubitun 
for Paregoric, Drop., S' 
It l. Plcuuiut. IU gu« 
MlllloiiM of Mother*, Ca 
fdverUhucu. Ciwtorltt 
cure. Dlarrbaia uud 
teotblug trouble, egr 
Cetorla uulmllate* tl 
aud bauroU, giving b 
torlu U tbo Children’. 

But for Hood’s Sarsa¬ 

Oval Fire Box 'Something New! 



No iiN-rlal arrang mt-iit was tiiu'lt- to ot». 
#rrv« Ka*|rr Kunday at Ilia M- R •. hun li, 
yi-t (lie t-xi r« taix w«-rw in baruioiiv willi 
tin- day Organ vwluntwry, hli*u M ,,-^n- 
Mi DoW. il; ningi’u of tlm DoxoUhO ->ml 
Gloria I'.* till; Lord'* prayrr; rva«loig of 
K. ripturv, followtil by rocrlviliff i». inl>- ru 
in full •'oiiio • lion mio tlm « liU(vli; •••luiiu- 
t» Ho tiou of liu- laiftl'l *U|i|i»r j rnuatku liy 
(Uw |M#lor, ill t. M W. iirwv: prau r 
An Kdnl* r • ti ring wu* mad.- in !• half 
of BU|M-raiit-uuW"l imiilud-r*. Iii tin- i-vun- 
uig |>n.uhiiig by il>r |iuut >r from llm 
.tv lUly foiirtli • li*|»t< i of Luke. 

Erysipelas, and Kidney Trouble 
Cured, at 03 Years of age 

"I I'otmiM-uci'd uting lloo.!'* Kar.ajianiu 
tekvu year# ago. iu whhii lime 1 wm nearly 
l“'l|'lr vi, auffi-riiig (rum BryaipeUa, Whicfi cov- 
crc<l nearly my u hula txxly «ud made iuo 

Qlind In Ono Eye. 

My »ii£» wrn« Ihu-usp. l« iug ronqilatcly 
raw Iroin the ilitcaw. 1 also bad kidney rout- 
I'iahit, aud ut the ti uu- of my iuu hand's death 
w? * ■■■bio lo #ina4 on Oiy !••«;( w ithoul » U p. 
I*°‘b Alter u*lng Hood's bar#a|aiill.k a »horl 
(liua I l*v ui to (•* | .stronger, ilw sore* l-o -un 
to heal. th« klJ.iey trouldo abated- After 
Usiag nil (>otUes I w-.-i raiircly frrr from both 
diveavea. My a|>j*-li;«9 lH-.-ime nm. li t-etu-r uud 



Willi thrvo ini unhanging gruu-i i 
-Draw Center. Dockaab, ; 
TrlaoKUlar— buve thu moat |»ur- ' 
fuel I'ouibuation, (lie freest buru- i 
ing and doaroat fire. 

The uiimt uuoiioiuicai, rlt-unly I 
ami durable Ranges ever eon- 1 
*t meted. 

('outiuuoua fire uun be kept < 
without any trouble, (iiiurau- 1 
teed made of tlie best mate rial. I 

FISHER, North Waymoulk. I 




• COflUMla fa on excellent medldno for 
Am. Uuthrxa have r»i*-audiy Odd n» 
■uud i-flict ui*ou their childran." 

• Da. a. C. CWoi 


I grew rtrougtr, ami now at nlaety-Uao* )eara 

0. F. FISHER, 


Soppiies-stauncli as a Rock. 


in .n .h. New as. EHF.WS“... 

Thu KaxUr 04-rvii<# were of uuuauwl 
rtivllwrv at lb< M R iliutch and a vary 
largo uiidieiKu wm |,r.*< til. Tin- floral 
•1.-'oratiou# ul.<-nt (' ■' a lar w« r.- from 
Mr. A. A Njn'ui '• aud . ,iii.t»l««l t Runl.-V 
bliti-x, i.tlbt. and |Nilt*''l plat'ix. Tlu- 
uiuxlt' wa* frt vly couiuiuulod ••*> a# tin- U >t 
«vcr r* ndt i. .1 iu tin- i-liiit' h, uud a luuxl 
ruvllvat *'TVic. Tli«- order of • at-ri iota 
of tlir ui'iiuittii w a* a* follow i: 

Organ voluntary. 

A in he ui, "Gloria iu KxvvUi*. Dudley 
llu< k,#iloh) Mrx.Uir. 




Wedding Silver! 


INSURANCE CO., of North America., Philadelphia. 


■ OMtorla U the bert rtruedy for child 
which Lain acquainted. 1 boiw the day 
far distant when luuUwws wUloon#hfar U 
mterrst ut their chUdrcn. and im> Casio 
■u-ad of the varkMiaquaok nostrum* w hi 
dMtru)ing their lovod one#, by forcing t 
morphine, soothing syrup and other t 
HTU n down their throat#, thumb/ a 
to proiuatura graves." 

Da. J. F. Kurcui 


Ths Osutaar Cimpasj, 

, to re line Old Ceiliitge. 

The above •«>tu| aui. s |>a»std through the 


and fMtld their lusoea iu full* 

R- *)">u-it • R-udiug 

lord's l'r#/rr by Faxtor uud i' -uguga- 

of age I ant ut;« ta atteud church and taka 
quits lung walk*. 11 it not U-. u for Ud« 
valuable iu«-. IfiMNi'sHarsaiarULt. I*hould 
not be altvo today WtcII Uut Story. 1 keep a 
Lottie of U ut butt I coavtantiy." Mits. 1 'aumo- 
Ui HuTux, Turners Failt. Ma»*. 

" I can uertRy to LV truth of tlrU »inti-rueut." 
Mo*. II l ucuY, Turners Falls, Mas*. 


Weymouth Souvenir Spoons. 

Wall Papers. 

Broad Street, 



j(« Kua Ah a unnahu. 

Mood 's Fills M* the U-»tall*;-duuur t'Ula, 

aae kf (hdtxuoa. aura h^duka Dyoh oh » 


Hardware Co. >• 

JLm S. JORDAN <& CO., 


Telephone Conuoctiou 

WuliinKiuu Street, Weyiuuutli. GO State street, Beetou 

JJ you dune imurame, tiro} ttt a fatal tin/, and ut will (a 7, 

%Ve are iu all fatrl# uf Wvyiuouth aud braiuure twice a work. 

The Choicest Meats 

Also beat Creamery Rut lei 

CauncJ UiMHla. Vc»W»Ura. 


Rut WWBOith Brlfh. 

Wtymoath Ueuli. 

Highest of Ml In Leavening Power.— Lateet U. & 


For Weymouth tar ftm Season of IB93 

Are oi KxblMtlos. 

Bhlttmnl — l>n not forget the grand exhibition of 
>r lit* most the People'* InsHtnte tonight nt the Irr- 
«\t three lure room of Union rhnrrh. «•!■*• work, 
cklnn.l at- frtn ii.K ntt«l nernbitHc*. interspersed liy 
rltli n run- choice orchestral music. Yon will let tl.e 
cap*ir«’,a full worth of yotir money. A,liiil**h»n 2J) 
rt or Ii-m rente i rhlhlrcn, 1.1 cent*. 

— ln*pc»or MrKenrle of IValHiainwr* 
noon 111* In town Monday looking for a party wl.o 
|*«t Sutur- I* wanted In that city lor breaking ami 
entering, lie tlltl not ttml hi* man. 

Itl/er l* at — Sherman Brash- ha* mortal to Spring- 
Hr 1.1. 

— Ml** Mae Ijonriey of Boston, I* here on 
a vl*it to Mt*« Mary Griffin of Elliott Ht. 

—Ftnnk William* started Tn*^«lay for 
Chicago. , 

— Albert Lnnd who ha* Wen In the em¬ 
ploy of the W. C. .lame* I-enllter Co, for a 
nnmiter of year*, I* now travelling **lr«- 
m.m for that firm. 

— Ml** Hr»*le Itrllnn I* spending the 

—Tlio at he let le fever la qttlta |>r*'VAl«nt 
Inst at present among the hoy* at the Sooth 
lllgh *ehool. Kerry moment that ran be 
Rpnml fr«tm the studies, la put Into thla 
sport. Nothing hut a aerton* Injury will 
■■nenrli till* fever. A number of the hoy* 
have rreelveil small brul*e*, hilt at present 
only one has lieen seriously Injnreil. 

-II. W. Ityer anil John Allen, two well 
known young men of this village, have 
lust put on the market a new lulirirating 
oil, which they claim to lw the host e\cr 
maile. They have taken several oriler*. 
the first coming from Washington territory. 
Tlielr ailverllsement will he foitml In 

What is tha Public Inters*! In Thia Not* 
able Problem?-Whara Should tho 
Power Lit in Deciding l»?-Some Pea- 
turea of • Very Interesting Subject. 

Tlie roail* ami highways of Mnssaeliuselta 
cmes the steam milt - * ** — 

wanls of 2200 tltnei 

Hoose lots on Columbus Avenue, 

the new Stmt leading from 
Pleasant to Torrey St.. 
South Weymouth. 

MODEL 30 * Tho ,leUy nr 'I*)*"' 1 * th 

who,' this jMr. While mtalnsucil t.. weijh no pound*, tho wi-leht* 
from 29 to 20 pound*. , 

Tho EMPTICAI. SPHOOKKT l« » fenturo of tho now wheel 
gear of 7 n thnt will nut ns onay ns t ho flfl. 

Forrowl work it ia unsurpassed. If you doubt It, try «J* 

For Quality, Workmanship cr Finish not a fnotory in tho world it: 
the standard of the Fop© Manufacturing Company. 

If you huvo not received a Catalogue for this year, send poatju i« 



Cuthing (nil Sylmlar, agent, it Em. W,jmo«lh. _ 

-— -— ._, or, in other words, 

there nr* more Ilian that nutiilier of "trsile 
crossings" now In exlstem-* within the 
limit* cl till* commonwealth. Tills con* 
illtlon of thing* lia* been productive In the 
pa*t of almost inyrlsd nrctdenU, terrible in 
tlielr feature* and results, and the rau*c 
* * *“ v upon hundred* of 

ling of Blend- 
held Monday 
i- made to ••etc- 
*ary next Frl- 
let and “Fnn 
, Opera House. 

_ -aterer for the neca- 

..and ticket* for the »np|* r must lie 

procured la-fore the lOtli ln»t. 

—The foity hours’ devotion commences 
In th* churcli of the Immscnliite Concep- 
tlon on Tuesday next. 

—Ml** Annie Ilslley, of Lyman. and a 
pupil in the Salem Normal school, l* visit* 
!ng inr uncle, It. A. Bailey. 

-The hush of the school-house yards I* 
painful thl* week. 

-A singular dlh mini exists at the rail¬ 
road station In regard to four carload* of 
sole leather, shipped from New York via 
IM»ni, for two lending manufacture* of th * 
place. The leather, of which but util* 1* 
marked, wo* taken from the boat ami 
placed in the car* and arrived lu g«"*d 
lime an«» condition hut minus any mnrk hy 
which either party can claim In* own. 

—Improvement in church decoration* Is'•»«>. Tli.rnluH.nijtatjj 

—At »»'■« utrnilfU 0 
tut li.lg. No. I*. I*. " ! 
evening, arrangement* * 
lirate their second annh 
day evcnlni 
Party," “ 1 

These lots nrc in ©lose proximity 
to Schools, Churches, Post Office, | 
More*, the proposed Pnhllc Li- 
linin' Hint tin' Klcctrh- Hullroml, 
iimlim'ilrxiniblc ns mi iiivclniont 
ns well ns for those who contem¬ 
plate lmiMing in tin’ near future. 

Drainage fneilities perfect, tlie 
■il, nml tlie neigh- 

»f tlealii In hundred* upon hundred* of 
«, with often the loss of Inrge 

. through the de«triietlon or injury 

of properly. Ever *lm e the eslahllshmeiit 
of the railroad commission In thl* Btsle 
thnt body has, In all It* report*, ri" 
attention to the exisicne* of tills evil, 
nature and extent of Its consequences, 
nlisolnte necessity that It a;.*..,',, 
remedied a* far as possible In lit* t»re 
w hile effort* should lend toward* Its 
“wiping out” in the near future. 

In r* *|H»n*r to tins* report* »nd reconi- 

mendatton* the malter i. — 

time l»een considered hy th* legislature 

th* Htate. and some nr- *' ** 

tuado towards th* end ..- 

lieen decided that the nuiulter of grade 
crossings hi (lie Coinmotiwcnl'.h shall not 
ft* Iticrensed hy new e*tahli»liment, and 

that, u* fast ns may . -t.!, 

existing shnll Im aladtslied, w henever ami 
wherever this cat; V-c dr.r.r. tr.c. 

n mounts 

- ' —Mrs. Benjamin Cady amt Mias 

. -At. in.',linn „t II.. Snmlay M 1,ool **" T "* *» 

hoard of the Porter church, held Inst Hun- ...... _ . . 

■ r,n, ,nr i l ' H )> th* following officer* wrrerltoaen: ^-Tha child of CleoTfa Baitdava-W 
irnres, the I Su l**‘ rln,, ’ndent, Bradford llawes; assistant !*** ilck^ With thacroup, ta I 
should l»* I *u| M, rlntemlent. Frank Ilea; secretary nml timter tha cara of Df. 

1 treasurer, Irwin lfawna: teacher*, Misses Maylisrry. 

KmtnaJ, He*, Nelli* Holbrook, Fannin — Mm. John Corcoran who baa bat 

Hour*. Mr*, t’liarles Hawes, Mrs. Jos«- sick for a long time, ramaltt ok 
l*hln* Itea. Mr*. Nantnan ' Cobh, Messrs, sam*. I 

m* from time to Bradford Hawes, Irwin Hates. _Th* schools *111 re-opaa Mai 1 

ogre*s has been . “Th* literary meeting of the Kpworth morn ’ n *' 
desired It Im* »t the residence of Frank 11** 

- - - us* on* of Interest. Th* acrostic front 

names of the tnetnltct* was very ntutislng 
sml much merriment was had in tli* word 
games played. 

—Mr*. Atnnnds Perry of Whitman Is 
visiting nt Thomas Poole *. 

- At th* annual meeting of th* IsivrU’s 
Corner lt<m« Co. held at tlielr hall on Mon¬ 
day evening the following officer* w*r* 
elected: Foreman, 811a* Newromb; assls- 
taut, Stephen French; clerk and treasurer, 

Francis II. Hunt; steward, Kyrrett Pratt.] 

A down or more people gatheretl at 

.-/ evening for th* 

purpose of talking up the formation of an 
Improvement association: nil pt*^*nt 
seemed to think II a good Idea, and another 

tlie estaldlshmeni 

South Shore Co-4>|<eraUv* Bank was held 
at the lunking rmtins Monday evening. 

51,COO was sold at a premium of 10 cents 
per share. A list of officers w ere nomin¬ 
ated to lie voted for at the annual inectlnp 
to l.c held the llrsl Monday in May. 

-Easier Band tty was fittingly oljservcd 
at nil the churches, they Iwing all hand¬ 
somely d*HH>r*ted and there w aa special 
music appropriate to th* occasion. At the 
First Baptist church In the afternoon the 
fortieth anniversary of the Sunday school 
was celebrated. 

— Hoodlums visited th* resldem'e of 
Clinton Pope on Washington street. Fri¬ 
day night nt a late hour amt amused them¬ 
selves hy breaking windows nml ••onimlt- 
ting other depredations. Warrants were 
serv'd on Cornelius Whit* ami Daniel 
Brcsnchnn hut w hen tlielr ca*e w as called 
In the district court Monday morning they 
failed to rcs|Mind. It l* said that they have 
gone to Chicago. 

— norn Monday, April n, n daughter to 
Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Trufani. 

—Tit* store of C. <1. Knstcrbrook nt Lin¬ 
coln sqitar* Is Ailing a long fell waul. Il« 

»f F. A*. Warfield’s church last Friday 

—Tliere will 1 h« a serlea of meetings at 

tha Vnlversailst church Wglnnlng next 
Tm sdsy evening and eontlnulng through 
to Bitmiay evening. T*-— 
afternoon service for tin 

Tneaiisy evening aml contlnulng through 
toRumlay evening. There will be on* 
nitmotoo ;h* hnneflt of »hos«< 

who will not Ih> nlde to l»« present at the 
evening acrvlces. T* *“ *~ *“ “ “ 

music each evening. 


—One of Hi* song* sung hy Miss 111***11 
nt the Old South church last Sunday morn¬ 
ing, was composed hy Miss Annie Ixuul, 
the present organist at tlie Union church. 

—Th* union Fast Day aervlro* were held 
In the Old South church. 

—Tlio regular monthly meeting of th* 
Norfolk Cycl* club will Ihj held In the club 

view uiiMirpnsse 
Itorliooil will Huit tlie most fas¬ 

First Purchasers How the Choice. 

Frlcfi Halts!Aotarj. 

—At the town-meeting held st Tours ball 
Monday evening, 9.11,000 waa ommitalM 
for a new schonThouaw In Iasi BnlMno. 
It will b* lm-atcil on the Tar kina lot eerast 
of Commercial and Liberty atvoata urbtob 
will It* a Ana alte, Th* village will aooa 
l*oa*t of one of th* flneat ackoolhooaaa Is 
the alat*. 

—Mra. Howland, of Plymosth, and Jar 

he, tiles* I.lrcndy 

...... 1 m» done wltlmut t*H» 

grest dclilim-nt to th* public nml private 
Interest* Involved. 

Meanwhile tin tliod* ami appliances In 
trsivpot'tathoi have < hanged grvully In 
character and form, ami conditions have 

arisen In connection with these matters _ 

thst were not even dreamed of ut tlie tlmel KVam’l* 
of the eslahllshim nt nml during the early I 

hnlldlng»d railroads wiihln thft Common-1 •. A,.n;., 

wealth, street mil ways have la*en adoplml Engine hall Inst Hntnrday 

as a mean* of local travel In every aeclion > ——— -* .-i«.i- 

of the Stale; nml upon these the cable 

lias succeeded hors* power in the move- ... „„. c , 

tiirttt «»f their cars, anil electricity Is now I meeting has lieen called for tomorrow 
replacing Inith Imise nml «*Hhle a* a motive I evening nt the same place nt 7.1,1 p. tn. 

■Niwcr upon these railways. The street • *•*•— «—yi -n-i»_ * . -»*— > 

lines are laid in all directions within nml 
alMiut the cities ami town* of the State, and 
It happen* in a multitude uf tnvtuncc* thnt 
these lint* arc laid upon highway* thnt 
erosy the steam railroads at grade, and 
tlist tlielr eat* nr* made to pass nml repass 
freely over these crossings. 

As a matter of course this order of things 
greatly enhance* danger* and |>os«lhllliica 

Them I* to lie s|*-clal 
All *re Invited to 

You can get an entire outfit complete from 
bead to foot. 

Boston prices guaranteed or money refunded. 

Ttraii [»[. I 
Apply to 

rtu.ui, pi'.l IIumlnj c t iling, April liHh. 
There am three candidates on th* list lo lie 
voted on, nml other Important business 
will be transacted. 

—Them is a larg* delegation from the 
C’yele clnh going to Ahlngton this evening 
to the Union Atneletic clnli minstrel show. 
Ilefrcshiucnts are to l>c served to the 

—The “Christian Crusaders,“ a cnuipany 
of ehrlstlan workers, have hired Music h»M 
tor a number of weeks, nml began holding 
Religious services last Tuesday evening. , 

—The sign, "Republican Club,” which 
tin* Is-cn so long attached to tha front of 
Music hall, wn* torn down last Tuesday 

—Joseph Tuylor. one uf our local meat 

Charles T. Foster, 


— Mrs Elvln lUyinoud ami dautlilcr I t-RrrJr# a tine stock of hi* various lines of 
Mildred*are spending the week w ith friend* I go.*!*, and tn every case they arc of the 

at llrldgewater. r * - -m — .1 i.u «.» In*r 

1 -The settled nmilsliav* brought out the I 
old-time w heelers nml many new ones, who 
keep W. F. Sylvi ster busy In showing the 
lx>\ell, Columbia and N Icior bicycles. 

—Mi*s IlerlInn Ilotalnte ha* been 111 with 
slow fever, but Is now aid* to be about tbn 
i house. 

—Th« Junior Templar* of Honor havo six 
I great artists in Its '•olicert for next 11 c»lm s- 
d.iv night, nt Odd Fellows 0|H»rn House. 

Herbert Johnson I* th* Ideal lolunihua of 
141 «, and Charles T. tlrlllcy. the humor *t, 
t, flic nrlnco of entertainers. The oilier 


John Orth- at Stelnhrrt hall. Boston, 
Monday nftermHin. Miss Fredcrika ’1. 
Hunt of Itrnlutia •, (formoriy of 11 
mouth), rendcrml the following pieces 
with much skill ami finish: Dvorak, “Mil, 
Four Silhouette* from Opus k; Brasstn. 
17 HIM, N«*ttirne;" NeU|*crt, 'TM‘2-4', 
Three Etudes " 

—Miss Carrln F. Sp. nr nml her pupils of 
Quincy held n song recital In Faxon hall in 
that place on Monday oveulng. Ml** Annie 
II. Hunt of Weymouth rendered the nolo 
"Rltournellc" by Chumlnadr. very nicely 
uml appeared also in several .puirtctt. s. 
Miss Nellie Bowles, of East llralutrcc, nlso 
sing In ro!o and quariettc work very 
pretlllv. Mis* 8|a>ar IS to lie »-ongratu- 
Sated lipon thatucerst of her mctluMls of 
vocal ln»inict on u* shown hy tlio excel¬ 
lent singing ol her pupils. 

—If anvone wishes to have upholstering 
done in a* thorough manner lie should call 
tiu Mr. rami*, lucre you will have It done 
a* It ought to lie, nut with tlio new cover 
pul over tho old one hut taken apart to tlio 


tin* n select stock of 

Tho leading wheel for this season will bo tlio VICTOH. Tho filer. Tlelghs 
Mttlv oo nniiiitls mill the Motlol 1> Ki iwumls with nil tho attachments, nml enn 
hw atHditred to 0 1 noumi s. *Wltli tho Victor, in case of n puncture, von do not 
have to waste from ten minutes to an hour to Ilml tho pin or tack hole and then 
Mtcl. it nntl wnltfor it dry, but you simply rsmovo the inner tube ami replace 
It with the extra one thnt goes with every wheel and is carried in tho tool bag, 
and this can be tnendetl at homo at your leisure. This whole operation makes a 
delay of not over ton minutes. 

We Furnish Either Elliptioal or Round Sprockets. 

iM Main Hlrftt. 

Icrs, is creeling near Ids house nt 
IciNtnilcncn square, n small building 
lull will be used as a luent market. 

Tho schools will ojHdt for tho Inst term 

Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent 


of th* school year, next Monday morning. 
—A. K. Vlnlng Is main to erect a house 

on C’oiitnihus avenue which wo understand 
will be for sale. 

—Tho aitnlveraary of Court IVosangussotl, 
A. O. F. will bo hold at Odd Follows hnll, 
noxt Tuosday, April lltli. Among tho at¬ 
tractions that have not Won mentlonod, 
aro Kelly’* orchestra, Mortimer Sullivan 
of Randolph, baritone, and Miss Mary 

and l* prepared to do work at her 

If so, msks known your wants to 

H. W. DYER, Agent 

er, igrst far East Weymralk. 
i If you want ths best Ohain Lub- 

i rioator on tbs market send for the 

Acme Chain Lubricator, 

Cor. Pleasant SI. and Park Arc., 



the passengers of a street car tliun halting 
upon nn olil Colony R. R. crossing. 

In view of these fads the steam railroads 
of the state have petitioned tho legislature 
that more uml hdlcr centr'd of street car* 
run hy electrlcily shall l*e had III connec- 

i i nini inrisn on* iiuiu iH ... ... lion with the crossing hy these cars of 

win .title cv' idiigMtHo'cl'Hk. The warrant for the ntciim railroad ut gnule. In other words, 

i>iimHiIIv me'ting was read and the meeting was they have pi t;;;..;... ‘ ~ "* * 

i ..nicer* then otMOed with prayer by tlio rector, way c..m|«nny us.* 

.... .d. ctl The usual business of tlio treasurers mid power for Ita ears. “ 

mild crab clerk was transacted which wan entirely c... 

,' r |||,i 11 satisfactory and tl.e election of officer* for railroad i.t grmh 

tin r man. lhe year U kcn u|.. Tlio officers eliM'led -• - 

noiilh arc were ns follows: Hciilor wanlen, Hon. 
d liydcle Edw ard Avery j Junior wurdcii, Churlcs A. 

’ .. sstiian; clerk and trcasuri'r, John M. 

Isli; vestry men, Kammd 11. Reed. J. 
in-y Smith. II. B. Burke, Richard 
mg, Roltort McDowell, Jatm-s Cox. 
ut McDowell, William McDowell, 
sard F. Purlco; commitlcu oil music, 
irh s A. Chessman, Susan Allen, Holt. 

sard Avery, l-uttra RadclilT, Mr. Mnu-...— ........ 

I*. | rail ways, In March last.^when Iho^sltuatlon 

-The present quartette of the I’nlon 
irch lias l^.•^•n rc-«'tigagcd for another 

liehlon Thursday evening, March Will. 
Matthew O'Dowd waa cloctod a Uelcgatu 
to the next uruud Invention to he held in 
Fitchburg, May 2fir«l. 

—At the parish locctiug held lu tho ves¬ 
try of tho Union church, one of the mem¬ 
ber* was rattled to the extent that on *•*■)*• 
lug to speak, lie addressed the chuir as Mr. 
Uook, nml then went so far as tousk, "How 
many moderators they had last year?" 

—The memlH'rs of tho committee on the 
South High nss'iclntlon reunion, who have 
the pniKTs in circulation are meeting with 
very good success. A large numlier have 
already signed tlie paper*. An there Is no 
H'liniBsion fee, every person who lias ever 
been u tuctulM'r of tills school or wrlio is at 
present a member should Pike hold nml 
make n success of tills reunion. The com¬ 
mittee have nlrcndy secured Henry's or¬ 
chestra, one of tlie finest orchestras ill the 
stute, with J. Howard Richardson as 
pianist. There will lie another meeting of 
the committee next week. 

—Fred Ilnyley bus received and placed 
lu his window u now Union 1*. D. Q. bicycle 
of which he is tho ugcut. See Ids ud. in an- 




AUo Agent for the New York Life Ineunnoe Company, 

, _ -an* of 

™,. ». In oilier words, 

'tltinncd that. If a street rail- 
electricity as a motive 

. .... 'll shall not hereafter he 

•(instructed across the tracks of auy steam 

.; „:.. lc, without the c onsent of 

the tullroad commissioner*," 

It would seem Hint no argument what¬ 
ever Is necessary to establish .the desira¬ 
bility of some such provision for the safely 
and well-being of tlm public, hut only a 
fair presentation and understanding of the 
situation us It actually exists. This presen¬ 
tation wIts ollered III the most thorough 
and complete manner hy the representative 
of tlie steam railroads, at the hearing be¬ 
fore the legislative committee on street I 
railways, lu March Inst, when the situation 
ns above out lined was clearly slat'd. 

As the case now stands tlie statutes of 
“'T.TT.'". .'...I Massachusetts admit of Hie granting of u 

1 hey will sing only at the H tr«M-t railway within the 

vice. Two uow ' limits of u town or city, It* car* t<« Imi run 

I on the must' committee, Mr. . c .| c . ( . tr ii*ily, and the railway to cross the 
wditch and Mr. A. Mason „f u „team railroad nt grade, the 

uuthotllv for such grunt ladng vested lu a 
riiaVcr has I anight out A. IV. majority of the Imard of ahlermeii or of the 
hlucksiuith nml w heelwright selectmen of such city or town. Thus It Is 

Call nntl examine the several forms of Life nntl Endowment Policies lamed 
hy tliom. 1,4 

Spring Styles. 
Trimmed Hats & Millinery Goods, 

South Weymouth, Mass., 

North Weymouth Meanings. 


Just received n new lot of 



A new nntl complete line of jfoods with nil tlio lit teat tints end 
pi*** ut tlie 


All the specialties in the line of 





—The long-distance telephone lias been 
put In at Nash's store and la now In 
running order. 

—Last fall there was considerable talk 
in regard to u base ball team being formed. 
YVe have heard nothing as yet, thl* spring, 
and It looks a* though there woit'd be no 
club here. 

—C. II. Tinkliam ha* hi* new room fitted 
for his bicycle liusinesa and anyone wish¬ 
ing to inapect Hi* new or secmd-haiid 

Thla wheel is fitted with the Airtite-DunlapTire, and can tie repaired in live minute* 
If punctured. Full Instructions-for repairing with every wheel. 

Catalogue an appllontlon* 

MR8. T. LEWI8 


entirely cuiii|m lent for tw»r members (lilt) 
usual majority) of Nidectmen of a town to 
empow er llie continual crossing nt grade 
of steam railroad* under Mich circum¬ 
stances, notwithstanding the fn«a that the 
selectmen In question muy be tho owners, 
prsssutsrs or Intnrrstisl di/eelora of the 
street<rallway thus loeatml. Also, under 
i the same statute they may give notice of a 

* -’ll relation to such grant by simply 

y posiiug a writing to Hint enect 
. .. few trees or lamp-posts ill tlielr 
Biwn; and tlm lientlng may Is concluded, 
the location granted uml ojMTnHous in rela¬ 
tion to it lie far under wav before the 
most intercsi.d discover that 
-...di enterprise (a even contempluletl: 
In fact such r.ssitlla liavo aetunlly ultalnwl 
within the past > cur cr two, and lu very 
imiHirtaiit connection. 

The uttcuilon of cltUcns has Iwctt raUe«l 
criliculD to tilts mailer by *tllc legislative 
hearing aliove alluded to und through the 
general discussion that lias arisen under it; I 
and the conviction s*eui* general that the 
railroad* urc not u*klng too much und arc 
in no way iiiircuBoiiuhlo |u dcinaiidllig that 
million! v uud control in tlie form of grade 
crosoing’lH' vested in future in Hie railnmil 
commissioners. T.k* many deaths aud In¬ 
juries have alrendy resulted, tha risks to 
life and property are altog*ther too great , 
the Interests affeetrtl are too various uml 
too large lo allow of tic loose nml In- 
adequate exercise of authority at present 
sanctioned by the stale law. This case 
I should lie dispassionately uml fairly act!led 
nml authority played where the public will 
get the la-st by list exercise. 

haH for tin- purpose of discussing HicJijur*- —The annual meeting of llie village 

...eiMfsasrssaj tarttfftsssi i.. 

—A two-year old child belonging to A. .L o| , l|M . rw e | w |S,| ; Prcnldt nt, Geo. II. llick- I street.ralh 
Yonngfell off of a bureau reontlv, inllkt- ||bJ | vlut) pnMtdeiit, Charles I’, lluut; sec-, -— -— 
lug a serious wound upon Its head. r. tary ami treasurer, Walter V. Guitcrson; hearing li 

'"K- , , ditcht aupermtemleut of grounds. Lyuiun 

—IVmiatn T. Beahurv is on Hi* mad for v ^'llliuius. The treasurer's rc|mrt , ----- - 
J. A. Ciuthman. Mr. S.-abiirv roinmonceu *in.w»-d tlie society to In* out of debt uud a |»uitic 
Ida new work Tueaduy. His route t# a i,.,| um . u „f fi;.*, i u the treasury. I l*"-? *’ 

local - Rates A Orcutfa new storo utr llroad . 

—The deuiocratlc town tommlltec cn- htr ,.,. t IH rapidly ueanng coinpl.-tlou ami important 
dorin-d at II* meeting. Tuesday crcuing, W ill bo reudy for .Ha iiiMim y by May 1st. 

•1,” I* 11 * 1 !’" ol >,n -- u»r .. v, ry „>■ hi 

tuastentuip. |J, 1 „ place. The stores nml factories were | 

—Mr. Gorham, of Brockton, passed last tt u,f lM | C< |. 

Day ut his cottage ot Fort 1'nlut. _T!io suullght party under the manage- 

—Chua. t'hubbm-k, Jr., was given a sur- nu . ul o( wililatu IVall yesterday afternoon 
prise |Mirtv last Friday evening. umh h mtivesi. More ol the same sort are 

jun.lli.n lh * uni. .„>) Ml.. Kl„r- lw *>» .. . n 1 "'"' 

Ctice Rales spent Easter with fru-rda in —Thomas Crocker is to carry on the * ho* 

Fail River. fitting busiue** ut tho factory of 11. II. 

—Tim annual meetings of the E. 8. Beals Clapp. 

Hook A loulder Co. ami the 11. O. Lollver “Uulvcral Mereatoree Collectl. Tills 
lloae Co. were held Monday and Tuesdav u „|qne eiiterbilumelit la to lie given under 
uxettings resi»eclively of this week. fii« uu*|m•.-» of the Isadlea' circle, at the 

8 f ”r .... f ...I II urc ut work building First Baptist church, Tuesday, April lltli 

,a tl,« !“■«“ re*Irlwill, ,.,„l lu.lruuwuu, . 

uussett. A nuntber "f the contra'-ior * —Don't miss the concert and dramatic 

hors, a nrc being boarded at Kaaw'a stables. U0 u. r u|„„„.|,t hy the Mis*, a Tirrell uext 

-The young ladles of the Congregational Friday evening, 
society gave u line ttiilertuluiuciit We.ln.M- -The iN-autlful gill of Easter lilies from 
day evening, lu the ventry, for the iH-m-Ilt DUer was a groat addition to tin. 

of tin* church. Tlie drama “Messmate* || ot al display at the Baptist church, and 
wus presented with the following cast: WKH | H . ur ,ti y appreciated hy the large 
Alvali Morgan, n s|MH-ulator, I. Ray audieuc- present. 

KIS” 1; xiKvTs'” TvK -K..I ... will u.' . 1,0 l-t B....l.y 

.if'tlm Hcahrigbt. IVm.- B. Dasha; in the eoufereuce year. I he auuual ion- 
■“l".,. nuuwu. Aim. Il.uiok. I ,.l U,.' Now K,,« 40,1 8-ui H,ro 

J... - « stowawav. Ilarry 8. II such- Conference of tl.e M. lli.*li*t Kp *' "pai 
«r D I'nmtbll. the Vtewur.1, Chas. N. cl.nreh will me. t at I'lymouth. Weduea- 
llluiichard;.Grace Morgan, Alvah's dauglt- day, April I-'. 

t.-r. Miss Luia OWham: l'olly Tay or, the —MUs.s Husatie und Anulo larulsa Tir- 
. upturn's |H-t, .^ 1 *'. , reil atiuouiue u musical uud dramatic 

laolIU Caraway, Alvali s sister, Mlus Kuiliy rri .j U | t |,„ |,riur.- rotun «*f the Lit ion 
Dim. lull; I'll) Ills, Grace s maid, Miss Annie |-- ru l M y evening, April IL 

1 ’ ,arkt? ' , , it, —Mis* Helen R. F. Allen of Uralutree Is 

—Ala.iit n men eniplojeu a* u j44 , u , in Hu- I'uioii ehun-li, 

Bradl.-y 's fertiliser works slrm-k Monday huUlt , uu .i excll.ut tab-ut will 

for 911a week, or #2 tn advam-e of what |W ^ llll |„. -r that th. re uiil Ih- a 

they had la-, ii receiving. Their demands » 4 reader and a, will) |»er- 

were not u. ceded to, and tlm melt left . , M iVra. Those who have had the 

I lu-uc-abl)-. Thec.iiquoy bus bir d some u f h.-ariug Miss Alien slug sl»" 

lions uud Finn*, who urnvud 11 • •Im s. ay j ir|i f r ,„ u Europe, unite in praising 

morning, to do the worl) of the men that |, cr |, ul „ . ..utiallo voice and style. 

U,, ‘ . ...... .iu, —The next meeting of the l nl'Hi Uterary 

—Tlie V. I*. 0. I . of the l nl versa list u, I§| H()| , M , | la . U | Tu.aduy ev.nlug, Apri 

church celebrates it* filth anniversary tliia , H w , Ul Alice UuUeraou "" Knnn 

evening. Fuhllc exercises Will be held III ( >|. ml.. r» w ho hate Hot |ad«i th. 

Bicycle Supplies Constantly on Hand, 


All the above goods will be found nl the 

Any goods not in stork will he supplied 
nt short notice. 

Injury over tlie right eye, received from the 
horn of a vicious cow. - 
—The members of tlia Norfolk Cycle 
Club were gr.-ully disappointed by the 
snow, us they were to muke the first run of 
the season, yesterday. 

—The firemen of llose 5 were out try ing 
i the hydruuts yesterday morning. 

—luist Wednesday evening, Abigail Ad¬ 
ams lodge No IW, D. of It. hud a very pleas¬ 
ant time ut their conundrum supiier, which 
Wiu held in the banquet hall of the.lodge. 
About fifty sat down to the supper which 



A Concert. April 28. 

The Braintree Reporter of March 2.1, 
iu giving an account of the fair nt the First 
Parish church, spoke of Ml** Helm R. E . 
Allen us follows: 

“Tin* appearance of Miss Allen wus Hie 
signal for much applause, this being the 
first chance the public of Braintree lias bud 
to hear h.-r sim-c she went abroad. II. r | 
Biiigiugwus remarkable uud rct*cnlci! <*u- 
emc* were given after each selection. r«>r 
one of the encorus, she rendered in Dalian 
a little song heard iu llie streets of Naples, 
Italy, singing the secoml verse us II... 
Nc>.ih>11Iuii slug It. Mr. Kllaworih, 
who hu* Im m iu Naples himself, said that 
it was exactly as it sounds there. 

Miss All.-ii will give a concert III the 
I'iaI t.ii church, Friday evening, April 2*. 
■SI..- will Im- assisted by aouic Una talcut. 

Miss Haled Allen Fisk, lor aeyotal year* 

Washington Street, 

Iadr|irsMleiir* Mqaarr, 


ChtrlM Vinton Injurnd by jumping 
from* moving train. 

Charles F. Vinson, of H,.uth Weymouth, 

was quite badly hull by Jumping front tho 

"Fan nan,lie" train, when it waa moving 
the fastest between North Ahiugtoti and 
South Weymouth lost Wednesday night. 

Mr. Vinson has for some lime past Imh-ii 
employ ed a* a cutter In the shoe facUiry J'f 
Walker ami Tuylor. Cumpcllo. Tho train 
left CainiM-llo at the usual tuucuiid arrived 
at North AblugUm witlciit ant thing; un¬ 
usual with the .x.eptb.n ..f lM-inga IHHe 
late. After leaving North AWiigt.'ii. Mr 
Vlusou wus standing on the platform of 
the rear car. lie had an envelope in Ills 
iiuml eoulainiug a sum of inoney. At the 
time the train was inoviug the f.utast, the 
.uvcIoiM- accidentally ,lrop|M-d ..ff, and 
without the least thought of what |.u was 

doing, or the injuri s bo might receive, 
tuiuitd off 1*1 recover tlie mouey. It is 
■uppuaud he struck on Ids f'd ««d 
throwu to tlie ground, llie oouda. tor stw 
aft object go out fro.u the train uml sup 

. .. I...... Iu .,.11 II 0111 , 1 . tflllSlM-.l lllll 

Miss Helen Ain u risa, nir n»i 
a i. .pular assistant lu llie North lliali s< hui.l 
wa* married on 'J'msduy to Mr. Fn-.l.-rlck 
Lincoln Fowle. of Bosl.m. Tlie future 
home of the newly •welded pair will lie ->» 
11, si New lou sire t, Boston. 

made Hie following 


Canaria b Dr. Samuel Pltebera 
nod Children. H contain* neUb 
other Narcotic eubetance. It I 
for Paregoric, Drope, Sootlilug 
It ta Pleaaant. IU guarantoo 
bullion*ofMotlicra. Caitorlad. 
feverbhueu. Caatorla prorem 
cure, Dlarrbma aud Wind < 
teetblng trouble*, egre* con, 
Gaetoria aulmtlatee tho food, 
and bowel*, giving bealtliy 
torla U tho CblUiren-* Panace 

Ca atorla. < 

for chit- I 

The selectmen havu- 

appoint no-ms for special |m.II. < : 

Terence Mur|d.y, Alexaad.-r « uiiiiidng*. 
II. F. Bates, FrawU Caldwell, L. f. Iluk- 
l.uiu, KIm-ii IVI.Uiiiau, Geo. F. 1 luatm, 
Am a.O. Sprague, J.tacph Cuiumlnga. M. 
C. Daley. Eui'-iaou lluut. Arthur II. Frail, 
N. II. F»-are, Hauiuol IV. Burrell, lieury B. 
1 oj.-l, K- Q. H. Litchfield, John Ah.-urn, 
Oliver llougl.loii, Francis ,M. Drown, T Ford, G.o. IV. Ttrrrll. 

Survey or of u.aal, lumla r etui loirk nml 
w.-lgio-r of coal, Augustus J. Bi* hards. 
Janitor “I Tow ii house, loeepli Burke. 

Finished Marble and Granite 

Our S|,i in* Om»l. will bo oium fi r 
lilt peel lou Oil uml ullor 

Men Don't t ’nderstatut. 

“ No man ever suffered a sin. 
gle pang lilce unto woman. 

“ women, therefore, gladly 
'’im.’ turn to a woman for qinpathy, 
counsel, and help in their 
■ill"* peculiar troubles. 

‘ ut '* " l.ydia h. I’inkham deserves 
... oi the confidences showered upon 
XlN her by thou. 

hands. Her 
Vege table 
has done 
more for 

ready far Utter lay and tettlny in the lemeteriet, 

Wn mouth Crain*. 

** CWaUMla is as excellent medicine 
Im. llutlKf* haVe rejn-eudly told me of IU 
■uuJ i-fTxct upuu their children " 

Da. 0. C. Oeooon, 
Lowell, Mass. 

w QMtorla U the hc*« remedy for children of 

whichacquainted 1 hope U-«l*y Ucol 

far distant when luotUefs wUlooaskhu tho fool 
li, terra! of thi-lr children, and use Cestoria tn- 
■u-eti of the veriouaquaok Doatruma which ore 
destroying their lovwt ones, hy forcing opium, 
morphine, eoothing synip and oUwr hurtful 
m9e uU down their throats, thereby s en din g 
Ofceu to premature grwvue." 

Da. J. F. IHBUM*. 

Ouneay. Ark. 

Do You Love Your Child? 

n, A. Iim) K- D.. 

Ill Bo. Oxford fit, Brooklyn, M. Y 
“ Our phynicUns in the children s depart- 
nn-ut hate spoke a highly of their #x|«ri 
litre in thrlr ouUide practice withCmdorU, 
and although we only have among our 
mwlicoi auppUe* what Is known as regular 
product*, y et we are free to thaijh* 
menu of Caatorla has won us to look with 
favor u|*ou It." 

UstTsn Uowtut axn Dispwtaasr, 

>re You UulBg All You bliuull I 
Kn Iwiuw A K. iniuou’.. <n( YVajt 

. rav. Her gnklr«, 

fn* *"“ 1 v,rt 

! I. rril ly Urn. 

r Four differ cut iihy- 

SI C FT piciuug nttcudtxl h‘ f 

I ' c 7 ^ |mi Utrllfo vu 4^ 

,\ V*) ►|alr4«**tf A imdh 

' tf't i-VC aurmuutila 

nil dHIitullUs. auJ 
| iffiPrlicd.Tcrmiutdlolry 
Dr. Dull! 

4 p» r*T*rile 
lout. N. V. M"- fcnpi-r 1 

»rll<-. lli.t l dwpnnlucU upo* 

UutVuuw. *» l ;[ "I-f ?‘|J 

kuuwu n*i|iluu.» “I iW Ul«*«* ,fl1 

n.-r* Words caumA 

fudr nntl I cauu 1 to»» rameal If rcrtin- 
lurud this great lacdlcloc. j ferot* 
cry was entire!Mu* *• a ^uk*. 

»/r *blch *M lh« **lj •‘•4tf , «t»k. 
,u *»rr krr c»« »•» 
the phrairI•u*. M«* n*»! Hr*, Acmp- 

Uu esuae fur g r*tllutl* l 
A rarest 4 ! Melkers! ond Fafien-! 
yt llauDb dlM*a-eau4 aate life 
using this Great H<4»riuc. 

It's Cuarantaad to CMrc^or_Cofctu 

Works dlrrelljr on tfce 


IV. Tirrell has bt-.-u appointed 

J X£T Out-8 the Sacrifice , 

Pfice to Families, 25c. per 

(gf Yours the Opportunity , 

-uunta lilt 

Htores uud Mirkels ut u UlseouHt. 

All *r4rrs. lit *i*ll or otfcrrnUe, 
grongtl; *tl,«lrd lo. 


td wife und daugbt-r 
luriulbtf “f Goorg.* If. 

u glif 

nt a t.-nid-iut of this 
but about uiu.-ty of 

toteu briugtug as a 
ii s-li guul« uk • l u r 
y uw'ill wis.' and a 

Fashionable Dressmaking. 


IKU.U OAK Hil l . 


il hear *irr> Say imp 9r4ar»4aj- » u 

r r 18 NOT * >ut wc w >* but what 

Hood's Sjfxapurilladocs t!wt tells the 
•lory ot iu mciit. When iu need of med- 

Jcittc remember HOOD'# C0III8 

Him best CntUDery Hut ter mid Cbtsoso. 
Canned Goods. VtK«UUe«, Ktc. 




WB HAV(3 «g» 

$20,000 Worth 


Finished Work 


fTHF/LIMEKinfl CliUB. 

Rons# Prarl leal Rnt***Dow* For VreariaaA- 


For thoao who do not dctdro to itoroto MAN POWER IS QUELLED. j 

Arlror ilny to n trro planting In honor of -i 

. rinill. l-airon the- «r » Rmlh „ vprrehl,,,-. «... 

nmsnea nuiR -- —■*.-. 

TO SKI KCT FIIOM tmtmmmt.l mnrio Al.,1 ron*. In-loori. HI-relf-T*. Q.~<— H-fre. lh. Mre.- 
nin! ont. Tlioro linvr* Invii number* of *»• •• Not Laid «n th* Table. 
T1IKHF.HY INsriMNO Arltffftlay songs written, lint not put to- icopyright. rro. by Charles it. Lewis.) 

, ......rciTui’u Tinv Rflhor In nny ono volume. AnyijoUK* For some time post there have been ari- 

I I'.ICrr.l I SAII*r.\t in j,)*,,,) tree* nr patriotic |iiivin will !*• dcnceaof nil Insurrection ngnlnat the one 
Without th* Itlsk of lluylng from Fuitalilo. Many of the n**w 8 ollg« for nmn |>mu-rof llmther Gardner In the l.lme 
IhlaiKTftelim nro wrllten to lm ueo«l with kiln Hub, nml those licet |K»«t«l hnve pro 
n I npi r I”*lgn WP H known mutir nml have 1 wen publish- »llet«l thnt n cnlnmlty would result In due 

n Paper Design 

nal With Highly (iratlfjlng llrsulls t« 
Himself—'The Qneatloa Hr fore th* Meal* 
In* la Not Laid wn (he Table. 

|Copj right, l°m. by Chnrlra II. LewU.| 

For some time past there Imre liven ari- 

i*S6- k 

i - Lm 


e 1 in n"WHt»aiwm <»r in tho .iranlnra rent At , Ilf l T l **£'?* bolh G . ,v ®?J" ,n 

. ' *. . ..t <u i, n ..i a .lone* and Wnydowu lkda<* appealed from 

out by state miiwrintendente of m 1 col* n|||nM ,J nfM , B , t ,, ollgh hUher Uard 


Give us a Call 

Before Purchasing 

to toncliors and prindpala In the state. 


r ; # 



ner U-t rayed considerable surprise he hold 

hla pence. At the Mime meeting the Hev. WIt HACK Kit OUT. 

Penstock movral the previous question when the Keneml delivery window wo 

there tvn* no question, evidently Itching suddenly discovered the inuwlea of two 
to lie railed to order, but Brother Gardner g,,,,* rf *t|„ K on ( | l0 with the f»oat 
dodged the crlala to hide Ida time. At the In(U ,t or Iwlilud them. We endeavored to 
Hot unlay night meeting, when tho order of wfu . n llie n itu,itlon by culling for half a 

SfiN 47 i 




I ’'communication*" e 
dent arose and aald: 

i michul, the presl 

I dorr 11 of tlic new Coliimbtta billboard*, but 
we fear It wa* n failure. Indeed we think 


T„K CKI.KMIATKI, ™ "£•**"*'V 1 '™' . .. 


We Manufaclure all our Own Work, Ihereby Saving the Middleman’s Proflls. 

Works at Quincy Adams Station, Old Colony Railroad. 


Wo manufacturo nil our own 
work, thereby ravins tlio mid- 
d Ionian'a profit*. 

"I ha* dun received a communlcaehtin wo *,j iwticr admit that wo Imckrd out of 
from Philadelphia Inqttarin If ditclub ha* the ahop with more haute than Rrace. and 
any *Uttl*tlea (n rcK«r«l to cbilldalns-why that If there wa* a •'cstjl” anywhers nlon« 
dey appear-whardey cum from-whardey t | lC || ne t |, e fellow wlCh the gun* had IL 
goento—vlegiueml elTect, mentally an pliya- While wo ahall lw |K»tma*ter Ju*t the 
Aually, upon de cull’d race, an *o fo’tb, an *anie, we are grieved that thl* human hy 
ko fo’tb Itrudder lloneact White am de *na couldn’t ace and Rtwp the opportunity 
Uttly elected medical director of dlncluh,an Q f n lifetime. Ilow brotherly It would have 

1 should like to inqimr If he baa collected approml to the world had ho signed our 
ny chilblain Matintlcaf" petition, even tbough two of our bullet* 

' The oouNpiratorw bail been waiting for an nrv rattling around In Id* carcn**l It wn* 



II yrainro kulUHni » n.w'lmtl.o <ir want l»lt«r ilrnlnaitn an you now liovr. .■ooaiill 


,, Mount Vernon Avenue, Braintree, i 

and bn will explain Id* metboil*, 

i« Ihm’Ii adopted by many lr. the own. 

i i!i, i ,iK , ^!. N t!;;« Tn "“^0:117:,.:. 

¥»%W" ,i - , Th. nrrnngr.nontn f.,r n a 

>1. L. TUITKIl. uouno differ from those in i 

. a r 40 if (iwiritr to intlividunl prof 

^ small gnrtlon where it i* hardly praclira- 
_ bio to 11*0 n homo and cultivator, nml 
A I|| whom vegetable* are planted clone to- 
l It got her, such a* onions, etc. It i* do* 
—— M’rilx*d na followa by the «»no who made 
I and tiwd it in the Ohio Farmer: 

___ j Tho wheel in off of n mowing machine 

| and i* B incliSB in diameter. The axle i* 
u innlun Inti if Tlio cutter i* a niece of n 

opimrtiiidty of this aort, and they grasped 
It at once 

’’Salt, I move* to lay on de tablet" aaid 
the Itev. IYiiMock a* lie aro*o. 

"I movcsdal it be rejected!" added Broth* 
pr HcUe. 

a golden opportunity to limp coal* of (Ire on 
our head, and we Ih-IIcvc wo should have 
given Idm a clerk*hlp a* a reward. Our 

t rillion will bo mailed next week without 
I* nlgnnture, and from thl* week on to the 
day lie turn* over the ofllce to uawe shall 

•1 call* fur de prev'usqueahanl" ahontod expend much of our vital energy In aoeking 

t ilvcndnm Jone*. 

Ten second* Inter 80 memliera were on 
heir feet abouting and gealicuinting, and 
lie oonfilNton wa* unprecedented in the III*- 

to make him a very tired man. 

Thu wheel 1* off of n mowing machine YOUTHFUL thf.f. rLAsnctts. 

and ia 8 incite* in diameter. Tho nxlo I* After tho flr.-t pioco of innwic Is ren- 
8 inches long. Tlio cutter i* n piece of n tiered there might bo n roll call, an* 

.heir feet nboutlng and gealicuinting, and H0W*S This! 

"e o°nfu.ion wn. nnpmn.IiuiU.I In w . olt „ 0 „. Ilun,lr,,l Doll.r. How.r.1 

oryof thecluH BrotherGardnsrirapidly f or „ nyrMe n f Catarrh that cannot be 
imiblnl to thcNituntlon and niwle vigorous ,. l|rr ,| | IV u„|p H catarrh Cure. 

HENHOUSE BUILDING. H inches long. Tlio cutter i* n piece of n tiered there might lw n roll call, nn- 

rinn. ... i,.:„H, row,. Inw.i.rinK SO Inchon lon(tn",UIx,nt.n .worn.1 l,y v,ry,j,,urt, 1 ,Kn, 1 ,hm» nlKmt 

.. li,,,,.. for • Mm.ll fliwh. cl«l. III or nn inch thick nnillwnt M Miown tree, nml nftrr Hint llio roaillnR ofth« 

Tho rnnaspinniu f.,r n ..nnll ].,nltry ! m cut nml attnnliixl to llio Inuiillo. I) Imho. Rovornorn prcK-lniimllimnf Arlmr ilny. 

hnuM, Illiror from tliono ill n Inrso from nxlo. Tho two lira con nrn oach 8 ... lirtef romarkn by town «HfI- 

OwliiR lo Indiviilnnl iimronunon nml tnchc. Ion* nml Attachod to llio cotter n tnrlin.. r yi.Horn.will of conrno ln-nr 
11,0 amount of capital lo 1m Inv.-md In a about 9 Inchc nla.vo tho hand. Tlicro directly or imllm.'lly npoiii tlio .lay lmin* 
bnUdlnmno plan run lm m **oat<Hl nr- are Iwoholoo In tlio on.1 of oacli hmconml colobralnl and tho onnow fo r Ito c ololirn- 

coptahlo lo all; li.ii.-o thorn !» ... aim. in oaol, oml of onttor to ro*n ato tin,,. Lmy anlijiicto, to bo ojadtlnod long 

plan. Tho rnlo which npplioa to tho thodopth. Tho hnmllo. are attnehod to cnongh la-fore for oorno cmlltnhlo work 
inm-o la tho .loclmol, aaya l>. II. Jncoho. tho nxlo l,y two piece of atrap Iron, and to bo iiraontcd, arc ho choice of who- 
• ....*. .... i n .-l. it.. ... l.. i„.Uu ilm iinrli nvan i i iii >• 1111^0 fir tlio iirnirrmiiiiio or III 

11*0 of the gnvel, but without rcRiilt. Ho 
nmv thnt licrolo mevuutre* would alone rave 

F. J. C11BNEY A Co., Props; Toledo, O. 
$Ve the under*igned, hnve known F. J. 

_ ......._ ....... . _he tlay, ami lie removed his coat and vest Cheney for tlio last 1A year*, and believe 

drown tree., awl aftor that tlio rewlln* of tho fmd .h-reondwl from th. roatnim. At U» bin. ii-rforHy hoaorablo m »}l '“"Mmj 
I nches governor’s proclnuintlon of Arltor day. Amd of two nilnutcai n deep hii*hi fell npon obligation made Ly their Arm. 

•nch 8 Addresses or brief mnnrka by town dig. West* Trtmx, Whole*ale Drugglnt*, Tol* 

,, . .._. _ ... „„„„„ floor under the benches; llrotlier Jones was ,,i,i„ 

nitler ra ill f In the wood box, head down and feet up; Waidlng, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale 

Tlicro directly or indirectly upon tho day Is ing :\Vnydown llelss, lay across two chair* limp Druggist*. Toledo, Ohio, 
conml celebrated nml tlio Cannes for its eelelim- L IH | n |„ 10 *t lifeless; .Shindig Watkins hod llali’* Catarrh Cure l* taken Internally, 
gnlnto tion. Eaany subjocta, to bo oaslgnod long Urtick the hot stove nn he passed over IL acting dire ctly upon the blood nml mu- 
lied to enough before for aotno oreditablo work Uud there was mi odor of hurtling Imot leg in cuou* surface* of tlio rU ' 

n, and to bo presented, nro tho choice of who- U.e I...II As the hush fell Judge Cpblff, Kf^V^fi'rroo T UrtiRgAnU.. TeetU 

. . , . an......r Aiu.omb. 1 ? IT....In lllnt t Inw It. ■ IIIOI.IllI* ITOU. 

ptli. Tlio handles nro attached to enough before for aotno creditublo work Und thcrewasniKNlorof burning l>oot leg in 
•lo liv two nlecea of atran iron, and to bo prceontcd, aro tho choico of who- tlie hull. As the limdi fell Judge Cpbiff, 
j t!io C ponltry who ‘eVpUiiMM j a bo’lt through tlio axle holds tho parts ever i ; in clmrgo of tho programme or of ^ J,’ 1 ^ iwcitlj 

follow. It, Tlio' lturnl Now Yorker: [ togt-lbor tlglitly. It co,t M coul. for tlio Ukln* tmrt. 

A fliK-k of 10,,1,1 him,i»Boor cutler, brncr., bolt., otc. Bountiful ^liool Homo, \\hnt WUI 

•tuicoof IDO «tmiro feet (nllowin* enel. Willi .neli mi implement niucli work Bret Uonutify Unr Bclituil tlroumb- 
to hipmre fuel), «U tlmt of coureo n kou«o enu In, uccompliMieil, provlilwl tlio roll Tlio t\ ««I» In K I II ' ln *. M> 

1 j* froo from stoueu or rnbbish, nml this Tre<-,’ ‘T nimms Oaks of History, ‘TIow 

is just tho way a gnrtlon should always to Cure For Trees," "Uses of Various 

Trees nml Tin ir Wood,” "Tho /Esthetic 
Uso of Trees," "Historic Trees of Our 
! State," "A Homo In n Tree," "Tho Prot- 

N ^v/\ t{cat Tree I Ever Saw," and a story called 

“Tlio f’liibl nml tlio Hood." tellimr nbuiit 

Urol her Gnnlner pinned up seven rips In b'B Machine, 

E shirt, repuirwl two lirenks In his su* — - — 

dcr* mid removed hi* collar, which wn* 
igtng by one end. Hy that time the dust 

When in doubt buy the New Homo Bew- 
ig Machine, Is. J. Hart, agent, Weymouth. 

)nks of History, How bunging by one end. By that time thodust 
>s," "Uses of Various Imd settled, and lie quietly observed: 
iVood," "Tho /Esthetic ! "At de orgaiilxiiNhun of dis club It was 
Historic Trees of Our sledded to adopt Mr, Cmdiing’s manual as 
In a Tree " "Tlio Pret- our guide. I Inis iilliuiuilidputeddiit sooner 



10 by 10 fiM>t would Ik* needed. The yards 
should l»o 10 times larger than tlio Iioum-s; 
lienco for 10 hens tlio bouse should Ik* 10 
by 10 feet and tlio yard 1 <» by 100 feet, 
though the yard may 1 r» «>f any preferred 
shnpo nml may contain more space, but 


eferred be. It should not l»o allowed to lwiko. 

Uso of Trees," "Historic Trees of Our 
State," "A Homo In a Tree," "Tho Pret¬ 
tiest Tree I Ever Haw," and a story called 
"Tlio Child and tlio Seed," telling nl*otit 
tho growth of cnch after tho child bad 
planted tho seed, and allowing what each 
did for the other. 

Voting fora school or stnto treo or 
flower mny 1 k> a part of Arlan* day celo- 
brations, or tho contest may bo con¬ 
ducted lK'foro, results to l*o announced 
on Arlmr day. If but ono kind of treo 
is planted, tlioso taking part may each 

Tu,::;' rnszis hoe can t* 0 * 1*1 « n ^ wuu« a 

should not Ik* "less than tho area men- crusted soil. Work iu> noon after a rain Mon, why 

tiom-il. The nearer to the square form as tho ground will crumble nicely. o»« • Hesi'les this, it will l>e inter 

_- tho cheaper tho cost of tho houao in pro- In tlio second cut is shown a spud. esting toliavoHioword tree as 

portion to tin* space secured. which is described by another Ohio Farm* many languages as possible. Anicxt rdao 

A verv c !>1 iveUTeiit ,H,ultry house for a cr correspondent who has used it for If. showing how wo}J» 
_ _ _ _ _ _ small flock may bo built of yellow pirn* years to destroy burdocks. Ills farm was tree fur tho first writing nml printing 

O- b<*nr«ls rablieted (barn boards), nailed up overrun with that pest when bo camo in will la» interesting beforo planting trees 

K If gjL ni H QL B ■ and down to II by 4 pieces, tho house to posseasion, but now tliey are■nearly wiped in honor °^ nt hon. Tto 

■ ^WR bo 10 feet square, 8 foot high in front and out. Ily cutting them off below the trees bj pupils is another interesting 


l»o 10 feet Btiiiare. 8 root Uigli in front und nut. isy cutting luem uu j*»**«w *v 

(l at the rear, with n largo window outlie ! crown they never sprout. IIo had a spud exercise, 
front (which should face tlio south or mndo at thnt timo in tho following tnnn- lbo « 
southeast), nml a small sash on each end ner: He got a broken crosscut saw plate, recltatm 



WejBoath, E. Braintree, 




■cm hr tala ar Kirksaga. lay aafl 
I (raw hr Bala. 


15 Devonshire ft 77 Kingston Sts 

a*u _ 

11 ■ — ■■ I I TTMUANN 


HTATivnca *»iow lUat on* In roun lias s wort TaIiPI VAilII 
or dlMBMst Heart. Tin* flr»r eynipioin* are elmrt lUUli Ullllll 
breolb. on|iree*|on, Itutlerluv, taint and bunorjr ■ 

■pell*, pain In side, I lien Btnollirrlng. ■wollen 
anklM. droiHiv (and death,) tor which Dr. Mile* Cp n Pa|ra 
New Heart Cure 1* a mamlona remedy. "I Ou> B UBROa 


/target far all Oeeaeton*. 

Tim rnlluwing conslilrrelilo li»t of iikhoic uxAsuiiia. 

recitations nml readings to l>o tise»l or later de tactics in dat itmnunl would tie 


UftVVWMaVliJMl m W ■■ ^ W •• should open so as to allow ventilation of plate cut wiimro across, nml tho point- o 11..Uy Tree, aiiylimly wnnt anythin laid on de table? Wind. 

according to tho direction of the wind, rd end cut a little rounding, as shownin uy’ orvnt Trwis » 'cook; "Among the Trect," Does I bear a tnoshun to rejectP Am any- A. M-BA 

. _ nfinaif ATftnr nniiuvnrr a top ventilator often causing drafts Fig. 1. Thou lio punched two J-iuch itrynnt; **l,i n Forcat," Boutliry; “Under tho body hack alar by do stove calliu fur de 

■FYfinilTH kKIPk vTllRr BRAINTRLL. dmvn cm tlio fowls. Tlio roof may be of holes, tho llrst one about ono inch from Willow*." !/*wt*U; rrhjlBairaar."'Isiwalliquesliuu or movln to ainendJ" GEO. M. 

WUU in. DnlblV OlUnCl PTCfl l a h ,rn‘ir ( Vt«,r oth.rHuitablo material, ami upper end of spnd nml the other two or “ [ «?ly ite hurrM bnwthlng.aa from a - 

N*w Heart <*nre I* a marvelona remedy. "1 
bad tieen troubled with lieait ilheaee for year*, 
my left pulM wa* very weak .could at lline«*carcely 
feel It, th* am alloat cxrlt«meut would weaken taj 
nerve* and heart, and a fear of ImpemllnR death 
alared in* In tho face for linnrs. Dr. Mile* Nerv- 
In* and New Heart Cur* la tho only inedlcino that 
haa proved of any lieneltt to mo amt cured me.—L. 
M. Dyer, Clovonul*, Wd." l»r. Ml lea’ Nervo and 

60c. a Doz. 

Toilet Soap, 

It'. U. HARLOW AC0. 

e, with wonderful cure*, FltEK ai 
addrrao Dr. MUoa' Modkal Co., Elk- 

v, .uimiiiiiiii iiui"), MUI II.I i - 

Cook; “Among tlio Trees," Does I hear a mosbun to rejcctP Am any- 



u top ventilator often causing drafts Fig. 1. Then ho punched two J*iuch n r>an t; "In n Forest," Southey; "Under tho body hack ,dar by do stove calliu furde 
down on tho fowls. Tlio roof may l*o of j hob's, tho iirst ono about ono inch from Willow*," l/well; "Tho Itcggar," i/»weli ; no quesliuu or movln to amendt" 

down on tho fowls. Tho roof may bo of hob's, tho iirst one about one inch from Willow*." l/.wdl; 

tnrml f.-lt nr -lli.r «uilnbl. mntorlal, nml ul-I-r oml of opml nml tho otter two or •"» »J. 'fKl, 
in n cold climntu tho houao may bo cov- three inches below, according to tne Xoarn,” Mr*. Iiuniington; "Song* to 

•1 v with tarred felt, fastened length of spud. Then ho made it a little ,| ie Tree*," Mlllen "In tho 

Cary; "Tlio I’hmtingof lh 

Liu hi Acorn,” Mr*. Iiuniington; "Song* to , . , nlIBMt i ntl - 

he Tree*," Mlllen "InthoHugarCamp," Alice .f..I f 

! Only a deep, hurried breathing, a* from n 
henl of cattle running up hill, mnilonn 

A. M. BACHELDER, Weymouth. 
GEO. M. HOYT, East Weymouth. 


Boots, * Shoos * and • Rubbers, 

' Hats, Caps, and Cent’s Furnishing Goods. 

Give u* u call und we will try and give you a Good llurguin. 

Ageat for ike Back Bay Custom Laundry. 
Weymouth Mass. 

with strip*. 

Tin* same lioiiuo mny l>o double for 
two (locks, if preferred, with a door in 
the center or at ono end. If it Iks raised 
IH inches from the ground, the liens will 
find much comfort umlerncuth in win¬ 
ter. Tlio cost of tho double lienliouso 

Cary; "The Planting of tho Apple Troi." Hry- "M J fnsnV" resumed the president In very 
ant; "Forest Hymn," llryant; "The Elm Trw soft tones, "eberythln on di* nirtb lias It* 
ami lln> Vine," Hnant; "The Lout Walk In Au- weak side. Mr. (Jiuthlng's liuinunl am no 
tumn," Whlttlor; "Tiicbunibannen," Whlttlen excepshuu. While I nehber met up ivid 
"The I ’iii n» Tree," Whittier; "Tlio Willow," j||m to nx de queshun, I feel sartiu lie ex 
Mr*, llcinan*; "Summer Wnoda," Mary How- — 

Ill; "Ooldenrod," Klaino (Inodalc; "Historic 
Trees," Ih-lano; ’Tho Voice of tho dra**," Ha- 
rnh ltoU*rts; "The Ivy tlrren,"diaries Dick- 

IH inches from tho ground, the lions will 1 ^-2__ P ^" 1 lo , ^“p k . “I»_ I' 1 ? 

find much coinfort underneath in win-1 ' “""J Trt*-*" iK'lano; "Tho Voice of tho dra*," Ha- ‘V n V. ,,al **? hov done tnuight au as I 

tor. Tho cost of tho doublo lionhouse I HANDLE AND 8 PCD COMPLETE. rah ltoU*rts; "The Ivy dreen," Charles Dick- shiill contlner to «lo a* long us I am prvst 

mill not«'xc.iil 05 f-r ...... 10 by 90 fret ! concave, wUeh Kivre 1. .Inmgtl, to rreUI Itack In iteTre™.- bn “Y 

but tuuili mil depend ujioii tho local (i uy ptvstmro on tho handle, which is cut Tnr." Bhakeswarei "An Anrll Day." lamgfcl- de Mime time one of de mous' capricious. 

but much will de]ieud upon tho local uny pressure on tlio handle, which is cut 
| ! prices for materials and lubur. Tlio beveliug, os shown in Fig. 2. 

1 sjmico under.ieath may bo protected by ! Any tough spade or fork handlowill 
j boards to bitak tlio wind. If tho lioiiuo I ^Qgvrar tho purpose. Tho liandio uiust 
| is low on tho ground, cement floors nro | \ w riveted ou tlio concave sido of blade; 

Inmf 11 * 11 ii* v* nnitpft ii:-:iilist r.ll rt. blit < 1 ... I_ 1 . 1.1 U. 1.... ft nml T 

Tne," Shakespeare; "An April Day," Loagfcl- de Mime time ono of de inous’capricious. 

low. _ Melilio lie fell too heavy, nil tnubbe 1 kicked 

„ , ... _ him tinnier dan I should, but I ho|iedis 

Tho Henrico of the Trees. lesson will siuk deep into hi* heart. Given- 

Tlio aervico of tlio tn*es to us liegins dam Jones has bin net in rather ‘colly’ of 
with tho crudio and cuds witii the coffin, late, nn I trust dut ills Mircuinstance mny 

best, ns they protect ugninst rats, but tho bend of rivet should Is- long and T with tho crudio mid ends with tlio coffin, hue. nn I trust dnt dis Mircuinstance may 

0..y lK, covt-rctl with iml. of ,u„,xil,„ !„.,„1 over ,lm 1, ondlo to keep But it continue. ,l,ro.wlj our live, and SSSS 

dry e,, rill, with rut ,lr«v over it. or it from ,,dit ling. lie rove: "I tevo n i» "< nluitat uuiniuKiimldo extent nnd »tlk'n. I» 

tkey "ill I- ''"id. if retell up, tlio lieat . Uw „ u „ n , 11 U ,1. Tlio loiter Umode vnre ly. In tlil. country onr limiro. end 

lUnir is of tongue nml groove boanls. f n , m a l,mid raw, pinto uYxmt eight inches their furoituro and tho fences tlint in- alll , c||J|U ,, lu J of , llM wt . rry c HkL* I bnmg 





with Fastes, Knnincl*, nml Paint* which 
stain tlio liaiid*, injure tlio Iron, and burn 
red. Tlio Uising Sun Btovo Polish Is bril¬ 
liant, Odorloas, and Duratde. Knelt |*nckugo 
contains *ix ounce*; when mol*ten«l will 
inuko several Isixo* of Pasto Polish. 



Board of^Health. 


iNua, aai WBBBpns rotci. 

Inc prof l«|nn* «f 1 liapirr M of die Uriwrol Btototrs 
will be •iricilr whn lit. 

B*e. 4T. \Vhsi » ItniiM-liohler know* that * p*r*on 
wllhln hi* funlly la Irtrn slek of. . . any . . . «•!•- 
ease ilangrrou* to die public beallh, lie shall lirme- 
I ilialeii’ giie notice iherrof In the . . . Both) ol 
Health »r die town In which he dwell*, lfherelksea 
nr neglect* In give saeli notice, be ahall IbrfrH a nn 
! not eireeillngBlOO. 

8 ei. 49. When a ptiTdrlan know, that any person 
whom he I* railed lo vhk I* afflicted with . . . anv 
' dDea.e dangernns in the pntillr heallh, he shall Ira- 
, mediately gli e notice thereof to lha . . . Board 01 
Health of the tnwn, and If he refuse* or neglect* ol 
' give surh notice, lie shall forgelt for etch offknee a 
sum not lea* than fto. nr more than § 100 . 

I The Board consider* the above amlon* to apply 
l to Dlpthrrla, Hrarlet Fever, Bmall Pnx, Meaalr* ami 
: W booping Cough. 

J. CiJtMKPg ITowg. Chairman. • 

1*. U. Adilreaa, Ho. Weymouth. Board 
Himiit A. Naan, Clerk, 
r.O. Address, Wrymnulh Ilelghl*. of . 
I.iotanu V. Tirkkix. 

Disan K. Uamotru. Uraith | 

Jon* f. Dwyer. i 

Weymouth, March, 1 * 3 . 


Selectmen t Overseers of tho Pool 

^ The Belrctaen of Weymoath will ti« la aMtloa ol ( 


(except die third) during the municipal year, from 
two to flee o'clock p. ra. On die third Noaday ol 
each month they will meet at the Almshouae at t p.m. 

J. Cutaxara Howa, Chairman. 

P. O. Address. Ho. Weymouth. Board 

IliKav A.N**H. Merk. or • 

I P. O. Address, Weymonth Height*. Selectmen 

Lmnaan V. Ttatuitx. of 

Hinaa K. RaTaotttt. Weymonth. i 

Jon* F. Dwvxn. < 

Weymouth, March, 1883. 

Commonwoalth of Massachusetts. 
NORFOLK. KM. PnoBara Court.' 

F1VJ the Heirs at-T.uw, Ncxt-of Kin, and all«ther[ 
1. Person* Interested In the f«Ute of 

late of Weymonth, In said county, deceased, 

Qtsttlaf tl 

V\’tierra * 1 a rertalii Instriimcnl. purporting ti 
be the la«t will and testament of said deceased,, 
has been presented ip sold Court, for Probate, by) 
Mary A. Cum If ol Weymouth, who pray* Uia I 
letter* lr*iamrntaty mar be Issued lo her Ihi 
eiecutili Ihcreln named, * It hunt giving surely 
L upon her bond 

1 You are hereby riled In appear*! aProhateCourl, 
to he luddf it *1 Oulu- 7 , In *uld county of Norfolk, 
nn Ilia srroud Wednesday «of April neat at nine! 
o'clock In the forrnmin, to ahow cause, If any you 
have, agalixt (he same. 

Ami said petitioner I* hereby directed lo glte 
public not Ice t hereof by p iiM l*h lug 1 1,1 • C It at Ion once • 
a week, for tlirer siu-ce**lte ueek*,lnlhe tieuepaper 
called ilia Wet mouth liscctu-, piilillshnl at 
Weymouth, the U-t publication lo be two day*, at 
lea*t, tn-forc -aid Court. 

Witness, Ucoige White, FaquirJudge of said 
Court, this seventeenth day nf Marcli, In thn 
year ono thousand eight hundred and ninety three. 

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 


» F|YO the NetLof-Kin, Creditor*, and all oilier 
1 person* Interested in the estate of 


late nf Weymouth, In said County, derrased, In 

Whereas, application has hern made lo said Court 
to grant a letter of administration ou the estate of 
said deceased to Emllv V. White, of Wry tin,nth, In 
the County o| Norfolk, without giving gurityr upon 
lier bond. 

You aru hereby cited lo appear at a Probate f'ourt 
to bu hidden at Quincy. In said County of Norfolk, 
on the second rdnesday of April neat, at nine 
o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, If any you 
have, against granting the same. 

And said petitioner Is hereby dbeeted In give! 
public notleu thereof, by publishing this Citation ' 
once a week, for three' succrs«liu weeks, In the. 
newspaper called the Weymouth Claaette, printed 
at Weymouth, the last publication to he two day* 

> at least before sal-1 Court. 

Witness, (ieorgo White. Ksqujre,-Judge of said 
Court, this twcmy-sccotid day of Mar- 1 ,, in tlio 
— rear one thousand right hundred nnd niin ly -thrre. 

60 M JONATHAN CURB, Register, j 

Commonwealth of Masiachusctts. 

1 90 the Ncxt.of-Kln. Creditor*, and all other 
. persons Interested In tJie estate of 

O lato of Weymouth, In said County, tl, cased la- 
• testate: , 

Whereas, application has been made l» • tid Court 

_ to grant a letter ol administration on «!■« ratal# of 

•aid deceased, to Emily V. It Idle of W,J mouth, lu 
the County of Norfolk, without giving surety upon 
her bon,I. 

You are hereby cited to appear at al'n late Court, 
tr lie hidden at Quincy, in said county. *>l Norfolk, ' 
oil the second Wednesday of April nett, at ulnc 
o'clock in the forenoon, to show «attar, il uny you , 
have, against granting the *amr. 

And said petitioner la hereby dlrec»-I to give, 
public notice thcrrol, by publi-ldug tl - Citation 
once a week, lor three successive week*. In the I 
lieu spapi r culled the Weymouth Uaaetu, pi luted 
at Weymouth, the last publication to be !»» day* at 
least before said Court. 

Witm ss, Ueorgc White, Esquire, Ju l;e of said , 
Court, this iwetity-seeond day of Arid, In the 
year one thousand eight hundred nnd Himtythree. - 
60-62 JONATHAN CORR. K, glstcr. ' 

llimr is «*f tonguo ami grouvo boanls. \ from a hand raw, tilatnuliont eight inches their furoituro and tlio fences that in- 

Tlio lu-ht* bhotdd 1 k» uiovuhlu; lienco long and two inches nt jxiinted cud und cioso thorn are largely tlio product of tno 

Muiji boxes nro oxcollcut. tapering «h shown iu Fig. 1, mado in tre«*s. Tlio fuel that wanus them, oven 

Tho roost should ho a pioco of 8 by 4 ( . vt , rv w „y M tho one described. Hy large if ^ coal, is tiio minerallzod wood of 

scantling, slightly rounded on tho edges. ! ono lose for spading in tho gainlon. They ages. Tho frames and handles of 
uud it should roach across tho rear of ur« thin, liuht itud easily kept slutrp." agricultural implements, wliarves,boats, 

aiitlcl|Mudiiin of ilia worry crisis I lining 
along will mo tonight a Ixittle of arnica, n 

Tlio Vs-grtablo banlrn. 




F. B. REED’S, 

r A re-r WEYMO-JTH. 

tlio hoimo about two feet .from tho floor. “ * ’ _ ’ bhijM, India rubber, gums, bark, cork, cyclone iRruck dU bulldln an Interrupted 

For lu ten. four „ret. arc .ufflcluut, t„. v.„i.ui. rerriuKM an.l rullruu.l run, und tire- .f.' USuSl""^“r “ur ^ttelre S 

ten ut reel, ruil of tlio liimro. Thowu- Tho fiirintn, win, liuvu luuilo irnivlulon whrrevor tlio oyo full, it ucre Ito lumo- 0|Tl . I ,., 

ti-r fiinutain may bo placed at tiny oon- f or nmrting whkIh umler glaas will liavo fleient service of the trees. Ilrother lloneact White, who bad lost a 

venieut point. Feed troughs should not t |„, ( . ar u,. h t and Urn bent gunlous. With Arltor day recalls this direct aervico front l<(0lh Hlll , , |Iul , i1h llOH4J B klnnctl In the 
used if they cun Ito avoided, aa it la , 1 1 |«> nid of IioUkkI or cold frame, or both, on every baud nnd reminds ua of tho in- M.-riintange, imrae after ngrvut effort of will 
beat to compel tho hens to serntt h for n]l «ho vegotuliUs that will bear truus- direct ministry of trees na gttnrdiansof power anil repliul in a faint voice that he 
all they receive. Keep tho middle of, 11 i ull u„ ir Uim i them aro all the the sourocnof rivers—tho great forests hail nothing, but would collect ii huahel or 

•teller u. l‘« ullovr rorulrl, ,„uWI„,tho dor,roly .hudod hfliu, cm-c-rcl ted. te-jra-Mjf ^ 

»>* »l>urr. und plilco « lurgo uhulluw Th „ Mlwllt tl) lurvo u roulh or "'"th the urruniululln* leuvwrf UBre, J* JiX" p „|,i“u -aI 

| Iiui rirur tho front wipduw. ailed with ,,| t i,,,.x|.»nro und to well hull" .iwngre from "hiih triiklu flu- llt ikm,— Bure none out un a (rood 

dry dirt ,»r riflnl roal u.hre, for dnuliiiii. Toim.lnru bret rreult. thrre »»IjJh» of .Irounii. Tocnt Iho furret. u , fnll. n utl de ... reUur 

If rof, f.iil I.kIv.-ii, lilwwlt in, aboard , ll(inlll foot of greul, rich lu to dry „li Iho riven. It i«u u-s-tit* ii gint-ml anxiety to git lioltl of tie 

| and reiuovo tbo latter when tho meal is Nlil Tho practice «»f rotation ia nn im- crimouguinat tho wliolocommunity, and Br ,plusicr*. we will lock updcrcsiof 

making tho densely shaded bills, covered two before the next meeting 

with the accumulating leaves of ages, ’’Werry well, tiih-1 ahall bo look In fur 

huge apongoa from which trickle tho •Mmtliln rich.” replM the preahletiL A* 

’Vim t ... ... ., , . ; iKirtunt mutter in tho vegetable gurdcu. scholurs and atatesiueu both declare that 

’iii*! house, 10 by 10 feet in alxo, cun bo B ru j e lu . v<>r t jio saitto crop or proper preservation of tho foroata is 
undo to accommodate 2.1 liens in winter, vegetulilo occupy tho aaiuo bed 1,10 parainouut public question. Even 

i untile to nmiiuinoduto 2.1 liens in winter, killt | of ' occupy the aaiuo bed 11,0 paramount public question. Even 

i but it is hotter to allow plenty of room. ! ur lt twu ymn j u hU ,.cession. Potu- *» “ tuercantilo sense it is a jirodigious 
tw l,K. «lau mul u f.-»- alter tld„«. may i|„reth,n. fur thu rethuutel vulu,ri»f our 

ja.^. f„r,„ un Mrepthm la thu rula, hut it U *"ri't pro-lucti ttl iteu wuu ^W .000 000 , 

iBSSSfcSw. iwvrrttola* tettur to keep up thu r.,lu- “ vuluo u.-urly doubl. Hurt of tho wh«U tt.m. Every your threo I..1. luu.t to ortip, 10 Uuu* ttot of gold und uilvcT und 

iL wanned up hy u literal coat of manure. *° rime, tbut of our iron ore. 


wliulars und stutesim u liotb ileeluru tbut ,: e |,|/.ntn# an adjourn tie meetiu fur one 

tho proper proservation of tho forests is week." _ 

tlio ptiruinonut public question. Even umuca 

iu a mercantile sense it is a prodigious ARI ZONA kicklh. 

(incstion, for tho estiuuittKl vulue^f our md, | ur Ucpnlrlug tit* Uraveyard Ata 
fort-lit products in inn) wus $H00,000,000, Nua In Onlsr. 

a vuluo nearly double that of the wheat Ilins Waktkh.—N otice U hereby given 

l which should lie thoroughly inixM vritli „ Arbor tlay w I make the country vta- 
! tlio soil. Grow ever>'thiug in drills or jjdy ,noro Ix autiful every year. Kvety 

crop. 10 times that of gold and silver and Hint bid* will I** nteivi*l at Tin: Kickkr 
40 times tbut of our iron ore. office for the next four weeks for the follow 

Arbor day will uiuko tho couutry vis- ,u g work; 

ct might lines. !*urgcrcro]« from a given 
{ siirfaco ure (Town in this way, and culti- 
! vat ion liecomes simple and cumjxirutiv* 
j 1 >' ' u*y. 

)'lt-ur<te|invuni»nla I is I'aiuatla. 

little community, every school district, 
uill contribute to the good work. The 

Flral-llannUdlng one-fourth of an acre of 
our |>rivale gravryanl with freali, atrong aotla, 
w liicii linul lit- (rveuf wc«tl* aixl lliiatlra. 
HvceiKl Itejiainting II liMulbourda with two 



fill 1 1 neat 

Makes an every-day convenience of an 
old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. 
Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest 
award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each 
package makes two large pies. Avoid 
imitations—and insist on having tlw 
NONE SUCH brand. 
MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse. N. Y. 

Scientific America* 
Aoeacy for ^ 

M l# nnrill II vmil- kereb/ < Itnl t 

Il I a |f Lilli M u In- tiol.lrii *i Gnlney. 

H linrnHIl. 0,1 ( l M - > •■‘•ennj wnlu** 

• 111 wllHI*lll| o'rlock in llic fiirriMMUi, i 

.. . have, *if»ln*t Braining ll 

Manufacturer of ami Dealer In AllJ taW ,„u,i, im . r 

imlillc nolire llmtaf, I 
once * week, lor Hire* 

810VE8* • • • • new*|)*perr*Ile«l Hie V 

- ' at Wry mouth, the laatp 

RANGES* * * * * ll »»* before sahl Court. 

fSI " 1 .... wii n , .. ,i„„ ft will, 

<S> FlIRNtflRS. . . . Coro. 11 , 1 . i«M„ 

iinnihhx. . . . I,,i«i, i 

SHEET METAL,' . *»“ Jux> 

^ TINWARE, . . -7 -— 

TABLE CUTLERY, ele. Commno "« llh 

’ NORFOLK, 88 . 

'T'O Hie Ncxt-of-Kin, 

Plumbing, Piping a Roofing 11 " “ 

- i*‘® °f Weymouth, I 

And aU kind* of, intestate: 

, , __ Where**. anpUcatioa: 

Job Work Done in the best Manner 

a in tlie County of Norfoll 

You are hereby , lie 

C« COMMERCIAL STREET, c™ £ ,.te teMre^ 


•• " And said |irtllioner 

— . —-— public uotlce thereof, I 


Wi vumulll, llie lu»t liu 

YOI NO Ott OLD. who I* sufferm* from Ilieeffeels of i,.„ t before , 4 |,| court. 

ISiRiiiTR£aS3E* < l “«- 1 , w,„..., w, 


Commnowealth of Massachusetts. 


'T'O the Ne*t-of-ICln, Creditor-, and all other 
A 1 ‘er-on* interested in the estat* of 

late of Weymouth, in said County, -IcceaMil, 

Whereas. a|i|dlration lias been made t» -aid Court 
to nr*ut a inter of adndiil-iiuiii-n on tl -' estate of 
•nid deceased, in I dvrard I*. I'alne, of Weymouth, 
iu tlie County of Norfolk. 

You are hereby eltrd to a|<|-, ar at a 1'rwbatw 
Court to bo lioldrii at Dedbam. In said Conuty vf) 
N in folk, on the third We lue.dny of Apiil neat, at 
ulne o'eioek III Ibe foiriiiMiu. lo *liow , .iu*e, it any 
you liave, a|t*i"*> Rraulimr the saute. 

And said petitioner la hereby directed to give 
public uoih-e thereof, by piihlhhliiB ll.i* Citation) 
once a week, forthree successive weeks. In the new*. 
paper called llio Wrjiuoulli (laBCttr, printed at 
\\ eyuioutli, the l*»t |tubll<-uiion to Ite two day* at 
least, before said court. 

Winn -., tieorite While, K»qulre, Judire of said 
Court, thl* tweuiv-second day ol Match In Ilia year , 1 

r request Kmlaalona nr Louti, Varlvocala, 
Kibauatad Vitality, 

i certain cure. Ko rava rrmrut sent. No ouaekery. 


Building Mmi id Raiser. 

All order* proiss|»tly Mieradr* I*. 
Mnulli Wtiymoulli, Mo** 

For Womeu Only.. 

It hna Irocn uflU htlly doclmml by tLr fricmlly au»l intelligent tenua with tbo 
authoritb-M of Grant Uritiiin tlutt con- bountiful mitura wliii lt ia»u frii ndly to 

M'hool house will gratluuilv become au or- eoau of whit# paint, and the relitu-rlna of ilia 
Iiuiunnt, tut it U tbo great bene- TUa following taaaaiupioof tlA# relot- 

lit, .,r tte villoKu, uu -1 il... will u r, "“ “ *” u 
In> put iu tho way of living u{h)u uture „f 



I 0*810* FATIMT*. 


b* rD t 

prfiMtasp PRt 

yritslitlf Santas 

LarfMtetreaUUimofaByarteaUflfpapwtaUi# very worat kind 
wurkL, gMfMUMr >Uust r a t #J. NtflhtvlUnut re.iorrd to |ieif«< i 


I ( ^ | tagioua plouro-pnuumoniu rxixta iu the us-^Guorgo William Curtin. 

• t ()( ro.p ~ I Dominion of Canada. With a view to -*®ry farsi###. 

' *' I protecting tho stork Intonate ot the Mother, (lauguldlyH Well. 

I United hitttt-a tho aecreto ry of agricul- ,„ m . u , ulby t^Tuyf 

INTi:uii>ll AlUlAMiKIH.NT OF Tllli IIKN- | turo luta ordcrttl tlutt ull cattle to bo un- ALthl—II# cut two trath thl# morning, variety 

Umutiful nature which is ao friendly to Who d. imrimi this lif# April «. IMl. In th# 

re.-Uix.nto WlUknuCurtii u.,n,*-aui,. ,rero|’bkw. ter renter 

-- * IkuUra luquire at Tub KickKii otUoe. li# 

t csy CnroleaM M*w|» well. 

i''aahi<HiahlH Motlu-c (Imiguidly)— Well, Third-Furnishing and setting out within 


ported from Cumtdn into tlio Uuilt-d ma’aiu. 

i Tlu- rule in regard to thu coat of a plain htuto# !>e umdu suliject to the tamo 

Fur-liioiutldo Mother (atill more Intiguid 

iiof.ue U to allow F*** for 60 lu u*. or#l ditious and raqulruiueitta as if they were Ijr)—That »a* very negligent of you. tinmli 
|nt lieu. Tim decimal system will M-rve iiuportrel into tho United Htutea from' might uot ui lot u young babjr play 

(■old, Silver mid 

Nickel. Not unite given uwny, but at very Low Prices. 


to remind tin* reader byullowing |t un Great Britain or the coutiueut of Europe, 
tho not of food i*-r year for a hen, |1 U i. also ordered by Secretary Iluak that 
fur her hIui re of tlio building, about $1 u n U eat cattlo iui|iorted from llio Do- 
proflt j* r year. 10 aquarv feet y»f room uiiniuu of t’unuda must lw euleretl ut 
iu tiie house uud 100 bquura fwt of h|umv tho |wrt of liuffulo. whieli U dwtin- 
iu tho yard. A elieup und eoiivouieut guhtlieil tut a quarantine station. 

, liotmo i* hIiowii in Fig. 1 uud Fig. t, ex- _ —-- 

terior und interior view*, rajiroduood n, rv »,„t xurr* . 

from the jouriml quoted. The druwiugs The jihoaplmto deposits iu Florida are 

the ini luaure six ruaebuahua of aonm fragrant 

Fourth-Furnishing and *<-ttlng out of 
anttugh trailing arbutu* to trail over Hi* Il 
grave* lo a generous and RU-ral tuanuer. 

Ftflh-ltepalnling the picket f« ueo aurrunnd. 
lug lualf an a« ru of land. Ilids may bu Mib- 
in I ili«l fur on# or fur two coat*, but the ntato- 
rial must bo the last while lead iu market. 


w it h a klitfi-.—Kxehuugu. miUt-tl fur on# or fur I wo coal*, but l 

■-- rial must buthe last white lead ill Dis 

Ktaniuulr lUxth — FurnUhliig and apreadlnt 

walks alrvadt laid out XU earlluad 
Mr*. DaiigU— Are you coiuiug lo my afk gniv.-l, 
emtHtii on the ‘Jhtlif heveuth— Furnishing and *«‘ttingou 

Mre. vuii Uiuiiu-r—I aui no worry, but I eedar trees.m spots tu bvdesiguMied. 

■or* Rellnblc than cllHcr Tansy 
or Pcuuyroyalt 

If you want a perfect regulator fur tbo monthly 
pcrm-l, ON# that etrrrr /uUa, safe and sure. ad. 
dress FKAMCO-AMKaiCANi;ilM(ICAI.L:o..lWuil, 
Mu-*., nml rccolvu, free of elurge, our li>>uk, 
VMu/for Liultti. JU iurt aiul iuiuu $kit]»ij'rr. 



Carriage, Sigu A Ornamcutal 


Srotd SI.. Etlt Wa,mouth. 

» u 


UfCllf IICM Suaerer* from ji.uU.ful errors, 

• peril) euic by Its U»e, lltuuosud* of rwi uf the 
very worst klu-l sod of lung »tuu,liiig buic b-t u 
rolorrd to prifi 11 besllb 16 ,toil isaliuioliUI* from 
■II mrr O— world. I'll. * pel pa> k»ge #1 OU, .Is 
fur 96 am; trial pot-kssr seni srt ur- iy uealcd h-r lu 

• rut* portage. Addle*#, Dr. It. Dukluut. ms 8 
HaUlrd st., I'bn-agu, Ills., IL 8 . A. g r I M ly 

ua"««’!S5!laM ire I'llE LATEST TBIIMPU «K MEDI- 

hcvriith-1 uruUhlng and setlingout IXitmall _ 

have a previous engagement. 

A certilked flirt k or a flu bill must iu- 

Mm Dntiglo (oumplacvuUyp-Kvorjr ou# | rompanyaaoh bid a#an#v 

plain tliut no t-xpluiiuliuu is re- gpimnaiUy im-xhaustiblo. 

A Ns-glr* It tl I odd■ r Ci 

lows or fur Logs. Take 

i llt-ni f.HMl for milfli J proeia-ruus a 

Tho territory of Arizuuu is, so fur us | 
I tho slu-cp iutlustry iu comi-rnod, iu u» ; 

ut full I territory iu the greut southwt-et 

as any stuto or my , iuU f bll , 

will Ini there. 

Mre. vuti Illume*-— 1 bavo uo doubt of 

A UlMppolwlmcwt. 

Dmlel) C’aBMUckrr-I would like lo pay 

As our private grsve)snl isstrtetly a local in¬ 
dustry, nnd one in wliicb every patriotic t-lli- 
sen takes a lueul pride, we bo|si Dial the above 



Ladies Only. 

Tailor tinterrupting blm>—Tbut’s very 

Tits Boston Herald 


plowing uud burrow it well to moku u Farmer#’ wives uud duughters will kludofyou. 

good H-'t-l l»ed. Sow broudeust '.'i bindi- doulith-ss lie interasUal iu the women's Uudely— Hut I am not ulde to do so ut 
els « l the siuull Canada ku* ..r thnv cougre-ss of household A-conomb s, whioh Good moruing. Mr. 8 ulp.-Ta*uN 

buslwlsof marrow fats und pww under * will moe-t in tlu* Art Institute building ®*fUnga. _ 

four or fivu iurbes. The |niu i» u ut tho Luke Fon st iturk.t'hicugo, during Hard »>r Ueariug. 

| )bvp rooted pl.uit uud should U* put I the Week begiuuing Oct. 1*. The world’s Jasper—llruw u never stems lo bvur his 
well dowu. bow on top of tim ground agricultural cougtvas meets iu Chtcugo diMirlall ut-wodays. I’supla riug and tbeu 
| otm Lunliel of oats to hold tho pHh the sumo week. guawuy 

E..r U..«. tl.., lu u. u llrix-j. : „ u „ ml . tukl . lu lUmk Lurere ., ! JlwmSte- 0 * » ?-«’> •-«. IV 

|*. .11. .l.,«.ru..,lu,u, te,..l»„l. u^, TOk k.ut .-utlrelv ou tev , H. UovreEUrer. lu dOt-Srotk 

. M V,... U...1 UK. II.. .u or u Sut . k MJOU w , t , B lu ^ i, ! ~ 

movable ft nee may U> put urouutl u I lUsauaeu. 

-re.„ 1 l .« > 1 ... < 1 . 1.1 1 — I ttOllUnU. I h.i.u, — W’luit un* vmi r.-iulmu I here* 


• i u* un* nuv i 

JAmUm Vu.rtli 

»M«g#g- .,.f.'U. ,rr l>«r 

And tho Ablest HOITORIALS 

one tiusliel of i-ats to bold the |a-ns 
np. For hogs tin y come iu us u green 
forage after clover und tuuy b>< t ut with 
u scythe und thrown into them or u 
movable ft nee may l*/ put urouud u 
small {Hirtlon of the Hi Id. Good sueet-ns 
has U-eu olduim d by putting tbc is-us 
utel outs in the silo, or they may be cut 
und cunt], thrasbed nnd grouud into 
meal- Try two or throe at na u* nn ex- 
tsrimeiit this spring, udvists* TLe Amer¬ 
ican AgruultuusL 


A Ultcw-I Hu# Fur a Huiall t.atUru—Spa* 
Fur Dt'felrwy lag Uarducks. 

I The wheel hot- tu picod in the first rut 
j is au tixccUrut little tool fer the cultiva¬ 
tion oi garden crops, especully in * 


l)agg» - YYhui ure you rending ibt-rof 

sen takc-s . iu. al pride, w# bu|» that li.# abev. «■ AX'ifisb-C“tU 

work may be kepi In tb# bands of our fellow u tf ,TSrsrrIbnl u, .'rrWauiwb-ea? eSra 

bg> n *ms t > M all ulbrr* pul lugrlU r- 

1 be right is n amed to reject any or all bids ___ 

No Md furany part of tb# work will lie received I 

from tb# ttlilor of our rateerntd c-unlatnporary i niQlllQ 

ur uny out-coiii-ixtiil with biaelltit-. buret'#*- lilt ARlJ 

fal bid,lira luuit be pn pared lo brglu opera- ! 

Uuus by Ibe Ut of May. T i D III F 

A MCA! CUITTKM.—'We have ou several | IADULlU^^^' 

occasions siute tb# preaiilt-utiul election A RKLIABLE HCMCDV FOR 

mi-rely bintcsl tbo fact lluil we expecU-d tu nHRUEBSI* Mil IflllMMEBB 
be the ueU |Mialmaster .J this town. A* a ' UlBrtrDlA» DILIUUORtOO, 

matter of fact, we ought to buv« bee n up i OOM8T1PATION* HEADACHE. 

fte" u ' Jte l ,r -™"‘ l“teii,te„t. , 

sod wc Iw-luxe that Mr. \\ aiiauiukcr bus # from sayUla-rd#* ofS# 

kit kill biiUM-if ull over n loucrv lot on a 1 m m __ L. B M B»wJ. 

du/t-o occasiuus for fulling to do the square | vEMCIf lal wBE wa DOVVIw 
thing by uu When Mr Cleveland’s new lupan*Tabule#tranlsb pslssadproloaxIlf#. 
pre..„ret« W .um, re-...,.re lb. rril... b. , Jj&WlMjaiire* *“ “* ^ 

will tin,I our pi'tUion lying ou top of ibe * lm*u#l»i>uU# are idrsMst tu trtr.asfsaadaL 
» bul. 1.11. I, • ill CW.UMI tte Ol otKr.J 

all Ibr people iu Ibl* towu except two—Ibe |u ibe public, t tiuuU(sM-uiuusi>|.i»<oiua- 
|re-bt prelmreter ..xl lh. -J.I-.r ol oo, 

esteeinril coiiU-uiiHirary. \\ e wouldn't ask i>#Uauu sr# tuuiediu wrm-fur*iHcul 
Irelb. Uiu-r'» ., k u..,„re Uxxure «. ktew re“tre,^SlSTS.* S 


always salt’«u<l n li/lilr. IV.UUU n •iiu>uui#U fiuui 

Ike Horld. I>rr*klrd •** u ' rr ••»# *«rid. Beware «•• <Ui,g«'i>.ii- subrtl 
lutes and imitation*. 1 'rire +1 pr. 
r iif.xi! imI.Vu i.Arn bent by mail M-tirrly seslrd irom ulwen rtiuu 

Old Colony. 

OCTOBER lft, 189S. 


LFAVR BOSTON (karelaai Nt. fclullaa) FOB I 

H>y moufli, 6.43, 7.:a, 10.16, 11.20 a.mJ 

1.10, ‘J.:i 6 , 3A‘J, 4.40, 8.16,11.00, 8.16, 11.16, 
r-M. Krlara. 3.6o, 7.12,7 as, h.14,, 
10.2ii A M.; 1.03, 3.41, 4.43, 6.43, 0.00, 7.62, 
ItUM r.M. 

Nr. llrymnaili. 8.16.7.:», 1018,11.20 
A.M.; 1.10, 2.3B, 3.62, 4.40, 6.13, ti.U), 8.16, 
11.16 r.u. Krluru, 8.43, 7.(17,7.60,8.11, 
8.41, 10.21 A.M.; 12.68, 3.37, 6.38,7.48, 

10.02 r.u. 

KrM Hrymaalh. 6.46,7.36, 10.16,11.20 
A.M.; 1.10,2.33,3.62, 4.40,6.10,6.13,(1.00, 
8.13, ILISr.M. Mriarw. 3.40,7.02,7.45,'. 8.40, 10 .Hi a.m. ; 12A4,.H.33,4.:i&,6.:e, 
6.62,7.11,0.38 P.M. 

MR. HrVBIttNlll. 6.46. 8 30, 11.02 A.M. 

1.10, 2.30, 3.40,4.46, 6.30, 0.26, 11.10r.M. 
Mr IRF M v 5.40, (1.33, 7 ..33,8.28,10.30 A.M.; 
12.44,2.38, 4.31, 0.1U, 7.62 P.M. 

Ho. Wav MOUTH Kpp.cial to tlie Aldligton* 
nml Wliitmiin. 0 00 a.m. ; 0.38 r.M llB- 
Tt'MK from Wblliiisii, 11.24 r. M 



H'nmoRlb. Noktii Wrymouth ami 
East Wrymouth,0.15 a.m.: 12.45, 5.43 
p.m. Mrlwru# leave East Wrymouth 
8.51 A.M.; 5.32, 6.45 p.m. North Wry¬ 
mouth 8.60 a. m. ; 5.50 r. m. Wrymouth. 
u.oi a. m. ; 6 .:a», 5.53 p. m. 

Nr. Hryatoatb, 5.45 r. m. litter*. 

8.61 A. M. 

J. K. EKXBKiri, titacrol Miaagcr. 
LEO. L.C0MX0*. Lea. Pasa’r Agrat. 


A Kuive at lart tlbeoverr J lltst run • firM, Fi¬ 
rm. I bllklBliib, Bells. Hums, lUtrawallaai, 
kralfi, aii-l ail txlt'iiml iUwoms. llustlirds wfl 
mi—li- lied UrtbuuiiUl# iclstil# tu IU iiusblks Si. 


(karrcaawra la H. Urates A laa), 

M-tuul-u'tun-i* su-1 U- paiieit uf 

el) srslrd I mob «dw*rv#ti<M» | LvRBRt*. fusrlirs. >aay t hairs. Fir.. Uaagt 

SaSv-Tte#re/g|-'bte WteMrelB. : •“' "-HI CteUU 1 ite ,reim. ol 

, *1 „ all ibe people lu ibis towu extvpt two—Ibe 

Buckl.n. Arilic. Mat . I Iinre .4 ireanlitere •wl'lte'Swr^ m I rfesSs2SJ&-PBLl8iiSteSiGSt 

Tte I,ret Hxiv. lb- wort-t ,-r Cuu. Utete-°b )re Uu"terere. ol . hired „u„„ u .„„ Mr . r) \v. uuuklb', ret f^rLT^^^fiiilXVAWfiSSCl 

Unit.*■«.., n<«r<, tell Bb-uiu, Krvvr *W--teiurevite Joaitel , lL _ uure'. ^Liretur. tecreu. «. BBrellre. u irerelte rrere rire. rerere.Uj 

K‘.,c,T., f .,. ri..,...l likuJ.,( bllblrio.. All Frot. - wi.rote JteteSS g-tete-b-Crete, re ter wtUre. tre. re 

4 urus, and all bkm Eruption*, and po*i- , , , .... . . . Alasre kesu ltlssss Taksli-s Id lb# Ikmis# 

tu ely runs I'll.«. or uo pay nquirstd. D Tbuaa wbo bavo used Dr. Kings New be aloud one tliuuoa in n million himself, ] ^«broyudU«'?rtAt sum# with yuu. Tire 

t U guaranteed to Rive iN-rfect satisfaction or Diseevery kuov Us value, nnd those wb<> and we tbuugbl tbv former might be preju- s»# put up tu *uisU«uu. wbs-b may u- -rawd- 

in -1 nay ie(undc-«| g 1'rlc# 23 . per bo*. ! »i*Yn uuw the opportunity u. Uy diced beaiU>a- of our baviug Ih-c-u obligttl lo 1 soOy csrrWd iu tb# *# *t poc k#ioc purtUAuunsla. 

Ft r sale by A. M. Uarbulder. 1 Ernr. th ud your name nud uddreos lo *»um* blm twice during lb# Led I* inuutbs | Su44 br Drvfstau. or sent hj malt ts U# lultow- 

! 11. K Umkb ti .V Co-, t biesgo. uud g« t s ... f , ..... Ikl „i i„,«. tug uuauUlk#* ujwn receipt u# p« 1 ## i 

■.avoid- box of Dr. Kiuga New life hli* »' e didn l v anl bint to f-t! suuubed, bow . 1 5 cast*. I It *#tttu. • |1.tJ 

_... . _ _ |r* * ' a«er, nml ocliugou the nduce of fric-uds we a CiC. . i| saaU. III IdllM- • t.Ct 

Children Cry for Ali i f wbUb t* guarauU.-d lu do I railed at l»»e ^aiatomcc TutwdnjrafUrnouu I auam* 

. -re __ v»»a gixal nud cajsI ymt uotbing A. M with the iwtitiou in cur baud Tb*> cnUer JHC RIPANft CHEMICAL CO., 

PlCOnftr 0 ORRTMBR*- i Un- brldi r's Drug store. I st tdcUly nuspacted our siraad. Cur aa vs 1 t« |mvii rt., Mar Vaac. 

all the peuple in lbl* towu except two—the lu lb# public. lu«uUn eat m sm-IhsIIub. 
K>-i.l Iwreiuretw- .,•! lh. .J-U.r-, oo, 

esteeinril coiiU-iiiiHjrary. U e wouldn't ask i »i,< #i.j i -u-uu-r- lunn-uio w(-i.-t..r*i 8 «i 
l.irlbv ,«IUT'. klblmlun- tei.ure ... kl»» ‘"Vrete.'retSte^ 
bini to Iw pASMcwa^J of the iusuue idea that eba/ge. . . 

be strnal .me chauot iu a million biutseif, j Vut 

»r# put ui- la smalt * lata wbk'b suajr U- «un», .0- •• 111. it. DuMuUt. US 8 . Urebwdsl., < j.l. «*u, 

DU, U.K. A. grlly 



XI# Wsarlaa qaalUisa sr# uaaurwaaasd. actuall I 
suiljslsg two Ik>bs# of oar other brand. Md 
aRscUd hr booL ITLKT TUktiEI ill£ 


snatearh BrAa ibratr*' Fatral.) 

Ma'ln sses mud- otrr. Carprla taki n up. rlrsurU 
an.l n laid I'pb-b'irr buiipiu * at tbo h-iury oA| 
lliltlgi, u< or Ui-Iu- * liilJgr. 1 '. O. Addfrsr.l 
N »f ill Wry mouth. I* ml t-r •«iu|>U t mre I rrtiuiatr*. < 
AU urdci* promptly aiuuui-i lu. 44 If 



pwCKfH pftatrr ■ 

|lcPrwt^aivlR v 


no {my rt iiuired. It! Tbooewbu have n»ed Dr. King's New I be stood uue cluinoe in a million bimseif, j m, t»u. Tl-> 

rerlntt salisfocUon or Discovery kuow it# value, uud those who and we thought tbv former might be preju- nr# pul avia small »uU. whs-b may u-*ws»vut 
e 'Xr.wSSl. I.BV. not. have now lb.- opportunity lo uy diced Utmuse of uur baviug U-eu obligcsl lo ! a-UJ c^Utu tb.vurarack^ur purtmunnnb. 

Hoc bolder I * , 1 u ‘ l >: ,ur . “*»«.• sud uUdrras to during tbv Ua 18 mouth* , Sutd br Dreygiau. or smiI b* mall Is U# follow. 

i II V Uin.libn A- C.. ,* 1 . 1 .—.. u.ul «.l • ! ...... . I |*g uusoUtkM Upu# receipt of prl«# I 

1 ever, nml acliugou the udvtev of frieuds we 1 
j colled at tlie ^uuloffitv Taettday ufuntouu I 
w lib the petit iou in cur bond The critter 

1 svideally buspocted our snood, (ur a* we 1 

Caveats, and Trad# Xlsrks obislccd. and all l*sk 


luu lie fN.ra Wurtlortoa 

■ "Ju\ i xz > & — •— ■*-» j --• “ itif 

chxrrc Uu fee out mu- 111* psirnt I* •« < urred 1 

* Fsawklst. “Ilow tu ObuYo Patents." wttk 

d a&Sf wurbUU ' lu4Utt,, “ L. O.CBOl'KUl Kftkl Hrulnlret 

R RMvil tr.. HSR Vaac. 


Bypetee Fated ORae.RiFt^Rw ».*. 

•r-H sreiu b a will- >*.. II. F'srr, )c«rUrr, W 
proispdi tharpeacd and rciurnt-i iLn«. 

* ’ 1' 

. ;■ 

K Board cr Health lie reby notify aU peraeu* 
itrrrau d. Iliat an and aftrr thl* data, the follow- 
vf lalnn* of (liaiitrr SB of ilia Oenerul Btatntr* 

• atrletly «|br«il. 

47. When a hoanMdnknow* that a p*r*on 
hla family h taki-n *lrk < (. . . ant . . . 41a- 
lanerroua tn the public health, ba .tall hrmr 

• rTtb not It* thereof in the . . . Board ol 
i nf ilia town In which he ilarrll*. If lie reftiaea 
lert* In elee aorli notice, be (ball forfeit a tnia 

it. When a pliT.Irlan know, that any perann 
he la called ta thK la afflicted with ... an* 
r danger-on* tn the pnhllc health, he ahall 1m- 
tely eh e notice thereof to the . . . Board of 
> of the town, ami If he refUar* or neglect* ol 
ui h notice, he .hall forfeit for each otftnee a 
Ol leaa than PIO. nr more than #100. 

Board conalder* the above wrtlon* to apply 
itherla, Hcarlrt Fever, Htnall Pot, Meaalea and 
ping Cough. 

J. Ciarknc* flow*, Chairman. • 1 

P. O. Addrraa, Ho. Weymoath. Board 
ITunY A. Naan, clerk, I 

O. A tld re .a, Weymouth llel«hta. V of 

>mmonwoalth of Massachusetts. 

FOLK, 88. t Pnoa.ra Cot 

i the llrlr. at Law, Neal of Kin, ami all other 
l‘rr*on* Intrreatrd In tlie r.utr of 

>f Wcymonih, In *al<l ronuly, deecaaed, 


ima«, a certain In.iruiocnl, purporting i« 
be la.t will and tenement ol .aid dereaanl, 
ren prr.rnied to *aid Court, for Probale, by I 
■ A. CuncIT o| IVcyinoiiih, who praya Uia i 
■* Iraiamrnlaty mar he l.atud to her tin 
ill It therein named, nit limit giving Mirvlv 
her bond. 

u ara hereby died In appear at a Probate Court, 
hidden at Oulm-y, In .uld muniy of Norfolk, 

... .. Julucy, In »uld county or Norfolk, 

lm .rcond Wrdnraduy .of April neat at hlne| 
ck In the forrniMin, to show rauae, If any you 
, again*! the *aine. 

id .aid pi tu Inner I. hereby directed to give 
le notice thereof h> puMIdiliig thl. Citation once, 
ik, for three auccv-aalve week*, In the urn .paper 
I ilia Weymouth tiecrtic, pnlill.hed at 
mouth, the la.t publlcallun lo be two day a, ai 
, In-lore ■aid Court. 

itnea*, Ucnige White. Kaqulrj, Judge of .aid 
t, tliia .evenleentli day of March, In the 
one tbou.and eight hundred ami ninety three. 
M JONATHAN COBB, llegitier. 

lu-rca*, application ha* hern made lo .aid Court 
rant a letter of adiuihi.lratlnii nu the e«tate of 
ilrrruaed lo Kmllr V. White, of We)month. In 
. oimty o| Norfolk, without giving gun ty upon j 

•u are hereby eited tn ap|icar at a Probate Court 
j hidden at Quincy, in .aid Comity of Norfolk, 
lie •ecoinl \\ of April neat, at nine 
M-k In the forciiiMin, tn allow eau*c, If any you 
3, again.t grunting the Mine, 
ml aalil petitioner I* hereby dh cried tn glrel 
lo Hot lilt thereof, by puhliahhig thl* Citation 
i a week, for three aucccaaive week*, In ti e. 
•paper railed the Weymouth tlaaellc, printed 

k'ey mouth, the l«*t publication to be two day a 
a*t before .aid Court. 

it no**, (Jeorgo While. Kaqujrr, Judrc of laid 
it. thla tweiity-fccoud day of Mar-li, in the 
■ one thou.and eight hundred and mm n-three. 
■M JONATHAN COBB, Ih-gbter. 

Commonwealth of Mas.achusctts. 

IlFOLK, 88. rilODATi: COURT. 

O the Ncxt-of-KIn, Creditor . and all otlifr 
pcr*on» Interested In the date of 
8ALLY B. win ri:, 

of Wrvmotuli, In .aid County, ilt- cased in- 

’lu-rca*. application ha* been nude In • iid Court 
rant a letter ol admlnUlrallou on il» eatata of 
l deri a.eil. lo Kmlly V. Il Idle .if Wiimouib, In 
County of Norfolk, without giving *urcty Upon 

ou are hereby riled to appear nt a 1'n I itc Court. 
c hohleii at Onliicy, In *uui county, ol Norfolk,! 
the aerond Wedue*dajr of April not, at ulne 
ink In the forenoon, to *how iuu»e, il any you, 
e, again*! grunting the *amr. 
lid raid priliioner I* hereby direr" I to give 

die notice thereof, by publishing ll.h 
e a week, lor three »ucce».lve aol 
i.paper called the Weymouth tiar-u 
Vermouth, llie la*t publication to be n 
it before aalil Court. 

I'itm **. Ueorge White, Kaquirc, .In 
irt, thl* twentyvecond day of A|i 

one thou.and l ight humlnd and ihu- ty-three. 
62 JONATHAN COBB. Ihglater. 

Commnowealth of Massachusetts. 

((FOLK, 88. PliOBATK C01TRT. 

N) the Ncst-of-KIn, Creditor., and .11 other 
Peraon* Interested In the eatuit of 


i of Weymouth, In aahl Count; 

3*tatc: . 

I'Inn a*, application haa been made i« -aid Court 
graut n letter of adinluUtruiiou on ilm eatate of 
1 ihct-aacd, to I dward 1'. Paine, of Weymouth, 
lie Count* of Norfolk. 

'ou are hereby eited to appi ar at a Probata 
irt to lie hulilrii at Dedham, in aai-l Couuty of) 
■ folk, on the third Wo-lneatlay of April Beat, at 
* o'clock In the fotrunon. to .how • <uar, Il any 
l have, again.i granting the aarnc. 
tlid .aid petitioner la hereby direct'd to glic 
idle untIre thereof, by puhli.ldng lid* Citation! 
•e a week, for three *um-**lvc week*. In the tow*. 

•cr railed the ..nth (iaaettr, printnl at 

yuiouth, the laat publication lo be two day* at 
at. Indore (aid rouit. 

Vitura*. tirorge WMtr, Enquire, Judge of aahl 

firiWNBIg. O.fO, 1..W, IU.I3,* 

A.M.; 1.10, 2.:W, 3.52, 4.40.5 10.6.15,(1.00. 

H. lfi, II.16 r.M. Nr I urn. 6.40,7.02,7.46, 
8.02,8.40, 10.Ill a m.; 12.34,3.33,4.36,6.32, 
fiJUJ.44,0.58 r.u. 

•. HrSMOUlfc* 6.46. 8.10. 11.03 A.M. 

I, 10.2.30, 3.40,4.46, 6.30,11.26, 11 10 r.M. 
Mr I nm. 5.40, tU3,7.33,8.28, 10.30 A.M.; 
12.44.3JO, 4.31,0.10, 7.52 t M. 

j. Wrymuutu Hi m ul to tin- Alilngtiina 
mill Wliitiiinn. 0 00 A.M.; 0.38 r.M life- 
turn from Whitman, 11.24 r. M 



k'MMMlb, North Wbymouth ami 
Kabt Wkymopth, 0.16 AM.: 12.43, 5.4.'. 
r.M. Nrlwru. leave Ka«t Wry mouth 
8.51 A.M.; fl.32, 6.45 r.M. No mu Way 
MOUTH 8.60 A. M.; am r. M. W ICY MOUTH. 
0.01 A. M.; fi.W, 6.55 r. M. 
s. Hrynuglh, fi.45 r. m. Ktlwa, 
8.51 A. M. 

J. R. MlNDRICK, tirurral Manager. 
4110. L. (OkfcOB, (lea. Paaa’r igrat. 


A Halve at laat diacovrn-J that cure* Carat, II* 
rra, Ihllblalaa. Boll*. Hum*. UBraauUaa. 
raid*, and ail i-klnnal lUirwri. Hundred* M 
iixdhiled UalUuonUla relative to IU ijualuira at 

Made awl for *ale by DOItK k R HITK. VtJMealh. 

For >alr by all DruggUt< 

(SurrrMor* la 8. Uraira A Saa', 

Muuufactureia and U<Tuthcra of 
IH|». inurbr*. >a*l t hair*. Hr.. I 
nud tearh Brde - bran a' Palral.) 

Ma'in made ovrr. Carpet* taken up. i 
id n laid. rpbwU'rrr hui-pm ■ al the fee 
ridge aim t, m ar Onlue y Inidgr. P. O. A 
or lb Weymouth. Bind for aaiupk* ami c»t 
11 ordcia promptly at Undid lo. 

no? pr.jirr* 5 

it vr 




The estate of the 
Dr. George W. Fuy, B 
Street, East Weymc 
Will be sold on reason 

For particulars mldr 




2qt. Uut Water B«tUe f«M 

WAHKAXTID 1' turner. 



FIB3T clabb wor 

Um IMS! Uj Ito d»* M Ml Iwmm# 

.. I 





Weymouth During King Philips War. 

nr iami'ki. w. bkki*. 

King Philip's war «U nn« ofth«tiio*t 
Important events In tlie early nnnnU of 
Masnnehusetta history. The Immediate 
cattar of the war wa* the execution of 
three Indians hy the Knglish 
lor the murder of one Baums- 
man, an Indian mlaalonary who wan 


Hark! to lb* thrnilagsollwinssflboWjngl . 

Tb* earth la Ultra with pul-log. il.ioM.lng Ilk; 
HeR brer tea albl tb* budding learra are rHr; 
Illltbe bird*, tbelr high awl rkar aural aotra do 

Olad lirMika rekaatd fh>m ley fHltra sing 
A gurallny melody lulling all MiIW. 

Tb* bullfrog* (Ml "her cluing ' ftom Ihelr deep 


Tbe bee* gently bam, droning Ibelr warning. 

The *rreaming male lake* tip tbe rr Train, 

WIKI *e*ae dying northward ehani It again. 

From lolly plaea breathing* of praUe aria* | 

Tbe aolrmn ocean mirror* laughing able*, 
nark I to the banuonlra attnne thine ear, 

Mat to the anthem of ike opening t ear. 


J. F. Sheppard & Sons 

• few amnll scrub onk tree*. The colonel, 
hy the way. In nomethlngof nn ugrlcultur- 
1st and owns a very Urge and (Urea bull. 

One day when the company was drawn 
up In bnttlo array, the captain anddenly 
snouted, “Free ‘nnrsnlvral free your¬ 
selves, gentlemen Col. Heon's hull la 
loose." And tin guns of the warlike 
Islanders were dropped, they mndn for the 
trees, and thus ,-neaped tlie animal on Its 
rsinpuge. Ilut don’t you think they were 

Methods of Communication 
Among the Indiana. 

Ilnrvnrd '71. 

No. 4 Front Street, 


Tetrpbeue «!«•«. 

ucm Bltct, Bill WT.IMOT 

(Near Jarkaon H»jnarr.) 

Mk* Beer*t—iJOs.n. toll 114& r. u. 

ip.u.; * 4 * r.a. to• r. u. 


Chronic Diseases, 

>has.R. Greeley 


Tlie sign language ot tha Indiana is a 
wonderful thing. Two Indians different In 
tlielr speech as a German and \ Spaniard 
will readily communlest* with wieh other. 

It U the picturesque of eloquence t' watch 
en Indian addressing n eonnell and wlthmik 
a peaking a wonl. iunkl..g tala meaning clear 

*°l ttaM, written eommnnlration# 
are maitfl by picture*. The family history 
of a chief will he painter! on n tepee. Tha 
following to a specimen ot tills method of 

The ••letter" was written by Kik-kl-kaH. 
wk, "Theone who knows secrets," a Kick* 
a|M»n Indian Medicine Matt._ 

ready for lettering and eetihig in the cemeteries* 

return to Hontnu I Uava spoken, am hern pmeeded at once to tha scene of conflict 

surras :asfsrA?s «*»*■» “•r"i 

turning to Buffalo where Mr. Bellnger haa defeated them. Philip himself fled and 
a number of orders for pictures. aonglil refuge among lliu nelglilNirlng 

They are selling numerous sketches, tribe* wlium he stirred up to Join 1,1m In 
flower piece*, at,idles from old matters, defence of tlielr race. For the defraying 
and heads, which would be of value to of the expense of the thmpsfnini the Maaaa- 
aiudelila for copies, still life subjects; also chusetta colony on tills ekncdlllnn btu 
several antique Florentine chairs, a wm levied hy the General Court on July 
Clemente plnuo over one hundred years 0 , HI7S, upon tho Inhabitants nf the colony 
old: a tall old Kugllsh clock, and many to lie all paid In money. Throe single 
pieces of atWIquo Italian brocade hanging*, country rates wero also ordered to lie levied 
pottery, glass, etc. It Is a rare chance lor this year upon the Inhah.tanta payable In 
any one to add to a collection, for these grain, such as payIn money to be abated otm 


lhisToN, April Mfli, ’M. ] 

Kol long ago in lurnlng over a collection 
of clippings I eaiiio across a poem, yelluw 
with age, Waring the signature of Ia>uI*o 
C handler, and though It was a girlish pro. 
duetlon, singing of the beauties of a running 
brook with flower gemmed hanks, yet it 
betrayed such a Iron poetic ring, I asked 
about It* writer, nad was not surprised to 
hear It wdn the youthful work of that 
world-known poet, IaiiiUo Chandler Moul¬ 

Ixuilso Moulton, so her friend Milan 
Whiting says, come* of good English stock, 
originally, which was grafted onto Yankee- 
dom In Ponutret, Connecticut. An old 
friend, who remembers her young life, says 
she was nn Imaginative child, and con- 




Vegetable Anesthetic 

tnun *s tvs earns tea 

Extracting Teeth Without Pole. 

AO who are In wsat a# FIRST-CLASS WORI 
and quality of material, are cordially lavited la cal 
A fresh supply of GAS constantly en hand. 

Pi tonne Purpoaea. 

Orders by msll to East Bralntrra or WijwioP, 
• by telephone, will rucclvs Immediate attsansa 
avPHcts low. Prompt dsllvsry by s m kl 4Hv 
tn. ami sstlafSrtlon go a run rod.__ 

Wcrkr. Almlljr o. th. lin .1 the 0. C. B. B. .1 <l»l «7 Uni MiUs. 

Pea Coal! 

Aillircaa, Box 257, 

01 r.uroiic wiiici, uiu tourtni aciiioin visits, •«•■ ,•■•«", • 

while work of Mr. and Mrs. Bellnger grows upon a il upon tlin property owned hy the 
In value every year. Inhabitants. On July l.t, 11175, the Hover- 

The nl.-1..1 a Hamilton I'l.o. .nil <ma nor anilI Connell of tl.o Mum. 
not been advertised. Colony, for the protection of Hm frontier 

MAnotranv. dlr,*cted the commander of the regiment 

fly Ours the Sacrifice, 

Cheapest nnd most eco¬ 
nomical coal tunnelled for 
cither cooking stoves or 

Hy Yours the Opportunity, 

Miss Annie R. Dyer, 

(Brftrs le Carljif rrtrrsllla of Boston), 

I* prepared lo rceeife pupil* on th* Plano or Organ 

178 Pl.aiant Street, South Weymouth. 

29 If 

alder, d very "atuait" hy her townspeople. 
Her school comport Ion* were widely com¬ 
mented on ua being something quite 
ticyoml the usual run of rhildlsh produc¬ 
tions. Even then she lived much In 
Imagination, and pr-opled tin* world about 
her with the funinatie children of her brain. 

At fifteen she lagan to publish, and at 
eighteen a volume of poems called "This, 
That and the Other" was Issued by a llos- 
ton house. 

I do not think ah,- bad then determined 
on a literary life, him sang much aa u bird 
slugs, nud often failed to wrllo down the 

him was "lltilahod " ns the phrase went, 
at Miss Willard's fatuous seminary at Troy, 
nnd soon after graduation married Mr. 

f I Bargains 
4J in 
ftery Department. 

Llncols BalldlSK, Hlsgbaw, 

(Opposite Blsllou.) 


196 Marlborough Street, BOSTON- 



Piano, and Coraet Soloist, 

127 Pleeeent Street, South Woymouth. 

"Saowa" Is a medicine wont meaning 
good or lM»*t, and slgnlflcs "best medicine.™ 
Here are the sincere statements ot a no¬ 
ble son of a grand race. 

Every wont I* true. „ ... 

ratlin, tin, highest authority on the In- 
Alans nnd who lived among them for 
yoars, says "the wonl of an Indian can at. 
ways be relict upon." and lie la right. 

Hero ts proof ot the genuine value of 
Klckapoo Indian Sngws. 

Here la n letter from a far dl fferent source. 
The following Is from the 1’rufeasnr -,f 
Physiological chemistry at Yale College, 
and this scientist says 
u 4/ter a chemical Anatyiii of Imllan Sag* a, 
I find II lo bo an Extract of Roots, Rarkt 
and tterbi of Valuable Remedial Action 
wftJh no Mineral or other Deleterious Admin- 
turfi." n . • 

lined the teaching* of these letter*. 
Take Nature's Homely In season. It your 
blood Is Impure nnd your skin I* marked 
by pimples, blotches and boils; If you 
have dull pains In your back and side; If 
ycur appetite ts poor; If you do not get 
aotind, refreshing sleep, so necessary to 
your liealtli and strength, gou are tn /han¬ 
ger. These, and other symptom* aro the 
warning* ot nature. 

Arou«o yonrself, and drive off the enemy- 
Arm yonrself with Klckapoo Indian Mug. 
wo—liulld up your system by It* use and 
all danger Is averted. 

Klckapoo Indian Magwaand other Kick, 
apoo Indian medicine* contain only the 
product* ot the field nnd forest, nnturo's 
own vegetable growth of root*, bark* end 
herb*, and ot necessity an, free Irani all 
mineral poison* whatever, bernu-o the 

2 Commonwealth Ave., BOSTON, 


Anaesthetics administered and Artificial Teeth 

,B pi*a*e write fo- appointments for filling. Charges 
moderate. 3*0m 

East Weymouth. 

Jobbing of all Kind* 

•tty attended to. Wood sawed and split U 

laaMaaaa. Mlgb itreet, near Bawlbaru, 

If you want to SAVfi MONEY it will be for your 
interest before purchasing to get our prices of 
Kitchen, Dining-room, Sitting-room, Parlor, 
Hall and Chamber 

• i i i.r, ... nmoum, nn,i ms p'linun wn* uvnnci.s 

I lK, . 1.0 the l»»'. « • AfUrwartls at n meeilng ot tlie ipderimen 
; aria 1» d-nted on- U ( W.ymontl., I.-I.1 M—« 5. ti*i. ir-rrtl 
iKirtto nrodnctlon ot v „to,|,, Illdj.t.1 linn ««» 

or wlileh preparations nni , dn r. plt ami It was our duty to 

uy weeks aro now com- take rare for Ida cure, 8,-rgoant Hanoi,d 
eiition of Mr. Italy and white Im empoworrd to treat with one 
' J' 1 ," °J I»r. Cutler and nrrange fur Ida cure. This 

ink,, this production a Wlil ,,i on „ B nd a hill for Ci nnd 11 shillings 
ivery way and no detail K f| K rwarda presented which was .paid hy 
lJ » i ,n *!l rc 5*ni the town. On October 13. 11173, tbe General 
i Ada llelian Will be Court ordered lb at there should bo levied 
to other >n"Uiht>rsi« the ^.veu single onuutrr rates, three of them, 

' r wV ,M »V rates to be paid at or ludore tlm last of 

Wheattelgh, Hobart jfovetulier nud the other four at or lu-fiiro 
ralg, Hlckuian, James n, p | M g G f Mantlt lKTfi, to tie paid In grain, 
" i" 1V V' such as tuaka pay ment In money to lm 
ioyd DHubigtiym tra g, ono quarter. The amount \Vv\- 

uina* Uridgland, MI»m n ,„ u th was required to pay l,y each of 

"ul.r S}.u* 5?* ntmTi.Zi l,,MM *»*»«*« rntes was A3A, fis., Id. On 
ch of which l« orlBliial jfovemher 3, 11175, the General Court 
-specially for this jins- diluted each town to provide lu addition 
" idmer. |j IM | r tn«n st,Mrk of aiumunltioniioutllnta 

- for cucli 100 ciiIIsIlmI soldiers nud so pro- 

“ r for a Imaer or grimtor number. 
107S,* warrant was directed to 
’IIllam Torrey .of tbe Comiulltee 
tin of Weyinoutli requiring him 

OFFICE H0UBS,10t«12,.B.,Sto6r.a 

(over Cbsrlc* Harrington's Store) 


Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Uw 

desire to glvo notice that thoyhave now 
established n city office at 

U 1 Mills Mb, Ilo*ton, Hoorn 83. 

jy Take elevator. 

Office Hours from II A. M. to 2 P. M. 

Appointments mods by mall. 

Also Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Lacs 
Curtains, Pictures, Etc. 

A Good Straw Matting for IS Cant s per Yar d. 


Broad Street. East W#ymoutir^**>^ 

And [Poultry Bupplioo. 

Teeth extracted by a new method without pain. 
Night bell. 

Hl'EZI ALIT.WBcbmerslose Zabnoperation 
unter Unwen iluug Ues newen pstentlrten. 

FRANCIS L. mii, 

Pax* TuxAmg.-—It was tUo.l«5)Gi Per¬ 
formance of Hoyt's "A TetupenUMM Town 
that waa given at tlie Park theatre' laat 

bounty of finished design. In all Mrs. 
AlouifOii'a writings on,- finds that subtle, 
elusive aense of sillrltusl suggestion, as if 
'the poet were flv'ng lietwaeli tbe two 
worm* of till, seen and the unseen, amt 
bringing, half-unconsuonsly, strange, swift 
perceptions from tlm uiikuowu." 

Mrs. Monlton spend* her wlutors In Itoa- 
ton w here she Is the Very ceutre of literary 

Her rwcoptious, held each Friday, ap¬ 
proach very nearly thn much vuuiited 
French salon, for there one meet a every 
one of note In the literary or artistic world. 
Fashion eaters to Mrs. Moulton, and tliu 
place In which she dwells, though lust 
lieyond the fashionable quarter, is illlctl 
with the carriages of swelldom oil tho day 
she receives. . , 

Mrs. Moulton Is Ilka a queeu surrounded 
hy adoring subjects, ami like true majesty 
is extremely gracious and kind even to the 
humblest literary uspirnnt. There one 
meets as on colour,u ground the leading 
literary lights, the moat fuiuuus uctors and 

Conversation is on all sorts or topics, 
hut never gossip. One Is exhilarated slid 
devilled l,y the atmosphere. Mm. Moulton 
goes to lioudon Just before the opening of 
tho seusou aud has nil equuliy influential 
posit loll there. Him puase* tlm autumn 
visiting one large country house aud un- 
other, Hint returns to llostoii before winter 
begins lu reign. She thus kee|s» In touch 
with two worlds, aud Is at home In Itulb. 

Other Offices at Bouth Weymouth and 

Lotus A. Cook. Dak nt. W. Oooimaw. 


Monday evening, and il was the 


to furnish !'J men for Uie country's sarvlea. 
In reapoiise tlierelo. the following persona 
were provided for the service, via: ller,- 
ktnh King, Jouaa Humphrey. Joseph Hid,- 

_ .. JoaspliRIcb- 

Hugland, John WIilliiiMrnh, 
irnny, John Head, John Ford, 
Wlllluin Mellls, John Hiirrdl 
Kingman. Ill Cnplain Isaae 


Cuktta, C,aai, Bobu, Uiblta, 

and all Funeral Good* on band sad famished at 
shortest notice. 

Embalming and Disinfecting a Specialty. 



A First-Class Quartette. 

Kbbk furnUbed for fbaerals at resionable Prices. 
Call* id WenaouP* and Braintree promptly at¬ 
tended day or night. 





Johnson's company, In Ueeeuilatr, IH75, till 
the ulmve naimsl person* appear a* inem- 
l»er* exoept John Ford. Tliere nro also 
two other Weymouth men mentioned a* 
members of that company. ' * 

Spring Opening. 

the alotve named person* 
lien except John Ford. 

.... ...L.... ■ ' :::vis; Jain,' 

(lead and John Ilollls. In what ws 
known as tho Hw amp tight wlild, oueurre 
DeeemlMT 10, 11175, und In which Cuptal 
Joliiraon'a company took part, Allen Du| 

President, - JOSEPH DYE1U 


Treasarvr, A. K. YINMfl. 
■•aril of Investment! — Joaxra Drsa, 

t'uAiu. 1 * C. Towsu, I'aiKcs 11. TtBBKtA, Auiua 
II. IUvKonn, Joum M. Whitcumb. 

Open frott I ta 10 1. M., and l.ll ta S F. M- 

which can be played any piece written for a Piano. 
In an upright piano case, 7 14 ocuvrs. 


H,Ihi lm, Mbmr »4 F«,w FI- 
■mi, Htcrllaa •■* Crow, 0r,*»- 

A number of second-hand Inatrumiuts for rale 
cheap. Cash or instalmenu. 


Old Shop of Mr. Heraey. 

houses and burn* st Weymouth. Tliean 
la-longed (o John Kune, Hcrgeiint John 
Wliltumrali nnd John Uichard* mid wero 
undoubtedly situated upon Pleasant street 
or a* It was then called tlm r;>ad lesding 
into the woods. : 

probably applied to tho Governoi 


Savings^ Bank. 

FruIMM, - - • l. L. BI0KNEU 


Taalna aa* Repairing. 

Captain WiIlium Torrey 

... ..! t: “-jvyr"or und 

Coiiueil for uHAlstmiee at tills time for on 
the seventh day Of tlm following March lm 
acknowledged having reeelved th« aa«ls- 
taiieu of If men from Caplulu Jacob’s com-! 
puny for the protection of Weymouth, 
11 login,in and Hull. Ua plain JbcoIm aue- 
eeeded lo thu conimainl of Oapinln Uato- 
Johnson'* company upon tin, death of 
Capt. Johnson in I b e. HS75. und Ids eom- 
panv Included several Weymouth men. 
On Mart'll 7th, Captain Torrey reports that 
lie ha* not under Ida command alsive 40 
men, I •aside* 2 or 3 l«ov* and hoiiih old men 
without arm*, that tho work* are largo but 
lie Impra defensible and that lm lias cliargu 
... . . |„ anv acre* of women 





One or the beet heetiog arrange¬ 
ments on the market. 

Tin, Copper and Iron Ware always on hand. 

Special Attrition P«I4 U Job Work. 


I Pailor Stows, 

A Kullhl Mr,., Mi,a Bark Nall. 

Ainu a full lino of Men'- ami Youth,’ Sultn in 
Woratoda, Chuviotn und Cimaiiiieroa, fiiilu 
$H.OO tu *20. 

A flue llnoof Spring Ovcrooata, $11.50 to SI*. 
I^iiuoii & lluhhard HuIh a apeeUlly. Vur- 
ui-liiiiji», TrunkH, Hu^h, Etc. 


Writing Paper by the Pound. 




100 Varieties of these fine 
Papers in stock for Home 
or Foreign Correspond¬ 


Fifty Yean of Musio.. 

Thu Weymouth llaud has Just passed the anniversary of Its organisation. In 
these Ally years, many of Weyinoutli'* 
most noted musiciaus have lieeu enrolled 
in II* membership. Year* ago U passed 
laiyoud a local reputation und aehleveil u 
uatiouul fame. As urgauixrd for the eu- 
sulug year, Uolaert F. Hayiiioml is couduc- 
tor; W. F. lutes, leader; U. II. Merehant, 
clerk: Fred Pratt, treasurer; Arthur Fear¬ 
ing, Fred Pratt, W. F. Hale* aud Hubert 
F. Uayinoud, music and standing commit¬ 
tee. Tliu iteraoiiuel of the baud is a* 
follows: W. F. Hales, solo cornel; Fred 
Pratt, 1st eoruet; J. Bprague, 2 nd coruet; 
James Liucoln, 3rd eoruet; It. F. llav- 
m,,nd. till eoruet; Horace 1'eare, eolo 
alto born; tfuqdieu Tirndl, 1st alto hum: 
Charles Hiudiur 2 u,l alto lioru; F-dward 

lutes, 1st trombone: William ltayluuud, 

2 nd Iromls.ue; A. L. W»l, 5rd trombone; 
Btepheu Cuin, Jr., laas. iul»a; William C. 
Pease, l mis* l ii ha: Albert Hurrell, baritone; 
Clark Fearing, |N-tite elurluoet; Arthur 
Feuriiig, solo clarionet; Kliuer HI,aw, 1st 
elarloliel; Winslow M. Tirroll, Pieuolo; 
.•erry Conuoa#, snsre drum; C. H. Mer¬ 
chant, l»a*s drum ; Frank House, eyiubals. 

appeal to them a* the IliNiiop, but as the 
man. and do uot want tlm memorial atalue 
to lauir any destiuctive work of office. 

Of course a great deal may Iw said ou 
laitb aides, but a little thought. It aeeiiis to 
me, would lead anybody to be thankful 
that tbe staluu cau wear some drapery uud 
uot the stiff, ungraceful dress that dis¬ 
figures ao many statues. The robes are 
graceful nud dignified, and lu a certain 
sense uwe-iuspirilig, where the coat uud 
trousers are hideous even when sculptured 
by a HI. Guildeus. Ho it I* to be hoped 
that no petty sectarian feeling will tMke 
action on the matter hut tlie atulue of the 
greut and good Hiahop will wear the robes 
of the oHits' lie did ao much to uworn. 


There Aould bo nothing more umiropriute 
for the Bailer season than Ml** Kailn riuc 
F.. Conway's lovely work, "A llreaui of 
Lillies," published l,y the J. F. < tipple* 
Co. The book Is made up of nlsiut forty 
short iNieiiut of deep religious algid Ilea lice 
aud fervor, and «-s|,eciahy appronriale for 
the seasoii, yet u>>ue bear a distinctive 
Ku*b-r aplrif, Uiough one lias for title, "At 
u Grave ou Easterllay," while other* have 
the Illy lor a symbol. Though Mlsa Con¬ 
way Is a Itoman Catholic, there l* no sect 
In any of her poems, but a true Christian 
apirtt which is above any mere treed. It 
is quite the fashion to a uy » port slug* 
aiH>ulaiioou*lv like a bird. Miss Couway a 
work, lias more of tha grandeur of an 
oigau'a tono than the aw rotors* ol tlie 
htid'aaoug. Aud through it all a strain 
i,f Madness, that touche* while U eleiale* 
theaoul. The |iocui» show,. lidWever, the 
sweetues* of her faith, th„ugh some of 
them have a sombre touch whicli, however, 
help Ui make other* bright uud Joyous by 
eoutrast. Tile dedication Is e»|UM'ially 

•'To the sweet memory of my sister 
Helena, who was taken from this earth 
iu the springtime of her years aud the 
Uauiy of her tnuoecuoe when the la<nl 
weut down Into His garden to gather 

Saturday, from 2 to § JP. Jf. 

of tile defilise ... - -------- , 

and children. On March 2M, Captaiu 1 or- 
rey presellt*sl n pelitioll to the Governor 
and Council requesting that the ten aide 
men furnished by thu town for the coun¬ 
try's set vice upon the Connecticut river Is* 
set at lllsTiy because of tlie gresl want of 
men for the defense of tlie town. The 
iimiiii'M of these men were Joshua Phillip*, 
Joh'i Arnold, John Kecord, Heiiiiiunn 
I*,M.le, John Ludd, ii, Abram Hhaw, Hoherl 
Cohlatt, (with Captain Gilliam); laaae 
Cakelireud of HpriiigtlL-hl. Jeremiah Clo¬ 
thier, John A*l,down. This request was 

Also Merino nnd J,r,«y Un¬ 
derwent end tbe beet 60o. nn- 
laundered Bhirt in tbe world. 

c. A. RICE & CO. 

AlCSMfW sue 

llroud Slnnl. Beat Weymouth. 

W. C. GABLE, Mutineer. 

Lowest Vetoes. 


dmlMl. A1 .miI 11,1. Iiui, „.y. UmMi.t.1 im 
III. Iil.lory of Imll.n W.r., "lb. rnruiy 





F. & W. CO. 

Oval Fire Box 


WlUi three iulerthanging grutea 
-Draw C*nt*r, Dookuati, 1 
TrlMKQlar—have the most per¬ 
fect couibuslion, the freest bum- 
ing and clearest lire. 

The most ecuiiomical, cleanly 
iiikI durable lUngea ever con¬ 
st ructinl. 

Coiitiuuoua Ore can be kept 
without any trouble. Guaran¬ 
teed made of the beat material. 

0. f. FISHER, North Weymouth. 





lut-Mm uf Mltm, JifUtl •*.. 

Car prater aid Bidder, 

•ask lairs.-From 1 to IVcjock p m., OB am 
butliK-a* Jay; sad (rots 7 to I u clock os Mn adsf 

ltr|Mwlta plsrstl on tutors*! on Um Irst Monday Ol 
• •ausrjr. April, July and Octubar. 

•Art. Ceaittcrrlal a torsi. VtgttMtl U a if lA 

Wadding Balk- 

Invitatiuna are out for the marriage 
of Mis* Lydia Charlotte, daughter of 
Hon. liuiij. K. Lovell, of East Wey¬ 
mouth, to Mr. Henry Augustus Iticli- 
ard*, of Weyinoutli, on Wednesday 
evening, April 2 d. at 8 o’clock, in lliu 
Congregational church, Eait Wey¬ 

setting both the deplorable folidilh’U „f 
Weymouth uud nquestiug Ilut the six 
men ordered to !••• iiu|,re*sed might lm 
discharged ao as lo protect iMr own 
lioiues, adding to the letter the following 
iMjstaf ript: "Just ul this instant saw 
aniM'uriiig of lire uud smoke alH»ut the 
tow u whereby we certainly know that the 
eueiuy Is very ttugr us." On Mav 3, the 

Tho Morrison cottage ut 
Fort Point, Weymouth. 
Apply to 

Tho estate of tho lute 
Dr. George W. Fay, Broad 
Street, East Weymouth. 
Will be sold on reasonable 

For particulars address 




tin Uioad tft 

touecrtoln exteut dogged with wa»iq, 
aud the blood loaded with impurities, 
owing to lack of exercise, doss .ooiaem.ul 
in |M>orly ventilated shops and botsea, uud 
Other cauass. This is the cause of the dull, 
sluggish, tired fedlug so general at this 
scasou, aud wliteb must Im> oienmin,' or the 
health may he entirely broken down 
Hood's biir*tt|wiiUa lias altaine .1 the great¬ 
est |Hipularity all over the country aa the 
favorite Hpring Medicine. It espela the 
neeuiuultoUun of impuriUrs through the 
bowels, kidney*, liver, luug* aud skin, 
gives to tbe blood the purity and quality 

Al/ki.o. shat tru* ,*«**• W—Young IrasrU 

DiCAm uoJjy, auJ |4su •-•KUr, la»» d*eui 
Tbsl iaugib ol year, U l< ugU, o( lo lug. he* I 
A Whola lUr'« IaInii lu ss ho dr U , 

Nut by WerkI Mi U* litatriily «ru*ru la *uo- 
lu tiud tin m»u l« » ha, Ur lucsit* to M. 

tltau Torrey, Ku hard Adams aud John I 
lUndall. On Dec« mb. r 4. Will, the lowu » 
stock of guns aud ammuultiou ioii«i»t*d 
of Him*. 143 |*>uud* of powder. 344 
bullets aud 14 |H>uudst>f shot. (Ju Octolmr* 
V, Will, the selectmen of Weyinoutli put in 
their petition to the General Court lor 
sllowauee l»,r losses sustained iu the war. 
In this peUtiou the only persons named 
whose ptopcrlv was destroyed are John 
Ilsur. H« rgeuut John Whiiiuorsh, and 
! Johu Hh'hards. The MarauBs mru- 

bdn ve 1 bavs oftou maintained. Here is 
wuewuue: A jdiysh'iau was tailed to a 
patient suddenly and painfully stricken 
with iliurss at a hotel. To the addtMi dis- 
eoiufort »f uul being pre|NWvd for a lung 
stay was the anxiety of speedy recovery. 
When somewhsl relieved, the question 
was put to the do« tor as to whether the 
patient uoubI raiover. "Hure to," he ro- 
plied. "You hav, T lu the number of your 
room I noticed as 1 ■ sine iu. Mow I'm uot 
a hit superstilluu* but I have hod thirteeu 

ou the line of Weymouth uiul 

A Two-ntory Factory huildiutf 
well hilunit tl tm Muiu nlreet. South 
Weymouth, coiiUiuiiig 5,000 
guimre feet, floor well lighted. 
Fitted with tfUuim power, **tcam 
heut, electric lijfht* uud i'oud 
water, aud well auited for almoat 
uuy kind of limn uftu-turiug huai- 

Try wr Flow it S5.75 i Barrel, Miverct 

Uipaua Tobulca bauisb pain. 



Now tloiug u good, wife aud 
wnujf huniueaa. ('lean at(M*k of 
gooda ou hautl. Will l*e aold low 
to eloue out tlie luitfineito. 

For iNsiticulgrF address 









v . 







Electric Light Netting. 

Tlm tun ling of the electric light coin* 
III it tec which wan held In Ihn committee 
room of the Tuft* Library building on 
April .’Inl, wan adjourned to Ihj hold In that 
noino place April 10. . 

I.n»t Monday afternoon tlila same com* 
mitten met to eoniltlnr the whole matter of 
electric lighting mol to x«*e whether It won 
iidvi<o»tite In the mind* of till* eommlttee, 
Hint the town nlnoijd go Into thla mutter mi 
It* own reaponallillltj. 

At tlie llr«t nuiiiug there wn* • unite an 
Interest shown, there te-mg eleven present 
from a eommlttee of fifteen. At the meet* 
Ing Inst Monday Hforq wen* hut seven 

The meeting April loth was called fo 
order by the ehainnmi. N. I>. Uatito-rbury. 
The otlier metalo n >.f the enmmltta e n* 
represented were Henri A. Itfclinrd* and 
fJeorge .1 Iti is from IN’nnl 1, Ororge If. 
Ilieknell mol DavlirJV I’lercn front Ward 3. 
tleorge F. MiivnaPd from Waul 4 mol 
ThonuM F. Kelley from Waid 5. Other 
mrtulMH were detilnVd .either by their 
business or alckneas. 

After the opening of the meeting, the 
reports of the him rial committeesnp|M>intcd 
nt the Inst meeting were listened to. 

Mr. Itlchnrds, for Ward I, reported Hint 
then 1 were nt present nln-- are light* in Hint 
ward nod In order to fnirly light It they 
wotild prtduibly need upwards of twenty 
smnller lights, lie did not see that they 
could dispense with any of the are lights 
now in use. 

Mr. Canterbury, for Ward said that all 
of the arc, lights now in use were doing the 
lirst of service mol should they try to re¬ 
place them with the Inrnndcsi cut, (t would 
take more than the three to light up the 
apace the nre lights now light, lie thinks 
about thirty more would light Ills ward 

Mr. Ilieknell, for Ward It, thought they 
could not snlistltiitn the Incandescent for 
the arc light* w hich are now In use. Tills 
committee after a careful consideration 
would like about twenty-five small lights. 

Mr. Kelley was the only iiiemlter present 
from Ward o, and reported Mint they would 
need quite a number of small light*. A* 
thl* ward I* *omewbatscattered they would I 
need more light* than they could possibly 
have, and the committee would recom¬ 
mend no addition rather than to have a 
few which they would Hot know what to 
do w ith. 

The question of an appropriation being 
made it was voted, That tills eommlttee 
recommend that the town raise and appro¬ 
priate the Mini of 97303 for the purpose of 
lighting the town by electricity. 

It was then votid, Thai eaeh Niilecnm- 
tnlttee should meet and llnd out ns to the 
actual niitnlM'r of the lights needed, and 
they should send a written report to the 
chnlimaa on or tiefore next Sunday night, 
April loth. 

Voted, To recommend to the town that 
the location of tile lights lie left entirely In 
tli« hand* of the committee. 

The ipieHtlon of the town taking Up the 
lighting wn* next discussed ami it was 
voted, to tndctltiilely |M>*t|Miiio Hie whole 
mnttcr. The meeting wits then adjourned. 

It Is thought that wItli an appropriation 
of 97000 the town will b* very well lighted. 
It was the opinion of the eommlttee that it 
would be better to make no addition what¬ 
ever tlinn to lisve an appropriation that 
would give only a few lights and would 

f lvo the nienilN-r* • very dinicult task to 
mate them where they wished. 


The Change of Life. 

Women nearing this ctitiral 
period require strength, health, 

American, Scotch and Swedish 


The direct on of Crescent Lodge Hick 
Ileneflt Association connected with Cres¬ 
cent l.odg, |. <4. O. F. met at {he nslilenco 
of K. K. Hates, one of their sssiH-Intes, Iasi 
Hsiurday evening to transact business for 
the month of April. Four new mrtnhera 
wen added to the nfll, making the mem¬ 
bership 102 which enables them to pay 
their sick meuihcg* 910per week. It us* 
voted to hold meetings of the directors on 
the lirst Saturday evening of each month, 
nt the residence of one of their members 
for the purpose of transacting any business 
tImt might properly come before tliem. 
The next meeting will 1*' held at the house 
of Spencer ('rowe, Saturday, May 0. At 
the close of tile business of the i venlng, 
Mr. Ilates invited them to the ilining-rootii 
to partake of n collation, which had been 
prepared by bl* son Lester, nnd consisted 
of oysters, crackers, pickles, "Top, sole and 
well, frosted," orange*, hnnnnii*, dough¬ 
nut*, cheese, cigar*. 

The following director* were present: 

C. I>. (III.., IL K. .Harden, K. (J.H. Lltrli- 

field, B. I*. Hale* ami 8|velie*r Crowe. 
Oeorge \T«'b*ti r I'ratl was present a* the 
guest of the evening. 

Hicmivw. Muss., April 10, l«n.-For the that time he *- 
tlrst time in many years a murder trial has , 

HVn ojmned in the criminal conrl of Nor- that Nellie was 
folk county nt the eonnty seat, Dedham. six days in Jam 
Al 10,61 Monday morning thrr- ns* opened the •"■T her *f*i »r 
cs«e of the C'ommonwrslth ajsinvt Mrs. Ellen M. I>r. Franrit / 
CloMrt of Weymouth. county's medm 

Mrs. tilest.'r came into the court under le his opinion t! 
charge of I trinity Slientf, I*wi» It. Whittaker of hhm* house wai 
Franklin, and n.iv attended by her htisbond, Pat- wpwrcfawti: 
lick (Hotter and hi* mother. She was attired in phene air. In 
black satin and wore a soft felt hat. Through the heart and kids 
hlack veil drawn down r.vrr her face her feature* »hOW*d that tkfi 
could be distinguished, and drspit* the trying p ' •unccatain. 
ordeal through sire must pas*, a dash el ’ >f - “rank W 
color was visible in her cheeks. Petite nf form and fyammer of Suf 
fair of feature*, the prisoner ia !«> I* classed as a 
handmme woman. Arthur T. L 

1 he story of the crime, Infanticide, ta which ahe "J 

haa pleaded "not) utlty," is brief l\ Mays, 189*. ••■•nphrejr *t Q 
Mr*. Mary !.. McN-ir and Mrs. Mary O’Connell, lh, ‘ ■* 
discovered in the cellar of the house in Prospect »cquatnt«d wUh 
street, Weymouth, that within two week* of the hint at the hear! 
time of the discovery, had been occupied by Mr. her nurse, at thl 
and Mra. t.loiter, the decomposing remains of a . ?,?# 1 j * ' 

male infant. A* a result of the investigation which t mw.foa aa was 
followed Mrs. (Uosterwas on Sept, to, 1892, clothing wrajme. 
arrested by Deputy Sheriff George W. White ari l j* her living chi 
police officer I homas Fitagerald and after a hear- V" *' “ 

ing at Quincy, liefore Judge Humphrey, held far '• „.*y 1 c w 
the grand jury, which f»*ly later mdi.trsl her for ilhain II. 
the full crime cf murder in the first degree. The tcMIntony of 
case is being heard la-fore Chief jmt'cc Mason and f-omnnient real 
Justices Punbar and Corcoran. The tiovernment i huraday morni 
side of the case is beine conducted by William If. Drihiam, Mj 
M ooriv • f Haverhill, district attorney for Kasex day of the trial 
countv, Kuliert O. Harris of Ilridgewatrr, district ment having rest 
attorney for Norfolk and Plymouth county and his Wort hen rf We 
assistant Hoberl II. O. Hchidi of Flavt Dedham. < .loiter, nude III 
The prisoner Is being defended by ll»n. Kdward said that the def 
Avery of flraintree and Albert P. Wot then of Wey- -I. lien (iloster cl 
mouth. cept the child b» 

The jury r:n panne ted to try lie* case is made up Ihc first wltn, 
as follow*’: FLdmund M. Illake, Wrentham, fore- lahan, Wry mint 
nun . Silas llacon, IVivrr ; Are I K. Hillings, tan- an I had Visited I 
Ion; Cyrus II. Ilates, Cnhaaset; I-ester W. Wood, timr* a week an< 
Mcdfield; (inrie J. Caultun, Neetlham ; Frederick during those vlsi 
II. Fowler, Walpole ; Charles II. (ia'ligan, Hide al apjK-arance, ai 
Park; Francis K. Ilaywanl, lltaintrrc; (ieorge I- when si, wore a 
Hunt, Canton; Janies McGill, Dover, and Kuasell Mr*. Mary Sb 
Tyson, Milton. ated Mis* Kelly, 

Mr. Moody made the opening for the govern- with Mrs. (ilostt 
ment, and the first witness called was Quincy L. home. 

Keel of *ou'h Weymouth, a civil engineer, wince Mi** Mary Sh 
plans and mrasurrments of the Shine residence, Mis (iloster s in 
where the body nf the child was found, were put in rcbnratmg the pi 
evidence. Miss A Use 1 

Adoniram Judson Alden, a Weymouth photog- Mr*, (iloster'* i 
raplier, was next called. He photographed the the previous witi 
premises, March ia, iSqj, and his views of the William II. Hi 
same were admitted as a part of the case, to be ruborated other ■ 
use-1 as a chart. tonal appearanci 

Mis. Mat) F. McNair of North Weymouth, who indictment. 

and cheerful spirits. 

The sole aim of this time 
should be to keep well. 

The invaluable aid always is 
Lydia li. Pinkhnm's I egetabli 

The girl about to enter wo¬ 
manhood can find the same as¬ 
sistance from the same source. 

Mrs. W. W. Culner, Palatka, 
Fla., writes: — 

• I was in ill health from 
change of life. I took your 
compound and am now well. 
I recommend it as the best 
remedy for all weakness 
through the 
many changes ijSr'QjSfi 
which all women 
have to pass 
from early life to 
the grave.” 

All druggist* *i II It. 

Add11 » III mnibtriM-r, J 

Lvoia li. Pivrusm Mao. y. . rt , ‘ - 

Co., I.v m.v. Mass. 

Lyrtin E. rink ham's // . 

Uvr mis. no cents. S ' 


ruRi-iauRb Rvanv rrihay by tiir- 


• [wnumimn] 

r. o. amh ess, wevmouth, mass. 


Adxrrtistmrnts inserted at lift ritual rates 



Matracers and Editors : 

A. W. Rlanchari). M. V.. IIawbs. 

f’orrcapondrnre nt*l Item* of news are sollc Ited 
from all reader* of tho (iaiettr. Every one know* 
nf some Interesting facta or liappenine* other* 
would like to mod about 

While we rfsvr an efficient corps of regular con¬ 
tributor*, there Is tnurli of interest that In the nature 
of Uituc*, they rannot get. Let your Interest in 
your local paper and pride In ywur town lead you to 
■Id In making the (iarrtte more bright and newsy 

1 -uk fan hr l.rlfrrrd nm* wat Ip Hr Tore breurisllon liar. """ rc,,Ml 

>loy no agents, I'onsequently run i|tiote t in 


n.K. ina: kxamisk this stock uefork rcnc/iAsixa fi.skwhhhk. 

Slin|> mill Wurerdoms neap Wcynioutli Depot, East Braintree. 

IT KSLLST, F. O. Address, Wsyx&outh, 

Another Succeii. 

Tim Junior Templnr* of Honor milled 
another to tholr ninny Intiri-I* a* entertain- 
insut giver* by lltolr roneerl in Oibl-fel- 
low's oporn bouse Wednesday night. 

The rorpa of nMI«t* was it well selt't'fed 
one, nnd every iitimlier given wns n gem. 
Mr. Herbert Jolmann, who wu* thought to 
be at the top of tlo» ladder of fume, went 
still higher in Iti* beautiful rendering uf 
"llook of Agra." Mr. Clifford's rich bari¬ 
tone voire won fur liltti new fume; Mr. 
Alfred Dr Rove, n violinist wlm appeared 
for tlio first time, wns so heartily received 
a* to decline several encore*. I'lmrlt * T. 
(Irllloy, who wn* so Htucessftil on a former 
occnalnn in winning the lienrta of the peo¬ 
ple na it liumorlst and render, added to Id* 
well-won Inina In lit* several selections. 
Mr. Arthur M. Knyniotid, who was on the 
programme a* accompanist, wns Badly 
missed, as lie was mini oldahly calbd 
away; lint Mr. .1. Frank DonaluMi proved 
ail ngreenlde nulMtltiite. The audience wn* 
Inrge nnd the entire affair n BUcccn* fin nil- 
,dally nnd oliturnl*e. 

give some minor 
re, and tlien the 
was adjourned to 

FRIDAY, APRIL 14, I89i. 

Arlair dny will *o<i|)|Im> here, mid if .volt 
hnvo not nlrendy done so it I* time to select 
your Ireifnml n place to put It. The town 
enti well stand mor^ shade mid ornamental 
trees on its streets nnd In It* public square*. 
Tho planters of these trees may not live to 
nit ill their shade, hilt Hie pimple of the 
future will do so and the liirdsofthe future 
will build, nest* In their lirnnche*. 


[AHHIISli TOOI.N for talc rliesp at W. II. 
L’ llOl.l.In’ •table, Washington »trvr«, Wry- 

‘OH NAI.r. TS In too load* of g, 
HATE* * ORft'TT, MVymooih. 

Put up in glass already for the Table. 

luniets nnd hujri 

With the present issue wo begin the 
twenty-seventh volume of thedaxette, and, 
n* no effort bn* le-en spared III tl(e Dost to 
convey, through Its Columns, to the people 
of Weymouth, a' knowledge of ctirrn.t 
events In town, or to make it the l»ost poo- 
ailde advertising inedinm, so in tlm future, 
with our im-reiiseil farllilii * nnd ndditionnl 
corps of help, our pntrun* will find II even 
more valuable than ever liefore. 

IOH MAI.K. A I b>l of l!".k lna| U Inc*. 

Itome grown ami ofjroml siaa; n frw extra 
te. Apj Ty lo IT. H. RATES, High street, fMmth 


12 uNt Wvynioutli, 


I jlOM W hl.K. Il.v Norlli Weymouth Laud Co 
. on llartlrii avruue, new |,..imc, T rootn-, 
Di|>er<-d. Mertrlo lights ami Itell; li*th. Imt water, 
future heat; flte view of Wrvtnnuth Itlvcr; flee- 
trie car* pa»« the door. Apply on the premise*, or 
lo J. If. ft h!HI, Manager, Quincy, Mass. I If 

The best on the market, nice for the Table-can’t be 
beat for Pies. 

Napoleon Bonaparte. 

Tlu> Institute announces two lectures on 
"Napoleon Ibniaparte" hy a fellow towns- 
vimii, Mr. William Cushing, to be given on 
Friday evening, tlm '.’1st, and Tuesday 
the 2,1th, at Ihu tiyintiasluiii which accom¬ 
modate* two hundred «•hairs. These lec¬ 
ture* ire ino*t highly *|Miki'ti of. They are 
careful nnd vivid hlnturica! studies, and In 
many part* oratorle nnd thrilling. Tim 
first lecture pictures tlm life nf Napoleon 
from hi* birth to the t'otisulute; the necond 
narrate* III graphic stvle the rest of that 
unique life, one of tlm must remarkable 
live* nf nil history. 

Mr. Cushing lias liecn n close student of 
history for .m years or more, utul these lec¬ 
tures represent lit years' work, and mnsiil- 
tntlon with Inniiiiieriible uiilhnritir*. Mr. 
Cushing is also a speukur of repute. In 
the presidential campaign of 'km, lie spoke 

Special rngagcmriit, A lurries'* Hr present 
Itomantli* Actor, 


In Ids original Oration and Ma*lrn>lrre, 

j OR HAIjIC. House B rooms and bi 
. depot; spkndld qglghborliood; prl 
o T.rt. One half lmu*e S rooms; grod 
:nt fu.00 per muatli. I*. L. DAVIDSON*. 

1 if 

E. W. HUNT’S, Weymouth. 

OrooeriM and Provisions. 

To (Sice the sYctra. 

If you ItAvc vial tors, 1^ us know who 
they are and where they *come from; If 
anything Inippcii* In your vicinity, let us 
know about It; If there Is a party nt your, 
house, tell ux about it; If you get married, 
let us know; if you know anything, let r.s 
know ulanit It. You will find us as ready to 
"uotlwi" one as another, patrons or other¬ 
wise, friends or foes. Our object Is Jo give 
tlie news. Any favors In this line will l*> 
heartily appreciated. 

lived in tl»c other lulf of the house that bad been 
o.-uq»icd by the (Iloster family was next 

—,----., — ...,t sworn, a fireworks factory, corr boratrd ether witnesses 

’I be (Hosiers, she testified, moved out theSaturday as to Mrs. (duster's app araucr, and her affection 
brfore the body was found; saw Mrs. (iloster about for cliildun. 

the place Monday after they had moved; Tucvlay Miss Mary K. Callahan. Weymouth Neck, cor- 
following she and Mrv Philip O'Connell visited ruborated other witnt*M« as to Mra. Glostei'a ap- 
the part df the house the (iloster* had occupied; peatance in 18912. 

Mra. Shine let them go into it; all the room* up John Wellington Field, Mcdfield, formerly of 
stairs wrte neat and clean; they went down cellar: Weymouth, corroborate 1 other witnesses, 
thete they saw a hen and Mis. O'Connell suggested Patrick |. (iloster, W -yniouth lamding, husband 
to tin- witness that, as it was her lien, it might lia*e of the prisoner, testified lo bring in Mrs. Shine'* 
a rirst in the corner where a pile of atones were bouse; worked every i!.,y; n ver went to his cellar 
hid; went over to the comer and behind the atone* at any time and nailed lathes aero** the window; 
found a blue bag; told Mra. O'Connell what she took the window out Fast Day, 1803, and it was 
had found; took bag iiom its (thing place and gate cut when lie muted from the tenement; after m»v- 
it to Mr*. O'Connell, who took it upstair* and ga\e ing out he visited the cellar uf the house once to 
it to old laalv Shine, who in turn put it out »n the get a coal shovel I13 had forgotten; his wife was the 
back step of the house; there was a bad odor at»ut mother of but one child; knew i f Ids wife Iwing 
the bag and Mr*. Shine wanted to burn it, but away for one week in January, 189a; so far as lie 
witness would not allow her to do so; look the bag, knew, no birth had tah n place in cither tenement 
bioke the string holding it, abut and shook it; a during 1892; knew of the pile of stones in the Shltle 
bundle of clot! came out and she saw the feel house cellar, bu* never had had occasion to go over 
and legs of a c<. Id; did not pursue her Investiga- where they were, 
lion any furlhir, left the remains lying in the back- a Court took a recsss until two o'clock, 
rard; was positive the white dress found on dead Dediiam, Mas*., A|uil tj, 1S93.—Thursday 
luby was one lielongln ; to Mr*. (Hosier's living afternoon the testimony of I Ira. Tower and Tenney 
child and that she had seen that child wealing it; was lead to show that at the inquest beating at 
gave Mrs. Patrifk (iloster, the elder, a Qu:n(.yandthc|irr-cnttiial,t!ie)!iadmadeilitltr- 
picce of lugging to cover the dead body with; did cut contradictory statement*, 
not see it after that Dr. William C. It. Fifield, Dorchester, a phyai- 

Mis Mary O'Connell of Weymouth, cornborated cian of 40 years experience, testified as an expert. 
Mrs. McNair in all save noticing a bad odor about In Ida opinion there were no means cf determining, 
the lug found, which she thought was only a at a paat-m< item examination, whether a child bad 
bundle of rid rags; the did not see the dead body, breathed lief 1 re or after its expulsion from it* 
as she wenf home before it was Uken out of the mother. Has, himself, heard a child cry before it 
hag. wra* cx;ic!led from it* mother'* body. A still-born 

Police Officer Thomas FitrgcralJ tcstifiql that child may, at a post mortem examination, present 
Ins attention was first called to the case on the All the symptoms <>i .1 death by suffocation, 
afternoon of May 5, 1891, and that he visited the Mrs. F.ilen M. t duster, the prisoner at the bar, 
premises at yjc; found the body in Mrs. Shine's testified tliat at no time in 1892 did she give birth 
back-yard; did not disturb it as medical examiner to a child, and nt-n- time filer giving li.rlh to her 
had not been there; the condition of the cellar was living child, did she become pregnant; in January, 
as described by other witnesses; the autopsy was in Ilovton City Hospital lor one week; 

hrli by Drs. Tinkham and Tower and he and ga*e Iter nam: tlicr.- a* Nellie N. Uloster of Wry- 
J< Ini Keliry were present. mOtith; was treated for inflammation of the knee; 

Francis I. King, Weymouth, testified to taking Dr. Tenney did not treat her case; Miss Atwood 
charge of the body on the evening rf May 5, 1892, bathed her knee, but Mis* Jones, lltc otlier nurse, 
and also of the clotliiag found about the same; the the never saw until at the present trial; remained 
clothing produced in court were the same in all in one room all the t me she was in the liosiiital; 
respect* save tfiat they had liern cleaned. Tuesday, following the Saturday, they mmcd out 

Dr. Charles C. Tower, Weymouth, a physician of the Shine house, wn* the last time ahe wax in 
since 1859, and the medic.) examiner ol tfie dia- that I'.ousc; was there to clean it; never saw or 
trict testified: May 5, 189a, at 6.30 o’clock, was owned Ihc bag or c'othing found with the baby's 
called by telephone to go to Shine house to view dead body; beard Hat th: tody was found and 
b: ly;did not know either Mrs. Gluatcr or Mra. Went over to Mi-. Shine's yard and all she saw 
Shine; around the head of the body was n piece of was a lot of clothing on the ground; cleaned out 
cotton cloth, tied in front, over the mouth and nos- ihe cellar the Tlmr-Iay before they moved, but was 
tnls, in a double knot; untied knot with much not aware that Here was any tiling hidden among 
difficulty and under the cloth found a gag of rags Ihe stonrs in one o tner of it; was willing to write 
coveting mouth and nostrils; the body wa* wrapped her name for Mr. Harris, the district attorney, but 
in a woman's night dress, which was soiled with her counsel, Mr. Avery, advised her not tod'oso 
blood spots; there were other clothes about the and she then declined to write as desired, 
bxly that wire blood stained; there was no lacera- With Mrs. Gloxter *UH on the witness stand, the 
tion ujsjti the child s dead luxly. court adjouned at < until Friday morning. 

Davy Crockett, 

Hirunier nnd (inter than birr. 

A I'uwrrful (om pan). 
Nprrial .Srrnrr) and I fieri*. 

A l lnlshrd Rrpriarataflon. 
A Prrrerl Play, Prrfrnl) I'rrsrnlrd b) a Per- 
fret fa»t. 

Tickefa now on tale at tho Woymouth 
Clothing Store. rid 

MAI.K. AVIllbr sold at puhlk' auction 
1 on Ssiur,lay. April klh, *t 4 uVtm-k, Hie barn 
•tau-llnx on the earner of ('aluinlui* avenue and 
Pira*aut street; term* rash. A.V.YUIINU. it 2 

Cherry Poles. Ash Poles. 

Walnut Poles. Oak Poles, 

I ^IHt MAl.i:. tin easy trrni*, lion.e of 7 
room* and s.ixvi fret at Uml on Vine street 

M If 

71 tilin'* niiiilonifa rung 
liuiiilri'd to *i\ thoiianinl j 
(irninl Army men ami > 
will luiil tit ran lecture* es 
Ing. Tit ket* of adtnia* 
lUi-heliler'ri drug Bbife. 

7otrn Lighting. 

In conneetiut) with the auhjeet of niunl- lighting whii-h i* now occupying a 
large *liun of the attention of the people 
tin* following editorial from tho Ilo*ton 
Herald of April 7tli, rotuoa in very nicely. 

"Tlio latest figure* n* to ridludclpldu'a 
g.i* plant arc particularly interesting ju*t 
nt tin* tluie. Over P1,000,(XK> a year I* the 
city'* net revenue from tld* source, and If 
Hie lighting of the streets and public build¬ 
ings are int ituled, would have to l»e 

paid for by the city 11*11* gas plant wn* 
under private ownership, tho profit of tlm 
city from this possession is nearly 9‘-'.dOO,MM>, 
or to: th • year pa*», as Mayor Stuart 
allows in Ids tm asuge, just 91,112.1,231. 


.K. Store fixtures, roii*l<ting of 
better, ( hairs, Show Case, Disk. 
Mini-"New ili-nut i" rook stove, In 
ilt>n, ami two Htrwart Parlor stoves, 
T. Crane. 43 tf 

Fourth Anniversary of Court Weiaagut* 
•ett, 7,702, A. 0. F., of South Wey¬ 

The fourth nnnivetmry of Court Weasa- 
gusett No. 7,702. A.O. F. of A., was held 
In Odd-fellow's hall last Tuesday evening. 

East Wktwoi th. Mas* . April II 
At a meet ing of Kriuold* Krllrf ( urp* 
In hi today, lr wa« *■-•—* 
thank* of till* t'oriis Ih- e 
East Weymouih 1 

liliera! *ln of #17, don 
Relief Curpa. to I ms field 
billies t- 1 -* •* 

__ 102 , 

■led that the 

-r- ..,..c ladle* of the 

ihilraml Army ( iiele lor tbelr very 
•17. donated hr Hum to lleynold* 
— r-, .. b. ;.| a* a Itrlirf Fund; and the 
.—.. may b e a*«uietl that Ihe money will be kept 
fot that ptmNiM*. It wa* also voted that the gift be 
arkuowleilged through the AVrrmoiali papers" 

M. I HAltDN'KU, 

Heerclary of Keriiolds Corps. 

I hurrh Notice*. 


Ilollund Shades. Fringed Shades. 

I TOR MAI.K. One t'olumlda safety lilryeic 
with pneumatic tire*, prank-ally new and III 
perfect order; price, •110. tin.- Hover •afitl widi 
in.euraatie tins; prlre, 9M». Apply Fore Hirer 
hnylue Co , Quincy avenue, Eatt llraintree, 

____ grMtl 

P OK MAI.K. Three work horses. Apply 
to JOHN H. THOMPSON, High street. East 
Weymouih. g 11 tf 

1 4^****. MIiK. A iiti.vntlly of B-inoli, 7 Im li 
ami odnrh lurnaee pipe* lor cans eying Imt air, 
with three rrgbters: all in AI rmidlilon: elirxp. 
Applv at office of WKYMOUTIl AND HHA1N- 
1 Kr.E 1 Lit. CO., Wry mouth. Mu**, g r I 61 tf 

The committee in charge hud snared no 
pains to make this a success mnl had pre¬ 
pared n fine entertainment. The artists 
consisted of Kelley's orchestra, Misses 
Su*aiittn and IauiIsh Tirrell, Louie llol- 
brook, Mary Daly ami Mortimer Nulll- 
van. I'nuuptly at M o’clm-k tlm prie- 
gtamine ua* started wltli an overtun' by 
the on lu stra ut.d tlien follutvcd tlm tnuin 

I’lano Duet, Lc Tourbilluti, Misses Tir- 
I fell. 

Song, In tlm Cblmney Corner. Mary K. 

I lhHy. 

Recitation, In May, I^ntise Tirrell. 

Hong, lie was a I'titice, Louie Holbrook. 

Riirltotm solo, Mortimer Hulllvuti. 

Recitation, Thu Debuting Society, Louise 

Vocal duet, Mi**,-* Tirrell. 

Huig, (Old I In r ii Window .lolin, I-oiiie 

RecitiiHoti, Family Drum Corps, Louise 

Kong, Mortimer Sullivan. 

T.H-J w i , l | IwhJo accoiupanltnent, I^mise 

Vocal duet. Misses Tirrell. 

The work of tbe Mis** s Tirrell was very 
flue in nil tlieir selections. Mis* Louise, 
was especially giK**I in her retidltioii of 
*'Tlie Debating HcK'lety," nnd "The Family 
Drum Corps " (u her Spanish tmng with 
Intnjo accompaniment slm wns obliged to 
reply to an encore. MU* Ktisane, as accoiii- 
piinist and lu In r solos was fine and was 
obliged to respond. 

Mis* Mary K. Duly made her first 
aimearanee on thin evening and wns 
obliged to respond to an encore to her only 
selection. Mi** Louie Holbrook did lo r- 
self justice and re*|HUuhd to Isotli uf tlm 
liilinlifr* with other selections. 

Mr. Sullivan, haritionc, sung n sailor 
song for the first selection and re*|Nitided 
to the repr.itrd calls with uiiothvr selec¬ 

After the close nf the programme, the 
floor wra* elt ared uml daiii-iug wus enjoy<-«| 
by hIhuH seventy-five coiipTis. Parties 
w ere in attendance from this and surround- 
tug townsauioug whom were tbe follow ing: 

II O Dowd J Kcelilirr 

LSUtsoa | Racket! 

\V Connors 
T -Moore 
J Real don 
T N'oLn 
I' J Hr all 
F. I hade 
II Scars 
J Daly 

-*> tireenwootl 
II C Srara 
D McCaithy 
F. Nash 
T O'Neil 
J Rradv 
M llukry 

I I-eahy 

II Kilry 
| ran 
1* laoiuergan 
I Cullinanc 
K llalligan 
F Cody 
J FiUgciald 

Ojiaque Shades, 

It Wa* b!*o votril that iIip 

W. F. Sylvester’s 

CoinmercUI Nq. 

East Wpjmontbi 

FAN CO., Ea*l llrsln'rci. grAJlf 



.Yfl.tflF. All th* 1**1 varlrtlrs, Apt 


rr«*. Wry mouth llrights; rrshlrner, 

‘O I.BT. Small upprr tenement situated on 
Chard »trert urar ini.liile •treet. For further 
rmatloti apply to JoSEPJI W. V1NAL, East 
ymoutli, Ms**. 6| if 

Agent for the Lovull, Columbia and Vic¬ 
tor wlmtd. 

Illcycle* sold on. installment* to rtBpon- 
Bible parties. 



Saws Filed and Set in good shape. 


Y. P. H. C. K. at (1.13 p. in.; prenebitig at' 

7.:m». All nr« cordially invited. 

I'xtTAniAM (Bast Weymouth.)— 

R.'v, W. S. Key, pastor. Preaeliing ut 
sul.j. i t, "Listening tu the Voice of Hod.” 

All ure invited. 

Tkixity CittmcH (Weymouth), Iter. WII- 
Ihtm Hyde, rector. Service with sermon 
next Siitnbiv at 10JW a. in Hubjert, "The 
Reauii if l'brim is not Itlsi n." Htindav- 
school nt 12 III. S. rvlce. w ith Bertuon III 
Ottlou chapel S'.nth Hlngham at 2.30 p. in. 

Old Norm t'mmcK (Koutb Weymouth) 

Rev. If. C. Alvord, pa*tor. I’uhlie wor¬ 
ship at 10.30, with preaching by tlm pastor; 
Hiifd:iv-*clmol at 11.4.1; Junior Hoch-tvut 

3.30; V. P.8.C. B.nt7. 

Corn* it or tii« Racurd Hkaut (Wey- 
tu mill)—Rev. J. J. Murphy, pastor. Muss 
at lo.:*) a. m. KumlayHM.'booi 2.30 p. tu. 

Church or Chuiht, Cnivkiisai ist (South 
A\eytuoutb)—Rev. L. W. Atwood, pastor. 

Preaching wrvlco 10.30 a. in.; Sunday- 
school at i loan of luoridug aervico; Youtig 
People's meeting at 7. All are cordially 
welcome. If 

Ukiux CoxDRRUATioMAk Church, (South 
Weymouth.) Rev. Judaoti Van Clancy, . 
pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. in. Sunday J Mevillc 
Belioul Immediately after moruing service. C Place 
Y. P. H. C. K., 0 p. m.; evening service T Killy 

I !»• fu- W I Riley 

Ciiuncu or Rr. Fmahcib Xavixr (Koutb \ Ktllr » 

II ey mouth)—Rev. J. J. Murphy, pustor. J hlwunnesty 

Muss at O.fs) a. tu. D MsiMm 

M. K. CHt mit, (Bast Braintree).—Rev. !• v;."'" W * 
Arthur 11. M. lteece, fiastor. Preuching ut io.;*d !| 
a. in.; Smiday•school ut 12 m ; evening J j 
service at 7 p. at. Il Saffivl 

Old North Ciit'RCHOVeymoutlillelghta.) F |>“iy' 

Itev. Kolu-rt It. Kemiali, |NUtor. I'rvacl.-I S I. IbiLrook 
Ing service ut 10.20 a. in. Stindav-scliiMd ut I Btixtin 
I2tn.; V. P. H. C. B. U.:o p. m., with i»as- li IK iuhoc 
tor a address on Pilgrim Progress. Subject. l< V\.l,» n 
Ily-end* and ( (.mpaiiions." Strangers, i. snntli 
new-comers uml all are invited tu attend , M I wirii 
IlMwmrl™. 1. Kriil, - 

l mvici«*ai.imi Church (Weymouth.)— " Madaa 
Itev. II. F. Baton, pa.t«r. Pr. «, bing at I Vlnlnt 
l i ki u. tu. Sunduy-ai l.ool ut 12 m.; Y.I'.H. I M Wrkb 
t.. B. ut li.lW p. in. T Ryan 

Wrju l „„il l ) I . 

H"V II * Kit.'ll. I',..,. I.lni.l 
I'- III. hniiduv-*choo! at 1.1.1 p III • V I Kate 

•O I.KT. Tbe .lore of F\ E. IIOUART. near 
the *t4ti«n at Weymouth. Apply on tlm prrin- 
1 or at the wrap;n r factory, Ka*t Wryinoutli. 

Gold, Silver and 

Nickel. Not quite given away, but at very Low Prices. 

'-CO B*JT. Th. .lure f.-r-nllr 
i. the Ute John Crane a* a boot and *1 
Apply tu Charles T. Crane, AduiluUtiatur. 

W AITED. Immrdlatrly, a *tiniig 
b'.u-ework; II» i i... king, goo.i wag 
quire al27 MaJlom *trcit, Ea»t Weymouth. 

A goo.I girl f<r general liaaw 
ply n. M118. F. F. DAIII.INU. 
and Myrtle *treel», Ka*t Wey. 

62 tf 

Jennie and Amy Kendall, 3!Ua Annie 
Harris, Miss Olive Wright. Mlu I^itiru 
J'Okl".. Mlu lll.ncli- Wliiu-, awl Mi.. 
Lillian (jutteraon uasisted liy Mias Keelm 
of Cambridge. Allas Purcell of Cambridge 
xvns tlm pianist. The various exercises, 

clnb swinging, Iona wnud drill, uml fum y 

*te|*A were ulUdmtrubly done, mid received 
most hearty upidattae. 

Tlm lioya'uiiil men's i lasses were under 
the direction of 31 r. Hurd of Uo*tun who 
lias also been u most Mus easful teacher ut 
the Institute. 3!r. Hurd Isn perfect gentle- 
"uni uml an excellent uml eiithusiustic 
athlete, und the class work under him ha* 
lieru very Interesting. The young men 
who took part hi the exhibition class w ere 
Mesars A*a Bergeron, John Orr, Fred 
Allen, Willie Hathaway, Witiaor Davy, 
llurrv Worster, Ilurton Raker, Kamuel 
Cushing. Robert Orr, William Hteveus, 
Charles I ierce, Percy Raker. Audiew 
Riirrell, 1 liouius Murtell, und tlm lioya' 
class consisted of 31 aster*Oliver Tlnklouii, 
John Kelly, John Hurt, Willie 3lurrny. 
(I ii sain Johnson, Walter Walsh, *—*■■•- 
lllam bard, Peter Kelly. 

Tlm boys'doss went through a 
drill lu giMul shape, and pulb .1 a lug-of- 
wur Wldch via* sharp uml exciting. 

Susan It. Anthony declares that she was 
Impelled to remain au old maid by notic¬ 
ing, us she strolled through a New Bnglund 
graveyard yeurs ago, the constantly recur¬ 
ring inscription,"Sacred to the.. of 

A——. relict of the lute V. -." She then 

uml there took a mental Iron clad outli to 
remain forever unmarried rather titan have 
her existence recorded for future genera- 
tiona simply us the "relic" of sumo man. 



Ueiit., IM Ailaina » trrrt, Cblrugo, III. ft|-4 

WANTBU. Sewiiig.ioarliiiie o|KTatnra; light 
r\i l«yj •team power; in*tiuctioiia 

inriiMini, A 1*0 more baud* wauled to lake work 
i° tbelr bomea. Delivery wagon will rail. Apnlv 
°tl'|f' 41UUAUT, Ket Wiyuioutb, Itiuk Iluibilug, 






Hats, Caps, and Cent’s Furnishing Goods, 

Oivu u, a call ami we will try anil eive you a Good Ilaijtalii, 

IMi Mra. bitfijMon’s Icllci 
io Dr. Kt iiniuv. 

Hear bir:—J wa * m In 

,valM f..r yem, mlTcrim 
•rout kitliipi f rouble mid 
reMnle urakite>s. Phv 
•icuuui prrsrriluxl ft r me 
—-— . and I Iis.k rmioti* rcta 

cdlcs, Imt ..o Lem (It icaullc*]. Our daily 
paper noticed ihc Micros . f Dr. D ttiil 
kftinmly'H Futorlle Remedy, «f |{„ n . 
a‘MU, A. V- in (aw.* similar luiuvown. 
1 purchased t. The first I c tile mtin in 
tmiitll dost a, Uit vcry .cgular, luiprot td 
nju wpnd«rfitllj. My coinplexlnn 
cleared, i.p|irtiie (uipitited, sleep hub 

FiisliioiiiiWc Dressmaking, 





At boiar nrrj da) eircpt Hrdar*da>. Mti 




C. a. KASfKKHUOOK, Prop. 




Weymouth Maes, 

Our MMiituirnt of drlirioua California Fruit* I* 
full autl Vailed, among tbcui being tl.c new variety 
of black gra|*, * 

Must be licensed on or Before 
May 1st, or the Owners or 
Keepers thereof are Liable to 

Mi* (rimin'* nukm; bet a a twit the latter |o2t ol 
|anuai), 1892, and ftom ihctc to a ho*| ital; 
she xaul *bc bad a lame knee, but did not *bow it 
to tbe witness; alter being at the hospital for 
xevrial day* alio came: lack to tbe witncaa* bou*c 
1 and later went awayagvii 

I clu J. McCarthy, llu»ton, diug;i»l'a cleik, tes¬ 
tified to die visit ot a winiau to In* place in janu- 
ary, 1892, but pending the identification of the 
woman lie wa* wilkuiawn from Hie witness stand. 

.1 >r. Ilenjamin Tenney, Rotten, testified tlut in 
January, 1691, lie wa* thesenus huuie ttficer al 
the Ikwton City Hospital, and during January a 
woman, baling a grry tticak in her liair atone 
vide of the bead, wa* entered in tbe husiitu! a* a 
patient; lie examined her condition and found the 
w*» pregnant; the was discharged from Ihe liuspi- 
tal and witnexs gave iier a letter, introducing her 
to the Ibwtun 1.)ing in llostntal. lie identified 
the |>rt*ijner a> Uic woman he iiad examined at tlie 

(•c .rge C. Pratt, uf N'crth Abington, a member 
of tlie state |*dicc force since i8;6, tcstilied to 
serin; Mi*, (iluttrr al her lioiuc on Ma) 17, iX.,2, 
ard iliat she told him xhe moved out of Mr*. 
Mnne'a house, April 30, 1892, after living there 
one year and ten month*; said Dr. 1 entire bad 
.treated her at the Dotlon City llo*|iital, and dial 
■lie wa* there Iruai Jxn. b to Jan. 13, 1892, she 
said the last time six wa* in the cellar ol tlie Mi, tie 
hoove wax on the 1 liursday before tlie child's budy 
was found; she also told him site had a sister *1 I 
service *< 92 Tyler itieet, liosLm, and tliat her I 
lather wav i iconia C'uakie) ol Jamaica Plain; sa d ' 
she wa* n alcd al tlie hospital lor a Line knee and I 
a (win in hci stomach w 

Dr. F.dwaid (iilruan Riyant, 



Mia set 
Mary Shrrhy 
Nellie lira ly 
Li*tie I ra ly 
l.iffie Koache 
I 1221c I’orcell 
Nellie Koache 
Minnie llallalun 
Mary Rums 
Nellie Ciouiu 
Julia Melville 
Nellie Churchill 
Maty Connors 
Annie Hulkvan 

-- Nellie Gavin 

lag.:ie M,,rnlun 

li* Sdney Gmenwoud Mis Hcibert Scars 
l.*3l O'Dowd Mr. John Keliry# 

Its K F liable Mra W T Riley 

Am inU'ciubudun in tbr mldat of tho dam-- 
»g wa* (Ici'larrsl and refreebmt-ntauuwlst- 
iguf hum, mil*, rolfae, raki and iru crMUl 
urr wrvwl ill tlut Itaiiqiirl hall. 

btrt», (l-i .iuuta, plullLsrks, C'a.taua Nuu, Pea 
Ants. iCtr, 
laaddltbiu to 


aud Meal* of all kiads, we bare a fresh supply of 
tbe uew favorite. ' 


. al*<» Newton's Vanilla Creain*. Ginger Soap* uinl 
tsaltaua 1 ruit UUruli, Ojsli r Dots, etc. 

| Our fine I'AUIBHI Ilf (REAM Una sale every 
ilxy, and its laauuUiiurt will be lontinued through 1 
1 the wiulrr. . 

1 orSe ,ter * “ B ‘ 1 oU,rr artU lc * for l un< -b furnished to ] 

I friruil* who are Iniubled wltb lute 

j llradai he should Uy a gUss of our 


.1 i V rt* E rud “ 1 ** rr freshing 

to Ihe 1 the Injurious effrt*. ol oplau-s, and 
..■lUis, tlie sliiunu-h. 

ut slid I Our Java CofTie and F'unuusa Ti 
wlikh Rltli in r< using sale, aud is wsrrsuteii 
_I 3_ t •‘tlou lu ever* purchaser. 

1 ill Fur) firarrriea In Uriel), 

>UIil I Flral Uualli). 

Town ( Leak's Orm-i, 

We) mouth, April, 180.1. 

All Dog I.ieruse* expire Ma) 1st next. The 
under*igaadis now prepaie.l 1.. Usur Urrnse. for 
the vi-ar rinting May |.|, iy.4. 

J‘»UN A. RAYMOND, Town Clerk. 

Extracts from Chapter 102 of ths Public 

firry. W. Every owner *>r keeper of a dog of 
Tuurg ■••aina ui n or over shall anauall), on or 
U fore Ike tbirteenlh da/ of April, r au-e |i |,> | M n gfi. 

I Jfi-nrre buying elawwlmre. l’or|H fs Taken Up. Cleaned 
Wind* furnished at Hostuii prices. Humjdca u/lluir uui 
I tri*#»i'» made over. 

* M*lro» Morker«, lionngrs. t'aavhfiB • 
•I Prlrrs, 

Shade work alleuded lo. A larae lai 
fagH to geleel from. 

MOTTO I Alt orders uml work 

Store, Washington Square, building-latciy oecuf 

Caught And Re-Caught. 

Warrants vv i-re Isaural si nun days ago fur 
( Ortirtliua While, Iwtt. r knuwn na "Nealy " 
aud Daniel ltr<sualiau, alias "Nall," *s)n. 
are . harcial With entering llte lesldenie uf 
rilutuH r. I upivwind ussaiililug Mis I'uiw. 
i hey werVBUmuioUed In Mp|war at Ihe ilia- 
Irli t luiirt bill failed In "siuiw up" und the 
IV'diee have l« en luukillg fur them Slnee. 
Vv eil|i«-sa|ny aflertfiNill ns Officer Fil/geruld 
vva* wulkiug dnarti tioiitb slrrel, |b»t„ Ui 
he *|>led Ihe latiraiid with the aid uf OfNcer 
ti. II. lUiley uf Suiith \\ . ) uioiitI,, aud 
htate Di le. live (ieorgi PratC uf AhiUglou, 
they art« ated the pair und gave llietu a 
ride to htari. it nu LuGruilge street 
vv here handi ufls wru ubuiued and the 
ineu brought to thla town and plated lu 
the lock-up. Koiiietliue alsuit fiiidulght ' 
atirne twraout broke ml., the Ida. ksiuitti ; 
aimii ol Jleitry L. Thayer und si.-allng a 
■letlge hammer, went tu Ihe i.M k upauil 1 
brnke tu tfie dour lluce luaide. |hey used I 
tbe bauiuier tu gixul ndvaUtagr by sinasli- 
tug tbe luck on the cell dour and libetaling 1 
tbe primiuera. Mi* itoiae of breaking lb" | 
I. , k awakened |>artUa living in that \ 1. m- > 
Uy. wb<> luf ni.. I tbe |»uli.« mtu.r Fa*, 
geraid at iiSis telephoned to |lo»|on and 
t br poller AUitured Nealy Whin.* aud Jofiu i 
liuss.iu aud iM’kswl them up iu Ktutp.u 4 i 
11 a-sou la charged s* illt aiding tbe uien to 
e.. a|ie audit ia aUlt-d. will slvi have tu 
answer tu tbe (barge of breaking and enter- 
ng the black sin i tb shop • Nail ' 
ban made Irises.a|w and up to »|,». lime 
bn. not U.n captured. 1 ue other twu I 
were brought I.. Quiu.y atui bwtged iu tue 
lock un ami wilt L- brought U-fore Judge 
Iflilllldir.-v III the dislri.-l . ... .. * 

| the Gaialla conUiniag Ihe list. 

OmiUrllrilU Will, IU. |, l|>r , r ,. 

.nUcriU-. lor «a„i„ u ,| „ ( ,„f. 

luvv tiig uidgioliica, to Ini louued, ua liooka 
for huuie reading. They umy l M - kept out 
***** filiawing tfioee that ex- 

cliungM their IsHik* ti.rough the ugein ie* to 
l-.rrow them: Art Interchange, tVnlury 

magestue I'uaiu.qs.ltiau Hariw-r aMonthly. 

New F.ngiaud luogaxhte. New World, 
ttiitmg. K. riburr's magaaiue, Wide Awake. 

\A rite on card the name aud month of 
the uiagasiue ri. sired 

School Committea Meeting. 

boa, ‘* »“••» *•« the llicklieil 
ai hiMri-houae ou 1 iiesday evening. Five 
un iuIk-is were present: |>r \V A. Drake 
chuiruuiU; J- A. l ushing. seereUry. II a! 
Tbuuiua, Jirudfurd Ibtwi. ami A. W. 

A nuinlier bills were approved and the 
regular routine re,s„t. uf Imal oJ^ 
lulttecs Were made und a number of uiluor 
n a lers neted upon 

At the February meeting asuis-comuilttee 
, A , »• Blauchard und Bradford 
llttwe. had been apivointed b. furmulate 
au. reuuu.uun.1 chaug.. to ti... by-laws 
ami rules fur the government uf tin- Lard. 
Thu eummnt. e bad luede a r. isut „t n,e 
Mar. l, meeting Imt in accordance with the 

laid ol “I l' r0,M '" , ‘ J ‘"‘"•“'bm-nu werv then 
lufii over fur uni m. eting 

Tuesday evrulug this report waa tukeu 
«p.o,i ... ,uu,-i, .ii., I,... j, n 
meu.l.d the apimintui nt of .» sul. •ummlt- 
tee utl llmmee UU.I this Wus adopt, d ft 
a So le.-umm. Ii.le.l that the sumnuieudeut 

. j . "? ,U4U " “•Uimittee Imt with- 

, L m V ; 1 ti “"• tiu. .........I 

“.“J" l*r, •*. l|,.l r., Miuiutii.l.- 

ifn ' WI.K- ,.1 ,1... In.,., ,t 

.1. .,.1.1 lm 1..-I.I .HU..- tt | , It „ ..jj.njl. 

rniglit by volu ue led, uml tlmt the time 
b!i .I 0 * *bese um . Hug. aud ti.e otli. ,< 

liuiira of the superu.t. ii.lei.t ahould be ad- 
vrrtiaed aud that all |w-r»ona Imviug imai- 
Ura, whb the Laud aliri the reinJf 
• be local pres* he admitted Thla return- 
lueudatiun was laid u|iuu the table. 

At.l amdi.lmeul proposed by J. a. Cush-I 
lug. that the i hair in,in of the liuard 1*1 
uddMl OB a member of U I1 aubmutuudLUcB 
‘ball tuoii of the .am,-. I 

The supply immmiu. e was authorised t« 
puichsse a list of school .uppluw a. a.k. d ! 
o by the aupcriuU'itdeui. , 

He^te Anne* IForfc 
Palmer, Mass. 

. ---—, assistant fijor 

p'lyakisn at tlie IUt» City llu. pi tal, ga«« testi- 
••■ aiv, turruboraliag l*r. f en* xry. I fie woman 
wh.< tillered tlie liuspiul gave tiu ionic cf Kcil.c 
Mivnis, said she was burn .a liuatun, and Worked 
at work at 97 1 >lcr street. Kecognxed no 
one in the court ruuni as the we nun whom he and 
Di 1 enney had treated. 

Officer Pratt, retailed, testified to seeing the 
of -ia) Ivan a* dcsci.brd by the two |4i)sician* 

• ‘|> Mi*, t.lostet'a head at the tunc ,,f las sislt to 

Mi*. Harriet AttwooJ, a nurse In the training : 
sell *.l at ll« Ifiwt^ii City Ibisp Ul, c riuboratcd 
the ,ny uf the two physuiai *. 

I'ci uaxi, Maas., A;ail 12, 189;. -Wer'nesda) 
the third day uf the (.later minder lul vsa* 
"iwned Mis* Attwood was retailed aud uuu- 
esauuned without elating an> cotiliadaliua* of her 
|*ev.o., isaliaway. 

Di 1, let ailed and gave tratiiuony showing 
tliat tw -tudcnis lad also made a |art...l exsunna- 
bon «J tbs nauiitiun Mis. i.kosfii wa* in uUn 
admitted to the husjiital. 

M »» Mary Jones, Diachater, nurse at the Con¬ 
valescent, unnccud with the ll.atuu City 
llispiul, (, it, U^atcd tlie trstimun) of oilier wit- 
•• *» (o the lock of gtav lair ..n the Icll side id 
the pusm.ei's head, sad the cunaitnoi sire was in 
white m lire hospital 

\Y1IUn1 II Rr<d, Koxbory, the settlement derl 
at the Rwfi*. t it > riuajaul, testified he luuld not 
'“ 7 (rvugiurs the taisoucr as the w.-man entered 
at live n vp.tal on Jan. (, 1892, but that she looked 


Aiucrisan standard of e* cl'cucr, si revised 
b> tie- American I* .dtry Associat.on, 

. 7^ 

Ulaine, James G. lriinath, I. C. a*J 
0tk*i 1. Laf* an I w wk of. /Unit. 1 

Uowrew, II. C. Fruebcl and education by 
self-acfivit), j | 

Rrooks, K. S. Hero , iuppen-n^s told in 
verse and story, l.luif. j 

Dana. .Un W. S. Ilow to know the wild 
lEwcrs ; a guide to tfie iiames, luuat* 
and labiU uf our coauuon wild firm 
/limit. v 

F«d, I N. Tropical Aawrira. /limit. 
ItcsLiiptioris <A travel ia bouth America. 
Ionian a and tfie Uahaua*. Mexico ard 
Lentral Aiuciicl ii 

G*)e, Selina. Tire great world's farm, 
some account of na»ui. * c-ropa and how 
tliey ore grown. Him it. yj 

Gilman, N, I*. Sociaiism * al tfie American 
spun | * 

Hard), G F.. -Five buwdi J books for the 
young. , 

A valuable book ( r teacbers and 
l*rcnl» wito lu*e no 1 uve to examine 
ifilidrrli's bu. ks. 

Ilowclls, \V. D. live wuiid A chance, a 

Mcrruiui., II. S. From one generation to 
another. . j. 

Feaid. F M Calherine, • novel. ^ 

Phelps, Austin Ihe sUl* hour; or, .Cam 
amnion with God. £ 

Km.rur, C. II. Figuredrewiu fur children. 
/Unit. 7 j 1 

A valuable book far aU who wish to 
under stand and diaa Ihc child figure 
Sergeant. Adeline. Christine, a novel. 13 

Stoddard, C. A. Spanish citie*. with' 
ghnqiacs of GiUaltar and Tangier 



in all Ihe New Shades. 



Canned Apples at 30< 

Evaporated Apples at 14 

A nice Evaporated Apple at - n 

“ White Elephant," a nice white Soap, woith 6c. it 
" White Boar,’ 1 a pure white floating Soap, at 

Commonwealth of Maysachu&ett* 

Norfolk, m». PaoaAia Cm 

'I'*' Person# b.tei 1 *(cd in tU tsUte u f 

Ute of Wrymoutii in sakJ.Counly deceased. 
IVberrss, Eitfridgc U.Cushlug. Ihe Aduiluote, 

Cotninonwedlth of Maa&achux«tU 

N'oltF'ol.K. fid. I’a-.Bair (u, 

•i».- 1—, N.,1 

A Iwison* tun I.. ill tfie r*UXt uf 

JoRN UI l.lIFAi, 

fivtc uf w e> 1uuu.l1, in ish) count), deceased 

Wfirrea*. a rertala luoliuiumt n.uu i 
tfie lost will sod Usla niur of sJd deTelSd. 

aief, ktoston, testified that in 
1 «ed »t 93 Tyler street. Kui 
'id there fiy nanie U Nc’ite 
nd was a first tuusin uf Mrs. 
, mother and sister also lived at 

xwawe Ihe first sud I 
Uu« upon ikr ealslr 1 
um are field / cited 
fie Wn, si |»rd 
&l*l Wednesday 

» renew Old Ceiling*, 

Wall Papers. 


I aft- or at s Probate ( ourt 
SMC. tu said rouu!). uo 

«f Mcy bexi, XX nine 

n ‘ V 

Id SA he aliuwid 
la ordered to sere* (fiU 

i'uwkr, booth Weymouth, 
seeing Mr*. (iWtr in ityi, 
* in January and one in 
-tfi:ug ptvuhar about Mis. 
ihc fust occasion she was in 
J aivc was up and dr cased to a 
rsa; wadwi that winter fur 
»lime of the finding cd the 
•ter tuU wilnns she was “Ua 
rip her and save bet neck.' 

bhic caficu *Mon. which 
il out of which tfie baa wa* 
Jv waa fuond. 

s. Nurtfi Weyni'uth. testified 
Mr*. Giostct after Uu return Meeting. 

Tbo auiiual uic-tiug of the Norfolk 
Couu yW C. T. V. will U bold at Tuan 
Rail, b lough Lou, Saturday. April 15. Mum 
lug ac-wsiuh al |0. afturnoou at 1.U). At 2d* 
Mra. If. R. Raymond of R**t Weymouih 
Wilt deliver the regular addiea, 

When you feel all Und out 
np gourtally, you luted a j 
liood'a ttareapanlia ia th* b. at. 

1 week. k>r* i»,tMii 
kper railed li* W . ) a. ,.,t 
•t Wryiboaik, tw 1 mi y 
year le**« said ( *u, 
ass, Geurga Wfiiu . iWjuii, 
Ifiw Cwrififi day uf Al 
-usaud *lf kS bundle i sud m 

Jonathan u 

hi uken 

Children Cry for 
Pitcher's Caatoria. 

... . Children Ory for 
Pltcher’a Canterla. 

Washington Street, 



PIAN( buyer* ahould write for rleaci 

Rnro liargaiua eniong thccr. IVithln 300 in 
and 910 per mouth till paid for. Full Inf 


183 Tremont St., 


I*a!vrrlxrrln the World. 

No ffarroar lu the World l!t|itala th 
a for fin rum 1 — Fallow. Meriting Dawn. Nail 
Meadow 1 null, Fruit Grower*. Mend fu 

ALPH0NS0 CAIN, Agant for Hingham and 

Iso the 0UTEB CHILLI.D PLOW. Ref. n n. i * 
rd, Baal Weymoutfi; Kamuel l.ltcitficld, 1\ cst I: 


All persons intending 
my placo will plcnse cull be 
for the summer at that tiin 

8outh Wey nr 

cum i 


This wheel la fittod with the AI rt I to-Du 
Il |euiii'ture(L Full iiulructiona (or rcpairii 

CuUiluigitc ou applivutlou. 

Btcyelo Bu|iiilies 



Trimmed Hats t 

A ui'W and .oliiplcle line .rf 
al III*' 


MRS. 1 

Riuu'e llloulc. EAST 

You can get an entii 
Head to foot. 

Boston prices guaran 

The lending wheel for thl* **naon will 
only 28pound*, and the Model PMponr 
Isa atrltilled to 31 pounds. >11th tho 1 in 
hnvo to wnsie friun ten minute* toftn hot 
Sltoh It *ml welt for it dry, but you aim] 
It with the extra 0110 that Bopa.witli ever 
nnd thl* can bo mended at Itome nt your 
delay of not over ten minute*. 

We Furnish Hither Bllipti 

fer. ra»% *w*w 



raahlM 9 CytUfittr, 3«f*l.fhr Ra«f Wrywaa 



—Thu now long-distance telephone 
whirh had recently Iwen put In at Uio store 
of R. Nuih for tr*u of Ihn public la In nno I 
working order. It was Tory well tested j 
Fn*t I»ar, when ona ol onr town*-people | 
talked with a friend In Philadelphia, llo 
aaya that «me ran beAr aa plainly aa with ■ 
the tiiarhinoN that are pot In In toe rlty. 

—Owing to the Inclement weather laat 
Friday evening, only fifteen member* of I 
the Norfolk Pyrin Club attended the | 
minstrel »how n’t Franklin hall, Aldington, 

f ’lven by the I’nlon Athletic Club. Had 
t been pleaaant there would have been 
about forty instead of fifteen. 

—A number of the member* of the flaw- 
thorn Club went In a body to the VtUon 
Athletic Club minstrel nhow, Franklin 
hall, Ablngton. Inst Frblay. 

- At the sunlight party given lastThure- 
dny afternoon and evening, by the Haw¬ 
thorn Club ahoot 943 wan netted. Thin 
vai the moat anrceiwfnl parly the olnb ban 
ever bml. The music furnished by Tang- 
ley ’* orchestra, of Itockland, waa of the 
highest order. 

—The regular monthly meeting of the 
Norfolk Cycle club wan held at the dub 
room* laat Monday evening. The qui-Mion 
of the new club house, which he* been 
before the club for quite awhile waa ilo- 
rided, and by the vote It waa deemed Inex¬ 
pedient to erect a new bonne at the preaent 
time. There will bo a apeclal meeting 
next Monday evening, when the committee 
will report for action a new plan for mak¬ 
ing the roomn more attractive to the mein- 
licrn. Two new members were added to the 
ncllre lint at this meeting. 

—The committee In cliargo of the Odd 
Fellow* Thankagiving celebration of Wil¬ 
de y lodge proinlae* to makn the year a 
memorable one in tho hlatory of the lodge. 
The place of holding the exerclnca la not 
fully decided upon, but If the expectation of 
aotna of the member* are carried out, It 
will probably lie held In Fogg's Opera 
House. Abigail Aduni* bulge I». of 11. of 
South Weymouth and Riverside lodge. 
II. of 11., and North Illver lodge, I. O. O. I*., 
of Hanover will be entertained. Past 
15rand A. 8. Pinkerton will lie tho special 
guest of thn evening. Thin will l»e held ou 
Tuesday evening, April SMh. A *nt>per«. 
entertainment and dance have Iwcn 
provided for. 

—Thn pupils of Prof. Reals are at preaent 

Oonneoted With the Great 
Paper, the Albany Express. 

Iiku Statement! Which Um People 
Should Know and Undent and. 

No. 3, elected the following officer* Mon¬ 
day evening: Foreman. John F. Dwyer: 
Aral assistant. Thos. F. Ahern; second 
assistant, Maurice O'Connell; clerk and 
treasurer, Thomas Griffin; steward, Owen 

—Mina Winnie Wolfe ol lloaton, has 
been In town on a visit to Minn Mary L. 

-A meeting of the Monatlquot Yacht 
dub will be held at the club house tomor¬ 
row, Saturday evening. A full attendance 

Nun lots or Columbus Annuo, 
tho host Street leading from 
Pleasant to Toney St.. 
South Weymouth. 

ml wnlt for it dry, but vnu simply remove the Inner tube end replace 
* aSfa ono that ifoce.with era? wheel end io carried in the tool beg; 
an b/mended at home at your lolaure. Till* whole operation make* n 
>ot over ten minute*. 

JTt Furnish Hither HUiptfoal or Hound Sprockets. 

ATfter H. W. DYER, Agent. .. 


A fftreoter, Agcnt.fhr Rant Wrymeaik. 

- ■ If you want the beet Chain Lub- 

I 1 rioator on the market send for the 

gt, Acme Chain Lubricator, 

ISWSjiLl^ uAjrorAClOTBD nr 

They Will Intaml Net Oely th, li» 
paper Fraternity but EverytfMy. 

The popular and well-known Thomas A. 
Lindsay, who I* connected with Allwny’s 
(N. Y.) leading mornirg paper, the Albany 
Rxpreaa. makes an Interesting reralation. 

K vary body connectc«1 with the newa- 
paper has known ol the farts for acme 
time, and can vouch for their truth In every 

"For many years," Mid Mr. IJndaay, "I 
have been subject to severe spells of head¬ 
ache and nervousness, at times almost 
enough to drive a man to InMntty from 
pain, loss of sleep, etc. 

"Medicine*, narcotics, patent and pre¬ 
scribed, did not give relief, and the ailment 
Increased continually. Having read In tho 
Allmny Morning Kxprcsa, at different 
times, the advertisements of Dr. Greene's 
Nervura blood and nerve remedy, I con¬ 
cluded to try this remedy, and nfter the 
use of six or seven bottles, found not only 
relief, hut almost a radical cure. 

"Tho headaches are a thing of the past, 
while the terrible nervous spells have 
-A valuable horse belonging to John gradually become lees and leas until now I 
7*“ '■ V have little or none of them left and my 

■Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tulier attended a sleep la natnral and refreshing. 

la* luHr at lintj.1 Tl.nrmtlki. In lloatnn * . . ", 

»entn|t, .nrttook Wm, one of 1 In ">*' «>l» to. 

Istat markable change Is entirely due to Dr. 

-Tho Holiness convention at Mission Orecne’s Nervura blood and nerve remedy, 

I lisa lieeu continued through the week and I heartily rrconiniend it for ailments 
! 1.™ ""i”W hot" born inattrQ.laiiro Mk , ow „ „„ 

ill of the sessions, «.«•..». . , , 

-Tho roffnlnr no,tin, ollloynol.f. I*U.(notIhntnnt ,w.t bonman .n,l 
Hot tot|« liobl In <;. A. 11. ball, wn, n liut llmlln, oot Urn 

II attended one anil much Interest was wonderful Invlgornling and strengtli- 
ntfestrol In the new organisation. Three jiving powers of ibis moat valuable dls- 

s^r,Sfrl"tr,;tX fl Ti!3 , ±: ■-< 

»agreeably anrprUed by a donation of nerve remedy. It I* tho medicine for tho 
from the (I. A. 11. circle to be added to weak and nervous. 

winter In Do* ton, liar* returned to this 

->-Mra. Alexander Rkllttag* of It mad 
■treet, has fallen heir to fflOnby the death 
of a relative. 

—Fred rushing strained himself while 
lifting n henry ease Haturdsy and has been 
unable to work since. 

—Mr. Daniel llsrt, a former resident of 

Those lots nre in done proximity 
to Selmols*, (’llurcheft, Port Office, 
atom*, the proposed Public Li¬ 
brary anti the Electric linilrond, 
and niv desirable a* an invest mont 
a.t well um for those who contem¬ 
plate building in the near future. 

Drainage facilities perfect, the 
view unsurpassed, and the neigh¬ 
borhood will suit tho most fas¬ 

FirstPurchasers Have the Choice. 

Tenets Easy* Prices Hatlofactary. 

Apply to 

€. C. TOWER, 

or A. K. VINING. 


-I fr; Drake has had a mof built over the 
veranda of hia house, adding much to tta I 

—N- F. Cushing Is rontoniplaling the 
imrehsan of a pair of hack burse-* ns Ills 
livery stable patronage Is on the Increase. 

—A workman at the phosphate works 
narrowly escaped drowning, Tuesday 

—Mrs. F. A. lllcknell Is out again after 
a brief Illness. 

—Will Torrey has purchased a new 

. “Jf *P ok his dag f«dgw« 

to Hlato Island VVmt W, and had a Trey 

succetafnl time while there, seeming two 
white wild geese, the first ever known to 
have been raptured In this vicinity ; oko 
five sheldrakes and two ditch*, 

-Mr*. Lydia A. Dates has returned front 
a prolonged visit with friends In Dllbuy, 
- On account of thn lllneso of Thnonan 
Crokrr, Thomas D. Ixtud has token rhnfga 
of his husincss the past week. 

...” Mr*. Noah T. Joy fa recovering from 

—Edwin Clanp, accompanied by hlanon 

this place, but nf late years a ritlren of Han 
Frsncisc«i, California, Is in town on a visit 
to Ids relatives. V~ ”—* -• 

.. T -.-. Mr. IVart la a brother of 

Major John W. Hart. 

—Miss Hannah 0. Whelan lias (men 
visiting friends at Cambridge, Mass. 

—Edward E. Richards started Monday 
on a month'* business trip through the 

—Mr. A. A. .sterling lias purchased a 
handsome horse of Joshua Wilkins. 

—William and Otis llollls have bought 
a new horse of Mr. Wilkin*. 

—Joseph Gonlais has been visiting 
friends In Spencer, Mass. 

—"Fighting at the Mast-head; A talk for 
Hoys" will Iw Her. ll. F. Raton's subject 
tonight at the People's Institute. It will 
Ini given to the Gymnasium at H o'clock. 
Admission 10 cents. 

—Rd. M. Wight with Ills cornot Is now 
leader of the Congregational singing at 
Union church, Hominy evenings. 

—There have Item rumors round town 
that Rev. Wllllatn llyde was considering a 
call to llaltlmore. and many have Wen 
anxious for fear be would leave Weymouth. 
It Is true that Mr. llyde received a very 
Muttering offer sIniiiI six week* ago from a 
church In Maryland, but after some 
thought he derided that It was Witer not 
to accent nud he thereforn declined the 
offer, although the salary waa more than 
double what lie has In Weymuuili. 

—At tho annual Parish mating of 
Trinity church held April 3rd, in atuliilon 
to tlie ollloers reported lust week the follow¬ 
ing were elected delegate* to the .Diocesan 
convention which meets In Trinity church, 
llostoti. May 3rd: Hon. Edward Avery, 
Samuel W. Reed, William L. Waitiwrlglit. 
It Will lie the duty of the delegates to 
tote for n llialmp to succeed Dlahop 
D rooks. 

—Among the very nlco places to drop 
Into and take a rest and get some infor¬ 
mation is tho new oftlco of J. I. Hates. 

—A lady living bear Lincoln square waa 
surprised on Saturday to see three of the 
"Hons of Rest" who habituate that vicinity 

son at the East Weymouth cemetery I* 
the election of a monument by George W. 
Dyer. This monument Is quite different 


—Rdwln Clanp, accompanied by bla *oa 
Davis anil Ida daughter Ella, apeat several 

WeeIc " Y ° r “ * nrt 1111,1 

..“•Mrs. Belinda Joy Is visiting her Malar, 
Mrs. Rail. , 

. — Warren Tlrrell and wife, of Brockton, 
formerly «.f this place, spent Band ay with 
f rlenda here. 

—An epidomln.tdown as "pink eye" haa 
Wen quite prevalent In this locality. 

C—Mrs. Alfred R. Joy hits been visiting 
relatives In CliarlestowD. 

-Miss Addle Ilurgoyne met with n pain¬ 
ful accident on tl Mtnesdsy afternoon of 
'aat week, caused hr Wing thrown front a 
small waron which was drawn by h r 
playmates. As It was going with coombR r- 
able speed, It suddenly broke down, throw¬ 
ing her out on her face, which was twain. d 
In u terrible manner. 

—Mr*- Nebcnilah Thayer and her daugh¬ 
ter, Mrs. llenjamln Wilbur of Taunton, 
who have Wen visiting here for some 
time, have both been very III with "Ik 

—Rrnest Tlrrell and family, of Muhh U, 
siN-nt Fast Day with Mr. and Mr*. O. \f. 

—Col. Thomas French la quite III. 

In design from any others on the grounds 
and Is quite a credit to the makers, Messrs. 
Thomas and Miller of Qulney Adams. 

—Mr. and Mrs. F. Gnodapeed have re¬ 
turned from a week'* visit to their daugh¬ 
ter, Mrs. Whittier, at Haverhill. 

—Rev. S. II. McDonald la attending the 
conference at Plymouth this week. 

Thompson Is quite albk. 
whist patty at hotel Tliorndike.ln lloaton. 

You can get an entire outfit complete from 
bead to foot. 

Boston prices guaranteed or money refunded. 

contracts for plumbing at Nnntaskct. 

— Win. Karon was in town Wednraday 

visiting James Tlinyer. 

—Mr. and Mr*. Alexia Torrey passed a 
few day* tlds week with their son, F. II. 

—Geo. Clarke Is employed nt Williams 

A Kneeland'a, llrslmice. 

—Goddard French and wife attended 
a wedding at Weston, Tuesday evening. 

—Geo. Miller hna Wen appointed sexb n 
of the Pilgrim church for the year. 

—IiWWtnl Coolnv Is suffering from the 
effects of an since**. 

—Audi Rurrell la In poor health. Wing 
unable to Ini about. 

—Chester Stoddard nnd Mias Martha 
Ilurrcll have commenced work at J. A. 

—Elijah Tlldeu lias opened a store with 
a line of confectionery, tobacco, and Ionic* 
lu thn building until recently occupied by 
I<eon Johnston. 

—Win. Keniiersoii and Fred Clark have 
taken positions at Stetson A Hcald'a, South 

ColsmbtM Sqom. 

Charles T. Foster, 

next |mrty ! 

It restores health to 

the tick. 

SSSToSSlS.'^ «r' k * u ' “7«'• “«u.r. •'**' 

f Irtminl. ff. «lro h«l Wl«l, ,«.kro UOtl.,r 

.wls* aro attract.og <*®*picnou* person, reatoml to liesRh by 
Its use, to mid to thn long and constantly 
u ill meet nt Temper- Increasing list of prominent nnd well- 
t< ni(N>n ut 3 o'clock, known people who are almost dally pub- 
" f ,1* . . ,rw ' llshing In th* ps|N>rs sluteuienta of their 


luell on Grant street. It I* Wyond *11 question the greatest 
lend* of Miss Ruth curer of disoose known nt the preaent day,, 
home on llawthorne nnd in tho very Wat spring medicine for 
celebrate her ninth blood and nerves. Everybody needs a 
i^itl*"o'clock refresh- "prlng medicine, and this Is Just the rein- 
in Hie dlulng room edy to take. It is purely vegetable and 
with Japanese Inn- harmless, and Is sold by druggists for 91. 
StY r<>CC V<M * This great remedy Is the discovery and 
■ntcrtalnmeut coinpll- prescription of the famous physician, Dr. 
ih riNi waa given In Greene, of .'H Temple pi., lloaton, Moss., 
eadny evening. The who In the most successful specialist In 
1 Hi 1 ■■ vIntmi curing nervous and chronic discuses In 
l' mIss Daniels.' 0 The *bl* couutry. We would add that the 
rr entertained with doctor can W consulted free, |»enionally or 
>lr. Morris nnd boue i, v letter. 

shown on, thu 

__.he coiupllnient- 

ary concert to Mias Annie Dcnuc, assures 
our people of a line concert. 

- The tnlk of tho Town division which 
was started at the supper meeting of the 
Wednesday night dub lias Wen continued 
outside of the club and It aeema to W the 
oidnlon of many of the people that South 
Weymouth should be set apart as n town 


Ims a select stock of 


—Leonard Wolfe is employed at Strong 
& Carroll's, Rust Weymouth, nud W. L. G. 
Heals at K. K. Dyer's. Ijcotmrd Cooley I* 
to bn bead truhr for E. R. Dyer. 

—Augustus Reals who linn Iwen very III 
for the week past, at present writing, re¬ 
mains lu about the same condition. . • 

— KIwihnI Curtis' Illness haa developed 

—Last Saturday evening Mrs. Jamas 
Join s entertained the Whist club at bar 
home on Commercial street. Although tkp 
weather was Inclement all the guests war* 
there. Thb prise* were captured by Mine 
Thompson, Miss I/<>veil and Mr. Mlll*r» 
Hupper was served In die dining rmun at 
10 .:h 1 nfter which the party dlaparaeil. 

—On nnamnt of tho severe anow-atorm, 
lust Friday evening, tlie sewing circle at 
Miss Rate*’ was attended* by only a few 
w ho refNirt a most enjoyable evening. 

—Ills hoped that Mr. Arnold will re¬ 
consider Ids resignation as chorister of th* 
Old Norlli choir. Ills work In that cupao- 
Ity has been very successful and highly a|K 

—Mrs. Stephen lllcknell, who haa lieen 
suffering from rheumatism for the neat few 
months, Just at present la quite com fori able. 

—Tlie fence between the church and Mr. 
H. M. Dow's place has Wen removed and 
Is decidedly an Improvement. 

by Itself. 

—The Whist club was entcrtnlned by 
Miss Helen lbiss last Tuesday cvyiilng. 
Thirteen of tlie required sixteen were 

nnd l» prepnred to do work at her 

Into u fever. 

—Torrey, Kullirant A Co.’s Imot anil 

slum factory closed Tuesday, to all ap|N<ar- 
Alices, for the aumnft-r season. 

—D. M. Kidder experts to begin work at 




are working at M. t*. Direr'*, East Wey¬ 

—Herbert Somber hna entered the 
machine shop of tlie llradluy Fartlliter Co. 

—Miss Flossie Ulspp accidently fell from 
a bench In the sole leather room of Torrey. 
Ilullivsiit A Co., one day this week, but 
happily escaped with hut alight Injury. 

—Mrs. Joseph Thomas Is having the 
piarrn on the front of her house widened, 
and n few other alterations made upon the 

—Mr. and Mrs. Rdwln Walker (have re¬ 
turned from Medford after a visit of a few 
weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Biiliiey 

—A cargo of lumlN<r arrived Wednesday 
for the bull.ling of two summer residences 
near the llsysldo house which will com¬ 
mence Immediately. 

—Horatio H. Torrey has occupied Ids 
leisure time lately in catching rats In tin- 
shop. No less than twenty of them haw 
fallen Into Ids trap within a few days, to 
meet their ullltuuto fate between thu teeth 
of Dandy, C. L. Hcuhury'a pet dog. 

—Will l'ratt while at work on Ids ma¬ 
chine, Tuesday, ul E. E. Dyer'*, rau a nee¬ 
dle through Ids hand. 

—E. R. Dyer, the boot uuil shoe manu¬ 
facturer, has effected thu removal of his 
liuslness from Ita former location to 11. T. 
lllcknell'* simp, and commenced operations 
lu his uow quarters on Monday last. Tlo- 
climigM was made on account of a lack of 

—A lively meeting of the llase Rail As¬ 
sociation was held Wednesday evening of 
last week, III Kugino hall, when It was 
voted that the directors should go ahead 
ami secure players and grounds. Kulhii- 
"la-no seems to Ini greater than ever la-fore. 

tno ruler* ana it means, u u is noi sioppen, 
that thu whole must suffer for tho sake or 
n few. 

—Tho Sunday services of the Christian 
Crusnders In Id In Musle Jmll will 1* 
led by Captain Van Houtcn. Marcellos, 
tho •■ight-year old daughter of the captain 
will bo present nnd assist. These meetings 
are Increasing In Interest nnd a number of 
conversions uro already reported. 

— Tho bain Attached to tho house of 
Minot Ganluer, l’ark avenue, Is receiving 
a new lot of shingles. 

-Lust Friday afternoon, during the 
storm, thu house of Washington l'ratt, on 
the plain, was struck by lightning. Thn 
holt |Nissed down tho chimney nud itrotiml 
the room, taking olf the shoes of nn elderly 
ludy nnd singeing thu hair of a cat. A little 
wus done to the house whlln thu ludy hud 
her feet quite badly blistered. 

— Lines ure In place showing the plan of 
thn cellar of a now liousu which Is soon to 
bo built by Goorgo C. Torrey ou Torrey 

—Mr. H. A. Thomas was n guest of Ilunt- 
Ingtou post, G. A. It. of Milton, at its 
annual cnmp-flro, Wednesday evcnlnR. 
Mr. Thomas delivered tlm Memorial Day 
mldress for ibis post two years ago. 

—Tlie social atmosphere of South Wey¬ 
mouth, which lias been remarkably quiet 
all winter, will bn considerably lively for 
the next six weeks. Wlmt with the con¬ 
cert of Miss Deane next week, thu Odd Fel¬ 
low's anniversary the week following, thu 
annual Mny parly, tho High School reun¬ 
ion, not to mention an Old Folk's concert 
already uuder way, there ought to lw one 
contlnmil round of enjoyment for old und 
young. It is such things ns these which 
ndd to the natural attractions of couutry 

—A. 8. I'liikerton, iiresldcntof the Mas- 
snehusettM senate iinil representative to tlo- 
sovurcign grand lodge, will ho tho special 
guest of Wlhlcy lodge No. 31, 1. O. O. F., 
April 'JU, at Fogg'* opera house, whr* the 
anniversary is to Ini celebrated. A ouar- 
tette consisting of Miss Foster, Miss Dean, 
N. F. Ylnlrtg uud J. M. Whitcomb hashucii 
secured. Ml*s Grace Winnlfred Joy will 
read, and these with other attraction* will 
go far towurds making the suniversary 
memorable iu the annuls of local Oild-fel- 

—William Hollis had his shoulder dls- 
located, while at work at the factory of 11. 
R. Reeil A Co., last Tuesday. He had not 
lu-en feeling well for b few days and while 
at work lie fel' over on to u iiiac-ldne ueur 
him with too ahovo result. It required 
thu strciigth ol two men to put thu Injured 
member buck In Its place. 

—Mrs. W. II. Holster and daughter 
Marion, were In town the first nurt of the 
week, stopping with Mrs. C. 8. Fogg. 

—Mrs. K. T. Joy wns presented with a 
la-uutlful poem from the pen of Mrs. K. K. 
llrown, last Thursday evening, the Hues of 
which will be found on another page. 

on easy 

Lorell'a Corner. 

buyers should write for description of littl* used nn«l second band I’ianoa. 
Among their. Within 300 miles of Boston wo furnish risnos at 929 down 
inutli till paid for. Full Information If you writ* us. 

—F. 1). l’ratt lias connected bis Iioiis* to 
Id* olden by telephone. 

—Tim meeting which was anUci|sit*d for 
last Saturday evening fur thn puriNm* of 
forming nn Improvement assoctnilon did 
not materialise. 

—The Lovell's Corner Temperance Union 
will hold a meet lug In the Purler M. R. 
church tills, Friday, evnnllig. 

—Quite ii number of tlie me mb -rs of til* 
M. E. church lire uttciidlng tlf* Confaranao 
which Is being held In 1'lyinouth this week. 

—Mrs. William Osborn* of Bcltnst* baa 
lu-en passing a few day* with Mr. aad 
Mrs. F. D. Pratt. 

— Mrs. Susan Monro* and Mrs. Klt» 
Clarke have Iwen spending a few days with 
friends lu Hanson. 

—Misses Muria Hawes and Fanula If. 
Taylor have made engagements lu.w-acb at 
Island l*ond, Yertnont. 

—Bt)V. E. E. l'hllll|M dosed his pas!*-**** 
of Him M. E. church last Sunday, aklag 
for his text Romans x, 1.1,13. 



I &3 Tremont St. 

To Mss. E. T. Joy, 

April 3, ifyj. 

Within your pleaunt home tonight, 

A lew true friend* appeal; 

Only a handle!, all agree, 

Comiured to wliat the ctowd would be 
11 lull of tliem were here. 

Dame Kuntot tell* tit, (and for once 
We give (he dame her tay) 

That we should find on looking down 
Ihc tecoid»«4 your native town, 

That till* U your biithday. 

From infancy and childhood tweet 
To maidenhood you grew; 

Rut not until you clionged your Hie, 

And bore the sacred 0*a* of wife 
Our eye* were turned on you. 

Since then we've seen your strength of faith 
And l-arncd to |une it* worth; 

We've keen how bravely you could aland 
When death with hit rrlcntlea* hand, 
llure tlin*e a >ou loved from eattli. 

Our teat* were your* in time of,gilef;— 
Your peace it our* today; 

And we lutve come, a favored few, 
but wliat we tay it ju»t a* tiun 

Of tliotc who ate away. * 

Had we llte |>ower to choose fur you, 

( I hough wrung our dotice might be;) 
Wr'd have your |athway »tietui with flowett, 
And evert our ol life’s brief hour* 

Should b.- from sorrow free. 

Uui God know* be*t; whatever He 
In Itoundle** wiadom send*— 

Wltalever light* or altadow* fall 
Remember till*: That through them all 
We are your steadfast I fiends. 

A trifling token wc have brought 
To prove oui feelings kind; 

And when its shining sides you see 
Or poor from it a cup of tea, 

Please bear us in your mind. 

The drink tltat flows from out this spout, 
Though puie and stiong it be, 

Will never stamp a brow with shame, 

Oi give to man a felon's name 
Or rob a home of glee. 

'Twill "cheer,but not inebriate 

And when you fain would thiuk 
Of something that will soothe your brain, 
Ami ease your weary head of pain, 

You had better try a drink. 

Some people «ecm to take delight 
In brewing strife ami fuss; 

Hut don't you ever dare to brew, 

Within tins teapot bright and new, 

One unkind thought of u*. 

We thank you for ilte welcome kind 
'11ut we receive to-uight, 

And in return, wc truly »ay, 

God grant yuu man; a luppy day. 

Just received a uew lot of 


A11 tlie specialties In the line of 






Zlesf l»«lverlxrrli» the World- 
This Is no I'll* Hou*t.' We 
I »>«»> • WrMI.U.1 
Heady to Substantiate II. 

Ltgve* no Furrow* or Ridge* 

should be erected by u* larue an audit-net- 
us wus thu Iw la-af Company on their op- I 
ponmuen lost yunr. 

—A very enjoyable t-vening was spent 
by the reading circle in thuiitudy of Tenny¬ 
son, Thursday -evening, ut Miss Grace 
Mitchell'*. Mr. K. W. Ksrwrll read a 
sketch of the lifo of the poet, which was 
followed by a very profitable discusslou 
of some of the b ailing |mn>iiib. At thu 
next meeting Carlyle will be studied. 

—Owing to the late arrival of the news 
for tho Congregational church It will not 
lm ready for occupancy ou Sunday. The 
society will occupy the Methodist church 
which lias been kindly tendered to them 
for that day, a* the pastor, Rev. J. II. Mc¬ 
Donald Isubseut. 

—Steadfast lodge D. of R. will celebrate 
their second anniversary tonight with n 
banquet und fun party in Odd Fellows 
Opera House. 

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roarty entertained 
a large number of friends ut tlielr home. 




Mrs. Joseph Cii uimlng* who Im ten* 

much support iu the wuv of attendance at 
games being exiu-eted of the lovers of the 
■port In East Weymouth und IJulucy. An 
opportunity bus been offend for North 
Weymouth to meet the Institute* on the 
diamond, Memorial Day, ut tho South 
Weymouth park. 

—Although thr. weather did not particu¬ 
larly favor the WesAUgusetl Land Co. In 
Its plans for Fast Day, u considerable num- 
l*er of |N-rsoiis from llimton anil the neigh¬ 
boring towns attended the land sale, uuil 
u dozen or so lots were sold. Free car¬ 
riages were run to the scenr, ami the visi¬ 
tor* were dined at the expense of the com¬ 
pany, hut thu laiut dltl not make its slated 
trip In-i-busc of thu unpropltloiis weather. 
The totul numla-r of lota sold op to the 
present time is fifteen, new sales luring 
constantly made. Nelsou Thomas has 
taken uti agency for thu company, aud trill 
give any de^yed Information cuncurulug 

sick for about two weeks la Able to Im oul 

—There has been a littl* addition to Mm 
family of George Saudurs. It Is a boy. 

—Jereiqlah 1’ero, who lioa h an llrls| 
In the Itouae owituil by Austin Tlrrell, Its* 
moved to Qulucy. 

—Clias. Urquhart lias moved from th* 
lllanelmrd house on the earner ft Park 
avenue aud Main street to the Aat Fool* 


—Tim Ward 1 Hosn Co. Iishl their annual 
incut lug for thu election of officers at the 
Engine house, last evening. 

—Thomas Nash 1s ut work having hla 
wall set buck, preparatory to the widening 
of Front street. 

—Herbert Goods peed has taken A posi¬ 
tion lu (lie grocery store of ■. U. Pray, at 

— Nearly all of the peoplo who hnva hoi 
the scarlet fever ure well or nearly so. 
There are at present only a few sick will* 
tliut disease. The schools are still cluard. 

—John W. Sealitiry Is haring Ills honaa 
|d|N-d for the reception of the town waw-r. 

—Joseph Cummings Is having the land 
around hia house built up and Inn ads to 
have a flue lawn. 

—George l^tud ha* purchased of C. H. 
Tiukhaiu, a Columbia pueumalie bicycle. 

by Mrs. Raaiuajlau. 

—II. F. Paine Is carrying a splendid lino 
of gentlemen's neckwear. This Is one of 
thu stores where thn latest styles can lm 
hail and at reasonable prices. 

—Oil aecounl of other Imnortuiit events 
wlileh are to come April 2ii. ll lias become 
necessary to cliuugo tlm eiiU-rtaiumunt final 
sale to Im glvou by the lutlies of Trinity 
dumb. It will therefore occur In tlm 
vestry of thu Union ehurch on Tuesday 
und Wedni'saluy, Muy 3ml. aud 3rd. Ou 
Tuesday evening will Im presented a m-w 
operetta In three sets entitled. "Tlm Four- 
Leaved Clover," anil on Wednemlay even¬ 
ing, a new play written by Miss Agims 
Ityrde ? ' c ' uttl * c ‘ i “ T,,e Fascinations of the 

—The annuel meeting of tlm Imdla-s' 
Cemetery Improvement ussamlstlou for thn 
election of oflici-rs for tlm ensuing year will 
Im held with Mrs. Ella C. Richards, 
Weduestluy, April IU. at 3 :t» p. ui. It Is 
very iiuporisiil that ull memlmra he prea- 
eat ut this meeting. 

- Amos Gammons, u former resident of 
this tow u died ul Philadelphia, Pa., lust 
week of |wralysis, ageal Iff years. Thu boaly 
was brought here, tlm funeral taklug place 

Any gooals not in stock will ha- supplied 
at short notice. 

F. L. BAYLEY, South Weymouth. 

Tua-sdsy evening, with u lino saiimer ami 
u wldst party. Th* supper, which was 
made up of a Him timuu of home entering, 
wus served ut 7 o'clock, ut thu closii of 
which the ennta-st began with thn following 

K rtics at the uldea: Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank 
i-w, Air. and Mrs. M. II. Rates, Mr. and 
Mrs. C. It. Gruely, Air. aud Airs. A. Al. 
Whitcomb, Air. and Mra. A. Al. Raymond, 
Air. and Mra. A. V. Powers. Mr. and Airs. 
Calvin Dya-r, Air. and Air*. E. E. Imuil, 
Air. and Airs. Krauk Iloliart, J. F. Ylnal. 


Ho thu upimuraiico ad Muiiugr-r John Stet¬ 
son's m-w a-oiniaany In "Tlm Crust of 
H'H'icty" at the Glulm next week will add 
fresh InU-rcat to a theatrical event whoan 
novelty Is uot thu least woru a IT. Mr. 
Stetson's new caiiii|Ntny Is Just now con¬ 
cluding s most sucaeasful i-ugagcmeut at 
tlm Rroudway theatre, New York. In tin 
cast are Miss KlilU Proctor Gils. Miss 
lleatrice Aloreland, Alls* Imster, Air. Frank¬ 
lin Carlyle, Air. Geurge Nash. Miss Hattie 
Russell, Charles M. Colliu*. John Al. FIimnI 
and others. Miss Gils, it will Im recalled. 

ill be found on another page. 

—It is uxpectcil tliut the llasa- Uuil club 
of the South High Ba hoot will play the 

Airs. Dya-r. Afr. Vi uui uud Airs. Drew | 
captured the booby prizes. 

Afb-r a lingering illness of sa-veral years, ; 
Afr. Oliver IJncoln passed awsy at Iris 
Immc on Cain uveuue, last Friday morn¬ 
ing. Mr. Llucoln was a bathe of East 
Weymouth, oue of the several children of 
Peter Llucoln, ami was la.rn Alurcli 31. 
IN3I, at the old Uucailn hoiimsicatl ou Com- 
lua-rcial street. July 34, 1H34, Im wus mar- 
ria-il to Hannah 1*., ilaughtcr of Kboua-zer 
Dunlwr, who with tliruat rhlldreq, Flor¬ 
ence, I-nForest and Alisa Abide F.. survive 
him. Mr. Lincoln has always Wn au 
exemplary citizen, a kind father uud neigh- 
Imr, anal was endeared to a large circle of 
friends. Funeral services were held at his 
lata- residence last Sunday utter noon, and 
were couducttHl bv Rev. J. II. Mclkmald, 

North High cluii ut Weymouth, tomorrow 

—Thu Golduii Cross Commaudery of llol- 
hriNik, vial taxi tlm Uriou Couimuiidery of 
this villugu lust Tuesday evening aud 
worka-d the third da-greu. A collation wus 
servt-al uud a geua rul gm-al time' was uu- 

—Thu hecoud meeting of tlm committee 
for thu South Weymouth High Hchoad 
asstN-iatiou was held lust uvciiing at the 
residence of 11. A. Thomas. Muuv uew 
iiii-mlN-rs have Im-cii added to tlm list. If 
there are Any who wish to Joist they can do 
so by scudlng tlielr name to the secretary, 
Ml** Alice Raymond. The coumiittcu are 
ut present canvassing the town. Auy per¬ 
son who has ever gruduuteal from, or liss 
ever been to, or is at lirescut a member of 
tlm Hotilb High school, enu J<riu tlm associ¬ 
ation. Imt ull who cun, Join aud hulii to 
increase tlm lutcrest iu our schiMds. The 
uext meeting of tlm committee will Im held 

All persons intending to lmvo Cabinet Photos nt 
my place will please call before Juno 1st, as 1 go away 
for the summer at that time. 


—A inci ting of tlm East Braintree M. 
Sunilay-schoad board was held Tuesday 
evening, April 11, to elect olHcers for Mm 
coming ya*ar. Hiiimrliiteiident, J. HaiupsoH; 
assistant superintendent, II. M. StniM; 
Secretary, H. C. Iicnu. it; Treasurer, M. A 
Johnson; librarian, Mamie Orr; orgai Ut, 
Aluggie McDowell; teachers, J. H* nor on, 
II. Al. Slonu, Charles Nickerson, Lull* M, 
Clark, Ji-usie McDonald. Rll u class, 

—Airs. Alai y Shine haa huett granted a 
iwnslon of 913 per mouth. 

— Daub-1 Hudson of I'tuh, is In town on U g, 

• visit to Iris aunt, Air*. Thomas Pray. „„ 

—Bert Nash lias taken a |mmIUou at ph 
Hunt & Co.'s store. 

—Allss Helen It. F. A lieu ha* secured 
flue talent for Imr ooitcurt, which will la- 
given in the l?uion church Friday evening, 

April 3*. Full programme giveu iu next 

—Aibutus Assembly No. 19, Pytbisu 
Sisterhood will uelubrate Uu-lr second an¬ 
niversary ou the eveuiug of April 3*tb. 

-Delphi leNlge No. 13, K.of P. will work 
the third rauk (new ritual) next Thursday 
eveuiug. A* tills lodge uisk.s u specialty 
of the lliird rank, uo doubt It will attract a 
large number of the Pytldau fraternity, t 

— Rev. Air Estou addressed a umeling ut 
the thdumbiis Avenuu Uulvcrsallst chuicli, 

Itostoii, lust eveuiug. in U-hulf of the 
lU-thaiiy lloiue fur young women. 

—Capt. Jacks spent Wedneaday at Wal¬ 
pole, Iroiitiug. llu had a very stlo«easful 
day cajiluriiig twenty-three of thu gam. > 
tin 11 Jfoli. 11. 8 Iasi ell and Itepi. si uta- 
live Wortbco were reiuuiuburu4l in tlm 
dis|MM>ul of tin- day’s s|Nirt. 

—Tlm Inis*- ball season is approacliing. 

Tbu lustitu'cs are being orgauixod aud a 
very strong team la predicted. Five or 

six of tlm player* have Um engag.-d aud —.— — -— ------- 

tlm full list will be anuoiiuced soon. Tlm impure blood.—W III i 
first game will pruliably be played l>ucora- the system and preyeui 
Hon Day. malarial !*VW*.— For 

TL. l'-u.U li ui Ul ul Triutly iliunli U.IJ OhhU|uU«i. awl Iwlli 
iu auuual Uiueiiug iu the church, ou Mou- Kutir.,| *. * r 

day eveuiug, April 10th. After llatanlng to or^iicy rcfuiulcd^ , 
au excellent rejs.rt of the ycar'a work and Hilu! 

truusuctiug other buslursa, the following Racln filer s Drug hli r« 
i.ffic.-rs uud coiumitU-ua were elected for 
the ensuing year. 

Prcaident, tlm Rector, Ruv. William 
llyde; Vice-presidents, ll ll Hurkc aud 

Misshuaau Alien; Secretary aud Treao- mma 

8outh Weymouth, Mass., 

When lu doubt buy tlm New Home Hew- 
ig Al sc lii or, L. J. Hart, agent, Wrymoulli. 

morning, at w hich Umu, lit* daughter, Miss 
Susie Evelyn was united in inairisgeto 
Mr- Joseph Elmer Sam;>*ou. Tlm happy ' 
couple euter upou tbelr new llfu iu a 1 
pleasant und well-furuished home at 17 I 
Cain avenue. 

Tlm Columbian club held Ita regular 
im-itiug lu G. A. R. hall Mouday eveuiug. 
Nearly ull of tlm members were pics, ul, 
and at tbu conclusion of roiilluu business 
au ideal paper was read I y N- D. Canter¬ 
bury on tbu "Ideal Cili/.-n, Politically;" 
the pu|H-r was followed by tlm dlscuaskon 
of tlm quustiou, lleaolved, “That accumu- 
Intel wealth controlled by tbu few I* uot 
advantageous to Hie common people." If. 
M. Kastou, ufliruiativc; C. II. (*u»blug, 

iikiiiiah, .*iass., April o. i«m.-ii.ums 
I'euiiliuuii of llraiutrte. a carpenu-r ami 
biill.h-r. ho* filed u petition in Insolrunejr 
in lb.-Norfolk Registry lu ibis town. Hia 
liabilities amount to #3310.13, and bis oasH* 
are uioitgsged real ustata iu Uiuiutrea. 
a lot of meadow laud In tbu sainu town and 

U Judge White held prolate and luaoIvtfarB 
court ocssiuu* for Norfolk County at D*d» 
bam today, aud trausactdl a large vuIubm 
of busiimss. Atuoug the matter* acted 
ii I s >n were <lm following uf iatureat to our 

iu u week or tcu day*. 

— lieu J. Alorrisuu wo* tukea to Quincy 
this luoruliig by GRU-cr Uailey, to uuswvr 
t>. the charge of violutiiig tbu law In re¬ 
gard to bicycle riding, referred to above. 

— Die acrolid dugicu will be worked at 
Wildcy lodgu uext Monday eveuiug. 

—C. Hasting Is making au improvement 
to bis law n by liavlug tlm aide built up ou 
a level w ith tbu front. 

— Au unknown horse, attimlmd to u buggy 
which held three |M-nu>us, took fright at u 
grocery learn ueur Rates avcuuu last Mou- 
day ufiernoou. Tin- liorau wuut over tho 
wail with the buggy und thru (ell down. 
Gnu of the occupant* s.-ixcl the Irorsc, but 
Im got away and ran out of the field. Alter 
going over the wall a Mcoiid Hum tbu 
buggy was left heldud, aud the bora.- Weill 
ou. lie was stopped before going far and 
brought ba.-k. Roth shafts uud the da**-- r 
were broken nud tba harness was badly 
| brokeu. None of the occupants were si-ri- 



Coinim-uclug Afouduy, April Hub, the 
Fall itivcr Liue Hluamers will leave New 
York at 8..V0 n. lu. lusl.-ad of S.tW p. iu. aS 
at present. Tlm 1’utltuu uud Plymouth are 

Our Spring (Joinl* will bn open fir 
in*poctiou ou ami afU;r 

Tbla wheel is fitted with the Alrtlto-DuulupTtre, and can bu rejoiir.-d iu five ininutea 
II punctured. Full Instruction* for repairing w ith every wheel. 

Cutaloguu uu ui>A>Uvutlou. 

/ L- Ru km-ll, R. P. French und t harla* 
rvturuud Un ir IS* 

We sltall show all the leading styles 
in high and low cost good*. We shall 
endeavor to fauit lu Quulity, Mylo nud 


Kimmous, appraisers, returned Uu ir 18- 
veutory uu tlm estate of Abigail ll. n • 
Randall, late of W.-yuioulb, aa folu.ww: 
r.ul .stale, none; |M-rsonul eatata, iflfllt.3S. 

Tlm will of George N. Blanchard, luW< of 
Weymouth. Elsie J. Rlaacbard, executrix, 
bond Dims); aud Cheater D. Pratt, Ul<- «*• 
Weym.mUi, Loulau P. Pratt, executrix. 
In. lid #0UU). 

Thomas J. MisaeU was appolnttxl as ad¬ 
ministrator of tlm estate of Thomas 
Must it, lute of Rialulree. bund 9AU). 

Auioug the accouiila allowed ware tlm 
first of George C. Torrey, aa raaculor <4 
the will -r Huruli A. Torresr, 1st* of WVy- 
iimuib. f..r F3UUH 4d. uud the first of Asa 
French, us executor of the will of Samuel 
W. Hollo, late of Rraiulrue, for $47MM- 


Bloyclo Supplies Coustautly on llaud, 

Bucklsns Arnica Salva. 

Tmb Rest Salvu iu tlm world for I 'uta, 
Rruisus. Bores, Clct-ra, Halt Itbeum, Fever 
Sores, Tetter, Chapped louida, Chilblaius, 
Corn*, aud all Skfu Eruptions, aud |>ooi- 
lively cures Pilua, or no |«y rei|ulro-d. It 
U guarauiucd to give itrrfoU aaUrdactiou or 
moucy retuuded. Price 33 (-.tier bos. 

For sale by A. M. llacbidder. 

Boutli Weymouth. 

Spring Styles. 
Trimmed Hats & Millinery Goods 

Children Cry for 
Pitcher'* Casfrwriw. 

which have bocu held at tlm L'uiou ebureb, 
will Im held uext Holiday evening. This 
will be the third one ou "Muaua, the law 

—The Cualdng boumateadou Flout strout 
baa recently Imen pip. <1 (or town water. 

—A series of meetings al the Cnlvrraalist 
ebureb were la-guu last Tuesday eveuiug. 
These turnings will conUuue through uext 
Sunday evening. Thus fur very great iu- 
U-reat has breu shown and tlu-y have Imeu 
Well attended. Ri-v. Ktauford Mitchell of 
Rueluu. a slug.-r, baa giveu s|iecial music 
curb eveuiug uud thooa who have beard 




Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent 

him s|M-uk very highly of him. Rev. Air. 
MiU-bcll gave tba addresses ou Tu< *dsy 
ami Wixlm-sduy eveuiuga. La*t evening 
Rev. C. It. Tetiury of Dorchester, gate tlie 
uddirsi., aud ibis eveuiug it will be giveu 
by Uev. J. E Pease of AUugtou. If pleas- 
aut, there will nrobwbly be a service Satur¬ 
day afternoon for tb» Iwovtil of the older 
ones who cannot very well attend the even¬ 
ing tueeliugu. 


It loo's Iliouk. 


Agent, Weymouth. 



uow have, consult 

Next to Ppst OUioe. 

If you ore building a uew bouse or want belter drainage an you 


Mount Vnrnon Avaau*, Brnintron. 

n* M.'U rzplain bis methods, w hich have bc* n adopted by many In the own. 

haraaaai a* — E1X1W R<MXINUwWo3TU 
( IIAHI.ES a uti l ui:u. 
(iRulh.K U. UUl.ttMOOk. 

«lar . 

A ram tbial ofiw.s«- 

xapxrilla giuraoter* a complete 
on. Itis aa honest medicine, honest- 
ly advertised and it boocatly CURKS 

Also Agent for the New York Life Inaurenoe Oompanjf. 

Call aud exuuiiiic the several lorut* of Lifo (Utd Ludo«riu*ut r l l r M Sy t 

W HY HOOD'*. ltau» 

Hood's Sarsaparilla la the best, 
moat reliable and accomplishes the 
greatest cures. HOOP’S CUMB 

The Change of Life. 

Women nearing this eritft*a1 
period require strength, health. 

L»r. Franklin I*. X'iritn, Weymottlh, testified to 
treating Mr*. GloMer lor a Iww-cl romplalnt an<l a 
tme knee on |>ntury an and jo. 1892, an«l that at 
that tlmr he u« no indkati n» of lift bd*f 

Mr*. Hrtdgrt (,lo*ltr, North Wejnwnith; testified 
that Nellie was away fn*m XVeymmith for fire or 
tit dar» in January. 1*9*. and wh.'r hl» wile wat 
away her »<*n and hie child lived with her. 

l»r. Francis A. llama, Huston, nM of Suffolk 
rnnnly'a medical examiners, testified at an expert. 
In hit opinion the Imdy found in the cellar ol the 
Shine hotite wat that «>f a fully developed child, 
captlile of sustaining life and had laratlied atmos¬ 
pheric air. In hie opinion the condition of the 
heart and kidneys, at ditclovnl at the autopsy, 
showed that the child'* death had been the result 
of suffocation. 

Dr. Frank Winthrnp Draper, Hodon, ,t ntedica' 
c taminer «>f Suffolk county, gate e\|«rt testimony 

American, Scotch and Swedish 




font l^ulfi.- I. O. O. F. met nt flit resident* 
of F., K. Hates, one <*f their nfwoctntes, last 
Halnrdity n vetting to transact business fur 
the month nf April. Four new mem Iters 
were mhleil to tlie.riffl, mnking the mein- 
borshlp 102 which rtinblr* them to pay 
their sh-k inrtnlicrs 810 per week It wat 
voted to hold meeting* of the directors on 
the llrtt Saturday evening of each month, 
nt the residence of one of their inemherw 
for the piir|Mwe of t mustn't in# any business 
tlwil might properly i.tine before them. 
The next meeting will If held lit the house 

rtmLikttRti nrany Friday »v tm« 

Weymouth a esaiuthee musH'ti so. 




f $1.JO per Year. 

1BRM9.— j j foo if in a d*anc«*. 
Aifvtrtittmtnh imtttltd at the kiwi/ ratei. 



Manager* nnd Editors : 

A. XV. Rlarciiard. M. K. Hawks. 

C'orrrkpnndcnce and Item* of new* are tolklted 
from all reader* of the tlaactie. Every one knows 
nf tome Inlcrestkig facta nr happening* that other* 
would like to read about 

While we hare an efficient rorp* of rrgular eon. 
tribute**, there I* much ef Inter"*! that In the nature 
of thing*, they eannot get. Let Jonr Interest In 
yonr local paper and pride In your Inwn lead you lo 
aid In making the llsrette more bright <and newsy 

A hotter selection run ha mid* from tnjr Stock than from photographs, ns I Intro n /.(try;* Stnck to trlrri from, ami work ae'ected 
from this Stock Van be* l,rllerril nnd net Up He Toro lleeornllon l»nj. 

I employ no agents, consequently i nn quote t in 



shop iiikI XVnrerooms near Weynioiitli Depot, East Braintree. 

him at the hearing and to In 
her nurse, at the hosptal in 

*hr admitted visit lu Air*. Fi 
child found was noVhcrs and 
clothing wrappedabout it had 
or her bring child, and also II 
hospital under the name .4 N 

Another Succen. 

Tim Junior Templars of Honor added 
another to their many laurels as entertain* 
inent (fivers by their roneert ill Ihld-fnl- 
iow’s opera house Wednesday night. 

The eorpa of artlsla wits a w ell *1 -levied 
on**, and every mmilier given was a gem. 
Mr. Iferliert Johnson, who was thought lo 
be Nt the top of tlnl bidder of fame, went 
still hlglu-r in Ills heautifol rendering of 
"llock of Agea." Mr. Clifford's rich burl- 
toiiR video won for him lo w fame; Mr. 
Alfred DeHevr. 11 violinist who appeared 
for the llrst filin’, was *0 hinrtllv received 
as to decline several encores. ClIinrltsT. 
flrilley, who was so successful on a former 
occasion In winning tlio lo nrts of the peo¬ 
ple ns n humorist and reader, added to his 
well-won laine In Ills several seleetlons. 
Mr. Arthur M. Raymond, who wasontho 
programme us arcompnnlst. wits badly 
missed, us he was mlavoldahly called 
away; hut Mr. J. Frank Dotiahoe proved 
,1111 llgreeahle substitute Tile nildiettce was 
large and tlio entire nfTuir a success IInan- 
clnllv and ohtvnvist’. 

some minor 
r.d then the 
adjourned to 


o> — Til - fourth 
I lie Govern- 
I -rml, Albert P. 

‘ - Mr*, 
t'le jury, lie 
<-n the fact that 
to any child ex- 
, and now living. 

, Miss Nellie T. Cal- 
Knew Mr*, Gloitef 
aje of three nr four 
nate term* with her; I 
Bo change in her |iets»n* 

..,_____r.." one period *4 time 

when she wore a Mother Huiiturd dress exclusively. 

Mrs. Mary Slattery, Fast Wry mouth, corrobor- 
ated Miss Kelly, at the a!*o had bent *try intimate 
with Mrs. Gloster and a frequent visitor In her 

Miss Mary Shea, North Wcymsuili, another nf 
Mr* (Hotter a intimutc friends,gave trstismonycor 
roborating the previous witne*. 

Vt... Jl,!,. I , ... V...O. Ur..n. A ..lL_,1... 

Arbor Any will sooti|hiv here. nnd If you 
have not nlrcndv done .•*■» It la time lo select 
yonr Ireonnd n |il*ew fc> pul It. The town 
can well stand more simile and ornamental 
trees on Its ntreefs mid In Its public squares. 
The pluteri of these trees may not live to 
alt lit their shade, hut the people of file 
future will do so and the birds of the future 
will build nest* In their brandies. % 

day of the trial opened Thi 
meet haring rested, the defer 
\V<nthen of Weymouth, jiini-r counsel I' 
filotter, made the opening l*f«i 
said that the defense was ha*. I 
‘‘Elicit (ilostcr did not give l»ir!li 
ctpt the child born, Jan. ij, ' 

The first witness called wi 
lahan, XN’cynrnith, test.fie,I. 
anl had nailed her on an aw 
times a week and was on Inti 
during those visits noticed .. 
al appearance, and knew of r 

[r0,1, line, nr If" nnalar 'IHIt h*Mt; wily IS rents nrh 
oe Wtun i f*rh Mini tin* He. (’••nt »I|M nnnlt to a tin*.; 

I NARMING TOOl.St for Vale cheap at XV, It. 

. IIOI.I.IV stable, \Va*hliigton ilrctl, Wry. 


Put up in glass already for the Table. 

'OH N A t.K. n to loo load* nf gc 
4IATKH * ORC'UTT, W4ymouik. 

nun. Silas llacon, Dover; Aiel K. Hillings, Can¬ 
ton; Cnut II. Hates, Cnhasset; lister W. Illood, 
Med field ; tieorge I. Caitlton, Necrlham; Frederick 
II Fowler, Walpole; Charles II. (ia'ligan, llytle 
Park; Francit E. Ilayward, llralntree; tieorge I~ 
Hunt, Canton; Janies McGill, Dover, and Russell 
Tyson, Milton. 

Mr. M’xidy made the opening for llte govern- 
ntenl, and the first wimm called was (Julncr l« 
Ifegd of Sou’h Weymouth, a civil engineer, whose 
plans and measurements of the Shine residence, 
where the body of the child wat found, were put in 

Aikmiram Judv>n Alden, a Weymouth photog¬ 
rapher, was next called. He photographed the 
premises, March aa, 1S9J, and hit views of the 
same were admitted as a part of the case, to be 
ute<l as a chart. 

Mis. Maty F. McNair of Notth Weymouth, who 
lived in the other Iwlf of the house that lud been 
oaupied by the Cboster family was next awitn. 
The (Hosiers, she testified, moved out the Saturday 
brfore the body was found; saw Mrs. Gloster about 
the place Monday after they had moved; Tue*<!ay 
following she and Mrs. Philip O'Connell visited 
the part of the house the (dusters had occupied; 
Mr*. Shin* let them go into It; all the rooms up 
stairs were nt-at and clean; they went down cellar; 
there they saw a lien and Mr*. O'Connellsu:<rstcd 
to the witness that, as it was her lien, it migh*. ha«e 
a nest in the corner where a pile of stones were 
I iid; wrnt over to the corner and behind the stones 
found a blue bag; told Mrs. O'Connell what she 
had found; took lug front its hiding place and gave 
it to Mrs. O'Connell, who took it upstairs and gave 
it to old Udv Shine, who in tum put it out on the 
luck step ol the house; there was a bad odor at»ut 
the bag and Mrs. Shine wanted to burn it, Imt 
witness wuuld not allow her to do so; took the bag, 
broke the string holding it, shut and shook it; a 
bundle of clot'. -came out and site saw the feet 
anil legs ol a it. Id; did not pursue Iter investiga¬ 
tion any furthir, left the remains lying In the back¬ 
yard; was positive the white drtss found on dead 
baby was one liclunging to Mrs. Gloster's living 
; child and that she lud seen tlut child wearing it; 
gave Mrs. Patrifk Gloster, the elder, a 
piece of lugging to cover the dead body with; did 
nut tre it alter that 

Mts Mary O'Connell of Weymouth, coroborated 
Mrs. McNair in all save noticing a bad odor about 
Hie lug found, which she thought was only a 
bundle (if old rags; she did not see the dead body, 
as she went home before it was taken out of the 

Police Officer Thomas Fittgerald testifigd that 
Ins attention was first called to the case on the 
alternuon of May c, 1891. and Hut hr visited the 
nrcruise* at 5.3c; found the body in Mrs. Shine’s 
luck-yard; did not disturb it as medical examiner 
had not been there; the condition of the cellar wa* 
as described by other witnesses; the autonsv was 
held by lbs. Tmkhani and Tower ami he and 
John Kelley were present. 

Francis l_ King, Weymouth, testified to taking 
charge i4 the body on the evening cf May 5,189a, 
and also of the clothiag found atxait the saow; the 
clothing produced in court were the same in all 
respects save that they had l*en cleaned. 

Dr. Charles C. Tower, Weymouth, a phvsician 
since 1859, and the medical examiner of the dis¬ 
trict testified: May 5, 1891, at 6.]o o'clock, was 
called by telephone to go to Shine house to siew 
body; did nut know either Mis. Gloster or Mrs. 
Shine; around the head of the body was a piece of 
cotton cloth, tied in front, over the mouth and nos¬ 
trils, in a double knot; untied knot with much 
dilliculty and under the doth found a gag of rag* 
covering mouth and nostrils; the body was wrapped 
in a woman's night dress, which was soiled with 
bloi-d spots; there were other d«lhes about the 
Iwdy that were bljod stained; there was no lacera¬ 
tion upon the child s dead body. 

At this piant the cc-uit adjourned until 9 ocluck 
Tuesday mrm:Bg. 

DKMIAM, Mass., April It, 1S9J.—On the c»m 
ing in of the court on Tuesday morning, Dr. 
Tower was recalled, and testified: The child had 
been dead from six to eight weeks, its weight was 
six pounds; its length was at inches; its finger 
nail* were dcvelo’K-d and it was a fully developed 
child. The child's death was caused bv suflxation. 
In his opinion the child lud breathed the btcath of 
life and had sustain.- i independent life. In his 
opinion the lungs ol the child had net been in* 
Hated with air artificially. 

Mrs. Mary Kelly Shine of Weymouth, a woman 
of advanced age, testified tlut the Glustcts had 
occupied her a* tenants, but had moved out 
"a year ago April;" Mrs. Gloster moved out on a 
Saturday and on tlie following Mumlay, Tuesday 
and Wednesday she u-turned and cleaned the 
house, and ‘Vn Thursday her lubv was found in my 
cellar;" let Mrs. Gloster have the keys to the house; 
the haby's Laly was found by Mis. McNair and 
Mrs. O'CoimcII; both of them brought the bag, in 
which body was, up out of the cellar and then wit¬ 
ness took it and put it out on th» steps; “there was 
an awful smell about it (the bag;") did not know 
of Mis. Gimlet's being away in the winter time 
Ironi her bonir. 

Dr. (iiaiisille Wilson Tiuklum of Weymouth, 
testified he tuok the notes at the autopsy and cor- 
luboialed Dr. Tower. 

Danlrl Mi Cat thy of Wes mouth, testified to 
being at Mis. Munc't place when Dr. Tower was 
there on the aflernouti of May j. 189a, and had his 
attciilii 11 called to the knu’s tied in the cloth about 
Hie child's head; saw the Doctor weigh the child. 

With tlio present 1**110 wo lM-ggiii the 
twenty-seventh voltitnoof tho(Jnr.* tfV, and, 
a* no effort hn* h«w-n spared III the pant to 
fonve.v, through It* column*, to the |ieoph’ 
of Weymouth, a knowledge of currei.l 
event* hi town, or to mnkc it the l»e*t po»- 
nlldo ndvertl'lnji medium, *0 In the future, 
with our Inereii.aed faeilitli * nnd nddltlntinl 
cofpj of help, our patrons will find ll even 
more vnlunhlr tlinn ever before. 


Iiouir urnnn 
t*. Aptly in I' 

t jlOM * kl.K. lly North Weymouth Land Co 
■ on Hartlrtt arniup, new house, 7 mofn», 
1 i|«t > 1. eli-rlii.- light* mi l Itell; li*ili, hot water, 
■more beat, line view of Wet mouth lllver; flee 
rlc car* p*«« the dour. Apply cm the premises, or 
11.1. II. sVKHU, Mauairrr, Quincy, Mat*. I If 

The best on the market, nice for the Table—can't be 
beat for Pies. 


Mist Abbie Vra»lt, North Weymouth, another of 
Mrt. Gloster'* intimate friend*, corroborated all 
the previous witnesses. 

William II. Gutterson, Weymouth, a giocer, cor¬ 
roborated other witnbssesas to Mr*. Gloster's |>er- 
tonal appearance, during the time covered by the 

Miss Marv A. Coyle, Wf) mouth, an employe in 
• • r “ r witness! > 

app arancc, and her affection 

Napoleon Bonaparte. 

The Institute announce* two lectnrca on 
"Napoleon IMiapartr" by a follow town*- 
in in. Mr. William Cuahlfijf, to l>«* ulvi-n on 
Friday even Inn, the 2l»t, and Tuesday 
the SAlb, at the (iymiiaalum vvhieli aceom- 
liuidati-* two hundred chair*. These lee- 
tun* are must highly *|Nikeu <>f. They uru 
eareful and vivid historical atudie*, und in 
many pnrta oraforle ami thrilling. The 
first‘lecture plcturi * the life of Napolemi 
from hi* lilrtli the (*on*nlute; the second 
narrate* III graphic style the real id that 
unique life, one of tlio most remarkable 
live* nf all history. 

Mr. Cudiing ha* I wen a close student of 
history fur .10 year* nr more, nnd these lec¬ 
ture* represent I." years' work, nnd consul" 
latloti vsith lliiliimerahle uutlinritic*. Mr. 
(.'unlilng I* also 11 npeukor id reimte. In 
the presidential eampalKn of'MM, lie aonke 
71 Him'* to aiiilietire* ranging from eighteen 
liuudred to six thniisaml people. 

Grand Army men and Hon* id Veteran* 
will llml these lecture* eatifciitlly Interest¬ 
ing- Tickets of niru»i*.«liiii cent* lit 
lUi-helder'n driijg store. 

HprtLI engagement, America'* llepro*eni*tlvf 
Roniautlc Aetor, 

[T'OR HAl.E. Ilou** 0 room* and hath,r.ecr 
L ile|)ot; iplenilM np*Rhborlio«nl; price low. 
o Let. One half house a mama; wood repair; 
cut t '.OO per month. P. I.. DAVIDSON, Agent. 

E. W. HUNT’S, Weymouth. 

Groceries and Provisions- 

To (Hct lhe Aatra. 

If you have visitors, let 11* know who 
they are and where they eorne from; If 
anything happen* In your vicinity, let us 
know about it; If there Is a party nt your 
house, tell u* nliout it; if you gg.-t mnrrieil, 
let 11a know; If you know unytlilnp, let ua 
know about It. You will find us a* ready to 
"itotlwj" one a* another, patron* or bthcr- 
Wlse, friends or foes. Our object I* to give 
the news. Any fuvor* in this lino will lie 
heartily appreciated. 

In hi* original Creation ami Masterpiece. 

Till: woniimp romimi:. 

Hr North Weymouth Land Co., 
-I, North Wi-yiiiiiiilh, new house 
>r electric ll*rftt». papered; near 
villace. Apply at office 011 prem 
til. Man VO G Qui"- .'. Ma-«. 1 ll 

. A •Mitnil-liaod I'nlon Dlcvelc 
dlllon. HKT1I DAMON, Wry. 


a fireworks factory, corr bora ted other wdnesica 

as to Mr*, (ilostcr'-— - ' ' " "■ 

for children. 

Mis* Mary F. Callahan, Weymouth Neck, cor¬ 
roborated other wi(nc**t> at to Mrs. Gloster'* ap¬ 
pearance in 1891-2. 

John Wellington Field, Medfirld, formerly of 
Weymouth, cotroborate 1 other witnesses. 

Patrick |. Gloster, W ymoutli I-anding, husband 
of Hie ptisorrr, testified to living in Mis. Shine's 
house; worked every day; n ver went to his cellar 
at any time and nailed lallie* across the window; 
took the window oait Fast l)ay, iSnj, and it was 
out when lie moved from the tenement; after mov¬ 
ing out he visited the cellar of the house once to 
get a coal shovel he had forgotten; hi* wife wa* the 
mother of but one child; knew of hi* wife being 
away for one week in January, 1892; *0 far as lie 
knew, ho birth lud taken place in cither tenement 
during 1892; knew of thepilcnf stone* in the Shine 
house cellar, Imt never hail had occasion to go over 
where they were. 

A Court took a recsss until two o'clock. 

Dkdiiam, Mas*., April 13, 1893.—Thursday 
afternoon the testimony of Dr*. Tower and Tenney 

Davy Crockett, 

Mtmsgrr and Belter than Iter. 

A Pitaerful (umpsn). 
Nptrlsl Hrrrrrj ml Mfrrl*. 

A I inGhrd Reprisralstlon. 
A Perfert Tlsj, Perfiprll) I’rrtrturd h) s Per* 
reel f ast. 

Tickets now on sale at tho Weymouth 
Clothing Store. it id 

1 m l Ion 


* «n Salurdny. Aprl 
amlhiK on the eornci 
irj-sut •trret; terms 

t. Ash Poles. 

Walnut Poles. Oak Poles. 

room* and *,o<« h-et of land on Vine «lreel 
Apply at llir wKYMOL'TII HAVINGS llANK. 

Totcn Liyhtiny. 

In roniirvlhdi wltli tin 1 aulijiM-t of iniitii- 
ripal lifflitlnu wlih’li i* now occupying n 

large share of tho uttoiition <>f tho imoplu 
tho following editorial from tin* Ho*ton 
llerahl of April 7th, ruiuo* In very nicely. 

"The luteal ligure* n* to 1'liiludolplilu‘s 
g.i* plant are particularly I uie re* l ing ju*t 
ut this time. Over 91,000,000 a year is the 
city's nut revenue from tlila source, nnd If 
flic lighting of the atn-eSijinil public build¬ 
ing* are included, which would have to lm 
paid for by the city if It* ga* plant wax 
under private ownership, tlm profit of I In* 
city from this poasesslon Is nearly f2,000,000, 
or fo-* tin year past, ns Mayor Htunrt 
show* in Ills mi **agi’, jus*. $I,IC.V.’.‘II. 

Clothing Store. 

filure flitnre*, «<>11 *l«tInir of 
Ire, ( hairs, blu.w t'a.e, Dr»k. 
-•‘New lleauly"rook stove,in 
ami two Mi wait Parlor stoves, 
'raiie. 44 If 


Ea*t WaTMocrn, Mass., April 11.1MH 
'- >f Reynolds Relief Cortw No. 102, 

... .. wa* voted that the 

thank* of this Corps lie extended lo Hie ladle* of II11- 

Fourlh Anniversary of Court Wesaegus* 
sett, 7,702, A. O. F., of South Wey¬ 

The fourth anniversary of Court \Ve**n- 
gtiself, No. 7,702, A. O. F. of A., was belli 
In Odd fellow's hall hint Tuesday evening. 

Tin- ootnmlttee In charge had spared no 

puin* to make this n Min es* and had pre¬ 
pared a fine entertainment. The artist* 
consisted of Kelley's oreheatru, Misses 
KusiintiH ami laiiilse Tirrell, Louie Hol¬ 
brook, Mnry Duly nml Mortiim-r Hulll- 
vnn. Promptly ‘nt H o'chs-k the pns 
piniilliiu was started with un overture by 
the orchestra ii;d then folluwrd the main 

Piano Duet, !*• Tourhilloii, Misses Tir¬ 

thing, Iu tho Chimney Corner. Mary K. 

Ret Itallon, In May, Louise Tirrell. 

Hong, He was 11 Prince, Louie Holbrook. 

Ruriioiin solo, Mortlnu r Sullivan. 

Itcellallon, Thu Debating Society, lar'ilsc 

Vocal ditut, Miaavs Tlrrull. 

S .ng, tOld Rant Window John, !<ouie 

Reeitalioii, Family Dr mu Corns, I-oubu* 

Hong, Mortimer Hulllvnu. 

Song with banjo «• eoiiipuiiimetit, Louise 

ViK'ltl duet, Misses Tirrell. 

The wink of the Missed Tirrell was very 
title In all their selection*. Mis* lamisiv 
was especially good in her rendition of 
"The Di lotting Society," and "The Family 
Drum Corps." lu her Spanish song with 
banjo accompaniment she was obliged to 
reply to Uii encore. Ml*s Husain-, us accom¬ 
panist ami lu !u r solos wu* flue and was 
obliged to respond. 

Ml** Mary K. Duly made her first 
aiipeamnee on this evening nnd was 
obliged to reNiHmd to an encore to her only 
selection. Mis* Isuiic Holbrook did her¬ 
self jiistlcn nml responded to Imtl* of the 
numbers with other selection*. 

Mr. Hiillivuii, liaritintic, sung a sailor 
song for the first selection nml rr*|x.tided 
to the repeutid calls with another selec¬ 

After the close «>f the prograiiiuie, the 
floor wMclutml anti dancing wee enjoyed 

l»y about seventy-five couples. Parties 
w ere In attendance from tills mid surround¬ 
ing town* among whom were the following: 

J Kcrblirr 
I IDckctt 
XV Connors 
T Unme 

I Reardon 
T Nolan 
PJ llraly 
F Ikxile 

II Scar* 

I Daly 

S (ireenwood 

II C Hear* 

D MiCarthy 
F Nadi 
T O'Neil 
J Rra l> 

M llickey 
I Leahy 
(I Riley 
I Corc uan 
P l-ondergan 
I Cullinane 
F 11 al I i gan 
F Cody 
J Fitzgerald 

At a men Ing 
In-til today. It 


Holland Shades. Fringed Shade*. 

I Iniri-li Notice*. 

Kaat Wry moat li Grand Army Circle lor their rrrr 
liberal Km of fl7, donxlrd by them In llryied'i* 
Relief t urpi, to be held a* a Relief Fatal; and the 
ladle* may be BMUinl that Hie money will be kept 
for that pursue. It wa* id»n voted that the gilt be 
a‘-kiinn ledged tbro'igb the Wrrmoulli paperar 

. Secretary of Reynold* Corpr. 

Cut-in 11 or lMM.wft.ATK Com KrnuN 

i Kast Weynioutli)—llnv. Fr. llegley, puator. 
llgli Musa lit H) -'M 11. m.; Kuiulay-scliool 
nt 2..'M p. m.; X’espi ra 7.Wp. m. 

TKMfi-.nAM K Kali., (Boat WuymonUi)— 
Gospel Temperuiicu meeting nt .*i..'ln p. in. 

Mission 1I\m. (F!u*t Weymouth), Thu 
HoHiiea* Convention will Imhl services 
morning, uflernimn und evening. IO..T11, 
2."Omul 7 |». in. Dr. M. 11. Collins, who Is 
nhorily to sail for Africn. Sunday-school 
at I »••■ p. 111. 

Methodist Episcopal Cuumit (Fast 
Weymouth), will ho oeeupletl liy thu Con- 
gregiitloiiul ai-ciety, Rev. Daniel Evans, 
pas 1 nr. Preaching ut 10.A0 11. in.; Hundiiy- 
school ut 12 m.; X'. P. K. C. K..H.00 p. m; 
evening service at 7. 

Union Ciiumch (XYcymouth and Ilruin- 
tree) Her. Oliver Huckel, pastor. Services 
with sermon ut 10..*4l and 7 :**»; Sunday- 
schiNil ut inrun; Christian Fndcuvor at fi.-‘». 
A cordial wdcomu to ull these acrvicra. 

Fikst IIaptist CittTnrii (WuymonUi). 
Rev. XVesley L. Smith, pastor.—Preaching 
ut lO.ittl a. 111.: Sutidny-school at 12 00 111.; 
\. P. S. ('. E. 11tli.LT p. 111.; prunehlug ut 
7.A>. All uru curdinlly* luvit-d. 

Unitabian CHunnt (East Weymouth.)— 
Iti’V. W. S. Key, pastor. Preaching ut 2.30; 
subject, "Llslt-tiiug to the Volet! of God." 
All uru invited. 

Tkinitt Ciituicii (Weymouth), Rev. Wil¬ 
liam Hyde, rector. Service with sermon 
next Sunday at 10J0 a. m. Suldect, "Thu 
Result If 1'briel l« imt Itlsi-n." Stimluv- 
school ut 12 Mi. S--rvlce. with sermon Iti 
Union chapel Hniilli lliligliaiii at 2.30 p. 111. 

Old Swi'Tli (Tirurii (8011th XX’eyuioiith) 
Rev. If. C. A Iron), pastor. Pilhlie wor- 

Opaque Shades, 

Weymouth. ’ piltf 

I rtOR MAI.K. A quant lly of Bln.b. 7lud 
mi I fl ineb iiunuri- pipe* lor convey Iiik hot air 
wlib tiirre register*; all iu Al rundliion; rbeaii 
Aiiplr at office of WKYMOL'TII AND HR AIN 
TREE V0B. LX)., Weywoath. Ma»*. g r I 61 if 

W. F. Sylvester’s 

CouimercUl Sij., Bust Wcynonth. 


I1TTV or If in. IT a 

■ Itl.N tV.tffTKIt. A| 

FAN t O , East Hraln'rec. 

Tho Initilule Oymnattics. 

Those who tnisM il thu liiatilutc exliihi- 
tiou lust Friday night missed a capital 
entertuininciit. Tin* snow-storm kept u 
goi’il uiuiiy away, but tlie 150 or more wlio 
braved tlie storm and got tlinre, were amply 
repaid. Kruryonu who saw the exbibition 
was astoiiislied mid deligliti d at tin- skill¬ 
ful and Iwuiitiful work. It slionrd w but 
tlm Inatitutf gymuaiiiiin iiiub-r careful mid 
judicious training was capable of, mid the 
work being exclusively by our local young 
ludica nml gent li lin n sliowed tliey also 
arc apt atudeuts in thu noble art of 

Mr*. Connell of Dr. Kargeunt's Gymna¬ 
sium nt Harvard University, is a young 
lady of charming maimer mid ein-rgetie 
spirit, nnd Is u great favorite with thu 
ladles of bur classes. Site is a strong mid 
graceful gymnast herself, und direct! the 
class admirably. The exhibition class of 
Friday night consisted of seven of tho 
younger nn iiiIm rs of tlm i-Ium, thu Mias. » 
Jennie and Amy Kendell, Mias Annie 
Harris, Miss Olive Wright, Mias Laura 
Jenkins. Miss lllnnrlie White, and Mi-s 
Lillian Gutti-rami assisted by Miss Ke.-bn 
of Cumbrldgi*. Miss Purcell of Cambridge 
wus tlie pianist. The various exercises, 
club swringing, long wuud drill, ami fancy 
step* wen- ulLinliniruhly done, and received 
most hearty upiduuse. 

The laiys' und men's classes were uuder 
the direction of Mr. Hurd of lheiion who 
has also Ihm-ii u most am cessful teacher ut 
the luatitut”. Mr. llurtl ia it iierfeet gentle- 
m in and nn excellent mid eutliiisiaatic 

Mf NI4- All the bc«t rarlrtlrs, Apple, Plan 
Pear. GF.ORGEP.ilAIIDXVIcK, lWoffin 
re**. XVrytnoulli lliiobt*; roidenre, Mil.Hi 
rt. lirnr K it- 11 .L hill. M/2 

T O I.RT. Hniall uppi r tr 
Cliard ttreet near ini.bllr 
iuriirmaibui to JUSEPfl 
Weymouth, Mum. 

Agent for the Lovell, Columbia und X'ic- 
tor wheel. 

Rlcycles sold ou.installmcnt.* to respon¬ 
sible parties. 


Fur further 
NAL, East 
hi tf 

T O I.RT. Tlie store of V. E. ROD ART 
Hie station at Weymouth. Apply i*n the | 
he* or at Hie wrapper factory, East Wi-vumutl 
49 tf ' * 

Gold, Silver and 

Nickel. Not quite given away, but at very Low Prices. 

I!I.F.CTKIC-111:1,1.; WIRIKU. 

Saws Filed and Set in good shape. 

TlfAffTKO. loiineiUatrly, a rlri’iig Kill fo 
fV boiMcwork; no i-i.i’kinK. good wage-. It 
quite at 27 AJaditon ilrcil, Ea-i Weymouth. 1 It 

emit adj> uned at j until Friday morning. 

W ANTRIS. A|»n! iriil f >r erneral lion*e - 
work. Ai|dy in MRS. F. V. DARLING, 
rnrnrr of Kcbool and Myrtle rtreet*. lia»t XVey- 

W ANTKD. A reliable |K-r*on In 1 
lo take Ibe r\i-in-ire api-ncv of Hit 
Ci’luuiblan Ex|Mi-liioti IiluMmlcd," nutbi 
of Ibe fair: e«tabli-lud Pus); great oppi 
make nmner for Hie next year; one chan, 
time. Eneliwe IS run* iu •tamp* for w 
and full partleul-ir*. J. II. ( A.MPIIK 
di-ie., 100 Adam* *11001, Chicago, Hi. 

W ANTISD. SewinK-inarbluo i>|K-ra 
work; K00.I pay: *tram p..wrr; I 
fiiruiabeil. Also morn band* wanted to 1 
lo tbrlr bouiea. Iteilrrry wagon will ra 
to F. K. llGUAUT, Ka»t Wryuiouib, Itiu! 
49 If 





Alive to the iuUrcsr* of 
otir lady tenders, we pub¬ 
lish Mr*. Simmons Idler 
to Dr. K* nuuly. 

Dcnrblr:— I v.a i m In¬ 
valid for yi rr», mlTiring 
•‘rout kid tic 1 (ronUpnnd 
•cmalc xrcaknp>t*. Pby- 
•U iuna 1 n w riiml f, r me 

,— -—and I look vaiiottsr<m 

edics, bill «o benefit tcMiltid Our dully 
paiur noticed the turrets 1 f l)r. Datitl 
Kennnly’fi Famrite Ueiuctly, cf linn- 
41 t»ut, .N. Yq in cases eimilnr lomvonn. 
1 pureliasttl it. The tlr>t l ot'le Rikin in 
stuttll doses, but very trenlar, iuiprnvdl 
nju Honderfullj. My complexion 
cleared, i.ppclitc iuipiotcd. sleep «„» 
sou lid and refrcall lug, m <1 alit'lefurtlur 
us<’entirely cured uie. 'Jlmc never wn* 
• mislicitic for wi’iuan-kind like Fnvoille 
lu im-dy. With nil my l.cait, l< t me urge 
•betalou’o It. It. li. 1 will W the nMilt.* 
Mb* H. 1*. Siui’g.n. Turinr, III. 

Finh a fmuk, miiiiIIiI — - 11 ■ 

stall un i t leaves the in 
print cf iruih upon it- WILL | 

Tho 1 e»t pn of of the „ ,, ^ 

vidm- . f p r . r, uiicdy V CURE 
Favorite Kjiiim’v. i- the 
ffuod it liasatoiic. XVh it vrxit 
iiaxiu llu-n fm one stuL r- * 

Ing. tr half tick, t., 1 _ 
remain so 


Hats, Caps, and Cent’s Furnishing Goods. 

Give u» a rail ami «o will try nnd givo you n Good Bargain. 

Fashionable Dressmaking. 





Al huiar firry day rxrf|d Wrdarsdsy. w if 



Wq uure, 


C. 9. EASTEKUUttUK, Prop. 

II Donahue 
R XX ibon 
<• Smith 

XI I.Midi 
D Rruly 
ll Madan 
K Vinint 
M Wrlili 
1 Ryan 

Mums _ 

Maiy Uuiks Mary Miccby 

Kale Hu 1» Nrllie Ilia tv 

Anna- Uudv Uztie I 11 ly 

Julia I Incan Lizzie Kuadic 

UtRir Madden Lizzie I'urvrll 

Mai> KomIic Nellie Roadie 

Lizzie Miser Minnie IlsIUlun 

Mai> Ia-a»y Mary Ruin* 

Maty Daly Nellie Ciouin 

Maiy (Juinn Julia Mrbillr 

Kale Muiiri an Nclile Cburchill 

1-itric llallalun MaiyLonuur* 

Annie l.ytiili Annie Null,van 

Alxe Flynn Nellie Gsvin 

Xlag^ie Momlun 

Mm -tilncv Giocnwuod XL* Herbert Srnr* 

Mi* M O' I b,w I Mi. John Kelley* 

Mi* FF liable Mi* W 1 Utley 

All llitetliiiaolon III Ibe iiiUlat of the duuc- 
iug w»« di-clarial and refreabuieiiU coiiaiat- 
iiigof bum, rolls, roffee, cukeuml icccrruiu 
Were net \ I'.l ill tile buuqili’l bull. 

Weymouth Mass, 

Our MMrtmenl of drlirbms CalifomU Fruit* U 
full autl vailed, among tiiriu being 1 be new rarii-ly 
of blac k grape. 

Must lie Licensed on or Before 
May 1st, or the Owners or 
Keepers thereof are liable to 


wl.l.-li «tan I* al Ibe l,i ad of Ibe Gra|>e da»«. 

Al*o rli« , |.-e Malaga Giape*, (,rapr Fn 
•id, 11,11,1 Ionic), Florida 1.111,01,•. Turkey 
IVr-iali Dal)-*, X'aukee Peart of Ibe I.awi 
variety. Florida OraiiKt-*, (irrnublo XValnula 
txil*, (TeMuuta, bbdlbark*, Ca-laua N Ul», 
Nuu. Kir. 

In addition tu 

All Dog l.icettees expire May l»i »i. Ibe 
und) rvlgne.l N uo«r pirpmi ,| 1,, i„i,. I.Uciiar* for 
Ibr y tar riidlug Mai bl, I’M. 

Joll.N A. RAYMOND, Towatlrrk. 

Extracts from Chapter 102 of the Public 

Nxct. Mi. Every owner or krtper of a J.,g of 
Tim*.* x Mil. UI.II ur over >1,411 annuity, 011 or 
bt lore Ibe ll.irirt ull, da/ of April, ratio |ii„t H rigiv- 
• * r•«I, nuiuU-ted, 4racriU-)l and IWrnxU | u - one 
jrar Itum ibr first ilav ol ibe eiuuiug >l#>. iu ihu 
offirt- of Hie clerk of Ibe illy or loan wi.ueiu (aid 
•log U k> p», au<l *!.»ll cause >i |o wear arouud Ua 
ntrk " —. 


and Meal* of all kind*, wc bate s fre*b (apply of 

(be new fiivuthc. 

simile work allrnded lo. A li 
Inga lo fttlett (Toni. 

•’Oil All order, und 

| George C. I’rstl, »4 Ncitli AUnglon, a meinUr 
of the state |*>licc lone since ik;6, tolilved lu 

I 1 serin; Mi*. I .luster at her home on May i;. 1892, 
ard that die told bun she mused out cf Mi*. 
Si nc'» bouse, A|wil 39, 1892, alter living their 
one year and ten m-ailln., said Dr. I cnnrv bad 
.IreaittL h«r al Ibe Ho- tun City llu*|viul, and that 
' *bc v»av llverc Irum JtlL 0 to Jan. 13, i8-,2. *i»e 
| said live last lime six was !e the cellar ol llu: 
house was on the 1 butsday bHuic Hie child'* U«ly 
via* fuund; she also had a *i*trr -t 
I *ervice at <>7 1‘vice Street, llosbai, and Hurt hit I 
| lathee was Deonu Cnakiry ot Jamaica Plain; sa d 
l »l.e wa« li ated at tlie ho»|utal fuc a lame kuce and 
a |vain in tier stuuuch. a 

Dr. Fdwaid (nliuaii Hi van l, assistant Hour 
p'lysi . it Um BmIoo CUy Hospital, un leeti. 
u.ony, tutroUnaling Dr. Iruevey. Ibe woman 
wbo rliterrd Hie hospital gave ih. name cf Ncll:e 
Mrvcnv, said she wa* born in lluatuii, and worked 
el wurk al 97 Tyler »trcct. Rnogn.zcd ns 
ot.e in (be c-»uit mum u tbc woman whom he and 
Dr I enney had Heated. 

Officer Pratt, mailed, testified to seeing the 
1.- is(4 gray hail iv*dc*ci,brd by the two physicians 
on Ml*. I.losttl'* head al tin- ! n,r of iu* visit tu 

XL*. Harriet AttwouJ, a n n»c In the trauung 
Kli ml at ll* Host -n City llusp tal, cmuU,rated 
the testim >ny u( tbc two physician*. 

Dz miasi, Ma**., April if, lS93.--XYcdnr»<lay 
Uie thud day of tlie Giustei murder trial was 
opened Mis* AHwmd wa* iccaficd and truu- 

wnr highly prulsi il 

,_ Au on In strn i oiinisting of Mi-aara. IL-nry 

also Xcwtnn's Vanilla Cream*, Ginger Knap* ami 
Null ana Fruit UUi-Utt, Oyster Do!*, etc-. 

Our fine PAUUIAft If K CREAM U on sale every 
d*y, end U* mauufarturc will bo runtluued thruufL 
the «11,lei. 

Oysters ami other artbie* lor lunch furuUbed lu 

Our frlimls who are troubled with Insomnia aud 
Heada> tu- should try a gUe* uf our 


but or rold, wbb'b prielure*refresldng sleep without 
the ti.juiiou* rtTi-cIs of upiali-s, sud giv, • tout-to 
the stomach. 

Our Java fnffi-e and Funoosa Tea la loeHiiif 
With lucrraslux sale, ami i* warranted tu wire aa|ia 
fictluti to every purchaser. 

All Fmo (irwrrrlra la Varlrlj. Xenc bit 
Hral Uuallt). 

TUFT8 MKIt A id. 


Nuts -The book* will be ready for deliv¬ 
ery on the Saturday following the i»*ue of 
the Geiette containing the list. 

Uutiiturm tug Wlllr thi* mutitli tlm Llhrarv 
Mllim rtin-a for UililitlnUal pile I,f lilt! ful- 
luvv tng muguriius, to Im limtud. »« Look*, 
for hnu:»’ n adltig Ttmy utuir In k. id out 
sr vKs rlaye, thus ullawittg thoau that .-x- 
chungu tlmr Rook* throiigli the ag.-n- ir* to 
l--rrow tin tu Art luti t. Itaugi*, Ci-uturv 
IUaga*tl"’.UoeUlo|H»llUll. IUiih-i a Monthly. 
S' ** England iu.igar.iu,-, Ni w World, 
(lining. 8. ribuor'e ni vga/.ine, XX’tdu Awukv. 

XX'rite on ,-ard the uauiu und uioiith of 
tue Uiwgaziiie iRaited 

Illiiiiev, Charli a Hunt, and Henry Kile/, 
iiitiyed two giMn| overtures, und uUognvi- u 
lively IM'I oiiipatitaient during the tiiiiihltng. 

Thu whole 1-xlill,It toll Was U gr,ul credit 
to thu Iuslltute and to Mt Fun-rsou I. 
II Hill, the sll|M-rllltel, drill, who uiwiiwgi d 
the affair. Tlie pmltu of the eveuing are 
to lie devot’d lo tliu Institute reading 

work, promptly attuudud tu, 
8tor«, Wuhlngton Square, bulldlng-lalely occupied by Mr,. Oss. T. Stsd. 

•Itire of die elrrk uf the i ity or luwu wl.tlidu Mid 
* “p7».sUsd! rsssr ;<■ w, a, arouud tta 

- _ -uttar distil” lly kvd with ita uwner'a 

name and U> regUlrrrd lutiutH-r. 

NUT. *1. Au osulr ida dug tuay at any I low 
| bare ll It. euaed uuttl Ibe first day ol llir ,-nsnlug 
May; and a perauu te<-.m.big the uwivcr or keeper 
• d a dug alter llu drat day i f Mat . but duly 
lirruscsl, shall cause U lo be re«ialrrrd, numherrd, 
drsetibed ami Ib-cuacd. a. provided iu Ibe 1 in edlug 

•*••» 14 

NSct. »7. Vs buever kirns a dug cutrarv tu the 
ptovlsloua uf tbit. baptrr shall lit, it ttlu. n dnllais, 

I b*e <d wid, b stiall be patj lu ibe ruiuplaluaitt aud 
I leu d -liars tu tbc t,insurer uf Ihu ruuuty lu wbk b 
1 tb«- dug is kept. I 3 

L-oinii unwealth of Mas*achu*ettT 


fpO tLa Next uf Kin, ( redtlors, amt all utbe, 
X persuus lute rested In Ibe estate uf 

Isle of Weymuulb, la said Cuuuty, deceased, la 

XYbrieaa, apidimtiou has been made lo t&ld Coon 
to grant a teller uf adintuiMraliub nu Ibr . stair a 
said dc« eased to Xlatv E. Nuitlb, of \Yi yuntutb, is 
ti’« 1'ouuty of Kurfulk, wltbuul giving surity 01 
her burnt. 

You air hereby tiled to ap| 1 at al a I'rulsalcCourt ■ 
lobe bulden al It’d b tin. iu said Cuuuly i4NurAdk- { 
ou ^ the first Wednesday ol May mat. at ulw 
«»lmi iu tbv A’lv U'suU, lu ahuw Causa, if auy yuc . 
have, against giauluig tlu- same. 

And said pslltiuori Is ben by directed t” glx 
public tt-stl-e thereuf, by publuhiug Ibis ( ttatuu 
one* a week, hr three amcsaalvc weeks, lu the | 
bewspatK-r called Urn Wiy.uuuth Gazette, piintrd 
at said XVr v inuutb. the last pobli.alien to be two d»t s 
at b aat bciwre sahi I'uvtrl. 

U auiss, tiunw XX Inir, Esquire, Judge ot said 
t'uuil. this 1 ai-lf.I, day of April, lu Uk year um 
th o usan d eight bumltvd amt uiia-ly-tl.reo. 

I J JONATHAN LOUll, Register 

Caught And Re-Caught. 

XX’urrauta vvi-ri- i"ii< il auttlw ilny a ngu f, r 
Curiiivitua XVlilte, lo-llvr know iiim "Neatly" 
ami Daniel ltn siiahau, alia* "Nall," win. 
urn 1 liArgi-if w Ith cute ring tin* iwaidviieo uf 
Gliiituii F. I‘,i|”-«ii.i| aaaaiilliug Mia. I'uih 
T hey were Buuiuii’iii-il lo ap|”-ar al the ilia. 
trtiT court lillt fail’ d to "allow up” ulul the 
p ’llie have Im -,-11 looking for till III alU’-e. 
XYetluemlay uftetUiH’ii ua Ofileer Ftl/gi-rabl 
wie* walking (Iomtii Koiitli Mrrel. Ib-.iou, 
hi! aided the |van and w ith the aid of Olfii er 
G. II- Halley of South XX'ey uii’iilh, uud 
Mat.- D. tertlve George Pratt of AldiigUUi, , 
they urn at)-«l the pair und guvt then, a ' 
ridi: to hlalti.U I’ll I. ,G rail in Street 
w here hautlruffa W-r« olitdluid uud Ibe 
men hiought to thta town uud pUied iu 
the lock-up. Koiiu-liiu)’ alMiiit innlnigbi. 
aoitie iH-rsun* broke tuto the hlu< k-mltli 
*h”t> of lletiiy is. Thayt r uud al.-aliiig a 
aletlge liomuier. went to tin- luck-up uud 1 
hn-ke iu tho door. (Jure lualde, they used 
thr liMIllllii-r to giHnl mlvdlitagr liy aiiiuili- 
lug tlio link on tin- coll door and lila-rating j 

School Committee Meeting. 

The uchoot bnanl met ut the Hit knell 
Ofliool.houao on Tunailay oveniug. Five 
tuoiuheru wore proeeut: Dr. XV. A. Drake, 
ehulriiuui; J. A- I’uabing, eerretarjr, II. A. 
Thouma, Hrudford llawi* and A. XV. 

▲ numlM-r of hllla were upnroved aud the 
regular routine report* of the looul eom- 
mitu-e* were iiiado uud a uumhor of miuur 
u u tv-re ui ti .l ti| h,u. 

At the February meeting a *ul»-commlttre 
of two, A. XV. Illum-burd uud Hrudford 
lluwi-a hud becu ap|*olUled to formuluto 
uud reixiuiuieiid ehauge* to tlm hv-luwa 
and rule* for the government of tlm Imurd. 
1 Im i-uiumiilrc hud-untde 4 r.-pnt ut the 
elan h meeting hut tu tu eordam o with tho 
rule* the proitnaid umeinlmeut* were then 
hud over for our uu ellug. 

Tuesday • veiling |)ii> rcfu ri waa tuki a 
up aud wa* much dlaeu»«)il. It m-iim- 
uton>led the upputuini’-ui of u auh-xHuuiil- 
tee ou ttuauce uud till* Was adopted it 
a an i ’ ’,’Ui lueiidr d that tlm mi|n imirudeut 
should awree a* arcr.Ury of tlm hoard und 
u« (lerk of tin- tluuiire > oiumitlee hut with- 
out votw In eitiler liudy. J'lu. wus vote.I 
•low u. Tlm latlmr principal r,. oiuiueml-. 
ion wa* tl ut the uioettug* of tlm hoard 
Mesiibl lm lii'I’t lu aoum one of thu aohool- 
ln.UM— ur u,„.. |.u,.i,. |.l..II.. 
might by vo'o evU-et, und that the Itum 
aud pltu e of three un i tiug* and the cdth o 
hour* of tlo- su|M!rii.leudeiit should U- ad- 
vrrtiaed aud that ull |mroone huviug huai- 
Uea* w 1th the hoard aud the voiiortcra uf 
tin haul prea* he udmilU-d. Tide rocum- 
mrudetiou waa laid U|w>U tlm table. 

Au uiueuduieiit prupoaud by J. A. Uxuli- 
•H/f- l J‘“I * hair man of the board be 
uddeil ua u member of all auh-eomiuitte., a 

and serve oa choirtuuu of tlm rami-, was 

Tlo- supply emu milt s-o waa aulhorizid to 
pnti'haMt a list of aebonl suppl.e# ua asked 

u ' h| the Mipcriulvii.h ut. 

little Aunea ltork 

PaRucr, Mux 


Fit Up ie 5, 10. 20 aud 20 pound Patkages 

Try It Onre and You will Always Waal ||. 

Mart Gores in Her Eare, Defective 
Hearing, Poor Appetite, anti 
Bad Cough. 

Uood'i . Sarsaparilla Gave Iter /Vr- 
feci Health. 

The following letter comes voluntarily 
fruiu an honiat, sturdy Mexeathuoctu 
fanner who lu* a beautiful lamily. three 
boys anil one girl. |Ic tells with i-raiituilc 
hov/ hie only daughter waa saved : 

.** * have U-eu tlduklng fur atauo ttaio that I 
would writ* whel only one IhiUIu ol liuud a har- 
xaicarRU iuu ,1uue lor uy Jiulo gul. fivu ytwra 

Hood^s pallia Cures 

old. A* a baby, aim aaciueU healthy and , irons 
hat a* abc- new older *lw bugaa U l u troubled 
with sure* tu Ua* ears and unpieosaut di--charges 
from tlm iu»*q. Kbo eouU ua hoar well. | ia j B 
t*** r eppvUle, ijmI, ua oho also lead a Sucks 
Img cough, we tnought she wouL. go n.L> 

Quick Consumption 

XYa had vwtni |riiy*,clanv. but thajr did not 
msein to ini U»o *|*ot. 1 said • XVhera Utcra is 
Lie there t, hope*; told lay wife 1 (nought the 
trouble wa* catarrh, a:. I donut ttnuk I wa* 

J^rui^VI, "“ c uf | loud . 

!,iu! iSi** 1 *l‘Gng. gave it to iter auuutdiug to 
uUcctMU*. aud now I cau *a> she t, ^* 

Aw Wo« ae Any ChUrt 

con he. lias nu diachutge* fiuyu ikjso or cor* 
can hoar quickly aud well. amt the seven- cough 
ha* cuUzcly disappeared, hhe is Might and lu- 

Hood’s par ilia Cures 

U'illgcul. Iuu ll.’.Ut ccuoiikaioa aud dark blue 
eye*, nnd auau-s to be s «ffcaUy heaRhy." A. li. 
XXuua. let lie, i'aliuer. it ... 

t • know Ibe wild' 
tt>* aamrs. Kauai* 
uuan wild Hzwcr*. 

u* testimony. 

1 cniic* iccallcd and gave tcatiuwmy slvowing 
iu stuutat* liad *l*u male a partial cxanuiva- 
tlie cund.lion Mi*, (ilostcr wa* in when 
nt tu Ike buspiUl. 

> Maiy Junes, Dutchcatci iiuiu at tbc Con- 
i-t llumc, cutinecled with the Huatv-n City 
tal, (<■!• 1. fated the trxluuutty uf uthc wi: 
a* lu Ikt luck of gtat tun uu the left smIc ,4 
isuoct'* lica.i, sod tb* cuoditma aim wa* in 
,u live I, >sp.taL 

l-si” it Krtd, RuxUiiy, Uu- *c11WmctiI clcik 
UiMtuu City licaplal,tcstitud be could t>u( 
rci-gnur ll.r |«vso<tct a* tlw wuuvan ct’Utcd 
liuvp.tal on Jan. 6, ik/Z, but that site looked 

s - Tio| cal vju-rica. E.utt. 

hawtb AaMtka. 

a siil tlie Raha ua*. Mexico oi «l 

gica: world'* (am, 
la'un * i-top* sod huw 
, 7 

:*tn*M| the Amcruan 


in all (he New Shades. 


to renew OhI Ceiling*. 

Vxfall Papers. 


Hardware Co. 


Canned Apples at 30c. per gallon 

Evaporated Apples at - - 14 c. per pound 

A nice Evaporated Apple at - lie. per pound 

" White Elephant," a nice white Soap, worth 6o. at 5c. per bar. 
“ White Bear." a pure white floating Soap, it • 7c. per bar! 

Commonwealth ol Maosachusetts 

NllRl'Ui.K, N>. l'OUAAT I Cot 

'I'" *U !'• r*uul li-lrrested Ui li* catat* ol 
iaU of Xl'ey ornuib to taid.l uoniy dv.eease.1. 

XX'Uirw, EvbridgtG.4, lb* Admiuv-ir 
of Ik* • state ut said dvr*a**J, I,as l>lv»cutv.| 
a!l, *ais v tb* flial aud tfsl s v'uunl ol to* aduw 
IralUvn upvu, (be ratal'- ol a a si divwaard. 

Yu« air bcic-b) v ited lu si.iHai at a FrobaUCt 
tu Im boidvu al I KdUam. la said iv«*ir. 
tb* Iru XVcdiM*day of May t,-tl. al' i 
o'clock U tb* for*nova, to shew cam, . U a U) 
base, why lb* aa«M should wot b« aiistd. 

Aud said a, <-> uutwOI la ozviaicd lu arm | 
( Uaivuii by puUitvblng >b* aavuc ou. r a wr 
fo, Ibrr* su e (sail* Weeks, iu lb* XX ,) Uvu 
GazrUr, a u*wapap*r p-zbilabtd al tt'aywuulb, 
last | ublo-’aiiuu In b* two day* Ol ka.i. bef 
•atJ ivMlit. 

XX Um •«. tirurg- XX bur, l'.,,uuc.'>uU,-i o f* 
Court, ibis bub day ot Apal, i* tb* »**r »>' , 
I-oed OU* Ibumaud v Uhl bao.liid and utU t, ibr 

10 JU.NA1U AN 1 tilth Urgaalv I 

hook t r Uochct* and 

Commonwealth of MtuaachuxetU 

NoltHH.K. NN. 1‘auasTK t ea 

f |W> die lit ," si Law. Neal t.f Mu. ai. I alt ti 
1 ik i.uiu ihu rtwj ii, tb* itteu of 

Ji»UN UI t.illj*. 

Uu of Xk't-yiwouib, Ui sahi county, dutcasct), 

XX t„ iroa. a rritaia tost uumM 
lla- Issl «UI and t> slant) ul id i 
bo*u pn sv u.e-i It, sahl Court. L r 
F. llugUcs uf XX't i tm-udi. wlu 
I'laUst^Ui, ulsty loefoe Issued lu 
Ibrirlu Itaiut 1. SU-I bt may 
gitiitg a stO.iy ur tunUrs uu bt* 
aakl wit! aut alalnl*. 

t u or* bar tbc chad to appear ,_ 

bobicu al Odinry, 111 said t uuaty uf .NuiltUX, 
V, 4 * 1 ? wrthwday u| May oral, a t nhu 

u i w|, lu Ut* tuh-kua, to abuts «auar, if a mi Iuu 
bast, agaiu-l lh« >a*a 

AluJ said pell)t-HM r U b, irby obsrtad to glr* 
publ” mah« Ibrrsul. by |pibltaUUig tb*a ( baliuD 
om* a ws-tk. lur Ibna isumlo weeks, la Ikr 
Lewai’aper roiled Ibr XXi-yutoulb t-aAcUr. pub 



M .s Kate N l uwlu, iuuik XXrymuutli, 
cstdied lu licquctiHy Mcmg Mia. Glootci in 1892, 
wurkod fur bet a wc«* ta Januaiy and one ui 
Fcbnory; not-ctd nulblog petulssi abuut Mi*. 
(•■*:*•'• prtoun; at tbc fuat ixtan. o ab* wat in 
Ud anl ot, the act -nj *bc wa* bp and dreoaed 10 a 
M-.ilici ItubLaid dir**; wash*! that winter fur 
M-* Glootci Al Hie t.nve c4 litc budmg uf live 
ly M>» (ilcatci tuki wiuvcta the wa* ‘‘die 
•Im cuuid Kelp Let and sat* Ket neck. ' 
Met Ita 1 a Uu* cakcu *p*uO. wbkb 
Ike materia: out uf which tb* tog wo* 
ha'>* lit* body wa* found. 

«*C’*Hh>ck. North XXayBMoth, testified 
to a rooscesaltua u.u, |( lk . aflat Ut trtuio 

flow Uuatun in wiucb at.* U0d Billies* *U wen! 
away because uf 4 Uaitbl* vcbct Ukoti a luaiut- 

fm- a t *lto wish lu 

is lit* child figute. 

'.Mine, a novel. JJZ.yj 

.utiuta citic«, with 
uii*at Uf and 1 an gut 


1 Kc pcvpU'* ituti«v MI SS 

iut lb« leu lied but fur 
>*uu who a tab** 1 j get 
tdcoa u| t). the kubpet 
;ekl*. .1 hr J T. XX'bit- 
i* h fc ai d «f bis Iran i 


duw* uf L'c stage. iizlj 

C. A. BLANCHARD, Ubrgria «. 

Ttaipgrgnce Mgelutg. 

The auuuul mreliug uf the- Norfolk 
Ct*uu y V C. T. l\ will bu be hi at Town 
Itall, bluugblou. Saturday. A|>ril 15. Moru- 
log 01 saiou at 10, afloruouu at 1 Jg). At 2.30 
Mra. I(. |i. Kaymoud uf Kaal XYcymouib 
wiH deliver Urn regular addreat. 

When you feel all line! oul uud brokeu 
U|< gum rally, you betel a good tonic, 
liwwd'o B«ra«|*ariUw I* Uu- l» at. Try it. 

Sctgeanl, A deli 

Ohlldren Cry for 
Pltohar’a Caatorla. 

Children Cry for 
Pltchur’a Caatorla. 

Washington Street, 



The loading whoel for thi® wnaon xalll 
itnlv 28 poumK nnd tlio Model 1DM 
, ' Mrimicil to al pound!. XX Ith Inn X ictf 
havotownnte fnwn ton tnlnates to nn limii 
St?h II (md wnlt for It dry. but you rtm| 
ft will) tlio extra otto tljnt goen.wilh oxer 
nnd tbl" can bo mended at borne at your ( 
delay of not over ten minuter 

We Furnish Either Elliptic 

C«r. rwrk XTfwwr 


ratkiw * Mttuit). lift’.)*) «•<’ SfTsttii 

You can get an entir 
bead to foot. 

Boston prices guarant 

Charles T. Fostei 


P1ANC liuycrt ohnnhl wrlto for «1 mcH 

Rare hargalua rmotig thctc. Within CTO mil 
and #10 |>rr month till paid fur. Full Info: 


183 Tremont St., 

tu»l:W r lvl 


Ur*t Pulverizer In 111* XYorld- 
Thi* lo no Ml* Hoaot.' XV« 
Mean XVhwl XVr Nay. %VaNlauU 
llrttdy to Niibotaullwle It. 

LcgYei no I'lirrow-H or Kid grot* 


No narrow In llir World Kqnal* Ihe 
for NuraiueT I'alluu. Mrrillng Down. Null I 
gradow Laud. Fruit 4iro%*er*. Nriid ftti 

ALPH0NS0 CAIN. Aganl for Hlngham and \ 

Also the OUTER CDILLIID PLOW, Refr retires: 
Clitfurd, E**t XYcymouth; Nauiurl Lltcbficld, XVcst HI 


All persons intending 1 
my place will please call bet 
for the summer ut that tinu 


F. L. Bl 

South Weym 


Thi* wheel la fitted with the Alrtlte-Duu 
II (Murlured. Full inotritctiuni fur re|tairlu, 

Cuitiloigut! <»u uppllcmtlou. 

Bicycle Suppllea C 


Trimmed Hats & 

A new mid complete line of 
Au,|K« al tlie 


MR8. T 

IK lot*'* UI(M>k. EAST W 



•r m /w 't i n 


Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't 

—Tli* n ew I«*ng-«ll*taiice telephone 
which hot recently Imen put In nt the store 
of K. N'uh f«»r use of the public la in fine 
working order. It waa very well testrd 
Fa«t Dav, when one of our townvpeonle 
talked with n friend In Philadelphia. lie 
says that one rnn heftr a* plainly aa with 
the niachlnea that are pnt in In the city. 

-Owing to the Inclement weather laat 
Friday evening, only ttftccn member* of 
the Norfolk Cycle Club attended the 
minstrel ahow at Franklin hall, Ahlngton. 
given by the Union Athletic Club, ilad 

-Itardacralible Hook and Ladder Co. 
3, elected the following officer* Mon- 
evening: Foreman, John F. Dwyer: 
t Assistant, Thoa. F. Ahern; aecond 

Connected With the Great 
Paper, the Albany Express. 

Vtku Statement* Which the People 
ShonM Know and Underttand. 

“ Thfl , cft ,„ na wheel for this eonaon will bo the VICTOR. Tho flier. soigne 
» d. B nn.l the Model P M |*otin-l* with nil the itlUchraenta, and can 

only 29 with the Victor, in cn«e of a puncture, you do not 

I* ;lJ“m minute. to an linur to flntl the pin or lack hole and then 

h*.v r .o i^.r It (trr, but vou .Imply remove the Inner till* and replace 

‘.n’e 1 U.ra one that «oea.»1th every wheel and Is carried In the tool hay, 
'‘nd .hl' csnlm mended at home at your feLtire. This whole operation mnkea a 
delay of not over ten minutes. 

We Furnish Either Elliptical or Round Sprockets. 

nr. Part, trrsar H. W. DYER, AgOnt. “* «• 


Cashing A mirrairr. Agent .fl»r East Wrym*xlk. 

I If you want the beet Ohain Lub- 

IB* _I rioator on the market aend for the 

House lots on Columbus Anouo, 
the new Street leading from 
Pleasant to Torrey St.. 
South Weymouth. 

They Will Intereet Not Only the News¬ 
paper Fraternity but EveryfcMy. 

given by th© Union Athletic Club. ll**l 
It laen pIcMBant liter* would Itav* been 
about forty instead of fifteen. 

—A number of tli* mcmliet* of Hie TI*w- 
Ihorn flub wont In a l*»dy to th# I'nlpn 
Athletic Club minstrel «how, Franklin 
hall, Ablngton. Inst Friday. 

-At tho Kiinllght party glrcn IsstTtmr*- 
day afternoon and evening, by the llnw- 
tborn Club about f4A was netted. Till* 
was th* most successful party the club Iibb 
ever had. The music furnished by Tang- 
t ley’s orehfBtra, of dockland, was of the 
highest order. 

—Tho regular monthly meeting of th* 
Norfolk Cycle club wo* held nt the club 
rooms last Monday evening. The question 
of th* new club house, which Iibb been 
■ before 111* dub for quit* n while was do- 

NoriU Wenaraik Slexslsgi. 

- Luther Pratt ban been laid up with 
rheumatism for some time, bnt Is improv- 

—Dr. Drake has had a mof built over th* 
veranda of hla lions*, adding) nuch to ita 

—N. F. Cushing Is conteti plating the 
purchase of a pair of back horses ns IiIb 
livery stable patronage Is on the increase. 

—A workman at the phosphate works 
narrowly escaped drowning, Tuesday 


—Mrs. F. A. Hlcknrll la out again after 
a brief Illness. 

—Will Torrey has purchased a Hew 

The*© lots nre in close proximity 
to Schools, Churches, Past Office, 
stores, the proposed Pnblic Li¬ 
brary and tho Klcctric Hail road, 
anti are desirablo ns nn investment 
ns well ns for those who contem¬ 
plate building in the near future'. 

Drainage facilities perfect, tho 
view unsurpassed, nml the neigh¬ 
borhood will suit tho most fas¬ 

FirstPurchasersHave the Choice. 

Terms Cup Price* Hfltlifnctnry. 

Apply to 


or A. K. VISING. 

-8. B. Totman Is irolatitg a tarn m on t hs' 
entt which promise* to stand at the bead of 
the class of y*arllnga this fall. 

-Nathan W. Bates took hla dog nod gn 
to niato Island Foal Day, and trad army 
successful tlni* while there, aecnrlng two 
white wild geese, th* first over known to 
havn been raptured In this vletaity; ataa 
flv* sheldrakes and two dneka, 

- Mrs. Lydia A. Bataa has return** fro* 
a prolonged visit with friend* In Dntkinf, 

-On account nf the illness of Thomm 
Cmker, Thomas II. Loud haa taken chntga 
of Ids buslnesa the post week. 

-Mrs. Noah T. Joy la recovering front 
(lines i. 

—Kdwln Clanp, accompanied by bln aon 
Davis and Ida daughter Ella, spent aeroral 
days In New York and Washington, lost 


—Mrs. Belinda Joy Is visiting bar slater, 
Mrs. Hall. . 

. —Warren Tlrrell and wife, of Broekton, 
formerly of tills place, apent Sunday with 

—The heavy rain of Saturday created 
quite a wash-out and eave-ln of the side¬ 
walk near the stable of Cleorge Young, and 
develop* the fact that when the town Is to 
do a Job. it Is better to do It well, even If 
It cost* a little more money, as for n long 
distance tho retaining wall of tld* side¬ 
walk Is ten nr twelve feet high and com¬ 
posed of small atones.* poorly laid and lia¬ 
ble to cave In at any time. 

—The iM ginnlng of tho work for tli* sea¬ 
son at tlie Hast Weymouth cemetery Is 
the erection of a monument by Gcora W. 
Dyer. This monument Is quite different 
In design from any others on tho grounds 
and is quite n credit to the makers, Messrs. 
Thomas and Miller of Quincy Adams. 

—Mr. and Mr*. F. Good speed bsve re¬ 
turned from a week's visit to their dnugh- 

itAMvrACttrmn nv 

to Id* relatives. Mr. Hart Is a brother of 
Major John W. Hart. 

—Miss Hannah C. Whelan horn been 
visiting friends at Cambridge, Mas*. 

—Edward E. Richards started Monday 
on a month's business trip through the 

rliied, and by the vote It was deemed inex¬ 
pedient to erect a new house at the present 
time. There will Is* a special meeting 
next Monday evening, when the committee 
will report for action a new plan for mak¬ 
ing the rooms more attractive to the tne,n- 
liers. Two new member* were added to the 
active list nt this meeting. 

—The committee in charge of the Odd 
Fellows Thanksgiving celebration of WII- 
dey lodge promise* to ninke the year a 
memorable one In the history of the lodge. 
Tho place of holding the exercises Is not 
fully decided upon, but if the expectation of 
some of the meniWrs nre carried out, It 
will proluihly lie held In Fogg's Opera 
House. Abigail Adams lodge I), of II. of 
South Weymouth and Riverside lodge, 
D. of It., and North Illver lodge, I. O. O. F., 
of Ilnimvcr will bo entertained. 1'ast 
Grand A. 8. 1'lnkerton will be tlie apecinl 
curst of the evening. This will lie held on 
Tuesday evening, April 2.1th. A supper*, 
entertainment and dnnro have lieen 
provider! for. 

—The pit id Is nf I’rof. lleals are nt present 
receiving tlielr lessons In the Fogg build- 

—For tho past few years there seems to 
have Item a decided falling off In the at¬ 
tendance of th* older people at the annual 
May party, nnd It Is 1i<>|m*«1 that when the 
next party Is held these people will bo In 
attendance. Tho talent as shown on, the 
posters, which announce the compliment¬ 
ary concert to Miss Annie Deane, assure* 
our people of n line concert. 

- The talk of tho Town division which 
was started at the supper meeting of the 
Wedtia'sdny night club has l*een continued 
outside of the club and It seems to lie tho 
opinion nf many of the people that Bouth 
Weymouth should lie set apart an a town 
by Itself. 

—Tho Whist club was entertained by 
Miss Helen Ilnss Inst Tuesday evening. 
Thirteen of the required sixteen were 
present nnd played until alioiit 11 o'clock. 
Refreshment* were served during the 

- Botuc of the bicye.le riders of our town 
soem to think they “own the earth,” and 
If their actions do not cease, eomplalnt will 
lx* iiinde nud tho luw will hare to lie en¬ 
forced. especially In regard to riding on 
the sidewalk. There nre only a few who 
are complained of at present but It coats 
reflect lb ns upon tlie whole community of 
the riders nnd It mentis, If It Is not stopped, 

safety bicycle. 

“Win. Jackson has Itecn nick for a short 

time past. 

('has. Litchfield has gone to work for 

You can get an entire outfit complete from 
bead to foot. 

Boston prices guaranteed or money refunded. 

Geo. Cushing, lltnghnin. 

—O. P. Fisher Is busy fulfilling tunny 

—V». .. . .-I II mu; iin ii■ ling IIMIIJ 

contracts for plumbing at Nantasket. 
—Win. llaeon was in town Wednesday 

visiting James Thayer. 

—Mr. and Mr*. Alexis Torrey paused a 
few daya this week with tlielr son, F. 11. 

Geo. Clarke Is omployed nt Williams 

lonneH^of thls place, spent Sunday with 

—Ati rpldarato-lftibwti ns “pink ay®” haa 
been quite prevalent In tills locality. 

K—Mr*. Alfred K. Joy has been visitlag 
relatives In Charlestown. 

—Miss Addle Riirgoyna met with a pain¬ 
ful accident on Wednesday afternoon of 
nst week, caused bv I wing thrown frosa a 
small wa pm which wa* drawn by k r 
playmate*. A* It wa* going with eoMld. r- 
nhln speed, it Rtiddenly broke down, throw¬ 
ing her nut nn her face, which was brai*«d 
In «terrible manner. 

—Mm. Nehemlah Thayer and bar daugh¬ 
ter, Mr*. Benjamin Wilbur of Taunton, 
who have been visiting hero for soma 
time, havo both lieuu vary III with “In 

—Ernest Tlrrell and family, nf Maid*a. 
spent Fast Day with Mr. and Mra. O. W. 

10 ■7":« r r **! 

ntnrkabl-clinngc . Mtinlj .In.. ,o Dr. _ TU „„ nmm 

Orernr , Nrrnim l.lmnl ,n.l nnrv. rcnrnljr, Prv. William II).In -n, ...n.l.lrrlnn • 

and 1 heartily recommend It for aliments call to Baltimore, and manv liava Itecn 
Ilk,* my own, nn mailer Hwmuu, ol llmm." nnxlun. Inr Irnr Im wonl.l Ir.v. W.jmninli, 
II I. « I.-I II..I ... „r.., I.i It la true that Mr. Hyde received a very 

It Is a rat t that our great business nml iiatiurfng 0 ff er aliout six weeks ago from a 

professional tnemnrn fast finding out tlie « liur< h In Maryland, but afier some 
wonderful Invigorating and strength- thought he decided that It wa* better not 
■vtviiiir luiw. r. nf it.u uinat .li* to accept and lie therefore declined the 

git Ing power* of this moat valuable dls- offer| .\u, 0 ugh the salary was more than 

covery, Dr. Greenes Nervura blood and double what lie has In Weymouth, 
nerve remwly. It Is the merllclne for tho _ At an nunl 1'arUli meeting of 

weak and nervous. It restore* health to Trinity church held April 3rd, In nddlllou 

the alck. to the officer* reported last week the follow- 

... _ __. ,, ... ...__ Ing were elected delegates to the J>i«H<esnn 

lt« nmirk.lil, .urn nt Mr. Mnilu;, -It. r w |,, r , 1 |„ Trinity nhnrnlt, 

everything else hud failed, makes nnotlier Huston. May 3rd: Hon. Edward Avery, 
conspicuous person, restored to health by Samuel >V. llee<l t William L. Waluwrlglit. 

:.....— 'fitysraw; 

Increasing list nf promineut and well- Untoks. 

known people wlio nre almost dally puli- —Among tlie very nice places to drop 
Itshtng In the pa|>era statementa of their Into and take a rest nud get some Infor- 
corea by this grand medicine. misllon Is the new offleu of J. I. Rates. 

It Is beyond all question the greatest -A lady living near Lincoln square was 

. , ... .« surprised nu Saturday to see three of the 

curnr of dlanun known nt tit, |.rr..nt il.y, wll0 ,|,„ t vldnltj 

nml is tho very liest spring medicine lor eo to the fountain and drink town water 
bicod and nerves. Everybody needs a without diluting It with any of the stuff 
■prlng inedlclno, nnd till, t, Juki tho win- u.u»H, cnrrkdln Imuln. 
mly to tnkt>. I, I. pokOy nnd ^ 

ImnuloM, and I. .old l.y d'OKl.u for »1. _ T)ln UlU „. rllllr ,. h 

This grent remedy Is the discovery and |„,| ( | „ supper nml entertainment Inst 
prescription of the famous physician, Dr. Wednesday evening which wa* largely 
(imnn.otfH Trmnle ,d.. li™ton. Him., ntfondi-d. I1WM • -lol-UTuln.l" .nii|wr, 
, _ . and the entertainment was called a “cent 

who Is the most successful specialist In p„ r | V /' j.*»r*t, everybmly tried to find 
curing nervous and chronic disomies In eighteen different tiling*, fruit, flowers, 
this country. Wo would add that the animals, etOj, on the head of a cent, nnd 

fk Ktieelaiid's, ilraintror. 

—Goddard Frenrh and wife attended I 
a wedding st Weston, Tuesday evening. 

—Geo. Miller has been appointed **xt< n 
of th* Pilgrim church for the year. 

—lyeonard Cooley in suffering from the 
effects of an nltsccs*. 

—Ancll Burrell is In poor health, tiring 
unable to be about. 

—Chester Stoddard and Miss Martha 
Burrell linve commenced work ut J. A. 

Charles T. Foster, 



—Col. Thomas French Is quite III. 

lin* a select ntock of 

—I^ist Saturday evening Mrs. James 
Jones entertained the Wlilst club at her 
home on Commercial street. Although UeS 
weather wa* Inclement all the gueat* went 
there. Tho priRes were captured by Mlso 
Thompson, Miss Imvell and Mr. Miller. 
Supper wa* served In tlie dining room at 

10. :u) after which tho party dispersed. 

—On account of tho snvere snow-storm, 

last Friday evening, the sewing circle at 
Miss Bate*' was attended’by only a few 
who rrport n most enjoyable evening. 

—Ills liopetl that Mr. Arnold will ra- 
roiislder Ills reslguntinn as chorister of tha 
Old North choir. Ills work In that eapao- 
By has lieen very successful and highly ap¬ 

—Mrs. Stephen llicknell, who lias tieea 
suffering from rheumatism for the post law 
months, Just at present Is quite ootufortable. 
—Tho fence la-tween the church and Mr. 

11. M. Dow's place lisa Imen removed and 
Is decidedly an Improvement. 

nud Is prepared to do work nt lior 


Both received a 

entertainment cotnpli- 
. lhree was given in 

. -*—j. The 

. ........__..r,” was 

Linns nnd Sweeting, 

____ill Miss Daniels. The 

Scmpssy was further entertained with 
nccordoon solo* by Mr. Morris nud boue 

metitnry to Mra. E. 1 — 

Teiu|a-rance hall Tuesihiy evening, 
omeocl drama, “The Silver Soldier, 
enacted by Messrs. * - * ° 

Miss Sadie Wlr 1 * - 
(xunpany was 

solos by Mr. Frauk Dorcc. 

—Arrangements have been made by 
wlilch Dr. J. C. Amhr .se, tho hrllBant 
lecturer on tlie live topics of the day, will 
s|a-ak In thu M. E. church next Friday 
, ulght. 

—Mr*. Daniel Hudson of South Boston 
has been visiting Mrs. Charles Cram. 

—Miss Ida Lovell is very III. 

—E. Q. S. Litchfield nml Alpliotiso Cain 
attended the Stnte convention of Knights 
of Honor *t Springfield on Wednesday as 
representatives of Pilgrim Lodge E. Woy- 




tne rulers nnu it means, 11 u is noi *u>ppcu, 
that tho whole must suffer for tho sako of 
n few. 

—Tho Nutiday services of the Christian 
Crusaders held In Music Jinll will l»e 
led by Captain Van llotitcn. Murcollns, 
tho elght-yenr old daughter of the eaptain 
will ho present and assist. These meetings 
arc Increasing in Interest nnd it number of 
conversions uro already rejmited. 

— The ham attached to tho house of 
Minot Gardner, Park avenue, Is receiving 
u new lot of shingles. 

-Lust Friday afternoon, during the 
storm, the house of Washington Pratt, on 
the plain, wa* struck by lightning. Th* 
Indt lutssed down tho chimney nml nmiiml 
the room, tuking off the shoe* of an elderly 
ludy nml singeing tho hnirof a cat. A little 
was done to the house while thu Indy hud 
her feet quite badly blistered. 

— I.lnrs arc In place show ing the plnu nf 
the cellar of a new house which is soon to 
ho lull It by G t-orgo C. Torrey nu Torrey 

—Mr. II. A. Thomas was a guest of Hunt- 
Itiglou post, G. A. li. of Miltun, at it* 
aiiniiiil caiup-flru, Wednesday evenlnR. 
Mr. Tlioni.ia delivered the Memorial Day 
address for this post two years ago. 

—The social utmosplicrti of South Wey¬ 
mouth, which has been retiinrkaldy quiet 
all winter, will he considerably lively for 
tho next six weeks. What with the con¬ 
cert of Miss Deane next week, tho Odd Fel¬ 
low's anniversary the week following, the 
minimi May party, tho High School reun¬ 
ion, not to mention an Old Folk'* concert 
already tinder way, there ought to lie one 
coiitinual round of enjoyment forolduud 
young. It I* such tiling* aa these which 
udd to tho natural attraction* of couulry 

—A. 8. Pinkerton, president of tlie Maa- 
snehiisetts aenute ami representative to the 
sovereign grand lodge, will ho the special 
guest of Wlldey lodge No. 21, I. O. O. F., 
April 2U, at Fogg's opera house, whets the 
anniversary is to Imi celebrated. A quar¬ 
tette consisting of MIns Foster, Miss Dean, 
N. F. Vlnlitg and J. M. Whitcomb lisa been 
secured. MlsnUraeo Wlnnlfred Joy will 
read, and these with other attractions will 
go far towurds making the anniversary 
memorable iu the annuls of local Udd-foL 

—William Hollis had his shoulder dis¬ 
located. while at work ut the factory of II. 
B. Keen & Co., last Tuesday. He hud not 
been feeling well fur a few day* and while 
ut work lie fell over on to u machine near 
him with tac iiIkivo result. It required 
thu strength uf two men to put thu injured 
member back In It* place. 

—Mrs. W. II. Bolster and daughter 
Marlon, were in town thu first nurt of the 
week, stopping with Mr*. C. 8. Fogg. 

—Mrs. E. T. Joy was presented with a ! 
Itcautiful |im-m from the pen of Mrs. K. E. 
Brown, last Thursday evening, the Hue* of 
which will bo found on another page. 

—It Is expect- il that the Base Ball club 
of thu South High School will play the 
North High club at Weymouth, tomorrow 

—The Golden Cross Cominaudery of liol- 
btook, visited the Orion Commundery of 
till* village lust Tuesday evening and 
worked the third degree. A collation was 
served uud a general good time* was eti- 

Cushing and Sylvester, agents at East Weymouth. 

A Pleasant Surprise Party. 

Lost Thursday evening, the friends of 
Mrs. Erl T. Joy, South Wevniovtli, ten¬ 
dered her u surprise party nt lier residence 
on Pleasant street, thu occaslou being a 
birthday party. During flie evening, Mrs. 
Joy wo* presented w ith n Immlsoiiiu silver 
tea-pot. Ilefrcsliments of loe-ctrain, cake 
and coffee werh served during the evening. 
The following beautiful verses, apprunri- 
ate to tho occasion, from tin- pen of Mrs. 
E. E. Brown, were read and presented to 
Mr*. Joy. 

To Mas. E. T. Joy, 

April j, 1893. 

Within )our plravint home tonight, 

A lew true fiicnds appear; 

Only a handlel, sll agree, 

Comiwued to what the crowd would Lr 
ft half of them weie here. 

Dame Kumoi tcllt us,(and for «oice 
We gi. e the dame her say) 

That we should find on looking down 
The records«>< your native town, 

Tlut this is your laithday. 

1' iom infancy and childhood sweet 
To maidenhood you giew; 

But not until you changed your file, 

And bore the sacred ijam*of wife 
Our eyes were lurntd on you. 

Since then wt'vc seen your strength of faith 
A ml learned to pnie its worth; 

We’ve Men how bravely you could stand 
When death with his relentless hand, 
llore those;you loved from earth. 

Our tcais were yours in time ofjgiief;— 

Your peace is ours today; 

Aud we have come, s favored few, 

But wliat we say is just as true 

Of those who are away. * 

Ilad wa the power to choose for you. 

Cl hough wrong our clwice might be;) 
We'd have your |«iTrway strewn with flowers, 
And everv one ol file's brief hours 
Should b« from sorrow free. 

Hut God knows best; whatever He 
I n houndlcaa wisdom bends — 

Whatever lights or shadow* (all 
Kcmcmbcr tins: That through them all 
We are your steadfast fneuds. 

A trifling token we have urought 
To prove our feelings kind; 

And when its shining sides you sec 
Or |>nur from it a cup of tea, 

Please bear us ui your mind. 

The drink tint flows from out this spout, 
Though pure and strong it hr, 

Will never stamp a brow with shame, 

Or give to nun s felon's name 
Or rob a home of glee. 

'Twill "cheer, but not inebriate f 
And when you fain would think 
Of something that will soothe your brain, 
And ease your weary hra.l of pain, 

You had better try a dunk. 

Some people seem to take delight 
In brewing strife and fuss; 

But don't you ever dare to brew, 

Within Un* tcaiwt bright and new, 

One unkind thought of us. 

We thank you for the welcome kind 
Tlut we receive to-night, 

And in return, we truly say, 

God grant you ruany a happy day, 

on easy 

Economical bnjsr* ahonhl writs for description of 111 tie used anil second hand Pianos. 
Unro bargains rmnng there. Within S*) tulles of Boston wo furnish Pianos at |2S down 
and 110 per month till paid for. Full Information if you write uj. 

—F. D. Prutl has connected hla hmiso to 
Ids office by telephone. 

—The Hireling which was anUripaUtd for 
last Saturday evening for Ilia purpose nf 
forming an improvement association did 
not materialise. 

—The !«ovnll'a Corner Temperance Union 
will hold n meeting In the Porter M. K. 
church this, Friday, evening. 

—Quite a number of tho Merab r« of lira 
M. E. church urn attending tlfo C.iiiferonuo 
which is IhUiir held In Plymouth this work. 

—Mrs. William OsWna of Be',ln»to kno 
lie—n passing a few days with Mr. and 
Mr*. F. D. Pratt. 

—Mrs. Susan Monro* and Mr*. KHn 
Glurkc have been spending a few days with 
friends In Hanson. 

—Misses Marla Hawes and Fannie M. 
Taylor have made engagements to track nt 
Island Pond, Vermont. 

—ltyv. K. E. I'kllllpa closed Ills paat»***a 
of th* M. E. church last Sunday, aklng 
for hla text Humana x, 13,13. 

Tlie Light Bcnrera’ Fair will lm held at —A cargo of lumlier arrived Wednesday 
the resilience of Mr*. Granville llowdltch for the building of two summer residences 
on next Monday afternoon and evening. „,. nr u,o Buyable lumae which will com 
The sale of useful and fancy artlclea to „, enrt , Imiiiedlstely. 

help along th* Country Week fund and r Torr . v l) ,.,.„„|,.,i 1,.. 

oUwrel..rlllM. AiluiU.lim only u-o miuh. 1Hl0 '|, „|i„ uLl/ln, rut* In the 
— 1 The entertnlnineiit given In tha roatry shop. No leas than twenty of them have 
of the llnid 1st church Tuesday evening, by fallen Into hla trap within n few day*, to 
Miss NelltejF. Pray was a decided auccrss. „„„. t their ultimate fate between thu teeth 
The programme was varied and nli-aslng of Dandy, C. L. Seabury's pet dog. 

In cliaracter (over fifty taking |»art,) U» the . 

large aiidluuco, and each part was admir¬ 
ably taken. “Tim Whlntliiig Farmer Boy," 
hr Joseph Murphy; “Chinuinati,'' by 
Charles Pierre; “Guard Bong," by Percy 
Baker, also male trio, “A Little Farm 
Well Tilled," by Joseph Murphy, Imo 
Mann, 1'ercy Baker, were nil received 
with great applause. One of the inter-st¬ 
ing features was the lautlcs' trio, “Beauti¬ 
ful Bella," rendered by Floaty Sulla, Maud 
Huulliibiiry and Luelln Jordan. The song, 

"Sing, Smile and Slumber," wa* finely ........ —_„ 

rendered by Eugene Murpliy. The cuter- |n*t week, in Engine hall, when It was 
talumriit was 11 financial success. voted that the director* should go nln-ud 

-A panorama will lie given at the Ban- and secure player* and ground*. Enthu- 
list church, Tuesday evening, the IHtli. *l**m seems toll* greater than ever before, 
Uev. Boamajluii Is u very pleasing uiul much aupisirt In thu way of atlendancu ai 
liitcrestlug a|**aker. All wlllU Instructed fWiios b-utig expect.*! nf the lovers of tlie 
uiul Hinused 011 seeing the costumes worn aport In Kaat Weymouth and Quincy. An 
by Indies In foreign lands, and cxhlblunl opporlunlty liu* been offered for North 
by Mra. BasmaJIau. Weymouth to meet the1 Institutes on the 

-n. F. r.ln. I. t-wrylna ■ .plen^lil llna f ™?k° r ' 

of gentlemen's neckwear. This Is one of *' ‘ • ' 

the store* where tli* latest styles can Im , -Although the weather d d not partlcu- 
had and at reasonable prices. Urly favor the \\«**agu*«U Land Co. In 

..., .1 It* plana for Kaat Day, u coiisidcruhlu iiuiu- 

—On account of other A* 11 1^ 11 r . “' 1 1 ” > ’* l „ 1 ‘ lair of |a?raous from Boston and tho nctgli- 
wlilch are to come April hna hrcoin* Uirlng U*wna nlUintlod th* laud sale, and 
nccasary to change the nitcrialnment aud f rU Z- 

sale to be J* 1 ' ‘ ilf_To riagoa wer* run to thu scene, and the vial- 

church. It J . ' ' tors were dlue-l at the expanse of tho com* 

veatrv of th* L iiiou - bur. I m TttMilay |mn> . , MMlt 4 ||-| nut make ila stated 

if/A*,.SHLJF-ifi 1 R-12... if*. jS»“ 

' •annual ■■uM.llnir nf ll.n Ijtdl.-a' term*. 



183 Tremont St., 

Just received a new lot of 

—Crescent Ixalge X. O. O. F. will c«!e- 
bratethe nnniversarv of tho intr-Mluctioii 
of Odd-fellowsliln Into Atnrrlcn on the 
evening of tho -Mill with nu entertainment, 
supper utul dance. 

—The Unitarian society will hold a sale 
In the vestry of their church ou Thursday 
and Friday, April 20 nud 21, afternoons 
uiul evenings. Useful and fancy articles 
will lie for sale and a fine entcrtnlumeiit 
will lie given each eveulur> 

—Frank Mnyo In “Davy Crockett" 
should lie greeted by a* large uu audience 
us was the ivy L'lf Company on Undr ap- 
IMMtrnuce lost jrnr. 

—A very enjoyable evening was spent 
by the reading circle in thuMtinly of Tenny¬ 
son, Thursday evening, at Miss Grace 
Mitchell's. Mr. E. W. Harwell rend a 
sketch of the lifu -if the poet, which wa* 
followed by a very iirofitabl* discussion 
of Nome of the leu-ling |nh uis. At the 
uext meeting Carlyle will Im studied. 

—Owing to the late arrival of th* news 
for the Congregations! chinch it will not 
lie r. udy for occii|iancy on Sunday. The 
society will occupy the Methodist church 
which has becli kindly tendered to them 
for that day, a* the pnator, Uev. J. 11. Mc¬ 
Donald is absent. 

—Steadfast lodge D. of B. will celebrate 
tlielr second anniversary tonight with a 
banquet uiul fun party In odd Fellows 
Opera House. 

Mr. nml Mrs. J. A. Hourly -iitertaiued 
a large number of friends ut their home. 


—Will l'ratt while at work on Ills ma¬ 
chine, Tuesday, at E. E. llyur'a, ran u nee¬ 
dle through Ills hand. 

—E. E. Dyer, the boot u'ud ■lion manu¬ 
facturer, lias effected thu removal of his 
business from its former location to If. T. 
BIckuuB’s shop, nnd commenced <>|»erati»iia 
In hi* now -piarters on Monday lust. The 
change wus mude ou account of a lack of 

— A lively meeting-if ill* lh-se Bull As¬ 
sociation wan held Wednesday evening of 

All tho specialties in the Bn* of 






llrst Pulveriser In the World* 
This Is 00 Idle llnast. We 
.Mean Whal We Say. WeHtawd 
Heady to Kiihataullale II. 

Lrgves no Furrows or Hi'Igron 


—Mrs. Joseph Cummings who In- been 
alck for ulaun two weeks la able to Im out 

—There ha* Imen a little addition to Ik* 
family of George Sanders. II la u boy. 

—Jereigiah Burn, who lias h an living 
In the house owned by Austin Tirrrll, Its* 
moved to Qillliey, 

—CIibb. Urquhsrt lias moved from th* 
Blanchard h-xisc on thu corner • f. Park 
avenue and Main street to tli* A*l Poole 

—Tim Ward I Hose Co. Iial-l their annunl 
meeting for the election of officers nt Uin 
Engine house, last evculug. 

—Thomas Noah la at work having hla 
wall act back, preparatory to the widening 
of Front street. 

—Herliert Goodspeed haa taken n posi¬ 
tion In the grocery atom of E. H. Pray, at 

— Nearly all of the people who have bad 
the near let fever are well or nearly »i. 
There nre at present only a few sick wllb 
that disease. The schools are still clunrd. 

—John W. Seuhury Is having Id* boas* 
pl|M-d for the reception of the town water. 

—Joseph Cummings Is having the land 
nrouud Ills house built up and inn nd* Ip 
have a fine lawn. 

—George Loud ha* purchased of 0. H. 
Tlukhaui, u Columbia pneumatic bicycle. 

No narrow In tlie World Kqasb'thE Morgan In Operation, fnst Ih# Tool 
-hr N11 in liter Fallow. Needing llatvii. Nod Ground, Nlnhble Ground. Ntony Loud, 
Meadow Lsud, Fruit Grower*. Ntud fur Circular oud Testimonials. 

FOR MALI-: nv 

ALPHONSO CAIN, -or Hlnghim and W.,mouth. P. 0. Addr.u, Wait Nlngham. 

Aim It., OUTER CDILlRh PLOW. II,. J. A.Cuimtfjl N.rtl. WMmou*| Join, 

niitonl, Kaat Weymouth; Haunt-11.ltchflelfi, West Bingham and NV alter 1. Tuttle, South Bingham. I-B 

Any not In ntock will U- anppllrd 

at abort notice. 

Mr*. C. It. tlreely, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. 
Whitcomb, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Raymond, 
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Powers, Mr. uml Mrs. 
Calvin Dyer, Mr. utul Mrs. E. E. I^»ud, 
Mr. aud Mrs. Frank lioluirt, J. F. Vinul. 

The first jirlre for gentlvmcn was taki-n 
by Arthur M. Itayuioud. thut for ladle* by 
Mra. Dyer. Mr. Viaal utul Mra. Drew 
captured thu booby prise*. 

After a lingering illness of tcveral years, 
Mr. Oliver Lincoln passed away at hla 
homo on Cain avenue, laat Friday morn- 
lug. Mr. Llucolu was u nalitu of East 
Weymouth,oue of the M-veral children of 
Peter Lincoln, aud wna l**rn March 21. 
ia2l, at the old Liucola homestead ouCoui- 


All persons intending to hnvo Cabinet Plrotos at 
my plnce will please call before Juno 1st, ns I go away 
for tlie summer at that time. 


—A meeting of the East Braintree M. V. 
Sunday-school board vu bald Tu p-lay 
evening, April II, to elect officers for M* 
coining year. 8ii|»eriiiteiident, J. H-impiMI; 
asaUlaut superintendent, II. M. Storm; 
H.-< r.-1my, H. C. Betructt; Treoaurer. M. A. 
Johnson, librarian, Manila Orr; orgoi 1st, 
Maggie McDowell; teachers, J. H*o iwon, 
II. M. Storm, Charles Nickerson, Lulle M, 
Clark, Jessie McDoualtl. Bll u rlaos, 

mercJal street. July 24, I All, he wo* mar¬ 
ried to Hannah 1*., daughter of Ebenexer 
DiiiiW, who with thrue children, Flor¬ 
ence, larForest and Ml** Al-hle F.. survive 
him. Mr. Lincoln lias always been an 
exemplary citiieir, a kind father and uidgb- 
iMtr, and WO* endeared to a largo circle of 
friends. Funeral service* were held at hi* 
late residence lost Hun-lay ufU-rnoou, au-l 
were couducted by Bev. J. II. Mrlkmald, 
who wo* assisted by tlie lluiuiuel quartette 
wlilch reudeml several o«'lectiou« uppro- 
nriale to the occasion. The remain* were 
Interred at North Weymouth. 

The home of Asa B. llratt was the scene 
of u very quiet ceremony last Sunday 
I morning, at w Inch time, his daughter, Mrs* 
Susie Evelyn was united In marriage to 


—Thu aeroiid meeting of the committee i 
for the Boirtli Weymouth High Bchool 
association was held lost evening at the 
residence ol II. A. Thomas. Muuv new 
members Lave lieen u-lded to the list. If 
there are oay who wish to Join they - an do 
so by aeuiliug their iiuur* to thu secretary, 
Miss Alice Iluyiiiond. The couruiltUiu are 
at present canvussiug the town. Any |H>r- 

| ever been to, or U at preaeut a member of 
.I... II—:1_ !!-_!-. - ‘-, — ’olu the associ¬ 

ation. Ia.t all who can, join aud Irulnto 
I lie reuse the Interest iu our schools. Tlie 
Uext meet lug of the 

sou who lias ever graduated from, or has 

ever boeu to, or is at r - —* • -*-* 

the Hoiith High school 

South Weymouth, Mann 

When in doubt boy the New Home 8ew- 
lug Machine, L. J. Hart, agent, Weymouth. 

-au, joiu mnl i liclj^tn 

—.. . .. oiuiuittee Will be held 

Iu a week or ten days. 

—IlenJ. Morrison wo* taken to Quincy 
this morning by tmicer Bailey, to auswer 
t<» the diargii of > iolatiiig the law In re-| 
guril to bicycle riding, referred to above. ! 

—The sueoinl -li greu will las w orked at 
Wildey bulge next Monday evening. 

—U. llasling is making uu iinproveuivot 
to Iris lawn by liuviug the aide built up ou 
a level with the from. 

—An unkiiowu horse, attached to u buggy 
wblcli hi'bl three persons, took frigid ut a 
grocery team uear Bates avcuuc last Mou- 
day atn rnoou. Tlie horse wuut over tlie 
wall with the buggy uud tlieu fell duwu. 
One of the occupant* seixetl the horse, but 
lie got away uml ran out of the field. After 
goiug over the wall u iwouil time the 
buggy was left belliud, aud tbe horse Went 
on. lie was at-ui|Mid U*fore going far ami 
brought back. Doth shafts ami the doslu-r 
were brukeu aud the harness was ha-11) 
broken None of the occupants were seri¬ 
ously hurt. 

—The UifinlM-r* of the Boys' Brigade ex- 
im UnI to receive their cape uud bells lust 
Wcduesday evening, but for some uuknowu 
reason they d-d uol come. They also 

IIr.lill AM, SlUSH Aprn o. IISM.- * IIUW I SS 

I'eiintmaii of Braintree, a carpenter and 
builder, has tiled a petition in iaindvency 
in the Norfolk lleglstry in this tow n. Ilia 
liabilities unioiiiit to 323IU1.1, and bt*aaarta 
ate mortgaged real estate Iu Diulntrer. 
u lot of meadow laud Iu the earns town and 

“ Juflgu Whlte held proluitc and Ina-lvanrg 
court scsslona for Norfolk County at Dad* 
ham loduy, aud Irausacted a large volume 
-if huslueas. Among the uiatUrra acted 
upon were the following of interest to our 
readers In llruiutree -ud Weyiuoatb; 

/ L. Iln knell, II. P. French and Cliarlaa 

-^. n . —«— r- *-- — Fr M - , Biuimous, appraisers, returned Unir Id* 

|M>Ie, troutiug. Iluhad a w ry successful This remedy Is becoming so wi ll know n I veulory ou Ihe estate of Abigail lb W. 
day eaiiiurtug twenty-three of the guiuey aiu | b o latpulur as to m-ed no s|mm ial men- Kaiulull. laUi of Weymouth, as lolmwra: 

tisii. lion B. 8 laivell and Itepie*-uta- y OM . All w ho have used Electric llitU>rs real estate, none; personal estate, I.THH25. 

ti\e Wort he ii were reiuciubered In the ||„. sutue soug of prais--.—A purer 1 The w ill of George N. Blanchard, lal*' of 

dis|NM-al of the day's s|iort. Mcli.iin-do-» not exist uml It is guarau- Weymouth. Elsie J. Blsm-hard, executrix, 

—The lu-se ball season la approaehiug. Ux-ri to do all that is claimed. Electric 1 l M >nd fW<l; au-l Chester D. Pratt, late -*f 

The Institutes arc being* organix««l aud a Bitters will cure all diseases of tlie Liver Weymouth, laiuisa P. Pratt, executrix, 

very strong team la predicted. Five or au-l Kidneys, will leuiote I'uuplc*. Boils, bond tUAJU. 

six of tlx-players have bes u - ugaged aud Halt Ultaum and other affection* caused by I Thomas J. Misactt wa* nppolnted a* a-l- 
t j,,- full list will be unn'mm i d soou. The impure blood,—Will drive Malaria D u t}| i uiiulstrat-ir of the estate of Thomas 

first gaum will prolaihly be played Decora- the syst- m and praveut aa well as cure all Miss- ti. law of Braiulr*«>. bond fflUfi 

tiou Day malarial fevers.-For cure of Headache. Among the ue« ouula allowed w#f» il*e 

Tb. 1'Ll.l. UalU olTcUiljr .l.urch b.ld ^.U|«MuoDaig-llM. >'> »"“ 

jEsaa-s»Lss. iis. s».-u.«- i«ia»i«i~»u- o.». k..,, i.,..•>«<••«#*■ »i» #„» 

transacting other business, the following 
officers and committees were elected for 
the rosuiug year. 

1‘rcsideut, the Bector. Ilev. William 
llyde: Vne-pnsidint*, If. B. Burke and 
Miss Husau Allen; becretory and Treas¬ 
urer, Samuel W Heed 

Committee ou hospitality and civility to 
stranger*. Howard B Burke, MU* Agnes 
liydr. Miss Jordan. Miss Adlingtou. Mi»« 
biisau Allen, Mrs. lue* A. Par lee. 

Committee on church de-oratiou, MU 
Laura Itodcbfic, Mis* Annie btoddard. 

Miss Nettie Ilenry. Miss F. M.bargcut. 

Mrs. liavidsou, Mias Katie Cox. MUs 
Ague* Hyde. 

Committee on promotion «>f interest In 
tue church services. Miss Agues Hyde. 

Miss Husati Alh-ii. Mis* Adliugtou, Mr. A. 

J. A bleu. Mr- C. A. Cheaamau. Mr K K 
Par lee. 

Committee ou visiting uud relict lug the 
sick aud needy. Mrs. If. B. Burke, Mrs. 

Davidson, Mias Jordan, Mus Allcu, Mrs. 

J. H ftuiitb. Mt» A J. Aid. ii. Mr. U. B. 

Burke. Mrs William McDowell. Miss 
Katie Cox, Mrs. Edward Avery, Mis* F. 

M bargent. 

A'Ur 1’uuiuiiliw, Mr*. C. A Chessman. 

Mias llcleii A. tiwsaip, Mias F. M. Bargeut. 

|r. Joseph Elmer 8aui|min. Tin* happy 
oupiu enter u|ain their new life iu a 

pleasant uml well-furulahtd home at 17 
Caiu avenue. 

The Columbian t-luli held iu regular 
meeting Iu U. A. 11. hall Mouduy eveuiug. 
Nearly all of the members were pics, ut, 
and nt the cunelualun of rouliue biiainesa 


Chang* in Time. 

ng Mond.iy, April IHtli, the 
,iue Htesiuers will leuto New 
li iu. lualeu.l of .1 UI p. m. u* 
The I'uritau uud Plymouth are 

Our Spring Gooih will bu -»p«*u fir 
hit peel ion ou uml after 

This wheel i* ( with the Alrtite-DuulapTiru, and can be repaired In live minutes 
tt punctured. Fail instructions for repairing with every wheel. 

CuUilogue <»it appllcmflou. 

We shall show nil the leading style* 
in high and low cost goods. \\ «* shall 
t'li-ieUvor to buil iu Quality, Style uud 


nr guilt 

Uloyclo 8ii|>i)lie» Coustautly on Ilsud. 

Bucklent Arnica Salve. 

Tun Host iu the world for Cate, 
Bruises, bores, I;leers, Halt Itheum, Fever 
Korea, Tetter, Chapped bauds. Chilblains, 
Corn*, aud all Kkiu Eruptions, and po#i- 
lively cures Plies, or no |>ay required. It 
is guarxulerd to give iM-rf<* t oaUsfariiou or 
moucy refunded. I*rl< • ii c. jusr bos. 

For sale by A. M. B.-< bcider. 

bouth Weymouth. 

Spring Styles. 
Trimmed Hats & Millinery Goods, 

Ohlldren Oryfor 
Pitcher’s Cab*****- 

Jf. tr. HU AW 

which have be. u held at tlie Uuion church, 
will held uext huuday evening. This 
will he the third oue ou "Muses, the law 

—The Cushing homestead on Front street 

ha* recentI) been piped for towu water. 

—A series of meetings at the I'uiveraulist 
church were brguu last Tuesday evrniug. ! 
These meetings will eouUuue through u«Xt 
biindey evening Tim* far very great iu- 
Irrest lias la-eu shown aud they have Ixau 
well attended Rev. Hlanford Much-II of 
Boston, a singer, hss given siiecial music 
each evvuing uud those who have heard 
him a|Muk very highly of him- Rev. Mr. 
Muclu-ll gave the addresses ou Tuesday 
nud \Vedoesduy eveulugs. Last evening 
llev. C. It- Teuuey of Dorchester, gate the 
address, aud this eveuiug it wiilbegiteU 
by Uev. L E Pease «>f Ablngton If pleas¬ 
ant. there will itruhahly be a service 8#<ur- 
day afleruuon for tho beuefit of tho older 
»iu-( w ho eannot very well attend the even* 
iug meetings. 




Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent 


It loss’w Ulovk. 

All irirrii b; Mil ur MhtrvUi, 
promptly BUi4ed U. 

If mo, mmkm known your wants to 


Agent, Weymouth. 



Next to Post Ollin*. 

If you ore building a new house or want Utter drainage an yon uow have, consu 

y. L. UNION, 

Mount Varaoa Auanu*. •rnintrnn, 

■J n« * H explain his methods, which have been adopted by many in the own. 

kxrxaaxvas- *’ ’ — 

Weights and Measures, 

A FAIR TRIAL Hood’* Sor- 
tapirMia guaraoter* a complete 
owe. It in an hone*t medicine, hones.* 
ly advertised and it honestly CURBS 

Also Ageut for tho Now York Lifo Xonurjkaoo Company. 

Coll uud cxaumic the several tonus of Lifo aud LuilofiuuBt Folid^ liffjnd 
by them. 

rrtUK uud*fl««.d. hrsb-r cf Hrixfii* sod Mrs* 

1 arrsiur 0wT~#u wMftV)-M»bUi. Uiel) xUes 

puliit. etOir# Ui lk« Utl,sl Uwu sad t»*J< li «l *»»J 
tewi who asr Ocaks. WcigkLi sad M.asans. fc- U.r 

C i|uk uf La) tax. mUib*. ur pal>U.-i) wrighiax. -- 
tax ia Uwd/ maasaisS. wngias Udaaos*. seok* 
uul WtSM, lu I* adia«ted sal scaiad. 

14 A. 8 . PMATr. 

W HY MOOO'tt Because 
Hood’* Sarsaparilla Is the best, 
most reliabln and accomplishes the 

greniestuucs. HOOD'S CURBS 

-2ti^ u WStfStE u 

Uk-iftGK u. UOI.BKGOK. 

The Change of Life. 

American. Scotch and Swedish 

-(ill APtlTKK- 

Dr. Pmnklm I,'. Virgin, 
treating Ml*. <il^trr for • 
vnr knee mi January »<» an 
Dm.iwU, Mbm . April 10. 1 WO. -For llt« I «*>»**•« " 0 ,nd tlmr I ii tunny year* * niunlrr trial has firidceft Cilonter, N« 

tM «*n o|x-rH <! In tliiM'iiniliinl court of Nor¬ 
folk county at the county neat, Ih-dluuu. 

At io.cj Monday mnrnlng there wa* owned the * ./ 
rate of the (Commonwealth aj.iin»t Mr*, Ellen M. 

(Hotter u( Weymouth. 

Mr*, (Ureter came Into the court room under 
charge of Deputy Flicriff, Lewi* K. Whittaker of 
I ranklin, and war attended by her husband, Pat¬ 
rick (Hotter and hi* mother. She wat attired in 
black tat in and wore a aoft felt hat. Through the 
black veil drawn down river her face her feature* 
could be tlistingiiishnl, and drtptte the trying 
ordeal through which the inu»t pa**, a datli t*l 
color wat ritible in tier cheekv Petite of form anJ 
fair of fratttrr*, the pritoner i* to lie cI.vxm<I a» a 
h.indtome wonun. 

The tt<ty of the crime, infanticide, t j which »be 
hat pleaded "not t utity, la briefly: May 5 , 1 S 9 J, 

Mr*. Mary L. McNair and Mr*. Mary O’Connell, 
discovered m the crllar of the house in Prospect 
street, Weymouth, that within two week* of the 
time of the ducovcry. had been occupied by Mr. 
and Mr*, (Hotter, the decomposing remains of a 
male infant. As a result of the investigation winch 
followed Mrs. (duster was on Sept. 10 , 189 *. 
arrested by Deputy Sheriff (ieorge \V. White and 
police ollicrr I h ma* I'itigctald and after a hear- 
mg at Quincy, tiefpre Judge Humphrey, held for 
the grand |uryr ( which body later indicted her for 
the full crime of murder in the first degree. The 
case is bring heard before Chief 5»*tice Mason and 
Justices Dunbar and Corcoran. The Government 

tide of the cate it bring conducted by William II. ..-, ....... 

Moody of Haverhill, district attorney foe F.»*ex day of the trial oncred 1 
count*, Robert O. Harris of llridgewatrr, district mrnt laving retted, the de 
attorney for Norfolk and I’lymout 1 county ami his Wot then of Weymouth. : 
assistant Robert II. O. Schuti of Fast Dedham. (.Jotter, made the opentn 
The priaonct It being defended by Hon. Edward said that (he defense wat 
Avery of llraintrce and Albert V. Wot then of Wey- "l.llen (Hosier did not gtv 
mouth, cent ,he ch,ld born * J* n - 3 

The Jury etnpannelcd to try he» cate it made up The first witness called 
at follows': Edmund M. Wake, Wrentham, fore- lahan. Weymouth, lettific 
nun ; Silas llacon, l»ovrt; Aiel K. Ilillings, Fan- an 1 had v-sited her on ari 
ton; Cyrus II. Hates, Cobaatet; Lester W. Blood, times a seek and was on i 
Mcdfietd; George J. Caution, Needham; Frederick tinting those visit* noticed 
II. Fowler, Walpole; Charles II. GaUigan, Hyde al appearance, and knew . 
Park; Francis K. Hayward, llraintrce; George I- when she wore a Mother II 
Hunt, Canton; James McGill, Dover, and Russell Mrs Mary Slattery, l a 
Tyson, Milton. »‘ fd M'*i Kelly, as she at- 

Mr. Moody made the opening for the govern- with Mr*. (Hotter and a 
ment, and the first witness called wat Quincy L. !•«>'»»*• 

Reel of Sou'h Weymouth, a civil engineer, whose Mia* Mary Shea, Sortl 
plant and measurements of the Shine residence, Mr* Gloster t intimate fru 
where the body of the child was found, were put in roborating the previous si 
evidence. Miss Abbie Trask, Nod 

Adoniram Judt»n Alden. a Weymouth |>hotog- Mra. Gloster'a intimate I 
rapher, wat next called. He photographed the the previuut witnesses, 
premises, March 22 , 1893 , and his view* of the William It, Gutterson, 
same sere admitted at a part of the case, to be roborated other witnesses 
use*I as a chart. *o"»l "PI**™**, during l 

Mrs. Mary E. McNair of North Weymouth,sho indictment, 
lived in the other lialf of the house that liad been Mist Mary A. t <>ylc, \V 
0.1 utded by tlic GUitter family was nett nsirn. a fireworks factney. corf-1 
I he (Hosiers, she testified, moved out the Saturday •»» to Mrs. (Hotter s lp|> 1 
before the body was found; taw Mrs. (Hotter about for children, 
the place Monday after they had moved; Tuesday Mitt Maty E. Callahan 
following the and Mrs. Philip O'Connell visited roborated other sHneaatv 
1 the iurt of the house the (Hotter* lud occupied; peatance in iBeyt-r. 

Mr*. Shine let them go into it; all the room* up John Wellington Mel I, 
stairs were neat and clean; they went down cellar; Weymouth, corroborated < 
there they saw a hen and Mr*. O'Connell suggested Patrick |. (Hotter, W •) 
to the witness that, as it wat her hen, it mtgli*. Iia.e of the prisoner, testified l< 
I a nest in the corner where a pile of stones were house; worked every day; 

The Gloster Trial 

Electric Light Meeting. 

Tim him ting of thr electric light rom- 
initt< o nilIrli was Held in tlio committee 
room of tin- Tufta I.ll.rnry building on 
April :tnl, was mljottrnccl to !»«• held in tliAt 
natiu' place April 10. 

fat*! Monday afternoon this some com- 
mlttiMi tin-t to ronaldor lltn wrholo matter of 
elwttlo lighting and to mo whether it was 
mlvlmhlr tn the mind* of thla cotumltiec, 
Hint the tow n should go into thla inattct oh 
Its own responsibility. 

At the first meeting they* was qiiltn an 
inter. *t shown, there !>.mg eleven present 
from n eonimlttee of fifteen. At the inn t- 
ing last Monday there Were hut inven 

* ,r Thu meeting April intli was railed to 
order by the ehairman, S. D- Canterbury. 
The other memltera of (Bn CcmmiUec ns 
represented were llenrv A>*flleli:trds and 
George.I Ibl* from Ward I, George II. 
Ilicknnll mid Ditvld .1. l’b'rco from Ward ». 
George F. Miiviinr.l fr.-m Ward 4 and 
Thomas F. Kelley from Waul ft. Other 
members were detained .either by their 
business or sickness. 

After the opening "I Ibe meeting, the 
retains of the eia-cHal eom Milt term appointed 
at the last meeting w ere listened to. 

Mr. III. b irds, for Ward 1, reported tlmt 
th. re were at present nln are lights In that 
ward ami In order to fairly light it they 

would probably ..I upwards of twenty 

smaller lights. He did not see that they 
could dis|M use with any of the nrc lights 
now In use. ,. 

Mr. Canterbury, for At ard anld that all 
of the are light* now ill Use were doing the 
Imst of service and should they trv to re- 
place them With the llienndeseelil. It Would 
lake morn than the three to light tin the 
.pare the nre lights now light, lie thinks 
about thirty more would light his ward 

Mr. nirknell. for AVard .1, thought they 
could not siilistliutn the Incandescent for 
the are lights which ar« now In use. This 
committee after n careful consideration 
would like about twenty-live small lights. 

Mr. Kelb v was tlw only iiiemlter present 
from AVard f«. and reported that they would 
nerd quite a nnmla-r of small lights. As 
tills ward Is somewhat scattered they would 
need 111 ue lights than they could possibly 
have, and the eonimlttee would recom¬ 
mend no addition rather than to have a 
f. w which they would not know what to 
do with. , , , 

Tile question of nn appropriation being 
mule it was voted, That tills committee 
recommend that tlm town raise and appro¬ 
priate the sum of $7Sm for Him purpose of 

Crescent Lodge Sick Benefit Association. 

The director* of Crescent l«odge Rick 
IlencfltAssociation connected with Cres¬ 
cent l<odgc I. O. O. F. met tit |lio realtlenco 
of F.. H. Hates, ono of their aasoelntes, Inst 
Ra’.urday evening to transact business for 
the month of April. .Four new member* 
were added to the nffl, making the mein- 
hership |02 which ennbles them to pay 
their sick ineniliers $10 per week. It was 
voted to hold meetings of tl.e directors «*n 
the llrst Saturday evening of each month, 
at the residence of one of their members 
for the purpose of transacting any business 
tlmt might proper ! 1 come In-fore them. 
The next meeting w ilt Ii- held at the house 
of Rpnneer Crow e. Rat uni ay, May (1. At 
the close of the business of the evening, 
Mr. Hates Invited them to the dining-room 
to partake of a collation, wlilch hnd been 
prepared by tils son Lester, and consisted 
of oysters, crackers, pickles, "l up, sole and 
welt, frosted," oranges, banana-, dough¬ 
nuts, cheese, cigar-. 

The follow lug directors w ere present 
C. D. Gibson. II. K. Mardrn, h. Q. 8 . Lltrli- 
Held, K. F.. llalcs and Hpeiieer Crowe. 
George Wetwteit Pratt was present a* the 
guest of the evening. 



Women nearing this critical 
period require strength, health, 

The leading wheel tor thla season will lx 
only 28 pounds, nnd the Model 1> 36 pounds 
be stripped to 31 pounds. With tho \ ictor, 
bavo to wasto fmtn ten minutes to nn hour t 
natch it anti wnlt for it dry, but .you simply 
it with tho extra ono that goes.with every v 
and this can bo mended at homo at your lei* 
delay of not over ten minutes. 

We Furninh Either Elliptical 

that Nellie was away from AVemumih for five cr 

—•- .-i 8 qs,and While his wife was 

_ ____.... child lived with her. 

Dr. Francis A. Harm, floston. one of Suffolk 
county's medical examiner*, testing! as aa expert. 
In liis opinion the body found in the cellar 01 the 
Shine house sms that of a full) devrl-iped child, 
capable of sustaining life and ha<l breathed atmos¬ 
pheric air. In hit opinion the condition of Ihe 
heart and kklnevs. as tUaclosrd at tlse aut>>|isy, 
showed that the child's death had Inn the result 
of suffocation. 

Dr. Prank AVinthrop Draper, |to*ton, .v medita' 
examiner of Suffolk county, ga*e expert testimony 
that corroborated Dr. Karriv 

Arthur T. I.ovell. Hoaton, the stenographer, 
who took the nStcs at tlse inquest befutc Jidje 
Humphrey at Quinev. read ft m the same to show 
that at that heatinf Mr*. Gksst-r admitted being 
acquainted with Dr. Tenney and (o rcco-niiln? 
hint at the hearlni; and to kaowmf Mis* Aitwood, 
her nurse, at the hcopital In January, 1 S 9 }; lliat 
she admitted visit to kjr*. Fa>. tlut she stated 
child found was not her* an.l tiiat none cf the 
clothing wrapped about it had c\ ft Iclonged to her 
or tier living child, and alto that shr entered the 
hi-spitkl under the name of Nellie M Gloster and 

mgLST VTxnruc vT ii xracvro 






this time 



Arfvrriirtmtntt inrtrttJ at tht iiual rater. 



Msnscers and Editors : 

A. AV. DlanciiaXp. M. F.. IIaws*. 

ConTspnudcnee »ihI Item* nf news are soil, ited 
fhim all reader* of pie (iaaetle. Vlvcry one know* 
of some Interesting fiuff* or happenings that others 
would tike to read about 

While we have an efficient rorpr of rrgular eon- 
crihutora, there U mnrh of interest that In the nature 
of Uitngs, they rannot get. Let your Interest In 
your local paper and pride In jour town lead you to 
aid In making the liairtte more bright awl newsy 


dintogrsplix, ns I liaro n f^trrye Stock to eclrct /'roi 

llrrornllon Hay. 

A better selection can lit matin from my Stock than from 
from thii Stock (’nn be l.cdrrcrl and *et Up llefore 

I employ no agents, coitfMaeillly r an quote t in 



SI 1011 unit Wnrcrooms near Wojnioitlli l)i-|iot, Kast Braintree. 

FRIDAY, APRIL 14, I89i. 

Arbor tloy will soonflw ticre, nnd If you 
have iml already done sqlt la time to select 
your tree and n place to put it. The town 
ean well ataml more aliade and urnnmental 
trrea on Ita streets nnd In Ita public squares. 
Tho planter* of these treea may not live to 
alt in their shade, but Him people of the 
future will do an nnd the bird* of the future 
will build.neat* In their branches. * 


You can get an entire 
head to foot. 

Boston prices guarante 

I IS A It WING TOO!.** for sale rheap at W. It. 
L* IIUl.I.IV stalilr, AVasliingtun street, Wey. 
■••Util. t- 

Put up in glass already for the Table. 

‘Oil MAl.i:. 7J to 100 loads cif good mamirt 
HaTRH A ORCUTT, Wi'ytnniglt. I II 

I.C. A burse, lumrs* and luiggi 
M., link 16, East Weymouth. 1 ■/ 

AVIth tlio present laatto wo lM'gln*tlic 
twenty-seventh voltitpeof tile Gnx- tte, and, 
as no effort lilt* l»een spared In tlm past to 
convey, through Its columns, to the people 
of Weymouth, n knowledge of cnrrei t 
evrtita ill town, or to make it tho Wat pos¬ 
sible advertising medium, an In tho future, 
with nur luereasotl faeillllea and additional 
cofps of help, our patrons will find It even 
more valuable thnn ever before. 

P OK N tl.K. A good lot o 
Itoine grown and of gi**d 
large. Apyly to IT. K DATES,. 

Charles T. Foster 

The best on the market, nice for the Table—can't be 
beat for Pies. 


E. W. HUNT’S, Weymouth. 

Groceries and Provisions- 

It. F. HATER, 

Wednesday Evening, April 19, 

Napoleon Bonaparte. 

Tlm Institute announces two lectures nn 
"Napoleon Ilnnaparto" by a fellow towns- 
mnn. Mr. AVHII.iiu Cuslilng, tn lm given on 
Friduv evening, tlio 'ilat, and Tuesday 
the e.*,th, at the Gymnnaliim which occotn- 
mudnte* two hundred chairs. These b*c- 

tlire* art.. highly s|M>kett of. They am 

rufcfol and vivid lilaturleal studies, mid lit 
ninny part* oratorio and thrilling. Tho 
Aral'lecture pictures tho lib* of Na|»oleon 
(mm tils Girth tn the Constitute; the second 
narrates In graphic stylo the rest of that 
unique lib-, niie nf tho most remarkable 
live* of all history. 

Mr. Cushing has Wen a close student of 
history fur .TO years or more, nnd these lec¬ 
tures represent 1.1 years' work, and consul- 
tatlnn with Innumerable authorities. Mr. 
Cashing i- also a speaker nf remit#. Ill 
the presidential campaign of 'ms, he spoke 
71 times to audiences ranging front eighteen 
hundred tn six thousand iteoplo. 

Grand Army men and Sons of A’eterans 
will Hnd these lectures especially interest¬ 
ing. Tickets of admission J.'* cents ut 
lUchclder's drug store. 

B|xeUI engagement, America’* Representative 
ItntDAIltlr Actor, 


in hi* original Creation ami Ma*ttrplee«, 


OR MA1.K. House 0 risini* and hath, r.err 
depot; splendid lytghborliood; price low. 
Wt. On* half hou»" a r<«..m«: gc«>d repair; 
11 ' 3.00 per uionih. P. L. DAA’IDRON, Agent. 

To Oft’* the No r». • 

If you have visitors, lot it* know who 
they are and whore they come front; if 
anything happens In your vicinity, lot us 
know alauit It; If there l« a party nt your 
house, tell us nlnnit it; If you get married, 
let us know; If you know anything, let us 
know about it. You will find us as ready to 
"notice" one as another, patrons or other¬ 
wise, friends or foes. Our object is to give 
the news. Any favors In tills line will tie 
heartily appreciated. 

F .>»i MALI-. I!v North Wrjiuoutli Land ( 
nn P.-arl •trrrt. North BTcjniniith, new ho 
T mom.; wired for (lectrk- light*, papered; u 
electric road amt village. Apply at office on pr* 
l«e* or J. II. WKHH, Manager, Qiilnry, Mao. 

Davy Crockett, 

A second-hand Felon Blrjcle 
lion. HBTII DAMON. Wev 

stronger and firtter than Ever. 

A I'onerfnl (ompanj. 
sprrlal Srrsrrj and KITrrts. 

A rinbhrd RrRrtsratslloa. 
A Prrfrrt Plsj, Prrfffltj Pmrated kj a Prr- 
reel Cast. 

Tickets now on ealo at the Woymouth 
Clothing Store. a |1( 

Cherry Poles. Ash Poles. 

Walnut Poles, 

I ,TOH MALIC. Will he sold at p 
" on Saturday. April *ih, al 4 o't! 
•landing on the corner of Columbia 
I'lea-ant alrrel; terms cavil. A.K.V 

1 7141U MAl.i:. (In easy terms house of 7 
' room* amt ft-ct or land on Vine street. 

Town Jjiijhtiii'J. 

In connection with the subject of muni- 
elpal lighting which Is now occupying a 
largo share of the attention of the |>coplo 
the following editorial from tho lioston 
llcruld of April 7th, comes in very nicely. 

"Tho latest figures ns to I’hiludclphiu's plant are particularly interesting just 
ut this time. Over 8t,0ni,0iK) a year is the 
city's net revenue from t^liTsonrce, and if 
the lighting of tho streets unit public luilld- 
lugs are included, which would have to W 
paid for by the city it its gas plant was 
under private ownership, tho profit of the 
city from this possession Is nearly $ 2 , 000 , 000 , 
or fo.* tin year past, as Mayor Rtunrt 
allows in Ills message, jus*. $ 1 , 02 . 1 , 2 ^ 1 . 

1.10R Stl.K. Store Usturrs, consisting id 
1J t oantrr*. rk-llcp. ( hairs, blow Case, Desk. 
Haft-, etc. Also one ‘(New llranty" rook stove, In 
excellent mndition, and two Rtcwart Parlor stoves, 
Apply tn Cha*. T. Franc. 4a If 


East Wktuoith. Mas*., April II. 1*63. 

At a mci llnv of Hrynnl.1* Relief Corps No. 102, 
held today, it was unanimously voted that th* 
thanks nf this Corps be extended to the ladies of the 
East Weymouth (/rand Army Circle tor their very 
lilieral gill of f47, donated by thorn to Reynold* 
Relief Corps, to bo hchl as a Ite'diT fund; and the 
ladles may be as'Uietl that the money will tie kept 
for that purpose. It was also voted that the gilt be 
acknowledged through Ore Weymouth patters. 


.Secretary of Reynold* Corps. 

Fourth Annlvartary of Court Weiiagui* 
sett, 7,702, A. 0. F., of South Wey¬ 

The fourth anniversary nf Court MVrssa- 
gtisctt. No. 7,702, A.O. F. of A., was held 
in Odd-fcliow'a hull last Tuesday evening. 
Tho committee in cliargo Imd spared tin 
pains to make this a success nnd had pre¬ 
pared a fine entertainment. The urtista 
consisted of Kelley's orchestra, Misses 
Siisaiiiio nnd laniiso Tlrrell, Louie Hol¬ 
brook, Mary Daly ami Mortimer Hulli- 
van. Promptly at H o’cha-k tlio pns 
pi amine was started with nil overture by 
tlm orchestra ur.d tlicn followed the main 

1‘HIIIO Duct, Lc Tuiirbilloil, Misses Tir- 

Song, lu tlio C'lHmucy Fortier. Mary K. 

lb-citation, Iu May. IaiiiIso Ttrrcll. 

Sung, He was a Prince, l.oiile Hidlirook. 
Itaritono solo, Mortimer Sullivan. 
ReeillllioU, Tho Deltutillg SiN'iety, Lulliso 

ViN-at duet, Misse* Tirrell. 

S .ng, (Old liarti Window Joliii, Iconic 

Re* it.ition. Family Drum F<>rps, Louise 

Sung, Mortimer Sullivan. 

Song witli banjo uecoiiipauitneut, Louise 

Vocal duet, Misses Tirrell. 

Tho woik of iIn* Misses Tirrell was very 
Hue in nil their selections. Miss lemisc. 
was especially good tu her rendition of 
"Tlio Debuting Society," mill "The Kamilv 
Drum Corps." Iii her S|utnisli s. ng with 
banjo accompaniment sbe vus obliged to 
reply to mi encore. Miss Susano, us uecom- 
pmiist and ill lo r solou was lino uii'l was 
ollllgf *1 to respond. 

Mis* Mary F.. Duly made tier first 
anneamuce on (Ida evening nnd was 
obliged to respond to nn encore to her only 
selection. Mis* lyitiio Holbrook did her¬ 
self justice mid res|»oiidcd to Itotli of tin 1 
Uumbers with other selections. 

Mr. Siiliivuii, Itaritlone, sang a sailor 
song for the first selection and res|M>uded 
to tlio re|M>ated culls with uuothcr selec¬ 

After tli*' close nl the programme, Ihe 
Ilnur was cleared and darn ing was enjoyed 
by about Hovcnty-Hvu couples. Parties 
w ore iu attendance from Hits and surround¬ 
ing town*mining whom wer® Hie follnwiug: 
II (> Dowd 
I. Stetson 
J Mcville 
F Place 
T Kelly 
W 1 Riley 
J Kelley 

I Sluunnmy 
D Madden 
R Thomas 
F. Vinson 

II Cathey 

I FrawUy 
l> Sullivan 
F Dxlv 
S L Itnlhiook 
E Gavin 

II Ihauluw 
K W.lo.n 
G Smilli • 

M Lvncii 
D Rridy 
1 1 Madan 
R Vining 

i M Welch 
I T Ryan 

Krlngeil Sliniles. 

I hurrh Notices. 

F OR NAI.F. Oiip Columbia safety blrvric 
with puctimatlc lire*, practically new amt in 
|>crfcct order; price, 6110. line Rover safety wlih 
pi.euinaih- tire*; price, 6 to. Apply Fore River 
Engine Co., Quincy avenue, East Hndntree, 

g r t 2 II 

■JIOK NAI.F. Three pood work horse*. Apply 
V to JOHN 11. THOMPSON, High street, F.a*t 
Wev mouth g 11 If 

I TtOR SALK, A quantity of 6 Inch. T-luch 
uii-l 0 Inch liirnare pipe* |.»r conveying hot air, 
wlih three rrgUtera; all iu At condition: clirap. 
Apnlv at office of WEYMOUTH AND BRAIN¬ 
TREE POD. FO.. Weymouth. Ala**, g r 1 61 if 

Holland Sliudcs. 

Cm*nut or t vi vi vi i'i.atk CoRcxmoN 
(Kast Weytiioutli)— Rev. Fr. lleglry, pustor. 
Illgli Mass nt 10.30 a. ni.; Hu inlay-sc hold 
nt 2-10 p. m.; Vespers 7.4.1 p. hi. 

TaurKtuNt-R Hall, (Hast Woymoiilli)— 
Go-pel Teiupcruiicu meeting ut fi.3t» p. in. 

Mission Hall (Knst Weymouth), The 
ltolines* Convention will hold services j 
morning, ulicruonn mid evening, 10..KI, n.m. 
2.30 mid 7 p. in. Dr. M. H. Collin*, who I- 
shoril.v to sail for Africa. Sunday-school, 
nt I 4.1 p. iii. 

MrriiotusT KriscorAL Cuuncn (East 
Weymouth), will h« occupied hy the Con¬ 
gregational society, Rev. Daniel Evans, 
l»ii*tor. Preaching ii l«».:to n.m.; Huiiday- 
school ut 12 tu.; V. P. K. C. E., p. hi; j 
evening service at 7. 

Union Ciiuucii (Weymouth and Ilraiu- , 
tree) Rev. Oliver Huckd, pastor. Services ; 
M idi sermon nt 10.30 nnd 7 :«»; Sunday, 
school at mron; Christian Endeavor at li.."<0. 

A cordial welcome to ull thcau services. 

Fikst IIamist Ciiobcm (Weymouth). 
Rev. W. *ky L. Smith, (mstor.—Preaching 
at 10-HIu. lu : Hiiudny-school ut 12110 iii.; 
Y. I'. S. F. E. nt 11.1.1 p. in.; preacldug ut 
7.:i». All nr« cordially IiivUihI. 

Unitarian*CH tmcH (East Weymouth.)— 
Rev W. S. Key, pastor. Preaching ut 2.30: 
subject, "Listening to the Voice of God.” 
Ail ure invited. 

Trinity Ciuiscm (Weymouth), fter. Wil¬ 
liam Hyde, teeter. Service witli sermon 
next Sunday at 10 - 6 ) a. ui. Siibjcd. "The 
Result if Christ is not Risen." Sunday- 
school nt 12 iii. Ht-rvlce. with sermon in 
Union cliupel South liltighmii at 2.:tt) p. iii. | 

Ol*» South Uiicih ii (South Weymouth) i 
Rev. If. F. Alvord, |vast*ir. Public wur- j 
ship at 10.30, with preaching l>y Hie paator; 1 
Hiinduv-schnol nt 11.4.1; Jttuior Society ut 
3-10; V. P. 8 . F. E. at 7. 

Cut:lien or thr Racurh If kart (Wey¬ 
mouth)—Rev. J. J. Murnliy. pastor. Muss 
at 10-M a. m. Suudnj-achool 2.30 p. tu. 

Church or Christ. ITnivkksaliiit (South 
Weymouth)— llev. L. W. Atwood, puator. 
Preaching service 10.30 u. in.; Sunday- 
iichool at close of tiioriilug service; Young 
People's meeting at 7. Ail uro cordially 
welcome. If 

Union Conorkoational Church, (South 
Weymoutli.) Iter. Judsoii Van Clancy, 
pastor. Preaeliing at 10.30a. in. Sunday 
school immediately niter morning serv ice. 
V. I*. H. F. K., 0 p. m.; evening service 
7 p. iu. 

Fiiuri ii or St. Francis Xavikk (South 
.Weymouth)—Rev. J. J. Murphy, pastor. 
Mass at 0.00 a. iu. 

M. E. Church, (East llruintiee).—Rev. 
M. W. Reece, pastor. Prcucliilig ut 10.30 
a tit.; SiindaytM'hool at 12 m.; evening 
aervtce at 7 p. ni. 

Old North CmjRCH(W#ymouthHeighta.) 
Itev. Rolairt R. Kendall, pastor. Preach¬ 
ing service ut 10.30 a. tu. Kmiduv-achool at 
12 Hi.; V. P. H. C. E. 0.30 p. in., with tui*- 
tor’s address on Pilgrim Progress. Subject, 
"By-einls und Companions.” Strangers, 
m-w-comers uml ull are invited to attend 
lIrene services. Church (Weymouth.)— 
Rev. It. F. Eaton, pastor. Preucldng m 
10.30 u. ui. Smiduy-si Irtarl at 12 m.; Y.P.H. 

(' K at b o j* in 

Univrksai.isi I'HCRt H(North Weymimth) 
Rev. II. K. Eaton, lusstor. Preaching at 2.30 
n.m. Huiiduy-rcinrol ; at 1.13 p. in ; V. 
1’. ('. U. ut 7.oo p. ui. 

Music Ham. (H<mih Weymouth). Conse- 
■ ration servica ui 0 a. m.; regular services 
at 3 ami 7 p. lit. G|miii ulr service ut 7 aud 
in tlm bull ut 7-Meach evenitig. 

Opaque Shades, 

at a |ost-mortem examination, whetbrr a cluld lud 
brrathnl before or .liter its expulsion fr^m it* 
inuthet. Has, himself, heard a child cry before it 
was expelled from it* luollict’a body. A still-born 
child nuy, at a p-t mortem examination, present 
all the symptoms of .v death by suffucalion. 

Mr*, r.llen M. liluster, the prisoner at tlie Urr, 1 
testified Out at no time in 189 c did she give birth j 
to a child, and at-n? time after Riving birth to her , 
living child, did she become pregnant; in January, 
iS*»r, wa* in Boston City for one week; 
gave her name there .i» Nelli: M. Glcster of Wey¬ 
mouth; was treatni I r inflammation of tlie knee; 
Dr. Tenney did not tirat her case: Mist Atwood | 
bathed her knee, but Miss Jones, tlie other nurse, 
she never saw until at the present tiiat; remained < 
in one room all the ■ me site was in die hospital; 1 
Tuesday, following the Satunlay, tliey moved out 
of the Shine hou-e, was tlie lav: tune she wat in- 
tiiat house; was there to clean it; never -aw or 
owned Hie ba-; or c'othing found witli the huby’t 
drtd body; heard tiiat tits body was found and 
went over to Mi.. Shine's tard and all she saw 
was a lot of clothing on the ground; cleaned out 
the cellar the Tlmr- lay before they moved, but was 
nut aware that thrr« was anythin;, hidden among 
the stonr* in one corner of it; uas willing to write 
her name for Mr. Hants, tlie district attorney, but 
her counsel, Mr. Avery, advised her not to do sc, 
and she then declined to write as desired. 

With Mrs. (Roster still on live witnes* stand, the 
court.adjouncd at $ until Friday morning. 

W. F. Sylvester’s 

Couittirrclal S<|., East Wcymonth, 


11 TTV or IflM3 n 

■ ItI.N iYANTKD. Apply to ALLEN 
FAN FO , Ka*t Hrain'rcc. g r 62 If 

Economical buyer* should writo for doscrlpt 
Rare bargain* imioug there. Within SOO miles 
and f 10 per inoutli till paid for. Full Inforn 

IT MING. All lim In-*! varirlb*, Apple, Plum 
1 ml Pear. GEORGE P. 11A IIDWlcK, ISrst llffire 
tddre**. Weymouth llrighls; rrsklcnee, Middle 
itrrtI. uenr K'tiir Oak hill. 612 


183 Tremont St., 

T O I,RT. Sinai! npp*r Itiirmrnt *ltu«ted 011 
Chard sirrrt near inhldte ttretl. For further 
iiibirinition apply in JOSKPJ1 W. VINAL, K»«t 
Wev mouth, Ma««. 61 If 

Agent for the Lovell, Columbia uml Vic¬ 
tor wheel. 

Bicyclea sold on.installments to respon¬ 
sible parties. 


repaid. Everyone who saw tin* exhibition I 
wn* nstouirdifd and delight) d nt the skill- j 
fill niul IrcMiitifid work. It showed what I 
tlie liiMiltutegyiiiuusluui uuder cnrrftil and 
Juilicions training vvns cupuhli- of, nml the 
work In-itig exclusively by our local young 
Indies nml gent Iciiieii showed tiiat tlieyulso 
are up: student* in the noble nrt of 


Mrs. Connell of Dr. Surgeiitit's Gymna¬ 
sium at Harvard University, Is n young 
lady of charming maimer nml energetic 
spirit, nml is 11 great favorite with ihe 
Imlies of her cIiisac*. Sho is a strong ami 
graceful gymnast herself, uml directs the 
class admirably. Thr exhibition cluss of 
Friday night consisted of seven of tlie 
younger ineuilicni of the class, the Misses 
•/clime and Amy Kendcll, Jtllss Annie 
ffnrrfs, Mis* Olive Wright. Miss Lnura ; 
•Jenkins, Miss lllwiiehe White, am! Miss 
IJIlian Gutterson uNsisteil by Miss Ko*-hn 
of Cambridge. Mis* Purcell of Canihridgo I 
tvu* the pianist. The various exercises, I 
rlub swinging, long vvund drill, uml fum y ] 
ste|M were ulkudmirably dour, uml received ' 
most hearty upoUiisc. 

Tim buys' and men’s classes were under 
the direction of Mr. Hurd of llo*tun who 
Juts also Ir'cii u most sui ctitsfiil teacher ut 
tlm Institute. Mr. Hurd Is a perfect gentle¬ 
man nml nn excellent utul enthusiastic 
athlete, uuil the class work under Idui lius 
lieen very Interesting. Tint young men 
who took part lu the exhibition class were 
Messrs Asa llcrgrrun, John Orr, Fred 
Allen, Willie Hutliswny, Winsor Davy. 
Harry Worstcr, Ilurtoii Maker, Samuel 
Cuslilng, Robed Orr, Williuiu Steven*, 
Churles Fierce, Percy Rukcr, Andrew 
llurroll, Thomas Msrtdl, uud the Isiys’ 

T O I.KT. The store «f F. K. IIOUAKT. near 
the »tmb>n at Wryin<>uth. Apply on the iimn- 
l*o* or at the wrapper factory, Eavt wry month. 

Diet testified: May 5 , iS<»i, at 6.30 o'clock, was 
called by tc!r|>hone to go to Shine house to view | 
b^l); did not know either Mis. Gloster or Mrs. 
Shine; around the head of tlie body war n piece of 
cotton cloth, tied in Iront, over tlie mouth and nos- 
tills, in a double knot; untied knot with much 
ildticulty and under tlie cloth found a gag of rag* 
coveting mouth and nostrils; the body wa* wrap|>ed 
in a woman’s night dress, which was soiled with 
blood »|K>ts; there were other clothes about tlie 
| body that were bljod stained; there was no lacera¬ 
tion upon tlie child s dead body. 

| At this pot nt tlie ctuit adjourned until 9 o'clock 
Tursday mem'ng. 

DriuiAM, Mass., April it, iS«j 3 .—On tlie com¬ 
ing in of tlie coui*. on Tuesday morning, Dr. 
Tower was recalled, and L-*tified: The child had 
been dead bom six to eight weeks, its weight wa* 
six pounds; its length was at inches; its finger 
n*i!s were dcvclooeil and it was a fully dcvclojied 
child. The child's deatli was caused by suffocation. 
In his opinion the child lud breathed the bieath of 
life and had sustain.-i independent Me. In Ids 
opinion the lungs of live child had not been it> 
dated with air art licialiy. 

Mrs. Mary Kelly Shine of Weymouth, a woman 
of advanced age, testified tlut tlie Glostets had 
occupied her house as tenants, but lud moved out 
"a jear ago April;" Mrs. (Roster moved out on a 
Saturday and on tlie luliowing Monday. Tuesday 
and Wednesday she irturned and cleaned the 
house, and "• n Thursday her lubr was found in my 
cellar;" let Mrs. Gtuster have the Ley* to the house; 
the lubj’s body wav found by Mrs. McNair and 
Mrs. O'Connell; l-.lli of them brought tlie hag, in 
winch bo<l) was, up out of the cellar and tlicn wit¬ 
ness tcx>k it ami put it out t n the steps; "there was 
an awful smell about it (tlie bag;") ciiJ not know 
i f Mrs. filiwtcr'a bring away in the winter time 
(rein tier home. 

Dr. Gianville Wilson Tinkhxm of Weymoutli, 
tcvtilicd tie task tlie njtcs at tlie autopsy and cor- 
luboratoi t>r. Tower. 

Daniel McCaitliy of Wevmouth, testified to 
being at Miv. Mime's place when Dr. Tower was 
(here on lh~ atternuunof May 5 , 1892 , and lud his 
altrr.ti. 11 callrd to the kno's tied in the cloth about 
the thdd't brad, saw the Doctor weigh the cluld. 

Mis. Mary A. Fa), Boston, relative, trstified to 
Mrs Gloster s making her a visit tho latter |«ait of 
lanuai), Dqj, and fioni there going to a bos; ital; 
she said sin- had a lame knee, but did not show it 
to tlie witness; alter being al the hospital for 
several da)s site c.iiuc back to the witness' liuuse 
and later wnit away again. 

Felix |. McCarthy, Boston, drug;ist‘a cleik, tes¬ 
tified to thr sisit ol a vnmsn to his place in lanu- 
ary, 1691 , hut pending the identification ol the 
wenun lie was withdrawn from the witness stand. 

Dr. Benjamin Tenney, Itostsn, testified that in 
January, 1691 , he wa* the senior house officer at 
the Host .11 City Hospital, and during January a 
I woman, having a gre) streak in her lull atone 
•ale ol the hand, was entered in the hospiul as a 
patient; he examined condition and found site 
| was pregnant; she was discharged from the liospi 
tal and witness gave her a letter, introducing her 
I to tlie Boston l.ving in Hospital, lie identified 
| Hie |>risuncr as Uic woman lie had examined at Ihe 
1 ipiul 

! t>c rg«C. I’ratt, of North Ahiuton, a inember 
' • I the state police forte since 1676 , testified to 
I seeing Mrs. (•luster al her home on May 17 . 1 S 0 J, 

I ard that site told Idui she moved out et Mrs. 
Nhinc'a house, April 30 , 1892 , after Using there 
one year and ten months; said Dr. Icnnry had 
I.DiMtrtl her at the Bostun Ciiy llo-piul, and Hat 
1 she was thrte from J*n. 6 to Jaw. IJ, tthy*, slie 
I sai I the last time she was in the cellar ol the Shine 
I h .use was on the Thursday before tlie child's bo.ty 
was found; she also told luir. she baJ a sister at 
! services! 07 Trier Wmt, Boston, and tiiat her 
father wa*’ I lennis Caakley ol Jamaica Plain; sa il 
site was ii ated at tlie hos|>iU! for a tame kuee and 
a pain in her stomach. w 

Dr. Fdwaid Gilman Brvant. assistant (i x* 
p’lysician at the Boston City lloqutal, gave trsti- 
u-aiy, (urroGuating l*r. Tconey, live woman 
who entered the )ios|huI gave the name cf Ncihe 
Ntcvcns, said she was born in Boston, and worked 
al house work at 97 Tyler street. Kecogmrcd no 

Gold, Silver nnd 

Nickel. Not quite given away, hut nt very Low Prices. 

KI.t:< TKI( .|!KI,!.: 

Saws Filed and Set in good shape. 

fflO lti.1T. The store recently orruplcd by 
L the tare John Crane a* a boot and shoe store 
Apply to Charles T. Crane, Adiniubtrator. 8 a tf 


llrst l'Blverlxrrlnllie World* 
This ie Idle **«»“»•• IVr 
Mean IVUwtIVe Ray . IVeHtaud 
Heady to Nubetaullale It, 

Leaves no Furrows or KMgca 

W A1TKD. 1 lately, a strong girl for 
housework; no rooking, goo .1 wage*. In- 
quire at 27 Madivou street. East Weymouth.' 1 li 

W ANTKU. A goo.I rtrl f >r general liuuse* 
work. Apply to Mils. F. F. IiAlll.tNG, 
mrner of 8 <-hool and Myrtle *ireet», East Wey. 
mpoth. 62 if 

Huantt U. Anthony tiedurua tliutahe wa* 
iiu|N-Rc'd to remain nu old maid By notic¬ 
ing, art nln* strolli-d throiigli u Now England 
graveyard your* HRo, tim conataiitly recur¬ 
ring Inaoriptlou, "Sacred to the uiomory of 

A-. rollot of tho Into 7. -Sho then 

uud there took n luontul iron clad outli to 
remain forovor tinmurrii-d mtlior than have 
lu-r oxl»tonou reoordoel for future gi-norn- 
tiona aituply ua the "relic" of autno luutt. 

In every town 
r tlie " Workl'a 

vv to take Ihe ex.-lti-ive- agenrr of the - 

Coluuil.lan Fxpu-itinn filu-truird," aulhenltc organ 
of Ihe fair: rstnhlhhed Dial; gn at i>|>|Mirlunitv lo 
make money for the next year; one rham-e lu a life* 
time. Em l«*o )6 rents in stamp* for sample-copy 
and fud parth-uUn.. J. ft. ( AMPUELL,.I're.I- 
Unit., 166 Adams street, Chicago, 111. 61-4 

W ANTED. Sewing-marhiiic operators; llglit 
work; 10 >o.l pay: strain power; insiiurlions 
fiirnislicd. Aiso more liatids waiileil tu take work 
lo their liouiis. f tell very wagon will call. Apply 
to F. K. JluUAUT, East Weymouth, ltiuk Building. 
46 If * 


Ro Barrow In (lie World Kqnala the 1 J 
for Hummer Fallas*-. Menliug Dnss n, N«»d Gi 
Mrudoxv Laud. Fruit tirewir*. Kind fur < 

ALPH0NB0 CAIN, Ag«nt for Mingham and W( 

Also the 0UYFB CIILIKD MV. a BtfbmMC 6 l | 1 
Clifford, East Weymouth; Hauiurt Llh-bOeld, W est Iliisg 




Hats, Caps, and Cent's Furnishing Goods. 

Givo us a call ami we will try nnd give you a Good liargain. 





At Ituar rtrry day except Mrdarsday. 60 tf 

b (ircenwooel 
II C Scats 
D McCaithy 
F. Nash 
T O'Neil 

I Brady 
M Hickey 
J Leahy 

II Kilry 
I Corcoran 
I* l.otidergan 
I Cullinane 
E llalligaii 
I- Cody 
J Fitxgctald 

Mary bheehy 
Nellie Iliad) 

Lidir I la ly 
l.uxic Kuache 
Fix fie Purcell 
Nellie Hoaciie 
Minnie llallalian 

- , _ , Mary Burns 

Mary J>aly Nellie Cronin 

Maty (tomit Julia Mrbille 

Kate Monelian Neliie Churchill 

l.tixie llallahan MaiyConnora 

Annie Lynch Annie Sulhvan 

Alice Flynn Nellie Gavin 

Magi;ie Monelian 

Mis Nidnevr Giucnwood Mis llcibert Sears 
Mrs M O'Dowd Mrs j..lm Krllev' 

Mrs E F Duble Mrs \V T Rtky 

Au iatrcuiiMion in tlio mhLt of tlm danc¬ 
ing wan declared uml refreahtueiitaeoioiist- 
ingol Instil, rulla, cofTi-e, r ake and iev creutti 
ware nerved in tlm banquet hull. 


’emu lo hi ilk nf!'. Flty- 

•It'iiiu* i-rrw rila-d fi r me 

-and 1 baik vuvloua n-m 

edict, but ^obeneflt tottlleil Ourtlnilv 

t t|H*r noticed the iuemi t f Dr. Dai III 
i-Diiedj'n Favorlle Keinetly, «f Ron- 
(luul, N. Y., in raw* Mtiiilnr Id hiv own. 
I piirelinscd it. The llrst lotlle fnkin in 
•mall dime, but very legulnr, Imiirovril 
nje uondcrfiillt. My eomplexiou 
elenred, i ppefife (m|tloved, sleep uu» 
sound and rcrreshing.iu .1 allele further 
use cull rely cured 'Hivrencvcrwiu 

a medh int! F.»r ivomnn-kiutl lik. Fnvniite 
Remedy. With nil nty Lenit, h t ute urge 
them lo ip c it. Relit I will Ite ihe result.' 
Mus IJ. I*. Siui'sd.v. Turinr, 111. 
DUCh n frank, enitdid — 
ftntruui.t leaves the iru- 
tffint cf truth upou It* 
f ore*. 

Tho I ‘**t preof of the 
value r f Dr. Kennedy V 
Favorite Reiaeily, I* the! 
pu d it has dbuu. What 
itrisou i hert foi out-*ulT< r- 
ing. ir half ah k, to I 
leuinin ao 

Ageit for the Back Bay ('•$(•■ Landry 



Weymouth Mass, 


Our assortment of drllrloui California Fruits b 
nil and vath-.l, among theu. being the uew variety 

Must be Licensed on or Before { 
May 1st, or the Owners or 
Keepers thereof are Liable to 


All pcrsoitH intending ti 
my place will please cnll befo 
for tlie summer nt that time. 


wld.-h *taii I* at lit* hi-ud of the Grape rias*. 

A 1*0 a-hoh-e Malaga Gtapr*, Grape I 
splendid louie), Florida I.eiuou*. Turkr 
Persian Date*, Yaukre Pear* of Iho Li 
variety, Florida Orange*, Grenolde Wain 
berts, cii-inui*, hlieilfiark*, Catlans Nil 
Nuts. Etc. 
fuadibliou to 

turn in grueoful style, with tho 
rraiilta iu Mr. Duvy'a favor. 

Tho lust foattira ou tlio programmi' wax a 
special foature, tin- tmuhliiig. This exor- 
olsi- is uut taught in tlio regular work, but 
u aspeolal work for adopt*. Tlio tuniblurs 
of tlio evening wore Messrs. Amu Uergoruu, 
•lobn Orr, and Nniuiiol ('nailing. Mr. 
llergoron, w ho Ima bent tumbling titoru or 
loss for tlio last ton yuaro, was of , oil no¬ 
th" oliuuipiou, but the otliera also did soiw- 
mliiiiruble work. This wa* tlio most ox- 
i-itlug uml aatouiabiug work of the ot oning 
uml disttluyed a nerve andiloxt. rity winch 
was highly pruUod 

Au oreliostru eounialiitg of Mosara. floury 
Iliiitioy, Uharb-a Hunt, and Henry Klh-y, 
pin.) od two good overtures, Utul also gavo a 
lively a.tpaulmeul dariagtlu tuiabUng. 

Tlio wlodo oxldbitioti wiu u griat orodit 
to tlie 1 iiatitute uml lo Mr. Fliiit-raoti I, 
lluul, thi: aii|N.rinlemtoiii, who iti.tiiiig. il 
Ibo affair. Tho |>tollu of (lo- evening uro 
to Ih- dc-Votnl to tlie I Halt tilt*- fooling 

Having secured tho eorvlrea of Mr. Arthur E. Richard*, I am proiwrod to do all 
kiuda of work iu a firet-c-hum manner at reaaonable prices. Call and see our carpet* 
before buying elsewlioru. ( arp.-ts Tuk. n Up, Cleaned utul lU-lmid. Muttrrsaoa of all 
kinds fiiriiiabod ut Rostoii prices. Huutples of Jlulr uud Tickiugt at hand. Hnir Mat- 
tressos made over. 

•“I Chain, Kork.n, L,ni|n. I'rachn ■■* 1‘arUr Sail* IVnllM 
•l IkttMioM I'ricea. 


Tows Clink's urru t. 

Wi-y.. AptII, IKct. 

All I>«g Lkeoars tspirt May Ut mu. 'Ibe 
uodi-r»!gm .1 I* now prr pan,It.. u*ue I.U-ru*r« for 
thr year ending May 1 * 1 . IM.|. 

JitllN A. ItAYMOSD, TuwtiCIrrk. 

Extract* from Chapter 102 of the Publio 

fixer. N). Evrry owner or keeper of s dog of 
Timex x XTUS WI.O or over *hail atiuuaily, on or 
l>< b.rt tie- tldit. riabd*/ of April, tsum.- It to lx- u gi*. 
tend, nninlNied, . 1 .*. iibr .1 amt bo und lo* onr 
year from tin- first <la» nt Ibr ensuing May. lu llm 
office of the rlcrk of tie «-Uy or town wbeiriu said 
•log U krpt, aud sl.all rau»c It l« wear around it* 
iM-ck a (sdbir dbiimtly maiksd wUb it* uwner 1 * 
i.auir and It* registered uuutbrr. 

Hxtr. AL An owutri* of a d..g may at any tlow 
bare it ll. eused until llm first day ui tbr rioniug 
May; aud a |x-r*.iu tM-,-uu.iiig lb.- owin-r or kre|M-r 
ol a d»g a.lit r lli, litrl day of Mar. not duly 
Ikvii«s|, •ball cause U lo lie rreUlrred, nuiubi-ri-d, 
dr*.nix d and It.) u*cd, a* provided la tbr preerdlug 
se.Al.u 4 

hacr. *7. Wuoevtr kcetw a dog eoulrary to lit* 

t iovhlon* of Ibis chapter *l>all forfeit Odrrii dollars, 
vs of w«<k-h tliall be paid |u tbr roiupUiuaul sod 
leu dollar* to tbs timuarer of tba county in Nblcli 
tbr dog U kept. |.J 

VeOinir.onvvealth of Massachusetts 


fTV) the Next-of-kin, I rrilHor*, and nl) otbei 
A |>er»oU» llilcrrsted iu Ibe estate of 


ivte of Wry m >utb. In sold County , dmawj, in 

Wbrrra*, appli.-ali-m La* been nude lo *_ld Court ■ 
to graul a tern r of •tiuluUlraliou na tbr relate u | 
»*iJ d ., a*. I ( • Malt E builk, d Wry mo lllb, It 
tl.e t ounty of Norfolk, without giving luntr oi 
ber bond. 

You are bcrrbr , ilrd to appear at s Probate Court I 
to •-<• bolder, al Drdhaiu. tu raid County of Norfuik. 
ou tlx first 14 (-dm *day ol May m at. at nlut 
v'.UskluUa lorru-iuo, to show cause, it any yul 
h»*<. again*! granting tbe same. 

And said ix-titiom i i< bercl.y direct, d In fivi 
public both * tbsieuf, by pubiiabiog lid* t llatmi ; 
ooce a wrCk. I r thrr# nuaril.t week*, iu tht 
Ucwspaix-i ,ailed the WryinouUi (>ax«Ur, print) d 
al *aid W« * mouth, tbe lari publication lo be two day • 
al bast before said Court. 

Mun. •*, Gr.ugr While. Esquire, Judge of said 1 


aud Meals of all kiuda 
tbe uew (svurbe, 

Khadc work alti-nded to. k large variety of Faraltsre corer* 
Inga to select from. 

OUli MOTTO I All urdurn und work promptly utlundud to* 

Store, Washington Square, building.lately occupied by Mrs. Gao. T. Rand. 

also Newton's Vanilla Cream*, Ginger Snap* aud 
bulUua Fruit BUcull, Oyrirt Ib.ta, tic. 

Our fine PABBtltV It K ( IU 4M U i n sale every 
•lay, and it* utauufat'lute will be continued through 
tbe winter. 

Oyster* aud o'lter article* fi.r lunch furnished U. 

Onr friend* wt,.. air troubled with lnaomuia and 
Hi ada. hi- should try a glass of our 


bot or cold, wbtcb produce* refreshing sleep without 
the tiyurivu* effect* of opiaUa, and give* U,ue to 
Ibe *tnma/-b. 

Our Java I offes and Formosa Tea Is meeting 
Whli liter, aalug aalr, aud U viarrautcd to give aatla- 
f o-tk.u tu every pnt. hater. 

All Fancy brorerlr* In Variety. Hoar bit 
FI rat Dual II). 

8outh Weynru 



Nora:-The hooka will be ready for deliv¬ 
ery on the Saturday following the iaaue of 
tha Gazette containiag the Hat. 

U mitm-m iug with Ilat- tu .nth (lu- Library 
attlMM-rilN'a f).r mltlilioDul .. pica of tlio fol¬ 
low mg mugitxim-a, to bo lonucil, aa liot.ka, 
fur lioino reading. Thor L- k.-pt out 
skyk.x' liny a, llqia alidwing t !■•.•«* (but eg- 
i-liunge Iholr book* Ibrotigii tU« ugeut-ioa to 
Inirrow t Id- in : Art Inter, Itatigc, U.-Dtury 
uiagagiui-.Uosiuo|iulilaai. Ilartu-r a M.,iitblv, 
Now Fhiglaml iti.igkr.riin, Ni-w World, 
Outing, th ribm-r'a ittuguAitie, Wide Awake. 

Write ou card Ibo uatuu utul iiiotuli of 
Ibo uingnxiiio disirr.l 

Caught And Re-Caught. 

Wurr.iiila wi-r.- taaiu-)| aotuo day a ago for 
Ct.ruollna Wliito, iN-ltor known na "Noalv" 
uuil Daniol Hr) sii.tliaii, alia* "Nail," wlm 

arc tbargoil witli otitoring tlio ..I 

(Minton F. l'i.|Mwtml naaaitliing Mia. I'oim-. 
Tl.oy wore Miiiiinom-)l lo up|o-Mr at llio ilia* 
triot court bill failod to "allow up" uml tlio 
police haw lu*on looking for lltoin alto .-. 
4Vi diu aday uftoriliH.ii ua Oftioor Ftl/gorulil 
wa* walking down Kotttli strool. Il.ustoo, 
lie aided tlio puir and with tin- util of Of lb or 
G. If. Iluib-y of Houllt Wcyaniiilb, uml 
Ntutc Di toctlvi- Goorgo I'rutt of Alditglon, i 
tlo-y urn at. <I tl.o pair uml guv i- tliotu ii I 
rido to HtaU'.a "U l.tGranro strait 1 
w ln-ro liamloulTs w-ru i l.tuim .1 uml ibo I 
ini-u brought to tins tow 11 uml placed iu ! 
Ibo lia k-up. Kxim tiiio- uln.iil tuiiluiglil, j 
•oim- iM ra.iit* broke luto tbo bis. kaiuit ti 
alo.i.of floury L- Tbsyir und si.-aliug a 
sloifgi- liantuirr, w ml !•• tlio liu-k-up ami 
i>i, ki in tli.- <i,., r Oaoa iiwUe, they uud I 
tin- liuuimi'r to g>xx| udvunluge by aiusali- 
uig tlio lock oil tlio roll dmir ami lilirrutiug \ 
the priooarre. Tin- uoi**< > f xkmg tli. , 
loi kuwuki nrd |tuitioa living ill that Vdoin- 1 
By, wlm Inform..! ibo |N*liio. «*rtl),-r Fitx- ; 
gi'rubl at oni-o tolopliouoil to It.mtou. uml | 
tbr |Milii-e cuptun d Nealy White uml J.diu j 
llnosoii uml Iim kod lliotu un 111 Htutiou 4 
IIa*soli In olmrgod witli milling tin- uiou to ' 
1 •' n|n- uud it is stutod. will ulno liuvc to 
answer to tbe charge ••( l>n nkm; uml outer- . 
ing iln- blncksunlb aliup. "Null" Broauo- 
hun made Ilia i-ai a|M' nnd up to ibis time 
bus n.*t b**-n lapturid. Tb. otln r two I 
were brought to Quiui-jr uud l.xlgod in Inc ' 
iock-uo and Will la- brought before Judgi- 
lliiutpliroy tn the district court to-day. I 

School Committee Meeting. 

Tlie school boanl mot ut the Bl. 
acboid-buuao 011 Tuesday orelliug. Five 
inoiulicra wore present Dr \V. A. Drake, 
chairman; J. A. Cushing, secretary, 11. A. 
Tinnitus, Bradford lluwcs uud A. W. 

A nuutl>or of bills wore upnrovod aud tbe 
regular routiuo ro| M >rt« of tlio local com¬ 
mittees w ere made uud a mi in U r of miuor 
u a tors aoted U|»ou. 

At tbe February mooting uault-roiuuiillor 
of two, A. W. illaui-liutd uml Itrudlord 
flaw 1 * bod boon ap|ioiutcd to formiilute 
und rocoiuuiciid 1 Imiigoa to the bv-lawa 
and rules for lb« gi.vprnmcut of the L-ard. 
Tlm couimlitic bud uisdo 4 ro|toit at tlm 
March mooting but lu uocurduuco with the 
ruloa the pro)M,»,-d uim-udim nts wore then 
laid over for out m. otlng. 

Tuesday oveulua thin ro|tort w as tukou 
up and was umeb discus*?*!, ft rarum- 
luoinlod Ibr ap|M>iutmout ut n aub-coiiimit- 
too on tJuuui-c uud this wan adopted Jt 
• '»*' locoumirinlrd tlmt llm kU|M-iinloiidont 
should aorv o ua secretary of the l. ...rd uud 
h« clerk of tlio fiusuce committee but with¬ 
out vote iu either body. This wm voted 
•low u. Tin- wilier principal recoiuUD-uda- 
lioti waa tl ut the mootings of th. Itourd 
*>b-mid Ini bold iu aotuo one of tbo acbool- 
bousoa or other publlti place, na tbo Laud 
miglit by vuU select, uud tbut the time 
aud plan*-of these utx ting* uml tlio oftho 
Itoprs of tb« au|N-rluleuUont stiould Is* ad¬ 
vertised uud tiiat all prion* having Imsi- 
insa with tlm board und tin r<iN<rt)-ra of 
tbo Iin'uI preaa Ini admitted. Tltla tt-com- 
mrudatiuii wa* laid upon the table. 

Au aumuduM Ut proposed bv J. A. Cuab- 
iuu. tlmt Ibe 1 hxirmsu of the Umrd b. 
adilod us a mouther of ull »ob-cummiite) a 
uud kcrvu as ebairmau of the suuto, won I 

Tit. supply uouimitU-o was umb-.ri/.* .1 u» | 
purcuase a list of school supplies as usk< d 
u ' by tbe supt-rluleudcitl. 

livable df/itra IForfc 
Fainter, Mass. 

Title w heel la llttod with tbo Alrtlto-DuuU 
If paucturol. Full iuslriictioua for ro|tairiug 

Cutalogtio ou upAillcJutloM. 

Ulcyclo Bupiillea Cu 

American vtandatd of cv cl'cncr, at rrvi*cd 
by tto- American 1' .tltry Associat on, 

fllainc. Jarncv ti. iuinath, J. C. hhJ 
.then. Life and » r* uf. ///mi/. j 
B owen, II. C. Fruetwl aud edocai.un by 
sclfwcttvit). J| 

Brooks, K. S. Hero, luppama^* told in 
verts and rimy. /.'/nit. 

Dana, X/n. W. S. II >* t j know the wiki 
ffvwrr* ; a rtrtde to tba nature, haunt* 
and habit* of our c.uuuua wild g>wcr*. 
J/Jtnf. 3 

Ford, I N. Tn j-cal \overra. li/uit. 

flociipltcms .4 travel 11 South America, 
Jamaica and t'.e Baba ua», Mrxicv ai d .I Atucnca. Ji 

(•aye, Selina. The gtrai world's faxm, 

*- me account uf na'un » oroyw and bow 
tlwy are (iu«n. /.Vo*/ 71 

Giliuon. N I*. ScxioLum *>d l ie Aaicrican 


,d Soros In Her Earo, Defoetl»e 
Hearing, Poor Appotlto, and 
Bad Cough. 

217 . 8 a 

hi l> ie 5, 10. 20 axri 20 pouf Farkages 

Mi*. Harriet Attwoud, a nurse tu the traiumc 
•ch - I at lioston t it) ||mo tal, c tiubulaUd 
the test,in. ny ut the two |>hy»iciai>». 

Dtt. ham, Ma»*., Ajail is, t 89 j.--\Ve<?iic*day 
thr thud day uf t>»e Gloster mutJcr Hal wa* 
Oprurrf Ills* A;Osi«d w*» lecallc-t and truss- 
(aannurti sithuut elating any cuntiadKtwa* of lier 

|NCVicH.» Irst.nicSI). 

1>< Teqncv lecslled and gave tcstituuny abusing 
tlut Iso student* lud also made a |wrtul exannua- 
Uou of tbs • 4 ul.ti.xi Mi*, (duster wa* in witen 
adn.itt. ,1 to the iawpital. 

M »» Mary June*, Dot chaster. nurse at live Con¬ 
valescent llonir. (ctinrctcd w>lh the Ifewtc-n City 
Hospital, cm cl. 4a ted the Irsliutuny cJ other sit 
tents a* lo the lock of giav heu on the lelt side of 
the t«i»oocf'» head, sod the cuniiUoO slie wa* in 

Wiliam II Kccd, KosUiiy, tin setlletneol clerk 
at tba Bus too Lily Huapital, trstibcd he cookl nut 
(uiJv rrcugnue the prikcatci a the Wcauan eotcicd 
at (tie Inispital uo Jan. 6 , 1892 , but that sbe looked 
vety fanu'.ai. 

Mis Maiy A ItaicV, Uastul., testified that to 
Ian-ary |lyi, site l .cd *'.93 Tyler street, Kos 
bury; but ho mn lucd tl.eie by loiue uf Kc'bc 
Mevcn*; her in..Uud was a fiist cous.u of Mrs 
(•luster; her father, mother and sister also bved at 

Uood’e Sarsaparilla Gave Her Per¬ 
fect Health. 

The following letter voluntarily 
from un honc*t, eturdy Massachusetts 
farmer who lux a beautiful family, three 
boys and one Ctrl. He tells with gratitude 
how his only daughter was saved: 

" I have U-i-u IhluUug for soum Unto that 1 
would wide v. bat only one iKrtlio of flood's bar- 
XafortlU has done f <s uy lUUo girl, fire yoars 

Try It Onre and Yum will Alssy* Waal II. 

Trimmed Hats & 


in all the New Shades. 


A uew Mini complete- line of jj 
-hup** «• *b«- 

non ion 


Canned Apples at 30c. per gallon 

Evaporated Apples at 14c. per pound 

A nice Evaporated Apple at • He. per pound 

“ White Elephant," a nice white Soap, worth 6c. at Sc. per bar. 
" White Beer," a pure white floating Soap, at 7c. per bar.. 

nouu s F-rrUU Gures 

old. Aa a Imby, sue scs tu.-d healthy and -strong, 
but as sho r;rcw okkr aho be rm la t)o troubled 
w tUi tores tu the cars raid urqdc-asaut dive barges 
front tho no»e. nhu could uot hear well, lud a 
sppcUlc, utul, a* aho also lead a Uck* 
ia§ cough, wx thought sho would go lulo 

Quick Consumption 

Wa had several phyxlclaut. but they did not 
seem to hit tho *|k>l f **)d • Where there It 
Ufe there l« hope’, told uty wtla 1 tooughl the 
trouble v.ju caUnli, aud do not itdok 1 was 
I'dOaken. I bought mtc l^tUo cf IIucxJ . !or*a. 

*“' 1 *f'Jfi , *fi. g-vo it to her uwaikiui tu 
dhtc U ott * . a,id uowTcau say »hc D * 

As Well me Any Child 

can be. Has no discharge* flop, nose or care 
cou boar quickly and well uud tho severe tough 
luu entirely di appeared, aho Ie bright and lu- 

Hood’s jauUa Cures 

tolUgenl, has.light louq.fe-sion and dork blue 
eyes, and soul* to be pcrfootly health) .'' A D. 
lYolu*. loos 1IC, f’tthncr. M u» 

Nood't Pills cure icuuihefiuii by~re*tor- 
iiig the puUUUfc LoUuauJ tho aUawsUry canal. 

Mai Jy, G. fc. -Five buadi d book* for the 
y ciuug. i 

A valuable Look t r teacher* and 
|ttimt* who lava no i ute to caamme 
children’> hue kt. 

Howells, \Y. It. Ihe w^Gd of chance, a 

Commonwealth ot Massachusetts 

KoUFoi K, SD. I’aoaATB Lot 

'J'* * all lVr*un< tuiarcslvd ut Utt estate of 

Liter T LUhUINU, 

Commonwealth oi MassacBusetts. 

NttUFoLK. M. I’auasrc ( oi «r. 

rim il.r U(ir*-ri, Nrtl of kin, a...i ail uchtr 

1 miijw iuls trstaj in th* . slaU of 
JOUN Ut').litas 

Ute uf Wry Mouth, fit Mod cuuuty, iraunl, 


VU.itia. a nililD i>u(uortiag tu hr 
lha last will aud nl mU ilr.rtHii. ha* 
hoce Mi N uted ■rid l'cult, h>l l*« uhsJr, l>) (*■ <rr 
F. ifugU* *.| WsjiiMuU,. ahu |>i*• * that h-l 
I* I* teriaiu. Uar ) «a) hr tasMtd lu I,nu, ibr rate u),-r 
thru in ueuiid. MU'I il.ri ht> luay be * v. u-i-l fi..iu 
giving m »a», ly ur •urriic* uu lua bund, | ui*uaut tu 
•aid Mill and ririun 

Yini ar* hereby ruad lu *|>|Nar at a I'ru h al* Luurt 
lu hr Uddcu al Ouiary. tu sold I "uuly uf Xulfidk, 
ou tha »r«.ari 44 tdur* i„y „t May in si. al bht« 
U cluck, lu the lorrUuKU, tv show cause, 1 1 any you 

have. ML'Mlll-1 the sown 

Atri sold )■)•'•.i. r b tu rrhy duMtad lu glic 
puUo U.4H-S- Ihrrscd. by |.iAl.sliU.g Ihu ( Ration 
“I* * a w«<k, Ivr Ibnc sensrsalvr ucvk*. la live 
Uru*U4|Mr ratted Ibr U'rVMaulu l.aarllc, pub 
lb hid ri IFryiuoiuh, Ibr is-i putdkeliuu tu he 
Iwu .lay* el Ireri before sari («*il 

W ita***. Geuigu U'bMr. Lujulr*. Judge of said 1 
Court, ibta I*, lli day of AtuU iu tbe year , 
uur thousand clgte hua.t*cd aud laovty -three. 

I S JONATHAN OUR®. Keglri. r 1 

it o*« gcfirratioo to 

ir.i novel. 

•Ull hour; or, Coat 

41’berra*. Klbrldgc G. Luthiug, lit* Adiaiuo 
ut Ibr • stria of arid dr.-raoeJ, has (.,, xgu 
all-eau.« the fiiri aud final » . ..uut uf lia adi 
Iraibut ajHiu lb# erialc ul Mid deceased. 

Y U all I.. Ii1-y . .ii , ■ .) . I’, 

tu be butde-u al I L-dbaiu. lu arid i-*NHU< 
Ibe hist Wednesday ut May tout, Ml 
o'cloc k la the luvcuonu. lu show cause, U an, 
hair, wl.y the «»■*« *buuld ari b«- aUowtd. 

Aud saki axvc.utaut ts ordered lu *ere« 

to renew Old Ceiliitgg, 

llloe'e Would. 

J-Jin Joseph tlalcy, hutUcad U tlw |ev*ioua 
• imrsa, Cieicdi rated her teatinmuy. 

M.»* kite N Fowler. South Weymouth, 
eal.fiad tu frequently seeing Mi* Gluetcr m 1692 . 
wutked far her a »rek ta January and one in 
Fehruory; nol crd ncthiag *>c«u)iar about Mr*. 
Gkator's yeisrit; on tl.e fiiri tccuiri she wav u. 
bs-J aui oa the sc od aha was ut> sad drtased to a 
Mc-thei llubUsid dress: washed that vitalcr for 
Mis Glualcr Al live t.ntr ul tl.e finding of tlie 
child's bud* him Ghotel mbl witnos she wa* “Uw 
oaly une who could help her and save her nt* k. ’ 

A valiaUe UkA far ell »hn v 
biritrsUad and dra* Ibe ciold fi* 
Sctgranl Adelcne. Ltuiatine, a nova) 
MuddalJ, L. A. !*|t*iu*h lilies, 
ghnqoa* of Gibraltar sad "I 

"Wall Papers. 


Hardware Co 

Tumparanoa Meeting. 

Tb« auinul uiactiog uf tlu- Norfolk 
Coiiu y w*. C. T. u. Will u field at Town 
hall, Ktougbtou. Kalurday, April 13. Mom 
fug M-aaiuo at lu, Mftuiuoou at f^U. At 2.J0 Ray moiiii of Kant Weyuioulh 
trill deliver tlse regular address. 

oldea Crown Haxall Flour, 

B**ry Barrel Warranted, fit M per Bbl. 

s newspaper ptoUahed at 44 
dk-aduto tu be tuo days at 

r. J.G. Fields, .I/*r. J. T. Wkit- 
, uoie* uf hit hit at d uf hu trioad- 

M. Uluf. Illi( 

Wiu. Nlodwns of tlrriagc aiaJy 

C. A. BLANCHAA0, Librarian. 

• ).•»** 

Whan you fra*I all tin d out aud broken 
up generally, you uoed a good tonic-. 
JfucMl'a ttaraapanllu U th*- U«t. Try it. 

Children Cry for 
Pitcher's Castorla. 

Children Cry for 
Pitcher’s Cantoris. 

Washington Street, 


away because uf a lioubic other than a Iljuoi. 

:// » „ ' 




8 mUi VrrMoilk Item. 

W-llm I’M. N1 M lm- —Tim »"» l-mMI-Uno. 

which lias rfi>»nlij lm»n put In at the lion* 

The lendlni wheel for Ihli ittion till b« tli« VlfifOR. The flier. " olglu wni>i ng ord er ""ft w*«*\cry well tented 
..nlv o« t round" nml tlm Model T> 85 pound* will* nil the nttaclinmnt*, and can Faat Day, when one of our U>wnvpw>nle 
in.tHmieil to ai noumls With tho Victor, in cnso of a punrture, you do not talked with a friend In Philadelphia. lie 
!".£ •£ fiim tin minute* to mi hour to find tlm pin or tuck hole end then .ay. that on.. ran bear aa plainly aa with 
'•^eh Itlmi w^Tor S drv but v" uViir.ply reninvothe Inner tube And replace the tuarhine. that are pnt In In t1,e riiy 
ll ilth thn eatra one tlint ff’oca with overr wheel and is curried In Urn tool bag; -Owing to the Inclement weather la»t 

felroro. AhwhX'operation nmbe. » gj«*} grOSSr^ 
dehy of not over ten minute*. mln.ird show at Franklin hall, Ablnaton. 

W. Furnlnh Hlth.r HUipttoU or Bound Sprockets. {VViSn*?!>""" 

about forty in.teaii rf fifteen. 

—A number of ihc member* of the Haw- 

For Sale. 

rer. Fat% trraar H. W. DYER, Agent. . 


( •.mag A Sjlrf.lrr, Ageat fhr Ra.i Wryaiaalh. 

■■ ■ ■ | If you want the beat Chain Lub- 

ILJ rioator on the market send for the 

Hoist lots oo Columbos Anon, SftSSHiiat 
the new Street leading from S.,1 

** A nnanlmon. vote » 

Pleasant to Torn) St i, I Thayer engineer for ' 

—At the annnal tn< 

South Wepouth. sSfSLSKSSBS 


Connected With the Great 
Paper, the Albany Express. 

April n, the following officer* Were elected: "JT 

K. Faber, captain . K. o. 8. Litchfield, Mak&s Statements Which the People 

clerk and treasurer; A.J. Osgood, steward. 0 » .« w __ . 

A unanimous vote waa passed. that the o&OUld Know ana Unuerifatia. 

.Heelmen l*e requested to appoint F. D. —*- 

Th.y.r .nRlnrrr lor tbc rn.iilng y,.r. . 

Rmi WenMatt Briefs. 

—The item In regard to 1(WA liana ami 
chickens .enVto our ofllc* la nnfrptbtedly- 
ail right, hut It require* a slgndtore. not 
for publication, tun aa a matter of principle 
and n guarantee of good faith. 

—At u regular meeting of 7.. L. Itlcknell 
lloae t'nmpany held Wednesday event 

WenaMtk Ucsti. 

—IlardacrahhTe nook and Ladder Co. 
No. a, elected tho following officer* Mon¬ 
day evening: Foreman. John F. Dwyer: 
Ural assistant, Thoa. F. Ahern; second 
assistant, Maurice O’Connell; clerk and 
treasurer, Thomas Griffin; steward, Owen 

—Ml.. Winnie Wolfe of Itoaton. has 
been In town on a vialt to Mlaa Mary L. 

— A meeting of the Monatlqnot Yacht 


MAgtrActUTiro nv 

minstrel allow at Franklin hall, AiungTon. riBHSflm III I WlVJ 01., Thayer engineer for the ensuing year. Mol Oatw tha Niwi- «■**» "•» ** hahl at the clnh tiooaa tomor- 

jriven by the Union AthleUc Clnb. Had —At the annnal meeting of the Bnndav- ■ "•! Will interest not Only in* Mdwa row, Saturday evening. A full attendance 

It In en plea.ant '" , ' p " crn Cflllth RftVmflllth achool of the Congregational church, held paper Fraternity blit EvaryBtBy. I. dralred. not clam chowder will he 

ahont forty Instead of.Ifteen. OUUTn HejTTHHmi. | M t Bnnday. Um following named person. aerved. 

—A number of the member* of the HSw- were elected 'a* officer* for the ensuing * — Mra. John Field and daughter. Mlaa 

thorn Club went In a imdy to the t nlqn - year: U. P. Cushing, superintendent; C. The popular and well-known Thotnaa A. 8*,j| e Field, who hare been spending the 

Athletic Club minstrel show, Franklin , D. Canterbury, assistant superintendent; Lindsay, who Is connected with Albany's winter In Ikwton, have returned to thla 

hall, Ahlngton, laat Friday. Tlicno hits nrc in Host* proximity W. II. Kearny. clerk and treasurer; John (N> Y.) leading mornlrg paper, the Albany town. 

rsSES'S to School.,Churches, 1’in.t Office, SSStSi 

tersr'""'” 1 ' «ml 111,. Klctrlc ^feiS . ^ 

. . . |». caniernury, aaaiaiant auprnmenuem; i.inuaay, who is connecieu wun a many i winter In Itoaton, have retnrhed to this V OP |b VKsiMAalh OlaaalaM 

These lotB pro in ClOMJ proximity W. If. Reamy. clerk and treasurer; John (N. Y.) leading mornlrg paper, the Albany town. nwriM WBJMWIg UlClRlEgl. 

to Schools Churches, post Office, Sn^VtS^.aSK: Kapreaa, make* an Interesting revelation. JfgSBRv JLaSSS “ Anther TraU has been laid tip with 

1 ’ * Asa II. Pratt and ills* Mary I. Stetson, Everybody connected with the new*- atreeLhM fallen lu lr to pinnhylhft death rheumatism for some time, lmt Is Iraprov- 

More., .1,0 propose,1 Pal,lie l.i- ««« 

limry nnil .lie Kleetrlc lUlmd. J.jff-jSSUrtiSS,feiS .. „„ ,, , ,, ""*^3^, "'" C " ,0 "* 

nn.l n.^ <l<wiiii1do n« mi iiivimtiticnt developa the fact that when tho town la to . For many years, said Mr. Lindsay, "I ^-Mr. Daniel Hart, A former resident of —N. F. Ottlblng Is contciurlatlnir the 

re lioen subject to severe spells of hi 

WerMMk Otam. 

ALLEN & DYER, South Weymouth. 

—The regular monthly meeting of the Jin ,l n , v (Ipsinthlc OH All illVCtitincni I develona the fact that when tho town Is to Fo i r m * njr 
Norfolk Cynle clnh was ludil nt the clnh I ijo a J<m, It Is Wtter to do It well, even If I have lioen subject 

rooms lust Monday evening. The question ng Well IIH for tilOSC wlio COtltCIIl- It coals a lUlle more money, as for n long Mr |ie nnd nervouaneaa, at times almost ti^hVs relsi ssmukius watsa i ^^'isaw:"»VhV'in.T™;: i samara &aw?wr 1 r 

I^Mvsa :5S;!ir"v.."r I ‘, ld ^ , ,,. lrr«.«r,. •»»”«'-«»rr* , ; ,,n lo . . . ,r ' ,m „.TrU ork r.w ttjsgrwas 

elded, and by the vote U was deemed Inex- plfttO InillOlDg 111 UlO IlCAr lUlUro. of amall alonea,-poorly laid and Ha- pain, loss of steop, ate. -Miss Hannnli C. Whelan has been night. 9 1 urownmg, iu«sita> ® prolonged visit with friends la Dubayy, 

it to erect a new house at the present A,„sit*t«« . ul U , <u ,i t|„, ide to cave In at any time. "Mcllclnes, narcotics, patent and pre- visiting friends nt Cambridge, Maas. _\fr« V A tiiri>n»ii u n „t ...i H - On account of the Itlneaa of TbNMa 

There will bo a special meeting Drainage facilities perfect, tho _ Thc w . lnnlnR n( tll0 work for the sea- scrihcl. did not give relief, and the ailment -Edward K. Rlchartla started Monday a hrlef lllneto. 1 R “‘ n Cmkcr. Thomas R. Ismd has tokem cWm 

londay evening, when the committee llll . liWU , 4ani | „ ni l «|, n nnitrli. aon at the Hast Weymouth cemetery la increased conlitmallv Havlna rend In the • month's business trip through the _, vm Tnr -... of bla business the peat week, 

port for action anew plan for mak- VlOW tlllSlir|MABe(l, nnd til© lieigll- tll „ rm .t| (in of a monument l.y (leorn W. I.,'!, „ “ I v II *, l! West. aatotoheJS * ' Purchased a flew —Mrs. Noah T. Joy, la recovering from 

n rooms mom attractive to the mem- - Dver. This monument Is quite different Allwny Morning Express, at different _Mr. A A .Sterling boa purehated a ‘T V.’ . Illnrat. ^ 

1 wo new members were added to the Ixirhoou Will Stilt tllO IROHt Ills- | n design from any others on the grounds times, tha advertisements of Dr. Greene's handsome horse of Joanna Wilkins —Wm.Jaokkon has been sick for a short —Edwin Clann aceomnnnlnit h* fctaana 

list at thla meeting. and I. Suite a cmflt to the makera/Vlcaart. Nervura blooil and nervo remedy, I con- "wiTlam^^ M Mboiulit 1 ‘\ lHvUan'nriSIn^Tl.lVpIit %% 

Ti'InklSiVTil^® C eldISVatmn t oV WIL *^ ,0UM ' Thotnaa and Miller ot Qnlney Adam*. eluded to try till* remedy, and after the a now hone of Mr. Wilkin*. o^C^'htolT V,* 0 " 8 10 work ,or » u 3» ,nNpw VorJ and WaaETnitoA.lM 

*-Mra. Alexander Bkllllaga of Rroad -Luther Pratt has l>*cn Ui.l un win, ““ 

■treet, has fallen heir to *wi by the death rheumatism for some time, hut la finprov. “ 8 - ®* T otman 1* training a ' 
of a relative. Ing. 1 colt which promise* to ataM at 

—Fred Cushing strained hlmaelf while —Dr. Drake has had a roof built over tlm ll, e class of yearlings this fall, 
lifting n heavy ease Natnrday and has been veranda of hta honsr, adding tpuch to Tt! . -Nathan W^^ BMea took hla. 
unable to work since. appearance. 1° Blato Island Fast pay, sad 

Isay, “I —Mr. Daniel Hurt, a former resident of — j*. p, rnahluo Is contenmlatln* the 

of head- JJda place, hut of late years a cltlaen ol Ban pnrchaae of a pslr of hack homes nn | is wlTblln 

. almost V. C &.. < ^L ,,0 VJL*» Jf‘f Wffil “very stable patronage I* on thr inrrease. n?.l 0 siTeld, 

sun rssful time whllA there, aecarlam tt 
white wild geese, the flnt ever kaowt 
have been captured In thla Vietmty; I 
five sheldrakes and two dneke, 

You can get an entire outfit complete from 
head to foot. 

Boston prices guaranteed or money refunded. 

pedlent to erect a new house at the present ftw.:tDLw. . u ,U , , u ,i «lm hie to cave In at any time, 

time. There will Is* a special meeting Drainage fncUitiOB JM»IU.U, tilt. _The ls cinnlng of tho work for the t 
next Monday evening, when the committee , ,,n<l tlm noiirli. aon at the East Wrymonth cemetery 

will report for action a new plan for mak- \ I0H llll*ill|Mt**( tl, and 1IIP nt Igli th* erection of a monument bjrGemja 

Ing the room* more attractive to the niejn- Dver. Thla monument I* qnlfe differ 

1km. Two new member* were added to tho horliood Will Hlllt HlO lllOHt 111*- | n design from any other* on the grotti 
active Hat nt thl* meeting. * 71 “ ** '* * 

•The committee in charge of the Odd tidlOltH. 
low* Thanksgiving celebration of WII- 

Fellows Thanksgiving celebration of WII* 

First Purchasers Hate the Choice. 

The place of holding the exorcises I* not 

fnll, dfclilfil upon, Vm, ll Hi. .-.yunion ..1 T,n» Eui. 1’riMi S>H>tlct,rr. 

some of tho meinl»era aro carried out, it • 

will probably 1»« held In Fogg’* Opera . , . 

llou*t\ Abigail Adam* lodge 1>. of It. of Apply to 

South Weymouth and Riverside lodge, 

D. of It., and North River bulge, I. O.O. F., .. raiAamtataa 

of Itniiover will he entertained. Past ■ ■ 111 H ViK« 

(imml A. S. Pinkerton will be the special VaV. a v *r ajomy 

guest of the evening. Till* will be b*ld on ,, lrwivm 

Tuesday evening, April 2.1th. A supper^ or A. K. > IN I Nil. 

cntfitnlnmciit and dance have been 
provided for. 

—Tho piijilla of Prof. Ileal* are at present ~ —————— 

receiving tlielr lesson* In the Fogg build* —^ 

—For the past few year* there aceins to MQ1^|AI^ M|I||H(!PV 
have been a decided fulling off In the at- I II I Ilf I Ill l||Hlyl fa 
tendHiice «»f tlie older pi'ople at the htinnal |f 

May parly, and it 1* hoped that when the 

next party I* held these people will bo In -- 

attendance. Tho talent ua shown on, the 

poster*, which announce tho compliment* MCC tl IDE D CTAMIEDC 

ary concert to Mlaa Annie Deane, nnsuren Ulldd ALluC D. dlUvTCHa 

our |M'oplo of n lino concert. 

- Tho talk of tho Town division which , R »ock of 

. .till..nppor itiMlIo* of ilio lm, uiclcct *tocK ol 

Wednesday night club ha* Wen continued 
outside of the club nnd It seem* to In* the 

opinion of many of tlm people that South Cf TtTt TTLT/T /"I 

te"".... “ , '" ,n ol iUjNu (iUUDo, 

—Tlm Whist clnh wa* entertained by 
Mis* Helen Rasa last Tuesday evening. 

Tli1rt. i l. of llio ramlrod ,l»lo,n j». ro „ lld [t ,, rc , inr , H l to do work ot her 

present and pluyed until alumt 11 o clock. » * _ 1 1 

ItefreHhiuenlH were aerved during the 

Thomas and Miller of Qulnry Adam*. 

—Mr. nnd Sirs. F. Goodopeed have rc- 

Apply to 

Charles T. Foster, 


Columbian Square, 

.oSSi/rZ. w«f; ^ssrra.Ko.T. ^ «'» 

ter, Mm. Whittier, .1 Il.vertilll. tail • r.ilh.1 cure. 

-Kev. B. II. McDonald I, alien,linn the "Tha haadaohea are a thla| ot the paat, 
conference at Plymouth thl* week. while tho terrible nervous spell* have 

on a month'* hn*lnr*, trip through tlm 

—Mr. A. A. Sterling lio* purchased a 
hnndnoine homo of Joanna Wilkin*. 

—William nnd OU* Ilollla have bought 
a now hone ot Mr. Wilkin*. 

—Joseph Gonial* has been visiting 
friend* In Bpenccr, Man*. 

—"Fighting at tlm Mast-head; A talk for 
lloyn" will bo Rev. 11. F. Eaton's subject 

_ , of hla business the paat week. 

«S«PMr ,r " • m -M".N".h T. Joj l. r«orerlMI fro* 

" ck '" r * *" or ' ,-Khl'-ln CI.pp. KcnatMh, Han 

ru. in i* in , . Davis and Ills daughter Ella,spent several 

*«• LUchflcId has gone to work for days in Now York and Washington. Wat 

lieo. I llslilllir. Iltliiahnii, .......L 

—Mrs. Noah T. Joy I* recovering from 

—Edwin Clapp, accompanied by klssoa 
Davia and Ids daughter Ella, a pent several 

Geo. Cunhlng, lliagham. 

—O. P. Fisher In lm*y fulillllng many 
contracts for plumbing at Nautasket. 
—Wm. Bacon w«* In town Wcdnr*duy 

W — M f*. Belinda Joy Is visiting her stab 
Mm. Rail. , 

—WarrenTirrell and wife, of Brook 


nr A. K. VIMNO. 


Parlor Millinery. 


Itn* a select stock of 


ero. . 

—An epidemic known aa "pink aye" bee 
been quite prevalent In thla locality. 

K—Mm. Alfred K. Joy baa l*een vlalllag 
relatives In Charlestown. 

-Mia* Addle Rurgoyne met with a pain¬ 
ful accident on Wednesday afternoon of 

—Geo. Clnrke la employed nt Williams 
k Kticelnnd's, Urnlnttec. 

—(liKldsrd French and wife attended 

conference at Plymouth thl* week. while tlm terrihlo nervous spell* have tonight at tlm 'people'* ln*tllute. It will vl>ll,n * •F»»no» Thayer. * • - - 

—A valuable horse lielonglng to John gradually become lo** and lea* until now t ho given In tlm (lyuinaalum at 8 o'clock. —Mr. and Mr*. Alexis Torrey pa**cd a 
Thompson I* quite slfck. have little or none of them left nnd my Admission 10 cent*. *'»>•* *•»•" week with their aon, F. II. —An epidemic knot 

—Mr. and Mm. llarry Tnber attended a ,ieep I* natural and refreshing. -K.I. M. Wight with hla cornet la now 10r ^; , , , , been quite prevalent I 

whist party at hotel Thorndike, In Boston. no t hesitate In aavlna that thl* nv "f »be Congregational singing nt -Geo. Clarke Is pmploywl nt Williams *—Mrs. Alfred E. J 

Tuesday evening, and took lmmc one of nio not imallnte in saying that this nv i ?tlion church, Bun.ray evenlnga. A Kticelnttd a, llrnlnttec. relatives In Chsrleato 

tlm boat prlrca. markable change * entirely due to Dr. „Tlmro have been mmor* round town —llojUlanl French and wife attended -Mia* Addle Burge 

—Tlm Holiness convention nt Mission Greene * Nervura blood and nerve remedy, that Rev. William Hyde wm considering a * wedding at Menton, Tucnday evening, ful accident on Wedi 

hall hun Wen coniInuitl through the week and 1 heartily recommend ll tor nllnmut* call to Baltimore, aiid many have Wen —Geo. Miller linn Wen appointed *ext< n ‘sat week, caused hv I 

nnd large numbers have been In attendance |||y own „ () lllIlllcr ,.*u«e of them " anxious for fear he would leave M'cymnuth. ot tlm Pilgrim church for the year. small wa fon which 

nt all of the sessions, * , . . _ It Is true that Mr. Hyde received n very — Iieonnrd Cooler 1* Mith-rlmr fmm tlm playmates. Aa It wai 

—Tho regular no . ting of Reynold'* H laafac tthatonr great huwnewa and nattering offer aWul six week* ago from a effectaof an aWceM. K ablei speed, It auddanl 

Itollef cor|ia"»ehl In «. A.R. ball, waa a professional men ate faat finding out the church In Maryland, but atior notne _ A *»i*il t. m i„,ui.i. j n R hot out on her fan 

well attended one and much lutercst was wonderful Invigorating nnd strength- thought he decided that It was Wtter not ,n l* oor ■'••'tis. ImnK In a terrible muuner. 

manifested in the new organisation. Three giving powers of thla moat valuable dls- »«>s«’**'pt.and; he therefore declined Urn . . * . ,, , , -Mr*. Nehemlah T 

members were Initialed, and live applies* " " ,, , v , , , offer, although the salary wa* more than —Chester Btoddard and Mia* Martha ter, Mm. Beniamin 

tlon* received for tuemWndilp. TlioConia vovery, Dr. Greene a Nervura blocul and double what lie Iim In Meytnouth. Burrell have comiucnctd work at J. A. w |,„ have* lien via 

hall bus Wen continued through tlm week ami 1 heartily recommend ll for nllnmut* 
and large nuniWra have been In attendance IMy own ni> ma tter the cause of tlmm." 

nt all of tlm acRSlona, ... . ... . . , . , 

-The rpffulnr ni' tin, ol n. ynoM'. U , U * , * r 1 * ,l, » l 
llollot oor|* lielil In (I. A.Tl. hall, wm n pmlrmlomil m.n mo hut llmlln, out llio 

fill accident on M’edneaday afternoon of 
oat week, caused hr Wing thrown from a 
small wn pm which wa* drawn by b r 
playmates. Aa It wa* going with contld. r* 

tlon. received for membership. The Cor,* vovery, ur. wrrrno a «ervu«a moou ...... 

was agreeably anrprind by a donation of nerve renicly. It la tho metllclne for tho 
847 from tho tl. A. It. circle to bo added to weak and nervous. It rentores health to 
tlielr relief fund. U,,, 

—Tho ronobutl anti loroot-lo.1 trlmmlhm •«n‘hln, olmU.1 f.ll„l, m.k» 

covery, ur. urecno a Nervura blood ami double whatlm has lu \Yeymoutli. 
nerve remedy. It la Urn metllclne for tho _ Al Urn annual Pariah meetliig of 
v/eak and nervous. It rentores health to Trinity church hold April fird, In addition 
the Biek I" the officer* reiM.rted lust week tlm follow' 

ii. lugwrre ducted delegates to tho Ulooooan 

Ita remarkahlo cure of Mr. Lindsay, after t . 0 nventlon which meets In Trinity rhurcii, 
everything else had failed, makea another Itoaton, May ffnl: Hon. Edward Avery, 

jssossss. " as,?a. ts^xx'ELxsu: 

pm,t lsVK'Ki; r .Jr' w,, ' eh 

unit tile to oo about. ,, „ . , . 

n N n^S!l Th ^n , %Sffo!c 

i ” cn,,UU ' ,m ' lMl Work at A * who have Wen visiting here for soon 

—At tho annual Pariah mooting of ttmoroo* *• time, l.nvo both Won very 111 with "la' 

Trinity church hold April :trd, In additlni. — Elijah Til.leu ha* opened a atom with grippe." 

to tlm offlcora reported lust week the follow- a lino of confectionery, tobacco, and tonics —Krneat Tirrell and fainll* nf ifwt.I. H 
lugwrre elected delegate*to tho Hloe.'.un In tho Iniildlng until recently occupied l.y Hnoi.t Faat Dur with Mr and'Mra o \v 
convention which meets ln_Trlnlty ehurch. Leon Johnston. Vl ffiol 1. T T ' 

-Wm. K-umraim ,1111 Krul Clark _W -Col. Tliomu Frrnch I, quit. III. 

ot Mr"! Tl'iorm," I.. wU' nn' oitn'uiiR ™n«plcnoii" pomon, ri'imri'il In lirolll, 1-y Swimoj W. Bnul. Wllllom I., Wolnwrliilit. ukon |nultloiu >18tol».m & llrold'o.Snulli 

unikMIHtton. ollrai tlnjt # ^ It. will U tlm ■;■■■> nl III" W.ymnull,. 

much iitlnnlliin. ’ II. ...a, to a.ld to tlm loa« anil cou.Unll, “ t . w ' , "»‘iu.'E MrtSSriiilhu'S "' y ... . 

— 1 The \V. 0. T. 1*. will meet at Temper* Increasing Hit of prominent oml well* Urooka. _—Wo nurd M "'Y<'*■ employnl at Hi run; 

konwn |»°pl. w"„ an. ... ,1.1 ly pull. tlm vary ulna pine, to .Irnp lloluZt K “ 

* aii i n *°ll m prcparcu 10 tow. Hahlng In the papers ntatementa of their into and tako a rest nnd got some tutor* to be head trehr for E. E. Dyer. * 

All ure Invited to come prepared to aew. 

—AlWrt Burrell ami fninllv have ro* ,,„ rpll |, r t |,|* grand uiodicine. inatlou la tlie now office of’j. 1. Rate*. —Auatutua Deals who hna Wen verv III {Tows entertainedthe Whlat club at her 

£umo7johS^ k Br k a A .T, , .:, i i.m:; , .7Z'" m. ( in,o.„..»"aa*s?;;^ n £si",s?™ r s t [Zm.r.usaiiiJirzsmroS 11 "' r 

sss^jfi ssjzz zr~; sr;sfs.*s sfesBsarite?^asrSrwaim aE 

street, Monday, to celebrate her ninth , l(MM | aIll | l)ervoB , Ev. rvlH»dy need* a without diluting It with any of the stuff * ' 4 r * Biii.iK'r was aerved In the dining room al 

birthday. Tlm evening passed very pleas- , , 7 usually carried7n hottle*. » -Torrey, tltilllwant A Co.'s lamt and HMO nflar which the party dispersed, 

antly with games, and ut P o'clock refresh- "prlng medicine, nn.l this I* Ju»t the rein* ^ I* showing a very neat * hoa fB f lo 5t*.lay, to all appear* -On account of tho severe anow*tona. 

iiiettU were served In the dining room ody to take. I: I* purely vegotablo uml T „(.* ijV irary wimvenlr sihhui. 9 ancea, for the stuiinfcr season. last Friday evening, llie sowing circle at 

—Imonard Wolfe la employctl at Btrotig 
A Carroll's, East M’oynmuth, and W. L. G. 

We)*o*ih llelgfeu. 

—Augustus Real* who l.u* Wen very III 

—Liut Battmlay evening Mr*. Jan 
Join * entertained the Wl.lst club at I 
home on Commercial street. Although I 

- Bourn of tlm bicycle riders of our town rn „ n| MK - n t uf and Park A VP., sntly with game*, ond at o'eloek refresh* spring mcuicme, ami tnn 

seem to think they "own the earth," nml LOr* rlfHSIIII Dl. isi rsrs sieq meow were served in the dining room edy to take. I. I* pure. 

If tlielr actions do not cense, couiplnlnt will which wa* decorated with Japanese Inn- harmless, and I* sold l.y druggists for 91- 

ho made ami the law will have to W on* MOUT1I WEYMOUTIL torn* an.l flowers. Mis* Ruth received a This great remedy Is t 
forced, .specially In regard to riding on .• number of pretty presenta. n »«rrihiinnnftii* 

tin-sidewalk. There are only a few who _— A very pleasing ent.rtnlnmcnt compll- P r f*vrlptlon cfUm fame 

ure com pint ue«l of nt pnmei.t hut it casts mm _ _ mentary to Mrs. K. Dcroo waa given in urcene, of JH Temple p 

retlecthm* upon tho whole community of ■■ | RAVI FY* Totupcrance hall Tueatlay evening. The wholallm uinat anccci 

The evening passed very plea*- I , ,, , ',, 

l. game*, and ut 1» o'clock refresh* ■P r,n « ••‘•'dlcine, nml this 

tlm riders nnd It mean*. If It In not stopped, 
that the whole must suffer for tho sake of 

PIANOS payments 

Kconomic.d buyers ahnuM wrila fnr ilo*crl|.tlon of llllle u*ci| nml second haml Plano*. 
Itaro hargalua nmong thwe. Wllhln SOO tulle* or Iloston wo furnish I'ianos at |2S down 
and 910 per lumilli till paid for. Full Inforination It you write ua. 


i8j Tremont St., BOSTON, MASS. 


tint PwlvarlawIn Ilia World* 
■Dili I* no Irtla ltou»t. W> 
.11 ran Wlml Wr Way. M r Mlaud 
Urady to Nubataullal* It, 

Lrgves no Furrows or lUdgcs 

ll few. nag 

—Tho Sunday service* of the Chri*tlnn TyTAt 

Crusaders held in Music J.all will Im Xx H 

le.l by Captqln Van lloulun. Murcellna, w 

Urn eight-year old .laughter of tlm captain 
will ho present and usalat. These meetings naiiy lyn 
are Increasing in Interest nnd a nuiutmr of UAIL1 AHU 
conversions aro already repotted. 

— Tlm ham attached to tho house of MAGAEINENi 
M inot Gardner, Turk avenue, Is receiving 
a new lot of shingle*. KOVEliN 

-Last Friday afternoon, during tho liaasi 

storm, tho house of Washington Pratt, on • 

the plain, wa* struck hy lightning. Tlm 
holt passed down tho chimney uml around 
tlie room, Inking off the shoes of an elderly 
lady and singeing tho hair of neat. A little 
wu* .lone to the house while tho lad}' hud 
her feet quite hud Iy blistered. 

—Line* ure in place showing tho plan of Just received a 
tho eellur of a new house which is soon to mtttxt 1 

ho built by George C. Torrey on Torrey DHljljJ 


—Mr. JI. A. Thomas was a guest of Hunt¬ 
ington post, G. A. R. of Milton, at Its All tlm sncclall 
annual camp-fire, Wednesday cvenlnR. AU 11,0 
Mr. Thomas delivered tho Meinoriul Day STATIONERY, 
ml.Ires* for thl* post two years ago. CONFECT 

— 1 Tho social utmnsphero of South Way- 
mouth, which bus been remarkably quiet rRU 

nil winter, will lie considerably lively for 
tho next six week*. Wlmt with tlm con¬ 
cert of Mis* Deane next week, tlm Odd Fel¬ 
low'* nnuiveMury tlm week following, tho 
numinl May puny, tho High School reun¬ 
ion, not to mention uu Ol.l Folk's concert 
iilready under wuy, there ought to 1m one 
conlinui.lroe.ini of enjoyment for ol.l uml AU llio above | 
young. It I* such things a* these which 
add to tho natural attractions of couulry ____ . 
life. IB HA it 

—A. B. Pinkerton, president of tho Mas- 
Much..setts Keuute and representative to the igg WAIN HTI 
sovereign grand lodge, will In. tlm aporlul 
guest of Wlldey lougo No. 21,1-0. O. F., 

April ai, at Fogg's opera house, whoa tho 
-— . - --— - -- -- ■ - . . ... —anniversary is to Ihi celehrated. A quar- 

a: u Z" , Lud.,-.ui, Nuid foe ,‘lrrul.r ..Ll.. *> 

S'OK MALI-. Dl read, and these with other attractions wiU 

ALFHONRO CAIN, Aflsntfor MlffBhsmsffdWsymoulh. P. 0. Address, Wes* HlffQham. go far towards making tha Buuiyersury 

AUu the OUTRK (DILIKD PLOW. Ilcfrirnrc*: Mr. J. A. Cushman of North Weymouth; Join, jmj.mtuldo lu the aunuls of local Odd-fel- ... 

t'Uffonl.Kast Wcrmoutb; Hauiurl l.llchllcld. West llingliam sml Walter T. Tuttle, Houtl. Ilinglitt.ii. l-s lowship. „ , _ , , F. |. RIYLF) 




lerna and flowers. Mis* Hutli received a 
nun.her of pretty present*. 

— A very pleasing entertainment compli¬ 
mentary to Mr*. K. Dcroo wa* given iu 

Tufts Idlirnry souvenir spoon. 

—Tlm 1 Julios' society of Union church 

This great remedy Is tho discovery ami | IP |,| H .q!ptm nml' ent’erUInnient' ln*t Font Elm ajfmu works,tlm first of May 

prescription of tlm famous |d.yslctan, Dr. Wednesday evening which waa largely —Btlwartl. 

ur.'.,!... Tnnl.l. Mn..„ nUrn.I.-.l- lt w.. « -lol.Lr Ll.lV .um*r, M.LIII pluin 

H , ... anil tho ci.tertalniuem waa culled n ‘‘cont —Cliaa. Wl 

Edward llurr I* filling the offteo of ns- 
nut plumber to U. I*. Fislmr. 

who report a most enjoyable evonliig. 

—It Is I.o|mh 1 tlint Mr. Arnoht will ra- 
consl.ter Ids resignation as chorister of tba 

Teuiwruici. Ii.ll Tn»;]»/ malW-.The «lm1. Ui» uiml iiico-uliil .|.'Hiill>t In ri „^ „ v ,ryb<»lr trim! In lln.l 

oniHict un*uia, Tlm 8llrtr BjdiUer, waa rur |ng uarvona an.l chronic diseases In eighteen different tilings, fruit, (lowers, 
xiu-'cu.ili \vmm ViK.iteU thla country. Wo would odd the u.dmals, eto. on tlm head of a cent, nnd 

llllauia and Cha*. G. Cushing work In that capoo* 

... », I, ,,i_ ,«• . t.v has In-ell verv socccasfol and tiliihl* aiw 

iSS ssriitriuiiTr.nteK JS&z 1 * ssa^ssasisasp 

u, c,,r,l. u n ...ln. l.y Mr. Morrl. an.l Inn, |,y Inter. cm.t..u.nt. «.. llio wlnnor nu.l ««i |mv- . "ZV^ tLT.f" 1 '. 1 ” 1 -Tl.o (onoo lilwoon llio olmreb nn 

-Herbert Mouther bus entered the 

ity l.u* been very successful and highly ■ 

—Mm. Htephen Hick noil, wlio has las 

solos hy Mr. Frauk Durce. 

—Arrangements have boon tua.lo hy 
which Dr. J. C. tlm brilliant 
lecturer on the live topics of tlm duy. will 

A Pleasant Surprise Party. "f;;] 

Ijist Thursday evening, the friend* of nn ut. 

■eiiteil with a lMiunurt Next At * bench In tlm solo leather room uf Torrey,’ Ir Thei fence lietweon tlm church anil Mr. 
t i I el J i! luiti m r* "ace lit *"" Bmal I JSSSmi. iWUvantfc Co., otm day thl* week, but H-M.Dow'a place bus lmenrouioved ao4 

ii',;'.:«ii.irn.Z'ui o..iz. iV;’ •.um, i.,j..r», <» .. 

aonte.r, uml after aimdllug of them, tlm list —Mra. Josuph Tlmmiia la having the - 

• lie wrltlon. Mr. W. pluiL/.n on the front of her h.»i*n widened, 


. HOOK*, 




Just received a new lot of 


All the Rpecialtics In the linn of 






leciurer on me live ■ ui mu imj. will ijmi i ihuuii. ly hvkiiiiik, mu iiiuunn He.II-... 1111.1 Hlier smelling Ol mem, ll.O l.*l — iihuiium i* iiaiiuu me 

*|H-iik iii tlm M. K. church next Friday Mrs. Erl T. Joy, South Weymovtli, ten* «,f sulMtaucea wa* to bo written. Mr. W. piar/.a on the front of Imr Iioiino widened, 

uight. doretl Imr a HiirpriNo party nt residence H. ]ioml waa victor here, every guess cor- and n fow ether altcratlnna made ii|h)H the 

-Mm Daniel Hudson of Smith llostou on IMeosnnt street, tlm occasion Ih'.i.x a rec t. Finally, Mr. Louis Nash and others house, 

hat been visiting Mrs. Charles Cram. birthday party. During (lm evening, Mrs. led tlm C0lU|tany In still another line of -Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wulkeriliavo re- 

MIeh Ida | nvell is verv III Joy wo* presented with a hnmUonm silver H ,.|iae-thnl is some enjoyahlu non-aenan. turned from Medford after n visit of a few 

—.Mis* mil JJ.ieii is i. ry iii. tea-pot. Refreshment* of Ice-creUlU, cake —• ' ■ ■ * -*-■.* - —■-—•* ... ... .. 

—Mr. and Mr*. Edwin Wulkeriliavo re-1 
turned from Medford after a visit of a fow j 

Lovell's Corner. 

—F. D. l’ralt lias connected hla house to 

—E. Q. S. Litchfield and Alphonsn Cain nnd coffee were mined during tlm evening, 
attended the State convention of Kulghta Tim following hrnutlfui verses, npproj.rl* 
of Honor nt Springfield on Wednesday a* nto to tint occasion, from tlm |»en of Mm. 
representative* of Pilgrim Lodge E. Wey* E. K. Brown, were rend nnd prmmntod to 
mouth, uml John A. Andrew Lodge of Mrs. Joy. 

Ulngtiwn. To Mm. K. T. Jov, 

—Crescent Ijnlge I. O. O. h. will eidc- . .. - ’ 

hrate tlm anniversary of tlm intriNluetioii A P r " '“j- 

of (kid-fellowship into America on the ll i, lklIl i i, Iime lon |-h» 

-venlna ol tl..will.... ...«,i., “ ' 

•u|tp«r «ud'«. Only a tiandlul, ,1! aiicr, 

—Tlm Unitarian aoelety will hold a sale Compared to what tlie ctowd would L>e 

in tlm vestry of tlielr church on Thursday ft |, a |( 0 f t |, cm wcrc here, 

nnd Friday, April 20 and 21, afternoons 

anil evenings. Useful and fancy articles Dame Kuntui tell* u»,(and for once 

will lie for aule nml a flue entertainment We roc the dame her ) 

will he given each cveiduc. That we should find on looking down 

-Frank Mayo in "Davy Crockett" The record* ply our hstWe town, 

should lie greeted hy a* large an audience H**t d»“ u y ou, Uithday, 

IKinnuue last y ear. To maidenhood you grew; 

-Avery eli Joynldo evening waa apent But not until you changed your life, 

hy the reading circle in tlm study of Tunny- a„.i imr* it.. Aarrd mid of wife 

Th4 whole entertainment wus unique anil weeku with their daughter, Mrs. Sidney hla office by telephone. 

St * ocM ■••JJotJy- .. . ,, Dunbar. -Tlm meeting which wn* antieipitod for 

The Light llenrcra Fair w ill lm held at —A cargo of ImnlHir arrived Wednesday Iasi Saturday evening for tlm »■- -* 

I,' tho residence of Mr*. Granvlllo Bowdituli fur tlm building of two aumumr residence* forming an improvement assoc 
on next Monday afternoon and evening. n,. ttr die linyside house which will com- not materialise. 

A cargo of lumber arrived Wednesday lull Huturday evening for tlm I'ttriKMa nf 
tlm building of two aumumr residence* forming an improvement association did 

on next Monday afternoon aud evening. n „ nr the linyside house which will com- not tnateriulixe. 

Tlm sale of iiNi-ful and fanny articles to | U( .|,ee luiiuedialely. 
help along tlm Country Week fund and it„r»ii,i ll T.u 

—The liovell'j Corner Temp. 

..ii.MH wi,. — Horatio II. Torrey ha* occupied hi* will Imhl u meeting in the Porter M. E. 

other i liantli«. Admlaalou only ton rents. |„| Bure d, ne lately In oaUdilug rat* lu the oliurcli thla, Friday, • venlug. 

—The entertainment given In tho veatry »hop. No less than twenty of them have — Quite a numlier of tlm tuerah r* of tin 
of tlm llnjit 1st church Tuesday evening, hy fallen into Ills trap within n few day*, to M. K. church are uttomUna the Confereooa 
Mias NellieJF. l’ruy wu* a decided sticoe**. un,„t tlielr ultimate fate between Iho tooth wldcli is Ih-iiib held III Plymouth thla week. 
Tlm programme waa varied aud Pleasing of Dandy, C. L. Hcfthury'a pat dog. Vt^ 

In I'iiarurtt-r (oi'er liftv tiikiiiii ivart.i to the .. .,, , ,, —SIM. .v llllam t/atMirno of ituste boa 

in cli.r«iu,r .‘»vcr m.v ■.«."« iu i.ib -WII 1't.u «1,11.> >t yrotk on hla ...a- tnuln. a low with Mr. ami 

chine, Tui'Nilay, at E. K. Dyer *, ran a nei*- g n , p. |». p rn tt. 

ill. IhrtiiiKlt hla hantl. _H„. Snun Monro, and Mr.. El.. 

The programme was varied uml pleasing „f Dandy, C. L. BaShury'a pet dog. 

iu diaractor (over fifty taklug |*«rt,) to the _will Pratt while ut work on 

InrjtM an.ll.urn, .nil narh |wr} wn. mlmlr. .r'*'! 11 "" w ."'.•! X" r *. ol ‘ 

- — - l»y the reading circle in the Htiidy of Tenny¬ 

son, ThiiMduy evening, ut MIhs Grace 
Alltbo abovo good* will bo found at tlm Mitchell'*. Mr. K. W. Furwell rend u 

sketch of tlm life of the (Niet, which wn* 

_ followed hy u very profitable dlncu*ninu 

BBAUCH NTOBEi of *oum of tlm leading |MH'iiia. At the 

next meeting Cnrlyii' will lie studied. 

sna Mkiv UTU1VT KiKII MAKS. —Owing to tho Into urrlval of tlm paws 
100 MAIN HTKI.ft.Ts NAHM, fur Congregational church It will not 

Imi reudy for iKTU|tancy on Sunday. The 
society will occupy the MethodUt church 
widch lias been kindly tendered to them 
Any Boml. not In .lock will hn nippUrd lur that day, •• llio |.Mtor, Hov. J. II. Me. 
/ . . a. Donald la absent, 

at short notice. u.—.u—. i~i— n u .m 

I-tom infancy and childhood sweet 
To maidenhood you gtew; 

Hut not until you clumgcd your lile, 

And bore tlie sacred napd of wi(« 

Uur eyes were turned on you. 

Since tlien we’ve seen your fttieneth of faith 
And trarned to prise lie worth; 

We've seen how bravely you could stand 
When death witli Id* rrlcntlcv* hand, 
llore those,you loved frum earth. 

Our tears were your* in time of,grief;— 
Your peace i* our* today; 

And we luve come, a favored few, 

Hut wliat we say i» )u»t a* true 

Of those who are away. * 

-K K. Ilynr. tlm hont nnd ,hno ninnu. cl«,hn 1-sn ,iw.dl.| n law dayawllk 
larlnn r. Iiaa r»e.;Ld llio f.uiuval Iil« Irlond. In llanaon. 

1 an T iisissA 

in Iris now .imirier* uu Monday list. The 5'vJtl 1 10 •• 

lu Id* now quariors on Monday lust. The ..i',,., , vr.Irimint 

eliHiigu was luudo on accouut of a lack of ■"»•••»*• * “J" 1 ’ . 
room. —Rgv. E. E. PbllUpa 

room. — lt«v. K. E. Phillips clonal hla |Mstov«*n 

iaullabury and Luolla'Jordan. Tlm song, —A lively minting of the Hssv Rail Aa- V,!. 1 V..'* i K ir .lni!i' r * 1 .^ uml0Jf • 

Hlng, Hmllo nml Blumlior." was finely aoclatlnn was hold Wednesday evening of '•* uisiext Homan* x, la, la. 

rendered hy Eugene Murphy. The outer* lust week, ill Kugluo hull, when It wu* 
tnlnmoiit wus a financial success. voted tliut the directors should go ahead 

-A panorama will lie given nt tlm Rap- Mid eoeuru pluyers uml gnmnds. Knthtt- 
11st church, Tuesday evening, tlm INtli. ala-m aofiuia to lm greater thau ever laifore. 

Nash's Corser. 

II.v. ILKliiaJlan la 11 ver; 

..._ _ r itlaaBln, and muoh au|>po,t in th» w. 

li.t'-nuitliiK .i"*ahi r. All will lw liialrilutod «».«.. hc.u, .aiwclwl i.l tha tavrra ol .h«| SS " 
and Ninliaod on .o.lnn tho oO"tnnu a worn .|«>rt In K.ltWoynnmtli and Qulnoy. An 

tlm lovers of the " lc ^ * ,,r "'"‘'H two weeks la able to lm out 

uml amused oil seeing tho nostumra worn spori in i.u* 
hy luiiies 111 foreign lands, aud cxhthltod opportunity 
by Mr,, itoaluajlau. Woyinuuth 1 

bus been offend for North —'There has I men a little addition to I 

—Although tlm weather did not purlieu- moved to (Julury. 




All persons intending to have Cabinet Photos at "““i,,,. . 

brook, visited the Oriou Commundcry of 

my place will plense call before Juno 1st, us I go awny Zi 

served uud a general g«K-d time" wu* un* 

—William Hollis hud Ills alioiildur dis¬ 
located. while ut work ut tlm fuctory of If. 
II. Ruud & Co., last TuuNiluy. He hud not 
been feeling well for a few days and while 
ut work lm fell ever on to a machine near 
him with toe ubove result. It required 
the strength uf two men to put tho injured 
nu mber buck In Ua place. 

—Mrs. W. II. Roister nnd daughter 
Murion, were lu town the first purl of the 
week, stopping with Mrs. C. 8. Fogg. 

-Mrs. E. T. Joy wus presented with a 
iM'uutiful poem from the pen of Mra. E. E. 
llrowu, lust Thursday evening, the Hues of 
which will he found on anotliur page. 

—It Is expect* d thut the IIumc Hull club 
of the Bouth High School will pley the 
North High dull ut Weymouth, tomorrow 

—The Golden Crus* Cominandcry of Hol¬ 
brook, visited tlie Oriou Uomuiundury of 

,. F. 1. BAYLEY, South Weymouth. 

[. m tr 

t ___ . 




i Spring Miliinery. 

Miss Janie M. HolbrooK, 

for tlie summer at that time. 


7. L. 

South Weymouth, Maas., 




—Tlie second meeting of the committee 
fur tint Bouth Wevmuuth High Hchool 
association was held lost evening ut the 
residence of 11. A. Thomas. Muiiv new 
members have Iwen added to tlm list. If 
there are any who wish to Join they cun do 
so hy seuiling tlielr iiuum to the secretary, I 
Miss Alice Raymond. Tlm committee ure 
ut preseut esuvossiug the town. Any per- 
nou who has ever graduated frum, or has 
ever Imjcu to, or is ut prtanini a member of 
the Houth High school, cun Joiu the associ¬ 
ation. Let ail wlio cun, Join uud hull) to 
liicrcuse the interest iu mir schools. The 
Uf xl luveling of the committee will lm held 
iu u week or tcu days. 

—lleiij. Morrisou wus taken to (^uliicy 
this morning hy tMlleer Ruiley, to answer 
to the charge of violating the law in rc- 
gutd to bicycle riding, referred to above. 

—The second degree w ill lm worked ut 
Wildey lodge next Monday eveniug. 

—Hunting is milking un improvement 

lait|ira<itar« M«*< 





Our Spring Goods will bo ojmjd ftr 

Tlda wheel is fitted with tlm Alrtite-Dunlup Tire, and can W repaired iu live minute* 
ll punctured. Full Instruction* for repairing with every wUacl. 

Cutalogue «>ii appllvatlou. 

liicyolo 8ii|i|»llen C'oiiHtautly on Ilsud. 

— Kli'iulli.Ht 1 ch 1«« 11. ol 11. will crlehrala n..l ». ll» no»« lo 1I.00U li» ,oa. 

tlielr second anniversary toiiiglit w ilh a | 10UR |, wr(in g our choice niiabt be;) 

linmpiet uml fun party lu Odd Fellows Wr'u have your patnway*ti earn witli flowers, 

Opera House. An ,l ever . onr „| |i| e 'a trrirf liuuis 

Mr. and Mm. J. A. Hourly entertained Miould b.* frum sortow free, 

a largo number of friends ut their home. 

Tuesday evening, with a line supper and Uu*. God knows best; whatever lie 

a whist party. The siipimr. which wa* |nln»unille»*wi»dimisencl»— 

made up nf a line mcuu of home catoriog, Wlistevct light* or shadow* fall 

wus served ut 7 o'clock, at the chaw of Kciucuibcr tbit: That tbiougli them all 

which tin* contest Imgnti with the following We are your steadfast ft tends, 

parties at the tables: Mr. and Mm.,I. Frank . , , , 

Drew, Mr. nnd Mra. M. 11. Rate*. Mr. uud A Ulfflni token we have brought 

Mrs. C.R.Greely, Mr. and Mr*. A. M. . lo prova our eel Inn kind; 

Whitcomb, Mr. and Mm. A. M. Raymond, And when its shining *i«le»you see 

Mr. and Mm. A. V. l'owera, Mr. uml Mrs. Or poor from it a cup of tea, 

Calvin Dyer, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. E. Irnud, l’lcam bear us in your mind. 

Th.ariwsafc-J.—, S.WS 

hy Arthur M. Uayiuoud.thut for ladles hy » ,u,e a, ^‘ , * ,,on « 1 ' 

Mra. Dyer. Mr. Vlual uud Mra. Drew Will never stamp a Ixow witli shame, 

<a|.ttirti.i tha taDDh, P**ua. °> JTKi“J JT" 

After a lingering llliieas of several years, 

Mr. Oliver Lincoln passed away at Ida 'Twill ••cheer,but not inebriate 

home on Csiu avenue, last Friday morn- Anil when you lain would think 

Ing. Mr. Lincoln was a native of East Of something that will seethe your brain, 

Weymouth, one of the several children of And ease your weary head of usin, 

Feter Lincoln, and was Isirn March 21, You had better try a dunk. 

1*24, at tlm old Ltucolii homestead on Com¬ 
mercial struct. July 24, 1*14, lie was inur- Some |«ople seem to take delight 

ried t<> llanudh 1'., daughter <»f Ebonexer In brewing *tnleand fu»»; 

Dilliltur, who with three chiidrnn, Flor- Hut don't you ever date to brew, 

dice, LaForest and Mis* Abide F.. survive Within this tcaisH bright and new, 

him. Mr. Lincoln has 'always mien an One unkind thought of u*. 

exemplary citiseu, a kind father and neigh¬ 
bor, uml was endeared lo a largo circle of We thank you (or the welcome kind 

irienda. Funeral services wen held at Ida '] hat we receive to night, 

late resilience lost Sunday ufterimoii, ami And in return, we truly »ay, 

were conducted hy Iter. J. 11. McDonald, (iod grant you many a happy day, 

wlio was assisted by tlm Hummel qiiuiU,'tU) And crown your life with light! , 

which rendered several selections appro- g, g. n, 

priute to Uis oqomIoo, Tlm ratnalo* were _ . . 

luterred at North Weymouth. 

The hntim of Asa II. llratt w as the scene When In doubt buy tlm New Home Hew 
of u very quiet eercinnny lust Sunday lug Machine, L. J. Hart, agent, Weymouth, 
luorning, at wltudi time. Id* daughter, Miss 
Km.iv Evelyn was united in marriage to 
Mr. Jimepli Elmer Hauipson. Tlm happy 
crtnple cuter iijm<u their new life ill a 
pleasant uml wcll-furuislmd home at 17 
Cuiu avenue. 

Tlm Columbian club held It* regulur 
umitiiig lu G. A. II. hall Mouday eveuiug. 

Nearly all of tlm members were present, 
and ut the conclusion of routiue business 
an ideal paimr was read t y N. D. Cuuter- 
bury ou tlm "Ideal (Mticen, l'olilically 
tlie pa|mr was followed by tlm dUiusslon 
of the question, Resolved. "That aceuiuu- 

Hut God knows be*t; whatever lie 
In Umndlrtt wisdom sends— 

Whale*ci light* or shadow* fall 
Kciiieinhcr this: That through them all 
Wc are your steadfast friends. 

A trifling token wc liave brought 
To prove our feeling* kind; 

And when it* shining sides yuu see 
Ur poor from it a cup of tea, 
l’leasc bear u* in your mind. 

The drink that flew* from nut this spout, 
Though pure and »ltoni it be, 

WiU never *Uinp a brow witli sluinie, 

Ut give to man a (cion's name 
Ur rob a borne of glee. 

'Twill “cheer, but not inebriate j" 

And when you fain would think 
Of something that will soothe your brain, 
And ease your weary hrad of uain, 

You had better try a drink. 

Some |«op!e *ecm to take delight 
in brewing ktnfeand fu»»; 

Hut don't you ever date to brew, 

Within tin* teapot bright and new, 

Unc unkind thought uf ut. 

Wc thank you (ot the welcome kind 
’1 hat we receive tienight, 

And in return, we truly »ay, 

(iod grant you many a happy day, 

And ciuwn your life with light! , 

-11. F. l'.ln.' l. r.rrylag a .pl.-ftl,! II... 80 “‘" 

Ilwalnm. wli. r. Ilia lui™i .lyln. can 1» , -Allliuujli Uij ao.lI.ur .11.1not Mtlle i- 
lm,I au.l nl r..|."i.iiiil,l<. prlc 1 .. arly ll... JV m«.||iiwu Un. Co. In 

• . ... its plans for Fast Duy, it cuiisideralilM ninu- 

t be;) -°. M •‘« ,u “ t i «f J, " , »!.. ,« lair of |teraotui from Huston nml tlm m'igli- 

flowm, which arc to coma Aj^l SMt 1*^ *1^0111* boring tow n* attended the luml sale, and 
liecssury to chango tlm enU rtnlument oml , .jown or so luts were aolil. Free car- 
sale to be J* 1 ' ***.}••>',, 4 To 'tim ringes were run to the scene, and tho vial- 
church. D will therefore, gocii r 1» |tora were dined at the cx|Miuse of the com- 
V *’*i tr vL» 1 T } , M ,U .. V * no !“»"> . but the boat did not make its stated 

“ ni * '' edneaduy. May Jn*l. and 3rd. On [ iMmause of the iinpropitimia weather. 
Tuesday evening will lie presented a new T1 * , lllu . tllllll i M , r „# s *«- „„ 

Weymouth to meet the Institutes on the I family of George Sanders. It ia a boy, 
diamond. Memorial Day, at the South — Jeremiah l'ero, who hoa 1» on living 

—Jereigiali Peru, who haa b cn living 
In tlm house owned by Austin Tirrell, baa 

rices. larly favor the NVessugusolt Land Co. In -Cliaa. Urriuhart haa moved fmm tha 

r imnortunt events i u P , ? u> for F V l D *^’ “ ^"Mderahle nuui nianrliard Imnso on the corner . f Fork 
i *Nl it haa liecoine !» p , of Horn Iloston and the neigh- nvrnua „„d Main street to the Aat Poola 

enU-rtalnuienToud L* Vg*S[STJH* & Z ' ,Ucn ' 

i ladles nf Trinity ?,^ L V, .o 11 o. .,e a i., 1 tlm visi -The Ward 4 Hoae Co. held Urn I r annual 
.fore occur In tlm fliige* wera run to the scene, oml the t lal- m „„,| llB fur lll0 HecUon of officer* at tlm 

T. v “•» were dined ut the expense of the com- fl.noJL 

Tuesday l( ut the Isiat did not make its stated K,, K‘"’ «■*» «*«ulug. 

iri'pViaMittM of the "iinproplUoua'wwatlirr. —Thoinaa Nash Is at work having 
Tlm totul number of luts sold up to the wall act hack, preparatory to the wtdei 

operetta In three ue,. ; .n.l«led"Tlm Four- uiftoenT u'w ot Front atraeV. 

Imosed Clover, and on Wednesday 1 \eii- J. uluUlll |y Nelson Thomas bus — HerlwrtGoi 

Inn u n*w ulsv wrilGoi liv Miss Airiles constantly made. Nelson 1 humic. mttAi»|miru uu ■*'■ m p i - 

i?*'.* Id the uk ' ,, »M «K'’Ucy for the company, and wtll tlon In the grocery store of B. H. Pray, at 

Chib*' BUl ^ F **°* ,, * llon * 01 l,,u give any ucslrgd information cunccrulug Weymouth. 

-Tlm annual meeting of Uis Udlea' the term s. _ -Nearly all of the poopla who have had 

Cemetery Improvement association for the . «• T „ ..u.-r Gi" scarlet faver ur« well or nearly so. 

election of oftlcers for the ensuing year will Gfiiinx THXATXIl.—To sen how other There are at present only a few sick with 
lie held with Mr*. Ella C. Richards, people will do in familiar role* 1* always that disease. Tlm schools are still closed. 
WwlumUjr, April 10. M3.» p. ui. It 1. iSSSSJliV'lffm.V'joilFSIIt -Julio W. Soal.ury I. li.vloo 1.1. lu..." im intait. bo pr.«- lu w . uu.uinv Mu. 8 ui pl|«»l lunl.u rreoplloo ul tb. lo«o w.lrr. 

.ot ttt till. iuooUii*. Hooluly” at III. tilulo. mot wouk will .dd -Jottopl. Cummin*. U httvlo* lb, U»d 

-Atima Gammons, a former re*id«ut of | rrB |, interest fo a tlieatricul event whose around Ida houae built up and iut> mis to 
this tow n died at Philadelphia, Pa., lust IluVe | ljr |, IHll u,„ leasi worn off. Mr. have a fine lawn. 

s'eek:of iwralvsis, aged1117 years. The body Hudson's new company is Just now eon- — O-t.rge Ijmd has purchased of G. H. 
sas brought here, the funeral >*kiug place ( .| Ul ||, J| g u most auceesBiu! engagement ul Tiukhuiu, u Coluiuhla punumatic l.icyela. 
from the residence of Ills gFund daughter, gb* Broadway theatre, New York. In the 
Mlaa Flora Tl.y er on Toruy avenue. Uev. (BBl Hr „ Mu , K „ u i'„H i..r mis. Mis* 

W. L. Smith olfi. luted I he reiualus were |,,. Btrll . M Moreland. Mis* latter, Mr. Frank- 
Interred at Village cemetery. Rev. Mr. ||n Curlyle, Mr. George Nuah. Mias Huttle. 

(iainmous. of I aiiutoii, a brother of the jt, 1U e||, Charles M. Colllu*. John M. Flood —A meeting of the East Braintree M E. 
deceased, offered prayer at the grave. and others. Ml** Otis, it will lai recalled, Sundsy-schoid board waa held Tuesday 

- -- -- ——- I — Herbert Goodapeed baa token • post. 

ency for tlie eompany, and will tlon In the grocery store uf B. H. Pray, M 
slr^d iiiformutloii cunccrulug Weymouth. 

—Nearly all of the peopln who have had. 

H- 1 ™ ™ 1 ~~ I the scarlet fever ure well or nearly a**. 

hiKATBR.-To ace "how other Thera are at present only a law sick with 
do" in familiar rule* la alwuy * ,| mt diaease. The school* ure still closed. 

tusaell, Charles M. Collins, John M. Flood —A lime ting of the East Braintree M. V. 
ml others. Miss Otis, it will lai recalled. Sunday-school board waa held Tuesday 
* a New York society wmuiu, whom uuiure eveuiug, April 11, to elect officers for tha 
ius blessed with liemity aud taleut. A coming year. Hii|M-riul«-ndent, J. Hampeon; 

—James W. Hi nder, wlio bus been aeri- u a New York society woiuau, wlmm uature 
oualy ill with eryslfielas, ia recovering. haa Idesaed with Imuiily and taleut. A 
—tttttblx K...|mt tl.m,«B A. vv.-i.ltl..., «olJ. ii littir >.-u u(I tt .uuny 
Iran* .nit » httiitlttuion n.-tt- .1*1,. cottuumtttti*. Un d«but «• •» 

-Mr.- U.;y .. bn lm... grttoUd » viSKYS ScUu.vH; 

iwiiaion of 9IJ |»er month. t be play at the Globe tbeatre, aoineuiouUia II. M. Storiu, Cliarli 

—Dauiel llmlsoii of Utah, ia iu town ou u g,,. 11,-r debut was u most successful one Clark, Jessie Me 
a visit to Id* aunt, Mrs. Thomas Pray. and her touch added a hriglitimas to Urn pastor. 

haa Idesaed with Imuuty aud taluut. A coming year. Superintendent, J.Haiiipaon; 
wealth of golden liulr seta off a sonny assistant superintendent, II. M- Suatof 
countenance. Her dehut a* uu actress was Secretary, H. C. UcuucU; Treasurer, M. A. 

Johnson; librarian, Maude Orr; orgoi 1st, 
Maggie McDowell; teachers, J. Seieiwon, 
II. M. Storiu, Charles Nickerson, Lull* M, 
(.'lark, Jessie McDonald. fill. « class, 

_ Hunt & Co.’a store. 

I -Miss Helru 11. K. Allen haa secured 
When in doubt buv the New Home Hew- flue talent for her ouucert, wlilcli will be 

veulureas iseutiiely unlike llisst of Miss 

Turo.r. Him I. •»bf tu .-»o.ll It. tbo vummly qEOHAM COURT AND SCOISTHV SAT- 


to Ids luwu by huviug the side built up ou ii)(|M>Ctiou OU lUlil Hlier an Ideal |m»|kt was read I y N. I). Canter- 

a level with tlie frout. lurasireaiu mas bsii an bury ou the "Ideal Ctticcn, Politically 

— Au iinknowu horse, attached lo u buggy |V[DIIlSDNT RRRKuH /j, the paiar was followed by the dintussiou 

which held three |a-rsous, took fright at a nmnwmnii nsesiswi of the questiou, Resolved. "That accuiuu- 

urocery teum m ar Hates avenue lf»t M<>u- Wo ahull allow nil Liu* leading styles luted wealth controlled by Ihu few is uot 
day afu rnoou. Tlie horse wont over the i n biuli and low cost good*. We ahull advautageona to the i-ommon imopje." D. 
w«ll *ltb tbo buggy uml lb.n loll Ja« u. clll |,J vor to "Ult ill Nullity, Stylo Mid H Ktt-t'.u. afllriatttlve; l. II. Oubing, 
Olio of tlie occniianu atdxed the horse, hut i,'. ‘ uegutire. * 

he got away uud roll out of the fluid. After 1 r, ‘ 1 ' 

gta“g.«« *7, a. e. dekbt. j. r. tbaies. 

5 iveil ill the culou euurcll r ri.iav evening. 

.prll 21. Full programme giveu iu uext 

—Ailuitus Aasemldy No. 18, I'ythisu 
SisterliiKHl will celebrate tlielr sa-toud uu 
ulversary ou the eveuiug of April iNlli. 

-Delphi laalge No. 15, K.of I*, will work 
the third rank (new ritual) uext Tlmisdsy 
evening. As tills lodge makes a specially 
of tlie third rank, no doubt it will attract i 
large uuiiilier of the Pythlau fraternity, r 

parts. Miss llattie Russell, the uew 
Ernestine Echo ia u sister to Ada ltehali: 
Miss lu ster waa proudin-nt lu the reals id 
various plays presented hy Mr. Richard 

vurioiia plays preaei 
Mansfield; Miss lie* 
a iharinliigiligeuue. 
one uud one that 
llostou uiidicuci a. 

itt • tl hy Mr. Richard DuHUi, Mas*.. April 3. 18U3.—Thomas 
ulriee More land makes Peunhuan of Uralutrue. a carpenter ami 
. Tlie cast is a strong builder, haa A led a petition in laatdrencjr 
cauuot fail to please in the Norfolk llegislry lu thla to n. Hta 
HabUiliea uiuoiint to I2A10.15, andhisaaaets 
are uiortgag<-d real estate lu Hrnintrav. 
u lot of uieudow laud in the souse town and 


Spring Styles. 
Trimmed Hats & Millinery Goods. 

A uew nod complete line of goodf with all tlie latest tint8 und 
taluijSto Mt tin* 



ltioo'a Ulook. EAST WEYMOUTH. -* u “~ 

tooutli Weymouth. 

jr. tr. HU AW 


If you are building a new Louse or wnut bettor drainage au you now Lave, consult 


Mount Vsrnoa Avaaua, Brointroo, 

«au m ll rxulain Lis methods, which have been adopted by many In the own. 

(ifci'UUlC u. lloi.UIWUK. 

going over (lie wall it socGud time the w » nVIlliY J P THAT Fit. 

buggy wa. left behind, and the horse wetil *• r * 

oil. lie waa stomas! hef«>rn going fur uml natt-att.l-lJV B| AA L la<l*n#n*l*MW 
liroiight baek. Ilotb .liuft. uud the dasher flOSCfllBlQ S DlOCK, agsart, 

were broken uud the liaruoss waa badly 

broken. None of the occujunta were sen- South Weymouth. 

oualy hurt. .. -- ■ 

—The UieUilier* of the Roy*’ Brigade ex¬ 
pected to receive their CUJIS uud bells lust Ipr I ipr I ipr I 

vVeduesday eveuiug, hut fir some uukuowu luL ! IvC • IvL I 

li.asou they did Uot come. They also 
cx|iect their guns soon. 

—The lost of the series of veajier services « mgr a tw A UT 

which have bocu held at the Union church, **■ " • Ir 

w ill lie hold uext Huntley eveniug. This 

will l>e the {bird one ou "Moses, the law naauia i* 


—The Cushing liouieateud ou Frout street 10 r Anil f) T fQ IH f Q 1TH DO 

1... rvv.-mij bo-u i.ii"-.i b.rt‘.wutt.tvf. itit y ntrli utnl Uno. 

—A ...rlvttttt uiitt-tlug. ttt lb.- UnivwMlbt ,Ul - ,,,,,, llt-l IIIUUIIKIWIIU. 

church Were la-gun last Tuesday evening. — . . r ... ... 

These meetings will continue through uext PflCB tO rUDlllfiS. 2BC. Dfif 

Sunday evening. Tluu far very great iu- ' n ** P®* 

It real has beeu shown and they have Iwen LuaJraH 

well atteuded. Rev. Stanford Mitchell of RIMII9I* . 

Itoaton, a singer, haa giveu «jm» iul mush 
,-ut ii eveuiug uud llioae who have heard 

liter 1 “my Btarw aai Markets si a MdcmwI. 

and Weduesduy evening.. Last eveuiug 
Rev. C. It. Tenucy of Itorcliealer, gave the 

uddress, uud this evening it will he giveu All grAara, bj Btail T •thffr«iaC, 
by Itev. L. K. Puaae of Abingtou if pleas- ur _ B j|_ |i». . 

aul, then will prnbably be a service Salui- XltoMfO to. 

day afteru«Kiu lor tbo beueilt of tbo older 

i^XT‘ w ‘’" •““ d ““ BOOTH WHYMOOTH. 


Price to Families, 25c. per 

humffreff. . 

Bucklen* Arnica falvt. 

Thk IIkst Sai.v a iu the world for Cuts, 
Rruise*. Sores, (’leers, Halt Itheum, Fever 
Sure*, Tetter, fhupjicd iutuda,('hilhlaius, 
Corns, aud all Skin Eruptioua, and posi¬ 
tively cure* Piles, or no pay required. It 
is guaranteed to give iterfisd satisfaction or 
moucy refuuded. Price 2T, c. jwr box. 

For sale by A. M. llucliuluer. 

Children Oryfor 
Pitcher’s Caa^*»m- 


-ll.v. Mr K-ton mlilrttMed a i.,..i>ii* «t Ii,.' 

tlm AvttOUu 1 i.tvi-r.all.l rliui. b, »• •*' “ ''V, 

I1...U.U, l».l i-veolUf, il. Ubttll ..I .. . 

Ik-ilisuy Home for young women. 

ChanaalnTime. a wagon. 

Coiuiiienciug Ifontluy, April llHh, the Judge White held proliate uud insolvattr# 
Fall River Lina Steamer* will leave New court session* for Norfolk County at Usd* 
; 0 |>. in. Instead of .100 |». in. as hum today, aud transacted a large volume 
l. The Puritan aud Plymouth aro of husiuesa. Among the matters acted 
rrvlfle. U|k»> were the following of interest to uur 

--readers iu Hraiulree aud Weymouth: 

L. Hicknell, II. P. French und (-liaria* 
Electric Bitter*. I Himuious, appraisers, returned Un ir in- 

metly i* becoming so well known | venlory ou the estate of Abigail H. " • 
iiulur as to ueeil no s|K-cial men- 1 Rsudali. late of Weymouth, as follow*: 

-Cajit. Jacks sneiil Wednesday ut Wal- 
Ir, troutiug. lie bad a very successful 

Electric Bittara. 

Tlda remedy ia becoming *o well kuow u 

estate of Abigail H. 

day capturing tweiity-threo of the gaiuey *mj so iMiiuiiar as to ueed uo s|K'«-ial men- Randall, late uf Weymouth, as follow*: 
flail, lion. ll. H l<oveil aud Kopie.RUtu- y oll# All w ho have used Electric Ritters real estate, u«ne; prrsouul estota, I0MI.28. 
live Wortheu were remembered In tlie *| hk . the same song of |iraise.—A jmrer | The will of George N. Blanchard, luto of 
disjMtsul of the day's sjMirt. Medicine doe* uot exlat uud it Is guurun- Weymouth. Elsie J. Blanchard, executrix. 

—The liuse liull seasou ia approaching. IivkI lo do all that la claimed. Electric ImuoI f tutat; and Chester D. Pratt, lain W 
The Institutes are lug organized uud a Ritters will our* all diseases of the UW. Wey mouth, Louisa P. Pratt, executrix, 
very stroug team ia predicted. Five or aud Kidueya, will remove Piiuph «, Roll*, j Unol frfiUJi. , , . . 

six of the players have beeu engsgi-d and Bxll KImmiui uud oilier affac.tioiis caused by Thomas J. Mlssett was appointed as ml- 
the full list will be auuouuued soon. Tim inquire blood.—Will drive Mularia from I luinkatrator of the eatale of Thoinaa 

first game will probably h# played Dceora- the *y*lj — r --- - - ... . , i —--■_, , l4- 

tlon Day. malarial fevers.—For cure of lleadacha, Auioug tho account* allowed war* the 

l u T »^nul!m U ~tl‘ri'ln < tZi i 3«u , r . C b IU ^ M™' liliu..u.'Kl'u" .'i./iulm J, lb“2llf J Wo- 

latjs uASSfirVuiss W. Ut., i.t« ms*., i... m7«u«. 

Thom** J. Misaett was appointed a* ml- 
ministrator of the estate of Thomas 

malarial fever*.—For cure of Headache, 
Constipation uud ludigeatlou try Electric 

well as cure ul I I Missell, Ute of Braintree, houil 

d wars rite 
executor «4 


A FAIR TRIAL ^ Hood's Sar¬ 
saparilla guarantees a complete 
ewe. Ilia aa honest medicine, honest* 
ly advertised and it honestly CURKS 

Ripxns Txhuloa: host Uvor Uddu. 

Weights and Measures. 

T UK uuilrrsIgiH-il, hrsU-r tt Wcigkls sml Mrs* 
urr. lur the Tueu "I Wrj iu»aUi. 

uuUh im,i i,t u. Ihc Uilutl.iUiaks sii't IfMhr* 

gesics. Weight, sml MiulUri. fi>r U.C 



Xu novcltifa or tlfsintWc goods 
will »*kc:i|m' uu* thin m*uihmi..* 

an excellent re|M>rl of the year'# work and 
transacting oilier liusiursa, the following 
officers aud committees were elected for 
the cuauiug year. 

President, tlm Rector, Rev. William 
Hyde: Vue-pr«udent#, 11. If. Rurke and 
Miss huaaii Allen; Secretory uud Treas¬ 
urer, Suiuuel W. Reed 

Committee ou hospitality aud civility to 
strangers, Howard ll. llurkc. Miss Agues 
llydv, Miss Jorilau, Miss Adllugtou. Miss 

Price 50 els. aud f LUO |air I 
llachelder'a Drug Store. 


roki'i u.<k, Jwbua M-. •*• ScibmU. 
■ S' 

.. tt"-. L^utttt., Itttttt T tt 



Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent 

It mo, make known your wsnts to 

P. L. DAVIDSON, Agent, Weymouth. 

Next to Post OlUo®. 

Aimx Agent for tho New York Lifo iMurBACt Oomptif. 

f'nil and examine the several forms of Lif* and Endowment Polkkf Mffjjd 
by tiivui. 

r ■ 'rrrrr" "'F n i 'IT nnjri 





■ KBTINtill «r THK 

Selectmen & Overseers of the Poi 

The Selectmen of Weymouth trill be In eeealon 


(except the Iblnlltlnrlng the munlrlp*) veer. fr. 

two to Are o'clock n. 

ni|ited. The inoiaturucornea up into the 
•mrface aoil, m shown in Fig. 4, and pro¬ 
vides a continuous supply for the roots 

“No danger nhout roe," wait the answer. 
“When I get timl of reading my railroad 
ticket. 1 can wrap myself up in It and goto 
sleep."—Washington Star. 

•I MOM** FEMALE Rt.blLiTlhfc li 

»)»•>• Mir l U<i n lL»l*Ii«. IX.tMM l« •tiiuolil 
ell vtn the euriJ. tttMsrc o> fUininuu 
lair* eiwt luiiteiKHi*. Pise #2i« pci 
SrM l>) laell M-' uirlt s»kil Iruto ula 
Aildrt-M Dr. It. Duhluoi, M f*. Ibdstod*t., 
ilU.l&A. i 


WT-i—• I IBW. 

$tMn t*r lew#- | yvu. y. ... 

n *ti>,r«l u> |ierf<<i l» vlit 

*ii o«ir it* eoild Pike per fa. 

lor $imi liulp*. k.^i< rent M-1-uieiy »*i 

(Cbt* i-uUa«> A tj.tiro., lit. U. PuMl 

lUUtill*t..t U»r»*o. 1U* , P.K A. i; 


THOMAS ds 3X/£X T i X jHIR, 


$20,000 Worth 

(| by B Inches) extend to lower side of wheel. Kvrn hsr father weptl 

axle. These are all strassly bedted to- They never met again— Henrietta and 

gather with »-lach holtaMaletn this De Wolf. She hs.1 put his lore to the test. 

De Wolf. She hsd put lilt lore to the teat, 
and he was n. g. He didn't me threaten 
to llek the critics. 

Finished Work 

gather with 4-Inch bolt*. Made in this 
way the strain of the load rests equally 
on the ends of the axle as well as on the 

Another advantage In this truck Is 

- ■■■ -- === that the forward wheels okaturn around | ^ wbo had left main or baking 

SOIL MOISTURE AND 80IL TILLAGE. to the reach In front of the platform, on a stamp outride his cabin fora 

Too Natural. 

Playwright—I* her net lug natural? 
Mnnngrr (enthusiastically) — Natural? 
Why, when she np|irarrd its the dying 
mother Inst night a life Insurance agent 
who hit* her Insured for fOn.OOO and who 

At Omnrll!. lh«r pototnl but an old »«-> In tb. nmlknc .ctunll, f*lnt«d.- 
agro who hod left a mn of baking powder Grenoble Monthly. 

THEltF.nY INStlltlXO 

- Thl. admit* vary abort tnrala,. Tha m !f K would ozplodo. Afirr a bit I aot 

Aa la ,. Ha a amo aw. nala wnb aMt and rprln, cam. from an old roafrr. Into eonnvMtlon with him and aakal him 
nioan.ii... Tbatonaoo oamt from an old inowor If tho mory waa Ima 

fdraporatton of walrr from tbamrfacr ^ i, alao uaid on th* com marker. “I nekoo ’Ita,’ 1 h. aolomnly irpllod, "hul 

AAli-.d_H -1_I_il>a aaaarm _ _ »_ m tin* rn 1 anrlna In linn* 'limit all (la** npw 

c copperas 

..pitWKf'T SATISFACTION of tilled eoil daring the warm eeMon m front rear croaspiece* extend SjJ/J !$£2J2i 

1 EI«FK( T SATISFACTION n . nal|y %aktm the wnlrrmy faster than fm . h ^ ra(nlff h to allow tenon* to be J*JgJ !»»■■*««■ 7 vperimeol 

without the Risk of Buying from the clouds supply it One crape most mj|(le for the ..gtgkto,'’ which are » by " 

• Paper Design 

the clond* snpply it unr crape mnsi 
de| >end for their needs more on the supply 
of moisture stored np in the great reser¬ 
voir beneath than on the rainfall dnring 
the main part of the growing season. 

i FAiTiiaKR*. EsraaTsas akd ispomtkba of 

Give us i Call 
Before Purchasing 


' __...... aain UIRSI r* __ vnna .aivHTllK 


S ™"v H >• WKCV ' 800TCH 


THE CKI.ElfltATEtl g ^* tt **; M 7 T T T ^\f A UA , i .^'XmEBICAN MAHBLIM. 


We Manufaclure.ail our Own Work, thereby Saving the Middlemans Prollls. 
Work* at Quincy Adams Station, Old Colony Railroad. 

Wo manufacture all our own 
work, thereby ravin, the mid. 
dlcinail'a profile. 

"Why, sah, ’boat fo' y'ara ago a Mectrick 
wire fell down ober by de on'thous*. What 
did I know ’bout Mrcktricityf 1 didn’t 
know whether d*t wire was eha’ged wld 
wind or bnttermllk. Nobody hud dun toled 
me anything ’bout It I had to And out fur 

“And did yon?" 

“Yes, sah. I picked d*t wire up an was 
flung seism thousand feet high an didn’t 

S t outer my house fur eight months after 
it wm sperieuce, sah. I)at’s de only way 
A ran* truck waoox. to Para. Does yo’ reckon I’d tech another 

B4 by 18 inchea. A damp bolt passwe 'Iwktrto wire? Not muchl Why, del Bbe-Why do they ei*nK oi xonro « 

aronad each stake and through the sMe sperieocs hM made all de elolhesllneo safe erata as being blitebloodwl? 
nUr* When not In use thev can be fur f°'tj miles around dls town, an yo’ He— IboUably Ixouimc blue Ian fast color. 


nieces. In the picture the right sido MlAh to gloryI” hi. Quad. Wo Che*** For Him. 

board Is taken off. —--Wllllo-Thnt young man who play* the 

Cured two years 

before using. 



Ihe—Why do they sjs-ftk of sonic arlsto- 



board Is taken off. 

This Is a “low down” track, and one 
man can lorn! and onload a plow quicker 

and easier than two can lift It. 
neath the seat Is a tool box for a 

Her Choice. 

This statement may savor of exaggtra 

under- I Uon, but there an? men In Ban Francisco to 

No Chance for Him. 

Wllllo—Th lit young man who plays the 
oornet la sick. 

Wallace—Do you think he will recover? 
“I'm afraid not. Tho doctor who Is at- 

The purest and test. 

win, uut uirra mv mtiii inonn i nnKW» tu ■ - — , -—- - , ,, , .. 

day who remombw all tho (act.. Waraaw ImmIIii* him lire next door.’ -Lite. 

Braintree Wood and Lumber Go., 

I 4 


oil can, etc. At the rear end of the track was his namc-Captaln Warsaw of the l*a 

I Is a large ring to attach a disk harrow, Hflc Mail company. Maybe you recall th» 
drill or roller in going to and fro from »«“»>•«* commander of HmJbpm 
I • - ... when she wm burned In the eastern seas 

It Should Re in Every House. 

J.R. Wilson, .171 CIbt St., Bhsrpshni 

iy St., Blinrrshurg. I’n., 
Ithmit Dr. King's New 

. ... .. w wi.^nn something to drink, lie aewpta your TiujtdR bad and ooon. over a tow of stone* and hauled nearly a 

OUR BOSTON LETTER LH,U> T ,lh k*i 2 f n^u! k U.! n Jraw n t I WUhafowl depth of reaervolron aolla ml i„. | n picking np atone we nse no 

WUIh l«WIt;n Jilxki*. j;”, 1 't“Vn"l S. W h iTTmnl cn o( llfluld with poron. .nbwtll. and con«*lu«mtly dd , and Innnlnadln, w. on 

- wmT^Ee other el«M are often deserving .with a free movement of tho soil water, w »lk all around the platform and reach 

thikhamftn tho Hold* Aa a teat of ita when she wm burned lu the eastern seas be will not Ih, without Dr. King's 

* Kf SIi aJ • bout 80 ■"«. Well, Csntnln War Discovery for Consumption, CohuIis 

strength we have several time* plied on had wonderful whiskers and they wer* Colds, that It cured Ids wife w ho 

over a ton of stonea and hauled nearly a dearer to him than the apple of his eye- threatened with Pneumonia after an attack 

than life Itself one mlitht Os well sar when of “Da Grippe," when various other 
ISulhartii remedies and several physicians had done 

one Is aliont It, for ne ahiifflcd off bis mor |, Kr nn good, ltobert lliirlmr. 

Iclaiis had done I 
er. of Cooksport, I 

t° get 
our plug.; 


Wood and Lumber of all Kinds. 

r_ rll , _ n f f inraef and There h something that appeals to your down In winter and np In summer, 

Spring Feeling Of Unrest and gStlt bumSmTiS «%• roquosiTf the half the economical us* of soil mdstur 
Moving Day. blind or crippled person to buy of him a the prevention of excessive evapora 

|o-tii-ll or a cake of aoap. You Invcluntor- # continuous sutmiy ul moisture ca 

- " lly put your band In your pocket and U»* ,**,,*1 to the rootHcvcn In a dry set 

___ .«•«» T° u Rood. The tinward move.uenl of tho eoil v 

aw* iwoon, her no co<mI. Robert liiirner, 01 cooxaporr, 

rater, walk all aroand the platform ami reach tal coll soonrr than have them shaved while Haims Dr. King's New Discovery has 
, and every stone. For hauling sand, gravel be wm yet lu the flower of his career. done him more goodthan anything ho lisa 

re by or mJnnawenaa Vdoublabox and a Th* captain met a gli 1 one day-as cap ever used for Lung Trouble. Nothing 
Hi™ UU»»m-»«iU»«pulnWllnlov.Hltl, Try II... 

tr nature in the requosi oi me rw meeconoum-ai hn «i or manure wo use m uuuuwuoi, iuu* ._r..V»ni trltb I iiwWu Trvit 

,1 or crippled neraou to buy of him a t be prevention of escevwlve evaporation, hay rick for hay and straw. This track 7itrr on he td.fhrr allouthTa ihi» Free Tris 5 | Bottlra at A. M. Daclielder'a 

ill or a cake of eoap. You Involuntar- ® continuous smmiy ul moiatnre can be 1 raa a bont |4 for Iron, lumber and ^ ' . . uk t i, u «he“i)ab IJal- I Drag Store. Large bottles, fi Qc. and 81.0» . 

^ut your band In your pocket and U»* to the rootn even in a dry season, blacksmith work, and I made the rest udis" “aha reciprocated It." 

Th* Drill* rot a Chant* • Natnral On*. 
Rapid Transit Nacdod V*r llcstoa'* 

tlon doe* you good. The upward movc.ueni of tho eoil water 

II.,t tli.w hut ol IIO.IO.'. hr ■wtlo-' lub. fm wqnjrM 

oor. The annual report of llitcomrals oOttipact but “ il ; J n 4 ^°*y ^ 

Th* Host Bell Far Onion*. 

Several well known authorities e» 
rawed themselves in The Rural New 

lada," “she reci p rocated It." 

“Will you marry me, then?" said the 
eapUln. “Life la a blank without you." 

“I’d like to," answered the girl, “but. 
.Whereas 1 lovo you, I cannot attach my sc 11 
permanently to a pair of whisker*. Shave 

Hard and Soft Wood Sawed to Order. 

Box Boards and Oak Spile* 

Adair*., rlfbrr < JtUIX Ktll.IV, Hrr.ldriil. 


F,tt„r»—Two !>.w.p.p.r Ch..p.-n. JSIm^^bHo'l.'rtlfMlol!."k.'t’o'dMt red Kill the IrilwirtlM. «r« too Urge for I rrawed "themselves'in Thi'Rural New I .whereas I lovo you, I cannot attach mysell 

Nana and Traveller In N*w Hand*, with the pauper claaa lii particular. While such action, and hers tho upwartl move- Yorker aa follows: T. H. Hookina of Ver- {K^i LSfvJJSS* w “ l,kem 

Mm- »«.. and other Theatrical Mat- all with whom tho report has to .do era pot ment comes to a stop. In explanation of mont said: “The beat soil for onions U .IS U T, * not think of such a tblnal" 

M,nr. aad ^ ^ ysl of lbt ^ of tbograat t bo foregoing is hero reproduced a com- A UQd y loam thoroughly fertilised with Dro 5^iXtISa^ 

*•"' «lty For tbs year ending Jim. I *he com- municHtion fnnn T. Ureiunr to Oonntry stable manure. Tho keeping quality of v ••Well," sold tho maiden, with a shrug ot 

. » . » mWonsrs any wm expended under tbeli <i en t|eman. In which he mvs: 

.lnUo.,„n In Ih. dlm , t lon th. .um o, -liw.llB. Tb. p«ipl. , , X" of toorh ^1. cl« I 

iiK.micnl . fonn „ ml , ur . nrnK i In t |,. r,.« r ib.t n. m i„„. 


1’osl Dlllrc AddrcsK, WKY.H01ITII, MA8S. 

M„. I, „ .(.Tron... in ^J.,n .n^. «Ur l«». STJ5 

fprliig, but not In so pronounced a form cored for earned In the year #W>,583 so that .. . *. .d-ntml to onions and # a>«dt ••Drovallv loam bo-me or tho whiskers?" 

as In New York. There Is a fooling of un- the net ox pen noiwao IWII.'.MI. Yet thU sum .. My Uian plowed it in Up style, makes brisht colored hard fleshodon- “Whiskers," murmured the mariner with 

real in humanity,-a breaking out of the was economically expnmkd, for It appeals . ^ tocontinnoui i tS’iS cllv wow • •«K b . nni1 living withdrawn to a respect 

gypa-y In our nature—t list I a never wholly that the cost of keeping each of the loift In- M,1 ? k ™ mn^WaJu^ able disUnoe, ha blew his brains out. 

biimiiy'.mhI with oneiilng buds and the males of the bouac of Industry wks but spring rains all our soils worked badly coarser onions. Those on mucky soil ora . Tho#owwo thc halcyon days when 
l*,i ’ » i » niivitamana 8I.W per week; 9W In the pauper koiuM on during the early part of tha season, and dnrk colored, soft nnd poor keepers. Tho w »,Uki?rs were whiskers.—Sun Franclscc 
putlliiK on of. drw o(llaln.font »A l™g l.UoS. «I.M |wr „ w „“|,„po->IW. to br«k op .o.l Bn. ™.ellrT.m ,row. th. f.Wct «nd Sj^ESr 
I",. m.oM'lwon'.owt oowTboj. w „ k ,„ d tlie „,, m After much work with dUk .nd SockrKrIU X mo.t K.IUoux Plow _ ..T, ' 

coarser onions. Those on tnneky soil ore 
dark colored, soft and poor keepers. Tho 

jM.iiii.H h.^..- jiain.foni aod l^ong l«l»nd** per u was impossible to break np and nn* .n-avelly loam grows the fewest and 

lure, inen and | ron,c |» «® k " n ^* r . J* week each and W «a lu the house of correo- t hsm. After much work with disk and nineky soils the most scallion* Plow 
, „ not look jut right m krni. ."d ton lion ™. »l » w«kl,'. Kr.n .li. poor In moot |, lng hnm>- th. nn.n r« tb. rrr- Jfch , B cl .j. ,h. (.11, th. Ilxhtor*.. Tbnr nl»hlo*o wm. kept «t the.*- tho ploo. In prottr Bond Rup., bnt | lim , |„ ,h 0 .pring," E. A. Sherman 

whm%nnd tamln*lolri ncwiK«nM. Thu. pen.. odWI ncckljh _ lh * longh wd. wrr. nnl hrokod, nnd "My oxperienco u (ar M It {pm. 

L happen, that on any »>•*•»“ •• Thrn ^ >rr ^ , nlllu , nDd tf * bl ^ hollow apaou were loll betwemi .nlwoll nm | the Information I have gathered 

™*hhX «tiUt fn thc till furniture mlndnl S?aon. whom‘th. city .uppurU M.I top will, M .hown In Fig. 9. from other Mure load me to Imliovo 

dreyOaulhiiTor "utiloidlng' hnuJhold wbn are Sulla, rtm. Inwltutlon.or b™nl- I har. reldom yn . plwm of « PP »rent. th.t . hnmn. mil. I. preforaW. to_.ny 

be—me or tho whiskers?" 

"Whiskers," murmured the mariner with 
a sigh, nnd having withdrawn to a respect¬ 
able distance, he blow his brains out. 

Ah! Thoso were thc halcyon days when 
whiskers were whisker*.—Son Franclscc 

drays, loading or ^ unloading Hoi seiioi i | n|| p HvaU fsmllls*, and, besides these, |y well tilled soil that waa ao quickly other for the growing of 

vITtiiH Amoves Inlo tlie hoiis* that> U iboiisanda who receive public and private n ffeeted by dry weather as this. All keeping quality and flavor are to a cor- 

viuatrs; II goes to live In C a old nbkiing wll! A census of the pour and tl»e ivasons dnr i ng the seaiion It became completely tain degree affected by the soil on which 

onion* Their myself. 

Taking Thant Down. 

Rich Youth—I should not object to thc 
work of earning my own living if I had to, 
but what 1 should bnto would ho the olfl- 
ciousnma nnd petty tyranny of superiors. 1 
should bnteto have to how to the whims of 
some wealthy man not a bit better than 

Poor Youth—That’s eMlly avoided. He 
a typewriter, as I am. Employers never put 


Agvlcalture New* and Males. 

Tho Hubbard sqnMh is one of the very 

Well Protect ad. 

Ho had Just folded up and pocketed the 
try voluminous rallwny ticket that seems 


|.hi.v and Often (■ hikes the pinna >A de- ror their poverty would make « book that drM ^ |n a ftw (Uys of dry weather they n „ grown. I think tho soil does » l "‘ 1 know how to Uk ® lhe 

si-1-tisl. Nn one of the three is better off, conhl be studied with Interest nnd benefit. .. «v».rv rain Tho exulonation l« tha tMwk.nv-v ftnfonii srnlliona. starch oofbf ’em. 

hut they lisvtL moved, and that Mtl.fles It would give the dark .Id. of the picture jj.* 1 ^LSr‘cSSJ^SSSTmii 7nl^n^,w^«..ra 'W . What do yon dp?" 

tbc-m -.11 “I c*ty Hf«, • side thst la ever present but * lm P ,e . ] . . V^V♦ of tho ? ■'‘^craafnl °»»°h * TOWer * 1 "A«*k 'em how to spell a hard word now 

. . * nmcrally overlooked. Innrely int«?m»pted at the "nrfnco of tho fer flll | to spring plowing.* and then."-Good News. 

i v,- ... may be seen in Fig. 8.and the -- , -- 

tin? Hirli!tr° n ft*vi-r"I i'ho w ho leave the The four day’s sensation of the city li the surface still received bnt little assistance Agvlcalture News and Moles. Well Protested. 

conitHict nnrt of the city and sock the presence here of Mroe. Kleonora Duse (pro- from tho soil water beneath When tho Tho Hnbbard aunMh is one of the very Ho bad Just folded up and pocketed tbe 

suhurliv.go f.-nni shs.low to sonllght, from* nounetd Dus-* with the accent on the first „| ow lng is done, ns shown In Fife. 8. nnd 

dust n..,1 smoke to good sir nnd pleasant syllable) the celebrated Italian actress. 8b* 
surroundings. They gnin not only In l« the rage and to ere her at exborbltant 
In-all li iiiiiI strenath. hut In purse Va well, ptlces Is the proper thing. In 6ue sense she 
This is every year tswnnlng Utter under- »< * remarkable woman or she has . very 
m.-mI and apprerlated, and all that Is now shrewd manager. Other theatrical sure 
misled Is rapid transit to Increase the tide court the newspapers and always have a 

tlinl Is moving toward a Utter existence, ready written Interview ready hut Duse re- -- • • • 

The future of limton'a nmMierlty and fuses to be Interviewed, and even goes so or our crops. 

growth lira In tiro proper enrauragemwd t»r aa to leave the train at South Dtatoa to Evaporation at the surface, however, 
of home building In tiro outlying town* avoid the crowd she feared Wight bo at Ui* would pump np this moisture from be- 

i,n«l districts. station to gaas at her classic fMtnrea. Her j ow Dret ty fast, and dnring a prolonged 

* an f ,mi .hallow In .niillalil, from- noutiewl I>u« . with tb. .ixent on th. Ant |ilowlnt| I, ilulHi. a* ihown In Fift. 8, anil fcir fall anil winter market or horn, rery volumlnoii, railway ticket th 

i.i .niiilt. In itin.1 air anj nlr.Miit .yllahle) tbe crlehrateil lullan aetran. 8h. || 1B will i-n!li|wrteil no that tho .lirf^lO to he aonrewnary an erll of travel. 

II,Unit.. They noli, not only In I.[heran. jml to «w her at eahorhlunt K |i ratacloh.lyaluinnnlynponth.aab- T1 ,„ ,™i«.n.mlxturoliMUlrref.rmd , "Ikop. you'll Hmlcverylhln* e 

ami .tmnatli. lull In nnnw V. well, pi lev. I. th. proper thin*. In hue worn ah. „u. u,.,,!! water uinveniail I. not Inter- . The hlr," aelilthy I»rt«r. Tm afraid 

T fkiAK. BOTTLE FBiit. 
A. M. BACHCLDER, Weymouth. 
GEO. M. HOYT, Eaat Weymouth. 

WejMesth, E. Brsistree, 


Tiro rich live ontof town now, hut tbs bull much pn 
times dmiiund that tho poor nnd middle “plain United 
clastra shall dn tiro same. The mechanic's stood, 
fhlldreu must grow up In sunshine if they 
would Uroimi iireful member* of society. Other attrao 

station to gase at her classic fMtnrea. Her | ow pre tty fast, and daring a prolonged A trial i 
performance Is undoubtedly a great on* j^uht iierhaps exhaust the supply in astronsly 
but the but I much prefer an actress who can talk ^ wgerTO i r if capillary action Is not i t u M 
ml,1.11. “pl.ln United" end e*u h. uiuUr- P* 

h tho department of agricnltnre, Wash¬ 
ington, for bulletin No. 8 on “Spraying." Too Mach 

A trial of ensiling turnips resf Ited dls- Friend—That sun in your Inst painting !r 

astronsly at the Vermont station. very natural. 

It is estimated that them are 80,000, £rtfa*-Y*a, aitogHhsr toonoturaL 
lie. of Irrigation dltche. in th.Mat.of „«hyi» Ton ^^ ^ |g ^ 
Dlorada d ^ (uilt V | mt 1 have to paint new water 

The Farm Journal says that the wide t wry three or four days.’'—Texas Siftings. 

—Washington Star. 

interrupted a tfiW Inches below the snr- m tie« of irrigation ditches in the stats of 
face by thorough pnlvcricatlon of th* up- Colorado, 

i nimrtn musi grow up in sunsnine ii may - - , —j- ■„ _ . n n ,..» th. - 

would lircntna useful member* of society. Other attractions this week at* as fol- pw ernat. TDs On* looss sou orar tne ^ Journal says that the wide 
and to enable them i« do so there must be lows: Park, “A Temperance Town; compacted layer acts as a mnlch. W agon tire, if generally adopted, would 

provided quick and cheap facilities for Hoidon. Lillian Kuaaell Opera company In water from below can paM through this "" tfae national debt by saving road 
travel for the father. There Is more In tbe "Gerofte-GJrofU;” Grand Opera House. gp{| nalch to the surface only in tbe F" 

— -'• -“— — ■—* -■ “Tb* Still Alarm;" Globe, "Th# Cntst of f ortu c f yspoK and evaporation under 

• -r ‘- — MrM i ( D the cool and moist surroundings 



■areas f*r lats er Esrhsaga. Bar aafl 


niphl transit queGtlon than Scent fares 



and dividend paying stocks—It Includes Society;" Bowdoln Hquare, “The Dasiler;" 
the health and growth of the future men Columbia, "The Isle of Champagne; 

ami women of the municipality. 

Hollis, Augustin Daly's company; Tre- 
mont, K. 8. Willard. Non. 

Staunch as a Rock. 

I msia V VW Hpeaking of changes reminds ms thst DraanMAL 

r two of the newspapera of the dty have gone r mWIW t* 

'" lo “•» “;’ w,u W* c.rih(avoril. r.laa.tlooU 

mm sr^si'srTs r ssr?u rs w-»-«'s* ■• 

other class seldom are In the market Tbe Is almost Invariably a loser. 

I lost on News never was self-supporting Mr. Gladstone, It Is now said, hM sub- 
_____ ami Tiro Traveller has not eujoyed that mltted to tb* queen tbe name of Mr. 8wla- 
dlstlnctlnction for aomo time A few bucue as the next poet laureate. 

1 weeks ago there was a scheme on foot to win.1..* rkalrmu 

^ ^ I ^ unite the two under one management and J 

AP ir llm. to mliin, «|»I,M-., hut it fell <* H.PuUla« _ oum-llUa «ho 
y|\ • through, and now both of them have gone has hern sick for soma day* with seavM 
Into new hands. fever, la now convalescing at bis boms la 

w.tur fronl lilow can through thl. "7°,",. ^iou'S J.W br iring n^ MW. Thi.I 

■oil mulch to the surf maw only to tbe Wsoffe.One Hundred Dollsrs Reward 

X«in,.nU at ih. Kuiimw WU. Si'M 

a. found an th. lin.«n th, com- Ju" 0 nJ^JliS’mtSjldthan whm W.'t'li^ , uud.r.liraiih"li.v« P kn,i'*n F. j! 
noctod layer nnd tho pnlverised soil most a heavier crop when matured than when Cheney for the hut 15 years, and believe 

iTvnrvilow cut green. him perfectly honorable In all bualneM 

At th, v «in°nt ,tation n#phtUaJin. afSSSiaiiSS^'lliSS'SJ:^ 
bos been found to bo an efficient repellant W|Mlt A xruax, Wholesale Druggists, Tol- 

of moths, whilo pyrethram and cedar Mo. Ohio. .... . , 

chips were of no use for this purpose. Wsldlng, Kinnsn A Marvin, W holesale 


IB DeTouklre S JT Ktswlos 8t» 


DgotmamL 11 nu iawa 


€TNA INSURANCE C0„ o! Hartfoid. Conn. nalways seemed to ms that tbe 

HOME INSURANCE Cl., of Ihw York. 

INSURANCE CO., of North America., Philadelphia. %&&&& 

LIVERPOOL t LONOON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO., of England. afford to low, while fn-quent rbaugea in 

, . . , w management prevented It from gainings 

The nbuvo «•« uipuiilr* |*.»mo'<I through tiro strong hold even in is chosen rather nar- 

fever, Is now convalescing at bis boms la 

President and Mrs. Cleveland gave tbe 
first of tbrlr official dlnuare on Tundaf 

Isrity were apparent on the surface. Its ... . - •« 

extreme views upoii the quesllun of the ^nlng »•» Bonor of Sliw 
miIu of liquor anu It# Intense anti-Cathollo secrotary of tb* tn 

treasury during Mr. 

stand drove from It |iatronnge It could III Cleveland's first term. 

afford to lose, while frequent changes In William Whiting of Holyoke, who fti 


nnd paid their losses In full. 

mnnngcuroiit prevented It from gaining a muc h talked of at a caadidaU for governor 
•imiia liohl .VM, In 1. Mio«n nth«ur- Mu^chuMtu. ho. allal with hi. fM- 
niwArhl. It not out of thecumntond ,. . Kur o_ uul will te »« until 
lulu th.. Mi,, and than It ha. n,o.«I ' or ‘ a 

Bbo rut Mis Lav* «• tb* Test, bat Ha DU- ,,y al1 Dru A* UU 


Wsldlng, Klnnan A Marvin, Wholesale 
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. 

. Hall's Caurrh Cure is taken Internally, 
A.-tlng directly upon tho blood and mu- 
cuous surface* of the system, l’rlce, 78c. 
per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Teatl- 

tie of Wejmoutli, In ukl County, deceit.,■! 

Wlirres*. ■|>|illrHtlou li»» breuiusile to •ski Cnui 
o grant s letter of SfliiiluUtrstkui on llis estate o 
al l ili craieil, to I tltvanl I*. I'alne, of Weyuiomli 
n • lin Comity of Norfolk. 

You are licrrby riled to sp|«ear at s Proli.t 
1'ourt lu be liolilru at Detlliatu. In •aid Count? « 
Norfolk, on tin- third We'lne«day of April next, i 
tine o'clock In the fiircnoon. to •bow cause, tl it) 
fou have, agaluat graullnv the •auie. 

And tal'l petitioner la hereby directed to pin 
public notice thereof, by publUhlng tlila Cllutin 
jure a week, fort line •ucreMlrr weeka.intbe m at 
imprr called the Weytuoulb ItaieUe, pnutnl • 
weymoutli, the last publication to be two day. ■ 
least, belt-re said court. 

Wlinen*. Ileorge Wlilte. H«|ulre, Judge of. it 
Court. lUU tweniY-.croiid day ol Match Inthojct 
dim thousand eight hundred and ninety Hirer. 

Il l JONATHAN COMB. Ileglster. 



"Take bred, De Wolf llogardusl I may 
yet put your lov* to the teatl" 

So exclaimed th* entrandugly beautiful 
Henrietta Allbright as ab* draw ber 
queenly form to ita full height and fas 
tenwl her rapturous coal black eyre on his 
beaming face. We have seised th* mo¬ 
ment to chuuoutthefollowlngdlagramand 
engrave It forever on tbs beholder's mem 


A Halve at last dlsooTcrc.l that cares fares. fM 
rers, (kllklalas. Balls. Esras, Bbrsaistisri 
Bralis, Slid all external Hundred, ol 
unoollcltt-d tsstlinuulals relative to ita quaUllr* 4 

Is rael /Wr mil Ocm m t itn k. 

Made and Sir sale by MEIfE WHITI, Wryaastkl 

For salt) by all Druggists. 24 ifT 

round and round practically helpless, so far I J uue ’ H-daclluM to talk about the gov mAIO ELANT WUEE OOOD CtXTIV ATK*. 

a prAgreos was concerned. Some of tbe •rnonthlp. 

A S. JORDAU <£t CO., 


Telephone Connection. 

Ole Bull D reported oaoe to have aaid to 

crew were infirm, tbe commander wm er- Ole Bull U reported c 
ttitle nnd there were barnacles that pre- Dr. John A. Brosdus: * 
vented progres* all over the newspaper ou my v i ol | n fo, m day 
vntt ’ ass ence; if I quit for t« 

Bat little evaporation takM place from 

--- - llut these defects can he remedied, and bw-sb_Ai» •• 

Wtt-Ulngton Street, Weymouth. OO State Street, Bo-ton 11 iCwrolt 

ence; if I quit for two days my fHeads 
notice the differsuoa; If I quit for a wash 

woe to have said to ^ pulverised soil for tha situ pit) reason "**• mmi * , • P*”®** nirnunea on tns 

r ,oD , u “tsA'M's tsr 

I uo<i<» lb. itiffw I ^ th, Mil W.I., r«ch hoyoud wdror | tt h,||,.| lw . Korlb. W-hllnt. 

Si ___cWl put helow th, two or liTfuur Jouug IU.II hxd buvu 
SfW hie h l. of m.llow Kill on top. Thu ukiug bu If h. uoulil uut Jump torcr . 

sa sor it siciif El -reassa" 

with Pastes, Enamels, and Paints which 
' stain th* hands, Injure tho Iron, and burn 
rod. Tiro Rising Bun Stove Polish la Bril¬ 
liant, Odorless, and Durable. Each package 
contains six ounces; when moistened will 
make Mveral boxes of Paato Polish. 


Toilet Soap 

6c. i Cake. 

I 60o. a Doz. 

Just Rscsivsd, 
lO Gross 

Toilet Soap, 


(Nsrrraaers t* B. Urates A Ksa), 

Manufacturers and lb palrrrs nf 

sad tesrh Br«s (Braves’ Pstrst.) 

Ma'lir.scs made over. Carpet, taken uii. clraml 
and rrlald. I'pbol.lcry Supplies at Ibe huinry of 
bridge Mre* I, near (Julacy In Itlgc. I*. O. Addict, 

A till 1 lria. Ilrtdee Muni, wear QuT*t-y brklgc. !*.«. Addtrul 

a, ax uininnTKfiA Norib Weyiuuutb. Head for .miiplr, au<l e»tlui»t'»| 
Cs D. HARLOW »C©« All orders promptly attended to. 41 if | 

NKW Ittlk, XR« UkMS l lltKVrOHB BAIll 

// you tit sire insurance, drop us a postal card, and we will call. 

We uru lii all parts of Weymouth uud llraintreu twice a win k. 

£ * iMbMof mellow aoil on top. Thus asking ber If be oould not Jump lover a 
supply lu ihe aoil reservoirs Is drawn precipice, thaw oat a stick of dynamite, 
l.v Tho Truv.llrr his . guml u»w.'.*rvlce Florauc Nl«hllo«.l.. who «ooh tar l_ _ uor. luud.nt.1)'uul will Uat Bneb «.k • New York pollo-nun • dull iiumlluu 
I .ml t-h.r (.ulllUr. fur m.kln. a winning u.m. from th. dty of huf hirih. will to T> Umgn. All till. 1. m.,1. plain la rig. 5. o, pro., hi. lot. ut th. rUh of hi. Ilf, lu 

*-ht. «u8 If th. nirn now lu couWul tu Mil month Hh. ipand. muM of which mprMMlt. a pcUto plant nnJ«r "*“r war. __ 

1 «"l U uul ut Ih. whirlpool aad bw.Iuo. b „ Um , I«.thur.t, In Dorbrrillr.. food cnlHvatV-n. Th. |Ul(miHd top A? 1 .. 1 Jggf ■ 

the public that they have done so It should .uul_.___« ...a i...m t. Unued as bar ruby 1 pa slightly i»arted to 



M. K. CREHRN, O ld Colony 

Manulacturer of and DsaUr lu 

OCTOBER 1ft, 180S* 

llro public that they have done no it should K ._ .uiwknod 

win public bvur. Th.r. I. Orld enough »hr™ her childhood »u 



even though there is no “long felt want." the moot popular wornta lu Eng- 

• • • land 

■eroysaire, goou cninvaiv-u. *u« ihuvotuoti ^ her ruby lina slightly parted to 

.amllsaUII toil la tbs mulch that prevents ilia ex- raV eal tbs pearly teeth Itehlml. vl’e cauuot 


The News, with Ita meteoric history, Tb* late Daniel C. Colrewortby, tbe 

M_i. lorn »f W.II uioutnru by «.po- dmcrlla her Aiwlr molded 
ration. Tb. Util. Uut (Ion mcap. I" drould.™, kwdlmplal rihaw^ b«r farm w, 

j deserves also a further wonl of mention, well-known veteran Boston bookseller, 

A!tbougb a Imby. yetTt liaa eaten up In the wroiaMV gral poems which were long-time 


1 vicinity of gliw.iM) In cash. It wm started, #--0^,— . moni children In IBM be mads 
according to lu founder, linen 'dreek" for 12I?toI23toa£m^ bmi^T 1 

| the Irrepressible Torry K Want tier Ulla me hl ‘ flrrt BSMyto pttblleatlon, laeu ng I 

tiro Irrepressible Torry K Warduer Ulla me , -’ .'7* " 

behadu'ta dollar when the first number volume In Portland, with tbe title of 
: raiue out auil had to borrow tbe cash to ‘Opening Bade." In IMS be published 

quickly replaced from tbe reeervM from absolutely and teetotally perfect. 

Mo\r. "1 am ready and willing!'' 

- 80 replied De Wolf Bogardus In his deep 

iu«* end Fruit. baa* voUe, which always letniuded on* of 

Al tbe recent meeting of California thunderous billows breaking over rooks In 

ST0YE8, • • • • 


FURNACES, . . • 



R>I usual Is. fi 49, 7.W. 10 1ft, 11.20 A.M. 
1.10, 2.:0, SJg, 4.40, ft.lfl, «i.U), M.1A, 11.11 
r.M. Kelarss. r..«), 7.12,7Aft, 8.14, h 41 
lo.-ji A.M.; LUI, Ml, 4.43, 0.43, U.UU, 7-M 
10.UU r.M. I 

sellers tbe much vexed question of 
and fruit came np for diacnerina 



meet bis first weekly payment of Mbtrice. "A Or 
It was boycotted by tiro rival newspapsre which 
to a certuiu extent, waa kept out of lb# best at 
Hotel ami Kail road News corapauy and 
■ generally frowned upon by Its city cou- •/;. V 
teni|M»rira. hut It tbrivtd upon opposition , 

and grew lu favor aud (tatronage. Al- , 
though radically Kepubliran It wastbsu l ,u bH«l 

Op»l.l Bud." I. IMI to publuhwl Th, wu ukrn that bM. will not 

A Group of Children aud Other Poem*," 9mm Z rk9 ^ ^ nil y mt wU1 „ x ^ n it aB thnr. 

airy, his ki 
graceful on 

t dwell upon bis uklr- 

■■ring, kls manly and 
kite ittoeay that be 
a creamery aad far 


f\eat Plwbiig, Piping ^Rwling 

V“v Ur *“ **" ut *?T ”*]** pnnature fruit, hut will clean it up thor- , ^ m n b be sold over 

^ ygrAS When it b ,weviouriy punctured STSTn^T 

I most remarkable of kb sboftav JJTgrdaor wqape. The queetiou of hives Tbe ormolu slosh aa the mantsd ticked 
* * wkklk *** *^**1 waa alao considered, aud preference was it Umaa Tbeaseapeef a enow shovel wm 

and but few properly credited to 

Wulepemlriit, and, to u.e an old rxprea- lu familiar tills, “LUG# Wood*," baa been 
tlon, “hit a Iroud u Irene ver one stuck up." sredlted to Whittier and other authors; 



From a morning paper It grew to one of another, "Never Hay Fall," waa alao ooj 
Slue editions dully and tha public appeared everywhere without credit, aud still 
, to believe In ita success. .*1.1— •• 1... 1 

Broad Street, 


East Weymouth, 

n<, ._ uniiin, wnu inc u-uu u, wi. vimiuin. mm 

nUhwl by J. Audi, k. ul *u .lock • P-*— u "“ *d^—l •*» *h* 

wm alio cuunluml. uud preftrawe* ww If Uuuw TUmmmm* mmxM movH wm 
- , ... fur ■ Imyg* hive for mnetad huo-jr, k«ni ooUlaun. fk* wh« .U lkllid 

ihuyUmr. Ometthm plw MMwkUlf .hllu > hlr. with . m>mll brood chwbrr re *S.. , *^“ r 

(luhlUbwl. which will U mm,.ib.rad from far nimb houuy —-7 «Mr«M l_ HMrlmta Mid: 

lu fumlllrr lltte, "LllthWtudc" hM Kwm utumen, ‘fomwrow uhfht I wmk, myduybuu 

_ .. wliuu. ..j - T u, r ., u T , UCK - llathem. 

• r *w ron_ • awvrv WbM the ouitslii fsUs **“< Abe applause 

a wimmims — rnt ml dbe away, do you work tb*dramaticeyitbs 

A HUueJI for half a column of glory. That bibs teat 

la tbe accflgspanyiug UlusUotkiai k A half to a column, and non* of 

Makes an every-day convenience of an 
old-timi luxury. Pur* and wholesome. 
Prep-red with scrupulous care. Highest 
iwarJ at all Pure Food Expositions. Each 
package makes two large pies. Avoid 
mlt.itions—and insist on having tha 
NONE SUCH brand. 

.ifcl'UEl L It SOU! H. Syracuse. N. Y. 

Mo. WrywseMlh. ft.4ft. 7.:ift, 10.1ft, ltd 
A.U.; 1.10,2.8ft, 8JU, 4.40. ft.lft, ti.00,8.1A 
11.1ft r.M. RriarM,a.4ft, 7.07,7AO,8.n 
8.41, 10.21 A.M.; 12.08, 3.:<7, 4.»*. 0.38,7.0> 
10.02 r.M. . 

Caul Wry Moot h. ft.4fl, 7J«I, 10.10,11 S 
A.M. J 1.10, 2.3ft, 3.02, 4.40, A. 10. 0.10, 0 M\ 
8.15,11.1ft r.M. Mol MrM.fl.40, 
8.«rj, 8.40, 10.111 A.M.; 12.01,3.33,4.8ft. 0.:a 
0.02,7.44, 0.08 r.M. 

Job Work Dom ii tho host Mirmi eeimtsib. # «, 8». u.t» a m I 

•wm nwia BBSs mw hssi raannvi lfl0( ./ao, 3.40, 4.4ft, 0.80,0.2ft, 


i,iu, a.*u, «.sa, o.uu, o.u, ii.iur.a 

Mrlssrss,, 0.33,7.31,8.28,10.30 a.m. 
12.44,2.32, 4.31, 0.1K, 7.02 r.M. 

Bo. Wkymoi’TU BrxcuL to the Abingtoiu 
■ud Whitiuuii. 0.00 a.m. ; 0.38 r.M K« 
Tt'MX from Whitman, 11.24 r. M 


other. "Id vs for Something," has been 
printed with the uame of Dr. Chalmeni as 

From a half to a column, and none of 


lit liw ml Its. 


WriNissIb. Nomtii Wktmouth ai»i 
East Wkvmoutm, U.lft a.m. : 12.4A, 0.4- 

shown a track which tbe Mlnhi g a n ^bera more than simply referred to," 

' fume, lie came to the frout aud assumed various public aqhuols Uxt hooka 

geaias who made it says b oo* of th* ^pUad u. Wolf as be kissed hertoperiug „ 

hardbst impAgmsoU oo bb farm. This flnger* and gracefully withdrew to feUet *°uUs Weymouth, 

flngers and gracefully 

control of the paper. pUclug at the busl- 

Tb. rumauc. of Uru.r.1 Kirby rirnlth'. ^ ^ t fa-p_ 

.duf ih. prufHtriy. uarklu hU cui- |||. hml iu uriglu lu th. Hut l»HU of Uull riu>w. th. track lomUd D. Wolf fllwk. dowu the hmtl cShfi THE UTEBT TIll'SPS #f SEDI- 

ku.u n.i'lo “c’.l." It tU huii Kuu. where h. urw Iwdly wouufUd, . mu. *S? thru tuorulu, mid blu bluimlf h> (lii. KKAWI KIIGK IMS SKILL. 

I.iuy ulo uunout ..pcru uc. mid Kuu. where h. wm bmlly wouudml.. mu. 

i ixmes&xExxtt ts-s? 'Xz+tmrz 

TiHL mdy fur theSA1 II 1. lomied with. 
‘ „ IliaeeU |dow _d U^e Urrec bnow. The 

three morning papers aad ties himself to 
j the Allbright mauaion. It would he selfish 


Tha Choicest Fean of all Kinds at Bottom Prices. 

he^ruT'zid'n.u, m*. «. s L !rrr r "“ ste rM.»o.rp«K r «— 

—Uric, and u .1 .hurt U»»~u«d uulll -uu,-Idler., .llrecud ^ ^ u ,, l "^”Je ..tnewhut Ur-er ^ Tfa“ rar hu“ .T.^l WiKlI? 

—m.l reduetlou of «ytu~ Th. ^t by the whlutu yl.. of hU horem whlch ^ bTraw lfauTth. frail oom. ThUU hiT curnluff! Ille"uuile U nulUut - h!l uJrajtM 

de cor|i« of tiro worklug force was dr^ I stood over him, came aud bore him to ahrj 

Abo best Creamery Duller and Chocso. A full line 
Caunod Goods V'egtitablms Ktc. . 

struyvd. the public lust luterrat lo the pa t«r He was thru taken to Lynchburg and 
per Wlrou it became reooguixed sluiuly mb uurM «| there by a Mbs Helden. whs 

bis coming- lib smile is radiant m he 
bauds her tb* papers, bhe aosumes a atat- 

AA1I Vt aVMUUTM, V.|i> A.M. ; U.W), 0.1 

r.M. MrlMrw. leave East Wav moui i 
8.ftI a.m.: 0.32, 6.4.'r.M. Noktu Wkv 
mouth 8.6ti A. M.; 6.60 f. M. WeVMOOTK, 
y.OI A. M.; 0.311, 6.66 r. M. 

Ns. II rymsslh, ft.4ft r. m. Kelars, 

8A1 A. M. 

J. fl. UEDBICg, 94 llrc-PrtsISrsi. 
6M. l.t'OKKUR.jirs. Fass’r Agent. 

More Sellable than either Taney 
> or Peuu) rojul. 

of best brands of l*reouul organ aud I he etid was alumly a bruUtf bt him back to health aud aoon after 
Uuretlou ol lure Keen th. returu of klr hi. wllr luhO.rd.ymM 

\\ atduer, who has a scheme lor every da) . **^**7 ■" 7 (! i i i \A 

t?r He was thru lakeu to Lynchburg and vbeeb. Bteelatub urnsque pus* aLd’ reads. Next moment she ever hr tbs a»«rt •kfitfiu'«x*Uiliur 

r r -d k by .VIi- Hrid.«. wfa U. loww dZ. ItUmi only, chump llttl. friut to ^ 

rid, of tbydwhiu ori mxiwit ^i « _ 

iHTi-k-l, eas tkmS awr /sUt, •uicsu<l mrr 
lilts* rMOHD im Hlt’sM I'HI MU xi.t 
Ukx , su»l receive, tree of rliarge, our I 
SUUtJ for L a t ino, li* turt uuti mcum Utupoyar. 

Warduer, who ha. a* scheme lor every da) brc * m '' b J** lf * ,u •* Dmhea long 7 Tbb b for tbe rear track. Our artist baa caught her Just tcu am on ds 

of the year, failud to stop the dowuwanl ^reveport, ia 1884, General Smith oould |b* front axle b made flfeetSiacbse after the rally: 
course Now the plucky (ouuder is out. he seen hoelug a Utile patch of ground to , bsmrth TW al n*! axbe wets made 'T—r— 

the Jouruallalb career of treasurer J raise vrgMaldee for bb wife, wbu bad be #r « UM1 ,fi. ' in detvimr abafto of tbe old 

the journalistic career ol treasurer J raise vegriahle* for bis wifr, who bad be 
M.thcreoo Uut mi nnl .ud A think, uc com. nu lurriUl. Uid th.t uuu. year hi 

| lougci has sn urgau 

raise vegetables for his wifr. who bad b* frot|1 tb# driving sbafU of tbe old 
couir u luvrild. uid th.t —in. year hi luuw>rv s\uklu« dumper ur uon dor.- 
*ohl hi. f.ll .ful hona. which hr lovwl bl> <;(luM u (uf ,y, pnrpcw. W. 




I t he imiuiroMhe^-tmqLay■'thai^tOTirera" Cor brr Ue “ or * 1 bu,Uh w “■ u ‘* u 01 ®°* cent examination shows all-tost no wear ‘ ' ' 1 “T . 

months Us been agltUlag the founding ol •pbrnme Mametf. Wheu the war wat iu tUv boMm The ranch. cocuecUngthe ^ "SSStti U 

a m w Republican (M |h i it/thi. city The ended and bs was a fugitive on hb way to (ruat U( | w m*#, b about lOfl feet ubt to* UaSito 

next to bb wife, in order to procure food have used the track two years, ami a r*- 
for her General Smith wm a man ol am ivnt ^.-.uin-sian .how# all-Kwt no wear 

purchase of The Nrw. u ouly iiiridt-niai to borrowed a dollar ber* and R Is immW of well aaaamed whit* 

the purpose of giviug New Kuglaud alive tbrrc to obtaiu mcaus lo send his faintl) 4 be 4 fnrh'r ia ri— It project* 

iuuriusl Kverv dav in lU ism-Il TUi Ih_* h....... s. »iih l.lm itu. ilm. - . ... j u 

M*al tiro creaawry ougiit to have bran open for 
business half an hoar before. 

H represents s Uwu EUsatwtb door with a 

iourual every tb) iu the week That there home, though be bad with him st the Urn .J -.1- three feet and b ^ , .* W bustod eat b> ibe fair Usarieiia's feet. 

raid hy awnl .ud (>>-ruu. utticw h«ud !»»••»• n--th. »ud lh. -^jj« ,„ujwiu» .hwh^Tu ,n«. • ul. - 

The public w ill do well to keep an eye ou__ _ b connected by B bear/ k i ngbolt. Ium 1* Woif as lw Bred biusslf through tbe wia- 

The News that b and is to he. in place by a key. dow. 

• • • Tke pbtfonu is If fast long and 4 feet And why aud w hence and wherefore was 

“The poor yr have with you always," to A^tsahbs. «f Fiadwd. VI. re* 1 "I tag 2 iaabM wide. To support tb* platform all tbb thus? We hav« but to pick up tbe 

I) represents the general destnu tiuu; also ths 
■xclMnatiua which fell fruot ihe pah •' Ups of | 
Its Wolf as he tired himself through the wla- 1 

“The poor y«- have with you always," 
was wrtltou year* ago. but it is Just as 
true today, abd Huston is no exception to 
the rule. Every day you meat beggars 
•cm. ktiai. 1’U fiirmtr U..U . ruU. 
Icudly dc—rilu, uf cb.rily.fur tb. au 
l-'.ruui.c uf tbr mm wbu bti yuu fur . 
ul. kcl ur dluui wit b « bleb lu get uuu 
tbluntural, U get—r.Uy aucb m l« cut 
idu-IM I In: (act tbM be U tuubtu, f« 

TM [lUtfom Ull (Mt loo, bod 4 fart 
tirakrawldo To bupyort tho pUtfum 
thro. » by 4 whlto ook |doob* cto* tb. 
rvucb at .bool oqtutl diMUKOO .port. H 
riio»o lo tbo no*"* SI tb. ooloulo 
uid oo lop of tbfao cnoopiocoa two 9 by 
4 Ud pteco. .0. Udtod. with tbo DUTUV 
od^o op. SSvora Ibw tbo Sow of 
pUtfuno S lobt. rnot <ocb oo, of tbo 

And why and whence aud wherefore was GetrucUo 
all this thus? We have but lo pick up the 3 mba M 
napere while the troaveoly s)lpb lies paul _ **•*!•_ 
lug w itb he* exertion* to understand; JJTpatB 

The is better qualified to , CtogaME 

pUy bndgU than Cleopatra Will prob- luUMPrasMxaeMMMSMItoWh*- I 

ri..„,d uc. SsWaffife:: *ia 

take charge of her and see that ab* is re * *"**' ***" | 

Tbs Juunroi —She would lire a wagon * 



Hwmiir Uwr sr lam b . 

ptnni Tstnilrf hanieh lull sad mtee un 

t ^^y ^ gS^g^aoth i^ tm>Mabsla- 

ass see enanerted wHh i ^upsao ( bMak»l C«jw- 
psOT. sad pS U rels ore taring to writs One at tBl 
UetrucUuM Is neruUsr cmn. TMr WtUnvill 
rpaure such srUn l hro as Ibey reuuMw um at 

Carriage, Sigi ^OriaweiUI 


Cast Weymouth. I 

so tf 1 


Ladies Q&ly 

(kqiti aad 

mi hesta—e 

tioa. We advise, if psiantsUe or nut, l 


HfCAIf MEM bulrrer* fiuu )ouli.(ul rri 

Tbe Jourual —She would lire a wagon ' 

M to wt t Ut.. Ms vena. 

erouU t lWjiu u juurbuu, 

a A. SNOW 4b OO. 

The Git 


g. w. TiNKHAM. m. r 

nnrvard *71. 

Mo. 4 Front Street, 


Telephone 2If*4. 


Chronic Diseases 


Mite, t Put Mo. ear. Beyls tea Street, Bask 

gVTsks me Blevator. 



(Fspll *rfl. J.Lasf.) 
AihlrtM, Box UT. 



Miss Annie R. Dyer 

(Erfferaja Carlyle Petewllla of BMtas) 

Is prepared to receive pupil* on the Plsnn or On 

171 Plsssifit 8lrsst, South Weymou 



Pisso.ssd Corset Solois 

127 Plsassnt Street, South Wsymoutl 


lOm CLERK’S OrFlt 


Attorneys and Counsellors-at-l 

ilrelro to give notice that they lure now retstill 
s city office •( 

at Milk tot.. Host ton. Room 

gg- Take elevntor. 

Olfioe Hours from II A. M. to 2 P. I 

Ollier Office* at South Weymouth nnd Ahliu 
W. U.C..C 



Prosidoat, - JOSEPH DY1 
Tlcc-Preeldest, CHARLES C. TOWER. 

Treassrvr, A. E. TIXIMO 
g M nl mi In vest inaat i — .loesru I) 
Oa sulks UTuwau, I'tuaca II. Tiaaaix, A; 
B. IUtuomd, John M. Wiiitoomb. 

•pea Ika • to It A. M.. sad I.SO to ft I 


Savings Ban I 

Proslfloat, • 




Jeba A. Bar 


L. Birxwxu. C. II. PasTT 

i D. CaaTsaarrax II • F. Ilicaacu 

ii P. Uuaaeu. Kumuitd < 1. B« 

■Bra ▲. Ccsaure Jo ax W. Bara 

IVm f «• 6 P. M. 

Saturday, from I to f I 

Money received ob ur before th* AftMStk *f 
•ry. Apefl. July, sad October, wfil f* oa la 

Ehb lbs flm el tha qaarur. 



UNKT 1. NASH, Presldeat. 
CHAS. T. CHANK, Trcftfll 


■EXIT ft. MAftfl WILLIAM R. Cl 



Bash Isart.—From l to a oV-hw-k n. 
hirsuMsday, sud buru T to S o'clock oa 

I)ept>blu placed oa Interest oa th« Ini Mui 
January, April, July suit October. 

||N. Cemroreelsl street. Sumilh is 


Hoasm sad Tone meets oa WuhlaftM 
Walnut A VMM lad Clapp Stream 

Ita. aft Y WM. traSor . Freat R 


Tho estiitc of tlic 
Dr. George W. Fay, lh 
Street, East Weyino 
Will be sold oil reason 

For particulars addr 



2 qt. Hot Water Bottle for 






i'sryester ssd Bui 

Jobbing Promptly AttoaflH 

RroUde*re. MIDDLE SThkAT. 


Seiatss Freak tl a sf lykea* Taller. 

i# purest red i«h ro*l mined, tnerther with As 
ry best coal obtainable, al»|ted for 

Nlonm iMirpowJB. • 

Order* by moll to Boat Braintree or Wrymnalfc, 
by trlrpliom, will tMtln Immediate atirnUo*. 
•vPrlre* low. Prompt delivery by carofbl drtv 
a. and •atl«fa. Hon iraaranired. 

nUN'K oompony. la i.ino in mu can, as to 
Hint raiwhlo nml careful nrtDt, Frederick 


• •• 




NO. 2 

0 . W. TIM, N. D J. F. Sheppard & Sons DrjCHosJl. Croeleii 

Harvard *M. dejlimW DENTIST, 

No. 4 Front Street, _ -win .» «r an otrica- 

OO^Li Over lie WeyiMil (Mini Stn 

Dr. lucy w. tuck, SAWED WOOD and HAY. Ei - rr ^r^? trm 

Chronic Diseases, * P 7 Coal, Iselmllng the *’**"•' ESTEBROOKE'S 

a artoiAtTY.. Vegetable Anaesthetic 

Mr*. Qlo*t*r Net Guilty. BOSTON TNlATRCt. 

IMIIFQT PRAISE DmtHAM. M*m.| April 14, 18 TO.—Friday - 

nUniaUI I IBfVIWbs morning Mr*. Gloater was recalled an»l Itownotx 8qi>AHKTMBATaB.—Therovlvsl 

■■■■ — ■ rrona-oxniiilnoil In relation to the white of tlie popular melodrama “The Stowa- 

ViAVannn Tndian Qairma IWa ntreak in her hair nntl her manner of wear- war." hr the I.itt and Davis Company at 

&lCKftpOO in a 1 ail oagwa UO*o8 j n » I,,. r )mi r and n few minor point". the itowdoln Square theatre the coming 

flnnA WnvV in Mu inn The Commonwealth called In rebuttal week, will tie marie a notable eeent in tliia 

IjOOII WOlU Ill Juaiuo. Mr. Lovell, the stenographer, ami the two daaa of production*. The drama la full of 

nttrara, Sll**eB Atwood ami jonea. excising scene* aim incur mw, wmt rvwnn- 

Marural Vndor.ement of Kltkapoo Item. The riefenno called Michael J. ray of lirfeatureawlththeiuoatraaelnatlngehar. 

edlr* from t tin Extreme North Raster* Thudoii, Tliia closed all the oTldence In „eter. The cracking of the aafn by “Hplke" Am t Vow She Wilhfll That Ertflbodf 
Section nf the 1’nltol States. Merit Atom the raws lleuncsay, known aa the "lleau Hruminel , _ * * 

I exciting scene* and Incidents, 


And til Her Friends Know 
About the Metier. 

Ours the Sacrifice , 

m* Yours the Opportunity, 

Could Hare Made Theae Itemedlea aa 

..... — — Hon. Edward Avery of Itralntre* inode of Burglar*," In Mill among tho atrong at- 

Wldely known and U*lvere*lly Imloraed the argument for the primmer, and Rohan tram,,,,, «f the Play, ami there are many 
kr the Pronto <>• H*rri* of Bridgewater, diatrlct attorney f,. u tim<a of the tlraiua which easily explain 

1 P ____ for Norfolk and Plymouth counties, that it* great nopularltr. It la ‘ 

Should Know nil tho Facte. 

_ for Norfolk ami Plymouth rountlea, tnai He great uopularltr. It la to given for a 

MoxTTCf.LLO, Aroostook Co., Me. for the Commonwealth. The charge wa* only a alight week and will lie followed 
Oct. in. IMA made by .fudge Dunbar and the case wa* by tho appearanee of Jamea O'Neil In Ida 

(flee, I Park If, Mr. Baytalau ItfMt, 
Wa>y4a|Wfl IWadaga. 
grTaka tka Elarator. 



trupll afB. J.Laag.) 

,J Extracting Teeth Without Pole. 

AihlrtM, Box 8ST, 


Pea Coal! 

PIANO & ORGAN INSTRUCTION. Cheapest nncl most cco- 
Mlaa Annie R. Dyer, nomieal coni tunnelled for 

Ikrftra M C.rlil. rrlmlll. «r •«■«•>. 

It prep»r—1 to recclre (mpH.-iii the PUnoor Ora.P qJjJj,,,. CO okillK StOVCS Ol' 

171 Pl,a,,nt Street, South Weymouth. ° 

All who are In want of FIRST-CLASS WORM 
and quality of material, art cordially Invited ta cal 
A fresh supply of GAS constantly on hand. 
|JP“ Particular attention gtvaa to Stralfhtaaiag 
Children’s Teeth. 


Lincoln Bnlldlnx, lllngbsm 

(Opposite Hint Ion.) 


1 wlah to tell yoe 
wliat yonr great mod- 

made by .fudge Dunbar nntl tlie cane wan 
given to the jury late Friday (today) after- 

IfamtAM, Mnan., April 14, 18 W.—Judge 

great pninilarltv. It In to given for n For that lUaeon Sh* M*k*e • Trus and 
ly a single week and will l»e followed MaUmanI 

K at ImiHtmonnUona which liavn given 
i a national fame. I 

Iclno Klokzpoo IH« I Dunbar began bin charge to the Jury at 4.HO CotUMniA Thuathb.—T he career of “The Ml . . ... -, Ulllt atl _ tn . lt .. r BM| » 

dinn lagwa, has I Friday aft.-moon ami rmietl It at 8.40, nntl Isle of Champagne" ami Thomaa Q. Sea- *now •'» ** K,ut l "* "»«*«. 

ntA.4Athe Jury reIIml to their room to hrtMtke at the CtdiimhU aeetna to btt pet it. *ha now wlahea that everyltotly should 
ilelllterute upon Mr*, tlloater's fute. At llnrly a happy one, ami It will undoubtedly know all the facta Just ns they occurred. 

7.*J3, after iM'ing (lilt Just one hour nntl remain In its present home until the end of ••V>>r nearly four venrs “ she aavs. “1 

tltlriy-aaven minutes, tho jury came In. tiiesenson. The fourth week of Mr. Be a- . , _, . 5 ft..* i 

ttralghtfarward Statamsat. 

The friends and neighbor* of Mrs. Ira 
Henderson, who realdM at Armada, 



Every DeparimMl. 

- m ii w | tlelllH-rnte ti|*on Mrs. tlloater's fate. At llnrly a 

Mr wlfo wen man 7.a, after lieitig out luat one hour nntl remain 
. j . . . I iiilitutes. the iury cattle III. the near 

..... lltlriy-seven minutes, the Jury came In. the season, the fourth week of Mr. He*. . . _ , 

linil tieen l Cnuita Worthington: “Mr. tirooke and Ills clever association will lie-I ■tiueml. 

For nearly four years," she nays, 


falling for a long time, 
and her old family 
, physician said ahs 

could not IIvOa I M. tllo*ter—Ocntlcnien of < 
Wo trletl another otter Itatk \i|*tin the Jury—J 
doctor, And ho told ihe prlsoner-w hat say you, 

Foreman.have von agreed upon a verdict7“ gin on AprlL34, anti tho Imllcatlona are oouhl not write or read, could not oven 

Foreman tllake: “Wo have.” that tho simndliightitnor of tho nleeo will ( M .»r nty children's company. I would 

Clerk of Courts Worthington: “hllen attract oven larger audience* than over. »,•».« f„oiin» i.i'mv t,„ n ,i u 

M. tlloAtor-Oentlemen of tl.e Jury-pHa- Tho advance ante shown a steady demand *»»vo auch a atrango feeling lit my head It 
oner look \tpon the Jury—Jure lt*ok uisut for neat a nml each evening by the time tho seentad aa If I should loss my mind, 
the prisoner—w hat say you, Mr. Foreman curtain gitc* up, tho rumllng riHtin sign la “I waa very weak and nervous and 
mill gentlemen of the Jury la K eti M. displayed with ilia hmtao packed to tlto wou y get all In a tremble and nty huart 
(•luster, tho prisoner at the bar. guilty or door*. Mr. HeahrtMiku'a aucoeas In largely . . ... .. .| t „„.. 

not of tiie charge alleged iu the Indict- due to hi* own artistic ability ami tlio care- would beat *o hard that It would almost 
ment?" ful wateli lio exercise* oTer tho o|t«ra to take my life. I would have, illaxy apella 

Foreman Wake, In a full, clear video: prevent any part front running down or anil whnt little sleep I would got illd mo no 

"NotOullti r." l-romlng own .art. ,1. ol tl.« , „,„ u , pnl , ny ,| lln|( 

Irt.r morlatlw .ill I- h *‘ 1 •"V”" 1 - 1 w “» Hi,I I 

ami the Indications are ooulil not write or read, could not even I 
g humor of tlm niece will iwr nty children's company. I would * 
''5|. *21. "IT"-.?.. have such a strange feeling In my head It 

tho same story, snht 
she could not live . . 
Jinks A fPAfft. three months. 8ho m^nt? 
bad been confined to Iter bed for almost Fore 
two years nml wan now almost bed* “Not ( 

48 Broad Street, 

East Weymauth, 

MI11II1AKU ,wo > cnr * *»d was now almost oeq* "Not utility. . oecomtng tax. ms own worn is m me . . c . „ ot PAl anything tlmt 

, OlUillMIlUf . ' Tl , 1 ,^,^ , ll0 pad ©on- Mra.Uluster sank luck Into her sent, most painstaking description aifd the to- , ,; " 

IQR Maelhnrouah Street BOSTON" sumotlon complicated with Heart Ols* Her mental nml physical nlraitt had lieett suit lias la*en sucw-ss. The linndantne, tailed right. It did aeem as If e\cry thing 
196 Marlborough Street, BUSiur\ sumption^complicated wmt ijaMtOlS t „ n(l t|| „ gon J| ^s slmostjovercame shapely girls In the chorus lend much to hud changed. I was greatly depressed 

TllNDAVrt sad WEDBUDAII. J**® J "' J™-Ii ° ' »««. The observant eye of the Weymouth the tnegnlHccneo of the singing of the and thought If only the Lent would enable 

anout discouraged. (Isxette representative, the only news, opers, ami the whole spectacle la n gor- , . * , 



2 Commonwealth Ave., BOSTON, taken 



Piaio, aid Cornet Soloist, 

127 Plsaaant Strsat, South Weymouth. 



OFFICE H0UB8,10tol2a.m.,8to6p.B 


Al.nut HlAnnurAonH "' r - * nwrmini ..... h,a H . ..... ...u u ami thought II Otlly 1 lie IoOril WOUld cnnoln 

about disoouragod. (isxette representative, the only news. o|mrs, and the whole spectacle Is n gor- ,„l ...... «,u.i ....n i ... ui» 

I then hennt of yonr remmly and told my |„ Nn present at the time, wa* upon geons one. A reinnrknhly strong And well ,nM *° " ,,r l’ ,nJr ,u ' n ‘* unH11 * ct 

wife atMMit it, her and i»t his suggestion Court Frier organlrcd Istllet is one of tlie attractions, I doctored fur two year* without bene- 

Oho decided to try tt, and before she had Whittaker of Frunkllu pasted her u glass *ml is both in i|uantlty nml quality tho g» and then I took Dr. Ureene’a Nervttra 

half a Inittle she felt bettor. When p'e-wnler, n few swallows of which Iwst rsrrletl liy any comic opera eomhlnn- t r ..n..u ...t i„.i„ 

>.l taken two bottles she was gaining seemed to revive l.or wonderfully. tlnn now travelling. Mr. Beshrooke la Wood •"«! nerve remedy, I receUed help 

$4.75 per Ton, delivered. 






Jobbing of all Kinds 

bm. glgk Rtrrct, sear Bswtbera, 

FAST WEYMOllTM s.lmlnl.tered sad ArtlBdsI Teeth fMt, iand lH>fore the thlnl bottle was Jim 
. , Ished she completely recovered her health, 

"pIcsao write f»- n|>|Milntu>rnU for fllllng. nisrge* amt hn* been n well woman ever since, and 
motii'inir. seeui her euro Is a wonder to all. 

--:--- Soma Mine after tills _ - 

,, I wa. taken tick 

DR. EDW. N. BATES, r 1 

_ _ pepsla by a Physl. V 

MU NtV PHV C | nn who rdlevctl mo m J *** R 

some, but dhl notenro %»A r , 

vised > ms to try 
Bagwa. i did so 
and was oursd. 

Boon otter that 1 was 
attacked with tho ty 

Crippoeml could not 
got rid of It. Every jp*. J*nn 6. IflMv. 
time I had a cold I wa* * 

I completely ueed up. At m r 



0(1 Ice end Iteildeace 0 Commercial 81. 

(over Cliarict IUrrlngtou't Btore) 


Appointments mads by mail. 

Mr. Avery, her settlor counsel. movMt for nlily assisted by Miss Klvln Crox, Miss right sway and I cotild see that the llrst 
her discharge, and C'Avt Justice Mason Minnie l^tndes, Walter Allen, Kugenn liottln was helping tue. I cannot Ik. thank- 
ordered If. . O'lliiiiko, I^tti Harrison and Jullnii Mteger. r.|i oiioubIi. I have recommended it to 

Tho Jury In tho case were also excused The latter is s newcomer In th<« cant and , f . ».v it 

from further aervlm for the term. The assume* the role of l'rlncc Klasengen. lie oM*er* anil they have been helped nj it. 
court thou adjourned until Monday inorn- possessor a remarkably sweet iRarltono - 

iu K . voleo and n liamlsome romantic stage pres. 

At the time of iho announcement of tlie enee. The ballet Is headed by Miss Clara 

At the lime of Ihe announcement of tlie enee. The Imllet is hemled by Miss t'lara 
Vsrdlct,Mrs. (lloNt-r's liusbnml and Miss Qualltx, premlor dansettxa, and la a well- 
Nellie T. Callalmti were seated at either known and reeogulxed favorite In this elty. 
side of her. Mr. (Hoater appeared cool ami The usual Wednesday matinees will be 
collected and appeared to take the verdict given until further notice, 
a* a matter of course, hut Mis* Callahan 

, * ur " t i JSSSU J* hSBialf t O 11.0 notAis Htiikkt THEATOts—Monday oven- 

„ r __. us alir nftarwair.l- express l m^eil in o | n|t( Aprit U-l. mt tlie „ull,a 8 tr e« t tf»«Mitr«>. 

Bagwa. * Gsxelteai. Ilte. Mrs. Oloater r Hoston will haveunopportunity of seeing 

and was cured. congraVilsiloi s of t II oni the Htpy out- (or t | m nn,ttlinn Ilmnson Howard's latest 

Soon after that 1 was eome of the trial, am soon afisr took her , ••Aristocracy." which has enjoyed 

attacked with tho departure froiiilbMjlmii)otithE'74Atrsln J, )ollR rilll , n jj bw York City. It Is a ao- 

Crlppo and could not over 1 1 ie Ues 1 1 \ ilit branch ,| f^ elety drama, upon which It Is said Mr. 

Hi t rid of It. Every im/r ony ralln»«d, glad, no tl tt . . Howard spent four years, sml the amount 

completely u..d up. At my „ v „ n numtii. l,l,lml.urn. wall.a»;.lt ng ffi .my tlm >i!w' v l iw 

... ' Klok.poo Indian 8.*- ,,|,| r„r to. crl... k...wn Ij. llm klgSft pr3.»: 

wa .imln. , 11 . altar ..In. Ir>« limn two lad. a rrlmo ol " V 1 , *!,.. . On. tliln, I. Mrtaln, anil thatX, Uiat Chai. .mltrere 1 * ' I'rnlimau anil A1 ll.vln.n liar. Riven It 

end hnvo remained wall ever since. I think All a well, tlial enus wen. a splendid ea»t. The h ading man is that 

. . _ , „ fine aetor, Wilton loackaye, whose work la 

L. A. W. Bicycle Traok fobs Ready May always must finished. Ills said that Mr. 

I QHit A. XATMOSD,Tow Clfrt. ^ EMERSON> 

COOK Jt COUGH LAN, -»a»uiata- 

SSJSJSSSiS Coal. Wood. Hay. G«, Flra, 

Sight bell. 1 can say that Sahara iS tho b®St 

HPK 7 .I alitat:—K iiitneriio»e /.»hnoperstkm remedy that a family oan have. 

r ',’ ; ■ ,r t Of lalH.r Involved ahonld have Jiroducrd a 

the greatest crime known to Jhe JJ" . tha biffSi iSEl 

Teeth extrseted by s new meUiod without p*in. ),avo remained wall ever since. I think “All’ s well, that ends well. _ 

unter Uuwrn dung .let aesren pstrntlrten. 

KriuUr SohUhifM. 

S city tRlUee st 

III Milk Mt., IBowton* lloom »!». 

eg* Take rlrvntnr. 

OIBoa Hour* from II A. M. to 2 P. M. 

Other Ofllces st Huutli Weymouth and Abhigton. 

I.otrts A. foox. Danibl W. uotraaua. 

Wa. 4. roo«ai.AH. «**!«. w. wibselm. 

And | Poultry Buppllo*. 

rerr„, c ^.,re... East waymouth Dr. Frank F. Darling, 


In case of OOldt (hero Is nothing bot- 90. 

ter that I know of than taking n good dus* T||e coutr ocU have Iweti i 
baton- going to ImmI. and my wife says she ..nlclals are glad to 

would not tHnk of keeping homo without ,Hn B u . M ‘'"‘C'* 11 " un 
a liottlo of nlckapoo Indian Hagwu. 8hn 
soy* it saved her Ufa the help of 
Providence, and I can say that under tho 

IQ Lnekaye has never been seen to Iwtter ad- 

. , , vantage tlinn In Mr. Howard's play. Win. 

Tho contract* have Ikjcii awarded and tho pavershatn. w |„, mudi, such an excellent 
ngim officials are glad to sec that every Impression here InM season with the lMWm 

SOUTH WEYMOUTH (buwxsson to HahuxlCl'BTI*.) 

SAVINGS BANK Furnishing Undertaker, 

President, ■ joiEPH dyer. Anil FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 

PrMldcnt. - JOIEPH DYER. ADU rUNKHAL uinDLivn. 
Tl w -rmltol.cimDC.lBW» [| .„ Cukets. CoB... Bob„. HablU, 

ssst —i k— i "ussjrjss “ j - 

B. IUtmohd, John M.Wuitooub. 

Ipa (,.■ • la It 1. >.. oat ta • r. ■■ 



Freslisst, - • • Z. Li BICKNFLL 

Z. L» BICKNFLL l,c*ic 8'rnUlud f< 
(R. S. faaierSary Call, it w«vm«ut‘' 
f Jafea P. fearretl irndrd day or ulgbt. 

Msfe sei Tr eaaamr, Jess A. Isymaer 


B. L. Birxstu. O. II. Pn att 

■. D. C*RTiaar*T II. V. Uiohmbu. 

(•aa P. Uusrbu. Kuanxu ll. Bath 

leasm A. Ciumi_John W. Batbb 

fhe t It 6 P. Jf. 

Saturday, from f Is f P. Jf. . 

Msapy rtNlvrd on or bvfors tin ftfUaalk afJaaa. 
mj, ApvS. July, sad Octobsr, will f* aa taUnM 
Shb Ifea flm of Ua «a*rur. 



UNIT A. NASH, President. 

CHAS. T. CBANK, Trcaiirer 


fllVBT A. RASH VILllill M. CUPP 



Beak lasra.—Fromllo>o'clockn.u.,onim 
bwlMMiU/i sud fiuui 1 to * o'clock oa Mood*, 

* ? lir|H»iu pUrcd on luUrva on tbs gnl Monday af 
■ •ouary. April, July aud October. 

!■«, Coaaicpclal bipppi. «*•*•■ tb laadias. 


Hoasai sad TaaemwU oa Waakb|«aB, Bmai 
Walnut Avaaaa lad CU, p Surnm 

lull! WR.ireLArr. Pmata—a 

70R SALS. 

The estate of the lute 
Dr. George W. Fuy, Broad 
Street, Bust Weymouth. 
Will be sold oil reasonable 

For particulars address 



_ . S«8». »a 


You can get a 

2qt. Hst Water Bstllo fsr SOe. 





(lot. out by the day or work, at buiac, |v! H) a 
dai. loocai ftfcitutt.. 


Embalming snd Disinfecting a Specially. 

aubmt ron tub 


A First-Class Quartette. 

Mcbic rurnUlitd fur fttucraU at reaMinabla pHc*. 
Cali* dl Warmoutb and llrslntrcs promptly at. 
tended day or ulgbt. 


«icr» sums. sot wttTMfm, 

(Near Jack son 8«|uar«.) 

OSrr BnBrst-'JOA.a- bi It a.; 1144 r. ■. to 
ir.x.i e.45r a. toRp.s. 


(Karrmor* la (1. W. HRR8KI), 


Miller Kent, a young and good'actor. Of “It lisa also cured my llttlo girl of a 
U—J c« iimtakk. ffut 1 nwo mv life sent a scene oi niiDguou the ladlea. Mis* Viola Allen, formerly with nervous trouble. Bhe would gnt up in her 

.... i^'Sir m:i",V|S U VS mt™. ‘uiSre^mnllSh" '» <">• «' «■•••>■ A. 

tho great gift of nature. Klckapoo In. the construction of wliat protnlaes to lie M d a ttnhdhed actresa, are the beat known, times alio would talk atrangn ami it would 

dlnn Bagwa, nml *11 the world Bliouhl know the best and fastest lilcyclo track in tlie M|m lllancha Walsh, a newcomer, liaa a be aom« time lieforo she would know 

of its Intrinsic worth. Its value n* a family world. Work on the graml sinntiui leading role which she Is aald to handle whore she was. Bhe la all right now aud 

remedy la beyond comparison. shortly commence nml Chief Const excellently. Other* In the large cast are ," n .“‘J 

JOHN 8. WHITE. I'erkitia la confident that everything will g,i w | n MordaunC J. W. I’igoit, liruee we |kwIsm I>r. Orecite ■ Nervurn blood and 

JOHN 8. WHITE. I'erkitia Is confident MmjMBVerjrimnfC wm K,i wln Mordaunl. J. W. 

ui-Lrere.A | H< ai. n a oouia I do In remllnesa f**r the o|M*nlng rare* M .. A Henry W. Monti 

$1 Mr Bottla, Biz Bottle* for wA. of rrM ,.Ka to Ih. present at the opening 
and It I* expected that under favorable 

at. J. W. l'igolt, liruee I 1 ... V ., * 

W. Montgomerv, Harold nerve remedy for the cure. 

of any dtvpfflit. « 

$1 per Bottle, Biz Bottles tor $A. 

ner, one of thu “old "My neighbors and frionda know Itnw 

Tl... olllilal. ot ,1.1. ...Malta, are . u ,,a,nl.v rlib -‘KSlfiAr.'JSS I 11 ' , * v, ' 

(„r tal..|il andI tliny have .lr. |.rmnl.e, ft, # „, MdlU ;i r J|a, e ,aollioiiin»d .r.k. •»«.«.». 1 liavn Uro.1 Imre forty T-ar, anti 
of ilia frnt.R, t« Iw pre,i.nt at tua npt-nln, B „ |,y imrelih.faa tu a am known to all. I tlo wlnli I ooulil liotp 

Sni l» lireS a "“•'»• Ilo .atwoHl. tlmiial. .nfforer to a I..UI. of tl.l. womlor. 

conditions the records will i» tiroKt n. ti, r oonnlvance of a number of liu|N«cunl- - , * _n >• 

The referee for these race* will Ih> II. W. „ uh nobleman. Mr. Howard's Idea la to medicine ao that all might W cured. 
Itoldnwinj )udgM, Abbott paaaet*, (icorgn , KI | 0t out the folly of marrying American Ilia by tho widespread publication of 

A. I'erklna, I). K. Miller; Al“ r, J! r '.*** 1 • heiresses to cheap titles. Ills plav la a facta like theae thnt the great curative 

l eek, clerk or course, w. B. i»ount, BN ti ru upon American society, soKUillcd, al of n r (Ireene's Nervura blood aud 

assistant clerk*«fcouree.K.F. IU»we,>\. , lmi . N ,,f ttflr UII ,| |,| t ing. It Is promised l»oworaof i»r.ureene a Nertura mm ami 

arslsiant clerk* of course, K. P. Uow« . \\ . U| l|ell uml biting. It Is promised i~” — 

A. Howe, K. C. \\ a«le. A. J.Ochs, umplrts, || mt the play will Im hstidsoiiody staged notve 
Charles Nuwnmrch, John QrahaHi. vV. T. Ht)l | at ip«rlily costumed by the ladles. Invalh 

The Dander wa* a Qoo*e. 


Old. Shop of Mr. Horsey. 

All klsdaerisslde agd ealilfe 




boston ddudiue. SKSS-JiS&A* ........... —. 

IOO Varieties of these fin© to presume that they will Im of unusual The pride of a family residing on a cer- 

IVJVJ voiIOIICW Ul time excellence ids this will he the opening twin street in this town wus two geest* and 

PnnArft infitock for Home meeting of what promises to be the busiest u guilder. They were of extra also ami 

rapers in Otoe andlmst season that the cyclists in tills flu,, clesn Imiklng birds, uml their equal It 

Foreign Corrospond* vicinity have ever experienced. would leMlIfficult to find auywheruhero- 

norve remedy cun he made known to every 
Invalid ami sufferer in the land. It la 
true that tliia medicine perform* astoniah- 
ing cures and all who ara ailing should 

A. K. BATES’ “■“moot,,.«** 

-ron- ___ 


URT SIR IIFATFR too protection, bot ron gimmcm. 

nil! mn H»niLib uipii. mi pmo t nilROIS Pfllnnl Atloraevs. 

or Foreign Correepond- 


For Sale 



The pride of a family residing on a cer- avail themselves of Its wonderful power*. 

i'iX 01 %si , r: “."K :.:i «.«ii. 

tit, Clean looking birds, und their equal It else and this la the beat and surest remedy 

would be difficult to find anywhere hero- to put you In perfect health. It Is purely 

_ okyal.. Tluilr uwu.r UHik *real dollalit In v ,|reWI<l« aatl karmlam and I. k.,.t l.jr 

M . exhibiting them Uivlslttirs and iHiaxtiug of . " , # <xi fiiv.i.-iun. ami 

Married. q ni , brood lie meant to raise In tlm druggists for 61.(X). 1 hjslclans ami 

Weduemluv, April 11, at Bllloi Square future. druggists recommend it highly beiaum 

church, Hoxburv, by Itcv. James DeNor- This spring the .eggs were carefully they have seen it (cure numberless sick 

maiidle, Leigh Wentworth Chamberlain of marketl and put by, so that they might be . ni i ii Ih u,« nrescrlinlun 

lliMton, andMias (loddanl of lU.x- ready to set wlmn the time came. A few l"opi* sml wcauae it i* me prescripiii.n 
bury. Mr. CliainlierlHln Is ii great grand- days ago the inlsircs* went to gather the and discovery of a well-known physician, 
a ,hi of ll.oi. Christopher Webb of Wev- eggs, aud found the gamier on • tlm m-si, Dr. Greene, of .Tl Temple l’luce, Iloston, 
mouth, a lawyer and legislator of uoWi In and aUo an egg. Tlm next day (lie same Musa., tlm successful specialist In curing 
Norfolk county between the years of IWW thing occurred and tlm next also. The oiiil „ lir< , nll . Thrt ,| lu ,„, r 

and 1830. 

A Two-story Factory ImildlliK 
well aituntcfl on Main at root, Soulii 


One or tbs beat beating arrange 
meats on tbe market. 

Tlo, Capper nml Iroo Ware alway. on hand. 

Special Attention I'ald te Jab Work. 

WASHINGTON. D C MltllirO fl'l'l, fl(H)l' Wt'll liglllt'U. 

Book Fret Msntlon this paper. - • 


Parlor Stores, "niL 

Lowest Prices. 


Acesti for tue 

Malden Steam Lmdry. 

pzarzer wore guakaktezd. 
Seed, on at Tea. dap AM., ratnnod 


Fitted with stctllll pOWUTt dined to urn plane oi meir wish. •• -•• 7: t T' n ' ’,r,HiI "anv uf Its couteiiinurarica because It a 

licit, electrie light, uml l*om ««'• “'/‘J“ t , 1 t, , t * r 1 ’;;;?i, 1 JL ii«y. '■aT- , rV , i: 1 "-,,V.''.“.‘tbL"o'. KJJKwlS 

water, ami well euileil for nlinunt L?3"i , l f.'"w ll . t I. tt. diit.r- ?re5 “«uiuita?re iSk. uJoiutad" Thautota. 

„ny kind of muDufneturing buki- J- , -.. i , fitt'lSJV 

Under tbi* beading tbs public it lav lied to s*k 
i|U«»tloUi and alnu teud •H**e *. 

Mi Id. If-. Weymouth —Do all tlm large TJi 
filled. I plum in iu our solar s> -fern rotate on tlmlr «J| »« 
I axis from west to east! J. Are they In- *b® 
hti'Ulll | uiiueil to tlm plane of tlielr orbits ut an 

All Reoord* Bsstss. 

nervous and chronic diseases. Tlm doctor 
can be consulted free, |»ersunally or hr 

297 Ostsmsi, 

(luce Inure The Globe has beaten all 

Spring Opening. 


$5.00 Colombo Salt, 

Ages 4 to 14 Years. 

Slrlctlr All Wool, 

Do Okie Kaee. 


A MeanlllM Mil eMk iMk ML 

Also a full line of Men’s and Youtba* Solti hi 
Womtodn, Cheviote und Caeaimered, *«■» 
»8.00 to »i0. 

A film lino of Spring Overcoat., W.50 to IIS.' 
Laniuon & Iluldierd Hat* a specialty. Foil 
niidiingn, Trunk., Bag., Etc. 


Ilraud atroot. East Wamaatfe. 

W. C. EAHI.E, Manager. 

Wo have just put in a fresh stock of 

Ladies’ Misses’ end Children’s Fine Shoe^ 

in French sml American Kid. Donzolzs. and Burnet Wu kwy j nzMpz tly tM 
hand s full lino of Timings G. riant's znd A. F. Hiulth • celebrated ROOda. 
Hoston Hhoo Co.'s Hubbers; Storm and Plain. 

Try oar Floor ot IL75 a Barrel, delivered. 


Tliu paupla of Now Kinflnml Jocltlwl recoril. la noatun Tli.r. wore 
.. ago lli.l lire ll..,u.o fllolre wu I •»“ Imn.lroil are! Iwontyaaran roluinn. of | 

tu«»»l cnterprlslug uews|Mper In this The Uustcu Sunday Globe, 

lou, and gave it a much larger clrou- April Id. Nearly a |»age more was left out 
... tl.Mi.untr .if Its coutduuimrarles because It was iMd possible Ui crowd It Into 

uvvmmitli — What is tlm differ- crease, contributed m luafce tlm (Hone ell 
,.ni*e iMtt^eiSSiuin and culture? dilate an average of 3'1,004 copies per da; 

It G Weymouth.—There are five or This averageTs not ouly many Ibousanu 

luiini. tI m.ii unv nf Its couteiuuorsrles because it wa* mil possible u» crowd It Into 

o* ; YSlJKtou,. dreMdSKSSS any par* of lire l-l-r. TI.I. I. f.r more 
rliis nawi In M.foIi, wllli tire natural In- .'I'otll.ln. tlren wu ooor pul.ll.lirel by 
rroH«o, ooutrlliutod to tireko tho flloho dr- Tito Jilohtt direr nutlon tiur.pwpor, uu ui’orag. of 1.11,004 ooplo. por tl.y. nntl It .ot. a liluli-wator in.rk of which tli. 
ThUavoragoT.nploolyuianytliou.anii. iU'IS.Fil oireout. .. in. 



-It Is not so much llm quantity os tlm 
quality that inode It a most gratlfylug es. 

Also boot und olitto tilling mu- ^'T&TSS.r, RrWuTlMS 

chlnery for huI,, J -5 •JJaTitt/L^JS’.^ “.'.M 

s 8 spear, S^iSrtBS JC J.uon u ?i!;j isy^ 

tta or sear lbs PrewUn. 

are suslsiuiug the llostou of today and 
insklug Its future secure as a great city, 

un ^ dertai^eii Cottage at Fort Point, w. F. Sylvester’s 


CA8EET8. COmNS. ttllUKS Etc. 

ZarcreswB ssd RrsUrure, JitkfvO.X IQ., 
ft.i»r aiiMona. 


Jackets Sq., Bail Weimoulh. 


■aa eonauatij es baad s fuU 11 m of tnt Qsalky’ 

Beef, Pork, Lard, Ham, 

Canned and Bottled Goods. 

rrah TigiUblii of til Si&As 


rrah Eos and iholcc Bitter. 


wai boRM by Mr |urtrM sad tQsai* Ssa l l n ga ^ 
T —— S abacs af pablb* MUonaws. 



tba |irr*n-*t iwtelt/ wf »be ay*. An oigan on 
-lri. it,aM bs jf.ajr J any eb-•• *rOUB fc*r s »»a*M». 
in su Uixlgbi jilaim CMC, t 14 

— ALSO At.AST rot- 

11.1 av. Bro... Kohuirr aud I'aaw Pl¬ 
ana., Sltrliuc aud (runn Urgant- 

A duimU r of MiYtmi-bauil IwUumuu fc>r cals 
tU»e Ca»b or iHstaliuruU- 


The Morrison cottage at 
Fort Point, Weymouth. 
Apply to 

L. W. MORRISON, Braintree. 

Ooamtrclal Sq.. Bail Wejre»alh, 
(»ITV or JMHF- a 

«ie|kenilon? 4. W list I* thedlstsne* Ije- _ |1 i_ , ,? on u Vi,IJX auV*' ollicrwoston Mum'liiy list which w« prcsentdMl yesterday. Eor 
twlentlmw*ve*V fi-Ilow fast does tlm gJikNItbjj -veral years the Glob* ha. published 

wave movement travel? • f» r sever3 years It lias led its leading more “wants” than *oy oUmr newspaper 

-- rival by more 40.UW copies |mr Him- In Boston, simply Iwosium It gives quicker 

^ day. In March, the Uoaton Buuday Glob* ami more pr«.m*l.l« results than any of its 
Some facts concerning ih# history snd B j, re i,rds and showed tlm msg- n.ntemiHDrsries on this .-lass of iiopular 

title Of the Jons* Perkin* 1st. uirtceut average of 1H3.1U8 copi.-s, the high, advertising. Nearly lifi v column* of 

Sill our UlMory, aud W.TW sopl*# par ' wants' wars printed IsiTbs^Hoba yester- 
Tlm proposeil new »acquisition of Kumlsy umre (list ilurlug day, snd were of greater iuiimrUiua. 

land by lJralbtr o upon which is to bo printed more advertising swj cX'I/u ol'**duJd*y and “win" 

Finished Marble and Granite 


erveted the new school-house, l" known | U oturcL iliuu any other liosim. uows- 
a* tho Jonas Pwrkin* lot, snd wa* prob- |w|mr. (t leads in MU circuhttluu *ud 
. ... n „urt nf Vriiui'acrna ulvoit bv tlm advertising, because It meets tlm wants of 
ablj a purl of IHIMIWM BIUU uy tl»(» ,| 1M ■ N . u plt>*a a n*wa|w|wir, ami sells more 

ready for Uttering and setting in the esmeterier. 

Is le st known ll is most thoroughly appro- 

I5 , T%Tovis ^ Fil#i and s#t iB 8° od 






F & w.c°. MILLINE] 

Oval Fire Box 


With three Interchanging grates No novelties or clceiruld 
— Draw Center, Deckasb, w j|| 1 . WCU |m' me this bcawm 
Trianffulnr—I.uv* tlm most per¬ 
fect con. bust ion, the freest burn¬ 
ing und clearest lire. 

The most economical, cleanly MRS. M. T. CROKE 

ni.d durublo Itnugos ever con- 

stiucted. Pisti’s Blsib, Jackses M*. tasl 

Continuous fire cau bo kept g £4ft4 
without any trouble. Guurau- --— 

o.p.n S «r o,,, :rw‘:;r::: itMmvk xmm 

Caryrster ssd Builder, 

Jabbing Promptly Attended te. 

0asl4M««. MISSU STKULT, 



Tuning und Kcpulrlug. 


SS IfoHSI.. EJlST weimuih. 

M Ii 

■ ■■ town of Hre.lim to tfio proinuigaiora oi 

r in g- I , ■ I Ihu Iron Work., ami U|hiii tire failure 

SJaC * wbdXl. of tire 101110 . 11)11 wa. (lurcb.irj liy 

Agent for Uia Lurall, Culuiubfa .nit VO- '.‘u.^'tl'^"‘wu- 'i,,Ire-rft’".I U Ly Doncon 

jSr.. - 

sibk par ,n after Ids death, tlm land poised into 

u txiALTY r l | ie Iiande of the SojHsr family, of Way- 

ELKl'TKICMIfcljIj'i WIBIKO. mouth, snd wa* sold by Mary Soper, 
e RLJ ..j e^i. M sdshssa daughter of Kdn.und snd Kunice Cur- 

Siws Filed and Set in good snope. tiM *,,**, to kh uayden of that place 

H4f who ill |HI7 conveyed it to Josiuli Vin- 

s---:--- ton. Iu I8U Mr. Vinton deeded to 

tiruf nDCKIIMR Hev. Jouas Perkins, rlx acres und 2\ 

Ul cninu rods of said land for the sum of ll!»A 

together with the building* lhereon, 
lie retained it in his posbession until 
~° r ~ ileceau*. which occurred June *-*0,1874, 

age Imiug xi year*, :i months, 11 
■ mmm sp «Of ewfb ■■ duys, llis widow occupied the same 
lyf TT TT AT residence until her deulh on March gi, 

Mmmmmmmmml dad mV m 1878, her uge beingw years, I luonih, 

(1 days; and it U probable that their 
gi/CBo uorcir whole lamily ol children were horn at 

fcVtKY the old l.omistead. 

y a part Of SirtlS) ucres gltCII by tllll . , . uifw*.M.N‘r ainl arils utoro _ _ A a ■ a a s a s * asg j*w 


the (oiupauy it Was j.urchased by ibnussuri more any other Huston ^ • 



No uovcltics or dcsirulilc goods 

Chatterer'* Mufting*. 


Ik. you, luckless>l, 

Fcsl dislr*u|ht snd blue* 
IDs fame missed you quite? 

I jisl your fortune, loo? 
Seems ll>c wirild sskew? 

I-ile s sorry Joke? 

'i will look brizhtcr U.rough 

Such you. sony plifl.! 

Thai s Haul you woo? 
h penis Im solo ddiglil 
TsnUlDin* )ou? 

Proses your wife s shrew. 
Now you're 'nrsll. Ihe yoke? 
I'cs-c it still D view, 

li.ddcn you *diei-‘ 

|»o you Uck the a»i«, 

And vsur ...onill's rtnl duo? 
(J.iitkly dchu accrual 

C'rrliliii |4o.oks 

Will. Ihetr dunning? Fuoht 

1'r.ncr, no xrief can Utgl.l, 
llcM«y though it* stroke, 
Wlulc we'*e Uut halm, light 

I Huuriuy itewnpuiHT, 


Fcaii's Blttih, Jachsas Sq., last Weymouth. 

g £4*4 

Bucklsa* Araics Bslv*. 

Tmk Hest Zai.vk In the world for Cutu. Iu doubt 
UruiMi*. Oort-s, l'leers, Halt Itl»....... Fever tug Machlur, L. J 

tiorc*. T« U. r, ( hup|M .I huiuD, Chilblulus, 

Corn*, and all Sklu Er jpllous, and pu»l- -- - 

lively cures P.l* -. or uo pay required. It 

D guaraultH'd log.vr .Hrrfwt sal.sfacUeu or JBI 

umuej ruluudtsl. Price Is c. per box. wJI 

For sa.le by A. M. B m ha Ufar . PltohUP’fl < iu doubt buy tho Now Home New- 
ig Machlur. L. J. Ilarl, ageul, Weymouth. 

Children Oryfor 
Pitcher’s Cantorla. 

Ohlldran Cry for 
Pltohsr's Caucarla. 

Fahhiouable lircssiuakiag. 





Whau Bsb> vuskk, mo gave bar CsSotis. 
Whsa shews* a Child, she cried lor (stum 
Whsa she Imkwiuc Mass, she chug to Ouluria. 
Whee she had UOIdrua. she gave them i^sluriA 


-Em if 

Hakka Cream 

• moot.' <•■>■ -tulf 
bwifn Ancncs 

“t' .‘lMre'ljir 


Work, rirretl, u Ike lloa a( Ua 0. C. B. B. U QUMf AltM 

g I ki ll 

marks.—llostou Herald, April Id. 

Strength sad Health. 

«• inti it'd lug Ntr<>ng uml healthy 

iry ruKtric Kilters. If "Iu 
left you weak aud weary, um 

ters. Tills relite,Iy act* directly »u IJi'er, 
Htt'iuui h and Kidueya. geully aldlug il.ow 
organ* hi |h rforui Mn ii fuucUoru.. If you 
are aftlu ted with Nick lluadra be. you will 
lliul *|M-«-d> aud |N!riuaueut rdld by tokiug 
Electric Killers. Oue trial will couvinc* 
you that Ibis is the muedy you ueed. 

Large Ditties ouly fiOc., at A. M. Kacbel- 
der's drug store. 

ntTIMOMIALt published iu 
V behalf of Haod's SusipuillA are 
a* reliable aud worthy of confidence a* 
it from your moat trusted neighbor. 

American, Scotch and Swedish 


Obituary. -Augtiatua Baata. 

1 truth ha* removed from within 
Midst on*. of thr leading ritltfM, * 

A Trig to Ban Franeiaeo. 

lVrhap* thr reader* of thr (litwttr would 
It# |)|p««f(| to trail a littlr concerning a 

Grand Complimentary Concert to Mlaa 
Annie Dean. 

One nf tlio l**-«t ronrrrt* of Die *rn*i*n, 
WRHthat which wi»* given by Ml** Annie 
Wean,In >•»««•* li...i*e .Houth Wey¬ 
mouth, In*' ..lay evening. 

Tlicni were uliont thrrr hundred present, 
and although they w.*r# n little cold In 
their rrrri. 1 l.Mi «>f the Well know n nrtl*,* 
n« first, they warmed tip before tin* 
programme had proceeded very fur. The 
following art.»i* appeared In n.*|.ta and 

.<t- Ml«« Priscilla White, soprano. 

Mr. Frank Monroe. tenor; Ml*a Annie 
I» rontralto; Hr. O- ItobCInrk. lauwo. 
mol Mi«* Klimit . t»c«>ompaid*t. On 
the n.lvirtlalng po*t"!* thf ttaine of Ivan 
Morawakl, b*««n. applied, hut |y* muhl 
not he pre-v-nt. *•» Dr Clark wn* engaged 
to till the vacancy The following pro¬ 
gramme wn* rarrlrd owl 
llelln Fig‘1» Dell Am-tp • Quartette. 

Flgllo Mi.. . M'aj ,>rnft 

One him Alone Mr. Mnniws. 

All! Kola «t Lnl MIW White. 

Ita** Bb1«» Mr. Clark. 

ihi,t Mra*r*. M tin roe and Clark. 

Polly Willi* . Ml** White. 

Forever Mm • Ml** Dealt and Mr. Monroe, 
ita** H* lo J* r - Ulark. 

land Kindly Mglit tJWrtette. 

Till* eon. rrt wra* thoroughly enjoyed by 
all, a* w a* aliown t»y the applmiae after 
many of the nmnlier*. Ml** W hlle lia* 
Wen hranl In Hottlli Weymouth on one 
other «Hca*lon. and her wutk received 
im-rilt d npplaii*r. Sin- rank* among the 
la *t of aopran..* In the country. She rra- 
iM.inlid to lief lli»t imore. 

Mr. Monroe mad- III* flr*t appearance. 

nd lie ..'llrd, a* hr dr*ened, 11 found of 

|iplau*e that hrought him mi to the ntoge 
•ii.ii nfi. r all «f Id* nmnlier.*. 

I>r. t’liirk ha* appeared la-fore n Booth 
Weymouth nudleiirr in the year* |»u*t. and 
In- won the lieirt* of In* nildlriier In the 
if the lower note* for wlileh lie 

i* not'd. 

of M m Dean we ran *<y nothing too 
die I* niiiong the ls-*t contralto#, 
and her work everywhere, receive* the 
highest eoiiiinendalinil. 


April 12. l«*t-Judge 
* *ie court for Norfolk 
toilar, and transacted, 
matter*, the following of 

_ r . ___ Patrick Shny ‘and 

Edward (!rolliy, all of Wry month, n* sp¬ 
ine, Frank/ Margaret 
all of Weymouth, 
tr, none; personal 

late of Wey- 
.*xecntrix, wa* 
that of John Itonan, late 
* *•-T, executrix. 

Dkohaw, Ma**., J. r 
White held a prohai. 
county at Qnf- ~ *“' 

among other _ 

Interest to our reader* 

Charles 8. Tsrliox, 

pralaera. ft Ini’ * their Inventory on tile 

Uui. !!!!=, --- ”-- 

and Mary O'Connor, i 
minor*, a* real eatat- 
relate, *4400. 

The will of Kdward la-wl*, 
mouth, KllralM'th J. Ia*wi*. . 
allowed, ami al*o t!»; ..J J..!.- . 

* **’ i mouth, Marv A. Cditnlff, 


Auguetii* Ural*, eldest eon of Rile* H. 
Ileal*, died at hi* home Monday afternoon 
April 17th, at the age of M year*. 

lie sustained a parnly tie *h<x k a year or 
more ago, and had been in fnlling lieallli 

lie Tore the war, Mr. Ileal* wn* engaged 
In the manufacture of bouta and shoes, out 
In |MCM hr held the ofllcc «»f chief clerk 
and ln*pector of Internal Revenue. After 

of Ike‘home people. At the time of da 
part lire from the *IInh the mercury waa 
hugging zero and had Wen for several 
day*. Doing aouth toward Philadelphia 
there wa* some mow, hut In the city the 
street* were in a fearful condition anow 
piled up four fe# t on either able of the car 
track and It luid lo«t Ita former purity. 
Cro**lng the ferry lefore entering Haiti- 
inore wn* :v novel *lglit and experience. 
The channel wa* full of ImmenM cak*** of 
Hosting Ice ami the *ld|t* King at anchor 
were renting on the frozen hay. In Wash¬ 
ington I he anow seemed to have disap¬ 
peared. Ala* for human hope*, expecting 
a frw hour* In which to hurriedly get a 
glimpse of the cl tr of ".Magnllleent ins¬ 
tance*" one find* the time limited to fifteen 
minute*. A vexing state of affairs, hot | 
one ha* to learn to nut up with all norts of 
dl*ap|M»lnlments when trusting to the "Iron 
honor’ and steel rail* Westward to Cin¬ 
cinnati again found snow and Ice, hut the 
weather grew much warmer (at least to one 
accustomed to tlie rigor* of a New England 
winter) a* Chattanooga, the rising city of 
the South wa* reached. Here there I* 
much to interest the vlnilor. Mission 
Ithlge the National cemetery. laMikoilt 
mountain and other places elalm time and 
attention with rich rewanl. Tim view 
from tamkoiit mountain is almost inde¬ 
scribable and also the thought that our 
ryes arc roaming over one of the great 
Imitlcl!.-Id* of tin- South till* with nwe and 
I may any reverence for the many thou¬ 
sand* slain during that battle. Hut I must 
hasten to New Orleans. Fine weather 
greeted the traveler, hut again limited 
time prevented n tour of the city. Acnjaa 
tlm "Father of Waters" hoarding the 
Southern Pacific one Is started on a live 
days’ride over the Sunset llotitu hut I 
think with one or two exception* it I* a 
"misnomer." At Ban Antonio It waa 
beautiful and warm mid the air clear, 
altogether It seemed to la* a place whirr 
invalid* might receive a new lense of life. 
The canon of the llio (i ramie wa* followed 
a short distance and wn* the most scenic 
part of the route. 

The ltio tlratide Itaelf wa* n dl*ap|tolnt- 
meiit. I Imd Imagined a rushing, turbulent 
river, and saw a •mall, placid stream, hut 
there must hi lime* when it ftllllll* one’s 
wildest imaginations and fancies. KlPuno 

cast • w a c Tr^oTT’rai itxwb 
rodUlHiu' nxnv ksipat *v tiii 

WITK 07 TH * MAIH 7 SK rCBLISB'fl 05 . 


T. 0. AlWKFSS, tt/i MOUTH, .VASS. 

„f the Itnatoii Park Commissioners for WT, 
which Included the report of Mr. Frederick 
law Winded, a* lqnii*cap»' architect ad¬ 
visory of the department, upon n communi¬ 
cation from the llustoti Memorial Associa¬ 
tion, urging that comprehensive Ste|** I"’ 

taken in this direction. In view of the 
Interest nml Importance nf Mr. Olmsted*; 
rriHirt, and the many facts in It not else- 
win re en*ilv found, I venture to append n 
copv of it to this aiatement. nnd hope It 
may !*• printed with It. (See Appendix j 
FI It will be ol*u rvrd that Mr. Olmsted 
|h.iii1s to the remarkable tit* made of Itos- 
ton Imv for recrentlw* purpose*, showing 
that, with the poaslhle exception of Nenice, 
the people t.f no other city In the world 
jiavc made such good use of their liarlair. 
otherwise than commercin', n* those of 
Itoston have long la-en accustomed to do. 

The l.nv led tig the circumstance Hint 
caused the r.'tni.tullnii of llmton and D« 
developnn at a* n great city, Injuring the 
character of the mailt |*utal of the Near 
England metropolis. It •* appropriate that 
it should he treated In a manner worthy 
of that character. Therefore it I* to he 
hopr-d that the n-ciiiitnemlstlon* then 
made, nnd which, unfortunately, failed to 
receive favorable action, may yet !*• • nr- 
, rled out. a* they easily can It.*, in the moat 
I we Itro turprlwd I *y*tein*tlc way and ut it very small ex¬ 
tol ns nu Item for ! pciise. 

dy "A render of the ] 'J. Thr S-nifA Bhvir. 

print Item* w ithout | Turning to tin* shores of the Im.v, alien- 
lonsilde for them tlon I* almost necessarily at once ntiracted | agi 
ni aiipearlng para- ! to the remarkably pli tnrr*.|ii» and In ani - 
, , „ ..i fnl promontory of H«|ii*ntuin, which, nl- 

Ion* joke or guy t | 1(1 „gh wlthlli the llmila of the rtiy of ■■ 

sign your name nl- Quincy, helong* to the city of lbwton, | renuering 
i|oti. having been taken for the n-e of the sewer 

• ' department In the building of the great 

• I sewer that passes under Dorchester Pay by | 

Moth. i a tunnel, and !>v a c iu*> way b* It* point of 

, /. mwIIhiIi discharge at Moon Island. The city of 

if the Gjrpaj* M *»' pmton own* sixteen acres st till* point, 
cat advance In the „ IM | would he easy to arrange for Its use 
for the year IW* 1 -. park pnr|»o*e* without Interfering with |„. „ great 

. ii... which #tlic otH-ration* of tin* department Ibdng, he given, 

j the datigi r wliliti f| „ w J v ,. fi outside tha limit* of Poston, It whowllle., 
inrd. n*. shade trees. , vnll (,| naturally coimi within the *. ope old Stoiight.i 
>f Maaaachnaetta by of open spncea tinder •■ottsldcratloii. It ha* H |,» t ,t the 
within h. r border* long he. n a favorite objective point for ••Majesty" "< 
. „ iN'ople driving to the shore from Quincy I , |,sri,i for 

cl (vest* of Europe. jj,„| „n„. r ,.„i„miinltlca to the southward of moilern can r 
rnvs the foliage of poston. It offer* one nf the ni>*st In'Miitlful 
rce* oi..l of hushes and varied view* liter the Imv. It would 
. .i.ii.I naturally !*• united with the other drive i 
on irjany vegetable*, o,' lllNr(f „ „( q„Ihpv hay, which the 

live thug the tent I . ur w depiitun iit of that city tmw ha* under , 
arm, a* it* ravage* I conslderiitlon. The enu*eway carrying the 
Ml of the summer. I line of the *. w. r to Moon Island offer* an | the Athlete* 

. 4*1011.rtnnllv for the extension of the dritn nfthe schnoh 

rillt Itae* •tripled j,, tins! place. Should the proposition ever . .... ,i„. .,i 
destroying the fruit | M . carried out to cxleiul the sewer under the | <t|| ^ j M , n , t ., r | 
. kllllnx III. lmtl»T i.tnl ".'"’K I.tnn.l '•■•*|„ v » .. . 

'•••" ■" .... i,:z i jvmt.'.tv.’v!:'. .... mix... ........ 1 ..I I...' . 1 ; iTii MT.’n 

* nut hei-lt seen oilt- most d* slr.ilde portion of tills |mi**IIi.o av*- i . .. . . 

„ i» in , lent o| pleasure way* nnd ground*. 

" ' Amtllm, .nuu.-.ll.... Hot Im. U- n mitt- 

ull reports to tin* I int-Hm mention lure. It I* proposed to 
may have spread carry the high-level system of sewerage, 
designed for the upland portion* of Dor- 
. . ,, , ... cln-ster, Uoxhttry, West Uoxhury and of 

made by tin ''J*'*' the south melri*|Milltan sewerage district 
ittlon of ihe moth is | M . V ond. to an liide|M*ndeiit connection with 
mil of making n the outlet at Moon Island, to avoid the ex- 
nil eastern Massa- pctise nf pumping at the Cilf rant tire *tt- 
all . ash rr. .Mas* . i ( f| , lf ,| liB ,,«,r under 

*, and especially tin. |,qy. hv tunnel or otln rwl*i*. as In the 
uud hoiticnlturisls. case of the present scwer^pUBght helM iter 
I the alert for the to construct U causeway aiTow* Dorchester 
.11. and In rcoort ,,rt > fr, "» t1 "’ *" H 'l"""'»'»- 

nth nml to re|airt l T|(l- cm,hi form u moat attractive 

I feature of the Poston park system, by 
milled free to any carrying a parkway connected with the 
in to K II. I’orhush. I Poston parkways that are designed to ou¬ 
nce, with the Marine I’ark by way of the 

shore of ..Id harlmr acma* toS4|iiaiiiiim. 

to a connection with the proponed Quincy 

Till* causeway would also make u full 
laudn of that |iortloii of Dorchester Pay 
and tin* estuary of the Nc|M>uset Illver 
lying within it, adding greatly to Its lieanty. 

A drawbridge and .i lock would give access 
to vessels, and it i* held that the value of 
the hiisln thus enclosed would Im* enhanced 
for eotuuieri'ial purposes, as it would pn*- 
vide u g'KHl depth of tiavlgnhla water at 
■ill time*. 

.1. .Voa(usle/ It tur/i nml thr llitl* anil Short* 
at Hall. 

The remaining |iortioti of the southerly 
shore* of the hay that more immediately 
concern* till* Iiictrottolitali |iopulation I* 

NnntasVet Peach mid the neighboring 
height*, together with the In'iu lie* ami 
elevated |M>lnta in and near the village of 
Hull. Nantaskct Peueli I* frci|itented by 
great multitudes in the summer months, 
and it scciii* desirable that some measures 
should Im- takeli to giv< the public a iierma- 
m iit right to the use of its inestimable 
privilege* of seaside recreation, while the 
lieight* lieur ill.* beach, and paiti. iilurly 

near the village of Hull.—•licita*Telegraph . 

Hill, a historic hM*ahiy by reason of li* old | words, 
fnrilii.-atiotis remaining fr«-ui the wht of uIm.iiI . 

IKP.*. —are Milmihle a* outlook |Miint* coin- j hall at! 
iiiatiding li.dde views over the t-ulrai cm to hud Im- 
Ihe hay and tieighlMiring shores. I At U. 

4. The IUngha:n, H’eynttulh ami llralnlm I 


•the war lie again went Into the Imm., and 
shoe liitsinrss, coutinnlng it until uImiu, 
ptwo, when lie commenced the mannfaeinra 
of hatniniM-ks, under the name of the Pay 
State Hammock Co., which huslnes* lie 
remainiMl In up to the time of hi* death. 

He h«* lieen associated with nil progres- 
•Ive movements, having in view the Inter¬ 
ests of the town, nnd with most nf the local 
organlxatlons for the puhllr goml. 

lie wiis for tlm last few y-eara treasurer 
of the Cemetery association, and held dif¬ 
ferent office* In the Improvement associa¬ 
tion nnd Ihe Century club. 

Thu deceased w as n memlmr of Orphan's 
Hope fjodge, F. & A. M., I'etitalpha Chap¬ 
ter, 11. A M , and of Houth Shore Cotninan- 
derr. K. T. 

1 »«• - j S xl.ance. 

A.turtnrmrntt inserted at the final rater 




John K. Si.Nldnrd and Francis A. Ambler, 

Im.iIi of *.'... !“! ' 2 

truatee* of certain eatate ghewln trust for 

the lieneflt of the Notth Wr-* L 

church and anclety, under tl 

Thi/foPowIng were among the nceonnta 
allowed: First and final ot Itoxnnn lied- 
man and II. Adella Planchanl, r. : 

" *—nl Planchanl. 
:r»; Mrs, anil 
•xwnlor of the 
Win iii unrii 1 » v/vnnor, of Weymouth, 
for SI2IH.2S, and the Brat of Mary MeQuald, 
ns guardian of Kranci*. Mary. Henrietta 
and Catherine MrQiinhl, all of Pralntree, 
uiimr*, for f.'iiyp-Wt. 

Dkuham, Ma»* , April IS, INTCI.-Frdro 
O. Wink Held ami llalpli C. tiregg, i mpurt- 
ners, doing hu*iuess under tlie Him nnd 
style of >Vtnkfield & Gregg, Shirt tnntitl- 
f.icturcra of Pralntree tiled a petition In 
Insolvency In the Norfolk Ib-glstry III till* 
town IimImv. No arhedilh-a were tiled. 

Weymouth, were np|M>intrd a* 

lirniftn and Editor*: 

K. W. Bianciiaxd. M. F.. Haw**. 

' -<$m*p«n.ltnr<> *im! Item* of new* *rc •olkitnl 
from ■TTrasilrt of the Osxrtte. Kvtry one know* 
of some InterMtiax ®r Ul'pcnlngs tli»» «*»*»» 

would like lo rsB<l almat 

Mlille we hsve an efficient mr,'« of regular con- 
irlbntom, there Is much of Interest that In the nature 
of tilings, they rnnnnt get. ynar Interest in 
your lor si ps|>er Mil pride In jour town lead you to 
•Id In making the (iscette nmre bright ind newty 

-mouth Pilgrim 

.. llBIl „ ........ ...n will of Jamen 

Torrey. late of Weymouth, bond $20,000. ^ 

alio wml 

lection can Im made from ray Stock than from idintngraplia, a* I have n l.arpr Stnek lo eelret from, and work anlcctad 

inn be l.rllrreil aad Mrl «|» He fore Derornllow Day. 

o agents, consequently can quota thn 



Slio|. nml Wnrerooins near Woynioutli Depot, Put llralntreo. 


trlxes of the will of Kd- 
late of WeymolitJi. for f‘.'l2 »»; 

FRI0AY, APRIL 21. I89i. 

I .'OH 8A I.K. One parlor nrtran In good rniell. 

thin, and ear elsno; also fnthl black walnut 
■Idelmar.l alii .lining table. Applj- to >110*. 
IIKNHY l.» I.OVKI.I., llrrvad street. Hast Wrv- 
inoiitli. g 1 1 tf 

I AON MAI.K. A nusnllfy of • Inch. 7-lacli 
1 mid • Inch lurnacc i.I|m-» lor conveying li.-e air, 
with three register*: all In A, o.n.llihie; Heap. 
Apple si office nr\VKVMot lil AND PltAIN- 
TIlKK POP. CO. IVcyinouth. Mss*. « r I M tf 

Cherry Poles. Ash Poles. 

Walnut Poles, 

DmuiAM, Man*., April 1t». PRO.—Judge 
White hold Insolvency and probata court 
session* for Norfolk County nt Dedham 
belay, and among the matter* of business 
transacted were the following of Interest 
to our renders: 

In the insolvency mint session In thn 
case of Tliumas Peinilmun of Pmlntrcp, a 

I NOIt MAt.K. Three ciM-d wmk Imrsc*. Apph 
i to JOHN II. THOMPSON, lllgliMrret. P,**i 
Weymouth. g 11 tf 

F OR Ntl.E. A second l.»ml aagonette In 
g.MMl onler; g.M..| f..r <tc|».-t use; also srroml 
IisimI spring carryall. In-|ulrc of P. O. Itnx It, 
Motab Weymouth. 8 tf 


Fringe.I Shades. 

Democratic Town Committee. 

A meeting of the Democratic Town Com¬ 
mittee was held nt the Town house last 
night. IV-ter Hughe* presided In the «i»- 
ncncc of Chairman John W. Hart who Is 
confined to the house with n severe etdd. 
Albert P. Wort hen E*q., was secretory. 
The meeting, which was one of the hottest 
ever held hv the committee, lasted until 
after midnight. 

Last night's meeting was to decide who 
should Ini postmaster at Houth Weymouth. 
Tlie name* to lot considered by the commit- 
were J. Clarence Howe, James It. Frnwley 
and i’Iihs. H. Loud. A petition from Mr. 
lxiud containing otcr 'Jdi signature* was 
presented to the committee hut lid* did 
not have any weight, the light being nar¬ 
rowed down to Messrs. How-enml Frnwley. 
At n previous im ding of the town commit¬ 
tee It wa* voted to leave the matter of 
naming the postmasters to the Ward com¬ 
mittee*, hut this rule wits broken when 
they allowed the committers from Ward* 
4 and A to vote jointly on the Houth Wey¬ 
mouth office, which remitted in the choice 
of Mr. Frnwley, by •» vote of ii to 4. 

Ho much dissatisfaction has Ik-m ex¬ 
pressed ut allowing the two ward commit¬ 
tee* to vote in the matter tliut it was dually 
.thought advisable to leave It to the whole 
committee to decide. It w as nearly mid¬ 
night when the vote wn* taken, nml Mr. 
Howe came out a v:Inner, lie receiving 12 
votes to it) for Mr. Frnwley. Mr. Loud 
received none. Tlila decision i* considered 
final, ami Mr. Howe will doubtless lie the 
next |K>*tmaster at South Weymouth. 

leal BoClely better than 
tangled" Jargon. Old 
nnd 1 heir like have a 
Id folk* that nothing 

Holland Shade*. 

ARMING TOOI.N for •*!<• cheap *1 W. It 
IIOI.I.IV stable, Washington street, Wry 
ith. 1-8 

Opaque Shade*, 

I NON KAl.i:. A lease, li*rnr*s ami 
L" rbrap. II., Ilox 16, Ka*t Wry mouth. 

South High School Alhlelict. 

Imols in this Slate am In¬ 
die* uud ke.-p n re .aird of 
lio hare defended the honor 
There Im* In-.-n no record 
• tes of thi* school as far a* 
id. lint t!i- h *y* hop.* to 

F OR Mkl.K. fly North Weymouth l.and to. 
on llanl.-tt airline, new li..u-«-, T room*, 

F ipen-.l. elect rl<* light* ami I wit; bail., let water, 
.rnaec heat; line view of Wet mouth hirer; rlrr 
trh-car* ..*•« the il.M.r. Apply on the premise*, or 
to J. II. W 8 BU, Manager, (jnlney, Ma**. I tf 


The Mine* Tirrell'* Recital. 

A musical and dramatic recital, Ity Mist and Annin IdU 
held III the lecture rtNit 
church lant Frhl *y night. 

The mush al part of the 
aiding of piano 1 ' 

iron MAI.i:. House 0 room* and hath, tear 

r (le|M.i; »|>leu.ii.l neigliboiliiMMl; pib-e low. 

In I.rl. ltou»e 6 ruolii*: gw, repair; 
relit 6V.OO per ttiuiilh. P. I.. DAVIDSON, Ai,et.t- 

i tr 

irogriinmii*, eon* 

_„ ... t . olos and ilueta, and vocal 

aoiiM and du-t« hv ImiiIi young ladies, 

•bowed their dm Idyd talent In tbl* direction 

each selection iiieetiug w ith lutt.l npplnii*.*. 

Among tliein were two parllctilnrlv 
id.using pieces, a vocal aolo, "Penuty’a 
Eves,” nml a pl.tliu *o|o,*"Allce, Where art 
Thou?" both given by Mis* Sunnite Tlrroll 
in nil artistic m.inner. 

In the readings, ilrnmalie work, nml 
miisicul sch-ciioii*, Ml** Louise Tirrell 
showed her*. If equal to every demand. 
Purely do we him* a far.) capable uf Mich 
rurle.l expression* a* nlie ,H»se**eH, united 
with such a full, flexible, pleasing voice. 
All her lighter selection* were given in an 
easy, telling way and lo-r impersonation of 
"Little Emily" was so tender and np|M*ul- 
ing ns to draw quick tear* to the eyca of 
malty of the most M-lf-ttossesscd among the 
audience. Her reading, "The Country 
Debating Chili," in will Ii she assumed 
the different characters In the club, was a 
great success. This is ail exceedingly 
difficult reading for a lady, a large number 
of male cliaru -t.*rs being represenUMl from 
-the ".In.l.*" to the fanner, hut Mies Tirrell 
showed herself equally at home in each of 
the difficult parts. 

Thu comedy-A Woman Hater, by Kate 
Field, was given in a delightful manner by 
Miss Louise Tirrell assisted l»y Fcrdiuund 
Itockwell. Mr. Ilockwell tilled the title 
role ailmlruhly. The acting of both was 
extremely good. 

The farce. "Fast Friends." performed 
by Miss Tirrell and Miss Louise Tirryll 
whs acti-.l in a spirited muiHOT. 

In closing Miss Louis.* Tirrell gave a 
series of Delsurte movements and Greek 
|nincs, accotupanle.l hv dreamy music, 
playnl by her sStrr. The attitudes were 
charming, ami a tilting cloae to one of tin* 
most charming entertainment* ever given 
ill this village. 

NAM-.. Itr North Wryuioutl. Land Co., 
■ u Pearl atrppt. North Weymouth, new house 
i room*; wirv .1 fur electrk light*, papered; near 
rlretrle rn**l Mint illlaic. Apply at offiev on pirin 
l.e. or.l. 11. Wl.llll, M.U 1 ..C r.Q'.ln-., Ma-*. 1 tl 

1 70M MAMt. A »econ.l lian<l Cnlon Bk-rrk 
1 in pool c ill Jit loti. HKTH DAMON, Wry- 
in inth. 62 tl 

New Maple Sugar and Syrup, 


Radishes, Rhubarb, Lettuce, Dandelions and Spinach in Stock. 

E. W. HUNT’S, Weymouth. 

Groceries and Provisions* 

A little us thn weather In Ban Fran¬ 
cisco. It Is l Mit wor»t winter for many 
years nml very rainy. Since nty arrival 
here there linve lieen few pleasant days and 
I'm n little undecided an lo which is prefer¬ 
able, for a winter's sojourn, New England 

I NOIt MAI.K. Will Im* sold at 
1 mi Saturday. April 8 th, at 4 n 
vtandhiK on thr corner of I'olutuh 
INrasaut *trrrt; term* rob. A. E. 

1 7OR MAI.K. On rs^y term*, house of 7 
. room* slut H..OO fret of latii.l on Vine street. 
Apply st the WliVMorTU bAVINUH UsNK. 

61 tf 

F OR HALF. One Columbia «afrty bh-yrle 
w It!* pm-umstie lire*, prarticslly new ana In 
iwrfert onler; price, •110 One Hover *sfrty with 
iiuruuiatic tiir>; price, 6Hi. Apply Fore Hirer 
Kuglur < »., Qalui-j aveuur, East llrulutri-e. 

Historical Society. 

The Weymouth Historical society will 
hold It* regular monthly meeting ut the 
Tuft* Library on Wednesday tla* •Jntli Inst, 
at 7 4.1 nVIoek p. m. 

Tht Melroiio'itnn Park Cumtmstion. 

Our town lasing *o favorably situated on 
the nouth shore cf Itoston Hay, with easy 
access to the various island* and most de- 
alruhle shore* of the liay, tiio report of the 
Metro|Mditau I’urk Commission of which 
hoard Hon. CliaflM Fraud* Adam* of 
Qnlney—who has been so lila-rnl in regard 
to th« monument to be elected on the site 
o’ the first settlement on Massachusetts 
II iy ut Nurt'i Weymouth,—i* chulrman, 
form* very interesting reading to our r« sl- 
deutaaml they will heartily favor n liberal 
|iark syst in which shall l»oatiU/y lloaton 
llurlmr uud iu surroiiutlings, l*y pluuting 
tlm Island*, which were once heavily 
wooded, with trees and by other linpnit e- 
uient* adding to the attractiveness of one 
of the most beautiful bays In the world. 

We make such extracts Irotu the re|n»r, 
os we judge to le of most luterest: 
liosTox Dav,—Its Iblaxds and KitoaKs. 

First in order in the line of inquiry 
adopted came the opportunities allor.lcl 
by itoston l.arlNiratid hay uud their shores 
for aquatic and water-side recreation. The 
harlmr and hay, with their surrounding*, 
throughout the summer month*, form |N-r- 
ha|M the most iKipular pleasure ground of 
the entire metropolitan region. Tint water 
surface, of count-*, i* free u. ull, and must 
ever remain so. ilut it Is otherwise with 
the sliorca nml islands, upon tin* condition 
and asiw.-t of which inm-li of the pieasitr.- 
derlvultln from the rccfcullve us.- of the 
water tie fiends., fu creuling its u.-w 

R rks, lots indeed recognige.1 tld* fact, nml 
the Muri tie Park ut t’lty I'oilit iu Koutli 
Ibrnton, tiic'ii.ling Castle I-laml, which, 
through tin* generosity of the national 
govern III. lit, has been pined st the dis¬ 
position of the park, and re¬ 
cently eolill.-c■leu will, tloi maiuh.tid ii* u 
poltioit of tl.e pmk-tog. thi-r with the 
wuter-aid* drive or |>.rkwsy along the 
shore* of Dot Chester Dav or O'.d II»»rl«»r. 
uniting the Marine Park with other jmr- 
tloiis of the park sysl.-tn, I a* made an mi- 
fmiUiit Is ginning for the «liter-side recrea¬ 
tion of the |nmi|i|.-. This provision, how¬ 
ever, decs nut lM*gin to uu-et tin- require¬ 
ments in this duet Lou that for the great 
iii. tropolituii population will exist iu tlie 
near future. It w therefore denirnM.- that 
uiup'e prov sl 'lis siioul.l be made while the 
opiMirtiuihy exists. 

The u.lvunUtg.-s presented by tl.e islands 
iu the buy uuturally tkrst suggest them- 
M-lv.s. To.-so islands ute im *ily iiuldlc 
liropelty, lieluligilig either to Ihe city of 
Itoston or to the national government, and 
are .N-cttpie.1 by public institution* of va¬ 
rious ktuds, »r by furtilicatioti* for hoiU.r 
defeue*. Of tbosc not so .MMiUpicd, uml 
still ri-mainlug iu prltu'.*- or artui-prlvnt * 
band*, there are two which ap|M-ar to la. 
particularly well adapt, d to utilisation for 
public re rcutiou. \\ Idle they might not 
Im> imm. duteiy availuble, it would s* cm 
worth w hile to secure tin hi atnl hold th.-ui 
IU r. ad i e lor tin- U«n-«ta of the future. 

tin.- of the*.-, I'ethlock'a Island, is the 
largest ill the buy, and In.* lire udiauluge 
of lying near u* entrance, ut the maiu 
sltipobaouel. Tin-re are extensile views 
from its proluineul elevatiou* over tl.e 
unlimited maritime aceuca presnii.-d l.y 
thc constant mov.-ioent of o« ruu commerce 
Iu ami out of tin* port, and tin- place la 
<-X|M>*c.| to u fi.-er *W.M-|I t.f the ocean 

Fourlaenth Annual Convention of W. R. 
C., Dep’t of Maaa. 

The very able rc|mrt c:f the Fourteenth 

A prominent citi/.eti of lluff'ilo, N. V , 
on learning that the 01.1 Stoughton Mud- 
cal Society was lo glve n coiicert nt the 
World's Fair, scut his coiiunemlution and 
a notice that Ids .-li.-.-k for one Immlred 
dollar* wiis ready for it*.* when tin* society 
wiint-d it. The lover* of tin* ol.l tune* 
ur** still uhroad alid their tiaiiin Is legion. 

ntiuu »l convention of tlm Woman'* It.)lief 
Corps, Di-pnrlm.-iit of Massachusetts, given 

lltl.N tVAXTKIb A, 

FAN CO, KostBndatne, 

i.y .Mr*. Marion 11. Hastings, president of 
lleynol.l* It. C., No. 102, lias created so 
lunch interest among the • members of that 
Corps, tlut we gladly publish portions of 
it for the public. 

The exercises opened with prayer and 
coiimttilulnry, and messages 
from various |mrts of the country. Thn 
annual m*-**uge of tlm president w as lis¬ 
tened to with mark'd attention nnd 

G 1MAFTIAU tiikkh and trim* 

r IIIXH. All the Ik**I isrleih-. Apple. Plum IVsr. tiKOHUH P. IIAHDWICK, lUt nffiee 
sil.lrr**. W.yrauiitli ll.lglil*; mblruer, Middle 
»tn rt, near k rg Oak hill. 61-8 

I 'O l,bT* M<-«* oitli-e will, large »how window. 

nu the gmuiMl fl.M.r of the old Library bulldlug, 
rill Im* pnrt. d off with amoun: of »pn. e to suit 
THI.ISHIMt (1). 2tf 

'T'O I.BT. email upp. r trnement eltnstvl nu 
1 tliard street war udddle street. For further 
information apply to JOHlH'll W. VINAL, Hast 
Wryuioulh, Mm. 61 tf 

Gold, Silver nnd 

Nickel. Not quite given nwnv, l)ut nt very Low Prices. 

T O LKT. Tlie .tore of F. K. llOltAUT. near 
tbc station al Wry mouth. Apply on dir prrra- 
l»r* or at the wrap|K.-r factory, Eel \Vrymoutu. 

Ia a positive cure for all tboso painful 

Ailments of Women. 

It will entirely cure tlio worst forma 
of Fcmalo Complaints, all Ovarian 
troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, 
Fnlling nml Displacements, of the 
Womb, and consequent Spinal Weak¬ 
ness, nnd i* peculiarly adapted to the 
Change of Life. Every time it will cure 


It lias cured more cases of Loueor- 
rhcea than any remedy the world has 
over known. It Isnlmoat infallible in 
such rases. It dissolves and expels 
Tumors from tlio Uterus in an early 
stago of development, and checks any 
tendency to cancerous humors. That: 

Bearing-down Feeling 

causing pain, weight, and backache, Is 
Instantly rclicvcu and permanently 
cured by li* u*e. Under all circum¬ 
stances It arts In luirmony with the laws 
that govern tlio female system, and 
is as harmless us Mater. It removes 

W ANTED. Keep Ihe edge, of your paths 
nnd iltiveway* »tralRht by u.lnr the Plnnet. 
Jr., tulm-r, Fur sale by AI.I'HONHtf CAIN, 
We*t IIiiirIisiu nnd Weriuoct!:. Currespaadrnc. 
noliclle.1. b I 2 tf 

Annual Meeting. 

The Ladies Social circle connected with 
tlie M. E. Church and society of Eust Wey¬ 
mouth, held it* luwcling Wednes¬ 
day afteru<M»n ami evening. A large 
number were in attendance, and much 
interest was manifested in mapping out tlm 
work for tlm (Miming year A lino supper 
was served nud the following officers 
elected: Mr*. Andrew J. Oarer, presi¬ 
dent; Mr*. Jennie Goodspeed, vice-presi¬ 
dent; Mrs. Itiehard II. Smith, secretary; 
Mrs. Willard Duuliir. treasurer; Mr*. 
George K i I hum. Mr*. William Thayer, Mr*. 
Joint Durrell, and Mr*. Josiuli Tirrell con¬ 
stitute the board uf managers. 

AXTKU. A B'H.d tiiuit seaui«tre. 
wUli t-x|N-i inu-c. Apply to M. A. M. 

W A.1TKD. A b'mi.I rid for 
work. Apply to MUS. Al 
I’llUBY, Kart Weyinouili. 

rliuri-h Notice*. 

full Uturd of seleetumn held their iimiiiiI 
Monday ufternoon session, in the alius- 

Im-s* than tlm usual numlier of orders 
were drawn and ii few cases of charity uuil 
Mm," Iild considered. Wlmn tlm qtlilis 
were proitght out, each of which holds tin 
uaiim of a eonipeteiit juror, ufter having 
Iteeii ihor<mglily shaken up, two were 
taken from tlm iiiiiiiImt, mid in them were 
found tlm names of George D. C'lmaaman 
uud Mh-liiml Flynn Jr. and these geutle- 

A c***»l clrl'fir arnrrnl Imiue- 
ply to Mbs. F F Dull.IM.. 
and Alyilic sircel*, Ea»t Wry. 

62 If 

.•nil I Cnimrit ok luuAccLATa CoKcimo* | 
lion (East Weymoutli)- Itev.Fr. Ih-gley, jiustnr. 
Dili I High Ma*s at lil.AI a. lit.; Hiiuduy-school I 
Mr | at p. III.; Vespers 7.4.1 p. in. 
bun ! TkhpkMAU'K 1Iai.I., (East Weymoutli)— 
hem | (] IM |i,.| Teiiip.*rane.« meeting at 5.30 p. in. 

CoxuasoATtoXAl. fill to it (Ka*t Wey- . 
month).—Dev. Daniel Evans, pa-tor. 
Preaching at 10 .’It a. in. Hitndnv-si-hool ' 
12 m V I*. K K. at |». m. Even- ! 
mg srrvh-e ut 7 p. m. Hulijcct of tiioriiiog 
sermon, ••Worship.” 

Mktiioiukt RrtscorAi. t'licm it (Ea*t ' 
Weyiuolllli), Itev. J. H- MeDoimld, ] 
pastor. Preo-liinj nt IO.JO a. in.; Himd.iy- < 
school at 12 in.; Kpwortli League, 0.00 p. 
m; evening suffice at 7. 

Mission JIau. (East Weymoutli), The 
servliM * morning, afternoon nnd evening, 
are at 10!iii. a hi .‘.'.'Ml *nd 7 p. hi., to la< 
eoudiicti d Mis. K J. Storm* uud Mr*. M 
L. Witliaius. Kunday-schmd at I 4.1 p. Hi. , 
Union t'liunrii (Weymoutli and Drain- 
tree) Uev. Oliver Illiekel, pastor. Servlcra i 
witli Minion ut ia:» and 7J*t. Bundsy- 
seloMtl at noon; t.'iiri-tiau EndeavorU.H). 
A cordial W eleolim P> ull these services. 

M E. Cltuacil. (East Drain,re-*).—Itev. 
A. Field, jtiislor. I'reailiitig ut lo.Mi 
a. iii ; Kmi'fav school at 12 m ; evening 
am ice al 7 p. ut. 

Fiuar Dai t 1 st Curat ii (Weymoutli). 
Dec. Wesley L. Hm.lh, piurtor -Preuching 
by |M*tor at lo.:*» a. in.; subject, "The 
Second Coming of Christ;” followed l»y 
,llm nrilitialieo of Dupii-iii; Holiday-school 
st 12 iu ; Y P. K C. E. at tl 13 p. iii.; 
preaching l>y |M*tor ill auditorium at 7.!0; 
auhjeet, "Memory." All are cordially 

Tkinitv Cut ui ii (Weymouth). Itev. Wil¬ 
liam Hyde, rector. Service with sermon 
nest Kiimluy al lOUia. in. Subject, "The 
Vision of tin- Iti-cii Christ.” Kuuday- 
school at 12. iii. K'li TH CuuarH (Houth Weymoutli) 
It* ,. II- C. A Lord, pa-tor. Public wor¬ 
ship at l<).:i 0 , null preaching h.v the pastor; 
Hiiiidav — i-hool at II t'»; Junior H«M'iety ut 
3.:*l; V. P. 8. C. K. al 7. 

Cm in it or mi: HAruffn Hkaut (Wey- 
litoiilk)—Uev. J. J. Morphy, pastor. Muss 
at H tl> a. iu. Huuduy-srbool 2.!8i p. iu. 

Cut Ml N OK Ciiuiot, (Houth 
Weymouth) - Itei.L. W. Atw 1**1, p.i-ior. 
Preat hiiig sen Ice lO .'U a. in ; Sunday- 
schisd st clone of luorniiig service; Young 
people's meeting ut 7. All ura cordially 

It will, doubtless, In* u surprise lo our 
readers to learn that tin* Soiiglitoii Musical 
Koch tv expect to reduce tlm i-x|n*iisu of 
tin* trip to tlm Chicago Kx|»o*iiion, per 
member, to $43. Tlmnld-'t of tlm guar¬ 
antee, which limy ere raising, i» to reduce 
tlm ex|»eu*o as mm-li os pos-ihle. 

Hats, Caps, and Cent's Furnishing Goods. 


Give un a call anti we will try and givo you a Good liargain. 

W A.tTKD. A rrliitblr prison Iu i-wrr town 
to lake the rxrludvr agoarr of the "World's 
Coluuibtsn Kx|M>tlilnn lllmmoi-il," authrmlc organ 
of tlie fair: «■isbli<lie.| I*IW; great opitortunitr to 
bake money lor Ibe next year; one rbailee iu a life- 
lime. KimTimc 16 nuts Iu -lamps for •ample copy 
aud full particular*. J. 11. CAMPllKLL, Presi¬ 
dent., i ll Adams street, Chicago, 111. 6|-4 

Weakness nf tlio Momnch, Indigestion, 
lUoaiing, Flooding, Nervous Prostra¬ 
tion, Headache, Gcueral Debility. Also 

Dizziness, Faintness, 

Extreme Lassitudo. “don't care” and 

Hewing-inarblue operator*; light 
hI pay; tiram |*iwer; lurti net lout 

... ..more ban U wanie l to take work 

lo their borne*. Ilelivi rv wsgiwi will rail. 

Forty Hours' Devotion. 

The Forty Hours' Devotion held iu tlm 
oliurrh of tlm Juimsciilst" Conception, 
Ku>t Weymoutli, lost week, a religion* 
service coat inning two days and night* 
was successfully carried ••ut. tlm Dh*-*cd 
K reran.out ladug ex|M>se<l for udorution 
during that Hum. The whole sacristy and 
altar \» as beautifully decorated wills liglits 
u ul cut rtowers and tropical plants. Muw 
waa celebrated each day willi Father 
llegley pastor, uti-l Fathers Malmimy, 
Puttersou, Fagan and olln-rs. Tin* iiiiisical 

I lirt nu* under tlie dlrueliou of Miss 
>wyer uud was well rendered. 

limn will serve at tlm next term of Court in 
Dedham unless excused. 

Tlm quiMrtlnn of considering tlm applica¬ 
tion of-,lm committee oil tlm enforcement 
of tin* liquor law for tlie upmiiutiueul of 
Andrew J. Garey and G. W. Fayas special 
officers was lUnrn—mi xotl dls|io*4Nl of by B 
vote not to up|Nilnt them. • Tlm matu-r of 
Hiiimriuteiulent uf atreeln received tin* 
ui tent ton of the baud, hut as only two 
applications for tlm po*ltiou hud been 
made, uml it Wiis understood there were 
others to coiue, tbc question was luid on 


fu rn t •lit-il. Al 

io F. it. UUUAUT, K*»’t\Vrj-moaib/lUnk Duibliug. 
49 if 

The proposed visit of lh * tlid Htoiigh- 
ton Musical Society to the I'oiumliiuii Ex- 
|M>«itio|i at Chicago by special invitation of 
tlm Musical Diircuu, Is uii event of *|M-ciul 
interest to tin* sectlou. It is tin* tacit lioiu- 
age of the whole country to this veiieru- 
It e organization, a* tlo- pioue* r of Ameri¬ 
can music. 

Weymouth Maes. 

" biunv,” am! backaclic. Tlmae ere 
sure indlcatlonx of Female Weakness j 
flume dunuigement of tlio U terns, or j 

Womb Troubles. 

The whole story, however, U told In 
an illustrated Itoolc entitled “Guido to 
Health," by Mr*. lMiikhmn. It con¬ 
tains over IK) page* of most im|iortant 
Information, which every woman,mar¬ 
ried or xiugle, should know about her¬ 
self. bend 2 two-ccut slamiu for it. For 

Kidney Complaint* 

end Backache of either *ex the Vege¬ 
table ComiNiuml U umkiualed. 

[ AlldrucrUUMll 

\ Lydia K. I'lakka*'* t! « VrgruGlr Coin. 
C Liter Fill*, tie., ( pm wi or sent by 
Scare BlllMiatuJoattl. | Jgjj* f yjSSp., 
I palloa, sad Torpid Liter on receipt of $ I AM). 
C Hr mall, or of dmgsttle. , Curreepnoelenea 
(aaaaaaaaaaaaa) freely a h titered. 
You can addr.-at in strictest ontideuca, 
LTDI4 E. riSKUiN MFD. 10 ., Lyaa, Maaa. 


Untuccestful Attempt to Elope. 

Tu ii y i iing pcopio of D* I'klaml attempted 
to elopa lust Titi S'lsy morning, but their 
plans went cut off at tlm Hoiitu Weymouth 
depot. It seems that u young man eiu- 
p'oved on a farm in tlm northern sct tlmi 
of It'M-kluud h'-iaiim enamoured with tlm 
daiigliter of Id* employar. Him redpro- 
( ated his affection* itlid it Wms ugrei d that 
they should be uianb-d. Tlmy viuited a 
jilsticu of tin- peace, hilt lie lefiucd to 
marry theip Imm-;iu««> the young lady wa* 
hut sixteen yeara of age. Tlm young 
( "Hide then resolved t'i e|(i|M', am! vtalkcd 
to South Wey mouth, wlo-rc they loteiulcd 
t" take tlie t ar-y traiu for lloatoii. Just us 
they were ulsuit elilor tie- tram the 
young lxdv'a futlu-r ap|» arrd umtu the 
scene ami tlm young couple wcic iudiici d 
to return home w here they were married. 

L. F- Dow, wlio made the I'aeillc house, 
Nuutaskel, siu-li a iMtiiular resort last hiiiu- 
iii*- r. has I'"light uml enlarged that hotel 
uml wl'l open it tliJ ffrst of May ou uii 

Huving secured tlie aervicoa of Mr. Arthur E. Dieliards, 1 ntu prepared to do all 
kinds of work in u Itrat-clusa uuinm-r at rea»oiialdu prices. Call ami sen our carjieta 
before Inlying elsewhere. Carpets Taken L'p, Cleaned uml Itcluld. Mattresses of all 
kinds furtiisheil at Boston prices. Humpies of lluir uml Tickings at hand. Hair Mat¬ 
tresses made over. 

Easy « Naira, Markers, Uaxies, ( uurkrs •■$ Parlor Malta raralakaR 
at llaatoa Prices. 

WJieu you feel all tirutl out uml broken 
up gdurally, you tu-ed u g<M*l tonic. 
Hood's Ksraaparillu is tlm liest. Try It. 

direct from licndqimrtcn*. 
No old seeds. 

Hood y 8_Cures 

It Has No Rivals 

A v.rruI ( Imug*. 

Mr. Migg*-lki you kmiw you look 10 
years nidi r with that bonuel nuf 
“Yea, I know, but I don't luivo to stand 
Up ill a horse car half ua often as I did be 
f <re I got it." - Chicago Inter Ocean. 

Shade work attended lo. A large variety of Furniture rarer- 
Inn to aelecl from. 

OUIi MOTTO) All oi'cl««rM uml work promptly ut tended to* 
Store, Waahington Square, building lately occupied by Mra. Geo. T. Rend. 

brei Be* ll.uu tlm lliuer island* of the l>ay. i 
It could easily l*- eoiiun-ted with Ilia dly 
and tlm communities of tlie southerly side 
of tlm laay by tin* sW-um. r» plying to uud i 
from Nniitnskrt, Hull, lliugham ami . 
Downer's I .milling. 

The aecoml is T U(iiii|moii'* Isluud, lying 
within the limits of llostou. Bhould it 
ever be found desirable to remove tlm 
Farm acbmd uuw m upyiug it to aoiue 
convenient locality on tlm main laud, as 
b«ui lieen suggested iu tbe luti-rosts of tliut 
institution, the i-lund might Ui'Mt apiiro- 
propriun ly I*- made a poiiioii of tlo* llos- 
tou |utrk system. It could easily Im* coit- 
uecta-d w ilii the Mariue Dark. ••«*•(* by, by 
a service of electric or stt-uiu luum ho, aud 
us a narrow cbuuu«-l only »cpurat«» it from I 
tlm main land at Bquautuiii |M-ninsula, in I 
Quiui-y, it could cually Im Join* d Go rdo hv 
a bridge, tlm right to rsubllsb wbh-li ui- 
ruuily exists. This wou'.d make U accessi¬ 
ble from tlm Don hc*l«r district, a* well a. 
from Quim-y uml other • ummuuiiics of the 
south shore. 'J'iie well grown planUtlous 
of trees, ImiIIi deeiiluou* and evergreen, 
that mark this isluiol, add greatly to its 
beauty and attract!veui-a*. 

About tlm ouly island uow l«-l»uging to 
Ibe city of lto»toii that is U«t «m • iqiied for 
public pur|M*M S is Apli'e Islaud. in tlm 
northerly poitioii **f Ho* buy, lying near 
East Itoston uml Wluthrop. Ill* a small 
isluud containing a little l* ss loan nine 
acre-, but it isgLeii an exceptional promi- 
lo-uce aud aUracUveneaa l*> a group of 
baudoome i lm trees. It woold seem uo 
excellent idea fur tlie city to transfer tlo* 
island to the psrk de|aaltmeul, which 
eventually might improve it Mini rouueut 
It with WinmI Js'aiol Dark in East Doatuu 
by a set vice uf luuurhi s 
lu liuy.uuarlhe \lliag«of ITulI. 
lio* Buiuktu I-luml, .with uo urea of .u 7 
am*- *. It h -ioiig- l.. Il.trcard College, M ud 
as it Is tut pi*-- 1-111 buir* o and iioiiuproved, 
tlm idea maiurady -ugg*sts itself that uo 
admirable u*** of it would b** (or tlm Cm 
versily to give it iu charge of iu Dupoinnii 
ileyuartmeul, thr Atuoid Atiain-iuiu. wW. li 
ougi-l put it lo g*N d sarvii-e us ull a-Xpa-lk- 
loetit rtpl mi for arboriculture uudn tusri- 
tnu« eondittoUs. 

Metre* Pure Blood-civoe Life to 
Numb Llmbe, Cures Constipation- 

A Popular Poetess proven IU Merll 

No, Single. 

Farmer Mcddi-t-gm** (to railway ticket 
seller)—I want a ticket to I'oliuuks. 

Ticket h. illr I briskly I- Single! 

Farmer M.iidergruss—No, marritxl; but 
my wife Un'l going along.—Truth. 

Avk-tion Orgam/e. 

Tlm Itouid of Asscstora met ui tlm Town 
house Wa ilneMluy slid organic*' I with John 
I*, burn II ehairmau uml Wiluiot Cleverly 
clerk. They will start «u tin it uiiuilul totyr 
May !trd be^iuuiug iu Ward |. 

wllFbc givsa lu li * 


Of Wrjiroulh eed Feat Urelutrrf, 


Etta— Do you n ally think Jennie baa got 
the right iiiuu* 

Minnie—I kI.ouIiI ho|>eso! Klu-’s la-eueu- 
gugvsl wveu time**, you ktiowr!—Vogue. 

Friday Evtaiag, April 2H, 



"Have you read Miller's iu-w 4-volumc 

Hovel f" 

"Duly two volume*; Dm rest 1 left fur tka 

krvigils. Fjipgendff ItleUer. 

Lwiklnt: Hut NeverttaeUsa. 

Jol.iiuj T* in my. let's put our ,wtinlcs 
together and buy tua a nice Urlbday prv* 


Tommy—All right. 

"What shall It l*-»" 

"I guess we liud 1st ter get her • | snide I 
slipjai."—Texas Hiftings. 

Ihe culuinn KM-trr ■ I. ■ title 
people lor s firs ilu. uuina of 
Tliv insuagriorut ol lbs ps|< 
sny it ■pot.xUiiiij fur the opiuk 

iIii Im- git ru lo Um- 
I/ so l s'l ral.Jn l». tll-i Uou 
a In k vk| rnwl. 


in all Ihe New Shades. 



l'Slog ('ilXUaXOATIoMAL ClII'OTM. (South 
Weymouth | Itev. Jit<D**n Van Clatiey, 
|>a*tor. I'reu. long af l().!l) a. to. Sunday 
»■ luod iitoio--diatrly after morning service 
Y. I*. 8 C. K , li p. III.; evening service 

5, 10, 20 aud 30 pouad Pakarges. 

Studying Current Event*. 

Woute-it's (l.ts.c* ur<- f< nu -d lu l’o»|ou 
and Blihurlut l<) study cuneltt a vent*, and 
thus are encouraged lliousaii Is of sc. Iters 
after useful information 

Tlo-*- ■ la>Scs an- formed uud :i coiu|iv- 
ta-ut (lirci lor clg s»-n. who - hull answer 
question* ou Ihe affairs of I he day uud 
keep her class generally Inform, d oi w hut 
is going on in the |*-*li(i. al, literary ami 
ail 1 stic world. 

Many women have but little time to lead 
mid the can » of s>K'it ty ami the 
home, anil we do m*i always uudcistaial we (lo read. Now iu tlo->.- classes 
the suhj -ct iu liaml is <lucu».< ■( and eisry 
point ia broogl.t out iu a very short »|*acc 
of time. Each member of this ( la * is 
ex|*«-led to gutlu -1 up ull the knowledge 
sli(- |MtNsibl)' call of the leading event* ul 
tlm day and I*- ready lo lm|Mrt It the 
• las*. We all know ta'kiug . r a »ul>).t 
brtagn m-w light up u 

It 1 -mU lx* dlscilMO (I w ill) ol.e W lio iio* |M-r- 
feet knowledge of posoiig ull.iir* 

Now what say you ladies "f \Yiy mouth? 
Khali Wt> form such a class rigid>- and 
u •« ? lam < <*ond IT it woii'd le 
aide, heligiil aud uplilliu/. L-| i s u< I la* 
•"hind the times or our slsli r towns tu 
tins good work. I.*t u< seek to cultiva'e 
tin- iuU*lla-4-t us well a* Cm il-OXt aud l.rmg 
our women into a still high, r life |* . aw* 
don't say, "1 have so mu-Ii i<> do that I 
.aniioi a'tend to more?'' We all know or 
we ail ahooUl know, if we have an <ibj.-< ■ 
)•• view outside of our household cares a d 
other duties, that wr <-410 Work much fo»b-r 
in or.b r lo attend to that alau. 

Our motto should is- "Ouwurd aud IV 

Mr. Eteieli 1 . Nil 1 , Tenor. 

Mr. Notmin Ogden, Cello. 
Mr. James T. B. Hunt, Violin. 

Mr. Lewis E.Tilden. Accompanist. 
Miss Florence Ogden, Reader. 

Ctft-'urH ok Kr. Fmamiis Xavikm (Koutli 
Weymoutli) Itev. J. J. Murphy, pastor 
Mass at |0 *) a. m. 

CxivsssAi.isr Cui'KCH (Weymouth.)- 
Dev II. F. Eaton, (Mstor. I’reachiug al 
to :m a. in Mundsy-s. I.---I ut 12 nt.. Y I* H 
(' E. at ti :xi p. m. Geo. II- Emerson, D-D., 
editor of the Chftatiau leader w ill pn-adi 
■a. xt Sunday. 

Ol4» NufeTIlCltt a. Ill \Ve> lliolltl.lleigl'ls I 
ll. v. ItoU rt It Keinlail, |iasl.>r. 1'n a. I - 
lug service nt U>:» a. in ; . veiling #. rvh-e 
at I), subUi i. "Giant llespa.r ami |X»iit,i. 
dig Cu-il. ." Sunday s. i»">i wl 12 iu ; V. I* 
8 t E ti.-V p. iu . Strang, rs iii-w-oxiisra 
uu*l ull an* invited to Uilemi Ihea S.-I vices. 

1'fcllAHlAS ('miuudtol Wi ymoo.l. i- 
It-v W H Key, pastor. 1’reaeldi.g at 2JU; 
subject,' Talents ami liow to 1'se Tlo m." 
All are luvilad. 

i’siv gasAUat I 'ui ki H(N..itli Wey mom Id 
Uev. D. F. Eaton. |M»t«>r 1‘reai-l.iu/at y.:u 
pm Georg- II F!*io-rM.u, D. D. will 
prea. li ttexl Kuuday. Huuday-school at I li 
p. m . \ . F. t'. I’, ut 7.U> p. tu. 

lira Mary V. Tama 

Fhurtle. Conn- 

lu rent it Oltl Celling*. ‘ 

All Would It. Itlffrrent. 

"but why do yon objeti to Henry, fa 


' lb-can** Im lias no prus|teits." rv plicd 
the inilltoualre sternly. 

' but you forget, father, what good prus 
tad* Henry would have if you diduTob 
J«ct *' ( liutgu liivunl. 

Tl*« following 1* from a lod> wry well- 
no v. it iu < om;. . ilnit, b« Ing the author of 
very 1. tu! him voluiuo if |M>enia entitled 

Ticket* will be eele et A. M. Bechel- 
dir'e, Weynouth, ted N. R. Proetcr’a, 

Itmcntd Brill, Sfic. Adutlesiou, 2ic, 

Doors o) cu si 7 ■). t uax-ert at • g t 8 It 

Wall Papers. 


Hardware Co 

" I r-n truly x^y t’.utl llooJ'a KaiaaiarUla U 
r'l t'r.t It 1.. 11 ». r I • u reeoane.tJed lob*. 11 
a -anot be pruisc I |u« M'.bly. Latins g 
v ry |ruu'-li'4oa.i h.roil tiuuor. bcal !.-• seven 
liDy t r o t ( i r j left am, I bud that fur 
iecbn.t of der.i!:c ■. Li the lln hi. rcu>tl;uUon 
• li' I 1 .«l. Ilvol'a s.-m- 
pr)"» Into ii*rt My lloc-l aas In »m 
poor 4-f utli:lost, I. •• |. -J Id lo v. Uiy. nud 
Vhrui'.os'.tjv 4 11 ■ only a\<rj ih'ht red 
xat. r or Mu ;, r \ ij o> o cut Kivr rewrt* 
In 2 to flood s . ..: *.;part!lA, 1 ltavc good 

Rich Hod Flood 

and do not Moot u X used to. Many good UuOj- 
ernes are atnrad s:m;*Jy be -xese they arc not 
f vcu a f ur t.ti ] lood’i iun:pvi:U has 
proved tu Lx-rll to im, w it w 111 do all who take 



^ w ftiinillllv 

Thu i* »*o w km nfviiiiv vv 

Ntsas 6Y Isa IIV* Kay. Ul stand MW ■ ■ 1 


Jv-s*—| r.gaid Chappie much ns the ben 
did the giwiiog she found among her chlck- 

Dt-ss—How was (half 

Jess 1’t mil .trv biui, but 1 put Bp 
with him I*cause be helougs to lu) set.— 
Vogue _ 

Tliu imduraigiitMl luiviug been sc- 
licittwl to run Leaui* luto Wej umui li for thu delivery of Little 
Fond lee (Little l'.uid is the source of 
supply of llte llruitilree Water \Y(.rks' 
have decided to do so. uttd will b.* 
ph-gsed to supjilv F.nudius, Storee and 
Markets ut regular rates. Altout thu 
1st of May leant* will deliver morning* 
through the ljutdiitg. Far ties wishing 
ICE on <t |Ufore that date arc re¬ 
queued lo uotify Ut-.* undersigned. 

1*1114 CM i 

PUUUU. lit. per IM) Iks 

aiwikx t>D MlUIII. ft 3*>r. pet IM) iks. 

|. Uetlvriny Ihe Trtt-OMeiiofj oh Ike Islamla. 

Thaa -patoroitce (J tbe hav i* a mailer 
that is ul »i 4 * 4 *p tnt« r--«t I*. D-mI.-ii uml it* 
vicinity, uml not only from u i..rentIve 
sLaU'l-|M*iut, f<T the quesUoti also ha* it* 
eiM.uoiuic c"iisiilerulioiia. Tbc Li) is uuc 
uf il.t tonal a>tractive feaiux • of D-Mt**u, 
uud, if tiit-H'iirwa . au la- devi-ed to tier> 0*4 
tbat uitrai liv *n. »«, which »• llte tueaus 
of bringing strangers hit lo-r from all parts 
of the country t** enjoy the «Utuulug<» 
iirva-dird ly a highly devel»|^d loiumnu- 
liy, aud parin u'utly If Utus*- lo- u-urc" ■ «u 
Imi carried «*nl at a sn.sll csi, it would lx* 
fully |u4 l‘« uud. flak'- ihe.n. The great 
ftsu t td tlm lu>>, from a luudscu|n- point of 
vl'iw, li«* iu the barren as peel of iuts’auds 
ttuJ sluir. t. Um hard and uak'd liars of 
Gudrtbiaa'.iosro v 4 .-r.- 4 l ou’y with turf. 
eB*i uurclieo J, a xcept iu tar« iusbotisas, 
by any trass, wr warn shrubbery- These 


Wallace—That is u very appropriate mot 
to they haveoveff there on liurl nnkrl-in 
the slot" tna. hilar 

Loiler is that) 

WaILkv— "If ut first you dwu't nuueatd, 
try. try again.Truth. 





Oar# alga. 

I ll bet they live ta cut and d<^( life." 
'What Utakis yutt thiuk sof" 

They always call curb other lUrltng U 
v company."— Now York Frcsa. 

Ko Harr irv* la tbe ««iU r.jasl. tbe Margin lu U per at too. Just tbe Tral 
fur k«suu> 6 sllat.*. se.tliug Ittfw u. Kurt tetuuMat. aiutsbl# lirassfl. Otway Us4. 
Nisdsw Imurt. I'ruit Uraatra. basil Asa t traulaa aaarl tratlsaealah. 

ALPHON&O CAIN. Agent for Hioghom end Weymoulh. P. 0. Addram. Weal Hmglvam. 

AU# das MfllS LSIUSB PLOW. Kebmaces Mr. J. A* Cuskouas uf N.*r»L B i arasa k; Jabs 
1 talard, East Wcrauuiub; Osotaci LWckMkl, West Uu*b*iw sad Wakrr T. lank, auutu IDagUut. II 

- fairly. I me. u to make D (try c o nstant eonr 
ank.a tu-d earwsUy r< < *'tunraa It to suffering 
u i a aidty.*' Uasi K. J.uto, box SiU. KUuLc, 

oim. L« sure to fit I flood a. 

Mood-o PUI 9 U. u»~m> . IMoHmw 

jssuu ui toTiuta. 


what do you take medicine 

far ? because you want tjgct well, 
“ m p well, of courac. Keaiembcr 

MoeS's •■rsspsrllla Curse 

Children Cry for 



Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’) Rcpe<, 


—Tin* attttna! meeting of th* mlaakmary 
•wlflj connected With lh« (!on|(ra(Kllni»1 
church wa* held w ith Mr*. J. F. Direr last 
Friday afternoon. After IK* veer* of ser- 
Tice » president of the toelit;, Mr*. N. I*. 
Canterbury resigned her position, and 
Mr*. I>arld Tucker was. elected to nil the 
vacancy. The other nflteera are the fame 
an I ant year. 

—Rumor Iim It that the Derby house will 
soon be closed, miirh to the ref ret of the 
ell Irena of Kant Weymouth. 

-The extensive improvement* whlrh 
have been going on In the Congregational 
church during the pant three month* are 
*o far completed, that we feel aafe In say¬ 
ing, that the house will be opened next 
Sunday for public worship. 

—At the conference held In Plymouth 
which closed It* session* on Monday of 
this week, tl.e Rev. J. H. McDonald, who 
nilcd the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal 
church so satisfactorily la«t year, waa re¬ 
turned to the same charge, and will resume 
Ills work in that pulpit nextHunduy morn¬ 

-At Dr. F. F. Darling's a little girl lias 

—The Congregational ehtircli and aoclety 
will celebrate the flftietli anniversary of It* 
organisation, Tuesday evening, May .1*1. 
Supper will be served at fl.30 In the vestry 
of the church, for which tickets can lie 
procured of the comm litre, on or before, 
Monday, the 24th. The evening's exercise# 
will consist of historic and other addresses 
and music. 

—One can Hud a good evening's enter¬ 
tainment anywhere on our side streets, by 
watching the many uovlcoa taking tlielr 
after-dark lesson on the bicycle. 

—Shadrack 8. Marden has ^eguu work at 
the cemetery and many improvements are 
planned for the present season. 

"The ride of Pnnl Revere" waa duly oh- 
served at the several school-house* on 
Wednesday hy the dlsplujr.of Hags and In 
some Instances short patriotic addresses by 
the teachers. 

-8. It. Totinau has sold the celebrated 
trotter, Belle Purlin, hut hna a stable of 
line stock left. 

—Mm. Henry K. Hanley has purchased 
the estate of George 11. Stearns on Myrtle 

—Alphonso Cain of West llinghani I* 
looking after the interests of the farmer* 
of the South Shore l»y handling an exten¬ 
sive line of ploughs, hnrrowa and other 
farming implements. 

—Odd Fellows Opera Ilouao will lie the 
scene of u brilliant affair next Tuesday 
night. Crescent lodge will celebrate the 
seventy-fourth anniversary of Odd-fellow¬ 
ship with n morn than tiaital demonstra¬ 
tion. A line entertainment will lie given 
at the close of which a banquet w ill In* 
Nerved which will he followed by a dance. 

—The Loyal Legion will meet Sunday at 
* p. m. Parents Invited to t*u present. 
There will Im a song service and recita¬ 

—Reynolds Relief Corps, No. lilt, will 
hold It* regular meeting in G. A. R. hall, 
next Thursday at7.'» p. iu. It la desired 

-T ie ladle* Cemetery etro.e Will luce Q w> A| , „ f 

Tu-Lr .vrnlng, Apr. *. with Mr-, tv.rl.1 

n,on ' their marriage on Monday evening, May 1. 

T " r r T *”:! '“Hi;" -n» »«i.,r.,i»n ur,™,, n t . 

. In. wnnk. M E»l W n„,mn.h. . T „„,|„ „ v .nlu» „„ Wl , „ , h „ 

-George Reid of Fall River waa in town donee 0 f Mist Alice Gultemon on Front 
over Sunday. street, and a very pleasant evening waa 

—One cellar has already been started at spent with the New England writers. Mr. 
Wexsagiwset. The steamboat charter**! by Armlngtoo gave a abort tala on William 
the roinpany ha* made several trlpa from Cullen Bryant to wrhlvh was added greater 

Interest from the fart that Mr. Armlngton 
I fr? 1 had tm t Mr. Rrysnt and eouhl therefore 
Ith frlemH here "l**'*k personal knowledge. Miss 

Alice Gultemon gave a good paper on Dr. 
Oliver Wendell Holme*. Miss Tower 
read "The Broomstick Train,” and Mia* 
Bagh-y "The l«*»i lo-af," from Ills writings. 
Mm. Alice .Cook had a short paper on 
J. G. Holland, which wa* read, In Mm. 
Cook's atwenee, by Mm.Marcia E P. Hunt. 
Mis* Agnes Hyde hnd an excellent paper 
on Georg* Rnncroft. The committee on 
the final evening's entertainment gave out 
tickets to those who were present and 
other members who have paid tlielr duos 
will receive their tlcketa which will lie 
shown on the closing evening at the door. 
It waa voted to hold the final exorcises 
Tuesday evening. May 9. 

—We are In receipt of some Rt. Ionia 
newspapers from Mr. Charles A. Carpen¬ 

—Arrivals at A. J. Richard* & Hons, 
Schooner Alfred W. Flak from New York 
with A77 tons of coal; at J. F. Klieppnrd A 
Sons, Schooner Oliver Ames with 017 tons. 

—'Wednesday afternoon the North High 
school hall club defeated the South High 
rlnh on the Institute grounds. Score 1 H 
to .1. 

—T. D. Ragley lisa been appointed a 
special police officer hy the Board of Select¬ 

—Mrs. Bryan Connors Is having nn addi¬ 
tion built on her house. 

-J!. Merton Allen Is In New York for n 
few days on n business trip. 

—Mias Susie Tirrell has nccepted a posi¬ 
tion ns teacher In tile public school at 
Cataumt-t, Mass. 

—The meeting of the Monntlquot Yacht 
club which was to have been held last Sat¬ 
urday evening, was post|>ourd on pocount 
of the Binnll attendance. 

—J. F. Sheppard A Sons have purchased 
a handsome pair of black homes. 

—Jaiuea W. Ilcnder, who ha* liennaerl- 
ou*ly III fur the past few weeks with ery¬ 
sipelas, la able to lie almut again. 

— Mr. John Ford has been seriously III 
with pneumonia, hut Is now convalescent. 

—George Hayden, for the past sixteen 
yearn clerk at Hunt Sc Co.’s store has taken 
a position In the store of F.. W. Hunt. 

—Henry William* has a pocket-book 
which has Wn In that family for many 
yearn nud is prixcil very highly hy that 
gentleman. It wn* formerly owned and 

—The regular meeting of the A. Cashing 
Hose Co., wa* held In English hall, last 
Thursday evening, and the following offi¬ 
cer* and member* were elected: Foreman, 
Daniel Sullivan; first assistant, Chas. 8. 
Curtis; second assistant, Harry W. Wood¬ 
bury; clerk and treasurer, Fred W. Loud; 
members, Benjamin R. Burbank, Daniel 
W. Halt, Edward F. Harris, Geo. W. t Co- 
nant, Charles R.Sanndera,Ferdinand Cusli 
Ing. John F. Welch, Robert II. Healy. 
William E. Hollis. Frank Ilurhank, B It. 
Real*. It wa* voted to recommend the 
• name of Otis Cushing as engineer for Ward 

A Brand New Line of Russet Shoes for Summer 

House lots on Columbus Anon, 
the new Stmt leading from 
Pleasant to Turret St.. 
South- Weymouth. 




the city. 

-Arthur Davis, who I* on the road for a 
Worcester firm, stopped *U ........ 

for a day or two thl* week. 

— Fred Clarke and Mis* Edith Raymond 
were united In marriage, hy Rev. R. R. 
Kendall, Saturday evening. The young 
eoulple will reside at the home of the 
bride on Rrhlge street. 

— Horatio Torrey lias gone to work for 
Joslma Shaw, the expressman. 

—Ellsworth Kennerson has taken a post 
tion at Stetson Sc Heald'a, South Wey- 

Hm>*» Parser. 

—8. 8. Spear was thoroughly surprised 

chased a large quantity of the drops at a 

Tltcoo loin are in Mow proximity 
to Schools, Churches, Post Office, 
stores, the proposed Public Li¬ 
brary nml the Electric ltuUroiul, 
ttntl nrc doHirnblc an tin investment 
as well ns for those who contem¬ 
plate building in tlio near future. 

Drainage facilities perfect, the 
view unsurpassed, and the neigh- 
lmrhond will suit the most fas¬ 

First Purchasers Hare the Choice. 

Trnit Easy. Prlft* Sat l*f set ary. 

Apply to 


or A. E. VISING. 

Lynn stors this week and sont them to 
Boston, where they were analyred hy n 
chemist. Tl.o report showed that tho 
liquid In tho Interior of the confections 
contained 2.K1 per rent, of alcohol." This 
bring* a thought for the action* considera¬ 
tion of every parent and a calj for close 
watchfulness over the little onM of your 

$100, $1.26 

Tfllumblin Sqsart, 

The annual meeting of the Chemical 
Extinguisher company will be held In 
Engine hall, tomorrow (Saturday) evening 
at 7..m. 

—Frank Reed, who has been In Califor¬ 
nia for a number of year*, returned lo 
South Weymouth Inst week. 

—'The special service* whlrh were held 
In the I'nlversallst church during last 
week wen* brought to a clone Sunday even¬ 
ing. These meeting* have been very Inter¬ 
esting and profitable to nil who have been 
present. Rev. Stanford Mitchell of Bos¬ 
ton, gave selections of music eacli evening 
which were highly enjoyed. Mr. Mitchell 
wa* assisted hy Mis* Annie Deane last 
Friday evening. 

—The Christian Crusaders are holding 
their services at Music hall, each evening, 
and they were attended hy very large mun¬ 
is* rs. 

—The socials at the Union church have 
been sadly neglected during the past few 
months, hut lost Tuesday evening the cus¬ 
tom was again started, when a number of 
the ladles gave a sociable In tho veatry of 
tho above church. Supper was served at to a large number. Singing and aoclal 
Intercourse were enjoyed for a while after 

—It Is said that at some of the meetings 
held nt the Unlvaraallst church last week, 
there was seen a well known mail of this 
village, who had not been Inside of a 
church for twenty-one years. 

—Thomas Arnold was badly injured last 
Monday hy liclng thrown from his carriage. 
He wns driving Into the yard, at E. Paine's 
on Pond street, wheu he ran over a large 
stone. Tho horse was going quite fast, 
and Mr. Arnold wn* thrown out. He re¬ 
ceived a fracture to his nrm and wns tnken 
to the Boston hospital for treatment. Thu 
horsu ran into tho Held near tho house and 
wa* somewhat cut. 

—Howard Shaw has just purchased a 
pair of lurgn work-horses for use In his 
imalnesa. The total weight of the pnlr 1* 
nearly .1.000 pounds, one weighing 1,4M 
and the other 1,80.7 pound*. 

—The annuul meeting of-tho Mt. Hope 
for the election of 

last week when he wa* p resented with n 
lwnutlfnl watch chain amt charm, liy the 
employes at Ills factory. 

—Ml«s Maliel Pierce lias accepted a 
position In the undnrwaro department nt 
It. II. White Si Co. | » 

—The annual meeting of the Want 4, 
Hose Co. was held at Engine hall ImI 
Thursday evening. The following oflleatm 
were elected: Captain, F. F.. Burrellj 
foreman, J. A. Harris; clerk and traaonrer, 
W. A. Loud; steward, F. F. Moor*. Thn 
P. Sprague will be recoin- 

Charles T. Foster, 


name of M. 
mended as engineer of Ward 4. 

— Fred Hay ley has resigned hla position 
a* Captain of Want 4 Hose Co. and Urn 
vacancy wns filled by the election ot F. E> 

—The water cram has been prevalent 
among tho people at tills part of the vlllogn. 
A number have already had the town 
water put In aud there will be eotne mom 
soon. v V* * 

—Mrs. John Corcoran Is Improving and 
able to Ini atiout the house. 

—Frank E. Lornl, n graduate of Comer'll 
Commercial college, ha* accepted a posi¬ 
tion as 1»ook-ke«per In n wholesale hard* 
ware house In Boston. 

—A now arrival nt the house of Samuel 
Dcrualin, West street. It was a boy. 

—Tlieron Tirrell has purchased a now 
Victor pneumatic bicycle. 

—Urquhnrt Si Pino have started In lira 
painting business and already ham n 
nuiulicr of house* lo paint. 

—Mr*. W. B. Nash slid son of Bridge- 
water are visiting nt W. G. Nash's. 

one mtnmhla. 

One *1 Drier 
lea, . • l H,M 
Oar *M Uilw’ 
t*rt'a*htea. IIH 

Al«»r* whe*U In 
good eondkloB. 8*11 
cheap lor cash. 

c. XX.©n.t, 


Cuthlng l SylvnUr, aganl, ,1 E»l Weymouth. 


jOl Tho FLYEU weighs 28 pounds 

• and tho MODEL D 33 pounds 

wM 1 Ml the attachments, nml can 
m r l*’ H t r *Pl w ‘‘l to 31 pound*. 

With the Victor, in cane of 
vw/upuncture, you do not have to 
: v waste from ten miniitcR to an hour 

to find a pin or tack hole and then 
patch it and wait for it to dry, but von simply remove the inner tulw 
and replace it with the extra one which is supplied with each wheel 
mid is curried iu the tool hag, and mend the old at your lcisifrc ut 
homo. This whole operation makes n delay of not over ten minutes. 
We furnish either round or cllipticul sprocket wheels. 

I also have nerowd-hand Victor eieed Columbia Poeaaeollrn and 
Victor eieed Columbia Conhlon tlrrn for oolr cheep. 

f „. r«* H. W. DYER, Agent. «* «*'> »<"«• 

nuking * Sjlte*irr, igrnts ter East Wevmanlk. 

Im* n select stock of 

nml i« prepared to do work »t her 

Iiutisi* on Pearl slrccl, owned hy E. 8. 
Heals, have, like lire Aral*,•silently folded 
their tents and stolen away, leaving be¬ 
hind them their furniture, etc., partially 
paid for, aud owing for runt. It is hardly 
IMutsihle that our village lias sustained an 
Irreparable loss hy this sudden and un* 
looked for decrease in It* population. 
Such character* are hy no means rrpresen- 
tativfrvllir.cns of this part of the town. 

—Benjamin Loring and Mr. Hendcr are 
aliont to move tlielr collage* nt Fort Point 
to a more desirable location, close upon the 
road to the Point nml facing up the river. 
Several cottage* arc soon to go up on the 
land owned hy K. W. Gorham. 

—An adjourned parish meeting of tho 
Congregational cli'tldi was held Tuesday 
evening. The hour of service wns changed 
latck again to the ustinl time In the after¬ 
noon and It was voted that the work of re¬ 
modelling the church should he begun Im¬ 
mediately. A two story, M ft. addition is 

Cemetery association, 
officers and transaction of other business, 
will Im* held In tho Saving*, 
next Monday evening, April 24. 

—Derby and Thayer, the milliners In the 
Rosciifuid block, have Just put ill place n 
neat sign. This sign is the work of Painter 

—Edward Guinn, who 1s the owner of 
the Robert Cushing homestead, on Front 
street, will probably move Into that house 
next week. 

—James Harris has moved Into the Ben¬ 
jamin Burrell house on Main street. 

—It is rumored that Henry C. Jesseman 
has purchased the house on Park avenue, 
vacate I hy .fames Harris. 

—The committee in charge of thn cele¬ 
bration of the seventy-fourth anniversary 
of Odd-fellowship, hy Wildey lodge next 
Tuesday evening, April 20, repmt that 
there Is uxpected to In* about three hundred 
•present. [Tables will 1»c laid in Fogg's 
o|Hira house nml will l»e presided over by 
uhout twenty young ladies. North River 
lodge and Riverside Rebecca bulge of tlda 
village will be present. A special train 
will la* chartered by the Hanover lodges. 
Post Grand Master A. 8. Pinkerton, one of 
the uhlcat speaker* In tbe state, will Ite the 
special guest of the evening. Tho pro¬ 
gramme will Include a quartette composed 
of Mrs. Foster, Miss Dean und Messrs. N. 
F. Yitilng and J. M. Whitcomb, and Miss 
Grace W. Joy. Every inuiuber should lie 
present and help’inake this occasion what 
it will lie, the grandest celebration In 
the history of Wildey lodge. 

—The Morgan Spading Hnrtow Is espec¬ 
ially adapted to award land that caunot be 
ploughed and requires re-seeding, also for 
seeding down old ground, os it, takes the 
place of light ploughing thereby reducing 
thn expense one half. Can lie seen at the 
residence of Alphonso Cain, West Hlng-| 

—The lueinlieni of the Boy's Brigade 
were made liappy nt tlielr meeting last 
Wednesday evenlug, liy the urrlvat of 
their caps, belts and guns. 

—Dr. K. F. Mayberry Is having the edge 
of Ids sidewalk Improved by putting on 

— Four of tbe 8outb High school boys 



ment of Percy L. Davidson, who has se¬ 
cured an oHIce In tho building formerly 
next to the 

—At the annual meeting of the Temper- 
mice union hidtl recently the following 
officers were chosen: Charles Hawes, pres¬ 
ident; Walter Pratt, vice president; Maliel 
Stuart, secretary; Gertrude Taylor, Irens- 
urrr, Irwin U. II. Hawes, chaplain. At a 
meeting held on Friday evening, Churles 
Hawes resigned the presidency and Irwin 
•Hawes wns elected to that office and L. C. 
T. Kersey wss chosen chaplain after which 
the following program waa presented: 
Solo, Maud Towusend 

occupied hy 11. F. Trufaut, 

—Win. Hancock, a former resident, wn* I 
Iu ton n this week. j 

—Mr. Charles G. Kasterbrnok Is out 
again after Wing confined to tho house for 
a week with a severe cold. 

—A nuiulicr of the young friends of Miss 
Theresa Donovan tendered her a surprise 
I party at hur home on Washington street, 
Wednesday evening. 

—Mrs. Charles Wilhsr ha* moved into 
the lion** recently occupied hy John II. 

Mr. Lal'laut has 

Just received a new lot of 



Extra Choicest Tea* and Java Coffee*. 

GOLDEN CROWN FLOUR is giving best satisfaction at $5.55 per Bbl. 

^__ reading*, Irwin 

Hawes nml Emma J. Ilea; dry picking*, 
Rachael Hawes. 

—Rev. Mr. Uutlcr hus been assigned to 
the Porter church as Its pastor and will 
cotnmt’Uco his duties next Bahhatli. A re¬ 
ception will proluihly Im* tendered him In 
tin* church this, Friday, awning. 

—Stephen L. Webli is passing u few days 
witli relatives iu this place. 

—Rev. K. E. Phillips has been assigned 
to the pastorate of the Drowuvillo nml Riv¬ 
erside parishes An Rhode Island. 

—Tim house on Washington street for¬ 
merly occupied liy Mr. Sharpe Is being en¬ 
tirely renovated. 

—Mrs. Charles Webb and Mrs. Hurliert 
Webb spent last Tuesday with Mrs. Levi 

All the speclaltien In the line of 





expect them If It Is warm, as there are 
lurge quantities above the bridge. 

- Frank Meyo with a good cast of char¬ 
acters, gave the |Mipulur |»l«y, Davy Crock¬ 
ett, III Odd Fellows Opera house, Wednes¬ 
day evening. There were two notable 
features about tlm performance: tin* excel- 
fence of the work dune hy the several mem¬ 
bers of the troupe and the apunlty of lis¬ 
teners. Thl* excellent play and popular 
dramatic |terfonner came at a time when 
there had lM.*cn a surfeit of entertaiumeut. 

—Mrs. II. II. Raymond attended tho 
meeting of tho county president* of tho 
W. C. T. U. last Monday hold In the state 
headquarters' building, Boston. 

—luvlUtlous are out for the marriage of 
Miss Kindi iu* Adams, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. John W. Tirrell, to Mr. Owen S. 
Chandler In the K. E. church, May 3. 

—Notice of tho officers of Z. L. Illcknell 
Hose Company should have included Wil¬ 
led J. Dunbar, lieutenant, which was 

a hundred people at table. Resides serv- j^pi.nt on Broad street, 
in, u> ■ illiilnK ,.hihi on tlm ooc.lnn ot tlm mi > VB) | t „ w.lnul n(nm 
sewing circle suppers and the like, the .. _ . . ... , , ... .. 

mi ni .III t« u.rtl a .u„., 11.1. -»«>« lorg.1 Hi. 1« lur» Oil. unulBg. 

ronni .uil Uiu v«.lrjr prop-, luring J1.1 J.h 1 i el T 

liy .lldtng ... >111.11.. Mr. Wl ll..n 0».VI.«. Tld. I. 

Jjtyot . curtain, ... .|«.kon of.. . mru .Ju. r.l.l. ccturc und 

arc given. 11 will I. .1 on™ II,.I !• "" "I " rl « 0.1 11 . 0 , 1 , 1,1 .n.l iwnlld no 
11.1. I. un n,«HHlln,lr .-o.J.Lllra,. u„.D,c “"*• "J* 

rn.,,1 un.Ion..Lull..urnlobo 1,1,1,1, »l- o,lo,^k lh. In.U.uUTick. 
unmtaM. TI ..-.0 ,.rop.«»l U..n,« will ‘ J "'« 

l. , carrlcl on. provljwl ll„. ...Hcur, * A ..,™nJ Icclnr., -II 1. given on 

(oluln uro not lut-kln,, II.. Uc. Iwln, lo ' “ <*« «‘” 'o»owin. Toe- 

k.o|, lit. iMiri.l. free froin Jobl. ' ** ,, ' en 

-Tin, .Inn. from bo, 17. u. ulnml 10 n. , “ **'» * '«; lnt«rr.t- 

m. . WcIncMUr mornln, w.. lor n bro.b loaulk u, !..)■« .1 lliu ln.Ulnlo Ilf nit..- 

Are In llio wood. Uirdorln, „|»oi Norton niiiui, I..1 Frliloy ov.nln,. Tbu .ubJiHil 
..reel. A oon.IJer.blc territory wu. burnt w „, "KI,bUu, Hi llio klutbud." anil wa. 
over uud a iMirtion of the fence «ni the west . , 

side of tho‘cemetery was destroyed. The « pwcUoal talk on the foundation of good 
firemen uml others were ut work two hour* habits, Illustrated hy the incidents of 
or so beating mil the lire. Daniel Hauqiaou Admiral Furrugul's life. The vices that 

tii JS’Jrtra r "-r" r - l 1 v ;; d "• •*** v " rl,,k,n ''' 

ami lioilly crushed. smoking, gambling und swearing. 

-The sermon which Rev. Allan Hudson -The concert to Im* given hy Ml«s Helen 
was to preach next Hundsv on "Kvolu- R. K. Allen of Braintree, and other talent 
tion," will he postponed till another Huu- |„ n, fl Pnlun church of Weymouth au«l 

™?i,.u™"ftuii“.iu , .°w!i“ t^srsmi k *** i,r “ i,,u “ Fr| ' |, > •«■,»». i* 

worth of Braintree, who will preach In the vertised elsewhere In this paper. Kiuce 
I".m**— *-«—• -- ---- --~--y. her return from abroad Mis* Allen has 

nu^putor will bautbouw fur Ibuuuuln, „„„ llotllhl|| bu , Ul „ 



Washington Street, 




Real Estate and Insurance, 

Ned to Post Office, Weymouth. 

Any good* not in stock will Im* supplied 
at short notice. 

incut in the Unltarluu church, that thn .....,--— 

|,r,>,r«mii,(, .r,.u,.J fur l»l nl,b, will I S&XSHt 

I mi given this, Friday evening. 

Mr. John Tirrell, one of the oldest inhale 

if the place, passed away very *ud-1 Park Tmicatbh.—H oyt's "A Temperance cert, she will undoubtedly ho most cor- 
rcsteniay afternoon. Until within Town'" entered on Its t»lb week last Mon- dially received hy tho many friends who! 
Iu., Mr. Tlrrvll bu. b™n .npiylng .!«» >t lb. Park Ibimlrv, wJ TO pl.yml Tll „ ^,, lUllu 

f * •* -*•—- 1 before a crowded housa. Tho announce- •» "' or 

ment that this attract Ion will now surely talent l* also of a quality that should draw 
remain hut tire weelia more haa > already m full house. The reserved scuts are on 

sale at lluchehlcr’s drug store, Weymouth, 

___ .-utire I *nd at N. R. Proctor's, Braintree, and as lira 

hardly |K>*atbia to say programme will contain many gems we 
“ ' would suggest the wisdom of tliuSe who 
...... .... - desire himmI seats securing them at an 

..... • ... . w „, --- Mr. Hoyt has uo better I early day. 

lcccuae«l Inis made his lioiuu with Id* bund of players than tloMU* now engaged in 

..Inhu Wesley on Madison street, at playing Ids "A Tcmia-raiice Town." Till* 

wliicb place funeral service* will Im* held company, •--"•-• •— n - 

Sunday uftcrnoou at 2.3U. • * 1 

have been summoniel lo appear 
Judge Humphrey at tjulncy, tomorrow, I 
(Saturday) morning, to answer to a charge j 
of maliciously hreukiug down one of the! 
doors of the building owned hy Mrs. Erl T. 
Joy, now occupied hy the Lincoln club. 
Tin* deed wa* done on March litli. Since 
that time live have offered to settle hut the 
four that remain have refused. These four 
are lo Imi defended hy luouis A. C<M»k aud 
Mdvin O. Adams, attorueys-at-law. Thl* 
case hus excited some interest and prole 
ably some of our citlxens will be ot tint 

—The South High Rase Ball club went 
to Weymouth, last Wednesday afternoon 

u few 

lilt Uluai lirnn-r .. "“1 

supiMtsed to be a slight cold, developed 

into a severe attack of pumiumuiu which . -—--- 

terminated fatally. , had Ita effect, am! the grand rush to the 

Mr. Tirrell wits boru in Weymouth, box office indicates that tlicae live weeks 
March II, IN* nml ixmseqnently wa* in tlm W ui Im< the must phcuoiiienal of the 
ciuhly-»lxth year of his age. Hu was uulUd cugugruirut. It is !._!!„ ,— 
in marriage to Miss Silence Rice, with Miiything new alamt this merry 

whom he lived to celebrate the golden -•■ # - -*- 

aiiutvursary of tlielr wedillug. Airs. Tlr- 
rell died a few years ago, since w hich time 
the d' — * »■. i -‘- *.. -‘ ,l * M “ 

wldcli lias for so many weeks tlellgldtai 
crowded houses of Boston amt New Eng¬ 
land theatre goer*. - 

*■ *-•*«; * ■- ,' u 
raiupunr, brailuj lv Uniqpi un.l unulbvr injiium tb.l tb-v will Jrllvur I™ 

Eugene L'uutlchl, iucludes. Ill a«lditioii to III Weyumulh this year. They have pur- 
themsclves, many of the peoide who g-buaed for this piurpoM a handsome |>ulr of 
ITfflJZVJt bur™. w.lgb l.«« pouuJ. ,«b. 

, - 7 lu ; ..u-nui™™, U.J .... lo 

(uu'k some four .reurs, they have iMMioiue so hy the Indie* of Trinity church, will take 
Ideutltied with rural liulivblualitie* that place In the vestry of tho I'uion church, on 
lb>, ™.„, Ibu ibut urn plujrlng. Tunul., .v.nln* Mu, 2 nml WuJumJu, 

I —*-— ufleruiMni aud ereuing, May Jf. On Tues¬ 

day evening will Im* presented, under the 
Uirecllon of Mr. John II. Guurrson, the 
new aud most iuteresllug operetta, In three 
acts, "The Four laiaved Clover; ’ aud on 
M'rdmwday evening the new and aiuiisiug, 
dramatic comedy, writteu hy Miss Agues 
Hyde, presented under lu-r direction uud 
eutitled "Tlm Fasclimtious of the Club. 
Ou this evening the whittling soloist, Prof. 
Holbrook will also appear aud favor the 
audiruce with some selections. 

—Thomas Crm-ker, lx hi! and shoe fitter, 
who reccutly mined luto the factory of 
W. 11. Clapp, is doiug a rushiug buaiuesn. 
He la at preaeut doiug 23 cases a day. 

—All addition U bring built ou the house 
of Patrick Maniun ou Keith street. 

—James B. Fowler sold hla residence ou 
Hummer street this Week to Air. Johnson, 
ol Boston, for f.Yfci. Mr. Fowler aud 
family are to move to Moutaua. 

—J. Rupert Walsh la buildiug an addi¬ 
tion to hla bouse ou Webb street. 

—Mich ael Gr.lliu has sold Ida house to 
Jobu Fogarty. 

—Henry Lowell, expressman, who was 
before the court at Dedham this week ou 
charge of Illegal transportation of liquor, 
was acquitted. 

—The ladiea sewiug circle of the First 
Caiversalist church will hold llicir annual 
May dauce iu Liucoln hall May ’>lb 
— Miss Clara White has been visiting 
friends the past week at Providence It. I. 

—Richard Kolliu* started Aloud ay ou a 
buaiursa tup through the West for the firm 
of Jobu W. Ilart k Co. 

—The W. C. T. C. will meet with Mr*. 
G. W. White, Monday ut 2 30 p. m- At 
the last meetiug much interest was mani¬ 
fested in eu article read upon "brandy 
drofw." referring to a recent slaud which 
CU) Marshall Wells of l.yuu ha* taken: — 
"For some lime |M*st CUy Marshall Wells 
has been recciviug < <>uqdainl* from parent* 
• f school children tlutt their sous sod 
laughters were ptfrnhasiug hraudy dtu|» 
iu large quantities aud iu aoute cases that 
the cbiidrcu ha*l suffered from the effects 
of the brandy. City Marshall Wells pur- 


ill In* held 

aud were defeated l»y a score of Di to 3, l»y 
the North High School club. 

—One of our young lady bicycle riders 
seems to he having a hard time learning to 
ride. Net content w ith running iuto trees 
nud teams, she even runs Into Weymouth 
Great |M»nd aud get* a ginal w citing. 

—Pleaaaut View is another one of our 
future booms. A uuiuWr of lots were sold 
some two yesra ago and now they are at 
work breaking out the land for the new 
streets. L. A. Cook already bus the foun¬ 
dation laid for a new house w liicb is to be 
built soon. 

—Th« assessors of the 1'nlon church met 
last Saturday cvculug ami orgauUcd with 
the following officers: J. A. Fogg, chair- 
uiau; J. F. Huut. secretary; aud W. L. 
Bates, treusurer. 

—There ur»- two cases of starlet (ever 
reported, ouc on White street uud one ou 
Cniou street. 

—IjuiiU A. Cook went to Worcester with 
the officers of the Grand halge of the I. O. 
O. F., Wednesday eveuluf.. 

— 8. B. Pratt of the Huu has In ch huviug 
a very severe time with his thrust, being 
at limes uuahle tu s|M-uk aloud. 

—The 4-'trd auuivcrsary of the laulics' 
Hewing circle cuuoccte«l with the I'nlver- 
saliat church was observed in the vestry of 
that church la»t evening. This circle was 
(miuded by quite a large numlM-r of ladles 

•oil. IK.I ..r klmiii (t.ui 0 ..-U uii, A...a 

All persons intending to have Culiinet Photos at 
my place will please call before June 1st, as I go away 
for the summer nt that time. 


Morla to Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for I “touts 
nud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine ner 
other Narcotic substance. It 1s a harmless substitute 
far Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, und Castor OU. 

It to Pleasant, Its guarantee to thirty years' use by 
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and ailays 
feverishness. Castorlu prevents vomiting Boar Card, 
cutes Diarrhma anti Wind Colic. Castorla relieves 
teething troubles, cares constipation nud flotuleney. 
Cestoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach 
nud bowels, giving health, and natural stoop. Cum 
torin to tho Children's Pnnncea—the Mother's Prised, 


•* caatorls is so well adapted to chlldiwa that 
I iwoo—msal it assupsriar toaay 

a. a. *«—.**. 

Ill Bo. O .luiJ t>, UmOlim.M. V 

“Our Ui/Blr’an. Iu IB. chlldrwi'. SgU 
iih'iu Bu.» BieUr nt tBuir te« 

I UM U tBclr uuuBU |H*clk. -HU Caoruta 
.nj ^IBousB w. ruU, B.» •—» 
...cJ.oU niurlk. .BU I* >—■ s* "Sum 
Iinduuu. nt n. M. flu B* eoottm UoS Ht 
ii.i-nu «f c—ctB Bu we u. k* turn eeb 
favor upon U.** _ 

-Tills Js quite a li»-«lr locality f'*r Its 

sire and proliuhly cun nut Imi surpussed hy 
any iu town. There are several large hoot 
aud shoe laclories, most of Ibeiu dulng au 
extensive business and furnishing em¬ 
ployment to many hundred* of hands. 
(Jilito a variety uf other trades are repre¬ 
sented, aiuoug them being a first-class 

-Three Italian woman, apparently very 
destitute, appeared ou our streets, 
day morning, 

The Junior Templars will hold their 
fifth anuiventary on Monday evening, May 
1. which occasion will la* tlm ro-o|M-utug uf 
tlm Temple ball. Frof. U'Roy, the Iteeloii 
mugiciun. will fUlerUlu the putty and 
Harvey Blount will cater. The follow mg 
officers for the ensuing term were elected 
last Monday evening W. A., Arthur II. 
Iluywurd: W. V. A., Davla II. Clapp; R-, 
Kdw. Ford; A. 1C.. Frauk Bates; F. II., 
Henry Tildcii; A. F. It. Jaiuea Fahey; 
(?.. Arthur B|*ear; A. U.. Willis llaymoud; 
1. W., Chas Blanchard; O., Arthur Farrar. 
The pianist uud assistant gun ru»r of the 
|uut year were re-t-ltH ted. 

Our Kpriug Good* will be oj»eu for 
in»|>ectioii ou and uft«*r 

South Weymouth, Mass. 


tod aursu|c||, murh atten- 
tiou. They were iietldling, each vim carry¬ 
ing a bosket filled with dry goods, iu ad¬ 
dition to which one of the woium carried 
a very tbluly clad child ou her arm. 

— Harry Walker lias Urn 111 for arrcYal 
days tlsi* week. 

—When Um electric railroad Is completed 
it will meet a long-felt want in this place. 

— llusiuesa is beginning lo buoui at the 
factory of M. Bbeehy. J. II. Whelan 
started Alouday ou a husiuesa trip through 
tlm booth aud West, with the largest line 
of samples he lias ever carried. 

—T. J. Evans and wife will 4 start about 
tlm tenth of May fur a trip to Euio|n', 
where they will remain M-veral weeks. 

—The flag uu the Jeffi rsou school-house 
was raised to the brc« s<, Wednesday, in 
memory of the bailie ol la-xiugloii. 

-Frank Farreu has Is <-u quit* ill with 
the |Mcvalliug epidemic. 

handsome new 

We shall show all the leading si vies 
in tiigli and low coat goods. We eliall 
endeavor to euit in Quality, Style and 



M (Wstari* liso excellent medicino for chll- 
Iran. Mother* hs»s re|*atsdly told dm of Us 
fund tffecl upon Umir children." 

Da. 0. C. Osoono, 
IoawwU. Alans. 

a caaiarto Is ths beat iwn*oJy f»»r chlldroo of 
w hich I sin acquainted. I hspo the day is not 
far distant » hen mothers will consider the real 
lutenst of their children, and use Castorla In¬ 
stead of the various quack nostrums which aro 

destroy tug their howl ones, by forcing opium, 
mornhtas, soothing syrup sod other hurtful 
•gnats down their Uiroata. thereby send i ng 
llaiiu to lawiualurw grs*os." 

Da. J. F. KiscutLox. 

Ouawsjr, Ark. 


“ H'» 0*f Ftnlly D**l*f Ms*." 


HauUi Waymoullif 

The Frlsod sad Uliull| the Tour buf- 
fvrer Meeds." 

Tld* wheel Is fitted with tho Alrtitu-DuulapTire, aud can Im* repaired iu live minutes 
If punctured. Full lustructlou* for repairing with every wheel. 

Catalogue on applloatlou. 

Mr. Cook found health. lmp|4n*M and 


Bicycle Supplies Coiwtantly on IIanil 

giit-u by (our young italics uud tlm reading 
of u | mm: ui. written by Airs. K. K. Brown, 
entitled the "Old bc-wiug Circle," by If. II 
Jo\. During the evening the *»aator, Rev. 
I. 'W. At a taxi was presented with a beauti¬ 
ful basket of flowers, while all the surviv¬ 
ing uirmhois of the circle trceivrd small 
botjui ls. A aurpiisr, iu the way of Ice 
cream and cake, wasgivcu to all tb«»se 
present. This ••lr» le was iu charge ».f Mrs. 
It.ataans Wlifu-ooih uud her Hunuay-srhool 
dsss of four tee u young ladies. 

r aaw's • oaaasrosrefaca. 

• Urn i f the silliest things that has ever 
hu|>|M-D> d in this village was the arresting 
a tew of the High mu'-uI buys and sum- 
looiiiug 'Item to Quincy tomorrow, for 
nothing whatever, only a little "hoys' 
play." They are all of tin tu good hoys aud 
favorites of tlm village aud from the best 
ol families. The fuuuiesl of tbe whole is 
that our officers should dirty then hands 
with suih simple matters. The pUlutiff* 
are only hoys, and our who is foremost la 
tusking tlm arrest has tlm poorest record of 
auy tx»y iu the village. We feel sure ihsl 
the Judge Will throw the mailer out of 

—Davis i’lapp has 

—Mrs. Elisabeth Hhaw has had a severe 
attack of la grip|>e. 

—The I'euUc club is lo hold our of tlielr 
social parties this, Friday, eveniug iu Ms- 
‘ “ floor director; 

Spring Styles. 
Trimmed Hats & Millinery Goods, 

Such words from a ftuileiaaa tf Mx. 
Cooks standing, should weivo great 
atten'ioo from those iu utaxl of a mediciiM 
that cures diuaac. 

Wi guarantee Ur. Ksaasdy's Favorita 
Mastedy to sbsstuUly curs Midasy sad Liver 
cwatplsiuu, Crsvsl. atone in tn* Bladder, 
Biirnt'e UImsss. all urinary troubles, Dts- 
b*Us, fc(.isms, ball Rheum. Jaundice, Uys- 
pspsls. Constipation. RheumatUm, Okin 
Eruptions, Scrofula. Kumars, Ulcers, Sores 
end Vimplca. Disordsd Stoatsch Oich Heed- 
Sfbe, Blltousnso* sod Purify the Blood. It 
Permanently Cures All Fsmsl* Weaknesses- 
We could ttaute Korea of people here*, 
and vise where, who have felt not actually 
kick, but weak, worn and weary, b:t who 
io no. sin mg andwcU. aoUy ly the 


on easy 

All ordera. hy Biall or otherwUe, 
promptly attended U. 

sonic hall. 

Dr. Halioran aud Mivtiscl Waish, assis¬ 
tants. The musk- will h« furuished hy 
Ttrrell'e on hestrs. 

-Mrs Albert F. Clapp has laxii quite ill 
hut is now im|rtoviug. 


Twenty-five dolUrs cash will place one of our Upright I'lano* hi your I 
within, aay jcr> miles of Boston, balance $to a mouth. 

You arc not to assume any risk of damage tn transitsnd lie piano L _ 
entirely satislsctory to you or you need not keep it. \V >jl cxpja in cvcry t 
fully if you write u*. HUghlly uwed pluuoB lit reduced prtoea. 


.8, Tbbuumi bmBCT. • *' *»«*»- 1 




The dates of the two • *u.vrU to he given 
hy the old btouglit. u Alusical Bocirty si 
lh* Chicago Ex|>oaitiou, have been *••! 
down for August Li uud 17. It is hop.d 
to have a chorus uf more than three hun¬ 
dred toil aw to irodi-r the music of the 




Riuu's Ulut'k. 



^TM n in 11 m&sm Jr 


Stove pqlish 

bare Lwwn watching nb perfonnnnce. 

Btarrr bannen proadly wring. 

Greet th*i rosy morning fight, * 
From Kntahdln's cloud capped sumrrJt 
To Tscntna's enow crowned height. 
Fertile plain* and teeming water* 

Fill thy lap with wraith nntold, 

Bnt thy children** fond devotion 
Far outweigh* thy treasured gold. 


""•What right hare you got trrapy round 
yercl” the negro 

"Well, I heard nn old nmn wty that M 
gave you ycslrnlay to ktep you from 
jumping off the bluff.*’ 

"liar It go, dar It go," sold the old negro. 


Asny Colombian Tree* Will Ite Planted 
rhla Tear- Flag Raising Ceremoale* 
May Appropriately lie Combined With 
Tree Planting. 

Copyright, by American Pm* Assnci* 

tho oilier honor* 
Hint linve been 
l*ti*l nnd Will I# 
pnlil to him. 
■VlV ?“■ Christopher Co- 

* yvl *• Imnlma la going 

^4 tohavonumlmt 

(ffA plant e.1 In In 


Without the ItUk of Huying from 
a Paper lb *lgn 

Town curr's orrir*. 

Weymnoth, April, 1**B. | 
All flog License* expire. May l*t neat. Tl* 
umli r»l*nc.l I* now prepared to Iwue Mcrm* l« 

the year rntlln* M«? 1«l. tJN. _ . 

JOHN A. It AY MONO, Town Clerk. 

Extract* from Chapter 102 ®f tha Public 

Pg«T. W. Every owner nr keeper »f * °l 
matt a- wvn» om nr ovrr shall an«u*liy.ea <>r 

Iwitoretbetlilneeothila/of A|»ili,e*a*e kloberegl*. 

lend, nunilwml, drerrtbed and Ikennd in- 
year from the tint day of the ei.tulng May. la lh« 
..Hi e of d.e rlrrk nf the * l»y nr town whrrela **».| 
do* h kept, and *hall .-so** It to wear areuwl It. 
nrek s red Isr ili«tln<tly markeil with It* owner i 
nnni* nml It* rrirl-tereif number. 

Brer. *1. An i.wnrr of a «l<»g m*r at any tln.r 
bate It !lrrn.e.l until the tint day of the en*uln ( 
May; nti-l a person liemmlng Hu* owner or keep.rtj 

Gita us a Call 
Before Purchasing 

memory thlayent 
tlmit any othet 
ottoman since the 
ilnvt Arltor day. 
Ilia fntne will tie 
everywhere per- 
petnnteil by theae 

“Ob, no, papa darling. '' 

"H-m-ni, iH-ttoratlll. It lan’t the florist! 
"No. you(lenrent papa." 

"Il-ni-m, I* it n trip to Kumpet” 

"No, you li el lent of pupa**." 

in public opinion. 

Itnrvnr* *71. 

No. 4 Front Btre<*t, 


"Well, what in the nnmo of goodnen*do 

you want, my glrlf" 

green nionti- 
ments that will 
ontlnat every¬ 
thing that i* l»e- 
ing built 

"I*apa mine, 1 don’t want anything—nh 
■tliat la—Tom want* me.*’—Truth. 



Chronic Diseases 

nRrmii. mr r« 

Selectmen & Overseers of the Ron 

The Selectmen of Weymouth will bain aeaalou u 


(eacept the third) during the municipal rear 

. _ nnd 

carved nnd decorated for tho great Co- 


Filial aoula with love adore the* 

Where pnlmrtto* arrh tho glad*. 
Loyal eona proclaim thy glory 
•Neath the mountain pine tree shade. 
One In heart, with voire* Mending, 
North and anuth. your tribute rebel 
Found aloud tho mighty rhortt*! 

Hhouti Oh, about Columbia's pralael 

is popular 
because it is 
the greatest chew 
or smoke 
for least money. 


! When n tiro i» i>i»ihoi ww.. ™—, •• 
Vvill bo a gootl him to have his picture 
km nn enael, either indooru or ont. wher¬ 
ever tho main oxerdeou will lw held, with 
klto American and Hponlah colors draped 
(together over it. Aa nil tho music will 
■to imtriotic, it in onn ec ea a ary to nnmo 
Longa, for select ion* can l»o lmet made to 
jmit individual tastes, 
i If there la to bo n ling raising in any 
Lclmol. it can bo reserved till tho colebra- 
lion of Arlxtr day in this Columbian 
kinr, for tlit* exercise* will bo somewhat 

Wo manufacture all our own 
work, thereby saving tbo mid- 
(Helmin'* profit*. 

*I\ O. Address. 8«! Way mouth. •< 

Hbmut A. Nash,C lerk, ' 

’. O. Ad>lrr*«. IV eymoRU Height*. Fele 

I.roraro V. Tiaasix. 1 

Hiram K. Bavumm. weyi 

Joh* F. Dwtrr. 

Weymouth. Marrh, 1803. 


yet a law. It will meet with opposition, 
prohnldy from the railroad* Interested 
directly, and surely from time* Interested 
Indirectly. Tho malinger* of the roads 
that come Into the southern part of tho 
city know tliat such art act would be but 
an opening wedge nnd that tho next step 
won Id lie to compel them to get together, 
(•ranted Ihnt their fears are just, that I* 
no rraaon why a ntnn not Interested should 
oppose the hill. Iloston should have a 
union depot at the North Knd and another 
at the South Knd. with rapid trnnalt be¬ 
tween the two, nml It will all come In time 
If not this year. 

• • • 

Aa I imdlcie.l aotno month* ago, the 
war upon the giut trust ha* hnd nn effect, 
nml the result is a victory for the people. 


What Tree* to riant. 

Plant varieties that grow nnd thrive 
In your own neighborhood. Tito white 
elm will flourish on a great variety of 
■oils, bnt is ut its liest on clayey ground 
or where the tmbsoll i* clay. For ma¬ 
jestic form nnd depth of shndo this tree 
i* tho monarch of tho woods. Tito oak* 
nro alow growers, lint they endure hard¬ 
ship* liko good soldier* nnd strugglonp 
to vigorous, self poised iifo amid bleak¬ 
est surrounding*. 

In beauty of form nnd finish tho leaf 
of tho red <vtk lu without n rival, whilo 
tho treo itself i* tho most fitting emblem 
in tho forest of that enduring strength 
that hide* it* time amid storm and 
strife. Plant nn oak, nnd It* green 
leaves will bear your greetings to gen¬ 
erations that will l*o born in tho good 
timo coming. 

__ Hard maples tuny bo planted on al- 

in 1460 to Ferdinand of most any soil, but perhaps thrivo boston 
tho kingdoms of Castile light loams or sand. Their compact, 
fhelr separata royal Inter- oval tops nnd brilliant green foliage ren- 

You Must Be a Specialist if 
You Would Succeed. 

WejBoiih, E. Braintree, 




.lurk ut All Trade* Not Wanted—Master 
some rartlcnlar l.tnr-fnlon l'*Mcn|*r 
•The ()*« Trust Get# 
nt Saving t»* Uon- 
•Tliralrlral ete. 

Million Demanded 

MIK Itoanl of Health hereby notify all per**i» 
Interest* il.tlmt on and after llil* date, the follow, 
provision* nf l.'lmptrr 28 ».f the General Btatutn 
I lie atrlvlly enlon eil. 

Ire. 47. W hen * linuecbolder know* that a pane* 

-_;; tick cf. . . anv , . . dit 

i- dangi rnu«" to the public health, he aliall Imiu^ 
v .«— .1 --—• •- Board <t 

i , u Ifherefum 

nui-h notlre, he aball forfeit a «ua 

Miss Annie R. Dyer, 

(ItllM* «• Carijle Feterallls sf BMtsa), 

la prepared to receive puP 11 * on Ike Plano or Orgi 

171 riaaonl ttraal, Muth Wiymoull 


Hard nnd Soft flood Sailed to Order 

within bln family I* taken alck of, 
ea»e dangrrou* to the psbllr heal™,. 
dlately give notice thereof to the 
Health of the town In wldrh he Unrell*. 
or negletia to give *=ci --tier, _r ;_i 
not eaeeetllnrt #100. 

Sec. 43. When a phrvlrlan know* that anyper*<a 
whom he l« railed to vialt U afflleteil with . . . aw 
dl«ru,e dangrrnu* to the pnhlle health, he aliall la. 
mediately give notlre thereof to the . . . Board a 
Health ol the town, and It lie retuaea or neglect* « 
give inch notire. he ■hall forgelt lor earb oflenrt • 
■um not lr*a than #&0. or more than *100. 

The Hoard romldi rathe above aectiona to ap;h 
to Dtpiherla. H.-*rlct Fever, 8maU Pol, kleaalea an) 
I W hooping Cough. 

J. CkARinci Howg, Clialnnan. 1 

P. O. Addreaa, 8o. Weymouth. Bo»r4 

I IIbmiit A. Naait, Ulcrk. 

P. O. Addreaa. W’eyrooutn Height*. of 


IIiram K. Ratmurd. llealU 

Box Boards and Oak Spiles 
JIIHK KKM.t.V. rmMnl. 
KllWUtll BII.MVO*. Trm.nrrr. 

uMHiur. rouu. 

tiioioi HT«m;iiu.n. 

If 1 were going to prsnch n sermon to 
yuiiiig men and women who arc nttxltiua 
to mine to till* city to e.-trn n living, or t<* 
n«e their PX|iir**ioti*, to guilt faint* nnd 
furtiiue. 1 should tnke Hit* iipceaalty «»f hav¬ 
ing a ajK-elal and a|K*cilln pttrpoa** In lift* 
for a text. A Jack at all trades may exist 
I,t ie, but it i* only the specialist that live* 
nnd get on in the world. Ilostoti I* too 

largo for the man who ran do a little of |riw|[ __ ___ 

everything and excel* nt no one thing. The i Jump In and to do good service nnd 
country at me that sell* everything from a ,j,. N . rV e* credit to that extent, but he never 
mowing ninchlne to n t-tmhric needle I* all atirred till he learned which way the wind 
right in many localities, but It would Ik* was blowing. ... 

trade tlnilfl Id* oecupnllou gone in the city. Holton burn* a great quantity 

llo has n au|Krflcial knowlttlge of n great of ^ ,. vrry yi . nr When with this nsluc- 
tunny things; to succeed here he ahould t | (||| • comM the snme projmrtloiinte tie- 
i have a special ami exhnuatlve knowledge c n*a*3 ill the other companies' there l*a 
of one tiling. What I* tmo of commercial fortune saved overv year. A gentUMiinn In- 


Theno flauroa renrem-nt tho number of 
iMittle* of I)r. King’* New Dlarovery for 
Conaumptioti, Cough* and Colds, which 
wort* sold inthe United Htate* from Mate t, 
111 to Match, TG. Two Million, Two Hun¬ 
dred nml Twenty-Right Thousand, Hlx 

ahould fiirtiinii gn* for #1 i*er 1<**> feet 
they reflect oil the force of public sentiment. 


IS Devonshire & 77 Kington Bti 

Hundred nml Seventy-Two Imttlc* sold iu 
•nr. nnd each nnd every lmttle was 
.,,1,1 n jHia’illvo Riiarutitce that itione.v 
wottld Im* refunded If satisfactory result* 
did not follow lu jtae. T!.. ; secret 
HtteceM la plain. 

Post Odlcc Address, WKYMOCTIt, MASS, 

one .... 

sold on n |*o*|11V' 

tlltl not fol low’"it* nae. The secret of it* 
HtteceM ia plain. It never disappoints nml 
can alwuy* l*o depended on a* the very l*e»t 

remedy f«»r Cough*, Cold*, etc.. 

Price BOe. uml 61.00, nt A. M. Ilnclielder * 
drug store. 

mrann attmtwx citr* to bemnner*. 


liver the plans of Colnmbns, nnd linniiy 
f xcliiiincd. J nmlortnko tho enterprise I 
l.'or my own crown i*f Castile nnd will 
^ledgo my jewels to ntiso tho necessary 
’funds.’ Although it (lid not bocomo nec* 

| .twnry to sacrifico tho queen's jewels, it 
yum tho Hc|»umto crown of Castile tliat 
lefrayed nil tho expcnsca of tho first ex- 
iNHlition. Isabella of Spain thus became 
kite patroness of tho discover}* of tho new 
world, nnd tho memory of this noblo 
(wotnan is inso|»nrnbly connected with 
^Ito honors l>estawt*d npon tho name of 
Col uui baa. 

pititt wa* otill yoang.aml on her faro ami form 
Thu magic light of beauty linffvretl Mill. 

The dm- w-aaon iter cheek, while on her brow 
Then* ln> a shadow a* of graver thought - 
An«l tlmao lilne eyes—the dewy tenderneaa 
Ilf heaven dwelt In their depth*, nml bright 
[ forma 

l)f human mpathle* lay tremblingly 


Attorneys and Counsellors-at-La 

tie I re to give notice that they hare now eatahlUh 
a rXy oIBce at 

31 M 111c Nt, Ookton, Room 3 

IF Take elevator. 

OIRoo Hour* from II A. M. to 2 P. M 

Other Ofllce* at Booth Weymouth ami Abingtr 

SC’/w&SL... v ■ 

Itipnns Tabtiks emu dyspopsia. 

Weights and Measures. 

Ju*t Reoeived, 

• lO Groaa 

Toilet Soap, 






T O the Next-of-KIn, Cradltora, ami all otlwi 
penauii lutercatad in tho estate of 

laic of Weymouth, In sakl County, deceased, U 

Whereat, appllcaUon lia* been made to said C”«»ut 
to eran* ali tu r of adiulnbiratloD on tho «*4air» 
■aid ilrcra*e<l to Mary K. Huiith, of Weymonth. I 
the County of Norfolk, without giving turvly ci 
her bond. „ , 

You are hereby rltrd to appear at a Probate t mn 
to hr huldeii at I>•-<!li<• iti« In »ald County ofNorfolk 
on the ftr-t Wednratlay ol May next, at nla 
o'clock In the foreiioou, to show cause, If any 
have, again*! graining the sauie. 

Ami aakl petitioner I* hereby directed to |frt 
public notlre thereof, by publishing this Otatw 
oner a week, for three aureeadve week*, in IM 
neu •paiHT called the Wryuiouth Uaaette. printrf 
at said Wry month, the last publication to be two dajl 
ut learf before said Court. 

Willie**, tieorge White. F.«iulre, Judge of iaU 
Court, till* twell'h day of April, iu the year oa 
thousaud eight humlml ami ninety.itirt e 

PrMidant, - JOSEPH DTE1 

VlM-Fr**t4*al, Cl ARIES 0. TOWER, 

Trcosarcr, A. K.TINIX0. 
■sard mi larNimml i — Joagnt pn 
CHARtaa C. Tower, Piuncb II. TlRRBiX, Aut 

Amid their tmubled water*, and her vole* 
Ila>l in IIh< mlenco that enlivening Inna 

XVIth which the heart that thrills witli hop* 

r elL It* own ■lory." 

Otto «>f tho Colnntlms group recite* 
three lines from Lowell’s "Columbus:” 

I. for what end Ood know*-not 1. 

something more titan a mere island of 
slutdo in an oocau of snuslilne. A state¬ 
ly treo bus many lovers, nnd hosts of 
birds nro sure to crowd its branches. 
Hnch a treo then liecotnes tho tnecca 
whereat tho rambler spentls tiie liours of 
hot high noon u*»t only pleasurably, bnt 
profitably. 1* It nothing, ns some one 
rests in tho shndo after a long tramp, to 
have a wood thrush sing to him? Is it 
not n lesson to the weak hearted to hear 
tho redeye's ceaseless song? Tito per¬ 
verse grumbler, Los ho u trace of reason, 

Here am I. for what end Ood know*-not 1. 
Westward still point* tho InexorableaouL 
Here am I. with no friend hut tho and K-a- 
Tho beating heart or this great enterprise 
Which without mo would stiffen in swift 
dent It. 


All night 

My heart flies oa before mo na I sail. 

• •••••• 

Onodayinnre! • • • Olio |H*>r (lay I 
RemeinlNT whose nnd not liovv abort It UI 
It Is (iwl’a dn>; It la Columbine— 

A Inviahda)!' One day with life and heart 
Is more than time enough to And a world. 

A lurgo •election, or several of thorn, 
can bo chosen for this magnificent fioem. 

Manotarturrr of and Draler In 


R4N6EH, • • • • 
FURNACES. . . • 

Yd Nervous Headache, Hack 

Sleeplessness, Sick 
ache, Dlaainesa, Mormu 
ous Dysiiepala, Dullness Contoalon, Hysteria, 
Fita, St. Vitas Dance, Oidnin Hu*d>, Drunkenness, 
etc., are cured by Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine. 
I: do-s not contain opiate*. Mrs Sophia C, 
Brownlee, DeLand, Fla, auflered with Epllepa* 
tor BO years, auiltestlfh-s to aeomnlelernre. Jacoh 
Petre, Ella, Oregon, had Men snncrlng with nerv¬ 
ous prostration for 4 year,, could not aleen, noth¬ 
ing helped him until lie need Hf-NUea .Netvlne; 
aela now well. Fine hooks Fitbh at druggists. 
Dr. Miles* Nerve and Liver Pills, 60 doaeaTor tB 
rents, are the best remwly for Blllonsnege, Torpid 
Liver, etc. Dr. Mllrs Madinl Co.,Elkhart, lad. 



». M. BXCHIIOER Wtymouth ; 

CEO. M. HOYT E„t Weymouth. 




Commonwealth ol Massachusatt* 

NORFOLK, 88 . Pro rat* Cot 

'T'O all Pc non. intc rested In the estate of 
late of Weymouth In said .County deceased. 

PluinbiDg, Piping^ Roofing 


Savings Bank 



Whereat, Klhrhlge U.Cmdilng, the AdmluistrsH 

Stauucli as u Rock. 

/ETNA INSURANCE CO., of Hanford, Conn. 


INSURANCE CO., of North America., Philadelphia. 


The nbuvi* coiiipatih * ptiaai-d through Hie 


delimit! guy* wot runs do fashion* sex dal 
do hoopakoits will lie do go, m» (1st doe* ilfl 
biz, see? Pat 'mind* mo w'en 1 wu* er kid 
ami I tisotcr ntnke plcters on me slnte. 

Do vouee t ink flat dnt old stile will 1» cl 
my? 1 don’t. Do ivnsoit why I* dl*: In (le 
foist place it ’h too cost If—dot la, onoof d< 
hoopakoit. Hkolt* take* 'boat seven yard* 
of Muff. De won* I wares now iaottlic tree. 

Den agin w'en 1 elm so meaelf round dl 
block de gang ’ll get on ter do spre’d in me 
make up, nn w’en I sits down Up'll go dr 
akolta, ait if I walk* wld two or treo of d( 

S ofia—well, say, (lay’ll hav’ ter spre’d out 
c streets, for we’d take up do block. 

Wot do yimae link of apielin nt won of di 
Walls' Halle’ lmlls %vld won of deiu boopi 
on, w ill It Ik* er go? Not on yer lif'l Me 
nn me Teddy c’udn't spiel for er cent, de 
skoita’d Iw trow’t Imrk, and me Teddy'd 
get mixed in de wires. 

If youse wants er corkiu time, yousomuat 
be (led easy, an (lat can't be dou'd wld yet 
flgger in er barrel wid lioo|ts. Her? Wus- 

earache, and so on through the list. Hpe- I President Charles W. Kllot of Hurvord 
cinltles jiny, therefore men become s|H.*ciul- ; (ms U-en electml prealdent of the Colonial 
1*1 *. ^ m # I club of Old Cambridge, aiiccceding Colonel 

* “ , «„ M. I Thimm* Wentworth Higglnaon, who held 

!:t': i * .. ><“-■» 

iMprr worker* iu tlm kumller New Kng- Dana, John NV II am mood, Arthur K. 
land town* turn their eye* towanl lloatoii Denison nml l.'hsrle* J. Mclntlre are tue 
a* the land of milk ami hoiiry they hoja* vice president* of tile club, 
to reach, but la-fore they come they aliouhl yt mr y Audernoii-Narsrro l* preimr- 

muke n s,Riinl atudy of ^“■P^rt^ular ^ j|(j autoUatfniphy uf her stage fife- She 

“ *in£y£Sill 1.0.1: >• '■ • 1 «rt 'Ur.U.iur. 

,J,rk. Tli, utility nun who mo turu hi. 1 <■' <«h*' h.r .low It. Hie wHiIok- Jju .1 K«r 
l.iitiil .uotiytl.luo 1. llw fellow who net. j • |.uhH.lwr ofTeml to |»> her »lu,ou) for > 
|MNir pay for a great deal of hard Work. al*»ry. She want* lier friend* to send her 
Apply for ft |H»*ltloli on one uf the leading nny little nneclote* tliat they think will, 
dmlit-s and tell the nmnsging relitor tliat | M i interesting iu order to help Imr with 
you have done a little of every thing on n | , j( . r 


the same man sml tell hint that you ItaveS long-time pastor uf tlm l uitnrian ClmrcU 
made a sjmm nl stu ly of oue particular line i of Cambrldgeport, who only about n year 
uml would like tmleuionatratcyour ability j ago was so »tca a» *«» lie unrouscioua fof 
uml If lm i* not more than crowdel you |„ni, y w«*«ka, «M-cuple«l hi* old pulpit ou 
may get an o|>|M»rtunity to alriw the stuff riundsy. He crlebrated at that time the 
: y«u are made uf. ^ ^ complfilWl ,lf (haafttb year of bis paator- 

. * * * „ _ . . ale over that church. Ou April k he wu 

I agree Hint Lending alt your effort* lu , , 

, one direct loti may gain for you the reputa- * 
lion of is-iug a "ernnk" on the sutiject, but Mr. John W. McUrath, the pre*eut Aa- 
dun’t mind that if you are looking for aUtaut hecreUry of the Iloston Chamber 
work in this o» other large eitie*. The u f Com merer, ha* received a dispatch lu- 
brightest uud »m*»t noted men in the conn- f orm | U g him of Ida ap|sdulmeut us private 
try toiUy bav« been culled crazy or eccen- 
l trie la-fore tho use of tlm word triuik came 
to lie so common. 

What l" true of the profeotioos is true in 
all direction* lure. The clerk who sells 
you n paper of plus in u large store knows 
iui mote alKMit the handkerchief trade than 
though she worked iu a coal yard. Her 
sfM<cially i« pin*. In the same way the 


I Iiun, IJlia null liar Ol A|>ili, iu 1UC Yfar u- ... 

Lfii.l one i-ialil huudrrel an<l ninrly-tlirr 
1-3 JONATHAN COBB. UrgOu-r. 


\Vln rr»«. a certain luatruincut purporting to i 
the last will ai»l iruaiitenl of •ahl ilscesM-ii. U 
bccti |irr»<-ntr«l m aakl Court, lor l'robale, by IM« 
F. Iluzhr* of \VrtiiM>uUi, who praya that le 
Irra ti-vlKinrnUry may In- IwucJ to him, the rxrruii 
Ihrrelu nami-.l, uii.l llial he may he rxeuipt fr>a 
giving a surety or auntie* on lu* bond, pureuaui l 
said *111 an.I slalulc. 

You ai«- hereby cited to appear at a IYobate 
lol»e hol.h it at Ouiury, lu aahl County of Norf.dl 
nn the »<-<-ou<l W edtM-aday ol May uest. at nit 
o'clock, in the foreiMMiu, to show cause, If any yi 
have, aaalu-t the ■auir. 

An.I aald |m till no r l* hereby directed to gli 
public notice tlirrrof, l>y puhllahing (111* Ctuih 
once a vreek, lor llinr *ui-er**ive week*. In (1 
newspaper called the Weymouth Uaaette, pa 
Ihlii-U at Wry mouth, the last publication to t 
two day* at l>-a>t In fora Mid Court 

While*., Georg* Whue, K«|ulre. Judge of »» 
I Court, tin* laeiab day of AptU In tlm ye 


Telephone Connection. 

WttHltlnffton Htr«et v Weymouth. 410 SUie Btreel, Benton 

If you dflirt insurance, t/rof us a postal card, and wt will coll. 

Wt- urn In ull part* of Weymouth ami Hrulntrcc twirn u work. 

if tlesircd, nnd a dccluumtion or hUtnry 
nf tho discovery of Columbo* given. 
Other qnutationb arc. 

When Aral Culmntme daretl the weetern lAaln. 
(-panned the hroad gulf and gavo a world to 
H pal n, 

flow thrilled Ida aoul witli tumult of delight 
win d through tlieeilrnicnf therlecph-aantuiit 
f.urat khoutauf triumph! 

jlo left tho landmarka of the |ia*t la-hind. 

Tho world of wutrra oia-ntal wide !**forr, 
Wlu-rrlhrough licaltiud to *ail forevermore, 
law-king within the wa»lc with rtcadfaet mind 
loimo brighter ikiIiu. untnsl of humankind, 
Rome happy island, muiic rlyaian shore. 

From mail) an unknown umt ho heard the 

Of hn-akora, Iteaxl the voices of the wind 
Ou unkuow n h k«. hut licit tier rtaing hiasl 
Nor wavs could daunt Id* soul. 

-William 1‘nwolt FuetAt. 
Ahoiip r r»s itutiou fur thosecuudgroup 
ja "The TI'r<-«- Ship*:” 

The uuirulag'**h. the slowly rlliuidng aun. 
Tlm uooulid.- glory, live bluo heaven, live cloud. 
The ••veuiug and thr watrhfu! orha of utght 
Hr hold lint frail *hlp* aaiUng- 
Tbr« • fla t • upon a tl>«»l of unknown reach. 
Three mot** upon ttvs UM-asurolrao expanse - 
Yet ii-inj* *f* stay them not. nor ru»h uf w ave. 
The vapor Iwvak* «ihv- more the aunlight gthh 



Carriage, Sign & OroaiueDtal 


Broad SI.. E„t Wejrmoutli. 



East Weymouth, 

Broad Street, 

aUtant Secretary «tf Ihe Treaeurv, with a 
iwiliest lu report nl Washington a* *oou as 
IMissible. Mr. Mctirath lia* la-e;i cunnecled 
with tha CUambar of Couiumn-e for three 
year*, and hla afflclency and courtmy have 
made him u general favorite. 

Cuugrveaimrfi Sibley of 1'eiiuaylvuuUuia 
liaa given hu aalary for two years, flti.uil, 
for I be use of the granges, farmers' alii- 
iiuccm aud labor orgaiilzalioii* of Krie and 
Crawfonl counties, winch make up hi* 
district. The Uioney D to hr used fur edu¬ 
cational pur|Mtse» chiefly, ami for live erec¬ 
tion of buildings for ‘.he gv-urral ofliix-s of 
tlm grange* of western l'euusy Ivaivla. Mr. 
Sibley lm mi I Ilona ire- several lime* over, 
aud w ill not miss Id* talar) as a cuii|i.r 

Mattes an every-day convenience of an 
old-tim: luxury. I'ure and wholesome. 
Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest 
award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each 
package makes two large pies. Avoid 
imitations—and insist on having tha 
NONE SUCH brand. 

MENU ELL & SOULE. Syracuse, N. Y. 

roar roar am ikmkr. 

Old 0 olony 

OCTOBER 16, 1198* 


UAVE BOSTON (Barelas* kl. Mallaa FOR 

H f» 43, T.Jft, 10.15, 11.SO A M, sjtt, 4.40, ft. in, ii.uo, tt. i a, 11.1 
Ml. ft-30, 7.11', 7.65, B.ll, 8 4 a.m. j i.uii, a.4i, 4.43, fi.43, 7.a 
loiM r.M. 

K«. «l>|iaaulh. 5.43. 7.:W, 10 1ft, IK 

A.M.; 1.10, 3JU, 4.40. a id. 0.00. 8 1 
li.ift r.M. Melara,ft4ft. 7.07,7JO,si 
8.41, 10.31 A.M.; 12JM, 3.37, 4.30, AJM.7.4 
10.03 r.M. — 

Kaal Meyainalk. 5.45. 7.3ft, 10.15, II- 
a.m. ;, .'.:i5, aia, 4.40, a.10 ,, i.r 

8.15,11. IS r.M. Mnara 5.40,7.(G.T4 
84H, 8 40, 10 10 a.m.; l‘J.54, 4.36,5-1 

5.ft.*,7.44. 0.58 r.M. 

Mryutsulll. 6.45. 8 30, 11.01 A M 

1,10,'1.30, 3.40,4.4ft, ft.;*), li."6, 11.10r4 
M«‘lara. ft.Pi. OH, 7 33,8 at, 10.30 a r 
1S44.XJB, 4.31.0.lo, 7JW r.M. 

80. WcvMOUTH briuiALtti the Abiugt' 1 * 
aud Winlmail, (i.00 A.M.; (i.38 r.M U 
hum from Whitman, 11.24r. M 


1 save Huston roa 

Wrt atonlh. North Wstmoutm -• 

Kart Wrvmoutm, 0.15 a m. : 1X.45, 3J 
I r.M. Mrlura, leave Kart Wnvmoii 

8.ftl a.m. ; ft.;rj. ft.45 r.M. * North " * 

Mol TU 8.5(1 A. M.: 6.fi0 r. M. WaVMol U 
0.01 A. M.; 6.30, 5.55 r. M. 

, Ha. H>f asaalH, 5.4ft r. a. Balarf 
8.51 A. M. 

J. R. ABN It RUB, 34 Ucc-ProUcRt- 

A1r« l»ekt Creamery lluttcr uml Cheeie 
(’utilted tiood*. Vegetable*, Etc. 

Caveat*. Rod Trade-Mark* oil mined, and all Fol 
•at hii»ln>-* ruDdarted for Medrral* r#et. 

On* OHcr \* OppotO* U. I. Ptttnl OHct. 

ou* umc( it oppon'R u. ». rartni unci, 
and we ran re-rare patent In !•*• time than tboea 
remoto f'oi'i Wefblngtoa. 

heod ruodrl, ** y*v» log or ph -to., with drsrrip- 
tl«n. Wa advise. If puti-ntuble « r nut. free (4 
charge. Our fee not due till patent I* secured. 

A FamaMet. "Uow to Obtain Falenl ." wliB 
ti.'iur* of actual client* in yuurMtalc, couuty,M 
tow u, aeat free Adilrc**, 

If you want to SAVE MONEY it will be for your 


interest before purchasing to get our prices of 
Kitchen. Dining-room, Sitting-room, Parlor. 

Tho estate of tho 1 
Dr. George W. Fay, Br. 
Street, East Weyrnou 
Will be sold on rcasomi 

For particulars addre 

1UU auhtin MTHEE1 

All otdera yranytl? altcadrd I*, 
■toutli Wvwiuoulli* M«i 

',.4 turvwella haunt the la-Arta of ■Allora* 

They wuit and mh ii nml c ount the galea and 


They pray. vrli'.la other* chant of gold - and all 


lly dirvvtioti of the secretary of war. 
Captain Daniel M Ap|a-I, assistant aur- 
gcon, wifi Iw relieved fr«»ii» duty at Fort 
lilies, Tex., ns hiii as |M>seiliic after tho rv- 
c.-ipl of llila ordor, and will then prva-evd 
• o t illi ng'*, aud re-iairt iu |irraou to the 
cutumamliug g< urral. departlurnt of Mia 
1 ouii. for assignment to duty pvrtaiuiug 
to tho World’s t'elumliiau t-spusitiou a* 
attending surgeon for the officer* aud eu 
listed luiu ou duly iu Ibe vxpooitioa 

Mrs. Jeunca* Miller inode some state 
mi-ul* to a Kansas City reporter, fur w hich 
her m-X uvay feel lueiiued to take her Ia* 
task. "Don't you know." aaid the fair 

Are »1th those i#rv* slops sailing. 

While d.iwu the weal, iu derprst mystery. 
Lice the w Ud laud, the »h-.-p!iu »..utment. 
Tin- forests sigh, tlm prairie- faintly smile. 

In slumber's throldoiu. and anou there glides 
A human lorn* (auiaaih . 

When, lo! a thrill «f premoultlou runa 
Athwart the twilight wllderures outsirelrbe* 
Uke some prone giant in a resiles* dream, 

Aa uddwa gleams the passing ray upon 
Time phantoms westward flitting. 

The fountains murmur and the rivers Rash 
ln>juir> of the 1 (-suing crags and hills: 

The Waking furewU ask the drifting rack. 
And Ih.arreU uueatlou of the dying brvex* 
That those three ships had speeded. 

A krel crates oa the Baud -ah. magic louchl 
A moo.' ut of earth's ogee -and there throbs 
The pul,* of terming life across the laud. 
And dow u the do.«l of l ime forever go 
Those -Jdp* of Palos sat tin T. 

"Fur gootlnesa sake, aavo toe, sail," the 
woman pltwitvl. 

"Hold ou,” demanded the whits man. 
"What are* you going to do w it It that wom¬ 

"DU yrre Italy utu my w ife, sah, au”- 

"1 didn't ask you who bite is. I os'* wimt 
are you going to do with her?” 


Also Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Lace 
Curtains, Pictures, Etc. 

A Good Straw Matting for 15 Cents per Yard. 

roxts F*XJXUVXT77XtX: CO., 

Broad Street. East Weymouth. 

A Halve al laU dl».-'.vric I that cure, (crox. II- 
rrs. (hllblsls*, Beil*. Bars*. Ubiumstlsa. 
raids, sod all vkt.rusl >li-i-s»»*• lluudii-U* ol Iraiwouhd* reUUvs lo It* qualnirs si 

-u.l for esl«- by (HIBit B « RIU,» ry msulh. 
For sale l*> sli Druggnu. 35 it 


Vos css gvt s 

2|tJ*tWBter Bottle tor! 


"W'jr, Mth, I ow.-s eg man tl'dollar*, sn j 
he sw'are dal lu- gw inter kill l*>f o' us (f 1 | 
diNku' pry it tervlay, tut cz «iur siu't uosirth- 
ly ilioace f'tr meter |uvv it. und cx 1 knows 
did iusu well hull ter know dal Lie gwiue 
kev p his word, w'jr | has couu- ter de Vlu- 
siou dst de I* *-' tTug UT fur u* is ler kill 
ouroe'f * au la- douc w id de otrife o' de lleah, 

"Hut your w ife d<H-»n't want to dts" 

"1 mkoii. aru r all, U is fur de la s', mis¬ 
ter." >atd tla* woman. "1 1.1 bark jia' 
n-.w. but 1 won't bol luck uo mu'. Come 
ou. Dave, au wr’U jump right sjusr' off. n 
de bluff, au den w'en dot man comes rouu 
j ter kill us ji*‘ Ik coze w« aiu't prvjvarod ter 
. |K»_. him his heart, tf he gut on.-, gwiue 
smile him hip ou thigh, an w'eu he lif up 
his eyes lu de tonueut au see us vv'uriu de 
I trow n lie gw iue beg us might ily fur Jis' oftc 

I sup ouleu de goo d dot s tilled w id de cool, 
d'ar water o' de 'u-rual lifr. und dr we but¬ 
ter tell him dot de heavenly Laws doan' 

I 'low us to V-aiute wid his Liu au vurt. 

i ' iluUl ou there. I'Ll give you 05 rather 
than to have Jt»u kill y uarn-ivea." 

"Wait a minute,*' exclaimed au«4la-r 

U*D, suddeniv iimkiu j lib aj^MstraiMv. "I 


And every oihrr Sympt- • or nbcese lbs! rssuiu 

flew oa/ isv-nki of lbs 

StMueh, Urn or Bowols. 

-E. 8 Hut. hard in New Kaglaud Magazine. 

The f rut IT who b*»r tho Amort, an 
flag, uuy give rent to their |v»triotuui 
iu tho foUovriug "CuLuaUa* Ode." L»> 
(Iranvilli. II I'utuaui i# Youth’* Corn 
l*uinti. m u l uuy other |e»triutic rwetta 
•ions m-Lei-tcd: 

tarsi t4 Ood. the Uud of Nations, 
llaiU Columbia, hall to tl.w! 

1s t th# Hpe of bappy million* 
sound the mass of jublU*.* B r ee n s, w aft tb» aut bead 
re.utb winds blow lag. sw»U (be strain. 

While I be ttocklse cateli the re-bo. 
braduig bank the glad retrain. 

Faith, a pilgrim, naked thy enulls 
liy the sullen wintry eua. 

And ibe twlrtul arm of vahw 
From each for defsmted thee. 

tfcs.uf yualh stl'.l lartgbllr stwvrkl# 

Us thy brow sogaoe dy Wr. 

Vet whs! asms ia sri-K or rtory 
fan Islay with lbinsromparw 


Carpeafer aad Bail 

rui nuiiioii uiui.^i/2-j-..— 

More Ksllablr than cither TauS 
or l*c-uu>ro>iel. 

If you want s perfset regulator fur Uie mod* 1 
!*rr»*-l, sn# lAai arrrr /•*<*, safe an.I *ui> * 
duos FKAfcl *>■AMIkll AS Cut UK 
Mrs , aud receive, tree of chsige, our !*■ 

l.ll-.u* 1ut. • I nu 
}urk*us lo lh# uual dt Ucs 
lut«a* l »n-T>ia»re i-iva 

»••• <n.-.(usL i>u.-a--.- 

Its u-sl i ... rsl I .i..11 
0- •hr i ul-l Cu.-uUn v 
U|>rlu«v4 ssd Ibupi 
•lu arc cube. «cd vrlin III 



I c fi u .I , P 

| Rvur yv • is the structure lobe» I OSMl 
Sffuir. but it is sxtd tbi- vats conU-uiplwte I 
Will oust about 610,11X1,0*), including iu 
grude; sud a.uprvAU‘bcs H^dhr bill L« ucft 

to ffrawee tr.. hsw Toaa. 




W. F. Sylvester*! 

wiui. l ou are to urup mu iuuiihui «>» rrer« — • • 

or opinion, and welcome to your fount all Ihs proposed union 
wlio will com.. M.kc thru happy. hill rf.tou,.. (h« a«drf 
don't expect I belli to go to your church. »na w« needed a conimi 
Don't make them pay for their supper by "Uiury nnd commetc 

and executed. 




The Citizen. 



NO. 3. 



It Will Make People Believe 
His Wonderful Story. 

No. 4 Front Street, 




■thaorIM te k| Ou af ■» York', WANT 
Hut rraaluat Lawytr, 


Chronic Diseases, 

H«rt It At Who la Matter Ixsctly aa 





" Gallon 

piano wsmotnoN 


(Papll arB.J.Uag.) 

AMnm, Bor bat. 



MIm Annie R. Dyer, 

(BaNva to Carlyle Petertllla af Battaa), 

Xe prepared to receive puph* «n Ibe Plano or Organ 

|}« Rlaaaanf .mat, Until Waymouth. 
St If__ 


Tcaclirr af 

VUlii ill Ensemble Playing. 

Addrtia, WKYMOl/TIF, MASS. 
a tf _ 


Attorneys and Counsellors-at-law 

il.alrc to *Ue nolle® dial Iliey lure now c»tabll*hcil 
a rHy oAcc at 

III Mlllc Rt. Dokton, Doom aa. 

tf Take elevator. 

OfRca Havre from II A. M. to 2 P. M. 

Other Office* at Booth Wr)mouth ami Ablngton. 

wSftfoaSSuN. D ** , “ w - <*"“*“"• 



TlM*Prcal4eat, CBABLEa C. TOWBB, 

Trcaoarer, A. B. THUMB, 
■•art mi laveetatrotti — .loaxm Drs*. 
Cassias C. Towaa, Pomes It. Tiaaau* Almon 
B. Ratbond, Joan M. Whitcomb. 

a,M. ITwa a la iaXi.. aa 4 «.ia la I P.M. 



Otfloe a*. Rfildcaca . Caamertlal 81. 

(over Cliarlea Ilarrlncton'. Store) 

Appointment* mad# by mall. 

Teeth extracted hjr a new method without pain. 
Night bell. 

HNCZt AI.tTATSchmeraloae Zalmope ration 
unter Unwen dung dc. newen patcntlrten. 

Krautar Sohtafaafei. 

J. F. Sheppard & Sons 


Eerp constantly on band all the standard gradea of 
Cool, Ineluding the 

Philadelphia A Beadlae Caanpaar*. 

•hamakta Talley and Lorherry (Bid MBA 

Beth free horning and free from .late, alae the 

Granin* Praaklta af Ijrhea* Talley. 

The purest red aah coal mined, together with me 
Hr; beet coal obtainable, adapted for 

Mtcnm Purpoeoa. 

Orders by mall to Ea»t Braintree, or W.ymaeth, 
m by teleplinne, wlU receive luiwedlate att* ntloa. 

BVPrirea low. Prompt delivery by carefol drtt 
era, and saiUfactlnn guaranteed. 

Dr. Frank F. Darling, 



(Near Jackson Square.) 

OSre flenra:-N3o a.m. toll a.; 13 44 r. a. to 
Ir.a.i o.iir.a. to*r. a. 

Dr. C han. R. Greeley 

Sold by Draggitb, 11.00 par BetUe, tla fir ISM. 

Writing Paper by the Fraud. 




epmob, April mb, m 
In a recent nnmtMB «d Doonhoe'a Mngn- 
rlnc appear* an MdWe by Mary R. Illake 
on ibe "True Solteten of the Woman Quea- 
tlon" which In wotety the attention of all 
who are interest*# In ene af the great , 
prubletna of the Any. Hoi, perbnpa, that 
l'roteatanta would agree that the aolution 
of itiln problem la M be found In the dtad- 
pline of the Catholic rharch. We are apt 
to let our prejudices ataftd In the way of 
any admissions of tMf kind; but Mia. 

Blake haa given na, In a wry graphic man- p, 
ner, n description of ibe aitnatlon of woman loi 
today In her relation to the buaineaa world, of] 
and the trial, and temptation, wbleh beaet 
her path. Blie any*, ffartly by her owa 4 m 
^ZtYiiAly, tfro, In apti* of her*elf— ct* 
•lie liaa been forced Into ceMBpetttlon with th; 
him (men) and compelled neither to aah 1 
nor receive favor*. Bite haa not na yet 
grown wholly bard to tha position; ahe la 
not aure of heraelf. andothera share In the 
doubt. The result la pnlnfut for the time 
being; abe baa luat aonae of the old ahow of 
reverence which clung about the name of 
mother, daughter amlwlfe 5 while aha haa 
not yet wholly aurceeded In cointnmndlng 
respect and houof aa n workman, the ques¬ 
tion arises as to lmw she can beat regain 
the i»ne and accomplish the other." 

Of Course the llrst step la proper Prepar*. 
tlon for work. To learn thoroughly the > 
business which one cbodaea. and thus tic- 
come valuable In any one of the four hun¬ 
dred occupations open to women. Hut 
even with preparation there nre peculiar 
temptations open to young women which 
Mra. Dlake ilescrlliea vividly with her 
ready pen, anti for which ahe provide# a 
safeguard In tbu care and protection of Iter 
church. And 110 doubt from her point of 
view the protection la adequate. Hut I 
have not touched upon tlila theme to dla- 
cusa a religious phase of which I am F 
wholly Ignorant. It aeema to we, however, 
that tlie question of kafrguarda for the 
voting of both sexes la a vital one to T 


Congressman Elijah Adam Mnrat 
Feeling* Over the tandwleb Islands. 

Kmm the Bntton Herald 

BUte of New York, { 

County of Washington. | * 

Lnolan Rodd of WhlUhall, N. Y., being 
hy aae duly sworn, depones and enys that 
some years ago he suffered very greally 
with Insomnia, nervoua prostration and 
hit body was covered with aorta, canning 
him great pain and annoyance. That Ills 
bead was no covered xtlth sores that lie 
was hnrdlr able to comb or even bruah 1 . 1 a 
hair, no gtont was the pain It occasioned. 

That It consulted the local physicians 
without successful result; that lie took 
quantities of medicine with no Imneflt 
whatever; that physicians told him Ills 
disease was Incurable and hr had coma to 
the same conclusion himself anil had 
made up bin mind to go to a hospital and 
await death. 

That Just aliout thin time he • learned 
atwiit l»r. Greene's Nerrnra blood and 
nerve remedy, which he began to use. 
That this remedy entirely relieved and 
cured him, healed and dried up Ills sores, 
’• enabled him to sleep soundly and coin- 
forUhly, and restored him to Ilia ordinary 
vigor and vitality, In abort, made 11 sound 

tiuv or Tiio ••LrprLB oil *ca.w, w 

To TUX Editor or run Herald 1 I don't well man of him so that he was fully 

everywhere under consideration. 

■n,,.,. For. since tho downfall of rigid Puritan- 

RfKTflN flUIDR IIF l»m, the church bus bad nurli a lax hold 

DUJI Uff gURIMIILUa Mpon aoclcty, that Its Influence haa lieen on 

IOO Varieties of these fine of Ihe^iour. It la ImlRived that the church 

Papers instock for Homs ttSS&R itfiWJRl 
or Foreign Correspond- 

. Anra ••dying world," those who nre alive hare a 

UnCB. right to aa much fun as the law allows, and 

Vfiune of both sexes la a vital one to To tiix tot tor or tub iibrai-ii: • ww« .. 7 .. . . 

I'roteatanta. It Is one Hint la being Ulked know how the »e*t of your readers feel about aide to work at Ids occupation, and haa 

about a good deal too, and the relation of It but I fael moved to *ay that, a* a cititan of , IoIlf ^ .i nrM that time, 
of the church to the working classes I. jJS*JS55^ That lie attributes Ida recovery to l>r. 

Over ike Weyioilh Clitkiu Stm 

(Near Post ONca), 




Vegetable Anaesthetic 



For Sale 



A Two-story Factory Imildins 
well situuted on Main street, South 

right to aa much fun as the law allows, and 
that 'tla better fur the church and church 
people to be "in It" than to stand aloof 
and perhaps frown upon Innocent amnee- 
ntenfa. .. . . 

The Uev. Dr. Lorlraer In speaking of the 
rebuilding of Trciuont Temple, Imped that 
no iwrt oFthe building need ho let for busi¬ 
ness nans, and said Itow necessary to the andv—rr*- 
work was tho acttltia at*art t»f rooms for I **** awars that tha conititutien of tl»e Uolteu 

«... arass 

That lie attributes Ids recovery to Dr. 
Greene's Nervura hloml and nerve reraetly, 
as It reatoml him wh«*tt everylrndy and 

BiN'ial purposes. Ill* Idea waa mat me ois.w i"", ,uc, " l . " " ." m.vTn. 

rlmrrU could uo lon^r.lint IU. cf.« to Ih. . t—'JTjSU 

fact tliat It in not lot a soc/uf twwcr If It |h*wBv of the government, but neve i* a situation 
would be a miwer for^ood. ' ’ !,ulU foreign to a treaty and ttat provision of the 

In n recent dcacrlpt^m of a new church constitution. Hrrahta peojdei 
its minister write* of the lar-« «•*» <*» *»•* closest commercial ties, a portion ol whose InliaU- 
evil lice devoted to the aoclal 
tuunlty, not Ida own p* r »' 

f power If It 
new church 


A Two-story wetory i.umiiiie u V«u-r wrir... .!f lh" ..c li,- 

well Kituutcd on Muin sliwt, Soulll idin™ lo the KKi.infgnf th. com- Uhliidoco.d -1 horn clilfcn. o( our raunlijj. ««d 

Woymoutl., containing 5 000 XS% WaWSH tsS 

Wlllliro foot, floor well llglllod. ol th“ «lrc.t«lo luivo nlo "n«l food limn", 

| I rogetauto JIUIWUIOUV, Ki.te.l with Hto«n. P<.wcr. steam "".K'tll^rd'oijvlol. Drummond. -ThV hSl'££-«*•“^“d 

•M« IteraNteii A. H..SM .l*IB tel P.M* | w ,and. si Ufa.- tlon guaranteed. | muntsmemM klOMt, olectHe lights tlticl Pond who has lieen creating aucb n furore ill * h * jV^s^Stt^flrd^lS^'d 

TtkW% I I KIIIa*^ 4II I II F BAIEID n fB'llll BinklARl I EltFICtillK Tfilth Without Pills Wilier, lllltl well Bllitctl for nlmoftt |i , .rtlT n tban t O Ulk h it^and l ihat y couU\ “ti the JuUdictUm^r the treaty 1 making I»wer J the 

TOWJY iLERkhOllllE J0H.Y 0. THOMPSON, “N i!? F .SS.VS; -ay kt-i «r m»„H„ g i.„ai- BSaatt.P*.® 


»mOE HOURS, 10t«12,. m.,9toS^l 

-nuaam- «d quill, 0 . mlurUl, an mcdUll, 


Jobbing of all Kindt 

fMmptiy attended te. Wood tawed sad eplK s> 


Baafaan Blgh itmL near Bawtbava, 


THE EAST WEYMOUTH _ . ul . rl . 

Savings Bank. Coul, Wood, Hoy, Gram, Flour, 

- And (Poultry Supplioa- 

Pr«M«S. - - - Z. L. BICKNELL 

n*r——. iliftfrtvrsrj* East Weymouth. 


15 AtXSSF 

Jaka A. BaynaM 

O. If. Pratt 
II. P. Bickmbu. 
Kuncao «. Batbs 
J ean W.Batm 

fVwitte § r.M. 

Saturday, from f It ff JP. M. 

Manjnealfed an or before the ElUealh ofJana- 



ami 1. NASH, Pretlirat. 
OKAS. T. CRANK. Treuerer 


mtm a. lua mtuu a. curr nwurun 

unit i. aitui 

"SSB-ii placed oa lute rest oa the Brat Monday at 
Jtassry, April, July sod October. 

iBMat, ftaa—UrwL Ermeetl Usliea ■ 



(SCCCBB0OB TO BancxL Ccbtis.) 

Famishing Undertaker, 


Caakcti, I'oBai, Bobu, HaSIU, 

aud all Funrral Uoods on hand and fuiuUbed at 
shortut notice. 

Embalmlag ,ad Dlalafnlla, a iMclally. 


Old Shop of Mr. Heraey 

All Sla.aariaaM* aid •■■■!<• 
pal 1 ■ a* 



Alan I Hint and aline fitting Ilia 
cliinery fur aale. 

Inquire of ownor 

8. S. SPEAR, 

•a «r RW Ik, malm. t3 3 

IWOptc WIIO nave oil* IISIIU, anu Iirigos aur- - - --- - - - ( . . . 

roundings to thoae whose boinit are know that there waa a Urn (njoUty of Iht j»d 
moiibIIiI f Congress who were strongly in favor <d Immediate 

‘it ut no mol mm) r aava, "Oh I that baa I wen anneaatlon upon aubaUnUally the same Urm«i pro- 
done for a longtime. We have bed elttha posed *•»*'>* 
and guilds and all aorta of aocletlea lo help I^nd. and approved of te 
llio poor." .True enough, hut too often tt Who Invested In Chnimisaioner Ulounl; the 
has been for the member* of one ml or author!ity to haul 1 Sat < w* S, 5 iSJf , i!? 

another, for tho people wlinae so talleil to surrender the Ed*iuiU|t that we *lrwdy tad, 
religloua opinion* oolncldnl with your own, »"«* »*'lch, by *u:h an act, may he , \ i* r, **l"’ "J* 
■nd In return you have expected attendance forever, or u n tuhTr a ccwsuf rnhSa- 

to your church service*, and an accept- |»lication»f IMr. Ulount » 
anew of your creed. The new theory la lev nor ambassador .ami Hm no ^ legal 
that all auch Ideas are to he done away ling him to give order* to the United htate* officer* 


|JfT^ or * 

having *11 veil your Clirlatlanlty and not |te |«»Vwamimmahon or a unloa *o laridjr < sbal ? 
talketl It," they will be eager to find out desirad by th* |*ople of both rountrles? And il ( 1 

what Is me motive |Miwer of your giMKlnesa. »Ik flag tw to Iwve been Iw^cd down, might It 

I heard the other dsy, of a little West- not liave been dune at the close of a day and the |» r . Ore 
ern'towi 1 wUh' aonivildng 1 like a doaen MM rametly It 



Spring Opening. 


$5.00 Columbus Suit, 

Ages 4 to 14 Years. 

Blrletljr AH Wool, 

Doefele Keee. 

Hreedr Beved. 

A .M.tlnil Mai with Barb Dali. 

Alan n full lino of MoiiV nml Youth*'. Soil* la 
Wnratcil*. Cliovlot* nml Cnnnimeren, fmm 
IH.00 lo $20. 

A film llimof S|)rin g Ovor«!ontn, $11.80 to $1*. 
iAmnnn & llultlwnl lint* n npwinlty. Knr- 
nialiiii g *, Trunk*, lktff*. Kir. 


llroiid Street, East Weymouth. 

W. C. EA11LK, Manager. 

Finished Marble and Granite 


ready for lettering and setting in tho eemoioHeo* 


Wark, Elrcctlj Ika llu af lk« 0. C. R. R. St *nl»er »WI»n. 


ern tow$» with something like a doaen bandsith ^MBa&^ffwhMK wtnerly Is purely vegetable and la su'd hy 

churches, aaolt of a dll^rent shade of 1.7-^ druggist* for #100. Aa la proven hy the 

it i' l in I la anil Vie. Id°wharw*WSJ? ttin nia^ iHflfrrcnre* presence of tlumsands of people, and thus Inviting wonderful cure of Mr. llodd, It la the very 

A*«ot for 111 . Imv. , o i - “J ,, y ,,|ac. Ilu aamlir waim»5«*lll; 8 S»n»lm Kaaw«l l baat .prloa im.ll.ln. ,.»,llil. ,<> lak. lor 

. „ >lr.n 1 . Z»t thrna different .Hard,- Wtoi.lll m.U- l»«ag * tl« liloud, a. ... klda.y., .to. I, 

ill "• cl^Sl ii I. 111 . JI.cov.ry .ml ,1m. ..I Or. 

allil.partlra. 'u,“h’.lil.h»..lalaiS obufl'. lh. atcfUJ !>> «< >l»“ (Irrror,of ,K T.mpl.,, Um, 

8 PWlAl.Tr or ml.11,Ion to II. quota I., Ute <1.- »limit IU . ,. , . th. mow .uccrMfol hjmh IiiIIM In r nrln, 

KLKCTaK-DKLI.1 WiaiKU. UMkagyMMa,; w™ld„u o.rron. .oj rl.rrmlo ,li-w... TU. tlocrnr 

Imt It w«ma tom^it^aoiMlt to orlilelam. It haw ban |laa mmm,Ii lo luv.luulrfdo.nm. can In- coo.oljosl lro«, pnonally or li> 

Sms Filed and Sat in good shape. *^:' lto *i,',ir£.^r-oot. ,1 E; b o“ """•_: 

-hiT 1 l‘.'?i'H^Sr»lr"' SStTUi olth."p,rf»denTa*di»l*rfa,aiiaita*rt ” Wouldn’t «.rvo«a»mlcliromo.luaaarf. TU. tiocmr 

"m l, I^m. u mffi l. of-o In .ntlrl.m. i> •?- 'TL r "?' 1 £.J'JiS'ilS 'TtoS f‘° b ' co “" l> " 1 I-"""* 11 )' " r 

Now If all throe poor little churrbee *»g. »J»«i wouldn’t it have taaai wise lo liave | B(trri 

rould unite aa one hotly, there would ha no allowed matters lo liaveiremalacd *" •**!“ _: 

lack of funds and It might he a big motive until the same couM have teen acted up«t ^ 
power for good In that little place. But. Longrcsfooi; at east by on# Uanch of Lunirnaf 

chan alliance to England or Getowny, and, if I* Ilia discovery and prescription of Dr. 
ceiitcd by «iher of those nations, wlut can we (Jreene, of 34 Temple Place, Boston, Maaa., 
i about it? . MiiM the moat aucceaafol s|mh iullal In curing 

«arvo«k ami elironlo TU. iloclor 


A First-Class Quartette. 

Ksaic AiroUhcd for funeral* at reasonable priest. 
Calls tc Weymoul** and Braintree promptly at¬ 
tended day or night. 



1M prouctkw. mt io* onuuayiT. 

Writs DUBOIS $ DUBOIS, PaUat AUorncjs. 

Invontlvw Af Building. 

Book Free. Mention this rarer. 

•uiw«r fur wocmI in that little place. But, Congress, or at least by on* branch ot congress. 
Swinrae, that I* .Impossible whTlecant ami In'i’ololrowme 

Fashionable Dressmaking. S*. saoiJ'ff 

= "iLrrara; ! think nol. Tiro uiany p»pU SM.*-•tS.5 

Lllersrr Nisei. 





il kaaa mr» «a» ttnM wrfarrfa,. «it 

l'rrli.,M dm iiintt atrlkln* I'* r .( 

"'SaMrf'f'! tblj* mil. Too man, p»pU 

sa.wAr™ tt"* ar was orf^'^f;::::^ 

~,±^ t s vizirA/i: 

1“ 3 


-FOB- __ 

m ^ D ft art Cottqe»tF«rtPotot. r.r tne ™ 

Malden Steam Lwndxy. P AN0‘0R6ftN 

runcr woke odasahtskd. * , ,,,V V 
SMSa aa. TwaSay A. M., ratenaS 


the xroatasl novrltr of the **«•• Aa organ _ — 
which can be played any piece written for a t*i*on. ,. >rnw ,t ( 
In an upright piano rase, T 14 octaves. | Mn( | 

tltmle long before they were thrown open. ___ 

I'rof. Drummond la not what we call -- ] 

an eloquent apeaker. He aeeuia to imaaaaa Muaioian* in FeatUal W»rk. 

no extraordinary oratorical nowera, and at i«ka«» the Prat 

ft rat la a little difficult lo follow on account Manager D. Blakely haa taken the first 
of Ida Hcotch accent. But Ida manner Is gU ,|, | U recognlxlug women aa orchestral 

artist W7ll.I.lpplncolt.- and another, "Thu 
Parchment of tlie Moorish Doctor" liaa re- 
prtkductlona of tlie masterly drawings of 
Ihinlel Vlerge. There are ala«> stories by 
Klla Wheeler Wilcox, Guy de Maupaaaant, 
Ihdmrt Barr, Will (-arletou eud other 
writers of note. 


One of the best beating arrange 
mente on the market. 

Tin, Copper and Iron Ware always on hnnd. 

Npeclnl Atientlon l*mld te Jub Work. 


Lowest Prices, 

FOR SALS. Nraclal AlUallua CaU 

Tho estate of tho lute A ' 810 CK .?^wa.t 

Dr. George W. Fuy, Broad PaHOr SlOYeS, 

Street, East Weymouth. - 

Will be sold on reasonable Lowest Ft 


terms. __ 

For purticulnrN uddress WILLIAM T. 




- CASKETS. eorriKB, 



The Morrison cottage nt 
Fort Point, Weymouth. 
Apply to 

l. W. MORRISON, Iniitrae. 





CASKBTfl. CtirriKB. BUBKH Etc. 

Barrreema sad Bcsldtac*. JAfkIM Ml-. 

but viraniiB. 







- Jackroa hq., Bail WeyaMlfc. 

J 08 HUA ViNAL, 

Caryeater and Baiider, c * w * RICE 

■ Mm oaaMaaUy oa haad a foU Mai af i«i» gaa ta y: 

JefcMag Premplly AtUudcd U. *7” . _ - „ 

-mss;™™Beef, Pork, Lud, Hu, 

Caaaei uf Bottled Goals. 

i WILL TELL EVERY MAN ^ YtttUiUt of ut UaU 

ma m, aa* cm«* *«a*r 


F. & W. OO. 

Oval Fire Box 


Willi three interchanging grate* 

Haines Brea., teheor and Fiase PI* | 
anes, Hleriiag and Crews Organ*• i 

A number at tasUmiwuU for Rats 
cheap. Cash or lURlalurnU. , - 

Taalai aa* Kepalrlaf. 







No novrltir* or diminililu good, 
will lilt' till. *088011. 

Munager D. Blakely ha* takan the Ural It la a good idea which the editors of 

.. ...._ atenlu recognlxlug women aa orchestral Current Literate, re announce in the May 

K«t. Ida language simple but affective, . n ibe higher daaa of .•omiMsiltlous, number. Tliey iwopoan ‘““ ug erery 

Ida thoiiabt full of conviction. pmyera, in tue uiguev. — i.J mo nth during the iM-rlotl of (lie >\ orld a 

He is talDuid alight, with a real Bootoli by the organlxatiou of n grand orchtatra of |r A |. m a|ieclal edition devoted to the 
fui-e. Ilia complexion fair, Ida hair and ia women players to take part Ini tha con- myriad *»f «<*od things published In news 
eyes light. Ills talk waa practical, hia oerta of the Columbian muaUwl fetlival lo puiM-ra and mugaalu; a In relation to the 
argument* to the poini.and lie made the he given at Mechanics bbll. Bpaloii.iw May exhibition. Knmi these art idea they pur- 
IKing of a Christian life the ploineat. most 4 , b, 11, and 1. The oiclieslra I* made up of ,h*« to gather the sulieiil features, maklug 
cheerful thing III the world. I wondered players of recognixed ahllit; selected from thereby a record and review of the eienl 
somewhat at Ids great nopulaHty, not *.u»»|| army of applicant* hy Dlreetor which must prove Invaluable to every 
having heard bis lata* mj Evolution; hut Arthur W.Thayer, of Boston, underwhoaa visitor, whether as a keepsake from which 
from what he aald at Cambridge, I should |t*tou the organisation will appear lu tha 
he ha<l found the missing link *up : festival concert*. Bo far aa la kuown, this 

will t$e the It rat large featlval eveut in moiiiii me marreia okms suriiii 
which woman playera have been given this tlon. These mimi UI nuuile-rs will l»e puto 
BoinelMMl'y says "enough of thla, we get I prominence. The orchestra l* to perform liahed on tha Aral uUmih month, and will 
sermons on Sunday and don't want them Mm oonjuuctiou with tha great Bona* hand) U Umnd in a specially designed cover, 
the rent of (he week." Bure enough, but the same roiupoaltloiia *a ware played by Dllieral prises are offered for uriglual 

y of applicants hy Dlreetor which must prove Invaluable to every 
uayer, of Boston, under whose visitor, whstlu-r aa a keepsake from w hich 
gaulxation will appear lu tha in future to refresh the memory, or as a 
;ert*. Bo far aa I* auowu. this guide which shall singls out from mouth to 
first large featlval event In mouth the marvels iiomt worthy of alien- 
in players have been given this non. Thoae mim-<-UI nuuile-ra will lie pub- 
The orclieatra Is to |>erform liahed ou tha flrat ut each uiontli, and will 

If you want hi keep in touch with lb 
thought of the day, you uuut let me glv 


riaki’s Blcik, iarkaea N . Rnat ffrymeota. 


TrUuEMOlmr-liava tlie most tier- 1/ j rolr VLlTAH BaaJc 
fccUcunibusliou, tlie freest buru- | || (|^ 0 f |V VI V'l IjtvUO 
iug and clearest lire. 

The 111 oat economical, cleanly 1 j . 

and durable ltnngea ever con- (lll'C'Ct UCUU^IUII tor#, 

tha New York Byiuphoay orcheatru aud the descriptive articles. 

Bouaa band at the Carnegie Music hall,_ 

New York, April Wtb; the*# being Meyer- 
laier's ••Torchlight Deuce!' In H llut; the 

-Battle llymu ,r from Wuguer's ' AUeuxi'' AT A HAl.VATI-iS AllUY MEETING 
and “The Uatherlug of the Aruijea" from WM . wawehai fa.«; 

-laiheugriu." The on-haafra will aUo he u, t Unifor hi k. «l*»n 

heard aa a seimrnte organlxatiou in tue ft,, u u it*«rlM oisn 

-Merry Wlv*** 1 ' overture aud other hrilllaul Ahl ehwprratl -Whrrr'U you iu*el »« J*ui 

.-.... .... ..IW, 

By III* aual seriaauu aod church h) we. 

Many «IU rrad lhroa*h . ..u.iit* iliac, 
lu iliw sad every ellwr «liaar, 
or l>U *00.1 deed* aud hi* co xraad. 

Uu to* lug luAucoc* through lb* laud. 

Th* tin* will rota* a bra each wust go, 

JuK when or Iww wc do out buow. each will lie-Ibe aaiM a* U, 
Kudcal-eartb** brief buuiaa ly. 

Our IUr, then either how or aImmI, 
bbould but be lived wkbiaui a tbougbl 
Of ibe future—Our hope cldlwc bright. 

If wa hut use oar M» a* aright. 

When Ibe suiuimm coewa-w* would fata 
Be ready —aud board lb* bc\*rul; Irata. 
That robclh all to Ueavra'a dowrola, 

It ul iwtrr Uck lo earth agala. 

La vi |^n-». 

Oataaviaf fralaa. 

tier luRlroua eya* were Ire* from guile, 

No blucb her prrUy fr alurrcdycd, 

Bui wbk lb* shadow of a (Otlie. 

-In llearru." *ofily »ke rt-plinl. 


1100 Raward, $100. 

The reader of thla pa|»er w ill he pleased 
to learn that there Is at leaat one dreaded 
disease that science has lieeu able to curt- 
in nil tie stages, and Hint la Catarrh. Hall's 
Catarrh Cure U the ouly positive cun¬ 
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh 
beiug a coualiluliona! disease, n-quirca a 
constitutional treatment. Ilall'a Catarrh 
Cura la takeu Internally, acting directly 
on lh* blood aud mucoua surfaces of the 
system, thereby destroying the foundation 
of the disease, aud givlug the patient 
strength hy building up the constitution 
aud aasiatiug nature lu dolug iu work. 
The pr«*|>rietora have so much faith iu lla 










We deair. to any to our oUixena. that for curative |u.a era, that they offer One If uu- | 
years we have hueu aelliug Dr. Ktug** New dred Dollars for auy case that it fails to 

Itiuuter; for Couaumpljon. Dr. *»•«*• curw. Bend for liat of team 
New Idfe I'll la, Huckleu a Arnica Halve y j i'll F NICY 4 

and Electric Bitu-ra. aud have never AUUreaa. r. J < 
haudied remedies that sell aa Well, or that ||T*Bohl by Druggiata, 76c. 
have giveu auch uuiveraal aaUalocliou. 

We do not hesitate to guarantee them —- 

list of testimonials. 

C1IFNBY A CO. Toledo. O. 



Couliuuou* lit® can b« kept No old MN)do« 
without any trouble (iuarau- 
tee.l ruoiir of the beat luatortai. 

0. F. FiiMEII, MmariAi Way meat*. Piilt bWCCl PMI Ntf. 

dat-iroualor evwy U^.a^lvr.aiaud Wy .0 refund 
aSudrv uae STmarkm. and are the purebaa* price, if .alUlactory raaulta 

*'a,rv ora. lical in ••iieratioa. fur the steady do not follow ibeir uae. These ruiuedtea 

Mra McBride says that while at praaeut merits. ..... 
wleetrtciiy I* u*o costly for general uee. the A. M. Bacheider. iruggial. 

time la ouilug who* this will l» obviated. -- — I 

aud electricity will cook our forol aa Veil 
m» light our bouses. 

Mr* Me Bride'a artidua ub Doutaniic 
Bcirnre aud Household Farutahiug art a 

have won their |»pularity purely ou their 

A. M. Bacheider. druggial. 


Pltohar'a Oaatarla. 

u ood’s cu at a -lx* *« 

** preparations fail. It poaacaaes 
curative power peculiar to itself, be 
sure to get Hood 1 * Sarsaparilla. 

hi pons Tubule*: sews mlveriisoiueiiL 

Boots, # Shoes ^ and * Rubbers, 

Hats. Capa, and Gant's Furnishing Good*. 

Give ua 8 call and «• will try aud gira you a Good llaigalu. 

Ageat far the Back Bay CesIni UmMrj. 

Weymouth Maos. „„ 

PIANOS sjs . 

buyer* should write for description of Uul* nasd sad sseosd ksad ChM- 
Uare Urgatoa autoug throe WUhiu M miles of Bastes w# fsrsiah Plans* at ta dawn 
:ml tit par mouth till pah! fur. rail Informal leu il jrafo.wriia as. 


■8j Tmanat M . S0*WH. MASS 

—- - Reopened. RQ 8 TON THtATRtg. 

Loyell-Rloheede. The M-uple who wantilp "I the 

TI,,, i,rlllmnt event "t the „ „i„.nnl. linreh. Kn«t " erntnitth, telleit to Turin,. -"l,l«r The 

m linn minennilfftine. Wednesday ®vf , t- rerosnixo nnything fandllnr In **'*'* *”** pnimp-nirnt <>f Hire # Snrprlw r«|T In 
2 Vhnlnm .0 of X'ol IL B. LotMl, ill® rounding*, «* they entered tl.nlr.UI.Una M)l | Pflnrgcr'# historical ertrava- 

nniM-firluloiml church nn«l Maeonle bkll. | Mt Hun Hay morning In place of tlm '’J'j gnnr.ii. commencing at tin- Globe * h ***^; 



*on tin* come and gone. Wednesday even- rff o|nl« nnythlnR f 
the homo of Cot. It. H. IxifHI, the ro „„ ( |ing*. ... they < 
ronirreirnUonnl churc h ami Ma#offle hall, Iiw Bunday morning 
Rwt? Weymouth. were t.rllltnnt with light, | ,| n rk. M might !*•«•! 

lifi.tiK Tnr.VTWK —"Hltf" "gain. 

Wild., Lodge No- >1. •• 0. O. F. Cole- 
breled .ho 7*th An«l*,r,«fy of Odd- 
fellewihlp, In ro«’e Open Hooeo, 
tooth Weymouth. 

Wilder lodge No. 31,1. 0. O. F. oemeil 

•-/ suffered X years 
" From woman’s early ^rou¬ 
bles. • 

American, Scotch ami 

-ti IIAMT 15 ^- 

Monuments, Head-stones * Tablets. 

“ I could find no permanent 

in place oi inn oiu commencing at the uiou® unwre, . 1 .™*; .. WR o ..... - - * vuuiv. nm> -- 

were besiillftil red J 5f "n.I.iv, Mny 1, In ror positively on® wnrk Bfip.tThuinaaWlMnytlinfotin.lrr of I relief Ulltll, OllC VCai* Ago, I 

>|p f«*ftt Irt HI..It, til II ■ * .' ■ I. . _ dim, Miniffpf I O It. II I — A tana 111 ■* 11III dill Ilf, I - _ .... ...'ll « 0 * 


_CO. ;,nv .1; perfernitvl 


* (nimBroaiTm) 

r.'o. Anrsnss, nKruoirm, 

1 per Yw. 

1 1 i.oo il r*!<t in • 

/-tee/ed « '*< 

andgnywUhrlrii coafnmen. n* Ih® thou- J*k tw* In circle* ; Hirlr fBot trail «P<|j» ® only, 'niMIt ia nnderatnod that fellowship In America,, wa* instituted on . , , »• ’ r p: /./, nm \ / V er. 

m..laK*rom tin... rami abroad gather* ■! «rw nml •b’K»"t cnrj*rtln rich coirs nuking „ jihI. an.l farewell cventnj . of March l*ih. 1*75, by O rami mcA Iga/a l.. I'M MM* S 

f Jz- lEnWW. Henry ' 1 a" .T8t >- *'»-■ - - stable tempo,,ud Relic ben 

Hlchartl*.Til*.rcumnv vv n* perform, d ,.j lU rH.. II nil**e<l, »-y..n.l the *H«r. JJ”’ n.nslc ami purr fun. Many nnw coatomna grand officers. C.11T1C With it 

In thr Congrrgatlonnl «hiir.h nnd a rrerp- ,. tmn ami hr. In whl'h l.nvr I writinn.vltlrd, a neW Tim charter inei»l»eri» «.f tlila hnlgn werr ^T\ almost UTUT1C- 

irn ntt.ldltVan.rr.aK.- In-gan th- drllv. ry |wr , Hlh.-r ald.| Uju artlat r t." mill.- lllB fnrrW nll nppnaranrn with tl... ron.imny ! Weymouth, from which they withdrew to U I H 4 of • .jp.,, I am 

r n uancc'uu So 7 rl’i u r.’hnnd «t •!'«" * 'V 1 "I ” 1 Un u O n 'irr r-l! n t. d r- ro' «l««’S; 1 « a «lly nml Frlalny | In thn hall now known aa Union hall | \ fl f “ I absolutely 

n\Idrd, a new AnalI to th« xim charter mctnlicra «.f tlila lutlga were 
W%iV"!Vn.!!ud WUlwakn tuemWra of Crcarrnt lodge. No. W«.f Kant 
itiiwtarnncn with tho company ! W.-ymouth, from whl.-li they withdrew to 

almost imme¬ 
diately, and at 
this time I am 

Meonoore end Bdlloee i It. 

A. W. BumcHAeo. M F - * *'■ tin 

to mlmll them to the tiemilthil eliiire'v 
A tin,* i rtimpy hud iT.-n erected oxer ti 

enlrnnee to Hie i 'im'"'.'' l« 

.even Hie doom «»ne« "|wn “Oil hhnr 

1 . ... .. The ‘iuffer’a gallery hat 

I >.' C a n i e r I itVry" 11 in "Hr .< 1 . eVetnonl.-a. with I " T i.»Uy Unijro'eil ^t»d charming f.nt.i 

th® following aid* corpa of ttjhcra, I*. II. , lin t |,olr mldlii»i*tvH»otn nn 'J*added to the n 
II. Johtiaon and Ahlcn^A. Th.irndlke of Thejawt*Jo-jftCKSlf CTM ' ««'*• 

CorrcpondcBcc awl !»'«"* «f " rw * * r ® nrnltitri"' < !" NV. W. ClnirrlHlI of •*«» 

from all reaiVr* of the (laicttc. Krcry ^ |t..b. r« 11 . Bhcrhlan of j*** e iU?*a** aV 

_tataraatlng fccu or happrnlnp that othrra |0] ,, irr Weld, of, and A.lltWy \ V< „. 

0 ... 1 .I Iih-.IA rwatl ationt W. IlnrCof F.n*t Wnj li.olith, l» gun tin 

WkUa ft hare an efficient con" °f rcynUr con- nr ,|„„.ia work ol Wj"*/jjif jj The J* J*j 

irfbntor*, *kera U much of Intercat UmU InttaMlafc jMil^arrlvcd uulUt . Ut ^ r „ imi « allll “ml. 
•f Uiinmthey cannot get. Let yonr "* "* rnlianvrd h> immt eUlmrate decora- H |. ( 

year local paper and prhl* In your tgrrn lead y U onw „f pnluit nnd tlnwera, thn altar Iwlng K\’ 

aM In maklnit th# Oamtto more hHpbt and new.y lUled with l.-nutilul plant#. A 

_.-^-,-- ~ morn richly dreated nu.llenee ltaa ••••'' r Ih-uii 

fill of lloaton, e%f 
lelphla, t'hrlt- 
nml Aubrey \ V( 

evening perforninn.’ea only. A nntv and 
rhiinnlng fantaatlo !•«« danr®r haa lieen | 
ndded to the nlremly .•otntilna- 
tlou. The advance *nle of aenta .!•«•# not . 

Inrt .".either aide i »hu artlatl* tm tailh f ,, r ^„ ell nppenrance with tlm company Weymouth, from whirl, they withdrew to ll I H| \ t |.j s *f mc | am xvitt the adinlrothtii of nil oilmen er*. | |, r |,, r hi« d, ptrture for Snrope, nml Mr. forln Wlldey bulge. /[ IS C VI 1 IIUS llnlL 

. The lunutlfnl wftlU In H*h» *®r» «it»a , J Irr)M . rl johnaon, our favorite an.l very, a flcr t i IB | M utntlnii, the meeting* W®r® H ^ Vi Q «T WL‘11 WOlTl.m. 

the rhi.rmlng frlem nnd dado •* ^,,,.1.. r tenor, wilt nnttear In the lending Alter inn inn imu> n, " K I )/ ... 

I""' t ! nlallon frer-hnnd «. re decidedly pleanlng the Wedneadny mntinee nnd Friday , held In thn hall nowktmwnan Union ball 0 ^ IS ff “ I absolutely 

» r ST in effect. The 'iuget'a gaUery, hnn Iwcn perfortmin.-en only. A new and oV et the hardware "tore of Stewnrt A t \’» jgL J l. nnw tint nrtlv 

* materially Improved a«d extend. 1 .!, gMng ,.| iar ,„|ng fantaatlo t>*f dancer hna It®.*® i| ow ,. The nieinle rthlp Inereaaed very \ knOi\, HOI Only 

the choir nddlth.ij^JW'in anti cotLwldwl to tl ip already enorm.nia | riip tdly and In a few yeara It waa found by mV OWn 

The flutter f.mmVJnntaelf .Kjcnpy lugatt ,| ofl The mlvnnee nnlc of nentn doea t ]” 1 - neVencnty to have larger nml letter m«nnp!nnen lu.r 

extended nml Improved platform at I , 0 . H . n u mil Tneaday inornlng, notwlth. | , largely through the effort# of CXpcriLl1CC,j)Ut 

1|..1 n 1 J- 0 '!'- 1 " I .undlns whirl. Inclapplhwlloiumirtlrtlm , Bdwnnl B«ivnl»lil, lli» Wnrk now by others also, 

\Vui,IiI|i r,"n'n in '. . ton, vntvnt in ,k. 1 Jn , Ih-ci, |M>urlnR Inin llm IH»* . n „wn M Oil,I Frllnw. hli.'k, w», .rerlml , . . , A 

inn.ii-»n. i.t n mk'i nriii t, roniiuriv j i'f j „ m „,„ ... ni tb«, f , n , lr ~,„i,,„ n .qtmrv in iwn -3 m n m»t that this is a harmless and sure 

T. II., . i,..rl.l«r, wilt, nnlwn r . ... w „ .nnouncml. fill. In UrErtj jnuJn. mm„Hr (nr- 

H.vnninil nt III,-"moo- Hi,In. " , r ,’i on m-vinint „f UnirnR.Riimi nl brlnEllmlMnl , ti,. |.|m .t pni.ent, Inu, n ini-mliemlilp remedy lor . 

rt iiiliT, .1 liy Mm. *■ H. Kmr'miin. -vim. in ,,,,-, k - 1 ,t |- rf,,riii,iii''- nnl.v, .In, ,v,n,|>nn> nrnrlr ITO nml I. «iin,n|t tin, In-.! In lm “ IrretrillaritV SlllinrCSScd Or 

s. Uwii mill Mimit I-. iwin* i«»riiv.iir liiiinl in «pp™,r inr T S Vn mrmiwmhip . irreguiariiy, supprcssca or 

KvdilnR .VTVI. I« WITH hrlil In Hi. nmln . nl |S. ,„i„ni.-, .. «l l , .l || i-r « l "'“H;. ; „ll „l tlm Innlnm. nml painful menstruations, WCak- 

ntnll.n. r ... »" ” Nnw Vink, rnmmi-nrint Mnn, ny, «» l». ; |„ S„„t>, W.ym.intl, e ntomarh. sieli head- 

a well woman. 

“ I absolutely 
know, not only 
by my own 
by others also, 


A Inn,nr w-l«-,l« r.n l.n nmilo lr.„n mr "'’ rk **’”'*"’ 

thit stork t an bo I^Hfrrd a®d nrl llrrorellrerorffiiioii »■)• 

from thlt Stock « nn bo MbrvdMd 

I employ no agent*, ronaecpiently .-an quote trie 

’ i « WKHT PRitr.H roil FiimT-cr.A«» wmm. 


Evening were held In tlm main 

hi/" rr.K.lSK h:\.\MI\K this a nr.rui.r, i . .. 

Shop nml Wnremoma near IVoynioiitli Depot, E» it n ralntrcc. 

JCHXT ZSZ.Z.X7, - ■ P. O. Addreaa, W.ymoutH, kCau 

FRIDAY, APRIL 28 . 1893 . 

Wn n#»m,.;d.Ht ti. Weymouth, thn.. wlien Ughtid by th- 
wa* tented In the pew*, when at etglit w ,. ro mellowed by «•' 

o'clock Mr. W. F. Hurr. ll, 
t nlertulnlng the |*.*o|de w 

nudlem ermuu, which wai mmo tlm y,. w York,e.diimen. ing Monday, Muy I , , S ’ j nrofivailonal h.v electric light than III nnd It wn* only with the grcnte*t .liffl» ully P ^hlw I.hIo 

when lighted by tin- rava ofaunllght wlilih Hn( , , W wiponement of other date# that | aeaalon 
were mellowed by eomlng through th. new MnnnR ,,; Ht,.|„,n wa# enabled to aeeur® the , 
cathedral glut® window#, which are Is a - Bltrarl ,„ n „tnl1-an.l It certainly |»rmnl#ea 

Nothin* I# heard from the electric road* lection# on tho organ, began the L'dicngrli 
that were to plercp our town thl# ■pHWr- ^"^ 17 "|'m#«!sl“dowo' the "oMl 

If they Wish to reap any dividend# thl# iU ., M .i„|Mi„le.l by tlm lw»t mnn. ih 

... . . ...— —- - . .. J. Uulinrd*. At tlm *»••« 

aea#on they ought to lie huatllng now. 

when ut eight mellowed' by coining through tlm'new | \| nnBR ,.r HleUMin wa# enahh 

Who had ls-. o ^thedral glaa* w indow#, which are waii- Bttracllon at all—and It cen 

enieriauiiHK . r . ,th "V v ', rftl tlfiillh «h*lgn and "d<r. T»m •junjeei oi , hrlllant engagement 

,,n "h., l,'R,i»i Hi- ,llH-mim.. «». " Tlw Rj Hm.ri 

. At the mime . '^kVid featuro of the ev -nll.g # tnn#ic wn* ma#* of trnahy ma rla J 
red the church . ...i., I,.- Mix Klorcnee Hate#, ono of Ih* stage of t.slny I# utlll.-teJ, 

i.»t > «*»> l i‘oi> <r «( h" ullfliY 1 ,' 1 'ii‘v'oV mV..- ache, and female complaints __ „ ~ T .. T , T , , „t 

generally. There is no need of WANTS, FOR SUE, TO LET, BtC SOMETHING NEW. 


honored at tho 

ness of the stomach, sick head- 

nl.iii III August lie Will «ui ecu m me granu 
HoLLta Bthkkt Thratkr.—A fter ladiig mastei'* chair. Thl# I# tho hlglieat onice 
excenaively wearied nnd pnlnud by the that the State nfford*. and we think III® 
-f trnahy mntcrlnl with whl. li the (fraud bulge could not have made n ladter 

Here is the remedy. 

April ahowera and cold eheerle## weather 
haa lieen the record of the week. The 
aea*on I# very backward. A boil ^ tho only 
real *lgn of aprlng I# the gra*". which 
everywher® I# friwli nml green. 

. ,. . chiffon, inaieneu ... u"«' .. 

flail Hamilton I# Indignant. She Halm* „f yellow aiitln.cneli Imlycarrying 

that Mr. nialne'n name ha# laen wrongly ZZ 

Obllusry-Oeoro® F. Mtydeit 

tafle of today is »llllcte<l, It I" v«*nl plea#- choice, nor find n la tter man to nil the relict it Will OrillK. 
ire to Wltiieaa n performance aucli a# wa# ufllce than Mr. Cook., for it would lie linnl j a Rice , I'lorCtlCC , AV. 
liven at tlm IIolll# Htieet theatre. Monday to lln.l n man more thoroughly devoted to /• 

-veiling. Ilronaon Howard I# recognlr.e.1 the teaching* of the order than the above All rtruggiM* wll It. Ad.lrc** In r.mftJenc* 
I* the r.-ndnig American drnmatiat of to- nninml. , . . Lvm* K. Pinrium Maw. Li»<a, M*« 

Inv. ami Id# lut.-it play. M Arl»tocracy, I* Wlldey l.ulgo aim* nt tho hlglioat mark it n . Piu^h*m‘s Livor Pills. Uu cents. 

i delightful on«l# In a .Iraumtlo denert. At in Odddellownlilp and I* not to lie found -- - 

eaat half »f the niece-* of "Aristocracy wanting on any on aalon. The a.a-lnl able _■ - «. • Trinitv Oh 

* dm-to the acting of an nltnoat |mrfect of till* l.nlgc wn* very well allow” !a#t Th« Ladi^B Ol TPiOlty Un 
•ompntiy. to the elnlMiriite stage aettlng# and , Tmwda.V evening, when the iltli miniver- will hold llirlr anniul 

tvirlrnrl nnt tn nrrent the 1?(IR MI.K. One parlor i.rRsn In c-mh| m, lull- 
WICKea not to uh. non, ami one; * 1*0 aolld buck W*lnnt 

relief it will brinir, — ii/rs. #ttiei»ani #mi .jin"'# ubie. Apply to mus 

relief it will lirintr." —‘ Mrs. »l<letm«rit »ml .llnlnr intilr. Apply to MUS 
e 11 !: 1 n‘. r'l - IIBSfltY I~ LOVELL. Ilrmwl at reel, Kart Wer- 

/. A. Rice, r lore nee, A v. momi.. siatf 


I .loll aAl.K. A ouanlHy of V Inch. 7 Inch 

I I nml 0 inch Itirnare i>lpr* lor cntivf )!nir Iml nlr. 


Th# Lfidt-a of Trinity Ohuroh 

wilt bold thrlr annual 

K Pi’ll, lb. Wry iiioiiiIi. Mm*. 

the coatume# of the latlirs. laadlog miry of the liUtory of Odd-feltowahlp wn* r||TrnTi |»| 11 TilT nnrf C 4 IC 


. *••• -*- -•- ’e»... •—nimtttee In cliarp" * l,ni 

t? toJ.illN II. THOMPSON, IIIrIi #treel, Ka*l 
Weymouth. _ _ RUtf 


Tustdsy Cvsnlsg and Wednesday Aftsr- 
noon snd evening, 

MAY 2d and 3d. 

1 71011 liood 
' Kind; weigh* Illo im, 
l IltNNF.rr, l.iiionerrlal* 

imk l,"iround *nd 

I,Mir. Mils OKOnuK 

u-rt, Wryuioiith. 3ll 

New Maple Sugar and Syrup, 


Radishes, Rhubarb, Lettuce, Dandelions and Spinach in Stock 

I ron •« %!.«:. Iloure nml 4.400 feet ef Uwl;' 

1 hoar* contain* # irm.-l.rlrcl room* nml pantry; . 
nil In good repair. For paHlenUra call nr mldrvM 
III, IIAIIO VOUNtl, Walnut arenur, Wrymnnih, 


will pn-reiit her new dramaim comedy la three act*, 

hs “The Fascinations of the Club, "' u ”" ' 

M- •„» rkl.t'lM »■'■■»> r,of - » f T-ion HAI.R. A ....... ...Hr 

I# BoaiOB. MW ,n«l lofetlrlylei will be told cheap. Ap- 

in ' 1 OV WRHTMD.IT RTMI1U, ■mler lb# direction ply t« »»AVH> A ' M’-WtoMII, nowaid Mreei, 

,,ri of Mlt JOIIN OUTTKIWON. will lie giren lira (JulniyNr, k. K 

“J- .■», viilcrt.lnl.g Ul-vrTtu l« ta |, 

E. W. HUNT’S, Weymouth.I 

aroosriar rod Provirlouil 

■ndcorruption that lie will llml lu ii iMdilng- ( rv * l%nt | tl( , „t decolletu with ciiiidrn 11 vt>( |*t|,,.f«, (or u number of year#. Bonij . 

ton. hut are glad tlmt an lioneat mnn with trull , th , 1 trimming* were ilu. lieaae lac® the Civil War hmke out he enlUted Coi.rxinu Thbatbr.—M undijy, April .4, 

_ , uriHi** of reform 1# to Inlior nml dluimnid uniauietit*; *«« woreadcll- t |, w nr my nml after going *otitli ho Joined mn rk* tin, in-gi lining of tho fourth week 

aalneera rur| | ente Illusion veil nml carried a pmycr Imok ,. n u py,|, m.,,h |nf#ntry Lorp*. He H t the t'oliimldn theatre, nml the acientli 

t”®r®. I bound In vellum. , m*rved In nil of Hi- prominent buttle* of wr ek In lloaton, ol Thoms* 0. Hcahrooku 

. . At the ullur, the hrldo wn# met by tlm w „ r until be wu* wounded III tho llr#t | n the "Ulo of t.'liiimpiigne. Amid the 

The nitre of SuncrlntendeBt of Street# I# groom, nml liev. Daniel Kyun* ... dav * Imlile of Uetivahurg. lie Join, d the 0 xelU'„i,-„l of tlm week Jiiat paat the pop 

The omen oi »upcnnienut.o u il„. muriiuge ceremony ' •. n 1 .«..rve tVriw. Sent. 1MH and «|| H t merrv inti* cnl entertainment, "The 

-II .,i .one hundr.d were pieaent from Hanover. of Mil. .loll? 

Hon. A. H. Pinkerton of Worcester, Horne'* new 
Mn*Hiiehu*etiH repreaentutlvo to the Bov- art*, e mil led 

ilcniiN*r*t wagon, neaily I 
! Bill lie *nl.| cheap. A|»- 

CBXTT’S watches. 

■ml entertaining Operetta In three 

a very Impoitnnt one mid wn# earneally “* **•“ ^WiVlVblpmiopiiVrltiiiib Col. 1 
•ought after by some parile*. It I# no #e- tliti bride away, and troth# 

Mr vn,« b, Irteml, ,r o„. „ ,b. , 
candidates. It I# to la* moat deeply regret- |„|,| e( w |,o wn# royally dreaaed III 
ted tl” t our local politics nliouhl la- eon- K „rnet niiMii lirmade, cut d.-i 

■w™, >-)■ »«• ...... ":r 

of Now York city, bin ,». ‘ '«• i 

proud of the fact that our select men are Mrs. A. J. Hleliaril*. mother c 

for obove till. l»!olio ornl .ni|il.olloolly r.- . .. « ,.n. “ , v ';'f 

... i. > nrlliitoae brocade trtmiiieil wit” grie 

fto,. bribe,. I". ..... ... 

F OR HAI.K. Large raMn' I organ. Imltatlmi 
pipe, uia-lr hy Suitili Aiiierh-an Plano ami 
Organ Co.; •nliahie foi parlor, wiry or h#|l;li, 
flr*l-rlot* comllilnn; cheap. Apply lot. II. MAY- 
TON. North IVrouoiitli. *11 | 


„t I—I l«- .bi. br.... bi. 
, onuimeutH. 

plighted by u plain gold bund. of a shoemaker for nearly tlm r,-»t of Ida ,„„blu theutre. 1 liere ivaa '|»op In plenty 

Among the noticeable ladle# In thenmll- .,j t , w m, u„, rxcepllou ol tlm two term# lie „n a bout town, hut nowhere wa* the Jollity 
nice were Mrs. II. H. Imvell, mother uf the BerV eil o« representative to the Minaiieliu- more pronounced than In the little king- 
hilde, who whs royally dressed III Ijearl i^uiNbilure, nnd tlm post few month* dnm of I’ommery Bee'll. There In ii de- 

anil garnet niiIIii hronide, cut decollete || 1Mt |„, I,,,, | H .en employed lit llm lloaton ||eiou# aplrlt of humor 111 till# character 
with heuvy truiiuhmidaoincly trimmed with i. uHt .oniee, .... , which uppeal# fM-rslalcntly to those who 

dm ln-#»e luce and velvet, Willi diamond -j-^, (nnirul service* were held in the uppreelate wit. It Is* nil very lively nnd 
ormiuientfl. , . |rulver*nli«t ehunli Tuesday ufiernoon. aplrllcd and thnmgh the pictures,pm 

Mrs. A. J. Richards, mother of the .. y j ( w. Atwotsl. n*#lsted by Rev. Mr. aeenes, full of i-ol-.r, mid sauced with de¬ 
groom wore n very elesant costume of p..,,;,, u f Ablngton conducted thn service. n 8 htful king moves rol- 

Agents Wanted for the only Authorized -^ OK 


1 7*011 MAl.K. A *«con,I I,*nd wagorcfle In 
* guoil order; good ler depot ii»c; sl*n : 

liniul earryall. Iis|ulre of I’.O. l»ox n, 

I Hocdi Weymouth. - •• 

mid velvet, with diamond 

orilllllieui*. . , ... 

Mrs. A. J. Richards, mother of the 
groom wore n very elegant costume of 
primrose brocade tilmmed with green \ el- 
vet mid gold gulliNiii. 

Mrs. John P. l.oi ell attracted much at- 
lenti,m iii u m«Bultlc*nt coatunm of cafe 

appreciate wit. It I# all very lively and | 1 „ n .i r „,i „„d seveulydive were provided the eo-operatlon of Id* fa 

'iisn • Z KT*"“' r KS-fe:--,®! 

F OR A lly North Weymonlh Land Co, 
1.0 Hart lelt avenue, new house, 7 room*, 
papered, elect lie IlghU and hell; tmtli, li«t wuier, 
furnace heal; (In* view of Wermnuth Hirer; elec- 
I trie car* pa** the door. Apply «» th# prcinUe#, or 
to J. II. WF.DU, Manager, Quincy, Ma**. 1 If 

llghtfill mtfslc, the 

—-- ““ Mr*. John I*. l.oi ell nttraded mueli at- ^- 1 , 1 ,.!, ,|,i,-e.i*ed ivaa u in,-nilair, iv 

, leiilion in 11 miignllleent i-ostuiim of cafe t»,,. singing wu* furnished hy 11 • 
Th® mott algulflcant sign of tlm |*olltlcal BU lalt In ngallim, trimmed with change- ,.„J 1Biat |, ia k 0 f Mrs. Flia*. T. Fo*t< 
times In tho vote .of the Till district on „ble velvet mul diiclmsso lace and cut with Annie Denim. Messrs, Chit*. T. I*. 

At the clone of this service, the ceremony || c klnglv. Tl. 11 * (J. BeahriHiko hsa won ,hem#elv.s 

f Orpluiu's Hope Lodge, I. A A. M„ of the fun-loving oud srtUUcliearUof lhtat n * t | n |] lu | M ilciniy nml 

hb-li ileceased wa# a iii. mlier, tv*' '“"I- ..... of tl«« wrlnii imlilli- * 

•omlc king move# rol- 
(J. Hettbrooke Ini* won 

uid. About three fly Roll IlnmillAA, Id* liter*ry •’xreiUor, with lr | 0 ear# pa»*ili# door. Apply on Hie preinWf*.«i 
e were provided the co oper*!Ion of hi* family, and forHlwlnc- • j „ {vLllll. Manager, Quincy, Ma**. 1 If 

neat number ever great IlMorr, ’Twcnly ) ear* ..r l,» gr-**. ami-^--— 

r, n,,mutr .. book, "PollUcal l)lwu..lon.." On# I >»■ NAI.K. !lr North Wryinosth Land Co. 

• in-lit ut thn table# l M ’ r, n, for the tlir#4 hook*. Kxrlu*he teirliory ^4 on |» c * r | »t,Tel, North Weyniouih, new hou« 

used. |,y Ins artistie pmirnynl of the wlmi 
irreHe ,,’, K 1 ^ 1 ,,^ „f the Isle of Champagne. 

fCommislilted III tliu hull iLci*i« P for lhe Hire# hook*. K*clu«!v* l 

After an hour or more spent at the table#, w , (le flir , rni „ 

ie party arranged themselves for tho T||( , gm pgu, po., laralrh, 

T,.«..i.y... . 1 .. «io» i--,y «“',"’b,'ib..v,. 1 

vote. Tlm fact that Hid voters recorded ^ , N . ll( , lll . lll „ l nm | | 0 u* strain* tin, 
themselves aa of that faith reveal* a think- W e,lding paity slowly marched to tlielr 

J. Murray Whitcomb.. 

Tlm body was earried t<> lllghliind Ceioe- 
terv for Intertliellt. escorted by a large dele- 

IIowiMiiN Biji aur Tiiratur.—I n arraug- 
ng for a revival of Henry l. DeMllle s 

the party arranged themselves for the 
concert, aotim In tho balcony mid some on 
the floor. 

II. A. Tboum#, chairman of the commit¬ 
tee mid also presiding officer, culled the 
coinpuny t<> order, mid In 11 few brief word* 
welcomed tlm Invited guests to thl* cele¬ 
bration. H<- then called for tlm llrst num- 

erfnl play. "The !u>#t I’nradlse," a* the hrutloti. He then called for tlm llrsi num- 

g r 3-ft ____ 

South Shore Co-operative Bank. 

Election of Offlcero. 

on Pearl Mrcct, North Weyinouih, new haut# 
7 room*; wired for electric light*, papered; near 
rlrciric roel snd v III*##. Apply st olllce on prrm 
l.r* or .1. II. Wfaill, Manager, Quincy, Mo**. 1 If 

Gold, Silver nndl 

Nickel. Not quite given away, but nt very LoW Prices I 

l.r* or d. II. Wblllt, Manager. Qulm-y, Ma**. 1 It 

iron M.II.K. A -, end hand I ni -n IJh-jcle- 

The khan-hnldrr* of die Houth Shore Co-operullvr 
auk are noilflcd to mcri af lloral Arcanuui llall 

I ^OR M l l.r.. On ca»y term*, lmu*e of 7 
} room* and f.-. i of land on Vino rtrert 

... ...» U-lYlllll-TII hlVIM.N IIA N h. 


Ing, indupendent element In that dlalrlrt carriages. h,.„n nil was lifa mid 

...m-h Ur,., Ib.a an,....> • <>■-'> r.”'." -“iJ* C!>S-I-L 

last fall tlm vote of that parly In tho dls- |( , Masonic hull where tlm n eopihm 

trlct waa recorded among tlm scattering. 

a hold mul liniiqui I given. 

t,i. f.o», .... >Kvr;ilo‘':ii.':‘:'.^ v 'fb» 

truly wonderful. the edillce lo llm street wa* nirp. t.-d and 

, edillce to llm atreet wa* i arp. l.-d mid T own, tank a very decided stand on t.m ^le mnimer 
it it wan placed u canopy to protect |t„,,id,||,-gu side of |*olltic». Is,tag a mom- nmn- manner. 

>so In light costume* from the chilly „ f 'n,,, it. puldicau town committee for . . ' „ , . , 

till wind#. Tlm baiuiiu-l ball and 1|lliny V e„rs. lie leaves a. widow nnd nn I'.iiik TiikATHR.—A t llm Turk, last Mon- 
icliena were In charge of l.aterer t-»>k M _ w j / a n„. r to mourn the loss tliut can day, was neeii tlm usual large crowd gain- 
II.i*l,'ii, whoso able cor,»s of colored t M , , nl „|,. good on tills side of the orod to enjoy tlm llarl lUTforimitlce «'f 

nteis were kept busy for three hours River. Hoyt's "A 'Iciiliwrunco Town. It waa 

Kimlerynrtoi Sc Ur ah. 

Wry in nit'i should very *<«>■! make a kltchena were In charge of Cuterer t’-'ok 
nova towar 1 -I'.pllon In.ngur.. 

don of kindergarten sch,nils. Uur schools w , rV | lltf ,| ie from a menu which 

those III Hull 
ulghl wind 

iit-t ball and 
t'aterer Cook 

lutaraiterscd through the following pro¬ 
gramme by lion. A. H. Pinkerton of 

_ gramme liy lion. a. n. rnmenon „i 

I’.ihk Tiikatur. At llm l-.rk, 1..1 Mon* l'i7«|r: A-™ u W " t ' r " , "“ 

.»• u ... .....II III,, nenil arm- crowd gatli- mul lami* a. wihik. 


/ I llll.* tU.ITKD. Apply lo AI.I.r.N 
1MN (O , Ks*t llrslnfrcc. grfiilf 

now do a great deal of kindergarten work 

serving the guests from i 
might satisfy tm epicure 

iii a menu which The la-arcra were J. Murray Whitcomb, tlm beginning of tlm sixth fionth of con- 
tire. Tlm second ... Wilbur Isunl mid Oil* Cualdng from tinned imrformaiice* of thin play that have 
n cuterialnmciil of Orp1„Ui**i Hope lodge and tlrorge Davis, lieen given In ltostall. It I* evidently lailng 

In the first grades but more than thin Ig Moor wusdc\„U-d to the * ‘ 11 * * * r | ul '''V,'.''' j 1 , ill i 

Th, nr., ,™i. oni, •iiiuiu wlirCAilt 

Orphan'* Hope lodge nml lleorge Dm 
Christopher Tower and Albert t larkn 
llle O. A. It. 

children lira your# of ugu or over; llm 
kinderjartm propir mimit* them ul the 
age of throe and a half years. It In nt till# 
tlm* of early child-life when the beat and 

most lasting Impression* can Im mule. |,„ n „ r . 

over; the (^toon#and In place of the "tl on llm 
liem ul the Maslei's canopy was tlm monogram 'It. 
It Is at tills L." Hi pinks and rose*. 

- , . * Mr. and Mrs. Itlcliard# were usslstcil III 

.lie 1 m*#i ami rw .,, iv |„g hy Ml** Susie Itlchanls, tnuhl «*f 

*. I tec ii given III ltostall. It I* evidently living 
•f realised by tlm tliontrn gea rs, not only of 
lloaton but of all New Ungland, that this 
I* the last week but two tliut tlila merry 
sutlru lian to remain In lloston, and with 
the heavy demand# Hint are being made on 

rforuinncl' of Quartette, The sea lintli H* IHiarls, 
l..I, * it was Pinsiiti. 

■Kiiitli of con- Address. Hon. A. H. Pinkerton, 
i,lav that have Hole, I dare to love time, MissDcaim. 
l-identlv iNilint t'orm-t Solo, Cavatina, Mis* Packard. 

. mi.unlylli-uH'm. Aiix Hull.Ml.. .Puy. 

ui'd that this Remarks, K C. Wuterman. 

,t lhl» iuerry J 1 "-'. M«- Ft-i'-r «'"l Ml.. l>.«ni-. 
on. und w ith Reading, Mis* Joy. 

la-lna made on Harmonica Dni-t, Messrs. Torrey nml 

r QICOr I IOt'NKN roil NAI.R AfffO TO I.KT. 

uluUl I j| 4 Apply to P. L. DAVIDSON, WryniouHi, 

Knit Woymoutlti 3 if 

I x OUT. From a carriage *« K»*t AVcymouth. 
on AI'cUiir»,l#y «• veiling.» *m*il Hhctlaiid »hswl 


Struggle Over, the Po»t Oltloei. the heavy demand* that are being made on ii»»rmoim a i, 

Th. ».. lowii ... h..UI •>*,«!,> 


of Talus lo Ih# uwncr a* a 
rouiinunlcate whh Mils. J. 

clfl. Finder plea*# 
I. WOIlSrHIt, Wry- 

rpo l.tT. Nil'S oilier wlih lariis show a In,low. 

A. Morse. Col. another meeting at tlm Town house * u " 1 !.p|wirtuntHes'aru few to all, Irrespective of 

Through n system of play the better aonti- oud Mrs. U. H. Lovell and Mr. und Mrs. UV ci»lng to ac*- If they could not settle tlm 

lulll" .nil ainoMun. .ro luii«lit In lh» .Mill ilU " l * l "' r l H,,t 

In the kliidergsrtan, und tlm little one I* which wn* Porter's orchestra of llrocki.ui luit Hie r.-sult of the meeting wus a dijad- 

atarted In life with broader Ideas than It I# which iliatoitraml Him music nt Interval*, luck. - All * 1 »'* •'»*;* 1 »V***f", '** 

poalhle ta Inculcate oven In tlmlmatrcgu- AjuuijgtK'rg'-uni-ui ^Clialmmi. .I„!!n W. Hart presided and 

latatl home, and lullnitelv In advunee of j,,,",!'Adaiii# of B«s*lon; Mr. and Mr*. A. P. Worllmu wa*.. 1 lie ballot 

the chllil of the average home where father Cyrus Washburn, We|ie«h-y; Mr. uud resulted In a He. l* V ■mcetluir 

In the kludurgartsii, und the little one I* 
Started In life with broader Idea# than It I# 
poulhle to Inculcate even In the lM*at regu- 
lated home, and lullnitelv In advance of 
the child of the average home where father 

if limy could not settle the person. 

ioutli Weymouth poat office, - 

rl f the meeting waa a dead- TnnuuNT Tiikatiik.—O n Mouday next, 

hut tlm result of tlm meat lug was a dead- Trrhuxt Tiikatiik.-O n Monday next, 

lock All the member* of Hi.. May 1, tlm eminent hngllali otUir, Mr. 

were /.res'•ul with one exeepllon. Kdwln H. Willard, will enter upon the 

Chiilrmiiti John W. Hart presided and fourth week of his magnlffeently •*u* 1 «r»«Hw- 
A. I'. Wortlien u n* seeretifry. The ballot fill engagement ut the Treiiiont theatre. 

Remarks, Deputy Orand Master, Louis . 

A. Conk. , We arc prepared to deliver Ice I 

AT'"’ A " , C " ' rum ' on our former route, tho 1 ' *' 

Alter llm tlrst selection given by tlm yqy nt thn following rates : 

g on Ihs gn>uu<l Ilnur ul Ills old Library liiilldluv, 
will he iiarlnl off with aiwount «f »R»re »«•“!» 
IMHil.IHHINU CO. * *f 

All persons intending to have Cabinet Photos n 
my place will please call before Juno 1st, as I go nwn; 

we ere preperea K) uonvor .to , r o I.KT. Km.ll wl or Itn,mrnl .1I..I..1 on ...... 

on our former route, the let of , LYK-Sr'jlSySi’r vinm!:’S for tllc summer at that time. 

May I, tlm einineiit Kugllsli actor, Mr. nuartatte, llm prciddlng officer Inlrodueed 
Kdwln B. Wlllnrd, swill enter upon Hi® the guest of the evening, Hon. A. B. Pinker- 

nnd motlier lire bn*y in earning the dally .IDs. I ve# , lulu a ill, of Fitchburg; John J. l>-\ cm hi ret idling I - ' 1 
fooil . 111 liiml.nuil with tl.« uii.nilu.ln of "j,7iI , -’|,.“| l .V, l ru r <Ju!li'.‘y'' m. I.uM ’HllYrT ‘ Tl'e'iMlnr «'nl i'ri 
household diuh-a. dan, Philade.phlai Rev. ilaiilrl Waldron hack to tl.. 

Ivlng I'J vote*. The meeting Inn 

.. . .... , ton, who in iii# remark# simke of Odd- 

The ballot fill engagement at the Treiiiont Ml eat ro. f,.||,iw ship ill thn stale of MaHsaehusetls. | 
and Flaw- During all hi# stav, thus fur Mr. Wlllaril |n reviewing the order lie said tliat ll luid | 

Families, 25c. per Cwt. 


n men until now ilmro are 

.. j nppoarvti aa Professor Huialwlllle In N i,rung from live men until now tin 
tlm popular novelist J. M. Ibirrle a charm- |„ t 1 , 1 m aiato alone over fA,WO uici 
play, "Tlm Professor’s laive Biorv. tnihing, and Unit this slate of tlm 

llU- , using Large quantities, I- 

Tlm most progressiva cltie# uud town# and' daughter, iharton; Judge K. K. .1 with 'nstfuetlons ta 

... ,j„ud«« In till, l,iiii,|.'i. “'"I «l,». . . . “"-I Al-.l. |.r. ». nt rami il.l.'. nml nunilinu 

•'•'•■"“'V .;;; . ...... T.irn'y .ml tvlfr. II".I"I 1 . At it Inin Iniur |inn„lMi cmnll.lnti-. 

wurk .mill will 1 » lint ■ lirli-l imrluil wlinn |J„ 0 *ny, tlm lu.t . - 

the community that ahall lie without these m,«*t was gone, and llm light* which hud A Million Friflllda. 

schools Will be tlm exception rather than Hlumltiuted lbl« most fretlve imcaslon_were * # r u«,i i„ u » frleiut Im! 

the rule. 

The maiter will probably la* referred Ing play, "Tho Professor's laive Btory." | M .long, anil Hint this state of tlm ivli 

u.i. K to tl,.. of Ward* 4 und Tlm work has won the heartiest ndmlrn- Pnited Btntca lends In every movement. 

-• — *•— --pproval of not only *i-- . .. 

•|M-«-iai r#ie*. , 

Parti,« tnlng l,-e before Ih# 1*1 ef May wll 

W AITED. A rt-llahl# |>rr*ou In every town 
to take the exclusive agem-V of ill# "M orhP* 
Ctiluii.lil.oi Lx|M)*ltl»ii lllu«tralt-<l, M uulhriilh* orgau 

with Inslruellons to drop Is,Hi of tlm lion, tlm ammrletlvo npnruyuj i»f not oul 
rest lit call,II,lutes amI Uuuiilinto a coin- all tlm critics, hut of the best and most c III 

Owing to illues* in the family, Rev. M. 
C. Nash of Hanover, whose name appeared 

rcrrlrc prompt attention bv notifying hy mill or „f il,r fair: r»tabll*hr<l l*v*'; great opportunity to 
il rrwlt • I nm ' 10 worey 4**r the next year; one chain e In a life- 

tured theatre-going public of lloston and 0 „ t |ie programme, i-ouId not la- presmit 

vh-iiiity. Tim theatre has been tilled nt j n „,j | llM pinee was tilled by Past tSruiul K. 

very performaiiee, and only expreaalona \v a t, rmi»n. 

Hluiuinuted lhl« most festive occasion were 

It <7111 bo unwise If through false Idea# of ullleen 
economy she bo allowed to drop from llm "/lit*wL 
pool lion she occupies Iii tlm fruutraukof caaioii, 
tho#? towns that give most freely of money 
and |*aln#Uklugcaro for thopubile bcIhhiI#. 

Tim kindergarten must come and a,Min. Crca, 

ii I lieen i army# of wedding gtlU ever pre¬ 
sented to u bride uud groom In this place, 
hut which were not displayed oil till# oc- 

A Million Frianda. of the keenest delight have followed the 

my A friend lu need i* ii friend Indeed, und aceing »f thl# play. Mr. Willard's own 
iiini not leas than one million people have found impersonation l* one so entirely different 
had just anoli u friend in Dr. King's New Dls- from tliu roles lit which Im has U*cn pre¬ 
mia- cove ry for Consumption, Cough#, ami vimndy aceii, that un Held for comparison • 
,,,r. Cold*. If you have never used this Ureal offered; hut tlm universal agreement I* 
lace Cough Me,Heine, one trial will convince tl,at lie has not heretofore shown a wider 
...-I you that it has wonderful curative power# range or higher degree of dramatic genius 
III all disease* of Throat. ClnSt and than ill tlm role of this quaint, luvlng- 

Woymontb ha* long l»o«n known abroad n.'i'Cpiet. hut few'.'d’them himev. r had J«»‘ »«•«'» J '^.i.Jmptlnn K Cough*"’ aid rtously 1 “aieiTthat'Iio Slid fnJlSn^riannTl 
for the excellence of Imr school a/atem and feasted tlielr eyes uu mm of tlm niost mug- •«i r> f r C Pj J “, |U (lr ,! at JL "Jf. llU t Vim universal ngremnent I# 

eoverv for Consumption, Cough*, und vioimly seen, that no Held for comparison I* 
Cold#. If you have never used this (Jrcat offered; hut tlm universal agreement I# 
Cough Medicine, one trial will convlnco tl,at lie ha* not heretofore shown n wider 
you that Ii has wonderful curative power# range or higher drgreo of dramatic genius 

l hove followed tlm n^mity tiruml Muster Isolds A. Cook 
Mr. Willard's own waH ||,-urd In n few remark* In regard to 
so entirely different t |„. fuundatlnu of llm lodge, 
h he ho* been pre- Tho whole programme was finely cxe- 
leld forcamiparlann la ,-iited, and lu spite uf tho wuruing that 


Sort!, Weymouth. 

lime. Knefme 13 crW* til ■lamp* f„r Miinpl# ropy 
slid full piiriii-iilar*. J. It. i A Mi’ll DLL, I'n-il- 
•lent., lit» Adam* strrel, Chh-aK", Iff. *'l-4 

idilue o|M-istnr>; lipid | 


Payment# Monthly. 

Bthly Stand artl ltefrlgrislor* f«r**l« at Lowcrt 

f V milk, n'mii |nj , >,ra,„ , 

furiiiklied. Also miiro hand* waulod lo take work 
lo lheir hnntr*. Delivny wagon will rail. Apply I 
lo F. K. I lull A UT, Kart AVeynionlli, Itlnk llulhilug. 
4U if 

one trial will convince that lie haa nnt heretofore shown n wider ealTed for nml n few wereglu n. 

uderful curative iHiwer* range or higher degree of dramatic geiilua After the entertainment the floor waa 

of Throat. Cheat and tliuu III tlm role of lids quaint, loving- c |(« brm | and dancing followed. The grand 


Seventy-fourth Anniversary. 

Crescent lodge, 1. 0.1). F., of Euat Wey¬ 
mouth, ui d invited gueat* gutliered ut thld 
Fellow’s oimtu house, Tuesday night, to 
celebrate tlm seventy-fourth anniversary 
of Odd-fellowaliln. The celebration of 
lids nniilveiMi. lias laa-ome one of the 

Lung*. Kueii Isiltle is guaranteed to do hearted, iib*ent-mlndrd professor. Mr. 
nil that is claimed or money will lie Willard Im* most ml mini hhi aunmirt from 
refunded. the charming Hit re# a, Ml*a M-irle Hur- 

l .". K * I cleared and dniieing followed. The grand Commnoweallh of MastachusetU. 
>,ri march waa led bv Walter If. Joy nnd Miss noIIFuI.K, BS. PUOBATK ailTHT. 

iVur-I niV.'il*',. I 1' U .!!!.I XI*! 1«"|'- r.,,I ? i *!.'' 1 XI r A 'umi T'H the Noxt of-Klii, Creditor*, and all otficr 

liriffTKIb Keep iIip edge* your path* 

I if and driveway* itrelglit by u*lng the Planrl. I 

Real Estate and Inrace. 

Jr., K,lgrr. F«>r **l# hy Al.l’ilONhO CAIN, 
Wot lluigliHiu amt Wrj nioulh. Coirc*poudiTiee I 
•ollciled. U • if 

Neff to Post Office, Weymouth. 

Trial bottles free at A. M. Ilurbelder'a roughs, a* tlm secretary, Lucy White, nml ^| r4 _ ii. Thomas and ulntiit seventy 

ftXrtikTiiJI Ml.. 11r r , J,„ Mr. :.n,i '< 

W AffTKD. A good ghl fnrgpnrrsl home- 

wmk. Apple lu Dll JOSKP1I CIIAHK, 

Onice Hours, 

3 lo 0 P. M. 

drugstore. Large bottle* 60 c. uild 11.00. 

In fact Hie plug' is presented with a detail 
of excellence seldom accorded auy prmlue- 


lion. "The Professor's laive Btory" will la, j„» a. K. Cushing, C. H. Thomas, C. It. 
withdrawn however, at tlm conclusion of Clapp, Uorilou Willi*. IL L. Derby, K. It, 

Tk« column under thl* III!# will b# girru lo ihc . , , . \' at lu.i-oiim one of the 

■•opl* fbr a friu tiiM-no*ioB of *ny and all sahjrrto. '.I, l r v a , I I ring* 

Th# managenM-ul at Ih# paper iliotluctly dUrUuu llxe,l da)a with the fraternity, uinl lirmg* 
any responsibility for thr opkitou* her# expraoted. | together a* waa fyldeld f ilemli*y. idgilil.jjl 1 

1 Wlllllirunil Iiimrii-I. n» — L lill, >, onriioii null*, il. I., iniuiy, r.. u. 

next week. IU fourth; and on May H, the Thayer, K Nash. W. Holbrook. C. I*. 

; strong play hy Henry Arthur Jones, Tucker and II. A. Ha**. 

1 «-iit It led "Judah," will lie offered, with Mr. The company departed ut uIniuI 1.710 

Tile door wn* managed hy Wulter II. | 4 , 0 „f WrTiooutb, III said County, deceased, 
ny, A H. Cii«liing. C. H Thomas, C. H. | n tr»iair: 

lupp, (lurdon Willi*, IL L. Derby, K. 11. Whrrca*. application Ii** been made to tald Court 

When-u*, applicallou lia* been mane ro *aiu uisn , 
lo grain a frllt-r of aduiliil*traliou on the eaial# of 
•aid Uncased, lo h Has B. llcaU, of Wryiuoulh, | 

— of those who nro interested In the craft. 

IF-.uil Uoo«,,»,l Tl,. aprlag. .1.1,.o'u^i'^u 

, , , , * " . entertulumeut which wa* given by the fol- 

a Itaikwartl one, lias found the uew laud | ow i„« uleat: Kdward Kuiersoii, liuinor- 

coiupunlea lu North Weymouth Just a- i Ut, Ml** Addle Io!u Allies, reader; 

luoualDg. A ti.w lii>u,« 1 . Mug Imilt u*t»r ! nm.lf.1 »r,l»,->. I>i | i.-.n «„,lI Onnlm,,,; .1.,. | 
■l'» #W.M. koow. « l.r I* 1*1.8 ‘• ll B 1 TirMl'L,i'L' Tin,I 

and stoued oil the tap of Rose Hill for a I itdnmoiit. w hich wa* very unique, pre- 
large house mid several oilier* are lo lie i aenled luuuy novrlllra, not hete-ta-for, , 

started mod. Old Bp«lu is Ixdng boomed 
by enterprising hudim** ut, n tliut lui-uu 
buainea*. Mr. Webli malinger of tlm com- 
puny told mo lost week that he tried to ncr- 
auade a coui|muy uarryiug ou large iron 
work*, with a four yeara* contract ou hand, 
to esuliliah tiiisioea* lu-re. They came uud 

plause. At its i-oticlusioli a banquet wu* 
served ill the lower room uud 'JSO peoide ut 
Hie tables did credit ta Hie catering of liar- 


k Ar 

i wiilarii In another great Impersonation. Il Werloesdity morning, ami this euded one 
beltoovcN everyone who wishes lo see a „f the most siu-et-saful eelebratloita ever 
most eliarmlng play, «lellghtfully plnytHl, | |„.|,n,y Wilde y laalge. 

! to attend a iwrfurmancc of "Th® Frefes- -- —_ 

to attend a performance of "Tlm “rofes- 

aor'a I.ove Btory" next week, the perfor -1 District Court, Quinoy. 

!!3S??^.7S , »A„S«-^ ’ ..ii ...1 Tl,.,,,.. Bulllnm 

K 11 of Ksst Weymouth were each lined $‘J0 

' , • , for creating a dMurbunce on tho H.I .1 train 

liMkra* I'garnaMAxcK ok ‘Biiokb-Ai hi:*. Monday night. 

... «... ,1.. ....f..-.I .1..., ,,,r ail llm llltalllll • 

’ .l, |,;rt.,l 1.110 .. .• . I-~l»i. 

lay nioruiiig, and this emled one {. ourt to ^ |»g,ltlL-ii at Driiliaui. in **l,l Couuly of 
it,.at sui eeHilill eelehrutiniia ever ^ 4 l ,|nlk. on th# third Wednesday of May next, at 
Wlldey lgodge. nine o'clock In tlm forenoon, lo show can*#, Il any 

- —— you have, *galii«i granting III# *amr. 

District Court. Ouinov. Ah, ‘ l ,, ! lllo "* r , u hereby directed to gjr# 

25 cts. 


* public in >1 ire I hereof, by publishing ll.i* Citation 

Sullivan nre a week, lor Hirer •u,-re».l»ew#«k«. lull,# Brw*. 


i Hut for tlm enforced closing of llm lloaton i 

j Museum, May l!7Ut, coltoequenl u|Mtn the i 
! a'teration* to Is- made iu that catahllali- 

Frcali lot«tcra every day call lw obtained onr thoutaud rig! 

a J.U ... k.J.*: >'»• *"• 

!S^7&L£J&Jxz xSssrjKSsS-SSr ii, i 

All our^fraighVing has to done on the couple followla*. "{JJ 1 . U Tipjipl 

car*." When told that North Weymouth J^I***.^ rVtruaml , 11 .llr Slmli ll 

J/ ValtTartBd ta*crcrv^I m^I ^ t fnrnlubcd, and tlm hours b|mhI aw lllly I 

on • line of railroad. Mr. Webb thru " Ilut. .La ,71 

AIIm Kntcllm Stewart 

fiprlngflcld, Maas. 

Iiieiit (lie coming summer, it la next to it 
certainly tliut Mr. Herne’s "Nutli'l Herry. 
in Ilia great play of Bltore-Acres would run | 
for month* and mouths and month* longer. 
Tills celebrated product ion w ill rank witli 
Hie best and most fatuous lloston lots ever 
known and ou tliu I7lh of Muy Hm one 
hundredth |terfortuanee will have lieen 
reui'hetl. Tim total nuiulwr of repreaeuta- 

al Anderson's, Fort Point. 

onr# a werk, hirthree *h«t«m 1 v# weak*, Inlhe b.-w*. 
paper rallrd III# Wryiuoulh Gao-llr, priulrd al 
iVryiuouili, the last publication to be two day* at 
least, b#lor# said court. 

Wiinraa, George White, K*qulr#, Judge of said 
Court, lUU rat-uii klxili day of April, in the y«ar 
our thoutaud eight iMiinired ami ulurty Hirer. 

1.8 JONATHAN COUU. UrgUtcr. 

Clnircb Notices. 


will i„. ,.i,m loio.lrcil and thirteen, an I 'i NtrxKAK’K UAU. (buai neymoutui— i * _ .. . , .. ,7 . 

iraordlnan rim, but by no menus wliat tloap.-l Tamperattee meeting ut fl.JU p. ut. Ih® Gaz®IU COaUinlng th® Mat. 

CtitiacH or Immac-ui.atb CoMcafTtoa I 
(Ka*t WefRouth)—Rev. Kr. Iiegh-y, |Nt»tar. 
iligli Malta at ltl.rai u. Ul.; Sunday -school 
ut ‘J.3U p. iu.; Veupera 7.4.1 p. ut. 
Ttiui'VHAKt’K Hall. (Kunt Weymouth)— 


10 / one . Spring Styles. 


knives ^scissors sharpened j r j mme( j jj a ^ s ^ Millinery Goods 

ran hat # them don# in th# h#*t manner st onr walk 1 / 

wrt w4..«k-crv rcalwTr Ihf v furttlBlied, and Hie lioiirs s|»-.i .»lllly by 

i n.-,. ........t... 

Honest Advice 

Nora;— Tha books will b« ready for dally- 

try on th. Siturday following th. I,,u. of | J> (). CROCKKR. K«H| BnlSlrC#. 

Would bate Wu rerxirded were it nut f<»r 
the iH-remptory cloaittff of tlm regular *ea- 
i sou. Aa the Host-Ill Trunacript remark*: 

CoMuautiATtoxAi. Cuunrti (Kuat Wey- I Hall, R.S. Anatlaaof attraoomy. Plain, yji.ioi 

mouth).—Rev. Dunid Uvuus. pastor. 1 
1‘reaching ut 10..‘l) a. ut. Sunday-school 
l‘J iu. V. I*. B. V. K. ut ti.00 p. in. Kvcti- 

giaal lucatiou to put up a largu factory. recenett toe rougra'ai 

Taey came hero uud af'er vmwiug the “.an y w ho were in attcndanci 

For An Honost Medicine 

"Mr. Flcld'a pruduoMonof Blioro-Acres is a ] pj iu. Y. I*. 8 .1!. K. ut 11.00 p. in. Kveu- 
einiapU-uoiia succca* iiot alone of tlm season ing service ut 7 p. in. 

but of a drumutle generation." ] Mxtmodwt KrmorAL Cmukch (Ku*t 

lloie*, II. M. I'rUonrr* and pxnp.-m, > 
study of the abn'aitul iltarax# of 
Lriininalt, and thr public buid.-n of pau¬ 
perism in the V. S., Hie causes and 
remedies. )tt-94 

gg-St-waor* left with E. II. Frary, Jeweller, wll 
| promptly sharpened and relumed On re. 

Taey eaiue hare uud wf'er vmwiug the ‘“""j 
boautifitl Hill-, d«lea ami plain* uud h-uru- 
lug of tlm great advautugea at tlielr emu- 
maud amid that It wa* tlm lineal place 1 .. 

they bad ever aeeu, hut when told we had 
uu steam railroad, they, like tho iron com- 

II McDonald I Druwu, A K. Olim|-c* of old New l-n«- 
“ • I Und life. Legends of old Bedford. 

Doings of tha Selectmen. 

Mouday, ut the Town house, the hourd of 
•lectlllrn u*-eiubled a* usual, ('haiiiuuu 

Cankrr In Iho Throat uud Stomach — 
Heudttche#-- t'ured by HOOD'S. 

A Great Nawapapar. j lataGir. Frcitclilug ut!().:«) a. in.; Bunday-' Wc * oW Uedmr . ^ 

X.»t Hna,lay,’ April :«l. tl,. ll...ton Il»r- LSU j " 11 ,M * wh aj “ #• Boui.t.jv, Cu,i»,« drtri., 1. .ml near 

. 1,1 .ill,.. 1 . 11 , 1 , tb.I»,.,rIn ,*«r ' (k..i \v.jii„i,.iii )- B.u“’°K fc T?"a““oSSSL i&V’ 1 ' 

way tliut tlm Now Kuglaud |ieople have J ]tev. W. 8 . Key, |uut»r. Preaching at-’.U*. *»«» about elec'cicity, a first book fur 

’. »»» t .,' 1 r . • UVITARIAM ('Hfar-ll (Eaat Weymoiitli.)— Uulser F T id 7,/. Qumt on* 

* Thlttktna my lostltnonlai may bo of help to way that the Now Kugland |w«iple have! Uev. W. 8 . Key. paator. Preaching at 3.U>. "m alaiut clecuicity, a first 
mtomncrlugtu I lutte. I want t.» writ® what ,,nir Mwn. Thl# maguiticeiit apeelal mnn- | AH pro Invited. student*. )//««/. 

Imr will contuio many extra feature# and Oi.n Bol’Hi Piu nni ( 8011 H 1 Weymouth) church, A. |. Storie# hunt the Greek 
many beauUful UltUtfation*. I AI '’.' rJ * P“»°r.. Public wor- | comcduu*. iU*it. , _ . . »»H« 

Imre come and wealed (tore. ll« *'•» ' appolntiimuU were mad?. The queatiou 1 Uoit on account of canker la nty mouw. inreai ' 

knew of another company that would like 1 ,,f gmmriiiUindent of streets was taken aud #UNuacU, cauxlng me suck agony 1 
tarxime here but they thought Urn rale of fro|U u , l|r al| j j,fummlng* wa. Cou|d Not Eat a|04JB or y-, k . 'J' 
taxes was so high that they could not co im 1 .111 ,| ia , at a mu Vary of t^OUta wat cot, oioop or in* «in ini 

to Weymouth. Would it nut be w ise for •• au i|i,ain HavSuotuI w a* umioliited In comfort. Aftcroyera year of luclt tufferiug i »l*ed 
W.yuiuull. t. .jlr, w. I..IU.V. 1 ...I ... .BlTSuffCJ.! fur ! .Uk ato ...1 .1 . .croful... 

^ '} u *^ 0 '***. * n '° , ' lk * tawu, hy | mpg producing or Inteudcd (or slaughter, friend urged ruo to lake llood's baraapariUB, K ^ 

veiaiulni their taxes fur live nr ton y®**® ^ Hcriasrt Pratt, who haa heeu night ofll- _ n BI1 

ea lux* been rloue In other .-tie* aud towns? Kuakt W , y uio»il, during April, w «. U a M Afi ’ *,*. 

“T 1 ’" aj,|Kilntod for llm rriualuder of filQOQ S vUl65 

italial* of Heymouth, beaded by tlm in- ..V' ,,r «.|iuiue«ni of tlm ffr< " *r— 

defutiguble uud bouorubie iKMtrd of select- l i e , mr i|,J,. n i wo* token up aud W «. I’ol- I which ho bellcTod *avcd UU lUo. I began to take **■ 
men, to |a<UUuu llm Did Cobmy rullnwl • of w#ri | , y nB |, |». Thaver of Wu"d the ntetUcUto; lu Ultra day* 1 wa# fry much ■ 
company ta run a road from Q“*5“'Y Marahall Hprugim. Ward 4. Oil# Cuabiiig, , better, aud ulUr taking two bolUes wa» S 

through lids plm-e to lliughaiu. Wire , Ward A. were reappointed on ta-titiou from g«*i—iu <>■■>•# n# ibn r.nk.r I 

- „ , . „ „ , . ., aliip ut lOJIH, wilii preaching by tlm |NXMtor; Clemen., .... 

Out of coniidlumut ta New r.i,gluud and 8 uudajr-acbo,,| at 114.1; Junior B 01 it-ly at A'i,coo,ooo bank-note and other ntw 
i H.e World', fair, tills great p tm r will #' :uBj Y. I\ 8 . V. E. at 7. alone*. 

- * Tl/TZV 7,: ; CHl-wwor TH. lieu. UuiT (W.y Cuul,, M C. V«,uU. .nd 1 .U.I 

I r.v.l In eolora lM.Mtl .1 will am Jaio uiuulli i-R*iv. j. j. Murnhy. imaior. Mas# ««»'i» PRwbr luxtorv 0 entonio- 

cover, lit lolor#, I# one llial Will ap|mai U) . w 8 uuday-e*iho»»l J.:tO 11 . m. genou* lw««‘ t ar fapgi paiuitic upon 

everybody in the New EuglBud #tBtas. t •* * w ^’ v “• “• I'- «*• - lUntt. : 

Every reader of Hits iM|mr alioitUI order tuun n br Christ, I juvkiuai.ut (South cisik, llenry, rJ. Eailioh proec, selection* 
next Bituday’a lloatoti Herald of Ills Hews- Weytuouth)—B#V. L. W. Atwood, luuitor. ilh uttroductkai* by various 

dewier at once. service 10.30 a. m. ; Sunday- it 

- sehool ai clone of morning service; \ oung Yol. 1 Fourteenth lo sixteenth cen- 

uTUC i ay |B|f> m People'. mccUng at 7. All are cordially 

■THE KIND U I U . Penn, u. M. Tlw Grand Cboco. 5 

■ __ _ _ _ _, - — —I mos Conombuatioxai. Chi-hi U. (Boulli Nurse Eliaia. 

M.n k TmniM. 'the 

X 1 ,catifioo bank-note and other ntw 
xluiie*. 418 x 7 

IU> canker ami ef it acrofulee# irewble, u ** *' IT Yw ‘' .V/** i gT. "'k... Knot.i 
d '«8 “IJ 'u kik. H'-ud* buuil«rUU. b y . 7 t»«Ji«„( ,|,u 1 |„ 

Hood’s Cures . ‘" Il " 

CHl'IU'H „r TH. 11 ka.t (\Y. j- Coed... U C. V«cl.lil. »U|* .nd ,.U»I 

.....iilil -Ku». J. J. Muri.liy. |,..i..r- Uu »«■».;. |»|.„Ur lu.lo,. k nlu. 

through this place to lliughaiu 

such U road It would Im- but a abort Hum 

Marshall Bprugim. Ward 4. tills Cushing. 1 
IVartl . 1 . were rcappoiutcd on |M-titloii from | 

r’:- :—v-~ , n. r." ..riT; I tlmir several deiiartmcnt*. ri«nk n. 1 - • 

uufui® f#'J**Klen of dlffereul kind# wotiiu be |, row|| \v„ r ,| ;; nomluatcd and | sod never wa# troubled Bgalu with It luDula- 

which ho belkred saved hi* life. 1 began to take 
Iho luetllriuc; In ttiin day* I was fry much 
better, aud alter taking two botUe* wo# 

Entirely Cured of tho Canker 

Something New! 

I rail UK OF 


A new mill oompletc lint- 111 ' t-noil. will, till tin- Inli-.t tints an 
almpca at tin* 



uio»-a mode, EAST WEYMOUTH. 





1 Weymouth.) Rev. Judami Vau flamy, N a ,„| e . 41 Hoiuparti 

1 ......... i,...u. 1 . 1..0 ..I in nt . Ki.i.ilwv I _,_ __ 

WnlCI*. I 

Vol. 1 Pourtecntli to sixteenth cen- 

Penn, d M. Tl»c Grind Chaco. $; 

Nurse Elisia. . * 


in all (he New Shades . 1 

catabiuiicd hem uud lu a very few yeara 
thousands and millions uf taxable projw-rty ! 
would ba added to tlm valuation of Wey- 
tuuuih. It i# bciug dune lu other towns, 1 
why not waku up uow wlmu the goldcu 
opiairluiilltea am before u#? Don't U-t it ' 
lie said any louger that WcymouUi t# grow • 

t-Inc tad a# engine r from that ward. 

Weymouth Club. 

The Weymouth L'luli will celebrate 
lot,In s' night ut Masonic ball, Eu*l \Vey¬ 

ing poorer every year while oilier to * us mouth, Friday evening, Muy 3- 

arouud u# am Hour sldug a* they have ma* u bad of J. II. Flint aud E. T. Jur- 

never done before, (live us tlm railruad j . ... ...... ,.,..1 ■ » iwnununuYiBi, wm,.,,.. 

that will della freighting aud the land 1 ,| " u - " c\uioiith , l . i. *,ahr uuil I*. A , it fs___ Sll^ 

companies thut arc trying U» b«K>m the j Cook, Houth \\ «-y mouth; Hnulfurd llaw.s, j ^jQQQ g OQI’SQP3NII3 
1 .,.u «ill tul„«lu,. l... , .. M 1 ^,,. ,‘u.l « 1 ll | 4 >ra u-.Uun«; K. II. C-Miturluir,. J.. 81 . 1 , j , , u „, lUt . a ,^uiaa»l uu r.l 

■l>. Hi. ulj t... u ul W.yuiuutU .,, Imp.- *. ...1 K. II LiL.illStoul 

sd. 8 »n.,.m«IU.. Turn/ .i ’ll. K TlJiu-., W....U 

—.-- - - —7—7 “ “ -! «,.s- ArarSJs!?; «*-*» 

I prot’d ury uiuth U gcm-rul ImuIUi. Hood'# 
BMBa^BliUBIBVB BN B good . pp 'titc. kept tho 
I bowels lu good « oudiliou. gam tuo i;«od sleep at 
Iibrata I ‘dgbt. UuktCttLobcousubJcclf.’uatcUUJlmodbj 

! Sovoro Headachoo, 

ickt-ta 1 but now w hen I ha*e out- < omiug on. I can break 
Jur- It up Ut two hours b> taking a few drops ot Hood’# . 
. | tUr»a|i.irUUevery tv.c-uty uunut,-*. Since taking ' 

Hood’s Sarsaparilla 1 

A. Raymond. East Weymouth: uud F. If. jbivw .juura oxc-ul* u On),and all kind#of 
Torrey aud lb F. 1 bourn*. North Wey- jyyj w iU*oulau> lo-l leohagaafterward. Icon 
mouth, aud must be procured before ‘ ’ . __....... 

Tb# gitaera of New Kuglaud have Ml , Ut u i,u oiu'plctc. many tucmUra may not j 
their foc-ee like flint agaiust the uncleanly hate received ofUcial noin-e. The iNtuqucl ' 

practice uf pulling up granulated sugar iu ' u, »'l entertainment will U- tqa-n to 
Cl,. B.I, IP U,,. I. r.j.JI, grill., uut | *1“' l W-tWM.U... 
of favor alou. Thenlwey# |aipular Crynta- 

u ,“,-.iaiu,uuuacrtu«., ii. w.r.,,,. .u.| 

that exclude odws. dual end daiupueoa. * i.ummbIii# I rff 

honestly it-oinuaml it ;.i rut hottest ua-dl -lac, 
an l tdvl.j all to try it " 1 »Tt i i.a B. mkuaui, 
1D> Quincy htrcct. Bprlttgfiekl. Ma«*. 

Hood’s Pilla aro the best nlu-r-diulMI 
Pill*. oaaLt digestion, euro headache. S&e. | 

i pastor. Preselling at lO.tW a. tu. Sunday 
1 school immediately after Uiorulng service. 

V. p. B. 0. E.,U p. m.; evening service 
7 p. ui. 

, entrant or 8 t. Fbani-is Xavibb (South N«» 

N#|*iicon, warrior and ruler, and thr 
utdilary supicmacy if revoitdionary 
Prone#. (Ilcrucv of the Nation*■) 

M.i/i and Cull. *14-57 

tit, W. F.. Ilia grace. JJ*>" 

Extra Choicest Teas and Java Coffees. 

I Wnymoulld—Rev. J. J. Murphy, |aulor. Obet. C. P Wotover, C. M. Msntisl- 

Plastico, GOLDEN CROWN FLOUR is giving best satisfaction at S5.6a par 

Mas* ut n.ini a. m. 

Oli» Nobtu CaauucaifWaymouthllelghia.) 
i Rev. Robert R Kendall, paotor. Freai-b- 
ing service at 10.3U a. in. Rev. F. 1.. Fer¬ 
guson of Nebraska, w ill sneak ou la half of 
Hm West. Bunday-school at l’J tu.; \ ■ »’. 

, B. r. K. ri.30 p. tu. Btrangcrs, new-comer#, 
aud ail, are iuviU-d to attend llicae aervicea. 

FttcsT ltArrurr Care ECU (Weymouth). 
. Rev. Wesley L. Biulth. paatar.-Bermou ut 
j at 10 *, a. m. by lUiv. L. U. Hutch, social 
, service ul *.30 p. tu. 

Unit XM-Ai.iiTl-m nr NlSortb Weymouth) 

Uu, Utstouc snd OTtisUCgS si* ds) luui 
llelirlila ) of New York city. UUR. »3o.*.t to 

Prea -l - DU|*oat, ilrt. M. O. W. I he Victorian 
I f j. p,. r . age of KngUxli literature. » v. * 34*5 

liull.ll OT 1 -CTldlaU: 

1 . y. I*. Aaa#ncaB xardening. 1.13 ji.y».v. 

r-ouuwra. A, f M - 3*37-» 

1 service*. A Ilsuric. V. 70 . )U.i. 

... ItLckauod's luaeszinc. V. its. \t.j. v 

y mouth). Goud Housekrtpinr. V. 15 . jl.jyv. 

k-rmou at Lippincotf* uugsuoc V. 50 .*. 

-u, social Nation, nc»»t>ajwi. V. jc.- jri.t j 

North Aiuci'csa review- V. IJJ. ji t).* _ 

rymoulli) Knbeei's luafaxtnc. V. 11 . | I 

Old CeiUnys , 1 


v/w*»..#iyw. HMiqa i 

_ Willi 

Papers. | Washington Street, 

am Croaia. 



| Itav.H F Eatou, |MMtor. I’macldugal 2 S) Porter, Mn M S. KccoUtction* of la,ui*a 


I hus uin#s soHMxma, 1 


Dabs BsBssrAwiiA^ Co. _ I 

U-ILISII'IIUst.U** im»UH »ak la-■ 

Nobody Knows ol»Uclliegais«lcoiuquor,WHUineassi*r- 

What I suffered with those terrible rackiug .,u, c of officer J P. Ford, made a raid ou 

employ of the committee for the suprclou i^‘ ul ' 

ut Ibc illegal sale of liquor. With the assist- j«r •jupoibj m u>> iccent Uu.«u.i«i 

Rev! W. A. Blurt. Secretary of the Mas- I Ui) Aleut I, J hn Grcculeal Whiltirr, 

Ini vrraalist convention will pn^cb n« xt I and Kobe it ltiu«n«(, with nuuioiul 

Biindav.; buuday-achoui at * 15: p m.; \ puern*. /Out/. 11371 

P f. I', ut 7-U> p. m. portrait* and Uograpkical akcUhe* ui 

I xivKavALirr Chi’Hc m (W’eyuxoulh.)— * tweatv Amencsa suthm* Parumtn. 11 U 1 
ltev. H F. Eaton, iwstor. Preaching at 1 Kdey, J. W. Sketches in |cjk snd occs 
10.30 am. Rrv.W A.Btart will preach .... .. 33S-95 

alck headache*. Life was oiily a tarmeul ihe Allan house Balurday night und suc- 
t" me; If yoa are »o truuhUd, I would ,,«.ded iu cupturiug a jug ut whiskey, hut 
advise you to use Sulphur Uitleis, tor Utey , u „ , w ,u, Mr iraUtaiue in getting away 
cured me.—C uba Hells. withil. so serious did the difficulty Iona | 


I ii.. X-< *U fWkA M/ SrraSii »“ 

Hardware Co. 

itiiufi* ant P«lb*. 

that revolvers wer# drawn on the |Mrt of 
the officer* to make a nasoage from thr 
1 premises. A xn-ouil raiu wa* made ou tlm 
! premioi-a of Patrick Craue near Iron Mil. 

la Weiuouib AorU S3, Mkbscl k. k.uncdr, I "I**** air, delivery ; here 
nd rr i - - »* R **^ 1 * | ,. g|<uw i, balf-UneloflKer. 

u U supply was »U|il««ni to be kept | lL,«t 
,|>eu air delivery; here the otiiceii 

uiAiiy irM-nd. and u. 1 * 1 ,Un. «it„ •« kiu<l.> unMnl 
l*. iu our late b< irati u.cul L-pc. .ally to the 
beiwtrd Itc*. It F. Palou. fui hi* aortW ol | 

.iui|all .< ai,d cuuluii: alw l- Ibc It, » A tl . 
llud»ou »r would . blind „ur giaiitud, . lo lb# I 
• m«, i» **!„• »i, knoll) rendered Uo lr M-rvk*a. to I 



sarfci.rK: w ». r 

4 tBf , 4 fry ■sunk, AprU | 1 , AuruUu. h<*b, 

, 1.0 Xtir Ibr to ,, 1 , 1 'ul lloral off, nuga, aud to 
j V*. 'i>r-L1t|ibi, u ibc l.urdru uf »ort--a. 

di> a i r.l nit * llt.ALn san Pamu.v. 

rsM'iKTiWlsSJ? 1 “ 

1 —. 1 . ... 

1 mo* InlcUg «. 

MB- l.iU laASC 
It or K«. IS Park la , I#m«. M-. 


». Job# Tin all. sgrd 

If you are tired and never hungry, Hood s 
barssparilla will make you feel strong aud 

veil, aud give you a hearty affwtiu 

Children Cry for . 
Pitcher's Cat*®#*®- 

' r w b b mill) IkU I m XKiWiUd vak Mn 

. ....Ub'< I-Uoii -( IS. Xrxrtbfvn- 

r lu< r*e-» r-xu* 1 * l**L» SAW 



DBA! knrerwi C# . DeRtfL Mat. 

uext Buuday; Bunday acbool at IJ m ; Y. ] 8 >ke*. |. »• J. Public health problems, 
p 8 P E atoJUp-lu. Anniversary ser- 1 i^uUni;^ary mu »er.) 7 * 6 .y 6 

rice* of Kuudsv-*, ln«d at 7.:*i p. iu. Ad Tayler, Fiedcnck. MuJ.c* in annual paiut- 
1 dr,*, by ltev. L- K. Pease. tej. witti 18 colured plaUx. 7*3-*»* 

Tajfcitv HMDBc H (Weymouth), Rev. Wll- 1 enn>*«ai, Allred SO B*.*m jemuo*-, 

liam Hyde, rector. Service with ucrrnou J- **“*'' • . 

v* £ , “i 2 1 * 2 : 1 !: su - u >- , “~ i j t h. ...... wu.,.. * 

after the morning aarvice. _ _ and flKimme. J C. Phthf Wkat/att 

I PiLOaiH rOSUaBCLATtO#XL Lm*CH y,.etn» d uxiej. 1 *. tfir/rai/1. Ill jj 

(North Weymouth).—Rev. Allan IL llud- |..»e»ul ce'cUaled «, of I -1 cock 

sou, iwatur. 8 unda» aervluwe aa follows: | and x <»#iy. 

Baldiatti school at I0.3U a. In• PfeacMui L’t4v*ai. C. E >aleu» witchcraft ia outturn. 

b> ,—u., .1 »j» ,ii. «*•; nabj-j. o,.,a 

Gbrt.tiau l«le a (ontiuual Ev.dultou. Whsitua, A. If. TUronxU Coioaud <k>or 
Thl* will be the Drat -*nnoa in the arrira 014.100 

, 2* , C. A. XLXNCHAXO, Ilk,,.,,. 

1 audgl Mfvicg OT f. m I A H 'Hi 

Wedding Silver! 



Weymouti) Souvenir Spoons. 

Nt l> ia 5, II, 20 uf 30 pul Palm 

Try II (inre xs# tea will Al**)* Waal 11. 

Whailua.A. It. TbrouyU Cub anal door 

way*. 014 iso , 

C. A. BLANCHARD, Librariaa. 

April «P, iHy. 



J. G. 



Columbia Bicyc 

They 1 


Can supply 

at fork rivhb engine 00. 


If you nre pimijr t" Imy n 


If llioy won’t jint tlii. tin- „i 
.Ironp-nt little mncliino over nimli 

Cntnlogl). oil op, 1 ,tool Ion. 

Dloyolo Supplies , 

T. Z.. BATI,XT, A*l 

Have You Seen 

Gold Dust Shao 

The Lamaon A 

Buy your Pink Shirt nt 

Charles T. Fost 


jmtcli it nml wait for ic to dry, l 
and roplncn it with tho extra on 
and in carried in the tool jwg, 
homo. This whole operation n 
We furnish either round or cllij 
I alao have •reoad-kaatl Vic 
Victor mmd Colaaibla ( 

Car. Park Avcaaf ||. Wa D 


(' a,. I a, * mmiltr. igral. fur (ul * 

How muny jMirboni, know 
nilvcrtlasd nml um-tl, tnv Him 
family ilncloi' |m-|wroil in a sci 
for liaiiillui)r, i-oiiYoyunoo, pres 
pitaln of tlio im-tro]H>lilan i-ili 
than in tlmir own luxuriouH lioi 
aro adiiiin!»toreil to llioiiHamlH 
olii-et. Thoy arc tliu main ilo|i 
ill caaos of <lcnni)!i'iiii'iit of tin 
uoiibtipatiou. liiliouHiioHH ami i 
liver ami Ihiwi-Ih. For some ) 
Now York City lain uw-ii a fo 
moil one, Ilia, hus boon fouml' 
moiidalioiMof pliyaiciana i<s i 
ami rapidly oxtendiiijr tliut it 
prc-Hi-riiition In a coiivouiont fi 
wliolo public ut a modi-into pi 
the rocognixed medium for ho 
roluiiuiK of tlm m-wnpupi'i-H ■: 
now the time in not fur diatuiii 
Im uh cortuin to iiohhohh a hii| 
cooking atovo. They are alri 
wlmro, und uuy drujigint or di 
ing ai* viula, in sold for 75 
four lioxoa, for ti. They » 
nddrouH, on receipt of price, 
10 Spruce Street, New York. 




'*v iWPMwwi.w “4 

II would be a good plan lo fl»d • new bid- ] 
inn pt*** ofter **»•»- 

The neat ffliMnnl for the Old Folk* 
concert will ta held in the Vtetry of the 
Union clinrrh, next Tuesday evening. A 
cordial tnvltatt.m la riluldnl by lb" 
leaders In thla movement, to nil who 
would like to take part In the concert, rw- | 
gardles* of what clinrch they attend, to he 
prraent at the rcheareala. It la hoped to 
lie able to net a choral of at leaet fifty per- 
aona. A large orchratra will t*c one of the 

—Ahliott llcalcy liaa given up Ida poal- 
tion aa driver for O. UoShlng, and has gone 
to work for the N. IL, N. II. A II. It. It. Co. 

-While the a octal event of the pnat week 
waa the celebration of the Odd Fellows’ 
Thanksgiving, that of next week will lie 
the annual May party, given by the ladlea 
of the Unlvcrsnllst church, In F«»gg*a Opera 
honae, Friday evening, May ft. 

' —A return game of bale lull between the 
North and South High School clnba, will 
lie played at the Weymonth Fair Oronnda 
to-morrow afternoon. 

Columbia Bicycles, 

-James Font will Ukeoceaalonal recrea¬ 
tion from the furniture bnalneaa by riding 
after a new ami stylish roadster. 

—The (lartleld club la arrknging an enter¬ 
tainment for May 17, which promiaea to lie 
worthy of the attention and patronage of 

—There la n time when f O tb WWt 
ceaaca to be a virtue. . A gooil ilog la a good | 
companion and protector, but there can Iw { 
too much of even a good thing. Old Spain 
la being overran with doge.. Any woman 
can look oat In her door yard or lawn at 
any time of the day and ace from two to 
•I* or eight of the wortldeaa canlnea com- 1 
mittlng nulaancao, digging up flower gar- ■ 
dena, chafing Item or cate or ateallng what J 
la fed to hena. Stone of them are very bold, 
and aeare women and children. One lady ' 
went out a few mornlnga ago, to empty a I 
pan of nahea and ahe met a'lflg dog In the 
yaril. When ahe told him to "clear out,” i 
he faced her with an ugly growl. She then . 
in aelf-defenae, buried him with the pan of 
aahea, when, nearly blinded, ho made Ida 
exit, and haa not troubled tha lady alnce. 
Are nelghhora obliged to aland anch a 
nulaanee, forever? Old S|tain la really a 
public kennel for doga. 

- Mr. tawl* A. Ilcala, a highly respected 
cltIn-n of llda village aays ho went to the 
Iloaton mnaetim forty-live years ago to 
hear that star tragedian, Kdwln llooth, on 
Ida Aral ap|tearam-e on that atage In Iloa¬ 
ton. He tldnka that more than three- 
fourths of that audience of some 2,000 |*eo- 
ple have panned from their earthly home to 
that glotlona home stave, while he la 
spared to toll on with fair prospects of 
enjoying life here for many years to come. 

—Hassle Tufts, n brother of Mrs. W. C. 
Cherrlngton, and recently married, line 
moved Into one of the Hr. Tlrrell houses on 
Great hill. 

—Frank and James Heals left for Mil¬ 
waukee Monday evening. 

—Luther Pratt la out again nftet Ida long 

—A girl waa born Into tlm family of 
William I*. Keef last Sunday. 

—George Hellowa met with a serious 
Injury one day last week, occasioned by 
overllfting in the shoe shop. The strain 
affected Ids spine, and though he is aide to 
lie about, it^s prohnldc that he will lie un¬ 
fit to do any linrd work tide summer. 

—It. M. Kidder haa been conuecting the 
hnuar occupied by Will Pratt with town 

—Mias Grace Hlanrhard la seen riding 
1 almiil the atreela on u new safely bicycle. 

I —A large party from thla villRgo at¬ 
tended the celebration of the anniversary 
1 of the thlil Fellows, at Hast Weymouth. 

—El wood Curtis, though Mill very III, la 

-Mrs. Kdwln Walker la visiting her 
mother, who has lieen sick for several 
months, nt Marshfield. 

—Caleb Clapp and family are nlMuitto 
move to Noith Grafton, Mass. 

—The work of widening the hriijge Is 
well toward completion, and It la said that 
a force of workmen will recommence lay¬ 
ing the street railway track the lira! of: 
neat week. 

—L. J. Peterson hna hud Ida house re¬ 
futed with new windows, and made other 
Improvements aUHit Ida plaee. 

—D. J. Saiiipsou's injured foot will not 
allow Idni to hiovo about for many weeks. 

—I* grippe is very prevalent Just now in 
this part of the town. Among the victims 
of thla epidemic are: A. K. Jackson aud 
family, It. K. Kenneraon and futility, Mrs. 
W. A. Drake, Mrs. 8 . A. Dasha, Mr. and 
Mrs. Goddard French, Solomon Ford, W. 

—Deputy Sheriff George W. White has 
been III the past week with a severe attack 
of the grip hnt la recovering. 

—Alexander 8 klllings haa taken a peti¬ 
tion In a tmkery at North Altletaro. 

—Mias Frederika T. Hnnt, w ho was one 
of the soloists at Mr. John Orth's musical 
a abort time ago, received some very fine 
nollrea of her playing In the Iloaton papers. 
The Deacon said, "Mias Hnnt captivated 
her hearers by a charming rendition of 
pieces by Dvorak and Newport." 

—Governor Hose Co. No. ft. held their 
annnnl meeting Monday evening and 
sleeted the following officers for the ensu¬ 
ing rear: Captain, Oustavus taach; first 
assistant, J. Knpert Walsh; elerk. Frank 
II. Pope; steward, Wattrrman F. Harrell. 

—John Neal haa n-turnM home from a 
month's visit nt Mlddleboro, Maas. 

—Dr. C. P. Whittle has been to Decring. 
N. II., thla week to attend the funeral of 
Ida aunt. 

-Frank Williams, who went to Chicago 
Mime weeks ago, haa returned home nga'n. | 
-A horse attached to a buggy owned by 1 
M. P. Hrvnnt and driven by Ida son, Arthur, 
ran away on Hun* street, Sunday after¬ 
noon, ta.lly demolishing the carriage. The 
occupants escaped uninjured. 

—Missis Trask and Wentworth enter- 
talncd the Kin-lire club at the residence of 
Dr. 0-W. Tinkham, Front street, last Fri¬ 
day evening. 

—David Barn.*, under the direction of 
Selectman J. F. Dwyer, on Sat unlay cut 

— Many members of the Democratic j 
party in South Weymouth a/e asking the 
question, "What la the Democratic town j 
committee for and whom do they repre- j 
sent?” Thla question arise*- from tha fact 
that while IffiO out of tha 331 democratic 
voters In Wards « and ft signed the petition 
of Mr. l_on»l for the poatmaMerahip at 
South Weymonth, which petition was 
presented to the town committee at the 
meeting at which final action waa taken, 
Mr. I_on«l received hut one vote from the 
mrintar* of that body. There ts a feeling 
that the petition of a majority of the demo- 
crata in those wards ahonld have hail 
weight with the committee as All but 
seven of the signers were admitted to l*e 
good democrats and registered voters. Mr. 
Ijond'a friends claim that the committee 
, should represent the majority ami not a 

it unless it 19 111 ted minority of the party. The petition will 
undoubtedly Is* presented to higher 
authority than the town committee and la 
still being signed by Mr. Loud's supporters. 

—Silas Maggie Smllli of Central street, 
who has l*een confined to the house with 
Intlnniatlon of the tawels, la Improving. 

—Edward Derby la quite alck with an at¬ 
tack of rheumatism. 

—Mrs. Abbott Derby has Ik-cii confined 
to the house for a few daya with tonallltls. 

-Win. Hollis, who dislocated hi* shoul¬ 
der some time ago, la improving. 

—Last evening Jesse Cushing of thla vil¬ 
lage and Mias* M. Jones were united 
in marriage at the residence of Rev. Daniel 
Evans, East Weymonth. The newly mar¬ 
ried couple will reside in part of the house 
owned by Joseph Taylor on Pleasant 
street near Independence square. They 

They need no recommendation. 
Can supply them New or Second Hand. 

good mnale and elocution. 

—Officer Pcarr* la doing dnty as night 
watchman over the wrddlng present* at 
the residence of Col. B. B. Lovell. 

-Mrs. W. A. Depew, wife of a former 
pastor of the Congregational clinrrh, has 
been visiting Mrs. N. D. Canterbury this 

-Tire whole nnmlvr of rasea of ho* ts 
and ahoes shipped from East Weymouth 
for the week ending Saturday, the twenty, 
second, was “ftd, 

-J. It. Tillman has l*ran straggling with 
a severe attack of pneumonia, hut is now 

—The Woman’s Christian Temperance 
union will meet next Tuesday afternoon in 
Temperance ball. 

—Funeral service* over the remain* of 
John Tlrrell who died last Friday at the 
reaidenoe of Ids son, John W. Tirrell, at 
the ripe old ago of olghty-slx years, were 
held at Ida late home Sunday afternoon, 
Rev. J. IV. McDonald officiating. A quar¬ 
tette composed of W. II. Pratt, I*eonar.l 

at forh river engine oo. 

Institute grounds hiat Saturday aftertoon. 
Score H to ft. The North Highs play the 
South Highs at South Weymonth tomorrow 

— Mrs. Michael Itart Is visiting «hnr 
daughter, Mr*. William Teasdale, at 

— Dominick Halt of tlm firm of J. W 
Hatt tc Co. started on a business trip 
through the West, Monday. 

—The 2Mth regular c. mmnnlcatlon of 
I>eltn lodge of Masons was held Tuesday 
evening. There was a large attendance of 
Masons from this and surrounding, towns. 

I D. D. G. M. Charles Hurr of ltlnghsm was 
present. The "fellow craft" degren waa 

-Mr. W. F. Ifnat, who baa hm It ring 
In Cambridge the post winter, hm innt w4 

to hla home. 

—Mr. and Mrs. George K. White me tin 

guest* of Mr. and Mr».*C. O, Vaah. 

If you are going 

worked and a collation nerved. 

—Arrived at J. n. Rhinos, schooner A. 
M. Kimball from Callna, Maine, with .10,900 

— P.dward Knights of Togas, Maine, hna 

If they won’t jiut tliin tiro on for you, you can imvi 
stronp-t little machine ever made, (lie UNION 1*. 1>. <}• 

Cntnloguc on application. 

Bicycle Supplies Coimtnntly on Hnn«l, 

Kidney D:sscso 

Ur. I.ytron Crrwferd, Proprietor of the 
I'onjitr "Crawford l-harmscy, it Spring- 
r>«U, Mtuuhitwu*. wiluii 

S "Fur yrrnl trn* afflict* 
«tl with Kldrcy Iitsrcao 
In in wri t critic form. I 
tried tlU.ifttl hinds <f 
It ci.tnu ut ni.<l ypritt a 
punt i!tol cf mcitrj, tnljr 
to find tnytrlf norm* (linn 
Saver, gr. Ki nnrdy’sFa- 
Ororltc Hcmcdy-1 say It 
12 -vlilt n iwifrct moiler- 
f lltui of nil tl’-at wns dana 
t for trr—I* the only thing 
tint did me iho rlightest rcod. ll pivo 
me Permanent Relief. 1 am now ttrtj 
and alroa?. I have icccrctrer.iln lbU 
medicine to MaajBMple lor Kidney 
Disease, mul ihey all agree wHI» roc In 
saving that Dr. David Kennedy’s Fa- 
vorlio Remedy Itssnnl Itsennal la tha 
wide world for llil« dlrtmilttv ar.d of¬ 
ten fatal complaint* 

Tin* taarer* were Josiali Tirrell, K. H. Tir¬ 
rell, Augustus Tlrrell and (’. W. Rice, all 
nephews of the deceased, anti representing 
four different families. The remains were 
Inwrrcd at the cemetery ai East Wey¬ 

—H. K. Cushing la hnvlng hla house 
wire,! for electric lights. 

^ —TIm* Y. IJ. 8 . C. are lo hold thalr fourth 
anniversary In-Gild Fellowa Opera house 
this, Friday, evening. The affair will be 
private, only the members of the club and 
ladle* are Invited. The services of Mr. 
Clifford, baritone, Mr. Shreun, tenor, and 
the Misses Tlrrell have Leon secured for 
the concert. 

-The stock of cambric* and ginghams 
and prints si K. (I. Hates’ are attracting 
much attention and receiving good pat¬ 

—Mrs. Kmtua Hatties, of Hlogham, has 
taught one of the houses owned by llos- 
well II. Pratt, on Kut street, slid moved 

years in front of the house owned by A. I*, 
llohart on Washington street. The tree 
stood In the middle of the sidewalk and ita 
removal Is a great benefit to llie public. 

—Mrs. A. W. Clapp and daughter Kmina, 
who are now In California, the land of 
trulls and llowcra, have rememtarrd some 
of their friends at home by sending sprays 
of the delicate orange blossom. 

—It Is understood that tlm White prop¬ 
erty—the real estate—Is soon lo Ik- sold. 

The park or ground* where the hall games 
have taen held, Is a part of that property. 

Measures might he taken by our people to 
purcliaae this park for public use*. If no 
silt h move Is made ami llie grounds are 
taught by some Individual with specula¬ 
tive Intcut who will sell house lots or erect 
buildings, the land will ta forever closed 
to the public*. This would ta a result 
much to lu* deplored, as the land I* moat 

admirably situated for park purposes and |||1)nJW|lllB , mi .. 

brauliftillv diversified iu topography. Its I „[ readings and musical selection* by Miss 
ninrii.u to III- -milr- of tin. vlll-K<- I. | A. Iliolio'M^joutjj] 
a very exceptional point In Its favor 
place of resort for recreation. Many of our 
i-ltixens would lend tlielr aid to a move¬ 
ment looking to the punhase of this land 
for a village park. 

—The Institute lecture 
cess financially 

’T!*' position of assistant chemlM at the Bead* ‘ ^ 

n.'vtio I, mil kaown -Mlu Ann!. Thmnjwon who hu torn 3 
provision trade of this visiting In New York lor tlm po*t law v 
'■'I Hi. .nun Innn.rly w.rk>, I. now <I.IUn| hnr IwoUmt, to. .5 

; '“"I '' 1 °' TI,<, "ir* on ”• H.TMto* oalto* ■. 9 

ited by Mr. Johnson at nrar Philadelphia. 

—Mr. "Dleli" Bolle* haa gone to K-w ^ 
Vickery arrived home York with bis company of eodeta to att nd 
the naval review. 

—Mlsa Minnie Hnnt who haa hood c m- 
find to the house for so many week-, la ^ 
now able lo ta out on pleaaant daya. ^ 

—Uur young and enterprising oltl *n»fffl 
Bineer, Mr. Harry A. Naah, ha* «or-te y ! 
started In huslneas with another ft ntlo- id 
man, tlielr style talng Naah ft Hnnter and u 
may ta found at their office In tk«* John »y 
llatu-ock building, Devonshire and Federal 

—We ara glad to see that Mr. %- Is 
Hunt a health Is Improved. 

—It Is rumored that Me Arnold la (pdflf '• 
to build a stable for Ho.den and BWlon. .> 
near tlielr store Which will be nmoh mot* I 

—The surrounding*’ of the "Ellis" estate « 
are now talng improved under the dime- 
tlon of Mr. Samuel Thompson. 

—Professor J*me* Humphrey and wilt \ 
have arrlveil horn* from Cnba. where they 
have been spending the past few month*. 

—Among Miss Lovell’s party of |Wettf 
bridesmaids was one of onr popular young 
ladles, Mlsa Annie Jone*. 

-The friends of Mrs. Albert Wi Dow at . 
Chicago, rejoice to liuar that eh • is soon tu 
r el urn on a visit. 

Gold Dust Shade 

Summer Derby. 

T]ae Lamson A Bubbstrd Make, 

Bye aud bye will be 

vicinity, lias renter 
occupied l»y the Isle 
o|m*ii a meat market, 
lakes the plaee vaoal 
K. W. Hum’s. 

— Miss Helen P. — v# -.- - 

from Rochester, Wednesday. 

—Mis* Helen M. Rhine* who has tarn 
visiting In llrooklyn, arrived at her home, 

—The South Shore Co-operative Bank 
has declared a dividend nlll l-’J |*er cent. 
New shares will la* for sale on the next 
regular meeting, next Monday evening. 

—Arbutus Assembly, No. 1H, Pythian 
Sisterhood, will celebrate tlielr second 
anniversary nt Pythian hall, this evening. 
Tin re will be an entertainment consisting 

Buy your Pink Shirt now. 

too Late. 

Charles T. Foster, 


Columbian 8qnarr, 


with Mrs Charles Harrington Thursday, 
May 4th, at ft o’clock. 

— An altercation occurred near tha R. It. 
atation Saturday night between Patrick 
Conly and James Lynch, In which the 
latter hnd his month ex'cndrd so much 
that It required tliroa atltehe* of the 
surgeon to put It In shape again. Kd. 
Commi and John Lynch renewed the diffi¬ 
culty near the Kngle house, when the for* 
uier’luul the top of his head opened with a 
coupling pin. 

—The audience which assembled In the 
i Methodist church last Friday night to 
listen to the lecture of James Clement 
•The Sham Family’’ waa 


! A." Louise "Tlrrell," the popular young 
ns a reader, to ta followed by a supper and 
1 dance. 

—Mr. and Mrs. George Halley of Webb 
■treat, are in New York for two weeks. 

—The anniversary r—rclsea of the llnl- 
versa list Sunday-set..*.: announced for 
-ourse wo* a sue- u,-xt Sunday eveultighava bran poat poneu. 

__well as In Intrinsic 

merit. After pitying all bill* there will ta 
utaut $40 left in the treasury to ha used for 
the some purpose next year. A* these lec¬ 
ture* are given at the very lowest popular 
prices for the benefit ef llie people, and It 
is not deal red or lutended to make a profit, 
the luniingemciit ran ta congratulated upon 
their Judgment. The balance Is small but 
on the right aide. 

—A* the season progresses, tlm base hall 
enthusiasts are asking question* about the 
prospect* of tlm Institute*. Manager Wall 
will soon have his list of players completed 
mil lie assures 

hits ft select stock of 


Oar Victor agriag I 
Fork. • •»«*•• 
oaefretrat*. 40.0§ 
oar Ulaaikla, IJ.OO 
Oar *•! fitter Cask* 
Isa, • •«•*•• 

Oar ••« U4 In>* fir* 
tar fasklaa, $100 

AIkivp wheel* In 
good condition, tail 
cheap lor cash. 

and i* prepared to do work nt her 

Ambrose on "The Sham Family’’ wm 
regaled wlllt a flow of wit slid sarcasm, 
and a showing up of tlm evil* of life to an 

—A reception wts tendered to the new 
pastor and Id* wife on Wednesday even¬ 
ing, by member* of the Kpworlli L-ngue. 
.... . ___I.. _ ....... .1 ,,r 1 -.U..I nml limlril. 

Cor. Plratinl St. and Pork Are. 


The exercise* consisted of vocal and Inslru- 
ineiital niuslo nml recitation* by the mem- 
tars. All present enjoyed a good time. 

—tasndcr llersey Is quite severely pois¬ 
oned ntaut the face and laaly l»y burning 

—A larg* congregation gathered at the 
porter church last Sunday afternoon lo 
hear the now pustor, ltcv. Mr. Butler. In 
llie evening lie gave mi address on •'The 
Pastor and the people." 

-John Wade of Hyde Park lias taen the 
gu.-st of Stephen Webb. 

—An enjoyable sociable was held at 
Frank Rea's laat Friday evening. 

lug n abort history of Wlldey lodge, o rut 
ef the present lodge building and a list of 
the first officers of the lodge. It also gave 
a abort account of It* financial standing 
and growth from the start, a list of the 
present officers and a short account of the 
live* of the following: Waller II. Joy, the 
present noble grand; tauls A. Cook, dep¬ 
uty grand master of the state of Mass.; H. 
A. Thomas, J. A. Fogg and Mrs. Walter 
II. Joy, the present nolde graud of Abigail 
Adams lodge. No. 90, D. of H. 

—"Leah, the Forsaken," Is the name of 
the play to 1 m* given In Foggs Opera house, 
next Monday evening. 

meeting of the Clark 




—Joseph A. Cushing has had a severe 
attack of pneumonia, out la Improving. 

—The old cherry tree In the yard near 
the atore of Henry Loud bus sm-mmtad to 
the wiMMliiiau’s axe which will materially 
reduce the demand for Jamaica ginger the 
coining season unless the boys can find 
some other tree. 

The annual meeting of the Unitarian 
society was h'-’-J in the vestry of It* Church 
Monday evening. Tlyi treasurer’s report 
showed the current expenses of the society 
to have been a little over $900 all of which 
Is paid and a hnlanre of $IW on linud. 
Onicer* for the ensuing year were 
James L. Lincoln, treasurer; J.OllaBates, 
clerk; A. L. Flint. Sidney W. Raymond, 
anil kfr«* C. W. L. Hayward, exu'iitlve 
committee. Rev. W. 8 . Key, who has 
taen acting pastor of this siM-lety for 
several year*, will conclude his connection 
with It next Sunday. The pulpit will ta 
supplied by llev. Mr. Day of Htngham. 

After having taen closed for several 
weeks for extrusive repair* and re-furnUh- 
ing. Temple hall will ta rr-deillcated next 

anil reudy for publication 
the public Dial the team will tan strong 
one and that only strong clubs will ta 
secured to piny here. There Is ev« ry pros¬ 
pect of a most brilliant luise tall aoasoii. 

—The annual May party will he given by 
the Unlveraallal Social circle at Lincoln 
hall, Friday evening, May ft. Music by 
I’eter’n orchestra. Dancing H to 1. Slipper 
ut Intermission. The floor director# will ta 
D. J. Fierce, John K. Hunt, F. II. Cowing, 
A. II. Cook, F. II. Mason mid K. Frank 
Worstvr. Three hundred invitntious have 

Cuihlnfl A Sylvester, agents at East Weymouth. 

—The ladles of the M. E. church Ota 
making arrangements for one of thalff 

famous old-fashioned suppers to ta bald is 
the church Tuesday evening, May W. 

—Arrived ut J. F. Rheppanl ft Bo**, 
schooner Lottie K. Friend from New Yaafc - 
with nwt ton* of coal. 

—Miss Louise C. llurklisrdt, of lb xbarjr, 
is s|M-iidlng a few day# with tar friend. 
Miss D. M. Miller. 

—The many friends of Mrs. M. W. Raaaa 
will ta glad to hear that alio I* slowly to.; 


—IUr. A. Field, pastor of the K.»*« Btstt* 
trwM. K. church, haa moved into tha 

Tlio FLYER weighs 28 pounds 
and tlie MODEL 

—The quarterly -- 

Christian Endeavor Union was held at 
North Ahtngton last Wednesday evening. 
A large number attended from the Y. F. 8 . 
of the Union church. 

—In tlm Sunday edition of tlm New York 
Recorder will la. found a full description 
of the factory of the Union Cycle Co., at 
Highlandvllle, Mass. 

—We are In receipt of a pamphlet which 
glvea tlie genealogical description of tlio 
family of Jonathan Glllct. This sheet was 
arranged by Rev. Ilcury Calvord who Isa 
descendant of the nbovo gentleman’s fam¬ 
ily. The name of Mary L. Carpenter will 
ulso 1 m* found In the list. 

—The committee of tlio High School Mao 
elation held a meeting at the residence of 
the president, II. A. Thomas. The reun¬ 
ion which Is to ta held May 19, promise* to 
ta very successful. The programme will 

1) .‘15 JKHIIldfi 
with nil the attachments, and can 

With the Victor, in case of 
vpuncture, you ' do not have to 
waste from ten minutes to an hour 
' tujiml a pin or tack hole and then 

patch it' and wait for it to dry, but you fiimply remove tlio inner tube 
and replace it with tlie extra one which is supplied with each wheel 
and 1 h carried in the tool lwig, and mend the old at your leisure at 
homo. This whole operation umkes a delay of not over ton minutes. 
Wo furnish either round or elliptical sprocket wheels. 

I alss have secoafi.haad Victor mud falaaibla Paraasalles mad 
Victor uud Coloosblo t oahlon Urea for sale ekeop. 

Just received a new lot of 

Wednesday evening, for n lira In tha woods 
ucur the cemetery. The firemen responded, 
hut their services were not 

—Mrs. W. K. lleuiie was lighting aduplex 
burner lamp Saturday evening when sud¬ 
denly the oil caught fire and hlaxe.l out In 
a muss of llames.; The terrified lady man¬ 
aged to lift up the ramp, by taking hold of 
the bottom, «ml throw It out of doom, not 
escaping however without a badly burned 

—The extensive exterior and Interior 
alterations upon tlio residence of L. II. 
Curds which have taen going on for 
several mouths are nearly completed and 
the ramlly hope to occupy It In about a 
week. The owner haa taen to an expense 
of a numtar of thousands of dollars to 
effect these changes, and the house, which 
was beautiful before, la now a specimen of 
an eleguut and modern stylo suburban 

—It Is Intended that tha North Wey¬ 
mouth Rail club shall play It* first 
game of tlio seasou on the Saturday pro¬ 
ceeding Memorial Day. That crack team, 
proved the t’anihridge Reds, have shown thulr 
*• T {j*’ desire to have a try nt us by sending n 
.| a •• challenge for a game early iu tlie seusoii. 
1st*. —Mr. and Mrs. Wilsou K. Deane cele- 
[|ity hrated Iho IIfill anniversary of tlielr 


All the spcclalUcs in the line of 





fifth anniversary of the Junior Templars. 
A tanquat will ta served by Caterer Blunt, 
ami an entertainment given In which Fro* 
feasor Lee Roy, the Boston lungl.-lnti, will 
iipimar, also Arthur M. Raymond, pianist, 
Charles Hunt, violinist. 

The Garfield club met last evening and 
discussed the question: "I* It the duly of 
the Federal government to *up|»rca* all 
monopolies In bread si.iff* and other neces¬ 
saries of life?" The club has made 
arrangements for a fraud concert at the 
Opera house, on May 17th. Tlm pro¬ 
gramme la one of more Ilian usual Interest, 
ami a fine cvciilnn’* enjoyment may well 
ta anticipated. The Anon Male quartette, 
with Jewell Itnyd, 1st tenor and aidolst, 
have tar-n second; J. L. Thomas. Itssso; 
Miss Grace**, dramatic render, in n 
new programme; Gad Robinson, the banjo 
king; Mr. A. M. Raymond, ... . oninaiiUt, 
and others. Tickets on salu at Hoyt’s 
drug store, May 1st. 

Tlm entertainment and sale which was last week by 'he Unitarian 
society os the "last of the sea. on," proved 
u success fluan.-lallv and otherwise, 
entertainment for Friday evening was hv 
the "greatand only wundci-ing minstrels. * 
which, though composed of home arilsta, 
male and female. In tlielr pongs uml happy 
sayings, won a reputation on which they 
well might trave', while Dan Haley an 


ent of the* of Weym -uth lav Ik 
eucuing year. 

-Mra. Wallet Churchill of Taunton ta 
visiting ut Walt tr llaney’s. 

—Mrs. Walter Barnard ka« ac ce pte d a 
position in the (tacking loofu "t Dtnfcnk 
shoe factory at Quincy. 

- The laiya are barllig plenty of titan tat 

All the aliove goods will ta found at the 

H. W. DYER, Agent. 



How muny imiw know Unit 1 {I|huih TdIiuIoh, now no largely , lun ,.|„j. ti,« Uck«i« i,»v« i-.n nivtn „ui 
mlvortlBCil and u««l, aiv ain.ply ll.o favorite proarrip.ion of .Loir 

family doctor prepared in n scientific manner and a form convenient Ulun> t - r „ llk K H. A. n»-. mi—» 
for handling, ennveyunce, pivservation and use? In the great lios- 

I>itttls «f the metropolitan cities, where the wealth} hiiu itettci care j n ^ t j |Bt llollo |, ut gru.iuates can attend 
than in tlielr own luxurious homes, the ingredients of Itipnns Tnliules n,i. ti,i« i» u„i walls tlw 

arc administered lo thousands of rich and poor alike with lienelieial ■rs’iapressni memUmoltlis 

efiect Thov arc the main dependence of tlie most eminent physicians h u ..,i. iii g u scUoul. uny i» r.„„ can .m arc 
in eases of derangement of the digestive organs, such dyspepsia, mu... .|,i,iy.a«»,u. c«n»iu~. 

constipation, hiliousness and other ills connected with the stomaeh, Ull '| | r t0 <1 ,™[*’ re l n "' | j' , I l 1 '‘' l |.“!n' l u'a.n's" 1 - 
llver and Imwels. For aorne years one of tlie prineipal-hospitiils in ous cundiliun. 

Noyv York City linn tiKctl a formula, tliflVrin«; nllghtly from the com- _Mr*. Geo. Luud whu has is-eu sick for 
mon ono, that haa boon found of unmuiul efficacy. Through the com- ti»« post few day* u improving, 
meudationsof physician, its mission of healing has been so widely “L.n'v'X”^ 

and rapidly extending that it finally aeorned desinitdo to pivpare llie cvrn[DK ti>« .m-ruiimicnt wm given sy 
preseription in a convenient form, so us to make it avaUalilo to the . uuuii-r nt ill. l«iiw. 
whole Iiuldic ut a moileinte price, and to announce tlm fact through -u.nry a.ti„„uu will u, Hu, «uv»t „r 
SStLd medinn, for Lnring publiclty-adveiliseiuenu iu .he 

euluuniK of tile newspapers of tlie land. I his has been done, and _ Kj|llpr xI, *y,• r nrrlvnU I,on,, lr„ui | 

now the time is not fur distant when every family of Intelligence will m v .r.i,l., c.i . yousrUsy «n,i n Ussid u« 

tm as certain to possess a supply of liipans Tulmles as a clock nr a don. nn, l.isni u. m u-k .«.!»• 
cooking stove. They are already to he found on sale almost every- 

where, and any druggist or dealer will supply them, A Ihix, contain- H, 4 1 , h., U>, ,t cunneeiad will, ll.o Wrj- 
ing six vials, is sold for 75 cents, and a gross package, containing 
four Imxes, for »i. flioy will lie sent by mail, post paid, to any 

mid runs, ou receipt of prico, by the Ui|Miui Chemical Company, No. _c. h. Tiukham win i«*ve her* satur- 

Any good* not iu stock will ta supplied 
at short notice. 


IIrat Pulveriser Am lla* tVsrld- 

•mu u »»« itaMi. ta* 

Mean «VI.*I ««>*•>. tee Miami 

Heady !• MaM.laallale II. 

Leave* »o Farrow* or llldfe* 

f the Fly club and others -Mr*. taFon *t has Just lelurned frout 

..... Luclfl’uilravv'diS!Sl,‘. “ 

I wrinoo* on ••Kv.d.illoii Is _ Ur w „ K ,„, u Atlll |„,i„„ ,.l«- 
» Religion will ta given lii bwted u»*4f llftli anniversary by a family 
Congregational church l»y Kath.-riug, receiving a umutar of useful 
idsoit. Tin* first in the aerie* present*. 

mI next 8 uutlay afterntniu at —Frank Sanford has taen visiting his 
subject talng "The Christian »|stcr. Mrs. llorara Smith, having Just re¬ 
al Evolution." turn.-il from Texas where In* with Ills wife 

n. In NorlL WevmouU, 

W-'UClJfSft <M. ?~"d- “ —> I' 1 -* 1 ’ 1 * *'“'* krr 

L’orulius llobhiiis went Into ***d fim singer. 

ur a short time Iho other —Mrs. Aruoltl is visiting her sous 
lug smite fat, which site was K,| w |u unil J.ihu w ho have lately gone 
i|miii tho stove. When she into hii»iue*s In llollist-m, Ih« former Ili a 
lower r<M>m* were completely grocery store and the latt. r having receitlly 
■•use siuoke, and the walls, ,,|teue.| u taut and sIuni store III the aaioe 
Iture,— everything lu fact, buil.llitg, Tliay are both doing a flourish• 
i-ovared with a *.»rt of greasy i„ g htuln.-a* Although *..rry to l.we ojr 
ck si nit. It wa* a aiugular yuung uieu we are glad to learu of tlielr 
h« rooms presented a truly MU eoeaa In uuolher village- 
ranee. —Mr. CuiUniw removes to North Ilraln- | 

- 1 • • • * tree uext week. 

|M ill 111 CCMlrV* -Miss taiiiia Kltaw ha* Ukcu a position 

_ in Mr. Cate’* factory. 

—lht not fail to attend the autertaiiiiu. til 
aud sale, by the ladies of Trinity church 
.iu Tuesday aud Wednesday evenings. I he 
new drama by Miss Ague* Hyde a said lo 
ta even tatter than the one given tat year, 
and the uiairetU Will ta one of the la st 
ever given In Weyuiouth. Tha drama I* 
ou Tuesday eveulug ami the operetta ou, See mlvertiscmrut In another 

qitfiTION BOX, 

If you want to SAVE MONEY it will be for your 
interest before purchasing to get our prioaa of 
Kitchen. Dining-room. Sitting-room, Pariov* 
Hall and Chamber 

—Mlsa Clarissa Frcu -h has had n severe 
lllues*, but t* iiupruviug. 

—April hat taen a cold and j-artly cloudy 

utonlli aud the prospect for flower* for 
Decoration Day l* not very encouraging 
unirs* the Weather becOWM* decidedly 

—Mrs. Sophia Direr, who has attained 
tha remarkable age of nearly niuely-three 
years, l* at present iu very feeble health. 

—Aa David Joy and Arthur llaiuliu 
were out riding on Wednesday evening of 

tat week, their carriage .* 


aud frighteulug their hoise, t 
cleared himself from tha shaft- 

—l» oau uci ii iihii'-i - -- ----- 

tlo-re was to ta a nuiutar of ebauge* lu tlm 
taar.l of engineers of llie fire department, 
but tbe only change made was In this w ard. 
Francis M. Drown was mqiolulcd lu place 
of Engineer CharI. a E. Wcknell who ha* 
taen »u tha lemnl for some twenty years. 
It is siipiMis. .1 that the oul> thing which 
caus. d hi* removal was ••politics. Air. 
Ui< knell duriug bis experience IS engineer 
Ita* bad a number of difficult lir.-a to 
| l.aiidle aud bus always taen successful. 

Mr. I trow u is an old-Uin* fireman and will 
I probably ta an effi.-leut . agio*-, r. but be is 

- .y all day in ih«aum au*l asida irmw Una 

fact it i» lawi | ad Icy iu matter lika the lira 
deiiurlio-iil U» bring in |Hjlilic*. Mr. lllck- 
tudl retires w ith bis past sen lies endorsed 
by all cltUens cx.vptliig |wrUa|«a lew ol 
tlm politicians. 

— Edward Vinton bus taken a position in 
a shoe factory at Newark, N J. 

—Papers ara being circulated for rneiu- 
tar»bip subscriptions to tbe luslllule Huae 
Hall aaaocialiou . It is .UstraUle that a 
large membership b. oUaimd and a g'*od 
fund raisa-d for uuifoima.aud oilier ex- 
I w uses 

-Janie* Condri.k, tbe newly elected 
fence viewer, was culled u|hai» for tbe first 
lime tilts wi. k to view a fence iu bis 

. . .. official capacity. 

’ - At au early hour —Tbe North High Ocbool nine defeutrd 

tagsn lo assemble and a* they l j ir Middle MmU in a game of ba ll on tbe 
hi did tbe mirth of the dau.-et* ^ 
broki up ,t midnight all dw lar* 

Our Spring Goods will be o|»ei» for 
in»l*ctlou «• and alfcr 

Also Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Late 
Curtaine, Pictures, Etc. 

A Good Straw Matting for IS Coins por Yard. 


.•Hided With 
lublcle, damaging Ibrir buggy 
> that be 
aud rau 

Tbe gentlemeu were fortunate iu 
escaping serious Injury. 

-Mia* Annie Moffilt bus taeu quite ill away 
With hroutdilUs. 

— Mrs. Ilauuah Bates has taen quite III 
with la grippe. 

-Little Berth* Cuuuiugbam was quite 
aeri«m*ly hurt one day this waek by talng 
ruu Into by a bicycle ruler. 

—Card* are out for the celebration of tbe 
tweuiy-tilUi anuiiersary of the marriage 
of Mr and Mrs. Frank D. Thayer lo ta 
belli iu Maaoulc building. May uiutb. 

—John Keuuey of Marlboro, who is 
studying dentistry at the Itostou Ik-ntal 
collrge. was tbe guest of Itr. llallorau lust 

—On Friday t»ruing last Ibr Centre club 
held in Masonic bail Ita moat successful of 
their |M>pular |Hxrties At — ™ 

tbe gucata - *« — . “ 

lucreaaetl s 

Tta iiarty broke up ut midnight all Uw lar- 
iog lh* > had had a must enjoyable evt u- 
iiiv. Tbs club Is <i < in j uaed of young ladi. » 
aud g. nth ini u and much credit is due to 
Ih< to for tbe giael uiauagemeut of tlielr 
| suites. 

Wo shall show all the leading at lla* 
in high ami low coat good*, te *• utall 
citd.-uMir to suit in Quality, Style aud 

I. L DERBY. 1. t. THAYER. 

Duul.II 1 , 

The Sunday Herald 

Broad Street. Eset Weymouth. 

Mouth Weymouth. 

E. G. BJMTE8, 

U It Saf* 

Tu ueglect you reeU if troubled with auv 
disease of thi kidneys? No. It is danger- 
ol.*; aud if you are so affiicwd, atteud to 
yourself now. Du Hot wait, Ult Use 
Buipbur Bitter* at once. They cured me 
ub*-n 1 wa» guru up to die by several 
physicians.—J omawab Ham, Boston. 

Cast We/meuth. 

Howe's bouse on Fieasaul street is being 
beautified by a uew coal vl paint. 

—A. K. Vioiug bus sold the F. A. Frail 
farm, of Fine street, to 8 . C. Porter of 
Everett, for $FuUti. 

-lint ut our riltseua ha* fur some tune 
psal ta« u in tbe ha hit of kerpiug a little of I 
I the "ardent" iu tbe bouse. This would 
seem all right if uo one knew of tbe fa. I, 
hut it seems that some one must have 
I fouud tbe place of ke«-|4ug it fur a few days 
I ago some workma n who have Urn em- 

1 ployed by this same mau. went boms iu 
ratuer a dtlapilatrd coudittou. The truth 
came out aft.-rwaids that they had (ouud 
I the spirit* and imhilaa! a little too freely. 


Piise to Families, 25c. per 




If you are building a new house or want bettor draiuage au you now ban 

V. X_. UNION, 

Mount Vernon Avsaus, Braintr**, 

and ta wrn #xplain his mctbotls, w hick have bran adopted by many in the own. 

flxrasAJKu—f l.I Iri UOLLINtitoPDM 
..t.- i;<-L U. iioi lu.'.oh 
m U. L- XlTFFt*. 

All trim, bjr salt or ilbralw, 
,nafU, illalri la. 

booth whvmooth- 

r » 



or from I ho ground, run Into or out of 

Hals to the production of first cl am com 

a collar mini sot It down on n utafcd prop¬ 
erly, aa yon can wo three ride* of your 

■pro|ier prep»rAtl<m of the noil, good 

Itivo while running, and the ewlnging 
handle* do not liothcr In mnnlng. When 
empty, tho hinges nhonlil 1* on the out¬ 
ride, *o i; m ; “ 


knows you 


if you plan It 

to use the 


__, „ that when the Imndio* are 

riraight they will l»o perfectly stiff. 


▼nlaatila Corns-A Kew O** Ifsw- 

ilrriMiiy Field Tom. 

Among tho new claimant* for favor 
thl* season In way of *wect coma 1* a 
late sweet variety Introduced under the 
name of Country Gentleman and deplet¬ 
ed In tlie accomiwnylng ent. The vari¬ 
ous Rmlmcu in their catalogue* for 18WI 
claim superior qunlitlea for till* corn— 
uainely, deep grain, *inall cob, long ear 

Ksw points In Arraying. 

Professor Bailey points nnt some new 
notions in spi nying In American Garden¬ 
ing which are worth rending ond heeding. 
Tho first (pqnlrite to spraying 1* prun¬ 
ing, elso the spray will not reach all 
parts of the tree: hence it promote* 
Labor is cheap when pruning 
It in expensive when spraying 
Pruno in February nml March; 
in May. Juno and July. Spraying, 

Wlllinut the It Ink of liny log from 
n Paper Design 

coni will matnro 10 day* sooner than hill 
planted and is easier to husk. 

The objection to drill cultivation of 
com onght not to l*o considered, now 
that improved tool* exist for tending if. 
In hill cnlture there can Iki no uniform¬ 
ity of cultivation n* regard* time Imv 
t ween plnwitigs. while with drilled com 
all can lie treated alike. Tho plarited 
field slionltl Ik> gono over once in fonr 
days lieforo tho corn is up and n* often 
after that us possible. The assertion was 
made Hint the days of long pointed 
shovels nro numbered, and they nhonld 
lie done away with altogether. The in¬ 
crease from shallow cultivation was 
equal to 20 per cent. Tlio advantage of 
shallow cultivation is more noticeable in 
a dry season than in a wet one. 


I* done. 

It done. 

spray i.. —., -- - . - . — 

too. must drive com and other tall crops 
from the orchard. And it will empho- 
sixo tho Importanco of level cnltnre. 

Two important facta emphnsixod are 
that for most fungous disensesjhe spray 
should lie applied before tho flowers ap¬ 
pear and Hint It pays to spray in a wet 
reason. Spraying in wet seasons lias been 
discouraged by those who onght to have 
upheld it, for tho wet season is tlio one 
in which fnngi spread most rapidly and 
In which spraying I* most needed. Pro¬ 
fessor Bailey says that wo mnst spray in 
wet yearn, therefore, if in no other, and 
tho extra labor of more frequent appli¬ 
cation* is likely to bo liberally repaid by 
the higher price of fmlt lu such year*. 
Bo all experience now emphasize* the 
valuo of tlio arsenical and copper and 
sulplmr sprny* for every year. There 
shonld be no half heartodne**, no timidi¬ 
ty, tio procrastination. Lukewarm ar- 
| mie* nro never victorious. 

Am Ksperlmos* lu Um Culture. 

Tim practice of enttingand putting in 
shock tho portion of tho cornstalk above 
tho ear whilo quito green and in con¬ 
dition to make a better quality of stover 
than can bo mode by allowing the corn 
to reach tho best stngo for shocking is 
common in many localities. Tho stover 
made in this way, If cam is takeu in 
curing, is of excellent quality. It is also 
claimed by some that tho yield of com is 
increased by removing tho tops. In or¬ 
der to test tho merits of this practice the 
tope were cut from some yellow Dent 
com growing on tho ground* of tho Iowa 
station. Tlio topped com iu this in- 

Give us a Call 
Before Purchasing 

_ _1. And it will etnpho- 

sixo the Importanco of level cnltnre. 


Harvard *T1. 

Wo. 4 Front Street, 



anil rich, iloHrlim, flnvnr. It l« »l»> told 
thnt Country Httitltiwn l» imulnrttvn, 
Wnrinit thri* 1 .ml four rnr. to tlui ntnlk. 

For Bnrlwnk'. Burly Mnlim thr claim, 
tnnilc nro curlin'—. |mn' whito cob. ker¬ 
nel. net crcnm wlilte. .wet ami Jnley, 
.talk, medium height and 1m.ring In 

A chew 
for the gods. 
makes you 
glad you 
were born. 

[Everywhere Ml 

Helpful Hints. 

Pens may be planted ns soon as tho 
gronnd isopen enough to receive tho seed. 

When a very early crop of potatoes is 
desired, sprout tho potatoes nred for seed 
before planting. 

The Bush limn bean lias stood the test 
now of several seasons in many different 

Conover’s Colossal, a leading asparagus, 
has now a rival in onrlitioM in tho newer 

Tlio new variety of rnbliago christened 
HncccsKion, it is claimed, is a good va¬ 
riety for the amateur, aa It does well 
whether for tncdinm early, main crop or 
winter use, under average conditions. 

Plant a few seeds of gourds for rammer 
climbers. Get tho ornamental gourds 
seed, and yon will have not only lnxnri- 
ant foliage, hut curious fruits in tho wny 
of gourds of various sixes and shapes. 

Fanners who are not provided with tho 
necessary conveniences for spraying are 
behind tho time*. Spraying for insects 
and fungous affections hm» become im¬ 
perative for successful results in orchard 
und garden. 

Reports from New Orleans show that 
tho Lonisinim sugar crop reached last 
year 189,500 tons, upon which tho liounty 


Ki.GiiiiATF.i) niANaan. wmtkiu.y. h i. "* m,,TI " 

8WKPK OHAN1TK. Auto, ITALIAN ash AM hit H AN M Altlll.I.H. 


) Manufacture all our Own Work, Ihereby Saving the Middleman’s Profits 

Works at,Quincy Adams Station, Old Colony Railroad. 



The Board ennatdere tU then 

J.cuanc* nova. Chat? 

P. O. Address, Bo. Wt 
IIsmst A. Nosa, Clerk, 
P.O. Address, Weywosth 
Lzoxaob v. Tiuaatim 
11 isau A tUvaosp. 
Jons F. Dwrs*. 
Weymouth. March, MM. 

good soil two ears to the stalk. Good 
words aro nlw said for Clark’s None¬ 
such, « strong growing and heavy yield¬ 
ing sweet com. 

Tlio Hickory King is generally con¬ 
ceded to Is- the largest grained and 
smallest cobbed pure white dent com in 
cultivation. Tlie ears run from 7 to 9 
inches in length. The Hickory King 
ripen* medium early nnd i* especially 
adapted to thin soils, but i* not recom¬ 
mended aa a safe crop north of tlio lati¬ 
tude i if Pennsylvania. A qnito new field 
com ii tlie One Hundred-day Bristol, a 

We manufacture all nurown 
work, thereby saving tho mid¬ 
dleman's profits. 

up until the driver roughly shook him und 
said thnt ho wan in the town of Quincy 
mid tvlahvd to know his particular destlns- ; 
lion. "Clot to Quincy lion** already,” said ! 
Mr. Hoyt drowsily, rubbing bl* eyes nnd 
tnklng the fan* from Id* pocket. "Why 
you’re away out In Quincy sir," said tbe 
driver nervously. "Well I’ll 
snld Mr. Hoyt, quoting one of his own line* 
from "A Temperance Town," nnd then 
added, "My vocabulary can’t do justice to 
the occasion or my thoughts." 

llut till* predicament did not trouble the 
driver. He roughly demanded #7 for tbe 
fare. Tld* was adding Injury to Insult. 
Mr. Hoyt thought it over, remembered 
thnt bo bnd an eurly morning engagement 
lu Boston and told the driver to carry him 
back to tho Quincy House. Tbe driver, 
however, not knowing Id* passenger de¬ 
manded hla $7, which the author paid, 
thinking that if ho had to |wy for the mis¬ 
take of tho driver, he would lx- fortunate 
to get out of It for that amount. Indue 
course of time tbe Quincy House was 
reached, and Mr. Hoyt’s anger knew no 
iMiunds when ho was asked to pay $7 for n 
return trip. It was no use to argue tbe 
matter, to he (mid it, nnd ns lie walked 
into tbe hotel tlio linckmnn thought hn 
heard him n-i nrk, "$I4 is a pretty good 
price to pay for a little nap." 

* * * 

The n-slgiintloii of I)r. Thomas L. Jenks 
ns chairman of the commission of public 
institution* ia hut the outward evidence of 
thy narrow spirit that to a large extent 
controls the management of the poor of a 
great city. Jenks may truly lu snld to tie 
rocking chaired out of existence. Mrs. Lin¬ 
coln desired to furnlnh some rocking chairs 
for tlie use of the Intirm old ladies tlie city 
snpiNjrta, nnd the doctor objected. Not 
only that, but lie Is said to lmve declared, 
thnt when the chairs came In he went out. 
The gift was accepted nnd the chairman 


X I1K andmlgned, Healer rf ''eW 
am fur the Town of Weymouth, 
lie notice to the Inhehltante amt tt 
town who u*c Scales, Weight* aa* Mrs 
purpose of buying, telling, or psbttcly 
bring In their measures, weight* bsl 


Is. Death Losing Its Terrors 
to City Dwellers? 

Weymith, E. Braiatree, 




City amt Country Contrasted—Attetlou 
Hates—HiiuiRgled flood •—Home Tilings 
to He Avoided—An I'.ipenslve Nap. 
I tucking-cli n I red Out of OMen—Things 

Commonwealth of Mauechutetts 



rpo tli* Neit-of-Kia, Creditor*, and all od 
JL prisons InWreated la tho estate of 
late of Weymouth, lu *ald County, deceased. 

Where**, application has been mad* la said C* 
to grant a letter of administration on tli* eststi 
said deceased to hlarv K.Hoiltb, of Weymouik, 

Miss Annla R. Dyer, 

liefer, I. CHIU relrnllU or SmIm). 

I. pr.pwdloneeW.ropN.onU*® 

170 Ptuunt South Weymoulh. 


Hard and Hoft Wood Sinrcd to Order 

Box Boards and Oak Spiles 

Jllllft Hl'.l.f SV, 
KUB'AHI) IIII.I.IftUM, Trrnsnrer. 
VKtHIUi: K. Fl»««. 


In nr i* not death losing It* terror to 
dweller* In the big cities? I think In s 
tnensiirc It la. I went out to n village, s 
little pines nestling down lietween green 
tilll*, last week, nnd them witnessed a 
liurinl. How sail, hut how quiet it seemed. 
The dead luid liet-n one of ttie town’* lead¬ 
ing citizen* nnd ho had died full of yean, 
und, of honor* conferred upon him by hi* 
townsmen. HI* wo* the most notable 
nlmeqtiie* that litwl Inh-u held iu ththplser 
for year* yet there wn* no demotiMtratlon; 
no one considered it nece**«ry or fitting 
thnt the village baud tdiotllil pnrnda the 
street*; thnt uniformed tnrn should follow 
the cor*e to It* last n-ting place, nr thnt 
hired inouriier* should accompany the 
funeral uortogs with I rowed head*. The 
man wa* mourned; the la-nde I bend* and 
tear Ntained eye* «»f tlie saddenetl |H-oplo 
that filled tlie meek little church where 
the nervier* wore conducted spoke more 
eloquently than word*. His wn* n fouornl 
Mid a* it wa* simple, and the day one 
which will long dwell in the memory of 
those present, 

that of ouoof Hoston’* 


large eared early yellow dent rorn said 
to be ready to harvest within 100 day* 
from titno of planting. 

Tho Waterloo U introduced a* an extra 
early dent rorn worthy of trinl. Pride 
of tlio North and Improved Learning 
linvo many advocates. Tho funner i» a 
golden dent. Tho Learning is a dent va¬ 
riety. _ 

Iluslness Leghorns. 

Here I* what M. Sumner Perkins tells 
in Tho Rural Now Yorker about Leg¬ 

"Tho more acquaintance I lmve with 
tlie leghorn the mure I am inclined to 
lieliovo that sho is tho fowl for business, ; 
for practical work upon tlio farm. Pur- 
tie*,in offering objection* to this breed 
lay by far too much stress upon the fnct 
that as n table bird tho Leghorn ‘is not 
in it.’ Iteusoning in a similar way, it 
might lie said that tho Jersey cow is of no 
value, since sho is worth little or nothing 
for beef, yet of courso no sensible jierson 
will speak thus of tho Jersey, ns for tho 
work for which she is intended sho is 
without u rival. Likewise tho Leghorn 
Iiiim been bred for a specific purjKiso— 
viz., the production of eggs—and it is fair 
to judge tho fowl only from this laud*. 

"Lot tlioso that think so much of sub- 
stnnco in u fowl just estimate what u 
very small proportion of tho profit on a 
hen conic* from tho salo of tho earensa. 
A couple of dozen eggs will usually rep¬ 
resent the entire value of an old hen in 
market, nnd tho Leghorn may la? count¬ 
ed upon to produce at least four dozen 
more eggs per year than the so called 
market breeds. So obviously this ques¬ 
tion of market poultry valuo is unduly 
weighed. If the Leghorn is utilized as a 
fertilizer only at the closo of her useful¬ 
ness, still tho breed will c-oino out ahead. 
Farmers must linvo the best laying fowl. 
All elso is Entirely of n secondary na¬ 
ture.” _ 

('tilling Heed rotator*. 

Cutting need jiotAtoes for planting lias 
been a prolific subject for discussion, and 
tunny eveu today hold adverse opinions 
concerning tlie size of the pieces for 
plunting. At tho Indiana station there 

the County of Norfolk, without giving son i; 
her bond. __ ^ 

will Ito $?,58n,000, as ngainst $0,882,590 
paid in bounties last year. 

Post Office Address, WKYMOUTII, MASS. 

nnciu MTUtmi inn to tnuimnu. 




Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law 

Jeoirc In give notice tb*t the/ have now evtahINheil 
* city office *t 

;it Mills 8 t, Ooaton« Hoorn 03 . 

$ST Take elevator. 

OMo. Hun fnm II A. M. to 2 P. M. 

Other Office* et South Weymouth anil Ahlngtou. 

Wj?c£Zu,. D " m w - <=»"*■-"• 


Having si-run-d the service* of Mr. Arthur IS. Richard*, I win prepared to do all 
kind* of work In a flrst-clu** iiiniim-r at ri-u»(iiiuh!n prices, t’sll and see our carm-ts 
tn-fore buying elsewhere. C*rpets Taken Up, (’leaned nml Itelnld. Mattresses of all 
kinds furnished at Huston price*. Multiples of Hair und Ticking* nt hninl. Hair Mat¬ 
tresses made over. 

Risy € hairs, Rockrra, l,oung«*u, 4'onrhru nail Parlor Nulla riirnlulird 
at lloalon Price*. 

■nrfaeo is uneven, and that when filled 
and sculed they do not linvo tho smooth, 
clean appearanco thnt wo so admire in 

Toilet Soap 

6c. a Cake. 
60c. ■ Doz. 

resigns. The servlcoa of n man oonslmctod 
u|sm such line* cannot be n great public 

• • • 

There I* serious danger Just now iu How- 
Ion that you will bo on your guard against 
If you are wise. I refer to leaky go* Jet* 
and to tho seeming risk of going to bed iu 
u room thnt is lighted by that well known 
method. For some reason said, to bo un¬ 
ite-countable, hanilr a day p isses but we 
learn that hoiiiu poor mortal hn* gone to 
the honpltal in nit uncoiiMcious condition 
hy reason of rwcnpltig ga*. At first the 
Ntilctde theory was always advanced, hut It 
ha* been given up in many cam-* nnd aonte 
of the experts are now puzzling their 
brains to know why thing* are a* they are. 
"When you go to la-d be sure your gaa i* 
turned off and that there I* no leak nor 
chance for one" in the advice given hy one 
well known physician and you will do well 
to heed it when I It Jllie city. 

Theatrical attractions thl* week are of 
the best. Including every style of artistic 
work. Hoston theater has grand opera; 
Columbia theater, light opera; Globe, the 
laughing success, "Joseph;" Park, the 
ever pleasing, "Temperance Town;” Tre- 
immt, the popular Willard In comedy; 
Muneutii, a continuation of phenoniinnl 
"Shore Acre*;" Grand Opera House, a 
great production of "Oliver TwUt," and 
the Hollis, llrniiHou Howard'* New York 
success, "Aristocracy." A mail who can 
not lie pleased with that lUt to select 
! from deserves no nymputhy. Non. 


Shade work nHcndnl lo. A luricc variety or I'urnllure cover 
lam lo (elect from. 

OUR BfOTTOi All order* nnd work proniiitly attended to. 
•tore, WezItiROton Square, building lately occupied by Mra. Geo. T. Rand. 

combe newly built from foundation. 
To remedy tills um-venm-s* sumo ltavo 
pared down tho rarfttco of tho combs 
with a knife. T"' * * 1 * 

Huiv different was.—.— -. 

distinguished sons whndicd a short time 
ago. This man like the other hail won In 
tin-struggle with fame and he, ton, hnd 
grim- to Ids long rcsi tint bearer of tunny 
lioimrs. Yet the people who followed hi* 
body to the grave were a different people 
than the other. There was mart ini music, 
not one hut several band*, hundred* of un¬ 
iformed men with dancing plumes, Hash¬ 
ing saln-rs and prancing steed*, carriages 
tilled with people and others loaded with 
u wealth of floral offerings that hail cotue 
from nil parts of New England. It wn* 
tlcucrilH-d In the p.i|M-r* us u "gorgeous" 
"great" •‘magnificent" and "awe ln-ipir- 
lug," Ho it was and so was the other, but 
tlu-y were different. 

due was the type of country life, the 
other of tbe city. The first was marked 
b> its Mid simplicity, the seouud by it* 
Miblitntf grvatm-Hs. Thu end In each case 
was the same,— mother earth, but the re- 
milts were different. Hoston has tiMlny all 
but forgotten the death of her noii; that 
village loss will dwell Willi lie people for 

Death iu a city U not like death elite- 
where, lb-re one drops out of sight and a* 
tin- great public look* at it another takes 

An'l sshl Accountant I*-onlsrsd to um 
('Itaiion by publlulitag tbe mum oeco s « 

..This is a slow, unpleasant 

and puttering job, and an incxixmsive 
arrangement lias been invented whoroby 
(ho cells can l»o bhortemsl and tho combs 
brought to a lovel as rapidly as the sec¬ 
tions cun bo liundlod.” 

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 


Kotos la fussing. 

"Chemicals and clover" nro bringing 
about radical cluinges on tho jioorer soils 
of Long Island and New Jersey. 

"Fertilized farming" is very* much the 
fashion just now among progressive 
farmers in tlio eastern States who aro 
working worn rails. 

Clover, which is oven mow readily 
winter killed than wheat, succeeds best 
on land naturally dry, or which hus been 
thoroughly underdralm-d. 

Ono of tho regulations of the Colom¬ 
bian exhibition consists in requiring tho 
lute of wide tires ou the heavy team wag- 
t-nH employed in tho gronnd*. 



® VIJBNAOES, . . . 




Plumbing, Piping ^Roofiig 

, And *11 kind* of, 

Job Work Done in tho best Miami 

Mllra' U«srt Cure for Heart tronlil* 
•alt*. Mr*. L« lUr, Flti'li'ntrg, M[cb., 
15 years wtili llrart Uim-ve lo 
help, lived on liquid food; used Ur. I 
Care end all pain* loft tier; constant u* 
Fine illustrated book of cures FRKR i 
or address Ur. Miles Medical Co., Klkt 

mm HOUXfl,iotaiaa.■L.Stofip.B 

A. M. VACHfLDER Wt)mci,th; 
GEO. M. NOYT Esst Wsymouth. 

The above coiii|*iuir* pu**ed through the 


ISO i. EATM0ND. lews Clerk. 


Savings Bank. 


i nn mi- |N-ople dropping about you every 
day, and ho long n.» you and your* e*ca|N* 
tlu-rea|M-r you l-Nik on with ludlfft-renre. 
after n time n funeral bni-h it* horror and 
unh-HA there 1* unuHunl display it passe* 
you without n Umuglii being l*-*towed 
upon the pmbable victim. Young or old 
it i* tin- *nim\ You do not know them nml 
c in- a* lit llr fur tin-in dead a* you did allvu, 
until now In Hoston an ordinary fum-ral 
4-.ii hi** a* little notice a* u pa-t-dug ex- 

A* you walk up Wa»hlugton street any 
day jou will notice M-vi-rul r-<| llags Hying 
from different Mure Irout* and prulmbly 
nNo mi announcement reading Hoiiieiblng 
like thin: "Auction t>n!e tinlay. Till* coin- 
pji-te stuck to Im- cIumnI out n-gnnllt-Ms of 
font." iVrliup* in addition to tld* there 
v. ill Mtsud near the store entranoo s red- 
face,I, wbi-cry-voiced man, who Invite* you 
to enter am*. nIi-zs thu great bargain*. If 
)oii are iuniM-cut yon will prolmbly Im- 
njllie that *mm- (MMir fellow I* In-lug cIom-iI 
out at a forced *ulu nud that hi* lo** will 
In- your gain when you get iu*idi- Hut if 
you are not mi unb-nru-nl lu city ways you 
will know that tlint miiiic Hag ban l**-n 
Hying for year* at or m-ar the same place. 

For Zlds or Uenr Knd of n Lot—On* Stylo 
of I’ortabls Fears. 

Notwithstandiug tho lino anil cry 
raimnl every tn-mum against the uneless 
waste of fcucing for village or suutll 
garden*, in many localities inclotnmi 
are a necessity. When a fence is re¬ 
quired, it pays to have a good one. At 

have been experiment* eonducted for a' 
long time, und tlio authorities give a* 
conclusive fact* the results of tht-ir 
trials. It was found that pieces about 
thu sainu size, but some containing utoro 
eyes than other*, produced nliuoMt the 
mine size stalk and numln-r of tuln-rs. 
There was n-nlly no advantage in in¬ 
creasing thonmnlierof eyes to the piece. 
Increasing tho *ize of tho piece of po¬ 
tato, however, gave a corrcMj>onding in- 
creoHO in thu tiuiulier of stalks. From 
this it tuny be judged Hint » small piece 
of patuto cau mmrish only oue eye, and 
incrt-n*iug tbe uuinlx r of eyes without 
inc'rea*ing the hizu of tho piece of |>otato 
in of no avail. Tlie eye* ut the need end 
of tho potato act as a single eye, and not 
a* independent oues eupublu of pruduc- 


. Telephone Conuectiou 

Wanlilngton street, Weyiiiuuth. <10 State Street, UoHtou 

If you dtsire insurance, drop us a postal card, and toe will call. 

We are In all parts of Wt-yinoulh und llrnintn-e twice u week. 

Mil Ninil LBSSBR. 

Old C olon ' 



I j&mr 

Dr. Schrele, tlie iNithologlral expert in 
tho lltichaunu murder trial nt New York, 
is a newly arrived Gcrmnu who lia* fought 
211 duel* lit the old country and already 
wants to nrraugt- for a 27th with one of ths 
rotmsel who*e manner Iiim seemed to him 
inckiug iu courtt-Mjr. 

An attempt was Hindu suvural year* ago 
to pcrsuatle Jaimn G. IUaliiu to take the 
eiUturshlp ol a New York m-wspA|M-r. Mr. 
Hlnim* was nffervil FJ5,(KK) n year for thi 
u*o of Id* mum- nml an luterest iu the 
|»pcr Ih-mIiIus. Mr. Hlnine ttMik thu offer 
under ndviM-iucut for some time, aud 
finally declined Ik 

Mrs. Cluvelsud has **-nt un autograph i 
letter to Miss Mury Di-sIm, vice chairman > 
of thu Columbian Itlierty 1*11 cimimlttee/ I 
ucceptiug nn invitation to reh-a*u tho j 
| melted material fnnu the furnace into thu * 
u.ould ca*Ut>g the ColumUnu liberty hell | 
I by touchiug an electric button in tbe : 
i NVbito House ronnectc-d by a wire with 
! the furnace at Troy, N. Y., nt tliuaiud- I 
vt-nutry of Washington's inaugural at the ' 
•HM-nlng of the Columbian ezpo*ition. 

(ienrral ia-w Wallace hn* returned to hla 
ho-ne lu Indiana after a m-usou spent iu the 
' south. General Wallace has with him, for 
final rvvisiou, the proof sheet* of Ids new 
' l**tk, "Tho Prince of India; or, Why Con- 
Mant inople Felli" on whicli In- lias spent 
nearly live year* of careful work, lie ha* 
tukeu greater |udu* with it than he took | 
w ith "Heu llur," and has devoted es|>cclsl 
attention to the historical accuracy of the 
Mury, which deal* with thu *e|uraUou of 
| the Greek nml Iwitiu churches. Tbe vol¬ 
ume will be iMiued by the llaqirrs within 
two months. 

A frb-ml of Wilkrliuj tells this story 1 
I about the great viohuist: "He paid SO.OW | 
tram* for an old violin, took U home very 
tenderly, Mruug It up aud played au air or 
two to see bow it soumh-d. Nothing could 
have Imh-ii sweeter, and he was dellgbteiL 
lu another room wa* a piece of music that 
he wauled to try, *o,laying the instrument 
! ou a chair, he went to find the composi¬ 
tion. Pretty soon he w a* horrified to see 
i his little l*>y galloping tlown u|kiii Idui 
I with the violin for a horse. The youngster 
{ list! evidently ta-eu riding the precious lu 
{ itnitueiit all over the house. Wilhelm j 
didn't tlarr raise un alarm. Iledidu't dare 
, to look anxious or wrathful. He wa* afraid 
the boy would gel frightened aud drop the 
! violin. He simply lagan to laugh, tbeu be 

• lucked to the lior-w, and the boy laughed 
to. ‘Now, rid* him up to iue.' lie said 
softly. ‘Steady. Mr, »u-.ul> there! That's 

I a good gentle horse. Dou't hurry him, let 
. him take Lis time. Hr might threw you. 
Ynere! He Is going all right now Good 

• How! Lei me try him a moment ' At 
ls.4 the boy aud his bores were withiu 
reach, aud WtlbrluiJ quietly took bilk iu 
Ids lap. Tbeu.alter placing tbe instrument 
out of tbe way. be lurued tba; buy over Ills 
kuu- aud gave biiu tbe worst thnubiug be 

; ever gut III Lis life. Tlie vloliu was ug 
' hurt. Wilbeiiuj plsyvd ou it iu Ibi* ouua- 

bo not it BCCEivco '•momumnm 

Willi Paste*, Kuainel*, aud Paint* which 
slain ths hnnda, Injure ths Iron, and burn 
red. Ths ItUiijg Bun.fitovo Polish Is Hrll- 
liont, Odorless, aud Durable. Kuril ]iackng« 
contains six ounces; when niolsli-iiod will 
make several l*oxcs of Pasto Polish. 

East Weymouth, 

Broad Street, 

I.JD, 1U.IO, 11. 
fi.16, 6.00, ii.l 
l, 7.07, T A0, HI 

tho hide or rear end of tunny village lota 
a tight fence ia tho preferred kind, often 
M-recning tlie back yard from other lwck 

Instead of the ordinary tioard fence, 
with straight top, ouo made after tho 
pattern hero shown afford* relief to tlio 
evo among to mnuy straight lopjiod 
fences aud ia leas iuviting to Igiys who 
cliinh and play on feuccs. In any event 
tho hark yard fence should lw uiautlml 
with climbers of several kinds. Aui|h- 1- 
opsis and climbing loniceras aro fine for 
tills purpose. 

Where a cow is ke)it on a small farm 
tt is often a matter of convenience to 
havo a few dozen (uinels of fence that 
cat- lie used iu improvising a temporary 
{Mature lot. Tlio form of panel showu 
in t'te second cut has. according to 
America^ Gardening, from which the 

Also best Creamery llut ter and Cheese. A l ull lino of host brands of 
Canned Goods, Vegetables, Etc, 2< r tf 




Carriage, Sign & Ornamental 


Broad Bt,. East Waymouth. 

Makes an every-day convenience of an 
old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. 
Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest 
award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each 
package makes two large pies. Avoid 
imitations—and insist on having tho 
NONE SUCH brand. 
MERRELL & SOULE. Svracuse. N. Y. 

putable dealers who M-lint auction lieenit-^- 
liuil i* not thefsei, hut I do wish to warn 
eifry one against tlio "mock auction" 
Mu>p» thnt fiourLh Is-cau-- |M-opli- will 
|*-r»i»t lu trying to get gold dollar* (or M 
cent*. That l* something you c^uiiot do 
Mild tin- sooner you rei-oguixe the fact tbe 
better off you will Is- 

Another fellow you should avoid Is the 
man w ho confidentially tells you he has 
some smuggled gi«od» lie wishes to m*U 
you at a very low priaa. That klud of a 
■ Imp often np|K-nr* to ) ou lu sailors clothes 
sod mysteriously whi*|H-re his ile»ire redo 
you u favor. He L a first clus* swindler 
in i-ft-ry iustiuce aiul should In- show n tlm 
door without ceremony if he eutei* a 
loom where you ure. Tbe siuugg|i>r 
Im-su't go around selliug bis ware* iu tlmt 
way, neither due* be caufide the fact that 
J.e Ims l*vu swindling I'ucie Sam to 



A OalLfartary Wberlbarrowr Col BIlM 
Mad* at a Muiull Dost. 

The wheel ia oue tukeu from an old 
garden drill. It ia 18 inches high. The 
rpring* running back from i* ure mor- 
lined through the cud bars of the frame 
and aro mode out of cue leaf of a Cham¬ 
pion spring and lKilted at each mortise. 
Thu frume aud hand haudlea are mode 
of 9 by 2-inch oak, and the aides are mor¬ 
tised outo the undo. Tlie lutiullea ure tan- 
tcuud to tho frame hy strap hinges so that 
they cau be swung out in grasping the 
(live, aa brought dowu over the top. The 
liftiug hpringa ure made of the same aa 
tho om-« going to tho wheel. They 
tliould U* about 0 inches long, but for a 
abort man a little shorter, to that the 
froiit of the hive will not touch the 
ground iu wheeling. These springs 
should l>e screwed to tho handles about 
one inch luck of the middlu of thu hive, 
»o tout tlio hive will tilt forward uud be 
steadied uguiuat the end bur of tbe car¬ 
rier wlieu the arm* are swung iu. The 
•{iriugs should also be sprung toward 
uIhiuI twoin. In-* so tlu-y will press light¬ 
ly uguiust tbe bottom w heu the haudlea 
are lirought up agaiust the hive. 

Tho length of the frume should be 18 
inches, uud tho inside uu-aaureiueiut be¬ 
tween tbe handle* the width of (he hive, 
with uboul ou inch to bistre, so us not to 
rub the |uint off the hive. A rorre- 
si*indent of Gleaning* iu Dee Culture, in 
| which lid* contrivance was originally 
I fetched and described, any* that with 
It you cau pick a hive uff from a aloud 

uju.iuWd ir.tiiuuslsl* rcIsUvs to lu qsslukt 

I forsoWby MMMM WBITB, Vifau«> 

For uls by all DnigzbW. Ill/ 

foregoing is reproduced, the iuqiortant 
merit of being wiudproof os well a* 
atockproof. Its roustnu-tion is «o sim¬ 
ple that uo din-t tioua other thou the en¬ 
graving will be required. 

The estute of the lute 
Dr. George W. Fay, Broud 
Street, F.ust Weymouth. 
Will bo sold on reasouable 

For particulars address 
mo auhtin HTnaei', 


Yos rss get a 

2 qL Water B«tU« for 90c. 


The Vitiated 

When you see 
Its impuritiee 
Bureting through 
The 8kin 
In Pimplee, 
And 8oree. 

•sly on Sulphur Sit¬ 
ter* and HsaMh avlll 

Ilarnmn u L Bnr. . IM), 

hLuufscturrr* sod ftepairers ut 

Ms -1 risers made s»tr. CsreHs Ukrn up. i 
suit reiaUI. t pholficry OdMiilr* si lb* Ac 
UrMsr »lr». t, ur*r Uulary hridpe. |*. O. A 
N»nb Wryiuouxli. Brad isr mb|>Im sad eat 
AU nrdt'i* proiuptiy attended |u. 

Tt»# Indisu 4isuies. 

The Indian gomes, a thoroughbred va¬ 
riety of fowls tliat has gained {lopular- 
ity during the {lost two years iu this 
country, are largely bred iu Eugluud 
uud differ somewhat from the other 
gome*. The cock wt-iglia uhout uiue 
I* muds, aud the heu from six to seveu 
poumis. The body ia firm, compact uud 
muscular. Tbe carriage aud style of the 
cock ta very upngjit aud comiuouding. 
giving au a{»ptarauce of vigor aud ac¬ 
tivity. Tlie fret are large, clean and 
flat; tho hood of medium length aud 
width; eyes full, with a bold ezprvtwioii; 
fact- smooth aud fine iu texture; comb, 
pea. small, fiue and closely set on the 
head; wattles scanty; ear lobes hiuulL 
The plumage ia short aud glossy; neck 
aud tail are gluasy green-black, with a 
large proportion of dark crimson plum¬ 
age ou saddle, wings, etc. 

lu Euglaud the ludiau game is ranked 
aloug with toe Dorking fur the dressed 
|*mltry market. It is claimed by Aiueri- 
cau breeders that this breed grows rap¬ 
idly. aud the body of ths fowl, being 
pluuip uud round, is adapted for the 

There nn- ilusen* of other swiudle* of a 
similar eiiMrsc-U-r (.ileulaU-d to tempt your 
cupidity, anyone of which 1* likely to ioiiim 
to your i.oihr iu uurcity They must be 
b-t severely ulonr or you will rem-t the ex- 
[K-rinieiit It-•-ton Lne *core* af reputable 
luah-r* iu almoM every branch of trade 
fust you cau patronise aud feel sure of fuir 
treatment You may uol g«-t any »uap bar- 
galus of them but you will be *un> of get- 
tiug u pm|H.-r return for your umiu-y aud 
that is all y ou should ask la-ave all other 
expetlnliou* to |>«ople who douot read thi* 

In iIm- Urge*) bosiiiisle ui the worhl. 
o«er b* lit* iu>*t •kliUul of ll>itor pb)-I 
ligrcllruU sre |>rv-crlliej laore ihsa twk- 
M sli tribrr* |>iU logeibrr. 

(irent mind* are often sa{d to he the uniat 
aUeutmimleU in IrivhU uiattei* ami |«-r 
halt* that is why Author llo>l whose 
*’A Temperance Towu" is Uuw ronuiux at 
the Dark theater was subjected to a trial 
the other vveulug that cost him a* much 
money Os palieuce Ami there was a great 
deal of both. He had l*vu dining lute at 
me of the Huston hotel* with some of hie 
colli aaues from the New llaiugshire legu 
lalure and vmvrgiug from the lioti I jumped 
into a look and hastily, said. "Take ute to 
tkeQuiucy." He neglected to impress upon 
the mind of the driver that he wanted to 
gu tu Iks House, Where he ia tlop- His errr Age had uol bet-u mullug 
over the cobble stoucs mug befote he foil 
B-luep. He uiust have dreamed of at least 
two or three new play* that he I* goiug to 
write, probably iucludiug "A Dead Fall 
ure," "A Country Legislature," "A Mao 
fiom Sla-arl," *(., tot lu did sot IU. 


Carpealcr oa4 BaiMer, 





table. It is also claimed that for cruoo- 
iug tin common bens, to {-ruduce table 
poultry, the ludiau game has no equal. 
The hen* are good layers of medium 
sized eggs. 

lira lh*a 1 l.iJ 
•rasprul oiut I b*«« ■ 
•i.|-tU> 4 eausl lo a he 


A speaker at au Iowa meeting of farm- >